Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) s03e15 Episode Script

9059-014 - Take Me to Your Leader

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell turtle power they're the world's most fearsome fighting team We're really hip.
They're heroes in the half shell and they're green Hey, get a grip.
When the evil shredder attacks these turtle boys don't cut him no slack teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles splinter taught them to be ninja teens He's a radical rat.
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines That's a fact, Jack.
Raphael is cool but rude Michelangelo is a party dude teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell turtle power lions gate home entertainment within minutes earth's bakeries will be wiped out.
Not a single cheese Danish will remain.
They'll all be ours! [CHUCKLES.]
Cheese Danish? We are 1,000 Miles below the surface of the earth.
Do you realize how hard it is to get a decent snack down here? Not so fast, shredder.
Yeah, there are people up there who need those cheese danishes.
The teenage mutant ninja wimps.
Let's take them! Like, what's the plan, Leonardo? Well, we could cut to the left, or maybe to the right.
I can't decide.
You've been a huge help.
Come on, Donatello.
All right, be bop, it's time to tangle with turtles.
Interrupt my dinner, will you? Now I know how a meatball feels.
Say your prayers, hog breath.
Do me a favor and blow.
Fantabuloso! A monster killer pizza! Hold the anchovies! There's only you now, Leonardo.
Get him! Yeow! Set loose the vicious dogs.
Well, Leonardo, what a disastrous leader you turned out to be.
You're in the soup now-- turtle soup, that is.
Oh! What a nightmare.
What could it mean? Is it some sort of omen? I just need someone to practice with.
What's wrong, Leonardo? Oh, it's that dream.
I feel it was a warning that my judgment is beginning to fail.
You'll be just fine.
Now come on.
Haiee! That's it.
Now you attack me.
Yeow! Ooh! Aw, you see? It's happening.
My instincts are shot.
My judgment is gone.
Oh, I'm no longer fit to lead anyone.
Hey, lighten up, dude.
Everybody goofs up once in a while.
After all, turtles are only human.
Forget it.
I'll only get you into trouble.
I've thought about it, and I must leave.
Master splinter, you've got to talk Leonardo out of leaving.
There's an ancient Japanese saying, "he who would be a Boulder on the path of life must first be a pebble.
" I don't get it.
Perhaps it loses something in translation.
That's far enough.
You will see that no one in uniform and definitely no turtles enter the building.
Nobody in uniform.
No turtles.
Instructions assimilated.
This had better work, shredder! Trust me, krang.
It cannot fail.
There it is, the mile high towers.
I wonder what's up? I don't know.
Something about a robot barricading the entrance.
There's the robot now! Uniforms! Uniforms! Entrance denied.
Yaa! Oh! Ooh! Whoa! And what have we learned from this lesson? Never mess with a robot.
What's taking so long, shredder? Patience, krang.
In a short time, the citizens will be too cold to resist us.
The solar siphon will soon drain all the energy from the sun, and store it in these solar batteries, while the entire planet is turned into a deep freeze that will make the ice age seem like a turkish bath! Whoo, you have a way with words, shredder! Well, actually, I always wanted to be a writer.
Being a ruthless conqueror was my second choice.
Where could Leonardo have gone to? The dude's acting mondo bizarro.
We never should've let him go.
Brr! It is righteously cold.
I can't belive it's the middle of July.
Scope that out, dudes.
Is my eyesight going, or is the sun actually getting smaller? It's scientifically impossible.
Now come on.
Let's keep looking for Leonardo.
This is totally nutsoid.
Now it's snowing.
I've got a feeling our old friend shredder's behind this.
What makes you say that? Well, isn't he always? You have to tell us what to do, master! Leonardo's gone.
And there seems to be something radically wrong with the sun.
This is a life experience, my students.
Each of you must learn from it.
So, like, who's gonna be the leader? Maybe we could flip for it.
Better yet, we'll play spin the pizza.
All right, mondo notion! Here goes.
Looks like you're it, Raphael.
How about two out of three? Oh, no way, dude.
You're the big cheese now.
Tell us, fearless leader.
What do we do now? Uh, I don't know.
Go up top and look around? See? That wasn't so hard, was it? Argh! It's stuck.
Allow me.
What now, leader dude? When in doubt, climb on out.
Whoa, dig all this snow.
Let's hope we don't have to.
It's looks exactly like the north pole.
You're just saying that because of the polar bear.
Polar bear? Polar bear? Polar bear? Nice leading, leader.
Guys, I don't think I want to be leader anymore.
Your former leader says Run! Oh, no, you can't resign that easily.
Whoa! Aah! Whoa! Aah! Aah! Cowabunga! Whoa! This is impossible.
It's like we really are in the arctic.
I, uh, never fought a polar bear before.
What do I do? Hey, why are you asking me? You're the leader.
Hey, lookie, polar dude, a troutsicle.
Come on, amigos, let's make turtle tracks.
I told you this wasn't the arctic.
Rapheal, you brought us up right in the middle of the zoo.
Well, it's free, isn't it? Chill, dudes.
We gotta figure out what's making the sun shrink.
Something is draining its solar energy and its substance.
Now what do we do? Simple.
We use this energy tracker I invented to lead us to the source of the solar drain.
That does it.
You have all the answers.
You be the leader.
All right.
Now, the sources of the solar drain is due east of here.
Well, let's boogie.
Hey, let's not rush into this, gentlemen.
First, we have to calculate the vector coordinates in order to triangulate the correct route.
You said it's east, so let's go east! Look, I'm the leader and we're gonna do it my way.
Why do I get the feeling that I made a big mistake? Irma, I t-told you to turn up the h-heat.
What h-heat? There's ice in the furnace.
What's going on with this freak weather? And why isn't anyone covering this story? Because we're all t-t-too busy covering ourselves.
April, g-get in here.
Yes, Mr.
Thompson? I want you to get hot on this cold story.
No can do, boss.
The city's under And we can't even get the front doors open! But we can't just sit here.
We've got to do something.
I'd call the turtles, but my turtlecom's frozen.
The weather's turning colder.
I should've picked a warmer disguise, but it's just like me to make the wrong decision.
Oh, I hope the others are doing ok.
What am I saying? Without me holding them back, I'll bet they're right on top of things.
I guess you realize this means war.
Oh, yeah? I'll roll over you like a pizza cutter through hot mozzarella, dude! If the angle of refraction equals cosine of the cube root Oh, yeah? Take that.
Oh, sure.
If you'll take these.
And bisect the hypotenuse's obtuse angle Donatello, while you're doodling, the entire planet is turning into a giant snow cone.
East is that way.
Then calculate the denominator.
I've got it! East is that way.
Oh! The solar batteries are nearly full, while the sun is draining rapidly.
Excellent! Soon every living being on this planet will be cryogenically frozen.
We'll thaw them out as we need them.
Everyone on earth will be our willing slaves.
Did you hear that, bebop? We get our own slaves.
Yeah, a couple of stupid wimps we can push around.
Rock steady, bebop, get over here.
Hey, we ain't your slaves, you know.
Oh, you're not, huh? Yii! No fair! Yii! No fair! Where's that Abe Lincoln guy when you need him? Aha! This is the place.
You're kidding, right? Donatello, that's a schoolhouse.
You can't argue with scientific data.
Ok, you're the leader.
Holy guacamole! Now this is what I'd call a cool school! Come on, we've got to find that solar drain.
Uh-oh! Sounds like trouble in shiver city.
Oh, great.
Now we're trapped in here.
Whoa, how weird! We're being kept in after school and without a teacher.
No problem, guys.
Once we put that solar device out of commission, all the snow will thaw.
According to the energy tracker, it's up in the bell tower.
Whoa! Whoa! Aah! Look out! Whoa! Now I know why they call it breakdancing.
I think I broke something.
Fellas, we're going to need our ninja climbing gear.
These foot cleats sure come in handy.
Yeah, even though we had to look all over town for turtle widths.
We found it.
That's what's shrinking the sun? Uh, no, actually it's something that's designed to trick my energy tracker into thinking it's what's shrinking the sun.
In other words, we've been snookered.
Well, that's not all.
Besides being a transmitter, it's also a bomb.
Stupid question time-- when does the bomb go off? Exactly 10 seconds from now! This thing is gonna explode in 10 seconds! Some leader you turned out to be! Leading us right into a trap.
Michelangelo, cut that bell down.
Way ahead of you, bud! Bombs away! Whoa! Aah! Look out below! Coming in! Well, dudes, I'd say school's out.
Did I miss daylight savings time? Isn't it getting dark kind of early? Definitely bizarro.
According to that big office clock, it's only 3:00 in the afternoon.
Look, the sun has shrunk so much, it's the same size as the other stars.
Now what do we do? Uh, no problem.
My energy tracker should lead us straight to the draining device Well, that is, it would have, if it hadn't been damaged.
But don't worry.
I've got a spare.
Hey, where is your spare? Back at the lair.
Where else? I hate to say this, but I guess this makes you the leader now.
All right! I always wanted to be the big kahuna.
Uh what do you think we ought to do? How did I know he was gonna say that? Don't go near the bridge, Sonny! The snow's got it overweighted.
See what I mean? Wow.
Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody's doing anything about it.
He's right.
The whole world's in danger.
And all I've thought about is myself.
Well, I'm going back.
Ooh! Ooh! We're all going to freeze to death.
I just know it.
Now we won't, Irma.
If I can build a fire, we can defrost my turtlecom and get help! There.
It's burning.
Quick, Irma, throw some fuel on it! Here, use this.
I didn't mean the turtlecom.
Uh, Raphael, I think we're lost.
You're just saying that because we don't know where we are.
Face it.
We're never going to find Leonardo.
Or this mysterious device that's draining the sun's energy.
Oh, that part's cinchy.
It's right there.
It's the mile high towers! Michelangelo, you found it.
Hey, like, that's why I'm the leader.
The gizmo must be right up there.
Ok, now, let me do the talking, all right? Remember, I'm the leader.
Hit the slush! It's some little robot dude.
Turtles! Turtles! You will not pass.
Well, leader, what's the strategy now? Oh, simple.
We surround the enemy dude with a two-pronged attack.
I saw it in a movie once.
I can't argue with logic like that.
Who programmed this robot, king Kong? Aah! Oh, hostile little guy.
Leonardo! Great timing, compadre.
I knew you guys would get into trouble without me.
You couldn't let a guy down easy, could you? Hi, guys.
Sorry I'm late.
All right! Donatello's back, too.
The awesome foursome together again.
How did you find us, dude? Oh, simple.
I determined the coefficient of energy measured in ergs, I triangulated the approximate location, then coordinated it with the grid.
And then I looked up and saw the fireworks.
All this chit-chat is really keen, but if we don't get up there quick, this is gonna turn into a 2-part episode! Let's go, turtles.
Look at this place.
It's frozen solid.
We'll never get to the roof on that staircase.
Forget it.
The elevator's frozen solid.
That's never stopped us turtles before.
In a matter of minutes, the solar batteries will be full, and we will be absolute rulers of the earth! You want to double-check that timetable? The turtles! Time to boogie, dudes! Get them! Easier said than done, leadhead.
Aah! Aah! Hey, who turned on the lights? Whoa! Aah! You wretched reptiles, I'll stop you.
Why not take home a few souvenirs from your visit? I'll fix you! Would you care to tangle with this turtle? Aah! Let's turn the heat back on.
We're surrounded.
Emergency escape! What the heck? Parachutes! Have a nice day.
We got to follow them.
Cowabunga! Whee-ha! They got away from us again.
They're probably halfway to the technodrome by now.
Don't worry, fellas.
One of these days, we'll catch that shredder.
Now all that energy is flowing back into the sun.
All back to normal.
Now to shut this thing down permanently.
I hope this has taught you all a valuable lesson.
It certainly has, master.
I've learned not to let doubts get in the way of my duty.
And I learned that I need to trust my instincts as much as my inventions.
And I learned that it's easier to make wisecracks than decisions.
Excellent, my students, and what did you learn, Michelangelo? Oh, that you got to stick to what you do best.
And in this dude's case, that's scarfing down pizzas! lions gate home entertainment
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