Roswell s03e17 Episode Script

Four Aliens and A Baby

NARRATOR: Previously on Roswell: MAX: Is there a ship? MICHAEL: There's a ship.
- Did you do what I told you? - Yes.
Are you all right, honey? Honey, are you okay? Oh, my God.
Michael, you've been staring at that thing for hours.
It's part of a crashed alien ship, Maxwell.
I don't think it makes it any more interesting to watch.
- It could be from our home planet.
- Or not.
Why aren't you taking this thing seriously? A UFO lands It crashed.
I am taking it seriously.
I'm just not obsessing over it.
Obsession isn't always a bad thing.
Maybe there are enemy aliens.
All the more reason to stay away.
Have you been body-snatched or something? We have no reason to believe the ship was occupied.
Even if it was, the occupants probably died in the crash.
We didn't die in our crash.
What should I do with this thing? Keep watching.
Make sure it doesn't hatch and release an army of enemy aliens.
I liked you better when you were brooding and paranoid.
- Any sign of a door or a cockpit? - No, sir.
Nothing yet.
Watch your step, sir.
: Commencing systems analysis.
We are recording.
- What about a propulsion system? - Nothing definitive.
I don't know how this thing ever flew.
- Well, it had one, didn't it? - We haven't found it yet.
Believe me, we're working as fast as we can without damaging it further.
Hey, careful! We still want to reverse-engineer this thing.
What the hell was that? I don't know.
Oh, my God.
Four Aliens and a Baby It's really nice to be close to you again, you know, without - Setting something on fire? - Yeah.
- You sure you're okay? - Yeah, I'm fine.
See, no green in sight.
We're okay.
You sure this is safe? Your dad is downstairs Yeah, I know.
He's working the grill.
He won't come up.
- You sure? - Yes.
Where is that phone? Go away.
- Just ignore it, okay? Okay? - Yeah.
LIZ: You've got the Parkers, but we're not here.
Leave a message.
Liz, it's Diane Evans, Max's mom.
I'm trying to find Max.
It's an emergency.
- That's a buzz-kill.
- Lf you're there, will you Hello? Hi, Mrs.
Um Yes, yeah, he's He's here.
Hold on one second.
Mom, what's wrong? A family dinner.
That's the emergency? What kind of dinner is an emergency? Can we do this this weekend? It's just, Liz and I are studying.
French, we're studying.
Okay, fine.
Ten minutes.
All right, bye.
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
Can we continue this after? My dad will be finished working the grill in a half an hour.
Meet me at Michael's.
It's safer anyway.
- What about Michael? - I'll get rid of him.
ISABEL: Mom, I don't want to argue, all right.
Is it that big of a deal? Can't we just? Fine.
Fine, I'll come over.
Yes, we'll come over.
Okay, bye.
My mother wants us to go over there for dinner.
- What, tonight? - Right now.
I'm already eating.
- So stop.
- Isabel.
- What? - Look, I don't wanna go over there.
- Neither do I, but we're going.
- Go without me.
Jesse, I've already told her that we're both coming.
Can't you pretend that everything is all right between us for one hour? I pretended for three straight days with your dad, okay? I've been pretending since I found out what you are.
I'm sick and tired of pretending.
- Welcome to my world.
Okay, this is why I didn't want to drag you into all of this.
- But you did, Isabel, you did! - Oh, here we go again.
- Let's hear it, Jesse.
- What? - Expect me to get past this overnight? - It's been days, Jesse! It's be MAN: Want me to tag that? Play it again.
That's enough.
- So we lost all 16? - Yes, sir.
All eyewitnesses are dead.
An automated security camera snapped this as it was leaving.
I want this thing contained.
I want Roswell locked down and searched until this thing is found and destroyed.
- You understand me? - Yes, sir.
- On the way home tonight - Yeah, but l Stay behind me.
Stay behind me.
Holy sh Is that blood? Yeah, I think so.
What is going on out there? So, Mom what's for dinner? DIANE: Actually, I'm I'm not cooking tonight.
Are we ordering in? We're not actually having dinner.
Your mother and I have something that we wanna share with you all.
DIANE: Isabel, are you all right, honey? - Yes, Mom, I'm fine.
Oh, God.
I can't believe you spied on me.
I'm sorry, honey.
But we didn't know what else to do.
Can you please just tell us what this means? Who are you? [HELICOPTER HOVERING.]
We're your kids.
- Are you? - Yes.
What was that? I'll check it out.
Thanks a lot, Max.
TESS: Max.
Tess? Please, hold him.
Max, what is it? It's my son.
Where's Zan? You named the baby Zan? Well, he is your son and that is your real name.
Where is he? In the other room, with his very confused grandparents.
Sit down.
I guess it would be too much to ask you to heal this.
Making you feel better isn't one of my priorities.
I'm sure you've got a lot on your mind, so let's hear it.
I thought our baby couldn't survive in Earth's atmosphere.
I felt that when I connected with him.
It was a mind warp.
Something I needed you to believe.
I had to do whatever it took to get you to activate the Granilith.
- Including killing Alex? - That's not what I meant to do.
What was he, collateral damage? I should kill you right now.
If you kill me, you kill Zan.
What are you talking about? My son, our son.
We're linked, Max.
If I die, so does he.
- I don't believe you.
- Then kill me.
See if I'm lying.
I know you, Max.
You would never take that risk.
You're just gonna have to trust me.
DIANE: Okay.
PHILIP: Where do you think Tess has been all this time? And why do you think she walked into our house now? Philip.
Do you think Tess is somehow linked to what's going on with Isabel? Philip.
It can wait.
You all right? Are you kidding? Max is with Tess.
My parents think I'm some kind of freak.
Look it's going to be okay.
Max can take care of himself, and your parents will love you regardless.
I don't know, Jesse.
Do you? So, what are you doing here? Why did you come back? Kivar betrayed me.
He rejected Zan as the heir and he was gonna kill him so I escaped.
So that was you that crashed the other night.
Yeah, there was an accident.
With the Air Force jet.
It was trying to shoot us down.
I don't know why.
Typical human response, I guess.
My ship was destroyed, and I woke up just as they were about to take Zan.
So, what did you do? I protected my son.
And how many people did you kill in the process? I don't know.
- How many? - I don't remember.
- How many? - Fifteen, maybe 20.
I didn't stop to count.
I can't believe I ever cared about you.
Well, you did.
And that was not a mind warp.
None of that matters now.
We have to get our son out of Roswell.
Maybe we should try Max again.
Yeah, maybe we should.
Stay here.
- Yeah.
- Good evening.
I'm Major Carlson, United States Air Force.
We've had a security breach out at Rogers Air Force base and the dogs led us here.
Yeah, how about that? Is that blood on your shoes, sir? Your dog certainly seems to think so.
We're gonna have to search your house.
I'm afraid that l Yeah, I just came home and found it like this.
Blood all over the floor.
Have you seen this woman? No.
No, the house was empty.
You think this little blond girl did all this? - Is there anyone else in the house? - No.
MAN 1: Sir.
MAN 1: What is it? MAN 2: Try to pick it up outside.
PHILIP: Isabel about this tape.
Please, Dad, don't make me do this right now.
I'll get it.
You stay and talk, I'll get it.
- Hello? - Jesse, Jesse, thank God.
Listen to me.
This is very important.
- There's an alien on the loose.
- Yeah, we know.
It's Tess.
- Tess is back? - Yes, she's here.
She brought Max's son.
She has the baby? Are you kidding me?! My brain is exploding over here.
These Air Force guys followed her scent to my place.
They'll be there any second.
- What should we do? - Get the hell out of there.
Look, Kyle, this is actually a really bad time, okay? I'm gonna have to call you back.
Hello, Jesse? Jesse? You did not just do that.
Isabel, we don't need a big explanation, I just - We don't understand.
- I need to talk to you in the kitchen.
- Now.
- No.
Can't this wait? It'll just be a minute.
The military's coming for Tess and the baby.
I'll tell my parents we have to go.
Tell them what's really going on.
Maybe they could help.
Or turn us in.
- We have to go.
- No.
You're not leaving.
Dad, Mom, listen to me.
There are people coming for Max's baby.
Bad people.
What are you talking about? [KNOCKING.]
CARLSON: Major Carlson, United States Air Force.
- Open the door.
- No, Dad.
Don't answer that, please.
The United States Air Force? - Those are the bad people? - Yes.
They're coming for Max's baby.
CARLSON: Open the door.
United States Air Force.
Give me the baby.
We have to go now.
What is going on here? Max's baby is an Is an alien.
- He's a what? - So am I.
That's how I was able to do those things on that tape.
CARLSON: Open the door.
MAX: It's true.
We're different.
But we're still your children.
- Help us, please.
CARLSON: Open the door or we'll be forced to break it down.
We're here to search your home, sir.
- You'll need to step aside.
- Sorry.
I can't let you.
CARLSON: I'm not asking permission.
PHILIP: Military has no jurisdiction here.
- Step aside, sir.
- Can you produce a search warrant? CARLSON: Sergeant.
- Tess, you are not here.
- Michael, no.
- Maxwell, get out of the way.
- Not until you calm down.
- Whatever she told you, she's lying.
- She has my son.
- Well, get the baby out of the way.
- No.
He needs her.
If you kill her, my son will die.
Max, what the hell is she doing here? It's a long story.
We need to get them out of Roswell.
- Yeah, my heart bleeds.
- Nice to see you too, Michael.
Hey, don't start.
So you crashed in the desert the other night? You always were the quick one, Guerin.
Get up, bitch.
I'll kill you.
MAX: Liz, no! No, Liz, no.
- You're a murderer! I'll kill you! Welcome back.
Let go, wait.
What, what? So you trust her now? No, Liz, far from it.
Tess and my son are linked.
Killing her would kill him.
- Yeah, it's convenient.
- Liz, I have no other choice.
- I have to believe her.
- This is insane.
She betrayed all of us.
She killed Alex.
- I know.
- No, she has to pay for it.
Max, promise me, when this is all over, Tess will pay for what she did.
I promise.
Let me know when it's over.
Hey, Liz, is everything okay? Guess not.
Kyle, thank God you're here.
- Don't come near me.
TESS: Kyle give me a chance to explain.
- Why haven't you killed her yet? - Max wouldn't let me.
Come on, Zan.
I don't want you to see this.
Be careful with him, Max.
- So, what are you doing here? - Ask one of them.
- I'm sick of explaining.
KYLE: Explain what you were doing in our house earlier.
I thought you'd help me.
- Why run away in such a hurry? TESS: I was protecting my son.
- He wasn't in danger.
- Your father had a gun.
Instincts took over.
You're lucky I didn't kill you.
Yeah, I guess I owe you one.
Oh, actually, no.
- Kyle.
- We took you into our home, Tess.
We protected you.
And how did you repay us? Brainwashed me into carrying Alex's dead body.
- I never meant to hurt - Well, too late! TESS: You've never even heard my side of the story.
You have a side? The murderer has a side.
I was raised by a killer, Kyle.
- A sick and twisted man.
- Don't try to play the victim here, Tess.
You know, of all the aliens I've met, you're the only one who has no soul.
This doesn't make any sense, Isabel.
- You don't look any different.
- I'm half-human.
- And the other half? - Mom, please, not now.
How long have you known? About a month.
- And you're okay with it? JESSE: I'm trying.
She's still the woman I fell in love with.
She's still Isabel.
LIZ: I blasted Tess and she went flying.
Wait a minute, back up a second.
You blasted her? I thought your power flare-ups were over? Yeah, me too.
But I saw her, and all of this energy just came out of me.
I mean, all of this, like, anger, and hatred.
I thought that part of my life was dead and buried.
Wait a minute, no.
That part was never dead and buried.
- You've never truly gotten over that.
- Okay.
I just want Tess out of my life.
Well, it's easy enough.
Walk over to one of those men over there and tell them where she's hiding.
- No, l I can't do that.
- Fine, I'll do it.
No, sit down.
- What? - I'm just I'm so sick of seeing my best friend like this.
- Like what? - Like a victim.
You don't have to be a victim.
Forgive Max, or get him out of your life.
It's one or the other.
You have to make a decision.
It's your decision.
It's your life.
An Air Force truck filled with three tons of explosives was stolen this evening.
The military has checkpoints on every road out of Roswell - Nice cover story.
- We're screwed.
MAX: No, we're not.
- What do you got? I don't know, yet.
Maxwell, we're screwed.
What? That was Isabel.
They found the baby's blankets, the dogs picked up scent.
- They'll be here in no time.
- We gotta go, now.
I'm getting Zan.
Hey, you're not the one calling the shots around here.
But, Maxwell, she's right.
We gotta get out of here.
- Do you have energy to mind-warp? - I think so.
Okay, great.
I'll grab the car.
- Michael, have you got any milk? - Just Snapple.
Can't you breast-feed? Here they come.
Get ready.
Have either of you seen this woman? - Mm-mmm.
- I haven't seen her.
Can I have you open your trunk, sir? Sure.
All right.
You guys are clear to go through.
P: Hold it.
Hold it right there! Get out of the car.
Now! - I'm sorry.
I couldn't hold it.
- Maxwell! Go.
Go! Get down! - Is he okay? - Yeah, just get out of here! [TELEPHONE RINGING.]
- Hello? - They didn't make it.
- What happened? - They got turned back.
We need to meet at your apartment.
It's the only safe place left.
Okay, I'll be there.
- Are Max and the baby okay? - For now.
We've gotta go.
DIANE: Isabel.
Honey, please be careful.
Zan's asleep.
- We're running out of time, Max.
- We need a Plan B.
Go without me.
Just get Zan to safety.
You said he couldn't survive without you.
Another lie? - I knew it.
- You were going to kill me.
I was just trying to stay alive to keep our son safe.
Now the only way to keep him safe is to let him go.
So the baby's not linked to you at all? - No.
Zan is completely human.
What? That's why they rejected him on Antar.
That's why I had to come back.
- How is that possible? LIZ: It's genetics, Max.
She's half-human.
You're half-human.
You both have the DNA.
It makes sense.
Wait, let me get this straight: If the baby doesn't need you, then we can kill you.
- Michael.
ISABEL: We could.
But the Air Force would still be looking for an alien Iooking for us.
If the Air Force wants an alien, why don't we give them one.
ISABEL: Turn her in? MARIA: Yeah.
They won't be looking for an alien and they'll leave us alone.
I'm sensing a Plan B.
They'd study her like a lab rat for the rest of her life.
I've been there.
And I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
Max, this isn't a decision that you get to make.
- It affects all three of us.
MARIA: Oh, no.
This is not an alien decision only.
She killed Alex.
She killed my best friend.
I think that we should all get to vote.
All right, fair enough.
Let's put it to a vote.
Yes, we turn her in.
No, we try to help her.
I say yes, turn her in.
We shouldn't be doing this.
I vote no.
I trusted you.
And Alex I vote yes.
I vote no.
Michael? Do it.
Turn her in.
MAX: Jesse, what do you say? I never met her or Alex.
I shouldn't get a vote.
Fair enough.
Kyle? I don't know.
No, I can't do it.
MARIA: All right, Liz, cast your vote, break the tie.
- I vote no.
MARIA: What? Are you crazy? I made my vote.
So, what are we gonna do? Wait.
Pray they don't find us.
Liz, wake up.
What? - Why didn't you vote against me? - Because I'm not a killer, Tess.
I need a favor.
I need you to drive me somewhere.
Max loves you.
Every time we were together every time we kissed, he was thinking of you.
He had these flashes that I saw and they were always of you.
Why are you telling me this? Because I know how much it must have hurt you.
So you're really gonna go do this, huh? At least I can do one good thing with my life.
You just did.
Hey, Tess you're not gonna let them throw you in the white room, are you? No.
Don't you think you should get some sleep? Didn't I tell you? Aliens don't need sleep.
You don't have to watch him every second.
It's hard to tear myself away.
I know how you feel.
That's how I felt when we first adopted you and Isabel.
The love you feel for him, Max that's how your mother and I feel about you.
No matter what.
They're out there, Dad.
I know it.
I can feel it.
They're coming for him.
No one's coming for him, Max.
Your son is safe here.
It's been over for days.
- It'll never be over.
- Max.
I've been living with this a lot longer than you have.
It's a constant battle.
Your mother and I have been a part of that battle, haven't we? Well I'm sorry.
- But we can help you fight them now.
- We have been fighting them.
And if not these guys, it'll be someone else.
I just want my son to live a normal life away from all of this.
He will live a normal life, Max.
- He will.
- Not if I'm a part of it.
What are you saying? He's human.
He deserves to live a normal human life.
Look, all I've wanted for the past year, more than anything else in my life was to find him.
And now that I finally have I think that I'm gonna have to give him up.
- Max.
- I'm a marked man and so are you.
Maybe if things were different maybe in the future there will be a way but right now, I have to ensure Zan's safety.
And the only way to do that is to get him away from me from us.
Can you help me? Are you sure about this? I have an old law-school buddy who handles things like this.
He's in New York, though.
The further away, the better.
The less I know about where Zan's going to end up, the safer he'll be.
Just promise me you'll put him with a good family.
I want him to have parents like Well, just like you and Mom.
Can you make sure he gets that? Yeah I can do that.
It's It's time.
What was that? Just a memory.
I'm here.
I'll always be here.

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