The A-Team (1983) s03e17 Episode Script


Rip the tusks out.
This is disgusting.
l say we go in there and skin them poachers.
So we're going to Kenya.
[tires screeching.]
Don't know who you're dealing with.
A disease.
This is your roots.
This is dirt, fool.
We'll just see how really good they are.
Yeah, they don't make the bad guys like they used to, do they? (male narrator) In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit.
These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground.
Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help and if you can find them maybe you can hire the A-Team.
[gun firing.]
[tires squealing.]
[birds chirping.]
[birds twittering.]
Rip the tusks out.
Horton, go check the traps.
Steele spotted a pride of lions coming up from the river.
You're under arrest.
Drop your weapons.
This is a government animal preserve.
All of the animals are protected by law, and you are all under arrest.
We were just doing a little hunting.
You've been poaching this area for over two weeks now.
And l've come across more than 40 carcasses.
And l've spotted your tracks.
Don't move.
Any of you.
This is Rover Two to Base.
Rover Two to Base.
l swear, l'll drop you right here.
'Cause l got the authority and the motivation.
(Kamarra) Rover One to Rover Two.
Come in, Kim.
I'm out in the field.
What's going on? l've got them, Kamarra.
lt is Madrid.
Do you want me to come help? No.
l'm going to take them right into Mbabwe and send them over to the constabulary.
Hopefully, we can find out who they're working for.
[gun cocking.]
[gun firing.]
Kim? Kim, come in.
(Kamarra) Kim! Kim! Put him in the jeep.
What's going on? Kim.
[people chattering.]
[robot continues chattering.]
I am the rays of the future.
Excuse me, l wanted to go up.
Not if you're looking for the A-Team, ma'am.
Thanks, Murdock.
Allow me to introduce you.
This is Templeton Peck the guy with the hat is Murdock the big fellow there is B.
Very pleased to meet you.
l'm sorry about this elaborate ruse but we had to be sure you are who you say you are.
We're sorry to hear about your brother.
Lee told us.
My brother and l have spent our entire lives trying to stop the senseless slaughtering of the animals.
lt's been a near impossible task, with funds being restricted.
Two wardens for hundreds of acres and thousands of animals but Kim was determined.
So determined, he's dead.
Now let's sit down.
You, uh, told Mr.
Lee the poachers killed your brother.
They did.
l can't prove it, but l know they did.
The local constable has written it off as an accident.
And those men have continued poaching.
Well, l should think they would.
The ivory from the elephant tusks alone would make it worth their while.
Yeah, averaging, uh, with the going rate in the Hong Kong market of $100 a pound say you get that comes out to, um, $1 20,000.
Which isn't bad for a day's work.
But we're not detectives, Miss Keboko.
l mean, if the local authorities couldn't prove Madrid and his men were the murderers, what do you expect us to do? l want you to protect what my brother gave his life for.
lf they continue to destroy everything he stood and fought for his death meant nothing.
Hey, man, l say we go in there and skin them poachers.
So you'll take the job? Uh, Kenya is a big country.
And, um finding a couple of poachers wouldn't be that easy a job.
Not to mention expensive.
With food, rooms, supplies, travel arrangements-- The four of you can stay at the animal preserve.
l've got some money that l saved to send my brother to school here in the United States.
l won't be needing it anymore.
lt's about $5,000.
l couldn't think of a better way to spend it than to bring my brother's killers to justice.
That's-- That's more than enough.
[clearing throat.]
$5,000 won't even cover airfare to Kenya for the four of us.
l know.
Can you go to Kenya? Sure, we can go to Kenya.
l can see it now, that expanse of African plain the full moon, rising then out of the darkness.
Of course, we do have one problem, though.
We're going to have to fly to Kenya.
And B.
is, well, he's not that fond of airplanes.
What you talking about, man? Ah, well, you know, uh, you're, uh.
The word is scared.
You scared to fly.
Huh, me? Scared of flying? That's just an act l put on sometimes.
l ain't afraid of nothing.
There's a flight that leaves tonight.
[mimicking elephant trumpeting.]
[people chattering.]
Well, how're you feeling, B.
? Fine, man.
There ain't no reason on this earth why you shouldn't feel fine, big guy.
l can't imagine the excitement that must be pulsing through your veins.
Do you know where you're going? Does he know where he's going? You're going to your homeland.
You going back home.
To Kenya.
lt's the homeland of your great-great- great-granddaddy.
And l can't tell you how happy l am for you.
l can't wait to see the expression on your face when you get off the plane.
Plane? Plane.
Four big engines.
of thrust at full throttle.
You really like to fly.
Oh, l love to fly.
Yeah, l love flying, too.
Do you really? You ain't kidding me, are you? 'Cause if you love to fly that means we have something to converse about when we get on the plane.
l mean, you just think about it.
There ain't nothing between you and the outside world but one little piece of sheet metal as you're traveling at 600 miles an hour.
And there ain't almost nothing that can go wrong.
l mean, if you lost three out of four of your engines, that baby could still land.
And if the fourth engine caught fire there'd be an automatic fire extinguisher to put the fire out.
And those babies almost never explode.
Even though there is almost 100,000 gallons of fuel in the wings.
) l felt the wheels leave the ground, Hannibal.
l felt the wheels leave the ground.
(Hannibal) Calm down, B.
, so did l.
That's not at all unusual.
We're in the air.
(Murdock) Standard procedure, big guy.
The captain shoves those throttles forward and two million pounds of ramjet thrust shudders-- (B.
) Shut up, Murdock.
Shut up.
l'm getting out of here now.
(Hannibal) Sit down, B.
Let go of me! l don't want to! l told you to bring his medication.
(Murdock) Easy, big guy, easy.
(Face) What's going on here? [people clamoring.]
You gotta hold him.
(Hannibal) Hold still.
Easy, easy.
[crashing continues.]
There you go.
Didn't hurt a bit.
See? [crashing.]
l love it when B.
comes together.
To sleep.
Hey, Hannibal! Get this thing off me.
Kong, come here.
Don't bother the nice man.
[birds chirping.]
First we find out you afraid to fly.
Then we find out you afraid of simians.
Why didn't you just say you were afraid to fly? l ain't afraid to fly.
l ain't afraid of no monkeys, either.
This is Kong.
He belongs to the animal preserve.
Poachers shot his mother.
l think he looks kind of, kind of cute.
Why don't you get to know him? Get.
Get that thing away from me.
Well, that's the worst case of jet lag l've ever seen.
Look, B.
, let me show you how it's done.
All you got to do is open up your arms and say, ''Come here, baby.
'' [Kong chattering.]
Now, see how easy that is? Yeah, that's because you both have the same lQ.
Face, that Amsterdam shipment is exactly what you ordered.
l put the grenades in your room.
All right.
Now according to Kamarra, there've been three hits here by the Cherangani hills.
The elephant herds often stop for water here, at the Kendu Reservoir.
They've found three carcasses there.
Now the poachers trail the herds and then attack when they're by water 'cause the animals usually stop there.
Sometimes for a couple of days.
How are they finding the herds? Kim always thought that they were doing it by air.
Otherwise, the poachers would have to track too long and they'd risk getting caught by our patrols.
We'd do it by air, if it was Kong and me.
Right, boy? They probably ship their stuff out by air to avoid the customs.
Looks like a strong organization which means the only way we can shut it down is to strangle the entire pipeline.
Yeah, but just not the guys doing the actual killing.
lt's easy to go out and hire another bunch of goons to go out and kill animals.
lt's the shipping and sales end of this operation we have to shut down.
Well, how are we gonna do that? We start with this guy, Madrid, and work our way backwards.
lf they are spotting them by air it's very likely that the guy in the plane is giving the position of the animals to the shooters on the ground.
That means they're on a special wavelength.
And there can't be too many places where they can land and take off.
As a matter of fact, there's only one.
[birds chirping.]
What are you doing in there? When's the last time you had the airframe on this bird checked? The airframe? What's that got to do with it? Working on my pilot's license.
l like to sit up there and look at things.
You know your ashtrays are full and your carpet's dirty? My ashtrays? Yeah, and look over here.
You see? Brake fluid on that right tire.
Hey, look.
l know all about that.
That's just fine.
What's that got to do with you crawling around inside my cockpit, huh? Well no sense getting excited about that.
Why don't you just gas it up, huh? So l can get out of here.
Well, it's your funeral.
Look, don't go sticking your nose in other people's property where it don't belong.
Neatness counts, fellow.
Gas it up.
[plane engine roaring.]
Okay, Madrid, the party's on.
l'm about two miles above the Zambezi.
Following a herd of elephants, maybe 12, 15.
It looks like they've got good tusks.
From where they're going, it's along the Nandu rift.
Probably heading for the Undala watering hole.
(Madrid) Come on, let's go.
The Nandu is right here.
And the watering hole is two miles north, right about there.
That's it.
Let's hit it.
Be careful, please.
lt just reminds me of when Kim went after them.
Don't worry, we'll be all right.
[car engine starting.]
(Hannibal) We'll beat them there by half an hour.
Keep an eye out for the airplane.
Well, B.
Baracus, what does it feel like now you're here? You taking it all in? lt's hard to imagine that centuries ago your tribesmen settled right here.
On this ground upon which we lay.
Look at the dirt.
Go on, look at it.
Look at it, look at it.
The tips of their toes curled around each particle of dirt right here in the palm of my hand.
The ashes from their campfires, right here in the palm of my hand.
The drippings from their pots and pans, right here in the palm of my hand.
The leftovers, after Sunday dinner, right here in the palm of my hand.
Baracus, this is your roots.
This is dirt, fool.
Which l'm gonna stuff in your face if you don't shut up.
[elephant trumpeting.]
[birds chirping.]
What's the matter with him? Nostalgia.
(Hannibal) There they are.
They're here.
Can you see them? Yeah.
l got them, Colonel.
About 1 2:00 high.
(Murdock) There's four of them.
They look pretty mean, too.
You and Face cover us.
We're gonna take them.
[gun firing.]
[gun firing.]
(Hannibal) Now, step back.
Who in the hell are you? Volunteer game wardens.
The game warden that works this area disappeared more than a week ago.
We're his replacements.
We figure the last game warden was murdered by some poachers.
(Hannibal) You got any idea, where we might find some poachers? The last guy disappeared 'cause he just wouldn't listen.
But the guy before him retired a nice rich man.
l'm not retiring and l'm already rich.
And l'm already mean.
, get their rifles.
You take the one on the right.
l'll go left.
All right, hold it.
You guys are shut down, you understand? l want you to go back to your boss [thudding.]
and tell him, that the new game wardens punched your ticket.
Now, don't step [thudding.]
foot on this preserve again.
Or we'll skin you and sell your hides.
Well, that was terrific, Hannibal.
Now they're gonna want to get even.
l hope so.
(Hannibal) B.
, we'll stay back about two miles and follow their signal.
) Looks like he's following the river bed, Hannibal.
(Hannibal) l can hardly wait to find out what happens next.
[Murdock imitating bird.]
(Novarro) But there were four of them.
And four of you.
l pay you to bring back tusk and animal skins.
[birds chirping.]
Not stories about game wardens.
(Madrid) These guys had machine guns.
What were we supposed to do? [snake hissing.]
You know what this is? Eh? lt's the Mamba.
The deadliest snake in the whole world.
One bite has enough poison to kill 30 men.
l have a lot of respect for this animal.
But if we were to remove its fangs, we lose that respect.
Always keep your fangs, Madrid.
You let these men push you back.
That's not good.
Now we have a shipment to deliver tomorrow.
l want to deliver what l promise.
These four men we talk with them.
[vehicle approaching.]
[guns firing.]
My name's Hannibal Smith.
l heard you wanted to see me.
You are a man with a very short lifespan, sir.
Well, l got nine lifespans.
Like a cat.
Now, we're only down here to see you because we want to be sure that your, uh, boys over there gave you the correct message.
They look so irresponsible.
You're not only shut down, you've got a little debt.
Face? Right.
Yeah, let's see, that's, uh yeah, $472,000.
19 for the slaughtered elephants.
lncluding tusks.
Yeah, you can consider it a contribution, to the Kenyan Game Preserve.
And we want all the skins and tusks you've got stored for shipment.
Hey, l wonder how your white suit would look hanging up on a wall.
Or maybe in front of a fireplace like a throw rug.
You'll never get away with this.
You don't know who you're dealing with.
One we already got away with it.
And two, we know who we're dealing with.
A bunch of slimeballs a bunch of out-of-work poachers.
That's a crummy looking bookcase you got there.
So remember, we want the money and the skins.
You better listen to him.
Move those animal hides out as fast as you can.
The flight from the Gimali Airstrip tomorrow morning is the earliest.
l want those four men dead.
[transistor feeding back.]
(Madrid) Yes, we-- (Novarro) I don't care how you do it, I want it done.
lt's not coming in too clear, Hannibal.
Why'd you drop it in the glass? l thought it was waterproof.
Scotch and water, maybe, but those Mai Tais are death on transistors.
They've gotta get ready for that shipment that goes out tomorrow afternoon.
l'm not quite sure l follow you, Colonel.
Captain, you're gonna have to get some air maps.
We're gonna need you up there.
He's always up there.
That's true, but-- But this time we need you to fly.
Colonel, when the going gets tough the tough get aeronautical.
But can l take Kong with me? No, but you can have Face.
That's not the same thing.
l know.
Now, Face, l know this prop man in L.
We need some stuff, but it's got to be on this continent by tomorrow morning.
Oh, well, no problem.
We need some fake animal skins, some plastic elephant tusks, and it's gonna cost.
Well, why not? We're already over $3,000 in debt on this job.
Not that that's any problem.
Anything l can do? Well, yes.
Could you find us a couple of nice elephants? On short notice.
What was that? That was nothing.
Go back to sleep.
You got the next watch.
That was an awful big nothing.
Don't be such a scary cat.
What's you got to be afraid of? Lions, tigers, panthers, poisonous snakes, rhinos, elephants without shoes.
Are you crazy? That's nothing to be afraid of.
Get your pants on and keep me company.
Me? But, the next watch don't start-- Get them on and move it.
You ain't nothing but 230 pounds of pure fear.
[twigs cracking.]
[gun cocking.]
[birds twittering.]
You shouldn't sneak up on me like that.
l'm sorry.
l thought you heard me.
What are you doing up this time of night? Kim used to come out here at night.
Listen to the sounds of the world around him.
He used to say they were peaceful and reassuring.
Personally, they scared me when l first heard them.
Yeah, they scare Murdock, too.
You know, sometimes, during the day when l'm busy and things are happening it's real hard to comprehend that my brother's gone.
But at night, when l'm just laying there in the dark there's nothing to do but think.
Then it all becomes so real.
His face becomes so clear and his voice just.
l understand, Kamarra.
Losing someone you love is hard.
There's nothing anyone could say or do that'll make it any easier.
lt's just gonna take time.
That's the only thing that's gonna make it easier.
Just time.
(Hannibal) That ought to do just fine.
Get those crates unloaded.
Hey, what's so important, huh? [birds chirping.]
l get a call at 4:00 to get down here on the double.
We're still moving the same stuff, right? Don't ask so many questions, Steele.
Just make sure you get this load through.
lt'll get through.
[door closing.]
McKaydoo will have the truck waiting for you when you land.
You sure everything's okay? You just worry about getting that plane up.
How's everything going under there? Yeah, l got that leak down to a drip.
You wanna get rid of that drip, it's gonna take you another 20 minutes.
You want it fixed right, put in a new pipe, take two hours.
Two hours? l can't wait around here that long-- Hey l don't know who it is you're worried about.
But l'm not accepting responsibility for that load till l'm in the air.
You and Lloyd stay with him until he gets off.
Then you meet us back at Novarro's.
(Madrid) Abdul, let's go.
lt's all taken care of.
l put it on your regular bill.
(Hannibal) Sorry to ruin your day, pal.
(Steele) My forward engine just caught on fire.
I'm gonna put down on the river road.
(Hannibal) Face, he's gonna land on the river road.
Hey, what's going on here? Well just do what we say and l think you'll figure it out.
Let's move.
Murdock, that was fantastic.
l think you just found your true calling in life.
Colonel, l'll ride those babies anytime you want me to.
But next time, you're gonna have to get somebody else to change their oil.
[elephant trumpeting.]
Captain, that was nice, really nice.
Okay, let's get those crates off the plane and put our own crates on.
Now, Hannibal, we got a lot of balls juggling here.
l just hope your, uh, plan comes together.
Have a little faith, Lieutenant.
Bring him along.
He can carry crates, too.
(Hannibal) B.
, let's get this oil line fixed.
lsn't that nice? You get to carry crates, too.
This is crazy, you know.
l got a truck waiting for me.
How're you gonna get away with this? Watch.
Life is full of wonderful surprises.
When we land you just look out the window, smile and let them unload the crates.
You got that? And to help remind you, l'll, uh, l'll have this .
357 stuck in your guts.
All right, keep the engines running and tell them to unload the crates.
You're late.
l had some mechanical problems.
Look, uh, l got one more stop.
So get those crates unloaded, right? [plane engine running.]
Very good.
l even believed you.
[Face exclaiming.]
Got you.
You can take off now, you're unloaded.
Thanks a lot.
See you around.
They gonna buy that? Of course, they're gonna buy that.
Let's get out of here.
We're moving.
[plane engine roaring loudly.]
l don't believe that.
You believe that? You believe those guys bought that? Look, you can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time.
But that sucker back there, we could have fooled every time.
Yeah, they don't make the bad guys like they used to, do they? (Face) Yeah, there they are.
They're going about, oh, about 50 miles an hour.
Well, l can keep this baby at about 70, minimum air speed.
Do a few 360s, uh, loop turns and stay with them.
Could you do it without the loops? Uh-uh.
Hey, hey.
Take it easy with them crates.
l got ivory tusks in there.
That's everything off the truck.
Well, it's about time.
l mean, l only got customers from all over Europe yelling at me for these furs around here.
Get a wire off to Germany and tell them we're gonna have them furs out of here right away.
All right, over there.
Over there.
What is this? You got a warrant? Uh-huh.
What's with you guys? We take care of you.
We're not supposed to be raided.
We make our paydays.
Payday? Payday? What's payday? Yeah, wouldn't know about that.
No, the warrant here says illegal animal hides and elephant tusks you see, so l'm terribly afraid if we find any of those here we're going to have to take you in.
Open those crates.
Yes, open them.
Open them.
(Face) Do as he says.
Now, stand back.
Stand back.
(Face) There you go.
This is disgusting.
l suppose you're unaware of the fact that you're prohibited from taking elephant tusks and selling them, right? Of course.
You are a disease.
You are infection and l only wish a court of law recognized the antidote.
We can, uh, we can explain all this.
Gibbons, feel this.
lt's plastic.
Templeton, feel this.
lt's nylon? Nylon.
(Face) Oh-oh.
We've made a terrible mistake.
Terrible mistake.
Terribly sorry.
Well, of course, it's, uh, nylon.
We'd never deal in in real animal hides.
Well, l don't quite know what to say.
We've been rude.
Yes, very rude.
Terribly rude.
Was this your idea? No, it must have come from the front office.
The front office.
Yes, yes, you're obviously legitimate.
There's no law against selling plastic and nylon, is there? Plastic and nylon are all right.
Animal hides and elephant tusks-- Are what we're looking for.
So, carry on.
(Murdock) Terribly sorry.
Carry on.
Plastic and nylon are all right.
So sorry.
What did he mean by payday? Don't know.
Novarro's pulling a scam on me.
Sending me fakes! Well, he's a dead man.
Get the jeep.
You're a dead man, Mr.
You were right.
McKaydoo took the bait.
He's headed for Novarro's place.
McKaydoo'll go after Novarro.
With a little bit of luck shut down his end of the operation.
Well, l sure hope so.
l'll meet you back here.
The only loose end is Madrid.
[gun firing.]
Madrid? Better check it out.
Please stay here.
[gun firing.]
[birds chirping.]
) Shell casings.
[Kong grunting.]
Now, let's get out of here.
l'm gonna shut that monkey up.
Kong, run.
[gun firing.]
[Kong whimpering.]
[Kamarra screaming.]
[birds chirping.]
Where is everybody? l mean, l thought that-- [whimpering.]
What's the matter? Where is everybody? They got Kamarra.
Base to Rover Two.
Base to Rover Two.
Do you read? B.
, are you out there? Yeah, Faceman, l read you.
Where are you guys? We were tracking Madrid's jeep.
We're about two miles south of Novarro's place.
They stopped up ahead.
So Hannibal went to check it out.
All right, we're on our way.
Hurry up, man.
They're in a warehouse.
lt's probably where Novarro holds his stuff before he ships it to McKaydoo.
Face just called.
Him and Murdock is on the way.
We'll hit them as soon as they get here.
(Novarro) l swear to you, McKaydoo.
This is a mistake.
lf l get so much as one little complaint from all the orders l shipped out of here last week, and l'll get you.
l swear to you, all those goods were 100 percent.
This is where l store it all.
l'm empty because l shipped them out to you.
lt was just that last order that was intercepted.
And as l was telling you-- lt scares me, Novarro.
lt scares the hoot out of me.
That you let this little girl give you this much trouble.
[car engine starting.]
[engine revving.]
You watch her.
Horton, out there.
Seeger, come with me.
[tires squealing.]
[gun firing.]
[guns firing.]
[Kong gibbering.]
Kamarra, you gotta call your boss and tell him to bring a truck.
Tell him we've got a bunch of renegade baboons to bring in.
[birds chirping.]
There's an old tribal expression.
When souls have touched, friends are never apart.
l'll never forget what you guys did here today.
Well, that's nothing.
But unfortunately there will always be bad people who will try to destroy the wildlife of your country for profit.
At least we got Novarro, McKaydoo, and Madrid.
lt's a start.
Uh, yeah, speaking of starts, it's time we got started.
The plane leaves in less than an hour.
l'm not real good at saying goodbye.
Well, neither am l, but it don't matter.
My boat ain't leaving till three days.
So we got lots of time to say goodbye.
l want to give you this.
ls this all l get? Well.

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