Friday Night Lights s04e01 Episode Script

East of Dillon

PAUL: Coach Taylor's contract is up for discussion at the board meeting this Saturday.
I love my job, I'm good at it, and I'd like to keep it.
I love you.
I just think we should break up.
MATT: You're the only person who's never left me.
I'm not gonna leave you.
I'm gonna stay here for good.
You're gonna go to college, and you're gonna go get a degree.
Do you hear me? Yeah.
They offered the job to Wade Aikmen.
The board would like to offer you the position of head coach at East Dillon High.
ON RADIO: I'm Sammy Meade and, folks, let me tell you, the sky is dry, the fields are brown, the drought is long and it has happened.
This town has been divided.
(GRACIE LAUGHING) TAMI: You want to get on? You want to get on? JULIE: On the motorcycle.
Then we'll go on the swings.
Thanks, babe.
Good luck.
Love you.
I love you.
ALL: One, two, three! One, two, three! We need to talk about it now! Wade! Listen to me! Buddy, I know.
Look We need to talk I know, Buddy.
I'm sorry.
Coach Taylor.
(QUESTIONING IN SPANISH) Coach Taylor Football team.
Coach Taylor.
I'm trying We no have football team.
No, I'm the new coach of the football team.
New football team? That's right.
Don't kick my door, por favor.
(HELMET CLATTERING) (RACCOON CHITTERING) You know there's a raccoon in here? (POLICE SIREN WAILING) (DOG BARKING) On the ground! On the ground! On your stomach! Okay? On your stomach! Right now, on the ground! Come on, it's over.
On the ground! On the ground! (OFFICER CHATTERING) Next.
Let's go.
Come on.
Name? Calvin.
Take the chain off.
Hey, take the chain off.
You see this, man? It's (PLAYERS CHUCKLE) Take the chain off.
You're gonna call me Coach Taylor.
Hey, man, what's up? Kenny Hey.
OIson, from JV.
GRANGER: What position do you want to play? Quarterback.
What are you going out for? Kenny.
TAYLOR: Let's go.
Oh, I'm probably You're going out for quarterback? GRANGER: All right, what position do you want to play? Quarterback.
I'm a quarterback.
All right, we found our quarterback, gentlemen.
Step off.
GRANGER: Let's go.
Come on, let's run.
Go! Come on.
You don't run with your hands.
All the way up.
GRANGER: Put your foot in the hole and run on.
All the way down.
GRANGER: Let's go, ladies! Come on, let's go.
Come on.
Knees up, like this! Put your foot in the hole and you run on.
ALL: One.
(GROANS) (COUGHING) Listen up.
I called y'all out here today to see what we got.
(STOPWATCH BEEPS) And after 18 minutes, I think I've seen enough.
I want y'all to go home tonight and think long and hard on how much you want this, on whether you want this.
If you don't, that's fine, no shame in that.
I don't want you wasting my time and I don't want to waste your time either.
If you do want it, then be out here tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.
And we'll get after it.
But get your rest tonight because, gentlemen, I promise you, you are going to need that.
Hey, Coach.
Good, good.
Ken Shaw, 12th Precinct over in Kilroy.
Ken Shaw Your brother used to play ball for me, didn't he? Sure did.
Mike Shaw.
That's right, Mike.
That's right.
How's he doing? He's doing pretty good.
Speaks very highly of you.
Yeah? Yeah.
He ended up playing, didn't he? He played for a couple years, but he, uh, got hurt, so he had to step out.
Tell him I say hello, would you? I will.
What you got here? Well, you've heard of Cops 'N Jocks, right, Coach? Yeah, second chance Yeah, second chance program.
Yeah, well, we just brought this kid in this morning.
You know, he's a decent kid, but he's got a record now.
Next stop is juvie for him, and that's a bad path.
What kind of trouble you talking about? Minor stuff, nothing major.
I'm talking about breaking and entering He didn't kill anyone? fighting No, no.
Not bad to animals? No, no, no.
Like I said, these are mostly nonviolent offenses.
What do you mean, "mostly"? You can help him out.
You want to meet him? Well, since you brought him all this way, I guess I should.
I hope so.
How you doing, son? Coach Taylor.
How are you doing? Vince? Vince.
Vince, you ever play any football? Yeah, all the time.
Yeah? Madden.
How's that? Madden.
Mad? Madden.
Madden? Madden.
It's a video game, Coach.
Oh, Madden Football.
TAYLOR: You ever play any real football? Throw the ball around with my friends.
You like to run? Oh, he can run, Coach.
The boy's fast.
He's real fast.
You like to hit? Hit what? People.
I like that.
What would you say if I need you to be here tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.
Sharp? means 5:45.
I'll be here.
JOE: Buddy, you know those people.
You can just get them to re-file the papers, can't you? Well, we can handle that.
That's not a big deal.
We can fix that like we can fix anything else.
(KNOCKING) Ladies and gentlemen, Tami Taylor.
Not necessary.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
No, no.
We need to acknowledge the huge part you played in this redistricting effort.
Because of it, our athletic program is already seeing the positive effects.
Well, good, good.
I hope y'all get everything you deserve this year.
Yeah, thank you.
Thank you for stepping up and doing the right thing.
Um, all right.
We gonna talk about football? Y'all called me JOE: Were your ears burning? 'Cause we were just talking about you.
WADE: Yep, yep, we were.
We were talking about Friday's festivities.
We would love for you to do the coin toss this Friday.
Uh Oh, the coin toss? Isn't that Mayor Rodell's Doesn't she usually I'll handle Lucy.
I'll handle her.
We want you, Tami.
We think it is very important that all of us show that we are all in this together.
So, it would be an honor and it would mean a lot to us, and we're thinking maybe that you should call heads.
(LAUGHING) I'm just kidding.
You call whatever you want to call.
(ALL LAUGHING) (LAUGHING) Call the coin toss.
Okay, well, I'm honored, thank you.
Make sure you think about it.
Okay, I'm I'm thinking about it.
PROFESSOR: Your thoughts are my own thoughts.
My daughter should be yours, and you, my son-in-laws, so he's entreating there, if you remained.
See, that's the difference from going home.
Every hero has a journey.
Early literature is obsessed with the journey of the hero.
Odysseus' journey is like a process to help him appreciate his earlier life, his love, Penelope, right? The home he left.
So why don't we pick up, then, with where we left off yesterday, lines 302-327.
(WHISTLE BLOWS) Come on, now.
Look alive! Look alive! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! That's awful! Get them in a huddle, right now.
Hey, you got to flip your hips now coming around, and keep your cushion up, right? Come on, man, put your hands down on your knees.
Heads up, all right? This is called a huddle.
You got to understand what a huddle is.
This is your quarterback right here, he's going to tell y'all what to do.
Toss the rock, man, for real.
This is boring as hell, man.
You can have the ball when you can actually run a play.
All right, now, knock it off.
It's called a huddle.
It's called a rock.
Looks like I got it now.
(CHUCKLING) You think that's funny? No, I'm just tripping, man.
Ow! Oh, man.
Hey, man, I was just tripping.
(GROANING) Hey, somebody, get somebody.
I'm sorry.
Coach, you all right? GRANGER: I'm done.
What's wrong, Coach? I'm done.
I'm done.
I'm done! Where you going? Coach, where you going? (PLAYERS MURMURING) So is your focus in metalworks or electronics? I don't know.
My focus is in art.
What kind of art are you interested in, Matt? Um I don't know.
The kind that I do, I guess.
Well, that's the thing, Matt.
I don't know that I would quite call this art.
Well, what would you call it? I would call it drawing without a point of view.
It's not that I don't like it, but it's not saying anything.
Well, they thought it was saying something at the Art Institute of Chicago when they accepted me.
I mean, that's a much better art school than Dillon Tech.
Then why are you here at Dillon Tech? Hey, kiddo, so do you have a plan or something? TIM: What do you mean? For life? For life? To do.
Riggins' Rigs.
That's your That's your plan? Mmm-hmm.
So, um, where are you gonna stay? What do you mean? Like, live Billy, tater me.
in Dillon? I'm going to stay right here.
Here? Here.
Yeah, that's Yeah.
That's great.
Hey, baby, can I talk to you for a second over here? Thanks.
All right.
TIM: It's so good.
Yeah, it's real good.
Hey, y'all, how are you? Hi.
Good to see you.
How you doing? How's your dad? Gentlemen.
How you doing? How's it going? Same old thing, Coach.
How you doing? All right? It's going okay.
I hear Wade's got himself a golf cart out here.
Is that the case? Oh, the man loves his ride, he does.
CROWLEY: We move the ball he drives it to the next huddle.
(ALL CHUCKLING) Why don't y'all come on over? Why don't y'all come over? That'd be nice.
I don't, uh I don't think I could explain it to Suzy, though, you know.
Job security and all that stuff.
I'm not young enough to take a pay cut and all those chances, you know.
MAN: Ladies and gentlemen, Principal Taylor.
Hey, everybody.
Nice to see all of y'all.
Thanks for coming out.
And I just am thrilled to welcome everybody to another great year at Dillon High.
And before I get going with the events tonight, I really just want to say thank you so much Can I ask a question? Um, we're going to have a Q and A at the end.
Why is my child being forced from this school? Nobody is being forced out.
That's exactly what happened.
No, I'm sorry.
Now, nobody is being forced Why is my brother going to a different school? MAN: That's right.
Hey, first of all, I'd like to just clarify, we're going to have a Q and A at the end.
ALLISON: My parents went to this school before you ever heard of Dillon High, Tami Taylor.
I understand.
We will take up this issue in a moment, but we can't all talk over each other.
I want to know why our daughter is being sent out to that hellhole with that element from Kilroy.
All right, first of all, let's not refer to East Dillon in this way, okay? I do not tolerate Mrs.
Taylor, would you say that the two schools are equal? Yes, I would.
Would you send your child to that school? I would.
She has been zoned for West Dillon and she is going to West Dillon.
However, I did look at the two schools and (PARENTS SHOUTING) You should send her there! It's impossible to get anything accomplished this way, y'all.
Hey, how are you doing today? Whoa, haven't seen one of these in a while.
Yeah, there's something wrong with it.
We just got to get it repaired, if that's all right.
I won't do it.
What? Sir, it's garbage.
It's garbage now, and it was garbage back in 1992.
It clearly wasn't purchased here.
And if you think I'm gonna let the finest high school football coach in the state of Texas walk out that door with a box of garbage, you do not know me.
You got a manager around here I can talk to? Stan Traub.
I'm a great admirer, Coach Taylor.
Well, thank you, Stan.
How do I know that name? Milbank County, Pop Warner Coach of the Year, 2005.
Second place finishes Uh-uh.
I also faxed six or seven of my résumés to you at East Dillon.
I left you a couple of messages on the voice mail.
Oh, yeah.
That's it.
How are you gonna handle South King this Friday? How's that? They run that spread, but that QB, he's going to freeze up on you if you blitz with your outside linebackers.
Do you have a repair guy around here, Stan? I'm a hell of a coach, Coach Taylor.
Look, I just need to get this Coach Taylor.
I got you covered.
Now, I'm the real deal.
I'm good.
I'm cheap.
I'm volunteer cheap.
You will not regret this.
JULIE: So, I think it'd be fun.
MATT: It's a Panther party.
It's not a Panther party.
Julie, Beth is a cheerleader.
Friday's the first game.
I think we can acquiesce to the fact that it's a Panther party.
Devin's going to be there and Landry's going to be there.
It's like a kick back.
You know what? Let's stay in and we'll watch the Deadliest Catch marathon and (GASPS) Look, we can get pizza after your shift.
Fine, we'll go.
We could eat leftover pizza I have to deliver a pizza right now.
Here are your pizzas.
So, you make Like, make your girlfriend deliver pizza with you all the time? No.
Um, it's 18.
Kind of sucks you didn't go to Chicago like you were supposed to.
I was totally gonna go after Julie this year.
I'm just kidding.
Hey, weren't these supposed to have those cinnamon sticks? No.
Thanks for the tip.
TAYLOR: Let's go.
Hustle up.
OLSON: Ten, hut! (GRUNTING) (WHISTLE BLOWING) Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing? (SHOUTING) What are you doing? What hole are you supposed to be going through? What is that, 24 power? Four hole.
The four hole? Then go through the four hole! The four hole! Come on, now.
PLAYER: Ready.
Red, 10! What are you doing now? Wait a second, what are you doing? Vince, what are you doing, man? I moved up closer.
You're killing me, here.
You're moving closer? If you get sacked Yeah, so I can get to the four hole.
I moved up closer.
Don't talk back to me! The fellows in the little striped uniforms, they're gonna throw their flags How many yards is that going to be? Five.
That's right.
It's going to be five yards.
Here's what you want to do, Vince.
It's right over here.
This is the four hole.
You'll go through the four hole and once you get through there, you keep going downhill, don't you? Yes, sir.
Come on.
Let's go.
OLSON: Red, 10.
Hut! Get after it.
(WHISTLE BLOWS) Goddamn nice, right there.
I cannot believe what I just witnessed.
I mean, that is genius coaching.
This is exactly why I'm here, I'm serious.
I got goose bumps.
Well, that's good.
That's good.
Hey, Vince.
That was damn nice.
Damn nice.
What we got next? Let's go.
So, pretty rough over at East Dillon? It's rough, to say the least.
I'm constantly like ready.
Like, I've got a piece on me at all times, but Julie Taylor.
How are you? Hey, J.
So, uh, where's pizza man? Um, he's going to meet me here later.
Well, my mom said that she'd die before she'd send me there, so Like she would literally, like, end her life? Hunger strike probably.
D: You, uh You know Luke? Luke.
Uh, yeah.
LUKE: Yeah.
You going to come watch us make history on Friday night? Um, actually, I'm going to go see the Lions play.
Bad news for you.
Your dad's coaching a team that's not going to have one W all season.
(BOTH CHUCKLING) But I'm liking your chances, Julie Taylor.
Hey, hey, hey.
He's been, uh He's been kicking a few back.
You know what? You know your dad could still be coaching for Dillon.
My My dad gave your dad a shot.
Yeah? Mmm-hmm.
Well, uh, your dad's an ass.
Okay, so now I got to throw you in the pool.
Stop it! Stop it! Hey, J.
D Stop it! Whoa! Hey! J.
D: I'm going to throw you in the pool.
Stop! Stop it! LUKE: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stay the hell off of her, J.
D! Stop it! What are you doing, man? Get the hell off of her.
Don't ever put your damn hands on my girlfriend, okay? LUKE: All right, guys.
What's your problem, Saracen? Shut the hell up! JULIE: Matt, no! Matt, stop it! J.
D: What, huh? LANDRY: All right.
All right.
That's That's enough, guys.
JULIE: Stop it! All right, Landry.
LANDRY: Just get off.
All right.
Matt? LANDRY: What the hell are you doing? Coach should have never taken me out of the game, Saracen.
He just felt sorry for you, is all.
You suck.
BOY: Come on.
JULIE: Matt.
Matt? Shut up.
Saracen, you suck! I'm really glad this wasn't a Panther party.
D: This is my Dillon now! Matt? Matt? Matthew? Okay, Billy.
I've got to be honest with you.
This is kind of gross.
I mean, whatever just happened to pink or blue? Boy or girl? Mindy doesn't want to know if it's a boy or girl, so we've got to use neutral tones.
Which is puke, in this case.
It's mustard, jackass.
Billy, if I threw up on this wall, you wouldn't even know it 'cause this color is puke.
It's mustard.
Agree to disagree No, seriously, do you have a problem with it? Whatever.
Whatever? Billy, watch yourself.
Shut your mouth.
Watch yourself.
Or what? What are you going to do? Huh? TIM: What the hell? You come into my house and act like this? Get off of me.
Get off of me! What the hell was that? I make a joke It's not a fricking joke! You're throwing away your whole life, man.
I busted my ass for eight years to try and put you into college and you can't even make it through September! You know what, you and Lyla wanted me to go to college.
I never said once What are you going to do, Tim? I wanted to go to college.
What are you gonna do, huh? I just I don't know what you're thinking sometimes.
You think you can waltz back in here and everything is going to be okay? I got a wife, Tim.
I'm about to be a dad.
There's no room for you here.
Guess you're right.
You know what, Billy? (SIGHS) All I wanted to do was come home.
I don't like that we have to do this.
There are nine students here that have been notified about their transfer and they're refusing to change schools.
What choice do we have? (KNOCKING ON DOOR) Miss Cody? Hey, I'm I'm sorry to interrupt y'all.
Um, Devin, honey? I'm going to need you to come with me.
Should I bring all my stuff? That'd be good.
Thank you.
You just have to pull the slot machine and elbow the midget in the face.
(STAMMERING) You understand though, I mean, I'm just I'm always going to be a Panther in my heart.
Landry, who cares? The Panthers are a bunch of idiots this year anyway.
Yeah, but they're a bunch of talented, fast idiots.
And we're just a bunch of sucky idiots.
All right, so, look.
So on the Panthers, you're a scrub, right? But on the Lions, you might actually get to play in some games.
You might even start.
So, you're trying to encourage me by saying that the Lions are bad enough that someone as bad as me might be able to actually see some playing time? Yeah, basically.
SARACEN: Matthew.
Matthew? Yeah, Grandma? Why aren't you throwing the ball? You know you got a game Friday night and Coach Taylor's gonna expect you to be ready, son.
Remember, I'm not on the team anymore, and Coach isn't either.
(CHUCKLES) Yeah, that'll be the day.
I adore you.
Coach Taylor not a Panther.
You Landry, stop throwing the ball.
Huh? You look like a girl.
I'm going to throw one more.
No, you look like a girl.
You're just a funny-Iooking creature there.
LANDRY: It's good seeing you.
She seems to be doing well.
You think it's a bad sign that Julie ain't called me back yet? Um, it's probably not a good sign.
You did kind of look like a jackass at the party the other night.
But J.
Is a chump.
He's pretentious.
He's Aren't you supposed to rise above that? Aren't you supposed to turn the other cheek in your typical Matt Saracen kind of way? Yeah.
Take the high road.
Take the high road.
That's what Matt always does.
Get behind me, Satan.
Bottoms up.
What's your name? O line, you need to tighten up your splits.
We're gonna be running the ball, we're going to be playing defense.
Now Defense! You need to figure out why it is you're out here.
CALVIN: Man, this dude can talk, man, like that dude from the infomercials.
(CHUCKLES) TAYLOR: When you go home tonight, I want you to think about it.
Why is it you're out here? You a funny-Iooking dude, man.
You kind of look like Opie, you know? (CHUCKLES) You know what I'm saying? Let me see if I shine you up, make you pretty.
Let me tell you something Seriously, do you really need a toy or something to keep your attention? Would you please just shut up and listen to him for a second? PLAYER 1: Fight! Fight! Fight! PLAYER 2: Yeah! (WHISTLE BLOWING) (ALL CLAMORING) (DOOR CLOSING) Cowards.
That's what y'all look like, a bunch of cowards.
Y'all look like a bunch of dumbasses out there.
You don't fight on my field! Y'all want to fight, go ahead and fight, but not on my field and not in my colors! (SHOUTING) You got me? Is that understood? ALL: Yes, sir.
You don't fight in my house! Let me tell you something else, there's no talking back on the field.
There's no wearing earrings.
There's no jewelry.
There's no damn necklaces out there.
There's no talking to each other.
There's you shutting up and there's me talking! You two.
You two are going to make it right, right now.
Make it right, right now.
I apologize.
Okay? Screw you, Rudy.
You get your stuff and you get out of here.
You get your stuff and you get out of here, right now! You hear me? Get it right now and get out of my house! Get the hell out of my house! Go, go! Pack it up! Get out! If there's anyone else in here who doesn't want to be here, get out right now! (HELMET CLATTERING) Get the hell out of my house if you don't want to be here! Get out now! Go on! You don't want to be here, leave! Anybody else? VINCE: No, sir.
(DOOR CLOSING) Anybody else? ALL: No, sir.
We good? I want to play, Coach.
I want to play.
BECKY: (SINGING) Oh, say can you see By the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed At the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars Aren't you Tim Riggins? (CHUCKLES) Panthers' Tim Riggins? Yeah.
I know you hear me talking to you.
I wonder if my mom knows she slept with you.
Well, I mean, duh, she knows she slept with you, but maybe it was dark.
She didn't realize it was Tim Riggins.
So, um, is she alive back there or She's alive.
Is she going to be in any condition to drive anytime soon? Yeah, see, that's what I thought.
Look, whatever you did to her, way to go, 33.
But I need a ride to school.
Okay, try it again.
Your truck always break down? Sometimes.
Why don't you get a new truck? So, did you hear me singing this morning? Sounded pretty good, huh? Kind of makes you want to stand up and put your hand over your heart.
Like Faith Hill.
For real? I love her.
I could sing for you if you want me to.
Try it again.
So, what's it like being the guy who used to be Tim Riggins? I'm still Tim Riggins.
Yeah, but you know what I mean, though.
You're all the center of the universe in Texas one year and the next, boom, fall off a cliff.
Just a guy.
Yeah, you know what? I haven't really thought about it.
So, what do you do with yourself now? How far is your school from here? Not far, why? Yeah, you're going to need to walk.
Well, guys don't usually do repeat performances with my mom, so I guess I won't be seeing you again.
(CHUCKLES) Good luck, Tim Riggins.
I hope you find what you're looking for.
There's only 18 here.
I guess a few more of them decided to take you up on your offer to have them leave.
That was a risky move.
You know, that one might not have paid off.
Stan, I really wish you'd learn to filter your thoughts a little bit better.
That'd be really helpful.
Filter my thoughts.
Malcolm left, too? Malcolm left, too.
Malcolm left, too.
All right, here's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna line up in the Power I.
We're gonna perfect the five and the six.
Perfect the five and the six.
We're gonna power the ball down the field, and we're going to keep the ball away from South King's offense Keep the ball away from South King's (BANGS TABLE) You need to stop doing that.
You need to stop repeating everything I say.
You're freaking me out.
You know we got no chance to win this game.
What the hell are you doing here? I came to coach them up.
Not with that hat on, you're not.
You got another one? It's the last one I got.
We're out of money.
It's all right.
SAMMY ON RADIO: Folks, it is here.
D - day.
Not one, but two football games in our little town.
Will redistricting destroy Dillon football as we know it? It smells funny in there.
I'm Sammy Meade, and I will be with you all day long.
Can I have a little bit of that? Oh, yeah.
You look nice.
Thank you.
We need some more cream.
Okay, I'll try to get it this weekend.
Oh, hey, can you See that hook back there? Can you just get that hook right there for me? Thank you.
I can't believe I'm going to miss your game tonight.
It's the first game of our entire relationship It's gonna be a good one for you to miss, sweetie.
that I'm going to miss.
I'm sad about it.
You know what, you get to flip the coin.
Aren't you sad? That's a very critical role you have.
Little stressed out about it? Don't be brave.
You don't need to be stressed out.
There you go.
I got you.
Tell you what I'm going to do.
I'm going to flip my coin and then I'm going to sneak out Mmm-hmm and I'm going to come over to East Dillon.
I like when you flip your coin.
And I'm gonna watch y'all get your W.
Flip the coin.
Okay, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross.
Hey, hey, hey, sweetie, how you doing? Hi, honey.
(SIGHING) Are you ready for school? I, uh I think I'm going to go to East Dillon this year.
What? Well, I mean, uh, Devin goes there and Landry goes there and all my other friends have graduated.
So, I think that it's a really good move for me.
You keep saying how East Dillon is just as good as West Dillon, and I just think that it would be beneficial for our family if I went to East Dillon.
All right.
Well Good, it's decided.
(WHISPERING) Say something.
Say something.
No! DALLAS: (SINGING) I'm on the battlefield For my Lord I'm on the battlefield For my Lord And I promise him that I I will serve him till I die I'm on the battlefield For my Lord (DOOR OPENING) Here we go.
Take a knee.
How we doing on time? We're good? CROWLEY: We're good.
TAYLOR: All right.
Everybody got what they need? ALL: Yes, sir.
Everybody squared away with equipment? Yes, sir.
All right, listen up.
Now, a few of you have been here before, a few of you have not.
One thing we've all got to do tonight is we've got to focus.
The game plan, the fundamentals, gentlemen, moving the sticks, that's what we're going to be out there doing.
And listen, fellas, there's a joy to this game, is there not? ALL: Yes, sir.
There's a passion and a pleasure to this game.
There's a reason why we're all out here.
Other than the fact of the pride that it gives us, and the respect that it demands, we love to play the game.
So let's go out there and let's have fun tonight.
Do you understand me? ALL: Yes, sir.
Because tomorrow, if you give 100% of yourself tonight, people are going to look at you differently, people are going to think of you differently.
And I promise you, you're going to look and think differently about yourselves.
Clear eyes.
Full hearts.
Can't lose.
Clear eyes.
Full hearts.
Can't lose.
Let's hear it, gentlemen.
Clear eyes.
Full hearts.
ALL: Can't lose! Let's go play some football.
Let's go, baby! (ALL CLAMORING) Let's go play some football.
Let's go.
A: Opening night here in Panther Stadium, and I tell you, this crowd is pumped up.
(SINGING) Oh, say does that Star-spangled banner Yet wave O'er the land of the free Free.
And the home Of the Brave (ALL CHEERING) You got four quarters to play your hearts out, boys.
You understand that? PANTHERS: Yes, sir.
MAN: Go, blue! PANTHERS: One, two, three, yeah! (PANTHERS GRUNTING IN RESPONSE) (SHOUTING ENCOURAGEMENT) All right, listen, if we win the toss, we want to go D, okay? Go D.
All right, that means we're kicking off, so we want to go D.
All right.
WADE: Defense, we're kicking off.
Let's go, boys.
Hey, we like heads.
Tami, we like heads! How are you doing? Good evening.
Tami Taylor, nice to meet you.
Gentlemen, shake hands, introduce yourself, please.
Welcome, nice to meet you.
Principal Taylor is honorary captain.
She's going to call the toss.
We have heads.
We have tails.
What are you going to call? Tails.
The call is tails.
Tails it is.
Your choice.
Uh, we will take the ball.
WADE: What'd she say? Y'all have a great time.
D: We wanted defense.
REFEREE: Gentlemen, please step around, right here.
What'd she say? What'd she say? PANTHER COACH: Offense.
WADE: Offense? Y'all have a great game, now.
WADE: Change of plans.
Change of plans.
Listen up.
A: And here we go, folks.
Oh, it's a long, high, beautiful kick.
And East Dillon football is back.
It's Vince Howard to the goal line.
Finds a lane to the outside.
There you go, baby.
Run it, baby.
Come on! Come on! Run it, baby.
Run it.
ANNOUNCER: Oh, my, look at this kid go.
He is fast.
Brutal hit.
(REFEREE BLOWING WHISTLE) Vince Howard is down.
Oh, my, I can't believe this kid is getting up.
Twenty-four power.
Hey, keep your focus.
All right, keep your focus.
Get them out there.
CROWLEY: Let's go.
Keep focused, gentlemen.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Twenty-four power on one.
Twenty-four power on one.
Ready? LIONS: Break.
This is it, folks.
Olson bringing the Lions to the line.
OLSON: Ready, set, down.
There's the snap.
Oh, my, I think that went right through his legs.
What are you doing? Fumble.
Hey, what are you doing? The first play from scrimmage.
Did he snap the ball? We are not off to a pretty start here in East Dillon.
Come on, now.
Olson opens left.
A quick turn to Howard.
Trying to get to the outside.
He's got nowhere to go.
My No! No! Don't give me that! Vince Howard gets drilled to the backfield.
He got decimated on that play, folks.
(LIONS QUARRELLING) So, shut up! Barracuda, right, trips.
VINCE: What? LANDRY: (STAMMERS) That's not the play.
That's not the play.
Yeah, it is.
VINCE: No, it's not.
It's Oklahoma right trips.
DALLAS: Oklahoma right? LANDRY: Oklahoma right.
OLSON: Ready? LIONS: Break! Olson back to pass.
Pressure coming.
(PLAYERS GRUNTING) Olson goes down hard.
What was that? Oh, what is that? Come on, open your eyes! South King on the speed sweep.
He's got the outside.
Fantastic blocking.
He could go, folks.
Oh, my, here we go.
(CROWD CHEERING) Touchdown, South King.
Get him off the field! Late in the second quarter, South King back to pass.
He's got a man.
Reservations for six.
Another South King touchdown.
OLSON: Come on, guys, get in here.
Huddle tight.
LION 1: Let's go, baby.
The play is 28 bounce, I can't feel my arms, man.
OLSON: So what? Suck it up.
Tinker, we need you.
OLSON: The play is 28 bounce.
LION 2: I heard you.
On one.
Ready? LIONS: Break! Olson back to pass.
They need something here, folks.
Across the middle.
(ALL EXCLAIM IN DISAPPOINTMENT) Oh, and it's picked up by South King.
He's got a lane to the outside.
Howard's got an angle.
(GRUNTING) Oh, Vince Howard gets cracked at the (CROWD BOOING) This is getting just really ugly, folks.
Coach Taylor is known for his remarkable halftime adjustments, but I don't know if there is an adjustment to this.
This is as bad as anything I have ever seen on a football field.
CROWLEY: Can you flex it for me, outside, right here? VINCE: Mmm.
Now, we're going to wrap it.
(ICE PACK CRACKLING) We're going to ice it.
VINCE: It won't stop moving.
Just relax.
Just relax.
I can't stop it from twitching.
You'll be all right.
You're all right.
He didn't break it.
He's got a hell of a high ankle sprain.
Tell him Tell him I can still go.
All right.
We'll tape it and see.
VINCE: I can play.
I hear you.
What you got? Let me see.
STAN: Stitches.
They didn't say anything.
Tinker, how you doing? Solid.
You all right? Yes, sir.
What you got? I don't know, just Let me see.
Does this hurt? I think it's I think it's all right.
Hey, Coach, you got a few more minutes.
You got a few more minutes.
We got to call the game.
You what? I said, we got to call the game.
Coach, are you sure you want to Yeah.
I got to call the damn game.
Just like that? What, do you want a dissertation or something? Coach, I understand you're upset.
Fine, Harvey, we would like to forfeit the game.
How does that sound? Is that what you want to hear? Okay.
All right.
Dillon has forfeited.
South King has won.
(CROWD BOOING) (CROWD JEERING) MAN: Get him out of here! Get him out of here!
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