Ben 10: Omniverse (2012) s04e02 Episode Script

And Then There Was Ben

Amazing, a universe without an Omnitrix.
Someone is kidnapping all the different Bens throughout space and time.
Vilgax: A Chronosapien time bomb.
The moment I discovered your universe, I knew I had found the means to rid the multiverse of any Ben Tennyson who had ever even heard of the Omnitrix.
Ben Prime: [ Screams .]
Ben: So, what do we do now? Go back to where it all began At the beginning.
Ben: No way.
We're on a spaceship! In space! Hey [ Grunts .]
Ben 10, he's a kid, and he wants to have fun but when you need a superhero, he gets the job done Ben 10, with a device that he wears on his arm he can change his shape and save the world from harm when trouble's taking place he gets right in its face, Ben 10 when lives are on the line it's hero time Ben 10 Ben: [ Sighs .]
Master Vilgax, their propulsion systems have been destroyed.
Ben: I'm kind of new at this, but did we just escape from Vilgax so we could hide out in his spaceship? We are now near the beginning of the Ben Prime timeline The trunk of the Ben Tennyson tree from which all other Ben realities diverge.
You must reboot this timestream.
Ben: And the reboot button is around here? The trans-dimensional hierarchy has been rewritten.
There are no push buttons Only cause and effect.
Ben: So we need to? Make sure Ben Prime discovers the Omnitrix as he should.
Ben: And where is the Omnitrix? All right.
Time to take this thing for a test-drive.
Vilgax is gonna wish he'd never been born.
Or hatched or whatever.
[ Beep .]
Grey Matter: Let's kick a few butts! Actually, most of the Galvan species are known as technological geniuses.
Grey Matter: Oh.
Then let's outthink a few butts! [ Sighs .]
I sure hope I know what I'm doing.
[ Computer beeps .]
Vilgax: Prepare to board.
I want the Omnitrix now! [ Omnitrix powers down .]
Master, our shields have failed.
We are defenseless.
Vilgax: What?! That's impossible! Not to worry.
That pod contains the Omnitrix, but its trajectory is off.
It will not land near Ben Prime unless something is done to change its course.
Ben: Any suggestions? [ Beep .]
Cannonbolt: I'm gonna hurl! Young Ben Prime: Aw, man! This is gonna be the worst vacation ever! Whoa! A shooting star! Yaaaaah! Cannonbolt: Hoo! Somehow, I thought this hero stuff would be more glamorous.
Young Ben Prime: [ Grunts .]
[ Omnitrix powers down .]
Huh? Looks like a satellite or something.
Ben: What am I waiting for?! Perhaps a nudge is required.
[ Beep .]
[ Drilling, rumbling .]
Young Ben Prime: Whoa! Whoa! [ Beep .]
A watch? What's a watch doing in outer space? Aah! Get off me! Get off! [ Grunts .]
[ Omnitrix powers down .]
Ben: Mission accomplished.
On the contrary your work has only just begun.
[ Beep .]
[ Beep .]
Young Ben Prime: Aaaaaaaaaah! Heatblast prime: Aah! Aah! I'm on fire! I'm on fire! Aaaaaaah! Ben: W-what do you mean by "your work has only just begun"? While you were successful in rebooting the Ben Prime timeline, that also reset the Vilgax continuum.
Ben: As well as the alien creep's master plan to wipe all of me out.
What do I need to do? Protect and gather the good you's needed for the ultimate battle with Eon and the bad you's.
Ben: Oh, man.
This crosstime-travel stuff gives me a mega headache.
Heatblast prime: Wait! Stop! Ben: Uh, forest fire.
Strange as it may seem, this is supposed to happen.
Heatblast prime: Oh, man.
I'm gonna get so busted for this.
Ben: I recognize this place.
This is the campsite from the Both: Worst summer ever.
Ben: So, we're after who another [ Both snoring .]
Something like that.
Ben: How come this Ben isn't wearing the Omnitrix? Where is it? It should be along any time now.
Get out of there! Ben: Huh?! Uoogh! [ Grunts .]
[ Sighs .]
Not again.
[ Beep .]
Wildmutt: [ Roars .]
Aah! This night just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Gwen 10: Okay monster doggy uh, speak.
What were you snooping around our campsite for? And how could you tell I was coming without any eyes? [ Omnitrix powers down .]
Ben: Dunno.
I'm just as new to this as you.
Gwen 10: Who are you? You kinda look familiar.
Ben: It's me Ben.
Young Ben Prime: [ Snoring .]
Gwen 10: Okay.
New question.
Allow me to explain.
- Ben: So, in this timeline, Gwen got it.
- Gwen 10: Sorry.
You snooze, you lose.
Ben: Am I the only Ben who never even saw an Omnitrix?! Yes.
[ Clears throat .]
Ben: Hey, Gwen, about Vilgax You in? Gwen 10: Of course.
If you can't count on family, who can you count on? Bellwood? Ben: Seems different somehow.
Is this the future? This is the 23rd dimension.
Gwen 10: Hey, check it out! Ben: "Bullies beware.
" Ben 23 is everywhere"? Eyeguy: [ Grunting .]
[ Groans .]
Oh, man! Not my billboard! Eon: If you won't join us, you will suffer the same fate as all those other Tennysons who refused us.
Gwen 10: That's Vilgax? Ben: That's Eon.
Though, technically, it's me.
I mean, a bad version of me.
Gwen 10: Does this time-travel stuff ever give you a headache? Ben: Totally.
Eon: I'd thought you would be low-hanging fruit.
Eyeguy: I don't know what that means But I'm definitely not teaming up.
Ben: We have to help that Ben! If Eon sees other alien heroes aiding this Ben, he will realize that we are crosstime-traveling.
Gwen 10: We can't just sit here and watch him get blasted to bits! Ben: Maybe the way to help is to help without Eon realizing we're helping.
Eyeguy: Peekaboo, evil guy! Eon: You can't surprise me, Ben.
I know you far better then you realize.
Eyeguy: Everybody knows me! I've got billboards! [ Beep .]
Gwen diamondhead: This is too great.
[ Omnitrix powers down .]
Ben 23: Ben? Is that you? Ben: Yes, but I'm not the Ben you think I am.
Ben 23: You look like the Ben I think you are.
Eon: Ungh! [ Groans .]
Perhaps I underestimated this version.
Ben: Okay.
I'm the Ben without an Omnitrix.
This isn't my Omnitrix.
It's Ben's.
I'm just wearing it while I get the Bens together.
Ben 23: Did you get whacked in the head or something? Ben: Gwen! Ben 23: Cousin Gwen? Okay, you get her.
I got him.
[ Beep .]
Big bug: Big bug's on the job! Eon: [ Grunting, groaning .]
How did he switch aliens so fast? This Ben is proving to be a major pest.
Unh! There must be easier Bens to persuade.
[ Wings buzzing .]
Big bug: Thanks for your help with that Eon hater.
What's his agenda? Ben: He's going to wipe out every Ben in every universe.
That's why we're here.
Can we count on you to help? Help us, I mean? Big bug: Well, uh [ Cellphone beeps .]
I kinda have a full schedule tomorrow.
Gwen 10: If you don't help us today, there might not be a tomorrow! [ Omnitrix powers down.]
Ben 23: Yeah let me text my people.
[ Cellphone beeps .]
Done! I'm all yours.
Ben: All right, this one might be a doofus.
Huh? Yeah no.
Where are we? This is the galactic headquarters of Ben 10,000.
Ben 23: Cool! Ben 10,000: Paradox.
Hello, Ben.
Ben 10,000: Let me guess Some kind of crosstime doomsday threat that only wearers of the Omnitrix can stop? Gwen 10: Guess this Ben had a brain transplant at some point.
Bens: Dweeb.
Ben 10,000: Well, let's get going.
[ Beep .]
Clockwork: Hey! Whoa! Who's this? Ben 10,000: Clockwork.
He's got time powers speed-up, slow-down, forward, back.
Because Eon is another version of Ben, he may sense the resulting Sotobro effect.
Ben 23: "Sotobro effect"? Ben 10,000: A sort of ripple in the timestream that clockwork causes when he uses his powers.
Clockwork: Then we'd better not risk it.
[ Omnitrix powers down .]
Ben: If Eon and Vilgax suspect anything, they may change their plans.
Ben 10,000: Understood.
Let me tell my son.
Kenny, sit tight.
I have to run an errand.
[ Yells .]
[ Up-tempo music plays .]
Ben Prime: [ Yawns .]
I'm in.
Ben 10,000: Listen, Bens And Gwen don't be disoriented by the fact that the bad guys have a face you know.
That's exactly what Vilgax is counting on.
Ben Prime: And if what Paradox is saying is true, don't be intimidated.
These alternate versions of ourselves are the ones with wills too weak to resist Vilgax's influence.
Ben: Just in case, what's plan "B"? There is none.
If Vilgax is successful, then all is lost for the multiverse.
Ben 23: I call movie rights.
Ben: Wait! Paradox? Hello? Hello?! Ben: I can't believe they forgot me.
Guess I'd just get in the way.
I'm not a real hero, like the others.
Nonsense, Benjamin.
You have proven that inside you beats a heart most valiant.
Ben: Then why didn't you take me with the others? Meeting your counterpart Bens was one thing.
Arriving along with them would have hopelessly garbled your timeline.
Ben: I don't Get it? No, I don't imagine you do.
You ready to join the fight? Vilgax: Run from me for the rest of your life, Ben Tennyson, for at long last, the universe is once and truly mine.
[ Laughs evilly .]
[ Portal warbles .]
Ben: Wrong, squid face! Vilgax: Back so soon? You should have stayed lost in time with that pretentious Paradox.
Ben: Stay back! Vilgax: How thoughtful.
You kept an Omnitrix for me.
Too bad you don't even know how to use it! Ben: I just finished a crash course.
Vilgax: So, now you think you are a hero? Ben: I know I am.
It's hero time! Vilgax: A Chronosapien! Clockwork: Here goes nothing! [ Cranking .]
[ Omnitrix powers down .]
Vilgax: How? Clockwork: Let me guess Chronosapien time bomb? Paradox was right.
Once I transformed, I could see the Sotobro effect.
Just figured I'd suck the ripple back in.
Vilgax: Backstabber! Ben 23: Aah! Time out! Nega Ben: [ Scoffs .]
Ben 23: I mean the watch! Nega Ben: Aah! Ben 23: Thanks, Cuz! Benzarro: Cousin mean! [ Beep .]
Benzarro frankenstrike: Cousin dweeb.
Gwen 10 Wildvine: Unh! Watch it, monster face! [ Beep .]
Ben 23: don't worry.
Monkey will handle this.
Or Charcoal man! Maybe Copy Copy! Gwen 10 Wildvine: Seriously? Unh! You give your aliens hero names? [ Chuckles .]
Ben 23: They focus-test great.
[ Beep .]
Vomit man: All right! Vomit man! Ben Prime: Time for you guys to go! Aaaaaaaah! [ Omnitrix powers down .]
Ben! Both: Yeah? [ Ticking .]
Ben 10,000: You're still Clockwork.
Nega Ben: Whatev Eon: [ Grunts .]
No!! [ Omnitrix powers down .]
[ Bell tolls .]
Ben: Are they all? Returned to the unsightly timelines that spawned them.
Ben 10,000: Hunh! Vilgax: Tennysons! Ben: [ Gulps .]
[ Beep .]
[ Beep .]
[ Beep .]
[ Beep .]
This one's yours.
Diamondhead: Got it.
Vilgax: [ Grunts .]
[ Groans .]
Diamondhead: You've earned it.
Ben: Hyah! [ Omnitrixes power down .]
[ Heroes cheering .]
Ben 10,000: We're done.
I'll take the alternate Bens back to their own realities.
Allow me.
Gwen 10: Not bad for a doofus.
Ben: Smell ya later, Gwen.
Ben: Thanks for letting me borrow your Omnitrix.
It was a blast being a full-time hero.
Ben Prime: You did our name proud.
Vilgax: [ Groans .]
Ben: So, what do we do with this guy? Max: Looks like you two could use a hand.
Ben: Grandpa? Wait what are you gonna do with him? You're not some kind of supercop.
You're grandpa Max, the Plumber.
[ Laughter .]
Max: I wanted to tell you believe me but there are protocols.
Vilgax: [ Groans .]
Max: Now that the cat's out of the bag, though, come on.
Let's get Vilgax locked up.
Ben: You mean you've been this totally awesome space secret agent this whole time and you didn't tell me?! And you even know who Vilgax is? Max: How do you think I lost this arm? Time to restore the trunk of the tree.
Ben Prime: Looks like this Ben might wind up a hero after all.
So many different ways to tell a story.
But that's what makes them so interesting you can never predict how they're going to turn out.
[ Chuckles .]
Shall we?
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