Friday Night Lights s04e03 Episode Script

In the Skin of a Lion

This is the address for Luke Cafferty.
Where does he really live? East Dillon.
You're gonna have to pack up your stuff.
Starting tomorrow, you're going to be going to school at East Dillon High.
What? Kind of looking for a place.
I do have this trailer.
CHERYL: I am going to give my daughter a call.
Don't want you to scare her.
(STAMMERING) I'm your new intern.
Yeah, I got a bunch of crap in here.
I need you to start moving it.
Why did you forfeit the game? You just quit on us? I have got shame and I apologize to you.
Who wants to finish this fight? DALLAS: Let's do this, fellas! Let's finish it.
Let's finish it.
Hey, listen.
Ten of you are going to push the car.
Once we get out there and everything, the rest of you hold the helmet to collect the money.
Understood? Be careful.
Don't get your feet run over while we're out there.
Any questions? Matter of fact, I do have a question.
What is it, Tinker? Why are we pushing this damn car? One, you need to watch your language.
Two, next time I see you, I want whatever that is on your upper lip shaved off.
And I'll tell you why we're pushing the car, because it's a fun football fundraiser and we're all going to have fun, so we're all going to put smiles on our faces right about now.
Team comes out, town comes out, money gets exchanged.
It's a good thing.
Understood? TINKER: You got it, Coach.
Let's be kind and courteous out there.
Let's go.
STAN: Hello, neighborhood, we're the Lions.
(ROARING) Let's hear it, guys.
(ROARING) TAMl: Even at church, everyone is really not being nice to me about this whole Luke Cafferty thing.
Yeah, well, that's our congregation, all sweet and holy inside the church, Hi, y'all.
Then as soon as they get out the door, bitchy and judgmental.
Well, welcome to the world, honey.
It's not going to be my world.
What's not going to be your world? Going to church with a bunch of hypocrites.
Honey, hypocrites are everywhere.
It has nothing to do with the church.
That's no way to think about it.
There are always going to be some bad apples, but church is about you and God and things other than just the people.
(SIGHS) So, if it's about me and God, why can't I just worship at home? Well, I mean, I think that church is also about community and family and, you know, there's just a lot to it.
STAN: We need your quarters, your dollar bills, your good wishes in monetary fashion.
Let's hear it, boys.
(PANTING) I'm not feeling the love out there.
You feeling love? Tink, shut up, stop sweating on me and push this piece of junk, okay? STAN: We got 40 bucks, people.
Thank you, good people on the street.
TAYLOR: Good to see you.
Hey, thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
STAN: We are East Dillon Lions.
Feed us.
Feed us.
(ROARING) I'm out.
What do you mean, you're out? I'm out of money.
What do you mean, you're out of money? I'm out of money.
Listen to me, this is all I got left.
That's about 100 bucks.
Don't give it all to one person.
All right.
Spread it out.
I'm trying.
Some are taking it.
Well, give it to people who don't take it.
STAN: Look at these boys pushing this car for ten miles.
(ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) (BLOWTORCH HISSING) Hey, here's your tricycle.
SHERMAN: What? Your tricycle.
That's great.
Listen, I need you to drive me to Clearwater.
On Tuesday, I need to pick up some metal so I can finish this piece of crap.
Why do you call everything you work on crap? Because it is all crap.
I call the Mona Lisa crap.
In fact, the Mona Lisa is crap.
There are better things I call crap.
All right, well, Clearwater is, like, 200 miles away.
Just about.
And I got a shift I got to do, so, I mean, I can't take the whole day and chauffeur you up there.
(STAMMERING) You're here to learn about art from an artist.
You can't take a day off because you got a shift delivering pizza? (BLOWTORCH HISSING) BURNWELL: We already have uniforms.
Why do we need new ones? 'Cause I burned the uniforms.
(SCOFFS) Taylor.
What? I burned them.
That's what you do.
They were damn It's not like I just burned them Taylor for no reason, you know, I You end the old cycle, you start the new.
Levi, you know, you get rid of the past.
Fact of the matter is, the team and I, we went out, we made a good amount of money.
That's good.
It's just that, you know, we're just a little shy of what we need, and all I'm asking you and the school is Uh-huh.
That if, you know, you help us with the down payment.
Hell, we'd pay for the rest of them.
I don't think you understand the financial situation here.
We ain't close to talking about more money for football.
Face it, Levi, it's expensive starting up a new football program.
Starting up a new football program was a little premature.
Let's see if we can finish some games before we start writing checks.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? If you can't finish games, I can't keep this program going.
I can't have no students getting hurt.
I don't want no jokes down at the school board meetings.
I'm tired.
Either you turn it around or we gonna shut it down.
What do you mean, "shut it down"? You're going to shut down the football program? Taylor! You weren't even supposed to take this job.
You weren't supposed to be here.
So you're the only one that didn't get the joke, okay? (GROANS) TIM: Yeah? Morning.
I made you toast.
Are you serious? Yeah.
What's wrong with you? Eat it.
What time is it? Morning.
Hey, and since you're up anyways, can you give me a ride to school? No.
Come on, put some pants on.
Watch your head.
Watch your head.
Hurry up.
I'll be waiting in the truck.
(SIGHS) Here you go, sweetheart.
There you are.
Juice, baby.
Good morning.
TAMl: Hey, honey.
Good morning, Grace.
You know, yesterday in church, all that stuff you were saying Do you feel like we're making you go to church or It's not like you're making me go to church, it's just, you know, something that we all do as a family.
It's like a tradition, but if you stopped going, then I don't think I'd probably keep going.
LESTER: Coach Taylor at halftime, "We're done.
We're beat up.
We can't play anymore.
" (MEN LAUGHING) LESTER: I couldn't believe it.
Hey, guys.
Hey, Buddy.
Hey Well, you're waiting on me, you're backing up.
Let's go.
We missed you at the game Friday night, Buddy.
Yeah, I had to listen to it on the radio.
I was really sick, it was terrible.
Anything you feel like sharing with us, Buddy? Anything about a certain mailbox or an old friend of yours named Eric Taylor? Uh, no.
I don't think so.
I don't know what you're implying.
I think this Luke deal has made everybody go a little crazy.
You know, Joe, I was a Panther before everybody here, so I'll just pretend you didn't say that.
Go ahead with the agenda, Joe.
All right, then.
Gentlemen, there is a 13-year-old quarterback in the Pop Warner league down in Little Tree who needs a closer look at.
Who's going to go down there for me? (LIONS CHATTERING) Players in the house, let me hear you say, "Oh, yeah!" VINCE: What the hell's that dude so happy about? I don't know what he's happy about.
I guess he thinks he's going to come out here and kick our asses or something.
Something, man.
He's all, "I'm a Panther.
" Jackass.
LION 1: We got Lions right here, man.
(LIONS CLAMORING) LION 2: Come on, boys.
LION 3: Come on, baby, it's time for some football.
You a long way from home, boy.
I guess so.
TAYLOR: Come on, get in.
Pick him off.
Pick him.
Come on, Vince.
What are you doing, man? You're dancing out here.
You're dancing.
Don't start my day off like this.
Why is it I'm always talking to you? I spend half my day in my practices out here talking to you.
Get in the front.
Do it again.
Get in the front.
Let me see it.
Luke, come here.
I want you down with the defensive backs.
I don't play D, Coach.
If I tell you to go down to defensive backs, you do.
Go down to defensive backs.
Tim, you want to take him down? If you'd like to hurry it up, that'd be just fine.
How are you? It's a pleasure, man.
TAYLOR: Do it again.
Let me see it again.
Get after him.
(VINCE GRUNTS) Move him.
Come on, let me see some of that speed.
(WHISTLE BLOWING) How you doing? I mean, I'm all right.
It's just I don't play DB.
It's all right.
What are you doing here, coaching now? We'll figure it out.
I'm helping out when I can.
Saw you win State.
(LAUGHING) Yeah, here.
What? Here you go, DB it up.
All right.
"His last installment, the Austin Museum of Modern Art, "is nothing short of mind-bending.
"A violent fusion of metal and artistry that invokes, somehow, "both anger and beauty through a complex interplay "of architecture and light.
"Brilliant, visceral, and ultimately, ethereal, "this work is not to be missed.
" Are you sure you got the right Richard Sherman? Yep, it's him.
"Brilliant and ethereal"? That's what it says.
The dude is like an angry, abusive idiot.
I don't even understand how he gets described as "ethereal.
" I don't know.
Maybe it's his evil twin.
Yeah, maybe.
Clearwater and back This is going to be (DOOR OPENING) Hey, Coach.
Hey, Doug, how you doing? I'm good.
Nicely done.
How is everything? Good.
The uniforms look great.
Coming along, they look beautiful.
You're going to be real happy.
Look, I know I'm late on a payment and all this, but, uh No, hey, I know things are rough here right now.
It's just, if we're going to deliver on Friday Well, I understand.
We've had a few little hiccups with our fundraising.
And, uh Well, look, you know, Coach, you've been a friend of Under Armour for a long while, and that's why we're doing this at our cost.
I'm going to throw in some hats and polos for your staff because you helped me out when I was starting off and all, so forget that.
I appreciate that.
I appreciate the But I'm going to need a little something to take back to Baltimore with me.
Sure, I understand.
How much is it that you need today? Five.
$5,000? (LAUGHS) (SIGHS) All right, you give me $3,000 now and $2,000 more on delivery and we'II We'll let it go at that.
(SIGHS) All right.
All right, that's good.
Thank you.
I'll get that going.
Yeah, absolutely.
Listen, I appreciate it very much.
I appreciate your understanding.
Is this a personal check, Coach? Yes, it is.
This going to be okay with you? If it's okay with you, it's okay with me.
Well, yeah.
All right, I'm going to get going.
Hey, thank you very much.
Thank you.
All righty.
All right.
Julie, the other day, was talking about how she didn't want to go to church anymore, like she's questioning her faith or something.
TAYLOR: Well, you know what? She's a teenager.
You give her a week and she'll turn around.
It'll be 180 degrees.
Yeah, but who knows where she'll go from there? Well, I don't think she's going to hell anytime soon, so you don't have to worry about it.
Listen, I got to go meet with Buddy tonight.
I'm going to try to figure out how in the hell you're supposed to beg money from the Boosters.
Oh, I hate that.
All right.
Hey, listen, did you write a check and not put it in the book? Because there's a check missing.
Oh, yeah, it's for Red's.
It's for the dry cleaners.
It's for $45.
You've got to put that stuff in the book.
I know, I'm sorry.
I can't keep track.
All right.
What? I'm here.
Come on.
Let's go.
We got 200 miles to cover.
We're taking my car? I hope you're paying for gas.
So I'm teaching you the meaning of life, and I'm supposed to cover for gas, too? MATT: (LAUGHS) The meaning of life.
(STAMMERING) Maybe I should get you a lunch, and how about a damn souvenir? I'm just saying, this is a nonpaid internship, okay? It smells like old pizza in here, man.
Well, that's how I pay for gas.
Good, well, I'm glad you're masking it with cigarette smoke.
SHERMAN: Let's go.
Let's go.
TAYLOR: Landry? Yes, sir.
Come here.
Yeah, Coach? I want you on special teams today, working with punting.
Yeah, I'd love to catch some punts.
I don't want you catching.
I think that's a lot I want you to work on punting.
You want me to like Like, kicking the ball? I don't know if I've ever Yeah, that's what you do when you punt the ball.
No, I understand that That's what I'd like you to work on.
I know what it is.
Special teams punting.
Can you do that for me? Yes, sir.
I just I'd appreciate it.
That's all I need.
I normally considered myself kind of a, you know, like a hands man, like I need a punter, so if you would consider hang times and coffin corners, I'd appreciate that.
Thank you very much.
Yes, sir.
I'll go start practicing right now.
Thank you, Coach.
Yeah? Coach Taylor, could I have a word, please? Yeah, sure.
Come on in.
All right.
Coach, I think we got off on the wrong foot, and I just wanted to clear everything out.
I just want to say I don't hold anything against you.
Everything that happened between me and your wife over at Dillon And I'm not here to give you a hard time, I'm here to play football.
Well, good, I'm glad.
I'm glad.
'Cause I don't think you should be holding it against me.
As far as my wife's concerned, my wife wasn't the one that caused these problems for you, you caused the problems for yourself.
Isn't that about right? You were doing something knowingly wrong and you got caught.
Yeah? That lands yourself right on a plate of responsibility, so why don't you take that responsibility? As far as the rest, we'll see what you got when you're out there.
All right.
Thanks, Coach.
If you see stuff like this Okay, get that, too.
All right.
All right.
When you're looking at all this, like, rusty metal stuff, you know, it's all dirty and stuff, do you see something in it? Do I see something in it? I mean, like, something like, you know, like, for your art.
I just (EXCLAIMS) Shh.
Oh, my (EXCLAIMING) I see the face of God.
All right.
I don't know, man.
I don't know.
You ask too many damn questions.
It was one question.
Gonna take a little break.
Not you, but Let's get the rest of that stuff in here, all right? Yeah.
I had to borrow your bathroom because mine's not working.
I already talked to your mom about it.
She said it was cool, so (LAUGHS) Okay, I don't care.
Hey, which one do you like better? The red one or the pink one? For what? I have a pageant coming up and these are kind of old, but I don't think they're too short.
What do you think? Yeah, I don't think I'm qualified.
I think it's best to ask your mom about this kind of stuff.
She's not here, and you don't have to be qualified.
It's just a dress.
Which one do you prefer? Where's your mom? She's working.
Every night? She can't help out with this ever, or what? Yeah, it's not a big deal.
Okay, I can try it on for you if that's easier.
What? I can try them on for you.
I don't know.
I don't think I Wait, but which one? Just You're good.
Pink for sure.
Get the pink, you'll win with that.
Good luck.
(DOOR OPENS) (COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING) (SHERMAN EXCLAIMS) All right, so, how about I throw my last two pucks and then we take off? SHERMAN: What's your hurry? I got stuff to do.
I got people I got to take care of.
It's not like we're doing anything here.
We're just playing shuffleboard.
All right.
Let's talk, then.
You want to talk now? I can talk, you know, I'm not a dick all the time.
So, talk.
Sarnen Sarcinen.
What would you say is the most important tool for an artist to have? What's with you and all these questions? You just told me to talk.
I meant, you know, talk about yourself while I secretly mock you in my head.
Oh, okay.
All right.
You know what? How about I just settle up our tab? Okay.
And we'll take off.
All right, uh, okay.
Watch out.
The most important tool that an artist can have is selfishness.
Selfishness? Yeah.
Because you're gonna spend your life trying to express some quiet, dark corner deep, deep inside you.
You will put aside love, God, life, in order to follow this craving.
So, my advice to you is to just screw everybody else, and maybe you got a chance.
TAYLOR: I wrote a personal check.
I've got to get that money together and I've got to get it together quick.
I don't know how to talk to the Boosters, you do.
I don't know how to ask for money.
You're great at asking for money.
All I'm doing is asking your help.
I know, and I'd like to, Eric, but I've got Joe McCoy and those guys breathing down my neck.
I mean, they think I'm the one who told you about the mailbox.
You are the one who told me about the mailbox.
I know, but I've got to un-know that right now.
I mean, they may be having me followed.
They probably got my phone tapped.
I may be bugged, for all I know.
I mean, those guys are crazy, man.
Oh, yeah, they're crazy all right.
Let me tell you something, Levi, now Principal Burnwell, has informed me he's willing to shut down the football program at the high school, if need be.
That's what I'm up against.
I'm asking you for your help.
That's terrible, and I'm sorry to say this, but I cannot help you right now.
I just can't.
You know what, Buddy? What? You need to polish that ring of yours.
It's looking a bit tarnished.
An earthquake in West Texas? Yeah, they have them.
(GRACIE COOING) Odessa's on the Permian Basin.
That's a fault line, honey.
They have them.
What would you do? Would you pray? Well One more.
One more.
(SPITS) I'd probably check on you, Gracie and Dad, and then I'd stand under a doorway.
All right, I know, I hear you.
That's great.
That's all good, but would you pray? How about next time there's an earthquake in West Texas, I'll let you know? TAYLOR: Come on, now.
Get after him.
(GRUNTS) Way to bring the wood, Cafferty.
Bring that wood.
Hey, Vince, what are you doing, man? You've got to make that play.
You got to catch that ball.
How can you miss that? You're not going to make that play out here today, how you going to make it Friday? Look at me.
You can't make that play, what are you out here for? Hey, guys, let's bring it in.
Hey, uh, good job.
What am I, like, the invisible man out here? Did you see that? It's like He's like not even seeing me work my butt off out there.
What do you mean? Coach doesn't even look at me.
He's got a lot on his plate, that's why.
All right.
Keep doing what you're doing, though.
Thank you.
Thanks for noticing.
Hey, Tim! I'll see you later.
Who's that? Uh.
I'm renting a room from her mom, that's it.
You're what? I'm renting a room from her mom.
Wish I was renting a room from her mom.
(LAUGHS) Just joking.
CALVIN: Look, man, you make sure he knows the difference between coach and dad.
Man, he's always yelling at me on the field, you know what I'm saying? Telling me what to do, pushing me, grabbing my jersey, trying to embarrass me in front of the rest of the team.
You know what I'm saying? That's not how I get down, dude.
That white boy sucks, man.
Why's he all in my face? Coming up where I hang out, at my house, knocking on the door, talking to my mom.
You already know my mom's situation right now, and you know how I feel about that.
It's all right though.
It's cool, though, 'cause he bringing that white boy, Luke, on the team.
He think he gonna take over.
Supposed to be some kind of Panther star or something like that.
Yo, that's my spot, all right? That's my team.
I'm the running back.
You know what I mean? Look, man, at the end of the day, white man gonna stick with a white man.
They gonna look out for each other.
That's what we gotta do.
We gotta look out for us, all right? Twenty-five more.
Hey, Riggs, why don't you wear your Panther State ring? I don't know.
That's a good question.
Guess I don't like rings.
What was it like going to State, winning that ring? It was pretty good, man.
(LUKE PANTING) You gotta give this team a chance.
Dude, be serious.
This team is not the Dillon Panthers.
And Coach doesn't like me, and he's been pretty clear about that out on the field.
In practice, sticking me on D.
No disrespect, but that's not what I do.
He's mad about his wife getting all the backlash from throwing me off the Panthers.
I want to play football, man.
I want to win a State ring.
Like I said, give it a chance, trust the coach.
Hey, Coach? What? How are you? Good.
What's up? Where you going? I'm going to drum up some business from local business leaders in the form of cash.
What do you need? Uh, yeah.
As you know, I've been working with Luke a lot, and he's good.
Damn good.
All right.
And I think he's worth getting a tougher look at.
What's that supposed to mean? I think I don't know where to go.
He thinks you hate him is what I'm trying to say, and I'm trying I don't have the time or the resources for sensitivity training.
That kid has got to get rid of the concept that we're going to kiss his ass 24l7 'cause he's gracing us with his presence.
You tell him to show up, to shut up and just work him hard.
I'll deal with the rest later.
Yes, sir.
(EXCLAIMING) Hey, can we play? (STAMMERING) I was supposed to be working on my punting, but if you all want to play afterwards, or if you want to watch Oh, yeah, let's do it.
You stink.
(ALL LAUGHING) That's nice.
(GIGGLING) I'm sorry.
The ball is supposed to go straight.
See, that was actually all planned.
Want some pointers? Do you know a lot about punting, or Yeah, actually I do.
Here, look.
You want to Okay, after you take your three steps, right, you want to make sure that you keep that, like, lean-forward position, so keep your head down.
Make sure that you hit the meat of the ball with this part of your foot, okay? So point your toes, okay? And make sure you follow through all the way with your leg.
But don't be stiff, like, loosen up, okay? But don't think.
JESS: Okay.
Now, that was better.
CALEB: That was good.
LANDRY: How did you know that? I'm good.
Right? Yeah, I'm good.
I don't think that's ever going to happen again.
Yeah, it will.
Especially not whenever all the thousands of screaming fans are around.
What fans? I mean, on an away game or something.
(JESS LAUGHING) Can y'all go get the balls and stuff? Let's go.
(BOYS YELLING) My little men.
You just got to keep doing it, okay? Just keep doing it over and over.
Do it thousands of times because you'll get that muscle memory.
Just, you know, forget about the guys, the big guys charging at you, the fans, the chaos.
Just like zone Zone in inside yourself and forget it all.
Let all the chaos just go, you know, and just Just let it go.
Let it go, you know.
(EXHALES) Where'd you learn so much about football? (BOYS LAUGHING) Um, my My father, he used to play football.
He was a quarterback.
He almost went pro, too, but now he can't stand it.
Thinks it's a big waste of time.
Where'd you learn so much about the Did you study Buddhism? No, no, no.
I just It's my life, you know.
How'd it go, trying to get boosters together and all that whatnot? Um I went to about 12 of the local businesses and found out that they either don't know there's a football team, or they could give a damn less.
Sorry about that, honey.
Yeah, then I stopped over at the bar and I had a drink and I left the car over there.
Allan gave me a ride home.
Oh, Lord.
All right.
So if you could take me to get it in the morning, I would appreciate it.
You know that check yesterday? You asked me about the check for the dry cleaners? Yeah.
It wasn't for the dry cleaners, it wasn't for $45.
It was for Under Armour.
It was for gear for the team, and it was for $3,000.
You wrote a check for $3,000? We don't have $3,000 in our checking account! I know that, but when I wrote the check, it's not a check that's going to be run through right away, so you don't have to worry about it.
Well, I really would have appreciated for you to talk to me about this.
Well, I didn't have time to talk to you about it.
You didn't have time to talk to me about it? No, I didn't have time to talk to you about it.
I'm telling you about it now.
Listen, I know you're having a hard time, but come on now.
Why would you not talk to me about that? Listen, if I don't write the check, I don't have uniforms for the team.
If I don't have a team, I don't make money anyway, so what the hell does it matter? If I can get the money from Burnwell, who I've been talking to, which I think I can do, everything will be fine.
It's just a matter of doing it.
I just need time.
I'm just telling you for the sake of Don't raise your voice.
Don't raise your voice.
I'm not raising my voice.
Why don't you just stay calm and stop getting all riled up? Okay, you're going to get your damn uniforms, but in the meantime, what about our accounts? You write yourself a check for $3,000 without talking to me about it, you lie to me about it, we don't have that money, and then you come in here and you yell at me? I don't think so.
(TAYLOR SIGHING) (ALARM BEEPING) (WHISTLES) Hey, Luke, your football coach is here.
He's got quite a lot of work to do before he gets to school.
I won't take much time at all.
I'd appreciate it.
Morning, Coach.
How you doing? I'm all right.
How you doing? Good.
What can I do for you, Coach? I understand you're not happy at practice.
You want to talk about it? Well, no disrespect, Coach.
I just feel like I'm not being used.
I feel like you're not even giving me a chance out there.
What do you want from me? Well, first of all, I haven't even gotten a chance to play offense, which is what I do.
You'll get your chance.
You'll get your chance when I give it to you.
Listen to me.
I'm trying to put a team together here.
I got 18 other players I'm trying to pay attention to here.
I can't put you up on a pedestal and pay all the attention to you.
Look, I want to get out of here, all right? That's why I'm playing football.
I mean, this is it for me.
This is all I care about, Coach, this is all I've ever cared about.
My parents don't help me out with this stuff.
They don't care about football.
So I was on my fast track out to Dillon.
I'm not there anymore, we won't even talk about that.
But here I am.
I'm willing to kill myself 'cause I want to get out of here, Coach.
That's all I'm saying.
I just want a chance to play ball.
I want a chance to get noticed.
I understand that you're a hell of a player.
Hell, you can run circles around most of the people out there.
I understand everything you've been through.
I understand what it's like to want to be a Panther.
Believe me, that's not lost on me.
Anything else that you need? What I need? I need a scholarship to a good school so I can get out of here.
That's what I need.
Listen, I'll tell you what.
I will do everything in my power to get you just that if you do one thing for me.
What? I need you to lead.
All right.
Do you understand what I'm saying? Yeah.
All right, thank you.
You want a slap on the back, you earn it.
All right.
TAYLOR: See you out there this afternoon.
All right, see you out there.
Thanks for the ride.
You got a boyfriend? No, why? Because that's the guy that should be doing all this, giving you rides everywhere.
That's why.
Well, since you're already doing it, maybe it would be more efficient if you were my boyfriend.
(LAUGHING) I'm just kidding.
Hey, you ever run into that Luke Cafferty kid? Luke? Yeah, Luke.
He likes you.
I've been working with him on the field and everything, and non-stop talking about you, so And? I'm just giving you a heads up, just in case, you know, you're interested in having a boyfriend.
He's a pretty good guy.
Yeah, I'll talk to him.
I just thought I'd swing by on my way home from work.
I'm sorry.
I appreciate that.
Doug called from Under Armour.
He said he's willing to wait for the school to pay for the $2,000, the other $3,000, he's going to take it easy on me.
And I will get it paid.
Honey, don't ever do that again.
I won't.
And I'm sorry you're having such a hard time.
LESTER: Sounds like Coach is going to be moving up Sobel to take Luke's spot tonight.
WARREN: Yeah, meanwhile, Luke Cafferty's on his way to being massacred in his first Lions game.
What a waste.
I'll tell you one good thing that's going to come out of this though, all right.
McCoy's gunning for Principal Taylor.
What are you talking about, Lester? McCoy will figure out a way to get that bitch out of there.
There you go.
I can't even believe you, Warren.
(BOTH LAUGHING) Hey, I got something to say to everybody.
I hate to spoil the party, but this is to everybody.
You know what? I'm not a Panther anymore.
You used to be my friends, I don't know who you are.
I don't know what you believe in, but it's not the Panthers.
It's not the Panthers I believed in, it's not the Panthers we grew up with, I'll tell you that right now.
You want to know another thing? I'm the one who told Eric about the mailbox.
(ALL MUTTERING) Hey, I can't live with myself anymore.
I put that mailbox in 12 years ago.
Out in the middle of the night, I dug that hole and put it in.
It's my mailbox, I'll do whatever I want to with it.
And, Joe, I tried, but ever since you got here, you have been a cancer to me, you've been a cancer to my friends, and you've been a cancer to this team.
And just one more thing I want to say.
Clear eyes! Full hearts! Can't lose! Sorry, I just gotta drop this off real quick.
Yeah, no problem.
Take your time.
Who the hell are you, little girl? Oh, hi.
I'm Julie.
Matt's girlfriend.
He went inside to drop off that tool you asked him to pick up.
Oh, so you're the ball and chain that keeps dragging him down? I think I married you about 20 years ago, babe.
TINKER: Hey, Coach? Coach? I thought we were getting new uniforms.
What are we doing, playing in our practice stuff or what? Tinker, why don't you do less talking and more thinking about the game, son? (CROWD CHEERING DISTANTLY) Come on, let's go.
(CROWD BOOING) TAYLOR: Let's go, gentlemen.
Let's go.
Let's go.
(ALL CHEERING) (LIONS CLAMORING) VINCE: Oh, these are official, right here.
Hey, hey, listen up.
Hey, listen up, gentlemen.
Listen up.
They may be new, but they're still work clothes.
Let's go to work.
Let's go.
Let's go to work.
(ALL CHEERING) MATT: All of a sudden, he was actually talking to me.
It was the first time I had a real conversation with him.
He's actually a really smart guy.
He had real interesting things to say.
It was It was crazy.
Do you think I'm holding you back? No, why? I was outside waiting for you, and Richard Sherman came out and started talking to me.
About what? He said I was the ball and chain holding you back.
That's That's stupid.
You're the most important thing in my life.
What if that's the point? No, that's not the point.
The point is that he's stupid.
The point is he was drunk.
He doesn't know about us.
Eat your bean curd.
All right.
All right? ANNOUNCER: Lions down.
27-0, late in the fourth.
(ALL CHEERING) They are definitely going to finish this one, folks.
Luke Cafferty on the rocket blitz.
Hits him in the backfield.
Luke Cafferty has been bringing it all night! TAYLOR: Nice hit, Luke.
ANNOUNCER: If the Lions could just get on the board tonight, it would make a whole heck of a lot of difference to this football team.
TAYLOR: That's it.
ANNOUNCER: And it drops back in the pocket.
Oh, and Howard gets burned on the wheel.
(PLAYERS GRUNTING) He's got a man open.
He's got the outside.
Oh, and Luke Cafferty makes another touchdown-saving hit.
Vince Howard has just gotten smoked all night long.
A real disappointment after such a promising start.
Stay in it! LUKE: Huddle up, defense.
Huddle up, huddle up, defense.
Vince, don't drop on a five when it's third and ten.
Yo, who made you coach? LUKE: Just think about it.
That's what I thought.
LUKE: Hey, guys.
Four three, cover two.
Four three, cover two.
Ready? LIONS: Break.
ANNOUNCER: Never say die, never quit.
30 seconds left in the game.
Let's see if Cafferty and Howard can't put some pressure on this Rattler offense and make something happen.
(PLAYERS SHOUTING) ANNOUNCER: Hannah, back to pass.
(SHOUTING) ANNOUNCER: Looking across the middle.
Oh, my! Luke Cafferty interception.
(ALL CHEERING) He's bringing it the other way.
Go! Go! There you go.
ANNOUNCER: Here we go, folks.
He's got a light at the sideline.
Look at him go! Man, is this kid fast.
One man to beat, he's got a blocker out in front.
He could go.
Oh, mercy.
Hey, what the hell was that? ANNOUNCER: Luke Cafferty, he's up, and I'll tell you what, he is not happy about it.
Vince Howard is getting an earful, folks.
LUKE: You are your own problem, Vince.
Relax, man.
You're your own problem.
Vince, what was that? What was that? I didn't have the angle, Coach.
What do you mean, you didn't have the angle? You can run circles around him.
you know, Coach? Hey, let me tell you something.
You know what? You know why I always pick on you? Because you're good, that's why.
You know why you have a problem? Because you're your own worst damn enemy, that's why! All right, Coach, get out of my face! No, you get out of my face.
Let me tell you something.
You put that damn helmet on right now.
(WHISPERING) Don't you dare talk to me like that out here.
You change it right now, or you'll be off this team so damn fast, you will not know what hit you.
You understand me? Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Landry? LANDRY: Coach? Get out there.
Get your field goal unit out there.
Get out there.
Field goal.
Here we go.
Here we go.
TAYLOR: Well, get in there, then! Don't you ever take that helmet off again, do you understand me? ANNOUNCER: Coach Taylor lining up for the field goal, trying to get on the board.
Clock is ticking, folks.
Snap the ball.
Snap the ball.
ANNOUNCER: There's the snap.
Oh, and it's over his head, bouncing around on the carpet.
That was not pretty.
Landry Clarke picks it up.
I don't know what he's going to do with it.
Oh, he shovels it forward.
Vince Howard on the outside.
Oh, what a move! Takes it to the edge.
Howard could go.
This could be it, folks.
(WHISTLES) Oh, my, touchdown! Touchdown, East Dillon! (ALL CHEERING) ANNOUNCER: Vince Howard has scored.
Coach Taylor and the East Dillon Lions are on the board.
Touchdown! Hallelujah.
(ALL CHEERING) All right, Lions! Hey.
How was your date? It was good.
It was? It was good.
I've been thinking.
I think I want you to come to church with me because it makes me feel like family, and 'cause I like having you sit next to me there, at least for a little bit longer.
And I think it's good that you're questioning your faith.
I just want you to have faith in something.
Something that can hold you when I'm not going to be able to hold you anymore.
I will be there Sunday.
I'm sorry, but you're always going to be my little girl.
Hey, get up.
(GROANING) Screw you.
All right, screw you, too.
What are you doing? I'm just looking at this thing.
That's a piece of crap.
Yeah, well, it's a beautiful piece of crap.
Thank you.
We'll get the money together somehow.
I know.
I love you.
I love you, too.
And you know what? Hmm? Now that you've gotten all the way through the game, you gotta feel pretty good about that.
Bet you'll sleep better tonight.

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