Friday Night Lights s04e04 Episode Script

A Sort of Homecoming

You got a boyfriend? No, why? TIM: Because that's the guy that should be doing all this, giving you rides everywhere.
Maybe it would be more efficient if you were my boyfriend.
We got Luke here, new player.
Y'all make sure that he's welcome.
You a long way from home, boy.
I guess so.
I'm Julie.
Matt's girlfriend.
So you're the ball and chain that keeps dragging him down? Do you think I'm holding you back? No, you're the most important thing in my life.
If you can't finish games, I can't keep this program going.
You turn it around or we gonna shut it down.
ANNOUNCER: And Vince Howard puts the Lions on the board for their first touchdown.
(ALL CHEERING) SAMMY ON RADIO: It's still a sad state of affairs for the Panthers.
In a single week, the team got a forfeit on the books and a great player, Luke Cafferty, shipped out of school.
Callers, you say what? CALLER: Sammy, I got to correct you on something.
That Cafferty kid wasn't shipped out, he was hand-delivered by Principal Taylor to East Dillon, her husband's team, and everybody knows it.
(SIGHING) Taylor.
Morning, Levi.
I see you finished the game last Friday.
Way to go.
Rah, rah, rah.
TAYLOR: Hey, Levi? Mmm-hmm? Pep rallies.
They build excitement.
They're good for the school, good for the team.
Pep rallies don't cost, correct? Nope.
Don't let me get in your way.
(SIGHS) Come on, how much retyping do you got to do? Just put your test scores in, tell them how awesome you are, and then we can move along.
It's too long.
I have to cut it down at least by half.
(SIGHING) Did you hear that Brown used to make you handwrite your essays? Wow.
Well, that's so that they could weed out the serial killers.
(SNORTS) So, what's the, uh What's the final list of schools? Mmm UC Berkeley, UCSB, Brown, Amherst.
Umm Mount Holyoke, NYU.
UT Austin, hook 'em horns.
(GROWLS) (LAUGHS) STAN: Get back! Get back! CROWLEY: Good splits.
Good splits.
Come off the ball.
TAYLOR: Step up, Vince.
Come on up.
(ALL GRUNTING) CROWLEY: Ball, ball, ball Come on now, Five.
Let's get it together out there.
CROWLEY: Let's go.
What are you doing? Do you know how to read the D, man? That's me, D in, dude.
The defense end didn't move.
He did move.
You're supposed to take him into All right.
All right.
Next time, give me the ball and get out of my way.
Vince, come here.
Come here.
Shut up.
You shut your mouth.
Come here.
You read the end, you stay in the pitch lane.
You keep your personal crap off this field, and you quit letting me down and quit letting the team down, 'cause we are all getting tired of it.
Is that understood? Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Let's go, now.
Come on.
(WHISTLE BLOWS) CROWLEY: All right, huddle up.
Let's go.
Get in the huddle.
Good jab step.
Good jab step.
Good fake in there.
Now, let's go.
(LIONS GRUNTING) (WHISTLE BLOWS) What the hell? You trying to be funny? I didn't even have time to make a move out there.
I don't understand.
Why aren't you in the end zone? I got out of your way.
I will break you up, boy.
CROWLEY: That's enough.
VINCE: Next time you give me the ball, you make sure you mean to give it to me.
You're my problem.
No, you're my problem.
(ARGUING INDISTINCTLY) (LAUGHING) What are you doing? Yeah.
Deer and beer, here we come.
Two days away.
Let's get after it, Billy.
What the hell are you doing? This is how accidents happen.
Minds, I don't think they're loaded.
We're fine.
Right, Tim, just put them in the corner or something, all right? She's not supposed to have any stress right now.
Where's the gun cleaner? MINDY: Why do you have to clean your guns? What? Wait.
What are you doing? You didn't tell her, did you? I totally see now.
So y'all just get to go hunting and get drunk and leave me here by myself? No, no, no, no, no.
I I have an ultrasound this week.
I understand that, and I want to be there for that ultrasound.
So I just get to shove this fat ass behind the steering wheel and drive myself to the doctor? Is that what's going to happen? Baby, I will be there for that ultrasound, okay? Timmy and I can go hunting anytime.
No, we can't.
That's why it's called hunting season, Billy.
Seriously, I'm going to put your head through a wall.
Would you shut up? (SIGHS) (WHISTLE BLOWING) (LIONS GRUNTING) TAYLOR: Right there.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Keep going.
(ALL CHATTERING) All right, jokers, who took my wallet? LION: I don't know, man.
Seriously, it's not funny.
You know what I do when I lose something? I retrace my steps.
Maybe that's what you should do.
Retrace them.
I didn't lose it.
It was in my locker, and now it's missing.
I mean, you want us to get together? We can help you look for it, if you want.
LUKE: All right, cut the crap, seriously.
I'm not going to tell you again.
Give me my wallet back.
And you're so sure I took it.
LUKE: Mmm-hmm.
Go on and get it, then.
(ALL CLAMORING) TAYLOR: I got a pep rally to organize this week, I've got papers to grade, I've got a family to raise, I've got a wife to love, and then I've got you two bozos.
Trying to teach you two something you seem just damned determined not to learn.
What makes you think he took your wallet? It's obvious, Coach.
It's obvious.
Well, you're going to make a hell of a lawyer, aren't you? Do you know where his wallet is? No, sir.
TAYLOR: You don't know where his wallet is? That's a bunch of bull, Coach.
Hey, Coach Crowley.
CROWLEY: Yes, sir.
TAYLOR: Coach, would you take these two gentlemen to the gymnasium? Have them run those stairs for the next whichever one might come first.
CROWLEY: You bet.
TAYLOR: Thank you, Coach.
CROWLEY: Let's go, boys.
Y'all enjoy.
(TAYLOR EXCLAIMS) (MATT SIGHING) TIM: What's happening? Riggs, what's up? Slinging dough instead of No Chicago? No, I kind of felt like I should stay here and take care of my grandma.
No San Antonio? Negative.
What else is new? Oh, hang on.
You playing any ball? No, not really.
Been working with this artist on some art stuff and then working here, you know.
Right, art.
Forgot about that.
You gonna be watching any football this weekend? TIM: No, I'm going hunting this weekend, my friend.
MATT: Oh, yeah? Get me some white tail, maybe wrestle down some boars.
TIM: That's my weekend.
All right.
Anyway, it was good to see you.
You too, buddy.
Let's go for a beer sometime.
Yeah, sure.
Hey, Riggins, actually, um Is it cool if maybe I go hunting with you this weekend? You hunt? Well, I mean, my dad took me a couple times when I was little.
Thursday morning, 5:15.
All right.
See you there.
Yeah, man.
Thank you.
That's nasty.
Nothing but used goods.
Landry! LANDRY: Hey.
What's going on? Hey.
You know Devin.
How you doing? You have a car.
He hit me with it.
Yeah, everyone knows about I heard about that.
We all know about it.
JESS: Yeah, it's gotten around.
I think you should use that car to drop me and my friends off to this party in Kilroy tomorrow.
That's an idea.
Huh Yeah.
Um, although, I think I might have to decline, because I've kind of been down that road before.
A girl asks me to do something and I just kind of say yes, and all of a sudden, everyone's calling me a word that I don't like to use.
You're invited to the party.
You are, too.
Oh, why didn't You could have just said that to begin with.
That changes things.
Thanks for the invitation.
So are you cool? You want to come? Yeah.
I think that sounds great.
Yeah? It's going to be a lot of fun.
It's going to be fun.
All right, see you later.
All right.
So, you're going to go to a party in Kilroy.
Yeah, I am.
What is that Why with that tone? But I have to tell you that when I die, I hope people will say that, "She gave more than she took.
" That would be true success to me.
Mom, I'm in.
(SCREAMS) Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
CHERYL: I couldn't be any prouder of you, Becky.
You make it look so easy, and it's not.
It is not easy at all.
It's such hard work.
Thanks, Mom.
You know what? You need a new gown.
Yeah? Absolutely.
A A portrait neckline.
I know.
How about tomorrow, before my shift, we could go find the perfect dress, the perfect shoes, and then get a bite to eat? Yeah.
Yeah? Yeah, sounds great.
I can't wait to watch those other girls eat your dust.
I got to ask you something, and I need you to not be weird about it.
What's up? There's this place right outside of Dillon called Steers, and I was wondering if you'd go there with me.
Steers? It's It's gay.
I mean, it's a gay place.
Are you hitting on me? No, you're not my type.
Oh, I'm not your type? Look, I just need somebody to go there with me.
This is a new experience and it's kind of weird.
It'd be nice to have a friend go with me.
I'll go.
See what your type is like.
(ENGINE STARTS) Well, I think where we need to focus all our attention right now is library, library, library.
It's been since 2005 since we've had any updates.
It's where we should focus our funds.
Yeah, but you know, I'm really sorry, our budget is already tapped out.
Maybe we can do this next year.
But no.
I mean, you know, we had actually pushed it last year, and we had talked about that this This This would be where our focus was this year, so Look, there are a lot of people who are pretty angry out there, Tami.
I mean, you realize that a substantial portion of the school's revenue is generated by football, don't you? Oh, so you mean people are angry because I told Luke Cafferty that he had to go to the correct school for his district? That's why we're not going to get our library? That seems like a shame to me.
Look, after what you did with Luke, we're going to be lucky to reach half the normal amount this year.
I mean, you cost yourself and the school any chance we might have had to improve that library.
Now, I'm sorry, Tami, if you'll excuse me, I do have another meeting.
(GASPS) What? Hello, uh, Mr.
RC Collins, class of '79? Mr.
Collins, I would like to talk to you about football.
I would like to talk to you about East Dillon High School football and Coach Eric Taylor.
Hello? (PHONE BEEPS) Well, try the next one.
TAMl: How's it going? Good.
What are you doing, exactly? Looking up alumni from the East Dillon Lions of past to try to get them to join the pep rally.
Yeah, your husband had the inspired idea to make the pep rally a sort of a A homecoming.
That is inspired.
The Lions of East Dillon are not roaring.
He's not home.
I'm going to try Try the 934 Honey.
Honey, come here.
STAN: I got this one here, 819 Hello.
Is this Mr.
Eddie Boar, class of '79? Honey, you need food.
(STAN CHATTERING ON PHONE) Huh? You need food for these people.
If you want to bring people in, you got to make them some food, just like we do, just like we've always done.
You offering to cook dinner? Oh, Lordy.
Well, perhaps I am.
Perhaps I am offering to cook dinner, babe.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
STAN: That's real sweet.
It's okay, thanks.
All right, well, I'm going to get myself ready for school.
Y'all, good luck.
I'm Stan Traub, assistant coach.
Uh, Julie, daughter, nice to meet you.
Mom? Mom, are you ready to go? TIM: What? Can I borrow your truck? No, you can't borrow Please? You don't even have your license.
I know how to drive.
I don't care.
Yeah, thanks.
What's wrong? My mom blew me off again.
MATT: There is a gay bar in Dillon? JULIE: It's not in Dillon, it's outside of Dillon.
Well, it's the same difference.
Matthew, "Z- A" is not a word.
Z-A is a word, and if you look at it, it spells "Za," as in pizza.
It's vernacular in certain places.
But wait, you're trying to You are such a liar.
No Just because a "Z" is worth Don't try and distract me from the fact that you're going to a gay bar.
What are you gonna do at a gay bar? Dance and make out with some chicks.
I knew it.
I knew you wanted to experiment.
(GIGGLING) No, I'm going for Devin, to be her moral support.
Whatever, I don't even care.
I'm going hunting with Riggins anyway.
That's a joke.
You're going hunting with Riggins? It's not a joke.
So, you're just going to go shoot some poor defenseless animals for the hell of it? Uh Yeah, well, to eat.
You are so much better than that.
Why would you stoop to that level? No, I'm not.
I'm not better than that.
It's barbaric.
It's disgusting.
Hold on.
Hold the phone.
I live in Dillon, and people in Dillon, what they do is they go hunting and shoot animals.
It's just the way it works.
That is an awful excuse, first of all.
And second of all, I live in Dillon, I don't go hunting.
You won't live in Dillon for long.
(MUTTERING) I need a word.
I need a word.
Is this about my college applications? No, it's not about your college applications.
It's not even about you.
I don't know why you think everything is about you.
All of this says runner-up.
None of this is good.
I'm sure your mom wanted to be here for this.
Yeah, or she hooked up with some dude, you know, whatever.
Hey, look, cut her some slack, I'm sure she Don't, okay, because every time something really important comes along, every time, she does this.
She has an emergency, or a date, or she takes another shift at that stupid bar.
Hey, look, this one's nice.
It's pretty.
You think it's pretty? Yeah.
Is that a portrait neckline? Yeah.
Oh, God, this is stupid.
You don't even know.
Can we go, please? (CLEARS THROAT) No, hey We can't go.
We're here, we gotta pick something.
And what's that saying? Doesn't the dress find you? Can we please just go? This was a dumb idea.
(SIGHS) TIM: I'm going to tell you something, all right? And you can't tell it to anyone else.
(CLEARS THROAT) My mother never took me shopping for a pageant gown.
And because of that, I never placed at Miss Texas.
That's why I got into football.
That's fact.
This is what we're going to do.
We're going to start with the wheels, and then we'll work our way up.
By then, hopefully they'll have a new shipment of dresses in.
CHANTE: Y'all, look at his shirt.
Oh, my God, what does he have on? How's it going? Y'all ready for some good old-fashioned revelry? (GIRLS EXCLAIMING) What's this music? Oh, I'm glad you like it.
This is actually It's this local band, their name is Crucifictorius.
Do we have to listen to this the whole ride? I'm just saying.
You look You look nice.
Oh, thanks.
What's this music? Here, hold on.
Just give it a second.
(RADIO PLAYING HIP-HOP MUSIC) Feel his hair, it's like grass.
(GIRLS LAUGHING) I don't (HIP-HOP MUSIC PLAYING) (ALL CHATTERING) Jess, you are looking really good tonight.
I'm surprised to see you here.
Really? What's up with you? What's your problem with me? I ain't got a problem with you.
I think I'm the only person who sees how disposable you treat girls.
Well, I can only treat a girl how she allows me to treat her.
Maybe I've been talking to the wrong girls.
Okay, see, now you're trying to piss me off.
You're sitting here, fronting like you don't You don't think about me? Not even a little bit? You wish I thought about you.
I have a boyfriend.
Oh, you got a boyfriend.
What's up with that, man? I know that ain't that Opie-Iooking dude I hit in football practice, is it? Yeah, that's him.
Looks to me like Jess hitting it now.
I'm not a Panther anymore, and it makes me (LAUGHS) I feel ill.
I don't know why I'm saying this to you, you know what it's like to be a Panther and have it taken away from you.
I'm sorry about it.
I'm sorry about all of it, Eric.
(BUDDY SIGHS) Tami and I are having some East Dillon alumni over this week for dinner.
Why don't you come over and join us? You can't fake boosterism, Eric.
It comes from the heart.
That's the beauty of it.
(SCHOOL BELL RINGING) VINCE: Hey, what's up, Landry? I was surprised to see you at the party last night.
You have fun? That was fun.
That was a lot of fun.
Someone spilled something on my shoes.
That's too bad.
But other than that, it was fun.
You have a good time? You was dancing and stuff? Yeah, I had a good time.
Yeah, you had a good time with Jess? Yeah, I mean, you know, just as You know.
I was just her ride.
Really? 'Cause she told me you were her boyfriend.
I'm definitely not her boyfriend.
She said that? Yeah, she did.
Well, that's crazy.
You're not lying to me, are you? No, I'm not.
That's news to me.
(LAUGHS) All right.
You're good.
Be safe, man.
Hey, how you doing? Hey.
Uh What'll it be? You're not, by chance, Virgil Merriweather, 1983 State Championship, quarterback, East Dillon Lions? What'll it be? Oh, I'll have a pound of brisket, if you would, please.
I'm Eric Taylor.
I'm the new coach over at East Dillon.
TAYLOR: You don't by chance rent this place out for events or anything, do you? Nope.
Well, that's too bad.
We got our first pep rally, homecoming, coming up.
That's nice.
Look, this may sound odd, but my wife and I are having a dinner party for some ex-Lion players Nope.
I got some really great kids on my team.
They're good kids, and they could sure use someone like you to come over and speak some words to them.
Brisket will be out in a few.
(HIP-HOP MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO) KEVIN: Hey, Luke, let me get this straight, man.
This guy steals your wallet and you don't do anything about it? What do you want me to do? Get your wallet back.
Look, Luke, I know East Dillon's like a prison or whatever, but I didn't think you'd become someone's bitch.
(ALL LAUGHING) Hey, I know, right? LUKE: Stop the car.
D: What? Stop the car.
I see you brought your boyfriends with you to help you look for your wallet.
Why don't you shut up and give it back? You don't know when to quit, do you? (BOTH GRUNTING) (POLICE SIREN WAILING) Go.
Come on, man, let's go.
Break it up.
Come on.
Get up.
Get up.
Break it up.
Hey, Deacon, how long have you been over there at Bethel Baptist? Eighteen years.
That's a long time.
Coach Taylor, can I ask you something? Yes, sir.
DEACON: Why are we here? Oh, Lord have mercy, Deacon.
I'm trying to enjoy my meal here.
No, that's a good question.
Listen, I just started coaching at this school.
I would imagine that you would think of it as your high school, too.
With that said, we are facing I'm facing a lot of challenges over there.
And we've got some problems that I want to Listen, with all due respect, people from your part of town pretty frequently tell us about our problems, our crime problems, our education problems.
You know how we got these problems? Back in the '80s, the west side of Dillon got developed.
They got the mall, they got the hotel.
The west side of Dillon got the money.
What did we get? DEACON: We got forgotten.
We got our high school closed.
So, listen, we thank you for your hospitality, but I think I'm going to skip that lecture about our problems.
TAMl: Well Well I know nobody needs a lecture here, that's for sure.
No, that's right.
I think the truth is we just wanted to get to know y'all a little bit better, and I was just hoping y'all would get to know my husband a little bit better, because if there's one thing about this man, he loves football.
He loves football, he loves those boys out there, he lives and breathes it, you know? It's family to us.
The fact of the matter is it's pretty damn hard playing football when you've got nobody out there appreciating the effort that you're putting into it.
You like losing with everybody watching? (MO SCOFFS) Well, Deacon, that's what we're trying to fix.
We're trying to fix that.
(DOORBELL RINGING) BUDDY: Hello? TAMl: Oh, hey, Buddy.
BUDDY: Hey, Tami.
TAMl: How are you? BUDDY: How are you, baby? Is that Buddy Garrity? BUDDY: You look beautiful.
You know Buddy? MO: (LAUGHING) Do I know Buddy? Oh, oh, oh.
Y'all, this is Buddy Garrity.
Buddy Garrity! (ALL CHATTERING) (ALL LAUGHING) Mo Hall, you got to be kidding.
Big Mo! DEACON: You've lost some weight.
Ain't nobody never hit harder than Buddy Garrity, I'll tell you that.
GASTON: Come here, boy.
(ALL CHATTERING EXCITEDLY) Hey, Buddy! Damon Gaston.
GASTON: What's up, brother? Good to see you.
Good to see you.
(GASTON LAUGHING) Honey, Buddy's here.
TAMl: Buddy's here! Hello, Coach.
How you doing, Buddy? How are you? I'm doing fine.
What's going on, Buddy? Good to see you.
What's happening? Hello, Deacon.
(DANCE MUSIC PLAYING) So, is this what you expected it to be like? Not exactly, but I really like the lighting in here.
(BOTH LAUGHING) I just don't know how anybody meets anybody.
You are asking the wrong person.
But you've got the forever-boyfriend, though.
Yeah, well, forever-boyfriend is I don't know.
It's like, he seems pissed off about, like, the stupidest things, and then we get into these ridiculous arguments that go absolutely nowhere.
And it's like It's like, I don't know how to fix us.
It's like something that's broken, or I don't know.
You're not even paying attention.
What are you looking at? Psst.
Don't look over there.
Is that your type? She's cute.
I'm going to go to the bathroom.
Don't flirt while I'm gone, okay? You know me.
STAN: Almost what? (LAUGHS) I was going to help you with those dishes, but I somehow got stuck to the couch.
TAMl: Mmm-hmm, so it seems.
Thank you so much.
I think I got it.
I almost made it back in there.
I just got a little tired here.
(SIGHS) I heard Deacon Malone say he was going to make some calls for you.
That's because you make a damn good steak, is what it is.
Hey? Hmm? Thanks for tonight.
Don't thank me, thank Buddy Garrity.
Buddy Garrity ate all my damn steak.
(LAUGHING) He sure did.
(TAMI SIGHS) Hey, you know what? Hmm? You're good at what you do, wear a lot of hats.
Thank you.
(TELEPHONE RINGING) TAMl: Goodness gracious.
It's not Buddy.
Hello? Yes, sir.
The white kid, he's got no record.
He can go.
The black kid, he's going to juvie.
His name is Vince.
Has he made mistakes? Hell, yeah, the kid's made mistakes.
You know what, though? He shows up, he gets the job done and he works hard.
I'll vouch for him.
All I'm asking is you give him a second chance.
Coach, he's used up his chances.
Can I see them? Thank you.
VINCE: Coach, I can explain.
(TAYLOR SHUSHING) Just listen.
We are at a crossroads right now.
You are going to admit that everything was your fault.
My dad Quiet.
You are going to cut the tough-guy crap.
You are both going to say exactly what I tell you to say, and we are going to fix this.
Understood? BOTH: Yes, sir.
You get one chance in life, fellas.
You either take advantage of it, or you piss it away.
You do the latter, and you're going to regret it the rest of your lives.
Get out.
Get out of the car.
He really took off.
He really did.
Hey, Howard, it's this way.
You sure? Yeah.
(SCOFFS) Go, go, go, go, go.
Caleb, don't let him beat you.
(KIDS CHATTERING) JESS: Hey, be careful of that.
(ALL LAUGHING) Line up, line up, line up.
Ah, ah, ah, ah.
Pop, pop, pop.
Hey, hey, hey, come on over here, boys.
Come over and give me something.
(SCREAMS) Go get them.
Bye, Dad.
Hurry up.
Catch them.
Catch them now! Go get them! Daddy, they got Pop Warner practice after school today.
Okay, you take your brothers, and I'll make sure they get a ride from Mrs.
Turner, all right? Okay.
You think maybe you could stop by, just for a second? Uh, look, go on before you miss the bus.
Dad, I heard what Coach Taylor was talking to you about the other day.
That ain't your business, Jess.
Daddy, okay, look, I'm sorry, I like football.
Okay, Andre loves football, Darius loves it so much, he throws up because he gets so nervous before each game.
But it's fine, it really is.
It's not your thing anymore, but it's still in us.
We're still a football family.
Jess, that ain't for you to decide.
Daddy, I'm not trying to decide anything, I'm just asking if we could hold a pep rally here.
It would be fun, Dad.
Get on before you miss the bus.
Go ahead, take the boys to school.
Yes, sir.
I'm hoping we get something over that fire tonight, so keep the eyes peeled, light feet.
What kind of things you think we gonna get? (EXHALES) White tail, boar.
(GUN FIRES) Damn it, stop! What? What was it? What? (STAMMERING) I don't know.
What do you mean, you don't know? The wind? No, I thought Well, I thought I saw something, but I think it might've been the wind.
So you're shooting Give me that.
Hey! No gun.
No gun.
Really? Come on, let me have my gun back.
SAMMY ON RADIO: Well, this has turned into the Slamming Tami Show.
Caller, go ahead.
CALLER: Sammy, this year the Panthers were destined for greatness.
SAMMY: That is true.
CALLER: Now we got to run the table just to make the playoffs! SAMMY: You may be right there, as well, my friend.
CALLER: Let me tell you something, if you ask me, Tami Taylor should send her resignation and a written apology.
SAMMY: Well, I can't disagree with you on any of those points, caller CALLER: She's the one that cost us that first game.
If it weren't for her, we wouldn't have to forfeit.
SAMMY: That is true.
That is true.
CALLER: That's on her.
SAMMY: Yeah, I agree with you, she Come on, y'all.
(MEN CHATTERING ON RADIO) I just did what was right! I did what I had to do! I'm sorry I messed up football for everybody.
TAMl: Hey, I need some chocolate, please.
Hey, Jess.
How's it going? So, am I your boyfriend? (STAMMERING) 'Cause it really seemed like Vince thought that I was your boyfriend.
He said that that's what you said.
I didn't say that to him at all.
I just said I had a boyfriend.
Oh, okay.
Just wanted to clear that up.
But it's not like we're dating, No.
So what does it really matter? Okay.
We're not.
We're not.
All right.
All right.
See you later.
TIM: College.
I'll tell you what college was like.
Then these fantastic one-on-ones with this robotic coach that tells you what you're doing wrong every single day, nothing like Coach Taylor.
We were spoiled.
Plus college was boring.
You get a curfew every night.
Did you miss Lyla, though? I think we had different paths.
So does that mean yes? Yeah.
What about you? How's Dillon? It's okay.
Not as bad as I thought it'd be.
I mean, I'm getting to spend a lot of time with my grandma, so that's good.
And I make a lot more money delivering pizzas with tips and stuff than I used to make over at the Alamo Freeze.
So, basically, you stayed in Dillon 'cause of Jules? Yeah.
And now, she's applying to colleges and stuff, right? Mmm-hmm.
And I knew that was going to happen.
Obviously, I knew that she was going to go to college, but I guess I just never realized the fact that all the colleges she was going to be applying to were, like, on the other side of the country.
And now, you know, I started just getting mad at her for no reason.
It's like I resent it, but she never asked me to stay here, you know? Mmm.
That was my decision.
I decided to do that.
I decided that.
Well, Texas forever, right? Yes.
Texas forever, Saracen.
(GRACIE COOING) Oh! I don't know why he changed his mind.
Well, I think it's going to be a great pep rally.
We'll see about that.
Watch your step.
Hey, if it's not great, you still get to come home with us.
There's always that.
There's always that.
Right? Let's go in.
We're gonna go have fun.
MAN: (SINGING) You got to believe it If you want your dream to come true, yeah You got to believe it, baby Good things will come to you When your heart meets your mind The dreams you design come through I never could find it No matter where I went Let it slip through my hands The hopes and the plans fell through Hey.
Hey, where's your brisket? Oh, I don't eat meat.
Oh, come on.
Let me go get you a plate.
Um, it's okay.
I actually kind of wanted to talk to you about the other night.
Um, I just want to let you know that I'm not going to tell anybody or anything.
Tell anybody what? TAYLOR: I want to thank everybody for coming out today to East Dillon's first pep rally of the year.
(STAMMERING) Uh, it's okay.
I'm going to (ALL CHEERING) I'd like to introduce one of Texas's great high school football teams, 1983 State Champions from East Dillon High, and what they brought home to this school 26 years ago.
Come on up, guys.
DEACON: Let us pray.
Lord, we are gathered here today for a reason.
We ask you, Lord, what is a group of lions? It is a pride.
And we stand before you today, Lord, your pride.
We need pride in this world.
And what do we have here? I said, what do we have here? CROWD: Pride.
Yeah, we do.
(CROWD APPLAUDING) DEACON: We are the Lions and we stand together.
Who are we? ALL: Lions! Who are we? ALL: Lions! (ALL CHEERING) JESS: Put this Yeah.
Put this somewhere.
I never really washed this.
It's kind of weird, I just (EXHALING) We're not dating, right? Definitely not.
Lorraine, I'm tossing this half and half.
Well, all right, but we're going to have to go to the store.
I cannot drink coffee without cream.
Well, me neither.
Oh? I didn't remember how you took your coffee.
(KNOCKING ON DOOR) Well, who could that be? I don't know.
Saracen? (INAUDIBLE) Hey, man, thanks.
You got it.
Look, I'm sorry.
I know I just stopped by, but I What's the matter? Have you talked to your mom? Why? Is it Is something wrong with Grandma? (SOFTLY) I'm sorry.
(CRYING) What's the matter? It's your dad.
He was killed.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

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