Friday Night Lights s04e05 Episode Script

The Son

LUKE: Give me my wallet back.
(POLICE SIREN WAILING) TAYLOR: We are at a crossroads right now.
You are going to cut the tough-guy crap.
My mother never took me shopping for a pageant gown.
And because of that, I never placed at Miss Texas.
Saracen? (SOBBING) It's your dad.
He was killed.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
ANNOUNCER: It's late in the game here at East Dillon, folks, and once again, the Lions are going gently into that good night.
You understand me? Yes, sir.
All right? Let's get some points out of this thing.
Hey, Walter, let's go.
ANNOUNCER: Down 24, another short game for East Dillon.
Same old plays, man.
They know what we're gonna do before we do it.
What do you want me to do? Let's run wildcat.
No, no, no, Coach said we ain't ready, man.
I'm ready, all right? Let's go out there and get some of our pride back, some dignity.
All right.
He's going to kick our asses all over the state.
I hope you know that.
Coach can't catch me.
All right.
Hey! All right, guys.
We're going to go with right No, no, no, new play, new play, all right? We're going to go with Spread Texas A, Skinny Max, all right? That's not what Coach just said.
Olson, shut up.
You get your ass out to X and make some blocks, all right? Listen, we're going option right, all right? It's on one.
On one.
Ready? ALL: Break.
Hut, 38! Hey, what are you doing? ANNOUNCER: Oh, look at this.
Coach Taylor's come out in the Texas Spread What are you doing? Cafferty to the outside.
What are you doing? Here we go.
This could be fun, folks.
It's Cafferty on the counter.
He cuts inside.
Oh, wait a second, folks, a pitch to Vince Howard.
And he smokes the safety! One man to beat.
Oh, my, what a move! Howard taking it to to the barn, folks.
Touchdown, East Dillon.
Touchdown, Dillon! (ALL CHEERING) My goodness, Vince Howard absolutely mud-holed the free safety.
STAN: Good call, Coach.
54 yards, the best run from scrimmage all season and a hell of a read from Luke Cafferty.
Come here.
Come here.
Who called that play? We're trying Who called the play? It happened so fast.
Who called the play? I blacked out, Coach.
Who called the play? Cafferty, who called I don't know who called the play.
Who called that play? I thought you called it.
Who called the play? It came from over here.
Get out there.
Let's go.
MAN: Let's go, kicker! You want to get some more of that? Yeah.
Well, if you want some more of that, get the damn ball back.
What are we running? What do we run? Four-three.
Four-three? SOUTH PINES QUARTERBACK: Seventeen.
Red, 17.
ANNOUNCER: South Pines back to pass.
Vince Howard coming off the edge on the speed rush.
Oh, and he smokes him on the play inside.
Ball is on the carpet.
Who wants it? Get there.
Get there.
Get there.
(BLOWING WHISTLE) That's ours! That's ours! ANNOUNCER: Dallas Tinker pounces on the ball.
East Dillon has come up with it.
First down East Dillon.
Come on.
Listen up.
Listen up, here.
Listen up.
Hey, I call the play.
Do you understand me? Yes, sir.
I call the play.
You run the play.
You got that? I got it.
Wildcat Gun X Throwback.
Do you understand me? LUKE: Yes, sir.
But you want me to throw it? No, I want you to stand here and I want to talk about it all night.
Yes, I want you to throw it.
I want you to hit him in stride, you got me? Yeah.
Hit him in stride.
Let's go.
Let's go.
CROWLEY: Here we go.
Here we go.
PLAYER 1: Watch this.
PLAYER 2: Make it count.
ANNOUNCER: Here we go, folks.
Vince Howard on the Wildcat Sweep, going right.
Oh, he pulls up, looking backside.
He's going deep to Cafferty.
A little trickeration.
He's wide open.
Oh, my, pay dirt! Touchdown, East Dillon.
Touchdown, Lions.
(CROWD CHEERING) Real strong finish to a game that could not be won, folks.
But a monster game out of Vince Howard, and a little light for a team that's been stuck in the dark all season.
Y'all got nothing to be ashamed of.
Y'all got nothing to be ashamed of.
Let's hear it.
(ALL CHEERING) Hey, listen up, now.
Listen up.
Y'all do me a favor.
Y'all take a knee real quick.
Most of you know Matt Saracen.
Some of you know him better than others.
A few of you have played with him before.
You might have heard that his father has passed away.
The funeral is going to be in a couple of days.
Thought it'd be nice maybe we say a word for him and his family.
Y'all want to bow your heads? ALL: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven ON COMPUTER: Hello, this is First Sergeant Henry Saracen in Mosul, Iraq.
It's your son.
It's Dad.
It's me.
I wish you, Mom, and you, Matt I wish the two of you a Merry Christmas.
(KNOCKING ON DOOR) You got company.
Bad movie night, Matt.
It's not an option.
Okay, uh, Grandma's sleeping, so keep it down.
I'll make some popcorn for you.
How was the game? Uh, it was good.
Twinkletoes over here kicked two points.
Twinkletoes? Twinkletoes.
That is not my nickname.
JULIE: I think it should be.
It's Golden Foot.
I think I like this one, Matt.
A lot of hands.
Yeah, I guess.
What's this? Um, it's just this video that my dad sent me a couple of Christmases ago.
Matt, I sent you something in the mail.
Hopefully, by now, you got it.
This hat looks dumb.
Fifty bucks.
We're doing a good job here.
We're going to be out of here soon.
So, I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.
All right, that's good.
That's nice.
What do you all think of this one? LANDRY: Is that a hand? I like it.
It's good.
Let's go watch the movie.
(CELL PHONE RINGING) Hello? Hey, did you read the paper today? Paper? I don't get a paper, Coach.
Well, you got your face in the paper as one of the co-conference players of the week.
Picture? How do I look? What do you mean how You look like an idiot, that's how you look.
Picture looks great.
Yeah, but we still lost.
I understand that.
It means you played a hell of a game, though.
Listen, what they want you to do is they want you to come over for the pancake breakfast.
It's at 1:00.
They have you speak to, you know, the little guys, the Pop Warner kids and stuff.
Can you do that? Yeah, but why is it called a breakfast at 1:00? Wouldn't that be like a lunch? Son, I don't know why they do that.
Let's go.
Honey That's just what they call it.
Can you do it, though? Can you be there then, right? I like pancakes.
All right.
Daddy, we need you off the phone now.
(SNIFFS) Hey, Mom, we ain't got no electrics, no nothing.
Hey, Mom.
Mom, come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, Mom.
I know.
(DANCE MUSIC PLAYING) I think the best thing she could do right now is just quit.
(CHUCKLES) I'm serious, that's just wrong.
Why the xylophone? This whole thing is confusing.
Shiftless son of a bitch.
What? My ex, her dad.
Gonna miss her singing again.
Always gone somewhere.
He never shows up.
(AUDIENCE CLAPPING) EMCEE: That was wonderful.
Next up in the Miss Young Texas Pageant, we have Miss Becky Sproles of East Dillon.
(WHOOPING) Miss Sproles will be singing the song Popular, from the musical The Wicked.
Oh, it's just Wicked.
(MUSIC BEGINS) BUDDY: So, you just have to know, Matt, that what your dad did, what your daddy did was important.
I mean, right now I know it seems real far away, but we're over there for a reason and your daddy knew that.
He was a hero.
(WOMAN CRYING) Thank you for coming.
BUDDY: And that will give you strength.
MATT: Thank you, Mr.
You remember that.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Excuse me.
MATT: I will.
BUDDY: Good to see you.
Matty, you haven't moved from that chair in an hour.
I don't really need to.
Everybody just keeps coming up to me.
All I got to do is say "Thank you" and "Grandma's over there.
" "He stepped on an IED.
" How long do these things go for? CHERYL: You know what? Screw you, Bull.
The pageant goes for another two days.
You know what? You can still get here.
I don't care.
I really don't care if you're hauling pieces of Jesus' cross back to Bethlehem.
You promised her you were going to be here, and you are going to be here.
This is so damn typical of you.
You Please.
Do you have any idea what you're doing to this girl? Any idea? She was so disappointed today.
She sang her heart out for you.
You didn't hear anything! (PHONE RINGING) TIM: That new place that just opened up by Steve's Excuse me, boys.
Excuse me.
It's the telephone for you, Tim.
Really? Mmm-hmm.
Why are you getting a phone call? I don't know.
Hello? Hey, Tim? Becky? Yeah, I know, I just tried your cell No.
and I tried you at work What are you doing? so I figured you must be at Matt Saracen's.
What are you doing right now? I'm at a wake.
You know what a wake is? Yeah.
I just I figured that you weren't close to the dead guy, but if you are, I'm sorry, I'll hang up now.
What's the problem? What, is the trailer on fire or what? No, I just I just wanted to tell you that, um, thanks for coming today.
It meant a lot to me.
(SIGHS) You're welcome.
You did good, and good luck.
You'll probably win, so don't blow it.
You really think so? All right, I got to go.
Oh, yeah.
(CHUCKLES) Thanks.
I'll see you around.
Wait, so your job is, like, to see the bodies home, or something? I'm a recruiter mostly here in West Texas.
But this is an honor job.
So, you didn't even know my dad? No.
But I do my best to find out about every man.
Heard he, uh, was quite the joker in his unit.
Funny guy.
My dad? Yeah.
Always kept up morale, did practical jokes and such.
That's important, Matt.
Yeah, no, I'm sure it is.
But I'm also sure that wasn't my dad.
I bet he was a really good soldier and all that, but he wasn't a funny guy.
He was not funny ever.
So maybe you talked to the wrong people, maybe it was another guy who was the joker, but my dad was not, all right? I've never even seen him smile in his life, so I can't Excuse me.
Matt, I think someone's, uh Someone's asking for you.
It was good talking to you.
Yeah, you, too.
Thank you for coming.
You okay? I don't know I don't even understand why they send this guy.
He's never even seen my dad before in his life.
I'm sure that's just We all know that he was not I know.
I know.
a very funny I know.
That's why the Riggins clan and myself, we're gonna take you out of here tomorrow night, away from all the death and the dying and the deviled eggs.
I just don't want (KNOCKING ON DOOR) I just don't want to talk about my dad anymore.
Hey, Matt.
Our condolences, um On behalf of the Boosters Are you serious? Uh, excuse me? On behalf of the Boosters and the entire Panther organization, we just (GRUNTS) (CAR HONKING) J.
D: What's up, Cafferty? I'm running, man.
I think he's You know, I think he's mad that I'm co-conference player of the week.
Yeah, that's what I'm pissed about.
See this, right here? Look.
Hey, Luke.
That's me.
That's J.
McCoy, right there.
But I'm sharing this with this guy.
I don't know who this guy is.
What's his name? Vince Howard? You know a guy by that name? Yeah, come to think of it, I do recall spending a couple hours in jail with someone by that name.
I don't know how I got there, considering my friends were with me at the time.
Kevin, and, wait, what did you say your name was? J.
McDick? Is that what it was? Come on, man.
Look, the cops were there, okay? We took off.
I'm sorry.
You're a jackass, dude.
Look, what do you want me to do? You want me to get out, get on my hands and knees? Is that what you want me to do? I'll do it.
KEVIN: Look, man, buddy.
We're both sorry, all right? But, we're going paintballing tomorrow night.
We want you to come.
It'll be fun, man.
Come on.
Please? I'll think about it.
Think about it.
All right.
Well, hey, Luke, right here, man.
Give it to me.
KEVIN: Luke, we'll see you around, man.
We'll see you.
See you.
Later, bud.
TAMl: Julie will sit here with you.
MATT: All right.
We'll be right back, okay? Thank you, Julie.
MATT: You don't think she'll get hot in there? No, she'll be fine, Julie's with her.
She'll be okay.
Don't you worry, okay, honey? All right.
What you've got here is what we like to call our American Hero Memorial Package.
Now, this comes with your choice of a mahogany or cherry wood casket, the standard outer burial container What's that? Well, over time, the caskets themselves deteriorate in the soil, the moisture.
And since Veteran Affairs will be picking up most of the bill, you can honor your father in a manner he deserves.
So, there's the embalming Is Is my dad here? Oh, he's being prepared right now.
Can I see him? I think in this case, a closed casket is most appropriate.
So Actually, if that's the case, can I just ask one quick question? Sorry to interrupt.
This, uh, viewing, visitation day, use of facilities, use of staff, day prior, that wouldn't be necessary if it's closed casket, is that right? Of course.
You're right.
Okay, so if we can get rid of those charges, that would be great.
We'll just remove those fees, then.
Thank you.
Now, see, the rest is laid out.
This is for the funeral service escort.
I don't understand that either, the funeral service escort.
What does that mean, exactly? Well, those are the cars that will, you know, for the family, friends.
Well, they have cars.
I mean, we all have cars.
And, um That won't be necessary.
And my grandma's in the car right now, so Can we just sign whatever this is and You know what, hon, why don't you go on out there? I can finish up with him.
I think we're just about at the end of it anyway.
You go on out.
It's all right.
You sure? Yeah.
I think so.
I think so.
All right.
I'll be I think there's Just one minute.
Thank you.
If you have any questions, call me.
Yes, sir.
TAMl: Okay, I'll be right there.
I need to ask you a quick question, with all due respect.
Does that boy look like he can pay $9,000 to bury his father? Well, Veteran's Affairs will be picking up You look me in the eye, you tell me Veteran's Affairs is going to pick up a $9,000 bill.
Well, no, not the entire $9,000.
But they do pick up a large portion.
Okay, I think let's We need to start over from the beginning, okay? And let's do this quickly, please.
Do you have another listing you can give me? KENNARD: Keep your hands to yourself, man.
We're looking for old cars like this.
CALVIN: What is this, man? KENNARD: Old models, man, all right? You see, when they stop making the cars, they stop making the parts.
It makes the parts worth more, you feel me? CALVIN: Like a bunch of junk parts in here, man.
You see a new car.
Think it's sharp, think it's fly, you need to walk away.
Walk away, why? CALVIN: Oh, it's 'cause it got that LoJack, man.
Man, we in West Texas, ain't nobody got no LoJack.
You walk away 'cause half them new cars got them steering locks.
Man, what's wrong with you? I told him his braids too tight sometimes.
He don't listen.
Hey, man, watch out.
"Watch out," what? "Watch out.
" Yo, yo.
Both of you need to shut up.
This here's school, and the more you talk, the more you miss.
The more you miss, the more likely your bitch asses are gonna do something stupid.
All right, this place where you put the keys in, it's called a tumbler.
You stick your screwdriver in it, jiggle it a little bit.
Sometimes, the dashboard might come on, sometimes the engine.
Yo, don't panic, be cool, and get paid.
(ENGINE STARTING) Most times, this ain't an option.
You gotta hotbox the bitch.
Come in closer.
This the magic.
TAMl: Honey, we're going to leave in just a minute, hon.
JULIE: Yeah.
All right.
That was really nice of your mom.
I appreciate it.
She's good in crisis.
She's pretty much built for crisis.
She's invited you over for dinner tonight, if you want to come.
I said you probably have family stuff to do, but if you want to get away for an hour or something, I'd love to see you.
Okay, you'll come, or Um Yeah, okay Okay, I'll come.
Are you all right? Yeah, I'm fine.
I just You know, this stuff happens.
Right now, it's happening to me.
Someday, it's gonna happen to you, and Sorry, I didn't mean it like that.
That was a stupid thing to say.
It's okay.
So, what time is this dinner? Koala bears.
Do you know what they eat? Do you know what koala bears eat? ANNOUNCER: And that's more than enough for a first down.
That makes it six carries for 38 yards.
I'm not saying this young man's ready to start, but Brian "Smash" Williams is making the most of this Look at him run, huh? Look at him go.
Look at y'all.
GRACIE: Mommy.
TAMl: Hi, sweet girl.
How you doing? Did y'all have fun? It's almost time for nappy noodle.
How'd it go? It went.
Somebody ready for a nap? No, that would be great.
Baby, come here.
Maybe we'll both lay down together for a nap.
Here, here, here, here, here.
Take that with you.
TAMl: All right.
(GRACIE CHATTERING) How's he holding up? Um He's trying.
(EXHALES) I'm not going anywhere.
(SNIFFLING) Who's your favorite football player? J.
D: Have you ever heard of Johnny Unitas? Mmm-hmm.
My old coach over there used to tell me about Johnny Unitas, that I remind him a lot of Johnny Unitas.
See that old man over there in the back, one of the oldest guys in this room? KIDS: Yeah.
(LAUGHING) That's my dad.
He taught me everything I know.
You got to be fast, you got to know what plays you're calling, you got to look around, you got to see everything moving.
When I step at the line, I see everything happening way before it happens.
I'm a good one or two seconds ahead of the coverage.
(KIDS EXCLAIMING) Boy scout is pretty arrogant.
He's got a hell of an arm.
D: All right, be a hero, win championships.
I see it in you.
All right.
(ALL APPLAUDING) Thank you, J.
Now, for our other Dillon Gazette conference player of the week, Vince Howard of the East Dillon Lions.
(ALL APPLAUDING) Hey, Vincent! COORDINATOR: Now, some of you kids here, this is your first year playing Pop Warner, but guess what? This is Vince's first year, too.
So, pay attention, all right? You've got a role model here.
What do you say, Vince? You got some words for these players here? (WHISPERING) What am I supposed to say? Just talk about the game.
Just tell them about it.
Uh Don't panic, all right.
Stay cool, and you get paid.
BOY 2: Yeah.
Hold on.
TIM: Seriously, get away from me.
LANDRY: One Two Say it.
No regrets.
No regrets.
That was really close.
Hey, you guys remember the State finals game three years ago? LANDRY: Uh-uh.
TIM: No, Billy.
What game? TIM: Who played in it? BILLY: Stop messing with me, man.
Are you really reminiscing about three years ago? BILLY: You guys, remember, there was like ten seconds left on the clock, and we had Matt "Mayday" Saracen.
LANDRY: Matt "Mayday" Saracen? Never has he been called "Mayday.
" LANDRY: That's not a nickname.
BILLY: We need to come up with a nickname.
I like "Cobra.
" That's got a good sound to it.
Hey, Cobra, think fast.
You're Cobra.
Dude Why would you kill Cobra's beer? MATT: I don't know.
Hey, let's see your hands.
You guys know I have to give a eulogy at this thing tomorrow? I got to get up there in front of everybody and say good stuff about this man.
And all I really want to say is, "Here lies Henry Saracen.
"His mother annoyed him, his wife couldn't stand him, "and he didn't want to be a dad, "so he took off to be in the army, "because that was the only way you could come up with "to get out of here and ditch all your responsibilities "and no one could call you out on it.
"And that worked out great, "so you just decided to enlist four more times "and that ended up getting you killed.
"And now, here you are.
"And all you got left All you've left behind "is a mother with dementia, a divorced wife "and a son who delivers pizza.
"Thank you for coming, You know what the worst part is? Even if I did get up there and say that, even if I finally did, like, say all that to him, I don't even know if I'd be saying it to him because I don't even know if he's in that damn box.
It's a closed casket.
For all I know, it's someone else.
It's someone funny or a bunch of rocks.
I don't even Well, there's only one way to find out that.
Right? TIM: Stop that.
Cobra, you got the key.
LANDRY: Is Is he gonna break the window? TIM: There's probably a doorbell.
It's stuck.
All right, go ahead.
Are you sure we're supposed to be doing this? You're wasted.
Where is he? Where is he? Oh, that's where I saw him before.
Hold on.
All right, hey, it's this guy.
TIM: I'll take care of it.
This is him.
I'm taking care of it.
Hey, Matt.
Hey, my friend here FUNERAL DIRECTOR: Boys No.
Hey, hold on.
My friend wants to No.
I want to see my dad.
Well, I thought we agreed earlier that that probably wasn't a very good idea.
(FRIENDS PROTESTING) Look, he wants to see his dad.
Hey, hey, all right, stop.
Stop, stop.
It's his decision if that's who Landry.
Look, I know what we decided earlier, but now, I want to see my dad.
That's him? Yeah.
Son, I really don't think this is a very good No, I appreciate that, but please, please just open it.
Thank you.
BILLY: Matt, you all right? TIM: Thank you.
D: Hey, Kevin, right here.
All right.
(PAINT-GUNS FIRING) Panthers, baby.
Whoo! LUKE: Dude, I thought we were going to the field, man.
Come on.
We are going to the field.
We're just getting a little practice in.
Kevin! Cut that out, dude! You're getting paint on my truck, man.
Come on.
This truck is a piece of crap anyways, don't worry about it.
Yeah, it's a piece of crap I had to pay for with my own money, dumbass.
Hey, yo, yo.
All right, bud.
Let's get the pedestrian right here.
KEVIN: Yeah, I got it.
I got it.
LUKE: Hey, don't shoot him.
Don't shoot him! J.
D: Oh, God! KEVIN: Got him.
Oh, my God.
What are you doing? What are you doing, man? What are you stopping the car for? Get out of the truck.
What are you talking about? Get out of the truck! Hey, yo, relax.
Just chill out.
I am relaxed.
You got some kind of chip on your shoulder, man.
I'm fine.
That school you go to is a dump, okay? We all know this.
So Do you want us to pretend it's not and lie about it to you? Oh, okay, so every time we get to hang out, that means I get to be the one y'all look down on? We don't look down on you.
(SCOFFS) We look down on you with you.
(LAUGHING) That's right.
That was a good one, man.
All right, jokers.
All right.
That's funny.
D: What? Come on, Luke.
Get up.
Hold on, man, what are you doing? Get out of the truck.
What's your problem tonight, man? What's my problem? You're my problem, idiot.
Oh, God.
What are you doing, dude? I'm not going paintballing is what I'm doing.
You know what, screw you, Luke.
How does it feel being second best on the worst team in Texas? All right.
You better watch it.
(GROANS) Come on, man.
Luke, I'm sorry.
Oh, yeah.
I'm sorry, too.
You're done, dude.
You're done.
Come on, Luke.
Hey, what are you doing? Get off my truck.
Get off my truck.
KEVIN: You're kidding! Screw you, Luke.
How'd it go? Second runner-up.
(SIGHS) That's That's third, right? Yeah.
And I guess it's not really Third place sucks.
Yeah, it's crap.
So, how was your day? Weird.
Weird how? I saw something that Rather, I saw someone see something that You ever just feel completely useless? You're not useless.
Close your eyes.
Just do it.
This This can't happen.
I can't do this.
Good night.
You got I.
D? Oh, it's for my mom, and she ain't feeling too good.
I need to see I.
LUKE: Hey, bud Okay, you know what? I walked all the You're almost out of soap.
Becky, right? Yeah.
Here you go.
That doesn't look good.
What do you think? I think you ought to buy something.
This We're together.
This is my stuff.
My I.
Well, thanks again.
My name is Luke.
I know who you are.
Oh, okay.
Well, see you later.
All right.
Good night.
Hey, you want to go to a carwash? I got to go to a carwash.
Look at that thing.
Why the hell not? All right.
Why the hell not? (KNOCKING ON DOOR) Oh.
You want to get that, sweetie? Hi.
Sorry, um I know I'm really I'm really late.
That's okay.
Oh, we saved you a plate.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Taylor, I'm sorry, I know that you Oh, you're fine, honey.
We saved you a plate.
Hey, man.
We saved dessert for now.
We'll all have dessert with you.
You're fine.
Thank you.
Come on, come on, and sit down.
Don't you worry.
You drive? No, sir.
(STAMMERING) I had a nice walk, though.
TAMl: Well You don't have to eat it if you don't want to.
I'm hungry.
TAMl: Well, do you want something else, hon? You don't MATT: No, this I'm sorry, Mrs.
Taylor, I don't like carrots.
Oh, well And I don't like when they touch the meat, so TAMl: Well, I'll just take it away then.
TAYLOR: Don't worry about it.
No, look, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
No, no.
You're fine, sweetie.
I'm sorry.
I'm being rude.
I'm sorry.
I don't TAMl: Honey, you're fine.
I don't like being rude.
I don't like being rude.
TAMl: It's okay.
I think I'm just having a moment here.
I'm just having a moment.
I don't think I'm okay.
Matt (SOBBING) I hate him.
And I don't like hating people.
But I just put all my hate on him, so I don't have to hate anybody else and so that I can be a good person, you know, to my grandmother, to my friends, to your daughter.
That's all I want to say.
I just want to tell him to his face that I hate him, but he doesn't even have a face.
I'm sorry, Mrs.
Taylor, I'll see you all tomorrow.
Matt, you don't have to go.
It's all right, honey.
JULIE: Matt! TAMl: Come here, sweetie.
It's all right.
You're just going to let him go like that? (SHUSHING) I'll get him.
I'll get him.
I'll get him.
He'll be all right.
He'll be all right.
TAMl: Your dad will go talk to him, hon.
He'll be all right.
I need to do something.
I know.
I can't just let him burn like that.
(DOOR CLOSES) Matt! Matt! I'm going to walk you home.
Thank you.
Looks good.
SHELBY: Looks pretty.
Thank you.
His picture.
Look at his picture.
PRIEST: Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever.
Now, Matt would like to share some words of remembrance with us.
Um I'm just going to tell you one story I remember, and that'll be it.
We were at the supermarket.
It was me, my mom, Grandma, and my dad.
All four of us, our whole family.
My dad was pushing the cart, and he stopped and grabbed some toilet paper and put it in the cart, and my grandma said, "No, that's not the right one.
"That's not the right toilet paper that we use.
" And she grabbed the right toilet paper and put it in the cart and stormed off.
And my dad just kind of stared off at her, and then he just started grabbing all the toilet paper off the shelf and putting it in the cart.
I mean, he just stacked it full.
And it wasn't spiteful or nothing.
(LAUGHS) I don't know, maybe you had to be there, but as a six-year-old, it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen in my life.
And I just laughed about it for weeks.
I guess my dad was just a funnier person than he really let on.
He was kind of private in that way, and I don't really know why.
But one thing that he wasn't private about was the service.
I mean, he was in the army for 20 years, and that was something that he was proud of.
And he missed He missed some of my birthdays, and he missed a lot of me growing up.
But I think the point is that I got to grow up, that I got to have those birthdays.
You know, he went and did a job that not many people want to do, and because of that, we all get to be here and we get to grow up and we get to have our birthdays.
And I think that's something to be proud of.
So, thank you for being here.
My family thanks you.
If you're looking out your window And you say you're gone And you're staring at the ceiling On behalf of the President of the United States and our grateful nation for the faithful service rendered by your loved one.
Thank you.
Remember when you wake up Thank you.
Don't forget, turn out the light Fire.
PRIEST: Y'all are invited now to the Saracen house for a reception.
So, we hope to see you there.
And did you remember what And if we go sailing down the old front If you're looking out your window When you ride away And you're staring at the ceiling To try and get away You told us to decide what we want today But I don't know And did you have a thought Did you remember what And if we go sailing down the old front Forever
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