Friday Night Lights s04e06 Episode Script


No, I can't do this.
My name is Luke.
I know who you are.
It's your dad.
He was killed.
I'm sorry.
Are you all right? Yeah, I'm fine.
SAMMY ON RADIO: This Friday's game between the East Dillon Lions and the McNulty Mavericks promises to be a barn burner, at least on one side of the ball.
McNulty is the favorite to upset the Panthers' reign this year, and their undefeated record has them in prime position for that playoff spot.
You got to wonder how fast and how often this McNulty offense is going to score on this poor Lions' defense.
Now flip the TV off for this one, 'cause You hear that, man? You one sorry brother, you know that, man? Go ahead, Cal.
I mean, it's one thing to be on a team that suck.
It's a whole other thing to be on a team that suck on TV, all right? Everybody watching, too? (LAUGHING) Cal, shut up, man.
It couldn't be me.
All right.
I know.
That's why I quit that sorry-ass team.
You know what I'm saying? McNulty's averaging They got the second ranked offense in the state.
Coach, they've only punted twice the whole damn season.
Friday, we are going to keep it simple.
STAN: These are offensive plays, though.
Offensive, Stan.
Offensive plays.
Listen up, now.
McNulty's undefeated.
Game's televised.
It's a game changer.
I don't like it.
That's what I'm talking about.
What we're going to do is we're going to go down to the field with the media.
We're going to talk briefly with the reporters.
All right, let's keep it simple.
I'm not finished.
Wait, wait, wait.
I totally just remembered something.
Oh, no.
What? You pregnant? (LAUGHING) You are, aren't you? I'm having twins, actually.
Oh, damn it.
They're aliens.
I don't want twins.
So, I bought these tickets for the Austin Indie Music Festival, and they were supposed to be a surprise, but But then my dad died.
I can give them to Devin or something.
I mean, it's not that big of a deal.
No, no, no.
We ought to go.
Are you sure? Yeah.
And you know what? Actually, someone gave me like this grieving handbook thing, and Chapter 2 said, "When your dad dies, you should most likely probably go "to a music festival, preferably in Austin.
" You're such a liar.
I'm not a liar.
Are you sure you're going to be okay? I'll be fine.
Look, he's He's dead, all right? And I'm alive.
So, let's go.
TAYLOR: Hey, guys, how you doing? Hey, Martin, how are you? Coach, what are your goals going into this game? Goals going into the game Well, we'd like to stop their offense, put a few holes in their defense.
How do you intend to measure your success in doing that? Well, we're going to use the scoreboard to measure that success.
What do you hope to accomplish there? I mean, what do you want the score to reflect? I would like for the score to reflect that we left everything on the field that we had.
So, are you saying you can win this game, Coach? Well, what I'm saying is that I We can win and we will win.
Are you guaranteeing a victory? I am guaranteeing a victory.
Let's go out here We gotta start practice, okay? STAN: Get these fine young men out here who are going to be putting their blood on the field (KNOCKING ON DOOR) Becky, come on.
Nice place.
Yeah, it's, um, something.
So, I saw you at the funeral.
I saw you, too.
Thought you'd be back at college by now.
Midterm break.
I stayed to see my dad.
Oh, that's nice.
"That's nice"? That's it? I mean That's not nice? (SIGHS) Oh, you are something, huh? You stop calling.
You disappear.
(SCOFFS) That's nice.
My dad says you threw away the scholarship.
Yeah, I did.
I am I'm so glad I came over.
No, no, no.
It's two days, it's not a week, and I'm It's two nights in Austin during exams.
Absolutely not.
It's just a ridiculous thing.
You haven't even been accepted into college yet.
So, if I would have gotten into college, this would be a completely conversation because If you had passed your exams already, and you had gotten accepted into three schools, early decision, then, yes, you can go to Austin, Texas, on two school nights and enjoy a music show.
I think in that situation, I'd be all right with it.
Matt's dad just died, Mom.
I'm not going to dignify that with even a response.
Come on, Jules.
What's going on? Come on now.
Dad, can I go to the music festival with Matt? TAMl: Hi, sweet girl.
A music festival in the middle of the week in Austin, Texas, sweetheart.
No, I don't think you're going to be going to Austin with Matt.
You guys are awful.
Oh Look, man, I'm sorry.
You should be, man.
You suck.
I've been working with you a lot lately That is not at all what I was talking about.
I was talking about your dad, so, thanks.
I know.
I know.
You know, they're giving us, like, a death gratuity.
What? Death gratuity? Yeah, it's like $100,000.
Does it come in a tip jar? No.
They just I guess they tack it on with the life insurance policy, so Grandma's You know, she's just set up for the rest of her life.
Well, that's good.
What about you? What about me? I don't know.
How are you doing, I guess? I'm fine, man.
I don't understand why people keep asking me how I'm doing.
I'm fine.
People just keep saying, "Are you okay?" Well, Matt, I don't really know what to say in this situation Well, then don't say You don't have to say anything, all right? It's over with.
We took care of all that.
And now we're just throwing footballs.
Is that okay? All right.
Is that okay with you? I'm really starting to get the feeling that you just want to fight.
And I don't know if you want me to give you some kind of big speech.
I don't know what it is that you want me to do, but I'm not going to do that.
I don't care what you do, but either way, I'm going to be your best friend, because you've been my best friend since we were five.
All right.
Hey, honey.
Hey, y'all.
Oh Messages? Messages? Of course.
Of course.
The PTA meeting has been changed to Friday the 28th.
Clint wants you to meet the new hire for A.
Spanish, and Mrs.
Gordon called to request that her son be moved out of calculus.
Her number's here in case you need to call her.
Okay, thank you.
Oh, and your daughter called and she said for you not to worry about anything.
She'd see you on Saturday.
Wait, what was that? Yeah, she said she was going to Austin.
She did? Called 15 minutes ago, maybe.
All right.
Could you just get that door? Thank you very much.
Julie, this is your mother calling.
I just got the strangest message from the secretary in the office that you have gone to Austin, which I know cannot be true, considering the fact that both your father and I told you that you could not go to Austin.
So, you had best call me back right away.
Thank you very much.
Hello, stranger.
So, look, I think the best thing to do here in this situation is just be completely mature about all this, you know? Uh-huh.
And first off, I just want to say kissing you was great, you know.
It was great, you're great, so just know that.
Bottom line, you know.
Well, you see, there's this part of me that's like maybe we should just kind of see where it goes, see what happens, not really think about it too much.
But then there's this other really, really, kind of tiny part of me that's still hung up on this other girl, Tyra, who's, like, embedded in the back of my mind.
So, I think the mature thing for Wow.
I really didn't see that coming.
TIM: Will I see you later? Like when? Five minutes.
Maybe three.
I go back to school in three days.
You go back to school in three days.
See, I don't know if you know this, but I'm kind of a moment-to-moment kind of guy.
So three days Uh-huh.
I can work with that.
What does that mean exactly, that you can work with that? You know, I could probably tell you, but I'm dying to know.
(LAUGHING) Showing you might be even better.
I can show you what it means to "work with that.
" No.
(LYLA SCREAMS) (LAUGHING) Ow! And they're sharp.
(MUMBLES) How you doing? Okay.
I'm going to miss you.
Okay, look, I know you're in there.
Just 'cause there's a girl at the door You totally have a girlfriend.
I don't have a girlfriend.
BECKY: Okay, you're not ignoring me, right? Because I just want to let you know that I'm not going to jump on you every time I see you or anything.
Oh, hey.
(TIM SIGHS) Lyla, Becky.
Becky, Lyla.
Yeah, I was just going to ask for a ride to school, but it's cool, I know you're busy.
I'll see you later.
That was the landlord's daughter.
How are you going to play this Friday night? We've been through the storm, we've been through the rain.
Now, we're going to bring the pain.
Well, Emily, I think, you know, I scored a perfect score on my math portion of the SAT, so, you know, if the pressure is on, I think I'm the guy to go to, Emily.
EMILY: Do you have anything more to say about that guaranteed win? Well, I'm more of the brains and brawn.
You know, I got it all.
I'm the total package, baby.
Are you going to win? Coach, can we talk about your history of quitting, first with the Panthers back in '06, and more recently, forfeiting your first game as head coach of the Lions? I don't know why you come out here and waste people's time with this.
MATT: This is romantic.
This breeze is perfect.
Good sandwiches.
Good sandwiches that I put my heart and soul into.
(CHUCKLING) It's hard making peanut butter (CELL PHONE VIBRATING) Your phone is ringing.
It's just Devin.
I'll call her back later.
You sure? (YAWNS) Uh-huh.
We're having a romantic picnic right now, okay? Yeah.
That's right.
(GIGGLES) Uh-uh.
VINCE: Excuse me, miss, can I get some service, please? Excuse me, miss.
Can I get some menus over here and some service? Thank you.
JESS: Sorry.
Okay, Vince, you really need to go away.
I can't get some food? No.
It don't make no sense you being here.
Why not? You know Vince, come on your dad's got the best ribs in town.
What you want? Hey, Mr.
I was just talking to your daughter, Jess.
I'm about to order some of your baby back ribs.
Well, you can get that over at the counter to go.
No, that's cool.
I was going to sit here and eat.
Get your ass over to the counter.
Yes, sir.
Hey, it was a pleasure talking to you, Jess.
I'll see you around school.
LUKE: Hey, it's the girl who loves her candy.
Got you some Gummy Bears.
Okay, look.
Our little thing the other night, that was a mistake.
Okay, that was a big mistake.
And I would really appreciate it if you didn't try to treat me like a girlfriend or anything.
And I don't need you buying me stuff.
I don't want anything from you.
Especially not for you to talk about me to your little football buddies.
I didn't say anything to my football buddies.
(SCOFFS) Yeah, I bet you didn't.
Just forget it.
We just don't have to talk at all anymore, okay? Sorry, I just I think you're cute and I just would really love to go out again sometime.
But I must be Yeah.
I don't know.
(SIGHS) Julie, I know that you probably do not think this is a big deal, but I assure you, this is a gigantic deal.
You had best turn around from wherever you are right now and get yourself home.
And you answer the phone when I call you! Uh-oh.
(SIGHS) You are my favorite daughter.
Be right back, sweetie.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Wait, no, you know what, I think we should go 'Cause that one has more energy, more spirit.
Jess, Jess.
No, come on.
Seriously, it's fine, okay? Is "fine" okay for TV? I am 'Cause if y'all okay with fine, then we can stop right now.
Come on.
Five, six, seven, eight.
I'm pretty perfect with fine.
All right, five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
(BLOWS WHISTLE) Bring it in, guys.
Let's go.
Here we go.
Here we go.
All right, listen up.
Who can tell me McNulty's record? LION 1: Yo, Coach, they never lost.
That's right, they haven't.
But we're going to change that and here's how we're going to do it, gentlemen.
We are going to play but we're going to do 'cause if you can punch one hole into 13, you damn well ought to be able to punch two holes into 11.
Understood? ALL: Yes, sir.
TAYLOR: We got Tim and Billy coming over here to help.
Boys ever play a couple state champions? Here we go! BILLY: Show them your ring, Tim.
CROWLEY: All the guys in yellow on defense over there.
Huddle them up.
LION 2: Whoo! Here we go! Feel good! Do we feel good? How do you guys feel? BILLY: Let's go.
Here we go! Here we go! Let's go! Let's go, Billy! Strong red! Strong red! Strong red! LION 3: Red, 27! (GRUNTING) (WHISTLE BLOWING) TIM: Attaboy, Fours! (GROANS) VINCE: He was open on that one? I got hit before I even got to the ball.
The guy's all over the place.
He's so fast.
All right.
Let's do it.
(CROWLEY EXCLAIMING) It's like playing against a brick wall over here.
Come on.
I know.
I can feel it.
TIM: Fours, come on.
We're not ready for this.
Here we go.
LION 4: Let's go.
Come on, come on.
CROWLEY: Go, go, go! TIM: I'm coming for you, Five! VINCE: Go, Luke! Go, Luke! TAYLOR: You gotta respond to that! STAN: They're getting there.
(WHISTLE BLOWING) LUKE: Touchdown! STAN: They're getting there.
VINCE: (LAUGHS) Good job.
(COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING) (SINGING) You've got a way to make my heart spin Seriously, I mean, I'm telling you right now, if we had to play a game tomorrow, I would be a madman.
Honestly, I was running like MINDY: So here's what I want.
I want you guys to just stop talking about football, 'cause How's being pregnant? BILLY: Oh, it's great, you know.
I mean, she just thinks her water's going to break like every 15 minutes Really? I mean, I know you have the belly, but not the baby 'cause she asked me what it was like to be pregnant.
And what you can do is you could just thank me for always being your designated driver.
I thank you constantly.
That would be really nice of you.
I thank you constantly, baby, 'cause I love you.
It's true.
What? Y'all know what I miss? What? Getting on that bull and letting off some steam.
I'd ride that bull.
Oh, you shouldn't ride the bull.
I will ride that bull.
I don't Lyla Not a good call.
It's totally a good call.
No, it's not a good call.
Don't get on that death ride.
I'm riding the bull.
MINDY: Yeah, you're riding the bull.
TIM: What'd you just do? She's MINDY: Amazing.
Can I go next? MAN: Sure, little lady.
BILLY: This might not end well.
Oh, my God.
Whoo! I'm ready! BILLY: Lyla! Whoo! Wow.
She's pretty good.
(EXCLAIMS) (WHOOPING) MAN: (SINGING) There's no way around it (SCREAMS) (LYLA LAUGHING) That was very smooth.
You miss me.
You have no idea.
LANDRY: I'll see you later.
All right, buddy.
Take it easy, y'all.
Landry! Hey, Landry.
How are you doing? Doing good.
Good to see you.
Good to see you over here at East Dillon.
I know.
Well, you know, I had to drop off something for Coach.
Rushing off to my school.
Um, hey, have you talked to Matt and Jules since they've gone off on their big trip to Austin? No, not since they left.
Listen, I'm just going to be real straightforward with you, Landry.
My daughter is AWOL and I'm sick about it, and if you could shed any light on where they are and when they're going to be there, anything like that, it would just be real helpful to me.
I mean, I don't Obviously, I don't know their whole schedule.
Well, just I think they were planning on seeing the Heartless Bastards at Emo's tomorrow night.
That's good to know.
At like 7:30 or 8:00 or something.
But other than that, I don't Uh-huh.
And you don't know where they're staying or anything like that? Are you going? Are you going to go No.
visit? I don't No, but I just I'm a mother.
All right, well, I got to I'll have to get over to my school now, but Okay, well, it was Nice to see you.
It was good to see you.
Thank you.
Becky, right? Yeah.
I'm Lyla.
I remember.
Is Tim around? Oh, no.
I haven't seen him.
So, you're in college, right? Is it great? Yeah.
It's pretty cool.
Guess I've been a little homesick lately.
For Dillon? Yeah.
I didn't expect that either.
Did you come back because you missed Tim? No.
You know, I really don't know what I'm doing here.
You go away to college and you think you're getting over the whole thing because being away helps with that.
But now I'm here and here we are.
I'll tell Tim you stopped by.
You're so lucky.
You're so pretty.
This is a McNulty film.
I want y'all to watch this together, you understand? Yes, sir.
All right.
Good enough.
Anything confusing about that? Where? Wherever you can find out to watch it.
Would you step out of my way so I can see the TV, please? Okay.
Why do we have to get killed on TV? I don't know.
I don't know what we're going to do.
We got to do something.
Look who it is.
Look who it is.
What are you guys doing? Seriously? KEVIN: Watching the game tape? LUKE: What's it look like, genius? In Sears? Funny.
You know, I'm surprised you haven't stolen one of these.
LUKE: Dude, shut up.
You got a problem? No, but I can get one real quick.
Can I help you boys? J.
D: Yeah.
You know what? Why don't you get the hell out of my department and the hell out of my store? For what? 'Cause I'm just one jackass comment away from doing some serious damage.
And if that happens, I would lose my job, and I love my job.
You get me? KEVIN: Let's go.
Let's go, man.
Come on.
Let's go.
LUKE: See ya.
He's from the East side.
Coach, I didn't even know.
LUKE: Coach Stan (LAUGHING) What's up, man? Down.
Look for the gaps.
Yes, sir.
(GRUNTING) Matt, get off the bedspread.
What? They don't wash it.
There's like bugs that live in it.
Get off.
Off, off, off, off, off.
Sorry, sorry.
God, you're gonna get some kind of disease.
Now you can sit down.
(SOFT COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO) Would you like to dance? Are you being serious? Yeah.
It's pretty music.
Wow! Mr.
Shut up.
Stop ruining the moment.
I am not ruining the moment.
Shut up and enjoy it.
We're in a hotel dancing.
(EXCLAIMS) (GIGGLES) This is real romantical.
Yeah, it's beautiful.
Look, we're in Austin.
It's the capital.
Thanks for coming back.
You're welcome.
I can't believe my son going to be on TV.
Yeah, your son is going to get his butt whooped on TV, too.
Man, you don't know that.
(GASPS) I got to find something to wear.
Wear for what? To the game.
You don't got to come all the way up to McNulty just to see me lose.
(STAMMERING) Well, Selena said she'd drop me off.
Look, I need to see you play.
I do.
Let me come up.
I won't make no scenes or nothing.
You know, I'll be cleaned up.
(TAP WATER RUNNING) I'm going to Austin tomorrow.
What? I'm going to find our daughter in Austin tomorrow.
Now, listen, babe 'Cause I don't care that she is 17 years old.
She bald-faced lied to us.
And she went there without our permission.
We told her not to go.
We expressly said, "Do not go to Austin.
" And she went off without telling us.
Even though we told her not to go, she's there.
But you can't go down to find her in a music festival She's not answered one single one of my phone calls.
I have no idea where she is.
She has not called us.
She could be I have no idea if she's okay.
I am concerned.
I can't think of another thing right now.
I can't focus on anything.
So, I'm just going to go to Austin, and I'm going to find her.
(SIGHS) And I support your decision 100%.
Thank you, babe.
It's so darn selfish.
TIM: But more importantly More importantly, Riggins' Rigs Yeah, granted, it's not doing so well.
I understand that has me in a trailer right now.
That will change.
So, give me six months, a year.
He's got his kid and all this kind of stuff.
It's going to get busy.
I'm pitching away, doing my thing, handing out cards, all this kind of stuff.
It's going to get super busy.
I'll be under that car all the time.
That's where you come in, Miss Garrity.
We're going to need someone to manage it when it gets, like, just super busy.
I mean, granted, yeah, it's a simple life, but I mean, like, it's kind of a great life.
That's your pitch? Yeah.
Take it in.
It's a hard one to walk away from.
So don't.
Tim I'm serious.
What do you want? You.
What else do you want? You.
(CRYING) Hey, what's wrong? Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hey, what's going on? Huh? Why would she do that, scare us to death like that? I trust Julie.
I trust Matt.
And I know that she's safe anyway.
You know what I mean? I don't know that.
I don't know at all that she's safe.
She has not returned one single phone call.
I don't know why she would do that.
Because she's 17 years old, that's why.
Just breaks my heart.
Hey, hey, hey.
The more we make her try to stay, the more she's going to stray.
You know that.
I know, but I hate it.
I don't want her to go.
And I know she's going to go, and I don't want her to.
You're not going, are you? To Austin? Mmm-hmm.
Seems kind of silly, I guess.
I'm just going to beat her ass when she gets home.
(CELL PHONE RINGING) Hello? Hey, Matt, how you doing? Yeah, no, it's good.
Um We saw Hem yesterday, and we're about to go see the Heartless Bastards tonight.
That sounds like a lot of fun.
Um, just a kind of a FYI, Miss Taylor kind of cornered me at school yesterday and started drilling me with all these questions about where you and Julie might be.
About what? Um, and I kind of panicked and told her that y'all were going to the Heartless Bastards tonight, which now, thinking back, I might not should've done.
What? Just wanted to give you the heads up.
It's probably fine.
Wait, you mean she doesn't know (LAUGHING) I'm sure she's not going to come to Austin or anything.
But I just wanted to let you know.
So, there it is.
So, she doesn't know that she's in Austin with me? Oh, great.
Well, I think I'm going to go, 'cause I just let another cat out of the bag.
I guess I'll talk to you later.
JULIE: Matt, you ready? Um, you lied to your parents? (STAMMERS) I didn't lie to my parents, Matt.
Okay, well, 'cause that was Landry, and he said that your mom was interrogating Landry about where you were.
Yeah, well, I told them I was going to be in Austin.
I left them a message.
Oh, you left them a message that you were in Austin? That's good.
Look, you're blowing it out of proportion.
It's Matt, it's really It's not that big of a deal, okay? No, it is a big deal 'cause you know what, I actually care what your parents think about me.
I really don't want them to hate me, which is what's going to happen if they think that I just ran away to Austin with you.
I told them where I was going to be and I'm sorry.
I did this whole thing to make you happy, okay? I bought the music festival tickets so you could get out of Dillon because I know how much you hate Dillon and I don't hate Dillon.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Look, you hate Dillon.
You only stay there because of me, and maybe for once I don't want the responsibility of you having to stay in Dillon.
(SIGHING) Look, hey, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't I didn't mean to freak out.
So, let's just go see this concert, all right? I'm sorry, too.
I didn't mean to yell.
No, it's fine.
It's fine.
A: Folks, we are just one hour away from kickoff.
McNulty's rolling in undefeated.
Top ranked team versus the East Dillon Lions, a team that has yet to name a quarterback.
Coach Taylor is putting this team together with spit and scotch tape.
And tonight, this monumental mismatch is going to be captured on television.
It's a beautiful night for football, folks.
Vince Howard in shotgun.
Twenty-nine, 3, 4, 1! MAN: Let's go, O! Cafferty goes in motion, there's the snap.
Feeds it going left.
Oh! Howard keeps it going right.
Got a lane.
This could be something, folks.
Oh, and he tracks the quarterback.
(CHEERING) First down at the 41.
Roll, Lions.
Coach Taylor's moved Luke Cafferty in to center for the snap.
It's a little speed drop.
That a boy.
Laser up the middle.
Got some room.
(WHISTLE BLOWING) Oh, and nice run by Luke Cafferty.
The Lions, believe it or not, got a little something-something going, folks.
No one saw this coming, but this could turn out to be one hell of a football game.
Hey, let's run the draw play.
Tight end! Watch him! East Dillon Lions in the red zone.
This could be big, folks.
Howard at quarterback.
There's the snap.
Howard takes off with a little speed, draw up the middle, got a little room.
This kid's got something.
Oh, my goodness, a touchdown and he's done it live! Touchdown! East scores, and that is the first touchdown McNulty has given up in four games.
Looks like the East Dillon Lions may have found an identity, folks, and quite possibly a quarterback that is the real deal.
Yeah! Here we go, late in the second half.
These Lions have battled these Mavericks all night long, and they are just seven points away from tying this game up, something no one, including yours truly, thought was even remotely possible.
Sixteen, red.
Howard takes the snap, rolls left, pressure coming STAN: Upfield! Go! Bring it up, baby! This could be big, folks.
STAN: Let's go! (WHISTLE BLOWING) Inside the 10-yard line, first down, Lions.
Let's go.
Hurry up.
Hurry up.
Get your ass up.
Let's go! Hey, hey, hey! Let's go.
Let's go.
LUKE: Green, 23.
Black, 19.
Howard takes the snap.
Right there.
Right there.
Right there! Under pressure.
Great spin move.
Good job! Howard's trying to make a play.
Go! He's going to have to get rid of the ball.
Oh, and he gets pasted in the backfield.
The clock winds out.
And the upset is not to be, folks.
Get off me, man.
We have seen a team emerge tonight led by a young quarterback, Vince Howard, the rising star of the East Dillon Lions.
Hey, let's go.
Bring it in.
Bring it in.
Let's go.
STAN: Here we go.
TAYLOR: Come on, fellas.
Let's go.
Hey, listen to me.
Listen, everyone.
Listen up right now.
Every single person out here Every single person out here respects you fellas.
Every one.
I respect you, you need to respect yourselves.
Hell of a job, hell of a job.
Take that with you, carry it, and we're going to build on it.
(SINGING) I want to stay Out here in the sun a while Then I looked so far I saw the wide old world Hey, do you want to leave? No, they just started playing.
Let's finish the set.
No, do you want me to leave? Maybe you were right.
I mean, maybe I should have left already.
Do you even want me to stay? Of course I want you to stay.
I was just I was saying stupid things.
I'm sorry.
I love you, okay? I'm sorry.
I was being stupid.
Don't think about it, okay? Okay.
I love you.
I love you.
I won't go.
Out into Out into the world Morning.
Goodbye, Lyla Garrity.
(SIGHING) Really cool festival.
Thank you.
I'm glad you had a good time.
It was nice just to get away with you.
I love you, Julie.
I love you, Matty.
I, uh I'm going to go.
I'll see you later? (SNIFFLING) Yeah.
(JULIE CRYING) That better have been a great concert, babe.
(WHISPERING) I'm sorry.
Well, we have been worried sick.
(CRYING) Sorry.
I'm sorry.
What happened, hon? Did something happen? I think he's leaving.
It's okay.
It's okay.
What do you think? SHELBY: That's good.
That's better.
Is it better? Let me move these and you watch and see if those lines come on anymore.
Do you really think we need a new TV? Look, this is working just fine.
No, I mean, it might be something to invest in.
(MAN CHATTERING ON TV) That's Ooh, that is Go back.
Let's watch that channel All right.
'cause it looks better.
Leave that there.
I don't really care Okay.
And I guess we could think about getting a new TV.
Lorraine, you'd be shocked.
Would we want to get a bigger screen, you think? Yeah.
We'll get everything.
Really? (SIGHS) How's Lyla? Gone.
Do you have a broken heart? I don't know.
Is she the love of your life? Maybe there's more than one soul mate for everybody, you know.
'Cause, like, say I'm born in Texas, right? And my soul mate's born all the way over in Sri Lanka.
That seems randomly unfair.
It only makes sense that there would be more than one.
You know, 'cause you have your first and it's new and you feel things that you never thought you'd feel, then they break your heart.
Then you cry about it, and you're sad over it.
And then you meet someone else, and for that time, they're your new soul mate because they made you feel things the other one couldn't.
And then they break your heart.
Yeah? Shut up.

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