Six Feet Under s04e07 Episode Script

The Dare

Earl, OR 3.
- What's the matter? - I'm scared.
Don't be.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Come on, come on.
I'm almost done.
At first I just thought they'd go away, but they never did.
They just kept growing and growing.
I see you've had symptoms.
Mainly just indigestion which I've always had.
Even as a child, I had a nervous stomach.
But there's also been vomiting and blood in your stool? Why didn't you call me? I knew we should.
Somehow I just kept putting it off.
We were supposed to go to Florida next week to visit our son.
We haven't seen him in over a year.
We were gonna call you as soon as we got back, but the pain got too bad.
I wish you had called me as soon as you well we'll just start doing some tests and hope for the best.
What would be the worst? That these are two tumors which may have metastasized and spread.
Oh Jeez.
What are the chances, if that's the case? Let's just do the tests and hope for the best.
- Claire? - Oh, morning.
It's not very good.
I think mom's machine's a little more low-tech.
Sometimes I miss the days when coffee was just coffee.
Oh, I have a huge darkroom day today, but hopefully I'll be back in time for dinner.
You know what? I don't want you to stay here anymore.
- It's too much.
- No, it isn't.
It is.
I was bad before, but now I'm starting to sleep a little.
I haven't had a panic attack in two days and I've even cut down on all the Ativan, so you are officially evicted as of today.
David, are you sure? You seem Jeez, this coffee really is gross.
I don't know, I think maybe I should stay.
I don't need my baby sister babysitting me anymore, okay? Did you hear those two cats having sex - in the alley last night? - They were worse than Mom and George.
I don't know why they do it.
It sounds like it's so painful.
I mean, they live in an alley.
They deserve some kind of diversion, don't you think? Did you hear what I said? Yes, you can't see me anymore.
It's over.
Goodbye, Rico.
Then get outta here.
I am so stupid! I hid that pack of cigarettes from myself so good I can't find them! Did you look on top of the refrigerator? I just want to say that I'm sorry, but I just feel like this isn't right in some way - to my wife and to my kids - Oh, yeah? And why is that? This is not about fucking.
You made that plain and clear.
This is about just being friends.
I think I need more guy friends.
Of course you tell me today when my lupus is acting up.
You know, I gave you all that money and I never heard a word about you going to a doctor.
- Did you even go to one - I got the damn lupus! You never even liked me.
This was about you needing to feel like a big man, and now that you got what you need, you're done.
Just leave the gift that you promised Nicole - and get out of here.
- Oh shit.
You didn't even bring the dumb "Jack the Pig" book - you been going on and on about? - I left it at work.
- I could bring it by tomorrow.
- Forget it.
She needs to learn people promise you things but then leave when they get tired of you.
She's George's new wife, the one who came after you.
Jesus, lady.
What the hell are you doing? George is gonna kill you if he finds you messing with his things.
You're snooping.
You're too snoopy.
I was too snoopy and he got rid of me but quick.
Boy, you are some dumb cluck.
Do you want to know why George doesn't like to be asked anything about his past? Yes, I do.
Tell me.
Please, tell me.
What doesn't he want me to know?! Why can't I know anything?! All of these caskets are available with customized inserts.
You can have your wife's name, her favorite Bible verse, a family photo.
Is there one that appeals to you? I-I don't know, son.
You seemed to like the blue one.
There's just a lot of different options.
I think that maybe you need to take a little time to look.
I'll give you two a moment to decide.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
You were supposed to be here 40 minutes ago.
Maya's still not used to day care yet.
I had to stay with her for a while.
No one was here to meet the Morrisons.
- Well, where were you? - That's not the point.
You said you were gonna talk about the arrangements with Mom.
She must have told you what she wanted.
I tried to bring it up with her.
It always seemed like a bad time.
Then what do you want? You pick the casket, then we'll talk about who's gonna speak at this thing.
Dad, I need to know what you want here.
I want her back.
I want things back the way they used to be.
Yeah, well, it's too late now.
If you guys hadn't been so scared about facing the truth, maybe Mom would be alive and we wouldn't have to fucking decide about what casket she's gonna be buried in.
So apparently the father never said a word to anyone as the tumors just kept getting bigger and bigger.
Man, I don't understand people.
I get it.
Having to admit fucked up shit about yourself fucking sucks.
Oh, come on! David's been cleaning again.
Yeah, well, so what? It relaxes him.
Honestly, it's a little annoying.
I could have used him upstairs with the Morrisons.
I'm doing intakes.
David's staying down here.
I know that David doesn't want to be around people right now, but if you've decided you wanted to come back to the business, then be back.
The two of you are acting like you can come and go and do whatever you want.
Why are we buying the fake Windex when the real kind is the only one that works? I'll get some real Windex later.
Since there's nothing going on here now, would you mind swinging by the hospital to pick up Mrs.
Morrison? Um I'm cleaning.
That's fine, we'll figure something out.
Didn't I just have a rag? I must have left it out there.
I don't know where my mind is.
David can't take the van out anymore.
The van is where it happened.
That's fine.
Then you go.
Actually, Maya and I have to go to the - Maya's in day care.
- That's right, and there's this get-together once a month where we get together with the other parents.
I'll go.
So long as you're out, can you get the real Windex? Anita? - Hey.
- Oh, hey.
Anita went over to Russell's, so I just decided to hang out and wait for you.
What are you hiding? Oh.
Nothing, it's just one of my photos.
It's one of the ones I took of you.
Okay, so it's bad.
It's not.
It's really good.
- Then why can't I see it? - It's too good.
It's like I can't believe this actually came out of me.
It's so good, I don't even want anyone to see it.
I'm not even gonna show it at my crit tomorrow because I don't know it's just for me.
- Is that crazy? - Not at all.
- It's so beautiful.
- I know.
I love this shadow that goes across your face.
- It's so cool.
- You've got to show this at your crit.
What are you so scared of? Uh Look at my expression.
It's nice to know that finally my hours of watching "America's Next Top Model" have paid off.
I definitely owe you one for this.
I'll think about how I can collect on that.
So, are you available next Tuesday? Nate, I told you this is the last time.
That's what you said last week and the week before that.
No, this is the last last time.
All right, fine.
We'll never talk again.
- Until you call me tomorrow.
- Oh.
Oh, God.
I don't know why I'm doing this.
It's all Joe's fault.
If only he enjoyed nice, normal, perfectly average sex.
Wait a minute.
Wasn't I a little above average back there, at least for a few seconds? No, as opposed to what I told you about me and Joe.
- What the hurt-me-mommy stuff? - Oh, stop.
Give me a break, Bren.
- Excuse me? - This isn't about Joe.
It's about you.
I of all people should know.
What is that supposed to mean? You and Joe move in together.
You get scared by the intimacy.
You freak out and you have sex outside the relationship.
You can't fool me, I used to be Joe.
Well, this is all very illuminating.
What about you? Why are you doing this? Why not? Right now, I'm at a place in my life - where I just want to have some fun.
- Of course.
This couldn't be just another way for you to avoid having a permanent, real relationship.
- What are you looking for? - The condom.
I dropped it on the floor when I took it off and now I can't oh here it is.
Sperm is I don't know.
It seems so tiny to be able to do so much.
I know.
It's odd.
I'm going to be gone all day tomorrow.
I'm going to hunt for fossils in Cold Canyon like I do every year.
Oh, that's nice.
I know how much your annual fossil hunt means to you.
You could come with me, if you wouldn't find it too boring.
I don't know.
I have to return some books to the library.
You don't have to invite me.
I'm happy for you to do whatever you want whenever you want with whomever you want.
But I want to go fossil hunting so I will go fossil hunting, darn it.
Okay, now I'm starting to freak out! - I'm sure we'll find it.
- It's my favorite earring.
I know, you keep saying that.
Hey, when Javier gets here, - I'm sure we'll figure something out.
- Nothing yet, but I've got five of Detroit's finest looking for it.
If it's in this auditorium, they'll find it.
It was given to me by the only person who ever really really loved me.
Now it's lost.
Oh God, when will someone ever love me again? The real me? Everyone else has someone.
Here is the entire universe and here is me.
You're just exhausted.
You need to go back to your room and get some sleep.
Please don't minimize my severe depression.
I would never do that to you.
There's only one thing that'll make me feel better.
Just give me a few moments then we'll blow out of here.
- Well, we're fucked.
- What do you mean? Halfway through the tour, she always gets really depressed.
So then we go to whatever stupid gay club we can find that's still open so she can get worshipped by the fags.
- We're going to a gay club? - Yeah, dude.
Try to act a little cooler about it.
# Good lovin' can set me free # # Ooh, baby # # Don't you leave me this way # Gimme gimme some pleasure! Midwestern queers really creep me out.
I know what you mean.
# Please don't leave me this way # # Ooh, baby # - Keith Charles.
- Are you still working? Yeah, late night.
I'm sorry, I just couldn't sleep and l It sounds like you're in a bar.
I am.
I'm with Celeste.
She's fighting a severe depression.
Oh, baby! Uh that's a gay bar.
Dude, Celeste is looking over here.
I think she's annoyed you ain't looking at her.
Listen, I gotta go.
- I'll call you in the morning.
- Sorry to bother you.
If anybody gets mad, just tell them your wife's on her woman's time.
They'll feel bad for you that I'm such a bitch when I'm on the rag.
# Only your good lovin' can set me free # - # Set me free # - Your old lady pissed off? You could've just told her you was at some fag bar, and there was no chance you were taking home some pussy tonight.
Javier, I'm gay.
I have a boyfriend.
I sleep with men, okay? I have a lot of sex and it's really really gay.
That's cool, man.
# Believe me.
# Well, that site back there was completely picked over, and I'll bet I know who did it, too.
Last year I caught this guy from USC trying to follow me - George, I think I'm dehydrating.
- Nonsense.
I am.
I'm about to dehydrate.
Why did you drink all your water so quickly? I was thirsty.
Here, just have some of my mine.
I asked you if you had water earlier and you said you didn't.
Because I thought if you knew, you wouldn't make your water last as long.
Let's talk about lunch.
I always go to the Inn of the Seventh Ray.
- I'm going to visit my only sister.
- What? I didn't realize we were gonna be in Topanga.
She lives a few miles from here and I haven't seen her in ages and it's only right.
Family is very important to me even if it isn't to you.
Mom was hunting for fossils? Why would a person hunt for fossils? Apparently, because their husband does.
This is great.
I was gonna ask her to babysit for me tonight.
I'm busy.
So you're out a lot lately.
- Is this something serious? - No, of course not.
Maile's just this girl that I worked with at doggie day care.
I've seen her a few times, but she's just just fun.
I think it's really weird you worked at a dog place for like six seconds.
Well, it wasn't exactly my decision to leave, now was it? Ugh, people who write Op-Ed pieces should be shot.
Hey, what time is the movie tonight? Um, actually, I'm gonna be seeing Russell tonight, and I plan on staying over at his apartment.
It's purely a physical thing, but it's something very intense I need to explore.
Hey, Claire, if you're having any emotions about it, now is as good a time as any to express them.
No, it isn't.
Look, do whatever you want.
So it'll just be me and Edie tonight.
I'm fine.
I've just been working on Mrs.
Morrison for 110 years.
- It's the tumor lady.
- Oh.
Her body's totally shot from the chemo and the radiation.
She's all crumbly.
Edie and I are going to the movies tonight, if you want to join.
Girls night out? I'm there, totally.
# I'm a lonely little petunia in an onion patch # # An onion patch, an onion patch # # I'm a lonely little petunia in an onion patch # # And all I do is cry all day # # Boo-hoo # # Boo-hoo-hoo.
# What the hell is that? My mother used to sing that to us.
Well, that explains a lot.
Why is it that when you move, you can never find the things that you actually want? You just find the things that you regret bringing and not throwing away.
- I never hold onto anything.
- Smart.
You should be proud of that.
I'm thinking about building some shelves in the other bedroom.
That's not one of those things you really need to know how to do in order to be able to do it, right? Let's finish all this settling in later and watch bad TV.
Okay, but we're gonna have to make a decision at some point.
Office isn't always gonna be an office.
It's gonna be a nursery as soon as I mean, you might already be pregnant.
- Oh, I'm not.
I got it yesterday.
- Oh.
So that's why you looked so sad when you came home late after class.
Why didn't you tell me? I don't know.
Well, look.
It was only our first time up at bat.
I'm sure this month it'll happen.
- Maybe it's for the best.
- Yeah, exactly.
We get another month where it's just the two of us.
We have to learn to appreciate those while we still have them.
Well, it's definitely an improvement, yet there's still something unsatisfying about these.
Does anyone know what it is? - Hmm? - They're technically good.
It's just that they're finite.
Elise, that is a beautiful way to put it.
They show us something, but they don't leave us with anything to ponder.
All except this one.
Claire, what do you think this photograph is saying? Um it's about being half-hidden, what it means to come out of the shadows.
The woman in the photograph looks at us like she wants us to come closer.
But we don't.
She teases us, almost like she's daring us.
But what is the dare? Is it to touch her? She looks like she knows we're scared.
But what's so scary about this beautiful woman? What's so scary about getting close to someone? Because we don't quite know the answer to any of these questions, the photo haunts us.
Nice work, Claire.
- Does anyone else have any comments? - Yeah.
- I'm really pissed off.
- Why is that, Elise? Claire takes an erotic picture of her beautiful girlfriend and she gets an A just because you're a lesbian.
This sucks.
- She's not my girlfriend.
- Give me a break.
- Okay, that's enough.
- Anita, tell her she's just my friend.
She's not Claire's girlfriend that I know of.
Why isn't she answering? I don't think there's anyone here.
I suppose you're right.
- Oh my God.
- Sarah! Honey? Ruth? Oh, for God's sake, Fisher.
I tell the children to make the ugliest monster that lives inside them, and then we put their pictures on them.
They are sort of ugly.
- This one is really hideous.
- Oh, that's mine! I think it's wonderful that you've become a teacher.
Please, I'm just the crazy art lady who comes in a few afternoons a week.
I don't have any actual certification, so the pay is pretty terrible.
Yes, but the last time I saw you well, I'm glad you've put your life together.
Wow, I had no idea.
George has just told me the entire history of papier-mâché.
It was fascinating.
May I use your bathroom? Of course, let me show you where it is.
So I left five fucking messages for you after I came back into town.
Why haven't you called me? - I don't know.
- You look funny.
I was dehydrated earlier.
Well, now that I have you back, I'm not gonna let you go.
You have to stay for dinner.
I have a million questions for you.
You must have a million for me.
It's just I've been having this funny feeling lately.
So this morning I decided to follow him.
That fucking bastard! I told you he was gonna do this to you one day.
Come on, maybe there's a logical explanation.
Maybe he Oh my God.
What? What is it? What's going on? Rico's charity has a double D.
I will cut his balls off! I need you take the boys tonight.
I need the house to be empty when I talk to him.
No, I can't.
I'm gonna be here for hours.
This shit show has been on forever and none of the regulars give a fuck anymore.
- I could come by tomorrow and get them.
- Fine.
Are you gonna be okay tonight? Don't worry about me.
What if there really is a handsome prince? - She's really pretty.
and he's a really good kisser? She's gorgeous but in a really subtle way.
- Am I supposed to be able to breathe? - No.
- What do you think of her? - I don't know what makes a girl pretty.
I don't look at girls that way.
From the producer who brought you "The Vanishing" When you were little you used to go on and on about how beautiful you thought Jennifer Aniston was.
That's because I was parroting what the culture was telling me to think.
What did you expect? I was 11.
- Do you love me? - Yes.
Then I have everything I need.
If you make a noise, I'll shoot.
I'll shoot I'll shoot If you even breathe, I will shoot you in the spine You were told, "Don't look behind.
" I have to get out of here.
What's going on? I forgot.
There's something I have to do at work with the, uh tumor lady.
Edie, you give Claire a ride home, okay? Do you have any idea what's it's like - to see your life fall apart? - I understand.
I'm just nervous.
It's Maya's first night with the new sitter.
She seems like a nice girl.
I used to babysit when I was a kid.
I hope you hid all your private papers.
You mean you used to snoop around people's private things? All the time.
You wouldn't believe the stuff I found.
Why do the ugliest people always have the dirtiest photos? I don't know.
One time this widow brought in the grossest photo of her husband to help with the embalming.
He was wait, you want me to describe him? Please, don't.
So, how's it being back at work? It's the same old same old.
I'm just trying not to let it get me down.
Now, in my off hours I'm concentrating on relaxing and having fun.
Really? What kind of things do you like to do? I woke up one morning, the bastard was gone.
Stole $5,000 from me, and some Tiffany lamps.
But I'd always hated those anyway.
Oh dear, you must have been so depressed.
This one? Are you kidding? We went to Taos that night and stayed a week.
Had a blast.
Julia Roberts and her husband live there.
We chased them around town like they were wild boars.
How were you able to do that? Oh, I figure the only way you can show everybody is to have the time of your life.
George, let's hear all about you.
- You seem interesting.
- Yeah.
Ruth tells me you had a son sending you boxes of shit.
- Bettina! - What? Like my daughter hasn't done worse to me? Come on, you want to compare war stories? Actually, no, I don't.
Do you have a television? There's a documentary on PBS I wouldn't mind watching a few minutes of.
Oh, sure.
There's one in the other room under that mess in the corner.
Having a hard night? Uh no, I just saw some bad coming attractions.
That's a new one.
- So what can I get for you? - Vodka gimlet.
Really? Yeah, my father used to drink them when he wanted something strong.
Vodka gimlet coming up.
Look at that wimp over there.
Let's kick the shit out of him.
- No, let's kill him.
- We could just hide in his car.
- It would be so easy.
- You want this? The kitchen made an extra order by mistake.
I see you don't eat that many fried foods.
No, not so many.
And spend a little too much on clothes, I noticed too.
Maybe a bit.
And you shave well.
None of the other guys shave as well as you.
Oh, fuck.
I'm gonna fucking kill Javier.
Why didn't you tell me you were gay, bitch? Oh, calm down, they're the ones who told me.
Javier's got one big blabbermouth.
I think it's because he's got a real serious crush on you.
Come on, he's married.
Javier's straight, isn't he? Neil, I met on match.
- The teacher I met on Salon.
- Ah.
Are these internet sites safe? Do they screen these men? Of course not, thank God.
If there was any kind of screening, none of us would make it through, right? I remember I really liked "Looking for Mr.
Goodbar" when it came out.
So, is he never coming in to dinner? George gets very caught up sometimes.
He's a very focused person.
It's a show about the Elgin Marbles.
I mean, how caught up can he be? So, tell me about the one you're seeing now.
His name is Bernie, he's a freelance editor and he has a cat.
- He's nice.
- He's a loser.
Stop that! He's someone to do things with.
Listen, if all you can say about a guy is that he's someone to do things with, then that's worse than being alone.
Well, I like him, so shut up.
I suppose we should be getting home.
George drives really slowly at night and he doesn't like me to talk so he can concentrate.
If you want, you can stay here.
The bed's pretty bad and the guest room - has a strange smell - We'll take it.
Well, you can have some more wine then.
And then bam, the lady was dead because she let the tumor get so big.
- Are you listening to me? - Of course I'm listening.
"And then bam, the lady was dead because she let the tumor get so big.
" Can you imagine? Something horrible just growing inside of you? Something terrible just eating away at your insides? Yes, actually, I can.
Oh my God, this is so dirty! But what with your roommates and Maya, I just figured it's not that dirty.
I'm sure they clean it once in a while.
No, I meant this.
This is so dirty.
Uh, I'll take one more for the road.
Sorry, buddy, we're closing.
I can't do this! What happened? You were like in heat before I'm sorry, I can't! I can't! God, why do I always pick the crazies? She's in a better mood.
Yeah, no gay clubs tonight.
Oh, hey, someone called for you on the stage phone when you was in the can.
"Higwood Jablome"? I don't know a Higwood Jablome.
That doesn't sound right.
Look at it again.
Higwood Jablome.
Don't know him.
No, that's not a G, that's a Y.
And that's an E, not an I.
Oh, Heywood.
I don't know a Heywood Jablome either.
That's not how he said let me see.
- Ja-blow-me.
- I don't know this person.
Well, say his name right, maybe you do.
Okay, okay.
Heywood Jablome.
Heywood Jablome.
- What's so fucking funny? - Say it again.
- Heywood Jablome! - Sure, I'll blow you, K.
# Oh, I'm a lonely little petunia in an onion patch # # And all I do is cry all day.
# She seems sweet.
You two would make a lovely couple.
Well, she's just somebody to have fun with.
We don't really have that much of a connection.
That's 'cause you won't let there be one.
Nate, make a connection with her.
Nah, she's not ready to settle down.
Now you, you were ready to settle down.
I'll say, but I think you two could get together and have a beautiful life.
You can have the life with her you didn't give me.
- I gave you everything I had, Lis.
- Right.
Here's my advice to you: stop with the cheap motels, stop sleeping with the crazy ex and try to have a real relationship with this one.
What's stopping you? The pain.
What's that supposed to mean? I can't ever again go through the pain of starting a life with someone only to have it taken away from me.
Oh, please.
Whoa! Ouch, that hurt! Life is pain.
Get used to it.
All right.
So, I guess that's it.
Here we are.
Claire, what's going on here? I don't know.
I mean, I feel like maybe you're into me, but you're just confused, right? Because I could be into you if I knew you were into me, you know? So, I'll need you to say it.
I can't say it.
Okay, look, this is what I know.
It's like you really inspire me.
I want to be with you all the time.
I feel like you're this really special person who makes me feel like I am more special.
Okay, that sounded really stupid.
No, it didn't.
This I'm sorry.
Hey, soldier.
Just checking in.
Bren, can we have an honest conversation? Oh, fuck.
I'm sorry, it's just one of us has to wake up here.
This isn't good for you.
It's not good for me.
This is keeping us from really having anything good.
And you know what? We deserve to be happy.
From everything you say, Joe seems like a good guy a little weird, but then again, so are you.
Give him a chance.
Go be with him, really be with him.
Give yourself a chance to be happy.
- What if it's too late? - It doesn't have to be.
Maybe you can just try telling him the truth, what we've been doing.
See where that goes.
That didn't work so well when I told you the truth.
Well, maybe he's more mature than I was then.
Hold on a sec.
What? Why aren't you watching the funeral? These things run themselves.
Where's David? Now he doesn't even show up to clean? He wasn't feeling well this morning.
I told him to stay at home.
I'm working.
I should go.
Uh good luck.
Okay, bye.
George seems nice, Ruth.
He reminds me of someone.
You must be joking.
They're so different.
George is so academic and Nathaniel was so Nathaniel.
That jovial nature masking something else.
Oh, that.
Their intense privateness, that need to withdraw.
Maybe it's true what they say.
We all pick the same person over and over again.
There's something nice about that.
Hey, let's move it.
We better get a move on or we're gonna be late.
Okay, great.
We feed breakfast burritos to the homeless twice a week.
Breakfast burritos on top of everything else? Oh my goodness.
The teaching, the dating, chasing Julia Roberts like a wild boar how do you do it? Ruth maybe you want to be getting out a little more.
It's so much harder to do things when you're married.
I hear you.
It's not like I've been able to have a long-term relationship and not subsume myself.
I wonder why.
Maybe that's our legacy.
But maybe it doesn't have to be.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- What's going on? - Nothing.
Oh, it's just this really sad story about this man whose wife left him because he couldn't control his eating.
And nothing the therapist or anybody did could get him to stop eating.
So, she left him and he had a heart attack and died.
Is this your way of telling me that I need to cut down on my snacks? I've done something bad.
I think I've been really, really scared about my feelings for you and it's caused me to act out in old and familiar patterns.
Just say it.
I slept with someone a few times.
This is my problem that I am obviously continuing to struggle with.
It's not you.
What are you thinking? I need to know what you're thinking.
I'm thinking I am so fucked.
I never liked anyone as much as you and I'm never going to like anyone as much again.
So that's it.
It's over and this sucks.
It doesn't have to be over.
It could be like a new beginning.
- Do I know this person? - No.
So, what do you think of it being like a beginning? Not much.
So what do you think it all means? Okay.
Heywood Jablome.
Heywood Jablome.
This is a tough one.
Now, the obvious answer is that he wanted to blow me.
I mean, Freud would say that on some level he wanted to blow me whether he knows it or not.
I don't recall Freud's position on the Heywood Jablome phony phone message.
But how would I know if he's conscious of wanting to blow me or not? That is the question.
It is and it is an important one.
I don't know, I guess I could make some sort of pass at him.
What do you think I should do? Are you still there? - I don't want to do this anymore.
- What? Us.
This having sex with other people.
You know, we said if one of us was ever uncomfortable, we could stop doing it.
I want us to stop doing it.
Uh, I don't remember that rule.
- What's going on? - Oh, Keith.
Why did this happen to me? What did I do to deserve to have this happen to me? - Nothing.
- Oh God.
Let it out.
I'm here.
You're gonna be okay.
I'm here.
Where are the kids? Rico, I know everything about this woman.
About how often you call her, about what you bought her! I've done nothing wrong.
I know you're sleeping with this person.
I'm not sleeping with her! I told you, I'm just helping Sophia.
Oh my God.
Oh my oh my God.
I don't want this to be happening.
- But nothing is happening! Nothing is - Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit! I saw her! I sat outside that house! I saw her face when she opened whatever the fuck it is you left for her! She loves you! No, she doesn't.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
You-you gotta get the fuck out of here.
- No, no! - Yes, you gotta go.
You gotta get the fuck out of this house.
Please, Vanessa, just try to understand this.
I do understand this.
I understand it a whole lot better than you do.
Shit! Hey.
Edie, what are you doing here? Claire, I just I couldn't be away from you.
I have to be with you.
I really need you.
You left your wallet in my car.
Oh my God.
Thank you.
I thought I lost it this morning.
You know maybe on some unconscious level, - you left it because - Okay.
Fine, I give up.
Let's just sleep together.
Now? In a sec, I need to brush my teeth.
Last night, it seemed like this isn't what you want.
It isn't.
But come on, get undressed.
Let's go.
- I don't understand what's changed.
- Hold on.
Nothing has changed.
Part of me thinks this is what I want and part of me thinks it isn't.
But what if the part of me who thinks it isn't feels that way because I'm scared? And after all, I do owe you one.
All right, you're on.
Go away, Rico.
Just let me talk to you for a few minutes.
Please just let me in.
- Why? - Please.
Oh, I fell down! Hey, you know what? Maybe you and me and Maile will do something fun this Saturday.
What do you think of that? Oh, I fell down! Huh? She has two dogs.
You love doggies, right? Hello! Oh, man, I can't wait till you start talking.
What the hell are you doing? I'm calling Maile.
I'm doing what you said.
Trying to start a relationship.
With that girl, are you crazy? That'll never turn into anything serious.
But last night you told me that I was desperate.
I am so fucking scared that you're gonna go back to Brenda that I'll do or say anything to stop it.
If you have a relationship with Brenda, then I'll really be dead.
Brenda's just sleeping with me because she really loves Joe.
That's what she does.
No, it's different this time.
You love her and she loves you.
And you should be with her before it's too late.
This is giving me a really bad feeling.
If I were you, I'd check that out.
It might be a tumor.
Ha ha.
Yeah, without the silent E, we couldn't have found Kate.
# I'm a lonely little petunia in an onion patch # # An onion patch # - # An onion patch # - # Mmm #
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