Boardwalk Empire s04e08 Episode Script

The Old Ship of Zion

- Where is your friend ? - Charlie's out.
It's me, Meyer and Petrucelli.
This week, you'll watch over my part of the town here.
I heard you came back with a black eye.
This Sally, she's a pistol is all.
I banged a door.
After you banged her.
Do you know what this is ? - Heroin.
- Control over men who are lesser than you.
Chalky White is one of those men.
- I dropped out today.
- I'm gonna talk to your dean and you're gonna re-enroll on Monday.
I'm sorry, but I'm not.
You leave school, Willie.
Stay here tonight.
White's true purpose has been clouded by misguided ambition.
I have come to breathe new life into this community.
He doesn't seem pleased to have to answer to Mr.
Is he pleased with you? I believe he is.
Within the past month, we've had two separate incidents of heroin overdoses.
Found out who's been running that poison around here.
I know full well, Mr.
And I'm on my way to see Mr.
White right now.
Deacon, please.
A guilty man will say anything to save his skin.
How we keeping, Miss Monroe? My joints are acting up a bit.
Weather's changing.
Might be, I expect.
I'm visiting relations this week.
Make sure you situated.
Thank you kindly.
Bring 'em all something nice.
You know she like it tidy.
Running low.
Told you cut it twice.
I done it.
Cornstarch, talc Cut four times.
What you got for me? Ain't no place to keep it.
Mean dog right here.
Cut four.
Hear me, Mose? This is from the doctor.
He expecting everyone.
Nag's name is Buddy Boy.
Rothstein bets 100,000 to place.
- Dollars? - Yeah, this is one bet, mind you.
Horse comes in fifth.
By the last race, Rothstein's down 500 grand.
Whew--! - What'd he do then? He went to Lindy's, ordered a cheesecake.
Sat there eating like nothing happened.
He can be entertaining, you have to give him that.
Is that how you see it, Ben? When you spend your whole day watching-- What do you think your job is? I'm just curious because it doesn't seem to involve actual police work.
Suddenly no one has anything to say? We didn't come here to get lectured by you, Jim.
What are you here for, Mitch? I ask you to make connections.
All you bring me are anecdotes.
This operation is costing time and money.
New York, Chicago, Boston, Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Florida, I need to bring them together to make this case.
Where's the law for this? We'll get the crooks, then we'll find the law.
Anybody who doesn't agree to that, you're welcome to go back to investigating land fraud.
Here's something.
Of course it's just an anecdote.
Yes? Nucky Thompson has a nephew at Temple University.
This nephew's roommate is currently facing trial for killing another student with spiked liquor.
The first person the police went to was the nephew.
He was in custody for eight hours.
Then he was released with all charges dismissed.
- Why? - I couldn't say.
All I know is that Nucky Thompson drove up from Atlantic City, sat in the DA's office for 35 minutes, and another boy went to jail.
I hope that amused you, Jim.
I'll get on those land fraud cases right away.
You found the coffee.
You want some? I'll have Sid make it.
You're low on everything.
Wasn't there a delivery? No one's come around.
There's one more egg down there.
I'll get something along the way.
Where you headed? Just some business.
I could come along.
You could.
- Your father will be there, so you two-- - No, thanks.
We're on the same side here.
You know that? Yes, sir.
Going back to Philadelphia, that's not practical.
It would have been better if you'd come to me about it first instead of-- - I couldn't just sit there while-- - It's done.
It's not worth going over again.
The question is moving forward.
Because we all have to move forward, Will.
You want me to leave.
I want you to give some thought about how to turn this into an opportunity.
I have to tell you right now? You have to start thinking about it.
It's the only way to get on in life.
And go take a walk on the beach or something.
You're too young to be cooped up inside all day.
I was lost In sin and sorrow On an isle In life's dark sea My child I've come to save you Step on board And follow me - 'Tis the old - Old ship of Zion - Ship of Zion - Old ship of Zion - 'Tis the old - Old ship of Zion - Ship of Zion - Old ship of Zion - 'Tis the old - Old ship of Zion - Ship of Zion - Old ship of Zion Daddy.
Are you all right? I'm fine.
People are looking at you.
Early one morning I got on board.
Yes! Hallelujah! Rest with Jesus, Deacon.
Thank you, sister, for the soothing truths - in that old hymn.
- Amen.
Safe with Jesus, the captain.
You know he is.
Sailing out on the old ship of Zion.
That's right.
That is the journey that Deacon Lemuel Cuffy embarks upon now.
We wished him bide a while longer.
But that was not to be vouchsafed.
Well might we ask why his leave need be so swift and so violent.
This good and peaceable man.
Was it worse than the crown of thorns and the nails? For, one who came before us suffered.
One who came before us knew the torment.
One who came before us died so that we might have eternal life.
Tell it.
Come on, tell it.
At this point I've just about had it.
Dinner, the show at the Adelphi-- a lot to sit through as far as I was concerned.
Then over to Rendezvous Park.
Ices, pretzels, candy apples.
I can't believe what she's cramming down there.
The Whip, Shimmy Auto, the coaster, my head's turning in circles.
Finally, we're off in a dark corner and I go, "How about a little something for me?" Smack! Right across the kisser.
"Some nerve for a fella I just met.
" What are you talking about? We've been at this for a month.
Turns out this was her sister.
Twin sister? No, that's the peculiar aspect.
Why are you telling us this? I'm just keeping my end up.
It's not like you two are chatterboxes.
Go check outside.
They ain't here yet.
Go check anyway.
Isn't that Eddie's? He said I could have it.
I understand you're upset.
- I'm not upset, I'm furious.
- That's not going to help.
When did you become the expert on my son? I don't pretend to be.
But right now he's in my house.
- It's not a house.
- Hotel.
Are we gonna argue about what to call it? He's there.
It's not ideal for anyone.
- You think I like it? - What difference does it make-- Do you think I like it? - No.
- I don't like it.
But at least-- at least it stays inside the family.
Isn't that better? Just leave him be.
He'll get bored.
It'll sort itself out.
Let's see what the oranges look like.
What for? The first bottle.
It's good luck.
I stole it from a dead guy.
So there's the Shimmy Auto.
And there's a roller coaster.
Well, who's this? The butter and egg man? Jeez, ain't you the firecracker? - Sally.
- You know each other? Miss Wheet and I met down in Tampa.
He came, he saw And he conked her? You are a wicked little boy.
You think I need a spanking? I didn't know you were riding up.
I hopped in at the last minute.
Was that wise? I never stopped to think about it.
That's the way it should be, huh? Take life as it comes.
Some people can't manage that.
They don't know what they're missing.
- Mickey.
- Yeah? They're unloading now.
Duty calls.
Someone's in a mood.
- Is there a problem? - Where? With the operation.
Oh, the operation.
No, the operation is hunky-dory.
I just wasn't expecting you.
Hello, yes.
Of course, hello.
Welcome to Atlantic City.
All the bootleg come through here? Mostly.
Mostly as in "mind your own business"? As in it's always good to leave something to talk about for later.
We're talking later? I can't promise exactly.
So we're not talking later.
- I just need some time to-- - What's his problem? - That's my brother.
- No wonder he looks so miserable.
He, uh-- his son-- it's a long story.
- Where are you staying? - Beats me.
I'll get you in a hotel.
Well, you're welcome to try.
No, I'll put you up in-- it's an invitation to be my guest.
I'll treat you to dinner.
Who asked you to do that? No one asked.
I'm offering.
I brought plenty of cash.
- What? - I said no, thanks.
What did you come up here for? I told you.
I didn't stop to think about it.
Mix yourself a rum swizzle.
Make sure it's swept outside.
Don't need anyone jawing.
Want you keep tabs on Mose.
Think he skimming? Gonna peek down that ankle, tell you that.
Meantime, get yourself over to You-Knee-Ah.
Boss man.
What's shaking? Ain't seen you at service this morning.
I ain't no church man.
You know that.
People jawing about that deacon.
Eyeing me all hincty.
Nobody know nothing.
Somebody do.
We gonna find that somebody.
Take some time.
Well, you come along now.
How's that? Business to do.
What business? Tell you on the way.
Let's go, buck.
Chair ain't running off nowhere.
How'd you get started, Mr.
Bader? In politics? Well, I had the construction firm.
Get to know people, they get to know you.
Nucky persuaded me it was time to give something back to the city.
A little different back then, of course.
What do you mean? Your uncle, he's involved in other enterprises now.
I'm not implying any-- - Ed.
- Nuck.
Having a little chin-wag with William here.
He's explaining how you get to be mayor.
Heck, this one's got it figured out already.
What happened with the grocery delivery, Will? Sid said that he was-- We don't want the cupboards bare.
Go and make sure.
Yes, sir.
Smart kid.
A real Thompson.
What brings you here, Ed? Election year again.
I have a calendar.
Where do we stand? If there are problems, I need to hear them.
I'd say we're keeping each other happy, aren't we? I get a dead body on the building site-- Make the sheriff do his job.
And now this business with the deacon.
In his own church.
I'm nowhere without the colored vote.
You know better than anyone.
That's between you and Chalky.
I don't have that connection with him.
Then you need to make one.
If he can't keep his own house in order, that's not good for either of us.
If you could just-- What is it, Will? Some mix-up at the market.
So they never got the order.
What you think, buck? Ain't nothing going on there.
Know what I see? House full of trouble.
Let's go remind them who run this side of town.
Ow! Hey, inky-dink.
You bring me a Baby Ruth? Ugh! Who running things around here? Moses.
Where he at? In the bulrushes.
What the fuck is-- I wanted to talk to that man.
Wasn't in no conversing mood.
You mighty quick to end things.
He be quick to end me.
Ain't that what we come for? Clayton, is it? I hear you like Chesterfields.
When I can get them.
Tell me all about William Thompson.
Have in your town Miss Hannah Brown Called upon a good man when her blues came down And when she felt blue in spite of all her charms She felt much better in her daddy's arms She called her man To her side And then she softly cried Eagle Rock me, papa And Sally Long me too Rock me, pretty papa While I tell you what to do Sometimes I wish that I had never seen you But use me, papa, for your own convenience Busy.
I'm interrupting.
Come and go as you please.
She's working out well.
Wouldn't you say? Doing all right, I reckon.
It's not my style of music, but you can't say it doesn't have an effect.
That's the blues.
- They picked the right color.
- Hmm.
Anything you need to tell me? About what? It's your side of town and I don't interfere, but I hear things and I have to ask.
Then ask.
Deacon Cuffy.
He was where he shouldn't have been.
He was in the church.
What you want me to say? I need to know your house is in order.
We looking into it.
Anything else? There is, I'll let you know.
You should make a donation.
We done with the lecture? I'm just talking to a friend.
Don't let your life get out of hand.
What can I get you, Mr.
Thompson? You know what I like, Carter.
I got that 20-year-old where no one touch it.
Spend your whole life in Florida? Pretty much.
What do you all do down there in the summertime? Stay in the shade mostly.
Keep away from sharp objects.
Not all of them, I hope.
Depends on my mood.
How's your mood now? 'Cause mine's pretty good.
For a busy man, you've got lots of time to kill.
You've found something to do.
If you're bored, you're boring.
I was raised to keep myself entertained.
She can shoot a bow and arrow.
- Didn't know that.
- Well, we haven't talked that much.
And she's half Indian.
I'm not good with numbers.
What do you think of the club? Guess you were slumming down in Tampa.
It's just people expect something different here.
Looks like they do.
What was the name of that place you said again? Uh, Rendezvous Park.
Yeah, let's have us a rendezvous.
Am I missing something? Not yet.
What, that? It was only for safekeeping.
I'll take care of it now.
Sure thing, Nuck.
Ugh! Ow! I enjoyed our conversation.
You have a fine evening.
So, right.
He gets on my nerves.
He wasn't getting on mine.
Let me buy you another drink.
I'll buy one for you.
That wouldn't make sense.
Because you own the joint? All you had to do was tell me you were coming.
Now why would I have to do that? I might need to get my strength up.
Did I hurt your feelings last time? You hurt my jaw.
I didn't hear you complaining.
Or maybe you were just being nice to the simple girl from the backwoods.
Where are you staying tonight? You shall not wrest the babe from my arms, Africanus.
She is not yours to claim, wanton.
I bore her in my womb and nursed her at my breast.
With the tainted milk of foreign kine.
Pass her to me and redeem yourself.
Redeem yourself and be freed.
Oh, precious one.
Think mercifully of your mother, she who gave you life, but could not hold onto life herself.
Daughter, I name you Ominira.
And freedom is indeed what you shall bring.
Live and lead us forward.
Lead your people home.
And so conclude these scenes of pity and terror.
As a writer for the stage, I make no claims.
As a believer in our people and the heights we might scale, I dare to reach for all that-- - What's that? - It's coming from outside.
--dare to reach for all that a man may dream.
What's all that racket going on out there? For in the stirring words of Brother Garvey, "Up, up, you mighty race.
Accomplish what you" Come on, come on.
Excuse me.
- What does he want? - Pardon me, madam.
Are you here for the play? It's just concluded.
No, Doctor.
I come to show you something.
What are you talking about? A book? Almost like a package or something.
Pay no more nevermind to that house on Baltic, Mrs.
What's he talking about? What you got there, Mr.
White? Doctor can tell you.
It is your performance, sir.
Well this one called "Harlem By Torchlight.
" Whoa! Whoops.
I'm sorry.
- Ow! - Back off.
Let me look at that.
Come on.
Over here.
Now who might you be? I'm-- I'm Uncle Nucky.
I'm Uncle Nucky's nephew.
Will iam.
I'm Sal ly.
Why are they called "hush puppies"? My pa said he'd feed 'em to the dogs to keep 'em quiet.
But then he said a lot of things turned out not to be true.
Like what? Well, that we'd have a house with floors one day, for starters.
That he'd take me to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Oh, and that he'd stay hitched to Ma.
Ah, Will.
You've met Miss Wheet.
- She-- - We covered that part.
Will and I have been talking.
About what? What he should be doing with himself.
Go on.
I, uh I don't think I should stay here any longer.
If that's how you feel.
Let him finish.
I want to learn how things work in the city.
How do you expect that to happen? I'm not asking for any favors.
I'll start at the bottom and hope I can make good.
And if I don't, it means I didn't deserve it.
Your mother and father? I owe them an apology.
And our agreement? I just want you to give me a chance.
To show you that I can be the person you want me to be.
That you want to be.
Sorry? The person you want to be.
Well, let's see what we can do.
Somebody's got to finish these.
It's too early.
To give in to melancholy.
We have talked about this weakness.
How you must fight it, hmm? I try.
You must try harder.
Because it upsets me.
I begin to think I have failed you.
I cannot bear that.
I'm sorry.
I know.
I know.
Did they like your play? Its symbolism was beyond them.
And there was a disturbance.
What happened? Mr.
White will come to you this evening? Yes.
Will you keep him here? There will be another visitor.
That's the last of it, Mick.
They're ready if you're ready.
- Well? - Well what? Little crazy to get straight back on the road.
You said I was supposed to look after your interests.
And Petrucelli's waiting for his whiskey.
Pierce can wait a day longer.
And then? You're the one who doesn't like to plan things.
And how would that work? We'd have to see.
You let me know if you're heading down again.
In the meantime Look it's not that I don't want to.
It's just there's not much privacy around here.
What are you talking about? What are you talking about? I'm talking about I didn't babysit your first shipment north just 'cause I have a good heart.
I kept those boys in line and we didn't spill a drop.
So You're kinda cute in your way.
What are you doing? I have some new information about Edward Kessler.
It's big.
Very big.
It turns out he was part of a violent criminal organization that runs Atlantic City.
I don't get your sense of humor.
Not a joke.
- My associate.
- You mind sliding over? - Go fuck yourself.
- We'd like you to slide over.
- Stop that.
- Why should I? 'Cause we're agents of the Bureau of Investigation.
And you want to be very careful about how you conduct yourself right now.
How's your boy, by the way? The one who used to be in college.
You were pretty concerned about him.
The fucking which of Investigation? His roommate is sitting in a cell awaiting trial on a murder charge.
And you know about people in jail.
They all say they're innocent.
But he told me a story anyway.
Two boys drive to Atlantic City.
Steal liquor from a warehouse controlled by the first boy's father.
They poison this liquor, give it to another boy at school that first boy doesn't like.
- Henry Gaines.
- They called him "Bucket.
" Now he's dead.
Clayton Davies is facing life.
The first boy-- well, it's all about who you know, isn't it? His Uncle Enoch got him out of it.
Old news to you.
I mean, you and your brother, you worked it out together.
- None of that happened.
- You know it did.
I don't know anything.
I'm sorry you have to hear it from us.
"Always worried about your boy.
" Isn't that what you said? You were right to be.
You need to calm down.
People can see you.
They'll remember we sat here and had a chat.
Is that something you'd like Nucky to know? Eddie Kessler had nothing to lose.
That's not you.
Make the smart call.
Bring us your brother along with the criminals he conspires with.
And your son stays a free man.
All you have to do is nod and you get to hold on to what matters.
One little nod.
What if they don't let me back in? That won't happen.
Just say what you're going to say and sound like you mean it.
Ed Bader's up for reelection.
You know this? You know how he got to be mayor? You wanted him to be.
You're going to work at his office.
Start at the bottom just like you asked.
All I require is that you keep your eyes and ears open.
Are you comfortable with that? My father used to be sheriff.
You were the county treasurer.
Jack Dempsey came to your hotel.
You remember that? I remember everything.
What do you want, Will? I want the family to be back where it belongs.
One step at a time.
Right? Why don't you pack this, too? My mother gave that to me.
Now I'm giving it to you.
There's a lot you can learn from it.
You're in a hurry.
Wasn't hurrying when it count, was I? Maybe you're getting tired of me.
You wear me out, but that ain't getting tired.
Then stay.
- I got business now.
- Your clothes all mussed.
I change at the club.
Won't your wife notice? Ain't no claim on me.
Everything she got, I pay for it.
She don't never ask where it come from.
What about your son? Daughters? Different thing.
De-Ernie says Lester can play.
Well, he ain't gonna run no roadhouse life no how.
'Cause he'll meet people like me? Stay.
When you sing that sound like like you tying up a secret.
I don't know any secrets.
I just know how I feel.
And how that? Spend your life walking over the world and never find your place 'cause there isn't one.
Thought the doctor look after you.
That's not what he does.
"Ship of Zion.
" They sang that at my daddy's grave.
Mama, brothers.
I knew when I heard it, I was gonna leave.
Never come back.
I ain't seen a one of them since.
Then you off walking, too.
Sing it.
What? Sing it again now.
For me.
With the old words.
I was drifting away On life's pitiless sea And the angry waves threatened My ruin to be When away at my side There I dimly descried A stately old vessel And loudly I cried It's the old ship of Zion Hosanna King Jesus is the captain Hosanna She's a-sailin' away toward Jordan Hosanna She's makin' for She's makin' for-- Don't stop.
It's wrong.
It's beautiful.
I-- Who you expecting? Boss man, it's me.
How you know where I be? That piano player fessed up.
Anyway, wasn't hard to figure.
What you come to say? Best hear it on the hoof.
Tell me now, it's so important.
Go on, fix us a plate.
There's some cold chicken.
You was right.
Doctor pushing powder.
Run that old house.
Slipped that knife through the deacon, too.
Where you get all that? Made them dope fiends sing.
Told you when he first showed his face, he looking to grab.
And he boiling from this afternoon.
What about her? Brought her around, didn't he? Stick her in front of you.
Keep you right busy.
Boss man, I'm just speaking gospel.
Where he at now? Back room, You-Knee-Ah.
I got the car downstairs.
Tiny and Chaz waiting.
You and me head over, send that hamfat straight to Libya.
All worked out.
No sense lollygagging.
One thing you ain't mentioned, buck.
What? How much he paying you to fuck me? Kick my face in, I say, "Yes, sir"? What the hell kind of mischief you Gabriel said, "Keep your servant also from willful sins.
" Breathe.
"May they not rule over me.
Then-- then will I be blameless.
" Breathe.
"Innocent of great transgression.
" The bridegroom has got the ring And it's such a pretty thing He slips it on her finger And the choir begins to sing Does the spearmint lose its flavor On the bedpost overnight? If you pull it out like rubber Will it snap right back and bite? If you paste it on the left side Will you find it on the right? Does the spearmint lose its flavor On the bedpost overnight? Does the spearmint lose its flavor Pop, I-- I disobeyed you.
I didn't show respect.
That was wrong.
I'm sorry.
I hope you can forgive me.
I'd like to come back home.
Please? Don't stop the fun on my account.
"If you pull it out like rubber" "Does it snap right back and bite?" Does the spearmint lose its flavor On the bedpost overnight? Does the spearmint lose its flavor Didn't I say it would work itself out? If you pull it out like rubber You did.
If you paste it on the left side Thank you, brother.
Does the spearmint lose its flavor On the bedpost overnight? Does the spearmint lose its flavor On the bedpost overnight? If you pull it out like rubber Will it snap right back and bite? If you paste it on the left side Will you find it on the right? If you paste it on the left side Will you find it on the right? Does the spearmint lose its flavor On the bedpost overnight? Dad's here.
Just finish playing.

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