Friday Night Lights s04e08 Episode Script

The Toilet Bowl

(GROANING) (MOOING) Son, you all right? Oh, God, contraction.
You're seven months pregnant.
You're not contracting.
Please go.
Please go to the hospital.
She's going to need to go on bed rest.
Until the baby is full term.
I don't exactly have insurance right now.
I'll figure out something.
I've got a business opportunity that would really make you a rich man.
I thought he was the one.
TAMl: I know, sweetie.
I'm sorry, baby.
Do your thing, Skeeter.
This is pretty great.
Texas forever.
TAMl: I think either one of them says, "College interview.
" This one still has the tag on it.
You might as well wear that one.
It's brand-new.
Honey, you know you've got to put your toiletries into the plastic travel bags.
These are ugly.
I'm not bringing those.
Don't take those.
Have you seen my blue shirt? TAYLOR: Gracie doesn't have any pants.
TAMl: It's in with the dry-cleaning.
Let me get it.
But get stuff together.
Do you know where Gracie's pants are? We've got to go.
We've got less than half an hour.
Do you know where Gracie's pants are? Hi, sweet angel.
They're in the bottom drawer.
You going to help your daddy find your pants.
TAMl: The bottom drawer, sweetie.
You realize none of my outfits are going to work unless I have that shirt? I'm getting it right now.
It's in with the dry-cleaning.
They're not in the bottom drawer.
TAMl: Check the dryer.
We can't miss this flight, Jules.
Come on, bring your spaceman.
I know, we got to get your pants on.
Mom, every outfit you packed, I look like a realtor in.
TAYLOR: All right, guys.
TAMl: Honey, you're going to look amazing and beautiful for your interviews.
TAYLOR: Hey, pack up and let's get going.
You give them hell up there, you understand me? TAMl: Good, you found the pants.
That's great.
All right? I will.
All right, time to go.
I know, sweetie.
Bye, Dad.
TAMl: Okay.
I love you.
TAMl: You're going to be great for your daddy.
Oh, shoot.
I got to grab my briefcase.
One second.
One second.
SAMMY: And not that anybody cares, but we have the league's two last-place teams facing off this Friday.
That's the East Dillon Lions versus the Campbell Park Timber Wolves.
Now, folks, some of y'all have dubbed this game "The Toilet Bowl," and I cannot disagree, but I'll tell you what, if you are Coach Taylor, you have got to see this game as a singular opportunity to get a "W" on the books this season.
(TOILET FLUSHING) LUKE: Hey, Ma? MARGARET: Yeah? Do I have a follow up with the doctor? MARGARET: He said he didn't need to see you unless it's still hurting in a couple of weeks.
It's doing good, right? I mean, you've been going to practice and everything.
LUKE: Yeah.
No, I'm good.
TIM: I've been driving by this property.
Oh, yeah.
It It doesn't have a price on there and I was Oh! A steal.
Seventy-five thousand if you can pay half the purchasing price upfront.
Might that be an option? Um Okay.
Okay, yeah, I know that we hang out all the time but Exactly, so why we got to call it a date? Because there's a very distinct difference in just hanging out and an actual date.
I would be wearing a nice button-up shirt, and you would probably be wearing like a nice skirt Yeah, but or something like that.
LANDRY: And it would be nighttime.
When you say "a nice shirt," though, you don't mean the one with the periodic table.
Because that's a mistake.
I have other really nice shirts.
I have a bunch of really nice shirts.
Yeah, I know.
Um, I have Wednesday night off.
So Wednesday night? I love Wednesdays.
That's great.
That's a good night.
All right.
(CHUCKLING) TAYLOR: Full-pad Monday, everyone ought to be happy.
You know what? It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.
Who's heard that before? (ALL AGREEING) TAYLOR: Well, it doesn't apply to this team anymore.
Listen to me, individually, we ought to be damn proud of where we come from and where we are right now.
Collectively, I think we've got a hell of a football team here.
But we're not scrappers anymore, we're Lions.
And this is our time.
This is your time.
We've got a week for this game coming up.
I want you to know I'm proud to take the field with you.
Let's practice.
(ALL CHEERING) (CHEERING STOPS ABRUPTLY) TAYLOR: What's going on? CROWLEY: What's going on here? PAULSON: So, we have a fabulous contradiction here.
Chaucer is the founder of modern English poetry, but he also uses words like "ass" and "fart.
" (CHUCKLES) PAULSON: So, what does Chaucer's very deliberate use of language tell us? Anyone? Someone.
Come on, really.
(INAUDIBLE) Yes, ma'am.
Do you want to answer? Oh, no, I'm just observing.
Oh, no, that's okay.
It seems you have a thought.
Please, share.
Oh, well Would it have to do with the context, you know, who's speaking? Exactly.
Context, who's speaking.
(TAMI LAUGHS) Think about The Knight's Tale.
TAMl: Mmm-hmm.
PAULSON: A story of romantic love (BOTH GRUNT) Let me see you throw it like that without tipping off the safety with your shoulders.
All right, looking good.
Looking good.
(ALL WHOOP) CROWLEY: Let's blitz.
Here we go.
Hit to hurt, gentlemen, let's go.
TAYLOR: That's it.
That's it.
You all right? Yeah.
You sure? Mmm-hmm.
All right.
Let's go.
(GROANS) CROWLEY: Grab the ball, Luke.
Here we go.
Look what the cat drug in.
(LAUGHS) TAYLOR: You ain't got any need for a toilet, do you? Oh, I know, I've never heard so much malarkey in my life.
Hey, Eric.
Good to see you.
You, too.
(EXHALES) Let's go, keep the elbow up.
Toilet Bowl.
God help us.
I just want to tell you that I I used to be something with the Dillon Panthers.
And I want it to be that way here.
I can help you, and I'm going to do that.
I just want to let you know that.
All right.
Can we get the pancakes? Get your hands No.
No, no.
Put it back.
Darius! Caleb.
JESS: Uh-uh.
Y'all some bad little boys.
(BOYS LAUGHING) (SCREAMING) Look, look, look, we're going to run a post-wrap with the sunflower seeds.
Go, go, go, go.
(SCREAMING) (LAUGHS) You're supposed to catch You're seriously teaching them to throw food in the Oh, you can't teach that.
That was a great job.
What's wrong with you? That's talent.
Hey, look at all you boys.
I haven't seen you in such a long time.
You've grown.
Darius, anybody tell you you look more and more like your daddy? Huh? Yes, ma'am.
(LAUGHING) I bet they do.
You know, I'll tell you what, I'm cooking dinner next week and I want you to be there.
Me? Yeah.
Oh, no.
I wouldn't want to impose.
No, no, no.
You're not imposing.
I'm going to cook for us and I expect you to be there.
Okay? Final answer.
Hey, you boys be good now.
Listen to what she tells you to do, okay? ALL: Yes, ma'am.
I'll see you.
Come on, baby.
Keep those.
Let them have the pancakes.
BOYS: Please.
No, you can't.
VINCE: Let them keep them.
JESS: Stop.
You hush.
CALEB: (CHUCKLES) Let's get this one.
(BOYS LAUGHING) MARCl: Honestly, before you were a guidance counselor, I don't think we got any applications from your district.
TAMl: Well, you know, I think once y'all came down to the fair, it just put a face to the school and let the kids realize it's not so far away and it's a real opportunity for them.
MARCl: Well, I'm just so glad you came up to B.
We are, too.
Julie, how do you like it so far? Um It looks exactly like the brochure.
Did you get a chance to sit in on any classes? Yeah, an English class.
MARCl: Oh, great.
How was it? It was good.
It was great.
We had so much fun.
It was Professor Paulson's class? Oh, Vanessa.
Her class is like being at some fabulous dinner party.
TAMl: Oh, it made me want to go get the Canterbury Tales, just read it for fun all over again.
Jules loves to read, too, don't you, hon? TAMl: I think she got that from me.
This place is so gorgeous.
You got a big game coming up this weekend, what do you got to say about it? (KNOCKING ON DOOR) (WHIMPERS) (GRUNTS) All right.
Yeah? Some chick named Mindy is on the phone for you and she sounds really crazy.
So, do you want me to just blow her off? No.
Hey, Skeeter.
Hey, Tim, I can't get a hold of Billy and the toilet's backed up and I need you to get over here.
Uh See, I've had a few too many, so I can't drive.
Actually, this isn't about you and your drinking problem, it's about me and my baby and the toilet is toxic, and I pee every five minutes and I don't know where your brother is and I really need you to be here.
So, go in the bathtub.
I'm not going to go in the bathtub.
I am on bed rest! Get your ass over here! Can you drive stick? Remember the clutch is your best friend, okay? BECKY: I'm not really sure what you mean when you say that.
TIM: Just let (ENGINE SPUTTERING) You understand I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I don't have airbags, by the way.
(SIGHS) So, why were you in a suit today? I don't know.
That's a good question.
(SIGHS) Some guys are meant to be in a suit and some guys aren't.
It's green.
Clutch, green.
Here we go.
(CLATTERING) Wrench me.
Where is Billy, anyways? MINDY: Doing some big job down at the Rig.
This late? You didn't know that? Yeah, I knew that.
Been working a lot of nights lately.
Yeah, well, it's getting busy, Minds, which is a good thing.
MINDY: It's not a big deal, right? What do you mean? Like, if I call him and he's all distracted and he's tired all the time.
And if I walk into a room and he's on the phone, then he hangs up really quickly.
Minds, what you're saying is not happening.
He is having an affair, isn't he? No, he's not.
I don't even want to know.
That's the sad part.
How pathetic am I? I don't even want to know if my husband's cheating on me because I am a total mess.
(SOBS) Yeah, I mean, this is an emerging team, equals emerging opportunity.
(ALL SPEAKING SPANISH) He thinks you want free time.
BUDDY: Oh, no, no, no.
BUDDY: I understand.
No, no, no, I'm a businessman.
I understand that.
This is a new demographic for you, football.
Football? American football, yeah.
(SPEAKING SPANISH) (CHUCKLES) No, no, no, I understood that.
American football.
Hey, and I understand you, too.
What? Do you think this is really necessary? If they want to talk trash about us, to hell with them.
Let's just get out of here.
I'm an investor, they understand that.
This is a chance for us to have a voice.
We can stop all the trash talk that's going on out there.
This can make a difference.
Well, do you think that we can do this within another five minutes maybe? Yes.
I just That'd be great.
OLD MAN: Senor? BUDDY: Yes? You say you want English on a Spanish station? BUDDY: Just for the football games.
BILLY: What the hell you doing? Morning.
Yeah, morning.
You can be honest with me, man.
It's I'm just Are you messing around on Mindy? (SCOFFS) No.
'Cause I know you've been working late and all that kind of stuff and I was over there and she's all worried and stressed out and maybe I'm not cheating on Mindy, all right? What's all this late night stuff then? Just doing a little after-hours work, that's all.
TIM: What kind of after-hours work? You know, it's the kind of after-hours work that you can't really do in the daytime.
You get it? No, Billy, I don't get it.
That's why I'm asking.
What do you mean? "After-hours"? (EXHALES) Look, all right, okay.
A couple guys came to me Who? a couple weeks ago, and they gave me a little proposition and What kind of proposition? Well, once or twice a week, they come by with a car and I break it down to its component parts.
They need it turned around in a quick time and they pay really good for that.
Chop shop.
(SIGHS) That's the stupidest Yeah, well, it's a plan, Tim.
You got a better plan? Yeah, Billy, we had a plan.
I mean, we just had a party here and raised buckets of money.
Buckets of money? Where's all that money then, Billy? Buckets of money? You want to know where that money is, Tim? Yeah, I do.
It went to two trips to the pharmacy, all right? And one meeting with the specialist.
That money's gone.
You got any other plans? Tell me about them.
Yeah, Billy.
This was our plan, Billy.
Riggins' Rigs.
Tim, it's a temporary thing, okay? Temporary thing? It's temporary.
You have no idea what you're risking, do you? Look, nobody's getting hurt here, man.
You keep reminding me, like, every week that you have a family and this mechanic shop is some dream of yours.
Tim, that's the whole reason I'm doing this, okay? The whole reason I'm doing this is for my family.
This is going to prevent me from going bankrupt.
It's going to make sure that Mindy's going to be okay and that my baby's going to be okay, all right? And once it's over with, everything will go back to normal.
TAMl: Oh, I love this school.
JULIE: I know, it's your favorite.
Did I ever tell you this was my first choice school? Only, like, a million times, but no pressure or anything, right? What do you mean? Of course no pressure.
(CHUCKLES SARCASTICALLY) You would have disowned me if I didn't apply to this college.
What are you talking about? You've just been staring over my shoulder, looking at every syllable that I put into every application, since I started the college process.
Wait a minute.
You decided where you wanted to apply.
I've been trying to help you in that process, but, honey, it's up to you what school you go to.
It's not up to me.
All I'm trying to do is support you as you're making that decision, that's all.
You get me? Yeah.
You sure about that? Yeah.
(BAND PLAYING ROCK MUSIC) Shooby do wah Shooby do wah Shooby do wah (VOCALIZING) Strange heart I feel strange I can't hit that note.
I'm sorry.
Is something the matter today, Landry? LANDRY: No, I just couldn't hit that note and I got He got stood up.
I did not get stood up, Jimmy.
Actually, the date was rescheduled because of conflicts.
And that might be a good thing because Thursday is more of, like a sexual night, anyways.
So, we're just going to go through the whole psychoanalytic breakdown or No, I'm saying, by 7:00 p.
On Thursday DEVIN: Yeah.
your brain is basically clicked in that it's pretty much the weekend.
But Wednesday is closer to Monday, and no one's getting busy on Monday, but Get busy? (RIMSHOT) Every now and then, people want to get busy.
(MICROWAVE BEEPING) (CUTLERY CLATTERING) Miss Howard, can I help you out in there? Oh, no, no, no, you stay put.
I know you've been working hard.
You need help with that? Oh, no, no, baby.
I got it.
I got it.
So, Jess, I must say, bless your heart for joining us, 'cause I ain't never seen this boy wear anything but a T-shirt.
(REGINA LAUGHING) JESS: How you been? Oh, you know, I can't complain.
Well, you know, I lost my job down at the hotel, but that was because it was closing and whatnot.
But you know, I'm keeping myself really busy, so You know, I did some part-time work for this cleaning company, and, you know, that just really didn't pan out.
I think it's just because of doing the night school thing down at Tech.
You know, things start changing for me.
Mom, these mashed potatoes are delicious.
Yeah, I know, baby.
It's all good.
So, I'm planning and JESS: That's good.
Yeah, it's My aunt said to tell you hello.
She's working down at this new You know what, honey, do you know how amazing you are? I mean, do you know how amazing you are? Because when you were a little girl, I mean, this light would just shine through you, and now look at you, you've become a beautiful young woman.
Thank you.
Isn't she beautiful? I mean, look at her, isn't she beautiful? Oh, stop it.
She's gorgeous.
Mmm, yeah.
Coach, you know you're doomed unless you can come up with some kind of passing game.
DEACON: Hey, why don't you let Coach worry about his game, y'all need to worry about buying some of this radio airtime.
You know, Buddy called me the other day.
That man is on a mission.
Roto-Rooter talk, not exactly morale-boosting, is it? Who are you telling? I bought Hey, I sure hope you make it worth my while come Friday.
We'll do our best.
Hey, this is pretty good brisket here.
Thank you.
Now I can die happy.
He's warming up to me.
(ALL LAUGHING) Great, the Internet's not working.
I'm sorry, honey.
You want to call downstairs? No.
Jules, you all right, honey? I know I should be excited about this trip and I know that we've been planning it for a really long time, and it's Everything is just happening so fast.
I know.
I know it seems like it.
I know I'm letting you down.
Hey, uh-uh.
No, ma'am, don't go there.
How could you be letting me down? I feel like such a stupid mess Like, "Hi, here I am.
I got dumped, "and I'm hanging out at all these universities where I don't belong.
" Of course you do.
You belong anywhere you want.
And it's like, all these interviews, it's like, I'm expected to recite all these factoids about myself and tell them how perfect I am and why I'd be a good student and it's just (SIGHS) It just seems fake.
Well, I'll tell you what.
The only thing you need to do in all these interviews is, go in and just be you.
And just, you know, look at this as an opportunity.
This is an opportunity for your future.
It's exciting.
I'm going to go take a shower.
VINCE: What up, C? Chillin', man.
Another day.
I know you hungry.
Go ahead and eat something.
What's up? It's getting kind of boring stealing these cars without you.
I need my bro dog.
I can't, man.
I wish I could, but I got to study these plays, you know? Right, right.
Plays, plays.
You know, Ty and some of his boys are going to be down at the park hooping later, man.
You should definitely roll.
We could take them.
I mean, you ain't that good, but you gotta build your team, so we're solid.
Yeah, man, but can't do it.
Practice, you know, Coach is on my butt about it, so Coach come first, huh? All right.
It's not even like that, man.
Listen, look, we gonna be hanging real soon.
I just can't get caught up.
My P.
, you know how it is.
Yeah, I know how it is, man.
All right.
BECKY: Okay, so when you walk in, you want to have a presence.
So, smile.
Are you paying attention? Yeah.
Walk tall, come in, sit with your shoulders pulled back, like there's a beam of energy coming out of your chest.
I don't think I'm trying to be a superhero here.
I just want a job.
(CHUCKLES) Okay, now get up and let's do it from the beginning.
Oh, it's my turn.
Okay, you ready for this? I'm so ready.
(TIM EXHALING) Walk tall.
Walking tall.
(CLEARS THROAT) That's my resume, sir.
So, Mr.
Riggins, I understand you're applying for a job here.
What kind of situation are you looking for? I'm looking for a situation where I can achieve something, be proud of it, and do it, start to finish, on my own.
You know what I think? What? I think you're a strong person and an honest worker.
And I think you can grow up to be whoever you want to be, Tim Riggins.
(KNOCKING ON DOOR) I'm guessing that's for you.
What are you doing here? I just came to talk to Tim Riggins.
Oh, it's for you.
How you doing? Fine.
What can I do you for? Well I got hurt real bad at the farm.
I mean, it's like when I push off and when I get hit, it's like someone is trying to rip my leg off with a crowbar.
What about the meds the doc gave you? It's like three weeks of meds.
I went through them in one.
All right.
This is what I need you to do, all right? Mmm-hmm.
Mental note this, all right? When you see him, the first thing you got to do, tell him how great he was at TMU.
Bring up your hip, and then there's four questions, one-word answers.
That's it.
All right.
(LANDRY LAUGHING) LANDRY: (IN BRITISH ACCENT) The joke is on you, Miss Kangaroo, for my sword was dipped in poison.
(BOYS CHEERING) (BOYS WHOOPING) JESS: Yay! Thanks, Landry, for the story.
Now it's bedtime.
What? JESS: I'll be there in a Be careful with those swords.
And start the (BOTH LAUGHING) You trying to scare me? Aren't you going to kiss? LANDRY: No.
Go inside.
Start the bathwater.
Vince is going to kick your butt.
Go inside.
He's going to kick whose butt? (BOYS LAUGHING) LANDRY: What'd he say? DARIUS: (IN SINGSONG VOICE) Jess likes the punter.
CALEB: (IN SINGSONG VOICE) She's going to kiss him.
Smoochie! What'd he say about Vince? (STAMMERS) I don't know.
I think they like Yeah.
Well Either way, I had a really good time tonight.
See you tomorrow at school.
Thanks for the sword.
Be careful.
And for the story.
All right.
Good night.
Well, I got a toy.
TAMl: All right, it's a vegetarian place and it's around here somewhere.
It's supposed to be great.
I read a review about it.
Can't we just go back and order room service? What are you talking about? This is going to be fun.
I just want to go back.
Hey, hon.
Come here.
Come here.
I know you're sad about Matt leaving and I am sorry for that, but we're here, all right? This is a great opportunity for you.
I just want to make sure you're seeing the bigger picture.
I don't know what that big picture is.
It's you, it's your life, it's your future.
It's getting into the school of your dreams.
You mean the school of your dreams.
Hey, stop acting like you're here because of me and like I've been masterminding your applications and all that.
You've always wanted to go to a great school, your whole life.
I am just here to support you.
You get that? Well, I'm sorry I'm not giving you the command performance that you deserve.
Well, you know what? You got an opportunity tomorrow, and you can either show up and be your best self or you can just blow it off.
But I promise you, if you blow it off because of a breakup, you are going to regret that.
So, what do you want me to do? I want you to pull it together, girl Yeah, well, I'm trying for yourself.
to pull it together, okay? Well, try harder.
Try harder? Yes.
Thanks for your support, Mom.
Oh, Jules Jules, come here.
Come here.
We were assigned A Christmas Memory last year, and after that I started reading all of Capote's short stories.
They were really great.
ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR: Well, that's impressive.
You know what I think is really amazing, is that he and Harper Lee were best friends, that in a little town, two great artists found each other when they were kids.
Hmm, I never thought of it that way.
Now, Julie, is there anything else you want to say about yourself, something that we wouldn't pick up from reading your transcript? Um When I started high school, I couldn't wait to get out of Dillon.
I thought that every book I read was like a rung on a ladder that I'd built to escape this town that was all about high school football and nothing else.
And now that I'm actually getting close to leaving, I'm starting to appreciate that I was shaped by my town, that I have a different viewpoint than every other person.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm surprised by how happy I am to be from where I'm from.
Does that make any sense? Yes, it does.
Thanks for coming in.
Well, I appreciate you taking the meeting.
Is there anything you want to add before we're done here? Resume seems pretty up to date, and I mean, there's the state champs on there and stuff.
Hey, that was impressive, man.
I know I could really come into this kind of workplace and have a sense of achievement.
Well And, Tim, I think you'd be a good fit here.
And so, we'll be in touch.
You take care.
You, too.
So? Is that you asking me how it went? I mean, you know, I'm not pressuring you.
You tell me if you want to tell me.
It went well.
Actually, it went great.
And I went in there and I totally kicked ass.
(EXCLAIMS) (BOTH LAUGHING) Oh! Oh, I'm so proud of you.
But you know what, hon? You know I'd be proud of you no matter what, right? I know.
And this whole thing about the fact that I applied to this school I know, I know, it's your dream.
No, honey, honey, honey, that's the thing, I got my dream.
I went to a good school, I got the degree I wanted, I met your dad and I had you.
You're my dream, baby.
I got what I wanted.
I got it all.
And now it's your job to dream up whatever you want, and I will support you to the ends of the earth to do that.
Our plane is not till tonight, we could go Go to a museum or go get a hot fudge sundae and celebrate.
Can we just go home? Sure we can, sweetie.
COONEY: You allergic to any medication? No.
You use alcohol? No.
Did you ever try any over-the-counter medications? Yes.
Did they do any good for the pain? No.
Who's gonna win the BCS? TMU, sir.
(CHUCKLES) At least your head's in the right spot.
There you go.
Thank you very much.
Good luck tonight.
Yes, sir.
TIM: He said I came close, whatever that means.
And they'll of course keep the resume close by, because you never know.
There's no accounting for taste.
(CHUCKLES) That's what my mom always says.
I've heard that a few times myself.
So, this is it, huh? TIM: Mmm-hmm.
This is it.
It's beautiful.
(SOFTLY) You know, I didn't want that job anyways.
See those trees right there, that little ridge? That's where the house is going to go.
And then I want that deck that goes all the way around A wrap-around.
And maybe even a little guest house.
You never know.
You see the tree line right there? I mean, I've walked this property a few times, and it goes way, way beyond that.
I mean, it's endless.
I want to Uh I want to thank you for helping me with the process.
So, thank you.
(CLEARS THROAT) I'm sorry.
No, it's BUDDY: Welcome, folks, and all the fans of the East Dillon Lions.
We invite you tonight to the radio debut of Lions Football on 1040 AM El Fuego.
Now, over to my partner and your play-by-play man, Willie Gault.
Thank you, Buddy Garrity, and thank you to all you fans who have tuned in to hear a game that has been given a very special billing.
The Toilet Bowl.
VINCE: One, two, three ALL: Lions! (EXCLAIMING) Go! (GRUNTING) GAULT: There's the snap.
He's looking left.
No place to run.
He cuts up the middle, finds a little leg, makes a move.
Go, Vince.
(ALL CHEERING) Way to go.
Way to go.
And the Lions draw first blood.
What an impressive first series that Coach Eric Taylor has designed here at East Dillon tonight.
I'll tell you what, Vince Howard is gunned up, he is yoked up, and he is playing like he has been playing quarterback his whole life.
And this touchdown was brought to you by El Amigo Restaurant.
(PLAYERS CHATTERING) Ref, we're clear! GAULT: Vince Howard comes back out in the spread.
He's got his A-back set up in the slot.
Rolling right to throw back.
He's got a man open.
It's a long, beautiful throw.
(CROWD CHEERING) Oh! He overthrew it.
It's incomplete.
(EXCLAIMING) BUDDY: Would you look at the gun on that kid? Howard has just thrown the ball, it looks like 60 yards, Willie.
GAULT: Nine seconds left in the half.
Fourth down.
Crunch time for Taylor.
Field goal.
But it's only 19 I know where the hell we are.
Just go kick the damn thing.
Landry! Come on, Landry, keep those shoulders straight.
(WHISTLE BLOWS) (CHEERING) Ladies and gentlemen, Landry Clarke has hit a very long field goal.
East Dillon Lions go into halftime with a 17-to-7 lead.
(MACHINE SAWING) (BANGING ON DOOR) BILLY: Oh, Lord, man, (PANTING) You scared the crap out of me.
(SIGHS) What's with the monkey suit? How much money we talking about? Tim, I don't want you involved in this.
How much? You'll make more money in two months than you could in two years.
Two months? Two months max.
GAULT: It's 17-7, East Dillon.
The way the Lions have been playing tonight, I hope Coach Taylor can keep things going.
All right, on one.
Ready? LIONS: Break.
GAULT: Howard over center.
There's the snap, he's looking left.
Under pressure, throws the ball.
Oh, it's picked up! What are you doing? GAULT: Timber Wolves have it.
Going the other way.
The pack on the move.
Touchdown Timber Wolves.
No! (CROWD GROANING) You know what? Good quarterbacks got a short memory.
Motion, motion, motion! GAULT: Cafferty's looking for a place to go.
There's nowhere to run, and Cafferty gets hit by the Timber Wolves.
Come on.
Ball! Ball! GAULT: Oh, my, fumble.
Campbell picks it up.
It looks like reservations for six.
Touchdown, Timber Wolves.
Another Timber Wolves touchdown.
It cannot be.
The Lions are down now, 21-17.
I think I'm going to be sick, Willie.
CROWD: (CHANTING) Let's go, Lions.
Let's go.
Let's go, Lions.
Let's go.
VINCE: You all right? Hey, hey! Time out.
Hey, you all right? Yeah.
I'm fine.
You liking this? Yeah.
Let's go.
Yes, sir.
All right.
Let's do it.
GAULT: And here we go, folks, the Lions at the 12th and Coach Taylor out of time-outs.
BUDDY: You know, sometimes, Willie, there are other forces at work.
Damn it, Coach Taylor has inspired these boys.
He's worked these boys, and these boys are a team.
Go, go, go! (ALL CHEERING) East Dillon Lions win! We won! We won a game! (EXCLAIMING) Yeah! (INAUDIBLE) (STAMMERS) I'll see you later.
JESS: Hey, Landry.
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