Rescue Me s04e08 Episode Script


Previously on "rescue me " I was hoping that- will you marry me? Are you serious? Yeah.
Yeah, I'm serious.
Yes! Yes, I will marry you, franco! Yes! Daddy! Oh, my god.
Look at you.
I grew.
She wants you in her life.
We need you.
Alicia, I kind of I met someone.
It's serious.
What does that mean, like a week or something? I gave her a ring.
You can use this to start up your girl's college education.
You can beef up your retirement fund.
You can maybe take some pressure off you and janet so you can, I don't know, work things out for once.
I mean, look, this money, it solves a lot of problems for all of us.
All of us? I want you to give me that baby.
Talking about us, you know I I just think that we're you know, done.
All rightie then.
So I'll see you.
- Yeah.
That plan that you offered up about, you know, my kid Yeah? That still stand? Yes.
By all means, yes.
- What? Are we going to are we going to do this? No.
Nah, I can't do it.
I'll talk to you later.
Where is he? I did what I thought was best for everybody involved, especially him.
What is that supposed to mean? Huh? What? An orphanage? What? You dropped him by the side of the road? What? Yeah, I left him by the side of the road.
I gave him to an orphanage.
I dropped him in the river.
Sheila gave us half a million bucks, ok? What? Hey! - Watch yourself.
Listen to me, ok? Listen.
Go to school.
Let go.
Listen to me.
You didn't want that baby.
You never wanted that baby! Don't you put it back on me! You sold my baby! Let go! Jesus christ! shit.
He is my goddamn son, and he came from me.
I decide what happens to him.
I decide who raises him.
Not you.
And I don't want that filthy whore's goddamn hands on my son.
Ok, this is it.
Oh, god.
Guys katy, let me carry janet.
Here you go, honey.
Listen, this is good.
This will be, like, a natural break for everybody.
And just, you know Mommy.
Yeah? - What's daddy doing? I don't know.
Move! Move! I swear to god, tommy, if you don't move, I will run your sorry ass over.
Mom, what did you just do? - Oh, my god.
What's wrong with you? What did you do? Where's daddy? Ok, honey.
Just Just calm down.
It's ok, honey.
Ok? Just shh.
Oh, my god.
Tom? Tom? Tommy, you ok? Jesus.
You could have killed me.
Look, I wasn't going fast enough.
Proudly Presents Season 4 Episode 08 Hello? Hey.
Hey, guys.
Hey, guys.
You cheat.
I bet you cheated.
What are you talking about? A straight.
A straight flush.
Hello? Hey.
One thing.
I asked you to do one simple thing, and you screw that up.
Jesus, tommy.
Drop the baby in the river.
How hard is that? Huh? You know what? I'm your brother, and you should have been looking out for me.
Johnny- That night at the garden, you came down to my dressing room, and you said, "sorry, kid.
Tonight's not your night.
" What night, johnny? - Not my night.
I could have torn wilson apart.
I could have been somebody, charlie, instead of a bum which is what I am.
No, johnny.
Johnny¡ª Johnny.
Hello? Boo! - Jesus christ! What are you- See you around, cuz.
I'm leaving.
We're done here.
We're done.
The baby, the car thing your bullshit, all your bullshit, tommy.
It's just it's too much, ok? What are you doing? Where are you going? You have a massive problem, pal.
You don't give a shit about anybody but yoself.
Nobody but yourself.
What you want when you want it- that's the be all and end all of tommy gavin, ok? You walk through this world like you don't need nobody.
Jimmy, that's not true.
- But I'll tell you, from here on in - Yeah? That's what you're gonna get.
Where are you going? - Nobody.
Got to go.
- Jimmy.
No, no, no.
Don't start.
Don't start.
We tried to warn you, tommy.
We tried to speak.
We tried to make sense to you so you'd make sense of this, but it didn't work.
I'm listening.
- That's ok.
I'm gonna wash my hands of all of it.
What are those guys doing? You're my older brother, charlie.
You should have looked out for me.
Who's charlie, johnny? He's right, tom.
- What? Frankly, tommy, we really don't give a shit anymore.
Don't do that.
What? Hey! Johnny.
Johnny! Jimmy! Hey! Guys! Hey! Johnny! Shit! Johnny! Jimmy! Shit! Guys! Johnny! Shit! Jimmy! Ah, shit! Guys! Shit! Guys! Johnny! Jimmy! Shit! Hush, little baby don't you cry mommy's gonna buy bop bop by and if that please don't die ha ha ha.
I'm sorry.
It's been a very long time.
My little elvis.
You're so beautiful.
I just love you so much.
What the hell? Yeah? Who is it? It's mick.
Aye, aye.
- Hey.
What's going on? Jesus christ.
What happened to you? Holy shit.
What is this? Janet and I got into a little bit of a thing, you know.
You been drinking or- - No, no.
Listen, I know your marriage is, you know, kind of going south, but- No, no, no, no.
This isn't the marriage, no.
No, no.
She had- that was about the marriage, the table in the kitchen.
And then she split.
And then, this, you know this fire broke out in the bedroom.
So I tried to go in the main door, and that was- I couldn't get in there.
So then I wanted to go through here to try, you know, to put it out, but as it ends up, once I got through the wall, there was no fire.
Time for a meeting.
Let me just put the ax away.
- Yeah, it's me.
Hey, where are you? I'm not gonna make it in today.
- Well, what happened? Who's that? - Tommy.
I got a situation here.
What kind of situation? - A bad situation.
Well, how bad? What happened? I'm bleeding.
- Bleeding from where? My head, my ear.
- Wait.
She didn't stab you, did she? - Jesus.
She didn't stab me.
She hit me.
Hit you with what? - I don't know.
Something steel.
A baseball bat? - No, it- A spatula? A gun? A teakettle? Look, just do me a favor.
Just cover for me, all right? I'll call you when I can.
Hey, when's tommy coming back? Why? Because it's not like him to call in sick.
You know, whenever I do, he calls me a pussy.
Well, number one, you are a pussy.
Number two, he's fine.
A little stomach virus.
Hey, did you hear what happened to gavin? No.
What? His wife stabbed him.
You got to be shitting me.
- No.
I got it right from the horse's mouth.
Not the actual horse, but the horse next to the horse.
It's solid info.
They're going at it toe to toe about one thing or another.
She ends up plunging a paring knife into his back.
Put him in the goddamn hospital.
All right.
Copy that.
Turn around, nils.
Looks like we're gonna be able to watch "guiding light" after all.
What the hell is this knucklehead doing? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Oh, jesus christ! - You guys all right? Yeah.
I'm good.
All right.
Let's get to work.
All right.
Please don't move.
Ok? Please don't move.
You're gonna be fine.
I'm ok.
- All right.
Guys, she's in shock.
We're going to need an ambulance here right away.
We're going to need to stabilize you, ok? Hey, nils, you want to grab a backboard.
Let's move the rig up.
Sir, are you ok? Tomato soup? - Homemade.
Oh, it's delicious.
Any left? I can't believe there weren't any casualties.
I wouldn't go that far.
You ok? - Come on.
Come on.
Take your time.
You want to take my car? Nah.
I got to go to work after.
I'll drop you off at work.
No, no, no.
I'm good.
I don't think so.
Your car's getting towed, and all you can say is, "oh.
Cool"? That truck was way too nice for me, man.
You sure you're not drinking? Where are you parked? You good? - I'm good, man.
New digs.
It's nice.
Everything looks brand-new.
It is brand-new.
I got it with the insurance money.
Oh, right.
Sorry about that.
Hey, you know what? Out with the old, in with the new, right? I mean, you could say I did you a favor, right? Or not.
Not really.
Oh, you know what? I also have these.
I forgot forgot I had them.
Hey, you want to watch the metties? I got a new flat-screen.
It's high-def.
- I can'T.
I got a thing.
So you'll come by later? No.
I'm actually gonna crash at my own place tonight.
Maggie's back? No.
I got a spare key.
So I'm just gonna go there and wait for her to come home.
Are you sure that's a good idea? - No, it's not.
But, you know, the candle she still burns, right? Yeah.
Well, hey, good luck with that.
Thanks, man.
So, you know, you'll give me a call? Yes, I will call you.
And you know what? We'll come, and I'll hang another time, and I won't set the place on fire.
Ok, man.
And you know what? Sorry again about that.
That was I didn't, you know that was Yo, ace.
- Hey.
How's the wound? How's the what? - Where is it? Back? Stomach? What? A guy in my neighborhood, his girlfriend opened him up, right, all up in here.
The wound was so big, they were going to give him 75 stitches.
Instead, they gave him 8 staples.
Staples is the way to go.
Staples? - Most definitely.
I- I don't know what you're talking about, but Ok.
I get it.
No problem.
Forget about it.
Never mind.
You get it? - Yeah, I get it.
I got to go floss.
- Yeah.
What are you looking at? Nothing.
Were you just looking at my ass? Don't flatter yourself.
Hey, by the way, feinberg is, uh What are you looking at now? Feinberg wants to see you.
Come on in.
Hey, tommy.
- Hey, chief.
Come on in.
You ok? Yeah.
I'M you know, a little banged-up, but otherwise I'm, you know Didn't expect you in so soon.
You're a quick healer.
- Yeah.
So you and your wife definitely split, huh? yeah.
I mean, I try not to talk about it at work because I obsess about it.
So I just try to keep it private.
Well I feel like a putz, but, uh what the hell.
I have a daughter named beth.
Yeah? - Very attractive girl.
Yeah? And it turns out you're her type.
I'm coming out of a really bad situation.
I'm a recovering alcoholic with some pretty severe black rage issues, and my wife's been telling me- and she's right- I've been very self-centered and stuff over the years.
I don't really think I'M I'm about to get divorced.
I'm not really anybody's type right now.
Well, she didn't see any of that, you know.
I mean, she saw a lean, lanky, sandy-haired bad-boy type.
Anyway, that's what she told her mother.
The two of them, they've been on my ass ever since, you know.
Do me a favor, would you, please, and take her out, hmm? I'll pay.
Chief, chief.
I'm not even playing the field right now.
What field? Come on.
One dinner at a reasonably priced place.
Chief- - Listen.
She's a very attractive girl.
I'm sure she is, sir.
Look at her.
I didn't really see anything.
I saw, like, a nose and some blond hair.
And she gets compliments on both of those all the time.
I'm sure she does.
Sir, I just I got to tell you, I'm just not ready for- Gavin, you know, you're a vain, selfish, risk-taking son of a bitch, but do this one thing for me, one thing, and I'll give you a wide berth, let you do your own thing.
What do you say? Chief, you're making me feel like you're my dad and I'm getting ready to go to the junior prom.
Hey, well, whatever works for you.
Come on.
Think about it.
- Ok, I'll think about it, ok? I'll just think a little.
All right? Because of the thing and all right.
Oh, you're still here.
- Yeah.
You want some coffee or something? No.
I just thought maybe we could get a chance to talk without keela around.
How long before her and donald get back from walking the dog? Ah, who knows? You know, donald has this idea that the dog is getting fat, so she has to have more exercise.
I think actually donald's the one that's getting a little fat and- Mmm.
That's a nice conversation.
I missed you.
I missed being with you.
We had something, right? - Oh, yeah.
So it's over, then? - What? With your fiance.
I don't know, you know.
That could be a big mistake for me, marriage.
I'm not really the type.
Let's go to your bedroom, baby.
- Ok.
Can you just do one little thing for me? - Yes, baby.
Well, just call your fiance, tell her we're about to have sex, you won't be home till tomorrow, and maybe mention the little thing about, you know, that marriage isn't your thing.
You're joking, right? - No.
In fact, you know, my stomach would be a little upset right now if it weren't for the fact that your predictability is strangely comforting.
What do I look like to you? Well, you look fantastic.
- No, I don't mean how do I look.
I mean, what do I look like? Do you see a door when you look at me? A door that you're just going to go through to escape.
You know, I'm not some random means of destruction to end your relationship because you don't have the balls to do it yourself.
I'm not gonna be used that way.
I'm not using you, alicia.
I love you.
Oh, don't say that.
- I do.
I love you.
You don't know what you're talking about.
So wait a second.
Now you're saying what I feel isn't real? Not what you feel.
I mean, you have to make some choices.
I mean, how long have you known this woman? A year.
- A year? Yeah.
And how many times have you cheated on her? I've never cheated on her.
You'd be the first.
I'm flattered.
And she's the first one that you've given a ring to? Yeah.
- And why did you do that? I don't know.
You know, she might be the one.
Well, then why are you trying to get me up into my bedroom? Well oh, sit down.
Just sit down.
You love her.
And you think you want to spend the rest of your life with her.
I think so.
But you're really scared.
Why? I don't know.
I mean, what if it doesn't work out? What if I screw it up? Like you're doing right now.
Hey, be brave.
Don't screw it up.
Go home.
There's a lady waiting for you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I'm sorry.
I do love you, you know.
I know, and you should after what I just did for you.
I love you, too.
But get out of here.
Don't give me that contrite look.
You know how it turns me on.
Just go.
All right.
Who said she shot him? - Garrity.
No, I didn'T.
I said she stabbed him.
Mikey said that you said that she hit him with a gun.
Why would she hit him with a gun? - I thought it was a teakettle.
Maybe she didn't want to shoot him.
You said she hit him with a baseball bat.
How does a baseball bat become a gun? Is this a trick question? Hi, guys.
- Ace.
What's going on? - What's up? What you talking about? Just shooting the shit.
You guys wouldn't have been talking about what went on between me and my wife, would you? Nope.
- No.
Let's get it out in the open once and for all.
What exactly is it that you guys think went on between me and janet? Well, there are several schools of thought on this.
There are those who think that she stabbed you, and there are those who think that she hit you with a baseball bat, and mike thinks that she hit you with a gun.
What happened to the teakettle? - What teakettle? Why would she hit me with a gun? Well, maybe she didn't have any bullets.
I don't know.
- Ok.
You know what? She ran me over with a car.
That's what she did.
Ok? After, you know, a pretty severe argument.
Bullets? Jesus, you guys.
You know what? You're like a bunch of old hens sitting around.
Christ! What's everybody getting so excited about? She ran him over with a car.
It happens.
I'm in.
- All right.
Hey, you all right? - Yeah.
You know, you need to go out, maybe, god forbid, enjoy yourself a little bit.
But just, you know, if you're gonna do that, look both ways before you cross the street, especially in front of your house.
I don't know, lou.
I thought I was going to be fine with this whole "being on my own" thing, man.
And I'm not.
Just I don't know.
You know, look, you're gonna be fine, you know.
You just, you know, need to go off and, you know, have some fun, get out, maybe maybe have a date, a dinner date.
- You, and you know, some dinner, and, you know, a pretty girl, some candles, you know, lingerie, a box of wine.
You know what? You're right.
- Of course I am.
You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna call that volley chick.
You don't have to- no- You said it to me.
She has one of the greatest asses of all time, and of course, I just took it for granted.
You know, tom, here's what I think.
You know what I think? I think that you should forget about the past.
I think you should forget about it, and you should start anew, you know.
A brand-new chick.
Why? Brand-new chick, brand-new set of problems, not to mention tits.
Give me the phone.
Give me it.
Give me it.
The phone.
I don't buy it, pal.
- What? You're trying to get me to date the chief's daughter.
- Yeah.
- Yes.
I am.
Look, it's a career move, tom.
Number one, you're taking out the chief's goddamn daughter.
Number 2, you get my ass out of the fire.
Number 3, you're winning very valuable brownie points with lou.
Ok, look, I know I owe you 5 grand from the great lou depression of last year.
You take her out, I'm gonna pay you back 7 grand.
You take her out, I'm gonna give you back $7,500.
I'm gonna give you- christ, tom, you know I don't have that kind of money! Why don't you say something? He asked you first, didn't he? No.
- Yes.
Yeah, I knew.
I knew.
Why don't you take her out? Because, christ, tom, I just got off the goddamn sex express train.
You could obviously use a blow job.
She gives blow jobs? She's jewish.
- So? Well, we all know that jew broads give, you know, great blow jobs.
We do? - Yeah.
It's common knowledge among jew and gentile alike.
You never dated a jew broad? - Well, in high school.
She was only part jewish.
- Which part? Well, if what you're saying is true, it was obviously not the part from the neck up.
Well, you got to trust me on this.
Jew broads love to give head, and they love to give it easily.
I don't know, lou.
Tapping the chief's daughter.
That's like career suicide.
- Tom, you're not tapping her.
We're talking about a little blow job.
Besides, he's practically throwing her at your feet.
And, you know, she's kind of hot.
You saw her? - Yeah.
I saw a picture.
And? I saw it for, like, 2 seconds but, you know, she had blond hair and and a nose.
That's a good start.
Maggie? Mags, is that you? Oh, I'm sorry, buddy.
- Oh, hey, mick.
The door was open.
I knocked.
No, no.
Come on in, man.
Any news? Well, um she's set up in a motel for right now.
A motel.
Where? She doesn't want to see you right now, sean, not in the condition she's in.
Yeah? Well, I don't give a shit.
I'm her husband, and I- Do me a favor, will you? Sit down for a second.
Listen, um the woman's got problems, you know, big big problems.
- Yeah.
She's been an addict for as far back as I can remember.
She needs an intervention.
What is that exactly? An intervention is, well we sit her down in a roomful of people that love her.
Everybody goes around the room and, you know, starts to share with her how much her addiction has affected them negatively.
So I assume this goes on for, like, a couple days? Well, you know, we'd ask that you edit yourself a little.
You know, just try and pick out the worst occurrences.
So a few hours tops.
- We'll work on it.
The most important thing is, you've got to tell her how her addiction has hurt you, and then you express your concern for her.
Then at the end, you know, we offer to send her someplace to get some real help.
But the key is, if she refuses to get help, I mean, you got to be prepared to stop enabling her.
I mean, something's got to be at stake here, something you're willing to take away.
So - Yeah.
Should she refuse, what would you be willing to take away? I guess I could stop bringing her aspirin in the morning, you know, when she's hung over.
And I'd definitely stop making her manhattans.
She's always complaining about I go too heavy on the sweet vermouth.
I mean, come on.
I make a great manhattan.
It's got to be something a little more substantial than that.
You know, would you be willing, say, to not see her anymore, to end the marriage? Yeah-no.
I already tried that.
That didn't really stick.
That's because you probably didn't mean it.
See, addicts have a way of knowing just how much they can get away with.
You got to mean it.
All right? Can you say it and stick to it? No.
I don't think I can.
Ok, then.
I got an idea.
Why don't you write down some of the things she's done that have hurt you.
You see, you write it down.
It might give you a little bit more perspective, you know.
You got a few days.
And believe me, you know, she needs to hear this stuff, or she's not going to get better.
- All right? All right, man.
Good talk.
Her life depends on it, buddy.
Thanks, mick.
- Hang in there, sean-O.
Good to see you.
So - So What do you do for work? What do I do for work? - Yeah.
Right now, I'm working for children, inner-city, you know, kids.
That'S teaching them or Yeah, I like to teach inner-city children how to, you know, escape from the ghetto.
You know, things like that.
Because it's such a hell hole down there, you know.
You know, my firehouse is up in harlem, and we do we fight a lot of fires up there, and it is.
Once you get in some of those places and you see the way people live, it'S you know, it's just tragic.
God, your hands are so long, your fingers.
That's my phone.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
It's so rude.
I don't normally travel with a phone but, um Hello.
Oh, it's my psychiatrist.
Just be a second.
No, I'm on a date.
He's a firefighter.
Are you on any medication? No? Ok.
No, I just- ok, but one quick question.
So, what you gave me before, the inbuteral, that comes in a capsule form, and you gave me that guillotine for pills, and I'm just afraid that if I use it on the capsules, that those little beads will go everywhere, and you know, I'm really tight with money right now.
So maybe you could ok.
You, too.
All right.
He's such A you know, worrywart.
- Do you have any warts? You know, I'm gonna- What? You're gonna go tinkle? Yep.
I'll be right back.
You'll be right back.
You're coming back, though, right? You really are? Why don't you leave something here so I know you're coming back? Just anything.
Do you have anything you can leave? Johnny's out of jail.
I made you look.
Hurry up.
- Hey.
How's it going? She hasn't ordered any food, ok? Oh, that's perfect.
She's a cheap date, cheaper than shari feldman.
She's also a repeater.
She farts a lot? I mean every time I say something, she repeats it back to me, ok? Tom, that's perfect.
All you got to do is say, "I'd like to take you to my car and blow you," and she repeats it back, and you say yes, bingo.
You know what? You need to call me back, and you need to make it like an emergency thing, like there's a fire or something, and it's a big fire, and I've got to come into work.
Lou? Shit! Hey.
You want some water? No.
I'm fine.
I'm sorry.
I'm so rude.
I'm so embarrassed.
Everything go ok in the bathroom? - Yeah.
Your steak didn't come yet, but it will soon.
You know, I was thinking about spiders- Sorry.
Just excuse me 2 seconds.
I'll tell you when you get back.
But it was going to be about rabbits and how some people consider it to be, like, in the rodent family- You know what? Call 911, will you? Help! Help me! I need a ladder on the second floor right now.
Jesus, gavin.
Don't you ever take a day off? Nope.
You got 2 more people up on the second floor, by the way.
Whatever, asshole.
Yeah, I'm the asshole.
We got 2 guys up on 2.
- Hey.
You're you're a little bit on fire.
Well, that was rude.
Your hand is bleeding.
I'll go get some napkins.
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