Rescue Me s04e09 Episode Script


Previously on rescue me lou: What the hell's this knucklehead doin'? Frankie,whoa.
Jesus christ.
Jesus christ.
You guys all right? Yeah.
Seat belt,dipshit? Lou: All right,let's get to work.
Can't believe there weren't any casualties.
I wouldn't go that far.
Dispatch,engine 62's been involved in a minor collision with a volkswagen.
Sheila gave us half a million bucks,ok? Need to-- What? Watch it.
500 grand.
That's how much it costs for the 2 kids to--ow! Go to school.
You never wanted that baby.
Tommy,you-- Don't you put it back on me! You stole my baby! You're so beautiful.
I just love you so much.
Let's go in your bedroom,baby.
Can you just do one little thing for me? Yes,baby.
Ok,well,just call your fiancee.
Tell her we're about to have sex,you won't be home till tomorrow.
And maybe mention the little thing about,you know, that marriage isn't your thing.
You're jokin',right? Feel like a putz,but,uh, what the hell? I have a daughter named beth.
Do me a favor,would you,please,and take her out,hmm? H-hello? Oh,it's my psychiatrist.
Just be a second.
No,I'm on a date.
Um,he's a firefighter.
Well,that was rude.
I'm really tired of being married to an alcoholic,ok? You need help.
You're a drunk.
And you're an idiot,but I don't rake you over the coals for it.
But my being an idiot is not a choice.
And neither is my being a drunk.
You need to make a decision,theodore,right now.
It's either me or the booze.
You decide right this very instant.
Theodore! [Telephone rings.]
Got a big mouth,man.
Get your weight off.
Hang on.
"Get your weight off.
" 62 truck.
Hey,it's me.
Me who? Mike.
How's it going?How's the foot? You mean the knee? Yeah,the knee.
How is it? Uh,it's not so good.
[Guys cheer.]
Doc says I gotta stay off it a while longer.
Hey,sounds loud back there.
What's all the ruckus about? Aw,you know.
We're just horsin' around,playin' some cards.
Um,you--you wanna come,uh--come by after the shift a-and watch a movie or somethin',bro? I got cannonball run,special edition.
You know,I got some stuff I gotta take care of,some personal stuff.
Um All right,man? Is frank around? Uh,yeah.
Hang on.
Let me get him.
It's mikey.
Hurry back,man.
See you later,dude.
Hey,yo,mikey,what's up? You wanna come by,maybe,later and watch a movie or somethin',bro? Nah.
No can do.
Me and shawn are gonna hit the gym,bro.
Hey,look,probie,I gotta go.
Looks like black shawn's goin' all in.
I'll talk to you later,man.
Probie? [Cellp [Cellphone ring tone.]
Hey,it's,uh-- it's the fireman from-- from the other night.
How you--how you doin'? Hey.
I'm doin' pretty good.
I'm great,actually.
That was pretty amazing what you did the other night.
Oh,well,you know,fireman,so you know.
You know,we see smoke,we smell smoke,you know,it's,uh,what we do.
You know,this card you gave me doesn't have a name on it.
Yeah,but there's an address,right? Well--well,yeah.
So,why don't you just come over? Oh,ok.
Well,you-- you wanna grab a drink or somethin','cause-- No.
So you wanna get dinner.
I'm starvin',so that would be,uh-- Nope.
Just ate.
Just come on over.
Come--come on over? Get over here right now.
All right.
Well,should i bring somethin' or-- hello? Jesus.
That was pretty goddamn fast.
Well,you know,you said-- It's ok.
Come on in.
Be right back.
Huh? Come right in.
I'll be right back.
This is,uh,pretty wild.
Um,uh,all right.
So,uh,I like the bean bag.
That's cool.
I never saw a leopard one before.
I,uh--it's not- -uhh--real leopard skin,right? [Clears throat.]
I was just sittin'-- hey.
You don't think I'm being too forward,do you? No,I'd have to be insane to think that.
And you want me,don't you? Yeah,yeah.
Come on.
You're a fireman,aren't you? -Yeah.
Come on,let's go.
All right.
You ready? Ok.
Oh,that's goo--oh,yeah.
-Come on! -Ok.
-Come on.
-ok Yeah.
Oh,yeah!That's good! -Faster!Faster! -Hang on.
-Faster! -Ok.
Faster! Yeah,that's very good.
Oh!Yeah! Oh! God! Ohh,g-- oh,jesus.
Oh,my god.
Here I come.
Oh,yeah! Jesus christ.
Oh,shit! Don't touch me! God! You can't touch me.
My god.
I'm like a tuning fork after i come.
I--you can't touch me for,like,an hour.
Oh,jesus christ.
Do--do you want me to-- do you want me to ho-hold you or some-- Just shh.
Enjoy the moment.
You want a sandwich? Uh,yeah.
Sandwich is A Hungry? You said you was hungry,so Yea Yeah.
Just down the street to the left,go to vinny'S.
Great subs.
Then come back in,like,you know,an hour.
You come back in a half an hour,maybe i could blow you, but nothing more than that.
I swear to god,I can't be touched for,like,an hour,sometimes 2.
Uh,do--do you want anything? I need a fresca.
uh,my name's,uh,tom,by the way.
Oh,my god.
Proudly Presents Season 4 Episode 09 All right So we're all here because we love teddy and maggie and we want them to get healthy again.
Maybe that's why some of us are here.
And we know they can't get healthy until they realize that they have a problem and get proactive about it, which tommy and I can attest to.
Yeah,look at tommy.
He's as healthy as a horse,you know.
What--what's that supposed to mean? What do you think that's supposed to mean? Oh,jesus,tom,it was a compliment.
That was a compliment?Ok.
Why don't you say somethin' like most people,like,"hey,you look good"? You know,you try to say something nice to somebody, and what -- Why didn't you say I look good or whatever.
I mean,you're bringing animals into this.
-He started it.
Give it a rest.
As I was saying,I've been a part of a lot of interventions,ok? They're never easy.
Some people get extremely defensive and even violent when they're faced with the reality that is their addiction.
But I just want you to remember one thing.
It's for their own good.
So,everybody bring their letter? Yes.
I just Jesus,garrity.
What?I got a lot to say.
I got it all up here.
All right,uh,guys.
I'm gonna go pick up maggie,and eddie's gonna grab teddy.
Try and kill 2 birds with one stone,all right? More like a badger and a rhinoceros.
Don't be callin' my wife a badger,all right? You're assuming she's the badger.
I wanna see this backpack on your little back.
'Cause you're too cute? 'Cause you're too cute.
Oh,we got this that'd be a 2.
They're here.
Yeah,I'm gonna go.
Sit down! Yeah.
Good idea.
You all right? You just haven't said much.
I'm saving my voice.
All right,guys.
[Knock on door.]
[Sean clears throat.]
So come on in.
Come on.
Ok,who died? Dad's here,so I'm guessin' it's teddy.
Uh,teddy's fine,mags.
We're,uh--we're all here to talk about your problem.
My problem? Which one? The drinking.
This is gonna be really fun.
Mags,why don't you,uh,take a seat here next to your husband, and we'll get started.
[Clears throat.]
Maggie, we just want you to know that everybody is in this room because we love you,and we feel that you're slipping away.
And so,you know,if you just take a moment, we've all written down a couple things, and we'd like you to just listen with an open mind to some of-- Hey,wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Is this one of those,uh--those intervention thingies? Yeah.
I'll do it.
You'll do it? Yeah.
I'm tired of this shit.
Wakin' up god knows where with god knows who, havin' done god knows what, feelin' like an atomic bomb went off inside my skull.
I'm finished.
Box me up and ship me to rehab.
Ok,you know? We got you set up at an outpatient facility.
They have counseling there.
You can-- -I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
This-- that's it? She's just gonna-- Well,she said she was gonna do it.
I mean,I'm really proud of you,mags.
That's really incredible.
Excuse me.
I have a sta-- -What? -I have a stack of notebooks here.
I'd like to-- to say my piece.
I'm with the kid.
I got grievances to air.
Oh,blow it out of your ass,old man.
I am not gonna give you the satisfaction.
You know what?She's not taking this seriously.
She's gonna climb up onto a bar stool 5 minutes after she walks out that door.
I'm not gonna take this seriously? Oh,I beg to differ.
Watch this,sean.
[Cellphone rings.]
All right.
That's them.
The rhinoceros has landed.
Look who's here.
How you all doin'? Good.
Hey,uh,where's the barbecue? Are you nuts? I am very disappointed in you,young lady,very disappointed.
This was my intervention.
Oh,I'm sorry.
But I love the show.
What's goin' on? Teddy,we just want you to know that everybody is in this room because we love you.
We do.
We And we just--we just want to say a couple things to you.
There's no reason to get angry about anything.
Because-- We wrote letters.
We have letters.
And notes.
And we just want you to keep an open mind.
Oh,for christ's sakes! This is it? Get out of my way,you goddamn pussies.
Look,you,everybody's in this room because you are acting like a raging asshole, and you're pissing us off.
You are 57 ye theodore, and still you behave like a goddamn child.
You take zero responsibility for all the shit you pull to feed your habit.
We are sick of it.
You grow up,or you're gonna lose everybody in this room, and you're gonna wind up drinkin' yourself to death.
Do you understand what I'm saying to you? Huh? I'm good.
So,what are you people tryin' to say? You gotta get off the sauce,teddy.
You gotta quit drinkin'.
This is comin' from you? Look at this place.
Look at your life.
Does being sober make your life any easier? Not really,but-- Well,there you go.
It's a process,ok? It's a--you know,one day at a time type of thing.
You do one day at a time,then 2 days, and turn days into weeks and then weeks into months, and gradually,slowly,it goes from bein' shitty to bein' good to eventually bein', uh,great.
Right? Right.
So what do you say,teddy? You gonna get some help? Uh,no.
Aw,goddamn it! Teddy.
Hey,listen to me.
She's right.
You leave now,you go out that door,that's it.
Ah-ah! Cousins,family,nobody calls you back,ok? Even if you need help and you call us,we're not callin' you back.
You're done.
Shit! Can't go back to rehab.
It doesn't work for me! Good.
Then let us help you,teddy.
We love you! Hey-- -What? Everything's a negotiation,right? Teddy doesn't want to go to rehab,but he does want to get better.
I guess.
Mick,you start takin' him to meetings? Yeah,sure.
I mean,shit,we got enough drunks in this room to start our own meetings.
That's not a bad idea.
There's no reason we can'T.
I mean No?Right? Sure.
I'm not a drunk.
We could do it monday,wednesday.
Except I'm not a drunk.
This from a guy who drank a bottle of brandy and drove his car into a laundromat.
Yeah,that was 3 years ago,and it was snowing.
It was the weather.
How 'bout this? Get your hands out of my-- Yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah.
Ok? Exhibit "a," folks.
All right,I nip,all right?I nip.
He nips.
But only after 3:00.
Let's take a vote on it,all right? All those in favor of having a family A.
Meeting 3 times a week say,"aye.
" All: Aye.
All those opposed.
Teddy: Nay.
The ayes have it.
I want a recount.
S saon is cooked to perfection.
Yeah? I am really impressed.
Well,it's good to hear.
And I wasn't sure I could pull it off.
I never really prepared anything that didn't involve a microwave or boiling w you know? You done good.
Thank you,baby.
So,um,I brought you something.
I was wondering when you were gonna return that.
You know,you were right,sweetheart.
Seeing alicia was the thing to do.
Just made me realize that,um,you know, I love you more,and you're the one I'm meant to be with.
And now that I got keela back in my life-- More"? Yeah.
" Right.
I mean,I love you more than ever.
So you love me more.
I love you only.
But--but I mean,how close was it? Was it--you know,did i beat her by a half length, or was like a photo finish? Nat,it's done,ok? You're the one.
This is good news,sweetheart.
Please,just-- just take the ring back.
You take it back.
Take all your shit with you while you're at it.
Don't--don't do this.
Nat,you're the one who told me to go see her,ok? We just agreed honesty is the best policy,right? I was wrong.
I am not your baby anymore.
I'm gonna take a long walk.
You be gone when I get back.
Baby,I What's this? Oh,my-- oh,my god.
That'S Ok,that's a year's rent,a security deposit,and a-- and a healthy commission for me.
You know what? I'm gonna do you a solid.
I know a really great cleanup crew.
We'll get 'em in here,get these stains off the walls.
Is that blood? They're gonna take care of that.
Good exterminator to get rid of these gnats or flying ants.
I don't know what you call 'em.
And you know what?I know great movers.
We'll get this ratty old couch-- Yeah,the couch stays.
Thank you very much.
Well,are you sure?Because--ok.
-Welcome to the neighborhood.
Nice to meet you.
All right.
[Siren outside.]
[Hip-hop in spanish playing.]
Hey! What? Turn the music down.
Why don't you mind your own business? [Turns off music.]
Why don't you buy some goddamn headphones,ok? Or put the goddamn windows up.
Show some respect for your neighbors.
What are you lookin' at? Thank you.
Wouldn't want to be a cop today,huh? Yeah,I wouldn't want to be a cop on any day,especially not today.
Gavin's gonna be on fire out there.
They better be packin' under their uniforms.
They're gonna get slaughtered out there.
Yo,am I goin' colorblind,or is that tommy gavin wearin' a blue uniform? Shawn: Damn.
That's messed up,yo.
Lk,let's not judgment,boys,all right? I mean,the guy's trying to honor his dead brother.
Let's hope he makes it through the game without joining him.
He's got some balls,eh? You ain't kiddin'.
Hey,guys,show a little respect.
If the situation was reversed and it was my brother who got killed, I'd be doin' the same goddamn thing tommy's doin'.
Hey,mungo,soon as the puck drops, I want you to rip gavin's goddamn head off.
You got it,coach.
Am I the only one who's confused about who to root for now? No.
Oh,yes! Sorry.
Mungo,will you knock gavin on his goddamn ass,please? Come on! Ok,you know,now I'm startin' to feel a little weird about this whole thing.
[Cellphone rings.]
Where you at,man? I-I'm home,I'm just sittin' around.
What's a matter,man?You sound a little whacked.
Aw,just drinking some vodka,and I was poppin' some of the pills the doc gave me.
Hey,you wanna come over after the g-game and hang out? Uh,I don't know.
You think you'll still be conscious? Maybe.
Yeah,I don't think so,man.
Uh,I got all my stuff in shawn's car.
We gotta drop it by his place.
Black shawn? Yeah.
Nat kicked me o So you're--you're movin' in with him? Yeah.
Why didn't you just come and crash with me,bro? Well,you know,to be honest,mikey, I really didn't think you want any houseguests after the whole, you know,garrity thing.
Don't take it personal,bro.
How the hell am I supposed to take it,frank? I mean,I've known you 6 years,and-- and you don't have the decency to hit me up for a place to crash? What kind of selfish prick are you? Mikey,I just-- Aw,never mind.
Have fun with black shawn,asshole.
How's he doin'? Still gay.
Oh,yes! Sorry.
Yeah,enjoy it while you can,tommy.
Enjoy it while you can.
Not exactly what I had in mind,asshole! Hey,shithead,I'm gonna go to the head of the league about this.
You can't just take a guy like that-- What are you gonna do,call the goddamn cops? Get him! Get him,mungo! Get gavin! [Cheering.]
00 Hey.
What are you doin'? Packing.
You're not staying? I can't be around you right now.
Well,that's funny,'cause I'm your husband,so Yeah.
I don't feel right around you,sean.
Really? Is that why every time we get close, you get that look on your face like I'm coming after you with a goddamn hammer? Well,you know what?You might as well be.
There's all this pressure around you to do to do the right thing.
Well,it's just too heavy,and it makes me wanna drink.
Mag Maggie,I'm just trying to help,ok? Leave me alone,all right? I got enough problems.
So I'll see you at the meetings? [Doorbell.]
Such a good boy.
Who's at the door? Yeah,who's at the door? Oh.
I know.
I know.
I got it.
Hi,auntie sheila.
Katy,get in here.
Come here.
What are you doin'? Um,my dad and me,we wanted to see how the baby was doing.
Hi,baby brother.
Um,where's your dad right now? Parking the car.
He'll be right up.
Oh,yeah,so he's comin' up here? Uh-huh.
Oh,yeah? Come here.
Come here.
Take the toy.
Put it there so you can say hi to your brother.
Have a seat.
Oh,say hi to your sister.
Ok,I'm gonna be right back.
Oh,katy,um,if your dad comes up,just give me a couple of minutes,ok? Um,and,uh,if little elvis starts crying,just,uh,you know, give him that little,uh--the thingie,that green m katy? Honey? Katy? Katy? Elvi-- oh,no,no,no,no,no! No,no,no,no! In the car.
In the car.
In the car,sweetie.
Close the door.
Close the door.
No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no! No! -You did really good,honey.
-They're taking my baby! Real good.
Wait!What are you doing? That's my baby! Mine! He hates you! He hates you! [Car honks.]
Shut up,you shithead! Shut up! [Deep breath.]
Get in here.
How you doin'? What the hell happened? What? What happened? What happened with-- What happened with beth? Beth? Beth.
My daughter,beth.
Nothing happened,sir.
I-- I didn't lay a finger on her.
Oh,she's not good enough for you,huh? No,I was--I was trying to be a gentleman,sir.
Oh,by taking a note from some other broad? You call that being a gentleman? No,no,no.
I didn't take a note.
She just-- You should have thrown it away,should have torn it up.
I didn't have time-- -Should have done something with it.
I didn't have time.
What?Oh ho.
You didn't have time.
Sir,your--your daughter is a really nice girl.
I wouldn't-- Yeah,and I told her you were a real mensch,and you treat her like shit.
Sir,I didn't treat her like-- And congratulations on this big save you made.
Well,thank you,sir.
Does fire follow you around? I--I got A -Get out of here.
-Hole in my hand.
Get out of here.
The meeting is adjourned.
-Sir,I-- -Meeting is adjourned.
All right.
-I just wanted to say-- -Go! [Sighs.]
[Cellphone rings.]
Sheila: Elvi Elvis costello? The baby! You named him elvis,like elvis elvis? Kind of a bad omen,don't you think? Katy came over to the apartment, and she said that you were parking the car, and then I left her alone for,like,a second,and then the next thing I know, that lunatic janet is driving away with him! She's--she's using one kid to steal the other? Get that baby back for me! Ok,calm down.
Get him back for me!That's my baby.
I gotta go.
I'll call-- I'll call you back.
[Indistinct radio dispatch.]
Transmit a second alarm.
We got people in the fire on the second and third floors.
What do we got? We tried to get people out,but we can't access the interior until we get a lot more water on that fire.
I'll send 62 truck above.
Did you transmit a second alarm? Already done.
Hey! Tommy!Tommy!Tommy! Lou,no! No! Damn it.
Let go of me.
Tommy! It's all right.
It's all right.
Lou,he's all right.
He's there.
He's there.
Tommy!Tommy! God,no.
Where's the line? Tommy! Tommy! [Sirens.]
Is he alive? You ok? ***Over here.
Nobody else in there,boys.
-Gavin! -Yeah? What the hell's that crap you pulled back there,huh? I had an instinct.
I-- Listen,I run this crew by the book, and I don't need some goddamn rogue fireman runnin' around, thinkin' he's steve mcqueen,putting these guys' lives in jeopardy.
There are rules on this job.
I know there are rules,and sometimes the rules are meant to be broken.
That's how you get things done.
Jack donohue in rego park,may 5,1968.
He had an i he had a gut,took his friend with him, And they're buried side by side in maple grove.
Hey,listen-- Listen,I've seen death wish schmucks like you gettin' people seared, and I'll be goddamned if it's gonna happen here.
Hey,I didn't ask anybody to come in after me.
You don't have to.
Everybody's got a gut.
Well,I tell you one thing.
Jerry used to like when I did this.
Just keep it up,ok? You'll be discussing it with jerry real soon.
What are you guys lookin' at? Change my goddamn pants.
Can i ask you somethin'? -Yeah,go ahead.
-Promise you're not gonna be mad.
Not gonna be mad.
All right,you're not gonna-- promise you're not gonna hit me.
I promise I'm not gonna hit you.
I promise.
All right.
Uh,who is steve mcqueen again? Hey,uh,you sure it's not better if you just go in there and talk to him alone,lou? I-- No,no.
I mean,tommy's skatin' on thin ice already with this guy.
I think it's better,to,you know-- we show some unity,you know,some support,solidarity.
All right.
Let's go.
Let's do it.
Yeah? Hey,listen,chief,we were,uh,uh [Coughs.]
What's up? Oh,my god.
Uh,tommy,uh You need something? We need somethin',franco? Uh,I forgot.
You know,we forgot,chief.
We'll just come back later.
I mean-- Zip-zip.
I mean,it was just-- -No.
And you know,of course he has to be a free-baller.
[Line rings.]
Janet: Hello.
I know you took the baby.
Yeah,my baby.
What? Like--like wyatt earp.
Oh,jesus christ.
You know what? You're takin' the costner thing just a little bit too goddamn far now.
You're lucky I didn't name him dances with wolves.
Why don't you just call him kevin,for christ's sake? 'Cause it's too on the nose.
Yeah,too on the nose.
You know,he's like 60 and bald now.
You know that,right? Look,he's 60,sexy,and bald.
What do you want? [Wyatt crying.]
Yeah,the baby seems real happy about the wyatt earp thing.
Look,he's just hungry.
Where are you? In a hotel.
Why don't you run down to the vending machines and see if they have a couple cans of similac in there for him,huh? Let me tell you something.
You want the money for katy and colleen, you gotta give the baby back to sheila.
Yeah,speaking of which,I need some money soon.
Hey,no baby,no money.
That's the way it works,you understand? No,no,no.
I keep the baby,and you give me money.
That's how it works.
Really? Ok,keep livin' in fantasyland.
Put my daughter on the phone.
[Cellphone rings.]
It's mike.
I need to talk to you.
Go ahead.
In person.
Mikey,I don't have that kind of time right now.
What's goin' on? I'm cracking up over here.
I--I don't know what to do,man.
I'm havin' really bad thoughts.
You been drinkin'? Yeah,a-and I took some pills.
Ok,do me a favor,all right? Stay on the phone and keep movin' around,ok? Mike? Yeah.
Repeat that back to me.
D-don't move around.
Keep moving around,ok? And stay on the phone.
Mike? Mikey? Listen to--mike? Shit.
[Knock on door.]
Mikey! [Knock on door.]
Hey,how you doin'? I'm--I'm fine.
I was just a little--a little high.
I-- I was drinkin',and I panicked,and,um,I called you.
I shouldn't have.
I'm--I'm sorry.
I got a little scared.
You all right? I'm--yeah.
I'm fine.
What'd you take? Well,I--I took,uh,a few,um,percocet and-- and whatever advil I had left.
How many percocets did you take? Uh,I don't know.
Whatever was left,like 3.
What's--what's goin' on with your ass? Uh,I--I cut myself.
Ok,I don't wanna monday morning quarterback you here, but you know,if you're trying to commit suicide, you're supposed to cut your wrists,not your ass.
Yeah,I know.
I-I've just been,um,like,takin' these pills,you know,and-- and I-- I never took--messed with 'em before,you know, and they got my head kind of,like,messed up, and I was thinkin' about my mom and the chief and-- and I got--thinkin' these crazy thoughts.
But I'm all good.
I'm--I'm sorry.
I'm good.
You're good.
How much you been drinkin'? Uh,like this-- like this much.
Yeah,that's a real good mix,kid.
I'm gonna make some coffee.
I'm gonna,um-- I'm gonna go put some water on my face,ok? Hey,mike.
Hey! Mike! Open the door,mike.
Leave me alone.
You want me to knock the goddamn door down? Is that what you want? No.
Just go.
Leave me alone,tommy.
I'm good.
All right.
See you later.
All right? What,you're goin'? Yeah,I'm goin'.
See you.
Tommy? [Door closes.]
Tom? You still here? Tom? Let's go.
Come on.
Hey,what are you doin'? Tommy! Show me where you were gonna jump,mikey.
Tommy,I just wanna go downstairs.
Show me where you were gonna jump.
I'm not--tommy.
At this side?Huh?Over here? Huh? Is that it? Take a look! Take a look,mike!Take a look! Huh? Take a look,huh? Come on.
You're scarin' me.
Yeah? That's the whole idea.
Come on.
Take a drink.
Tom,come on.
I just wanna sit down.
Come--come on.
You don't have to do this.
It's cool,man.
I'm good now.
I told you,I-- I just--I came up here for some fresh air,you know? I'm--I'm-- you know,I mean,my mom and everything.
It's cool,tom.
Just can we just go back down? Got a smoke,kid? Yeah? Yeah.
Got a light? Aw,boy.
You're welcome.
Aw,it's been a while.
Well--[Clears throat.]
Kid gotta look at the bright side.
Least your mom died before you did,you know.
I mean,that's,uh,natural course of events,you know.
Know what I'm sayin'? Parents are supposed to die before their kids.
That was one of the things that was so screwed up about 9/11,you know.
All these guys doin' the right thing,dyin',parents havin' to bury 'em.
It's not right.
Besides,I'm sure your mom was a pain in the ass half the time anyways.
Half the times she probably called you,you probably looked at your phone and let it go to voice mail,right,'cause you didn't wanna talk to her.
Much as I love my wife,same thing,man.
Sometimes,you know,we'd separate, arrange the schedule so we didn't have to see each other, except in passing for a couple weeks at a time.
And then,you know,you see 'em for a couple hours,and,you know, you start to get all those great feelings back.
Then a couple days later,you hate 'em again.
But at least she died before you did.
'Cause I'll tell you what,there's nothin' worse than buryin' your kid.
I did it,you know.
Remember after 9/11 when they found jimmy,what was it,like, And after the funeral, we were havin' a party,whatever, and my aunt bridie,his mother,has havin' a rough time, and my cousin noreen,his sister,was tryin' to help her along, and she said,"you know,ma,the only thing that's really gonna make this go away is time.
" I'll never forget what my aunt bridie said.
She said,"I'm 77 years old.
I don't have enough time.
" It's the truth.
I could live to be 106.
I'm not gonna get over connor.
And he was a real pain in the ass that mornin'.
He was ridin' that bike in and out in between cars.
You know,I was tryin' to fix the truck.
But I got 2 healthy kids.
Whatever else I say about my wife,she's been a great mother,you know? Lot to be said for that,you know? A lot.
Hey,do me a favor,will you? Step on that for me.
You got it? Yeah.
It was water,asshole.
Jesus christ.
You scared the shit out of me.
This building ain't up to code.
You ok? Yeah,fine.
Mike,uh go,uh--go get your,uh,neighbor.
Tell--tell 'em to open this window here,all right? Ok.
Our father who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil.
Proudly Presents Season 4 Episode 09
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