Boardwalk Empire s04e10 Episode Script

White Horse Pike

Ed Bader's up for re-election.
You know how he got to be mayor? You wanted him to be.
You're going to work at his office.
All I require is that you keep your eyes and ears open.
I spoke to Rothstein.
Masseria squeezed him out of the heroin business.
I should like to meet with Mr.
Petrucelli's the biggest importer of heroin in the whole southeast.
Go back to Tampa.
Those trucks he send up here with the rum maybe they carry something for us, too.
- Say hello to Abe Redstone.
- Pleasure to make-- I will thank you in advance for your discretion.
I'm assuming a reciprocal arrangement would be to your advantage? - It would.
- Then until next time.
White is alive, and you have crushed me.
Let me see you, girl.
Stand up.
Stand your ass up! Think about what comes out of your mouth next unless you are ready for a war that you will fight alone.
We're agents of the Bureau of Investigation.
Bring us your brother along with the criminals he conspires with.
And your son stays a free man.
and you get to hold on to what matters.
I don't know exactly his position, but he's bigtime over there.
- This is Balanchuk? - Yeah.
And you've dealt with him directly in Atlantic City? Once or twice when he was Torrio's runner.
I don't know.
You don't know? Not since he got bumped up.
Joseph Balanchuk.
What is that, Polish? It's Ukrainian.
I thought Torrio only worked with Italians.
Does he? It's a syndicate, for Christ's sake.
- Consisting of? - Italians, sure.
All kinds of greaseballs.
He's got this one, Jake Guzik, runs his breweries.
But this Balanchuk, he's high up the ladder? Very high.
He's like Torrio's second.
- Bring it up here, will you? - Right, boss.
Hungry? My dad was a sea dog.
Tattoo of a mermaid on his forearm.
See the world.
I bet that sounds pretty good to you right now.
I know this is difficult.
But what you're doing takes courage.
You're a good father.
Get that.
Come on.
Let's get that unloaded.
Let's go.
They ain't gonna move themselves.
Come on, let's just give me a hand over here.
Give me another barrel of them oranges here.
- Go.
We're done.
- All right.
- Almost there.
- How many more crates left? - Just a few.
- You still here? Ain't a mirage, lady.
Those trucks got to be on the road in half an hour, McCoy.
I'm at sea for three weeks.
Just catching up with the boys.
That sort of look like a woman.
In the right light, I suppose.
How would you pole jockeys know what a woman looks like? Last call's over.
Move your asses.
You two still got them full boxes here to load.
Let's go.
Come on, get 'em out.
He'd sweat his balls off in there.
Should make Joe happy.
Tell him to come down next time.
Let's move it along.
I'm on a schedule, fellas.
Keep an eye on these finocchi.
Caught one of them trying to steal some of our hooch.
You were supposed to call me three hours ago.
You miss me? Aw, shucks.
This is business, which runs on a schedule.
You call me just to say hello.
Is that what this is? No.
Something's wrong.
Nuck, I'm hanging up now.
What is it? I said I'm hanging up.
I wasn't talking to you! So what's the problem? Tell me.
That wop you're in bed with, Petrucelli-- he's pulling a fast one.
How so? Turns out, rum ain't the only thing you're running.
Him and the other ones, Luciano and his partner-- Lansky.
- Who's there? - McCoy.
He's with me.
Anyway turns out they're stashing heroin in with your hooch and trucking it north.
And you know this how? A girl has her ways.
You tell anyone besides McCoy? I prefer to live near the swamp, not in it.
- Well, keep him close by.
- Do I have to? Yes.
And, Sally, I owe you one.
And don't think I don't know it, sport.
From our wedding.
- Said how he's too old.
- Aw.
What are you doing here? I like to know what my clients are insuring.
Keeps me inspired.
I understand you've bought a policy.
Whole life.
When it matures, you'll be sitting on a nice little nest egg.
Let's hope it doesn't hatch.
Quite a boy you've got here.
Left college to take a position with the mayor's office? That's what I call gumption.
What is it you want exactly, Mr.
-- Balanchuk.
I recently transferred from the Chicago office.
I just need to go over a few documents and I'll be out of your hair.
We'll move into the kitchen, give you some privacy.
You should thank your father.
He knows that in an instant, tragedy can strike and everything a man's worked for, everything he loves, everything he holds dear can be gone.
Get to work now, huh? Yes, sir.
You come to my fuckin' house? Joseph Balanchuk has been dead for two years.
John Torrio paid for his funeral.
They don't update me on turnover.
Playing me for a chump? You asked what I know.
That's what I know.
Next time, know better.
Or as God is my judge, that bright-eyed young son of yours will be breaking rocks up at Trenton.
Everything okay? Yeah.
Just a spill.
That was some good coffee.
Thank you.
Price still hasn't come in yet.
Yes, please hold for Mrs.
Hello? Yes, this is she.
I'm calling in regard to your advertisement in the "Herald.
" The apartments in Inwood.
No, I am unmarried.
Recently widowed, actually.
A personal tour would be grand.
And in terms of rent, is that-- I-- I'm sorry.
I'll have to call you back.
Changing your residence? I-- just considering my options.
Bennett is still at lunch.
May I get you something, Mr.
Redstone? Have you any milk? Certainly.
May I inquire as to your salary, Mrs.
Rohan? $11 per week.
With the occasional bonus for good performance.
That's $572 annually with a prospective yearly rental of over half that.
I imagine you're frugal, but subtracting for the grocer, transportation, clothing, sundries and what have you, it seems these particular quarters are above your means.
I fail to see what business this is of yours.
May I offer you some free advice? Is there anything more expensive in the world? Forget this place and call me.
I own several buildings uptown.
Perhaps I could steer you to more suitable accommodations.
In exchange for what? Your boss, Mr.
Bennett, he and his ilk are systematically driving down the price of Anaconda Realty stock, in which I'm invested.
Soon, no doubt, they plan on buying it back.
I need to know when this happens.
I could lose my job.
Yes, you could.
Or perhaps gain something better.
Come on, Abe, quit flirting.
Hello, Robert.
Nice chatting with you, Mrs.
Got something special coming in.
You're the first person I thought of.
He show his face around here, him or one of his boys, you get word to me right quick.
Ain't seen a hair of the doctor since the other night.
Ain't heard his speechifying neither.
His jabbering days be over soon enough.
Tonight we pay a visit down the Northside and see how he-- Back in the kitchen, ofay.
This here private.
So this here the new dishwasher Nucky hire? Half-face white boy taking our jobs.
Well, the way I see it, one man got as much right to eat as another.
And this here man a friend of mine.
You need something, you look me up.
Tonight, over at UNIA.
We wait till after dark.
Ain't nobody gonna be there but Narcisse and his men.
So he's running, being chased through these giant flowerpots, and he's jumping and bouncing in and out like he's got springs in his shoes.
What? Who was? Douglas Fairbanks.
Ain't you listening? Hey, Nuck, you see "The Thief of Bagdad"? You've got time to go to the pictures? No.
Just, you know.
I need you to take some men, head out to the White Horse Pike.
What's out there? A convoy of trucks heading from Tampa to New York.
- You want me to stop it? - Yes.
And find the heroin Petrucelli's piggybacking with our rum.
Petrucelli's in business with Masseria? Masseria, Luciano, Lansky.
- Jesus.
- This kid, this fucking Luciano.
Should have let me plug him years ago when I had the chance.
First, let's make sure it's true.
Bring Knox and a couple of his men.
Flash some tin, less likely to get messy.
Just get it done.
You take everything north of 22nd.
That's 84 speaks in total.
Up to or including Madison? Include it.
Let Hymie Weiss try and tell you otherwise.
Johnny, hey.
Thought you'd gone already.
- Who's this? - George.
From the flower shop.
I told you about him, didn't I? No.
Sir, he helped us arrange O'Banion's retirement party.
No, that was a disgruntled customer.
Half a fin for a dozen roses-- you get 'em home, they're already wilting.
Drive any fella to murder.
George here's gonna be taking over my collections.
Yeah, I'm moving Ralphie up.
Oh, you are? So's I can run the distribution more hands-on.
And what'll I be doing? Come again? While your hands are on the distribution, what will I be doing? Whatever you want.
I mean, I ain't gonna squeeze you out or nothing.
You wouldn't squeeze me out of my own operation? - That is very generous of you.
- You know what I mean.
I mean, I know you like to relax.
I got people coming up behind me.
They're, what do you call it, ambitious.
I've been meaning to talk to you about this anyway.
So talk.
We had discussions, you and me, about the future when you got back from Italy.
Expanding my role when you retire.
But I ain't retiring, Al.
Of course.
I know that.
I'm gonna go.
It's good you're thinking ahead.
I remind you all once again that our other business must be kept far away-- Doctor.
Watch out! Get down! Get down! Come on, let's go.
Chalky-- Go! Go! C.
Auguste Dupin.
I don't know him.
He's fictional.
A detective.
"The Murders in the Rue Morgue.
" Right.
Those stories are the reason I wanted to join law enforcement.
You've handled yourself well.
I'm sure you were a good cop.
Are we friends now? Dinner bell.
You don't have to be my pal, Eli.
I mean, heck, I don't even think you like me.
But really, this doesn't have to be so bad.
Okay, fellas.
- Fan it out.
Let's go.
- All right.
Hold up.
Stay where you are, sir.
Eli, what the fuck is this? - Search the trucks.
- Move! Since when did you start riding with the help? You want to tell me what's transpiring here? We're already behind.
It's none of your business what we got in there.
Is there a problem, Agent Selby? This wise head won't get out of the way.
Perhaps you're using the wrong approach.
Step aside, please.
Tell it to Joe the boss.
Why don't you relay the message instead? Any other objections? No, sir.
No, sir.
All right, all right.
All right.
Open up.
Open up.
Was that necessary? You heard the man.
They're already behind.
Take your time, by all means.
And before this gets any further out of hand, please tell me how I can be of assistance.
We understand you're carrying more than rum.
If we are, that's beyond any personal knowledge I have of the situation.
Chalky White.
I told him he wasn't here, boss.
You don't tell Dr.
Narcisse anything.
He's not.
Now you've heard it from me, so He came at me.
I want him dead.
- Came at you how? - With a pistol.
He and his men killed three of mine.
- This happened tonight? - And tonight it ends.
What you yourself began.
Dead! I will cut him from nave to chaps.
You'll find the meat tough, Doctor.
Tell me where he is or don't.
Your choice.
Narcisse, there's something I've been meaning to ask you for quite some time.
Who the fuck do you think you are? Cast your lot? Is it so? Your leaving on your feet or on your back is entirely up to you.
So don't make a mistake.
- You ready for this? - Just say.
I'll put one in this burrhead right now.
Thompson, he not ready for this.
Don't be so sure.
I told you, I don't know where Chalky is.
You've got problems with him, take it up with him.
Now get the fuck out of my club.
When I run him through, watch the light go out, I hope he knows what a friend he had in you.
You sure this copacetic? I ain't never fought no war but my own.
They're painting the Legion hall.
You'll be safe here through the weekend.
Went straight through.
How you know that? I've been around many people who've been shot.
It's your friend.
Oh, my God.
What did he do? Brought her directly, Mr.
Ain't nobody follow y'all? You go on now.
Make the midnight show so they ain't suspicious.
Yes, sir.
You go, too.
I'll be fine.
He'll come after you, you know.
Come after us.
Let him come.
Can you even raise your arm? You come to me practically begging, some wet-behind-the-ears little shit.
- Nucky-- - You assure me your intentions are honorable, that you and your partner have big plans for the future.
- If you'd just let me speak-- - I let you in on the deal.
Things are going great and what do you do the second you get the chance? - Mr.
Thompson-- - You stick it up my fucking ass.
We were coerced, Charlie and I.
By Masseria.
- He found out about Tampa from his cousin - Petrucelli.
then realized he could use it to his advantage.
As did you and your greaseball partner.
He would have killed us if we didn't go along.
You think I fucking won't? I know that is a distinct possibility, though I do pray to God it doesn't happen.
If it were strictly up to me, sir, I'd have nothing to do with narcotics.
There is plenty of money in liquor, which is a much safer and eminently more socially acceptable-- You've got two seconds to drop the fucking Boy Scout routine or you're going in that hole.
There's a fortune to be made in heroin.
Millions and millions of dollars.
Now I don't know about you, but the way I saw it, it was the same life I was risking either way.
I'm begging you, Mr.
What would you have done if you were me? - You're going to call him.
- Call who? Masseria.
If he'd like to see you or his heroin ever again, tell him to get his ass down here.
Chalky White left a message.
Says it's urgent.
You're set for 2:00 with the Palm Court.
Murphy is running five minutes late.
Remind me to stick it to him later.
And do me a favor.
Make sure these trade confirmations get filed.
Anaconda Realty? Redstone, some of these other dubs, they're down by 80%.
I'll tell you, they say these kikes are smart.
Well, this one's dumb as a doornail with the deepest pockets I've ever seen.
They're no match for you, sir.
They're greedy, every last one of them.
Redstone included.
Thinks he can get rich without doing a thing.
Well, the more fool him.
I'd like to take the new Duesenberg for a test drive.
There's a number for a salesman on my desk somewhere.
Consider it done.
That's what Valentino drives, you know.
It's warm, but it's all I can find.
They keep the rest locked up.
It's fine, thank you.
How we get to Narcisse? May we have some privacy, please? Of course.
Are you thinking straight about any of this? She put the knife in Purnsley back.
He came to see me last night.
- What he offer? - It doesn't matter.
But what he wants is you on a slab.
What you want? I can tell you what I don't want, and that's a fucking war.
You okay? Been worse.
You've been better, too.
So push come to shove, what happen then? I'm here, aren't I? You said you ain't want no war.
I don't want the trots either, but when I get them, I deal with it.
You know, someone once told me all of man's problems come from his inability to just sit in a room.
Doing that right now.
Then I suppose your troubles are over.
Don't do anything until you hear from me.
and as a devoted friend of the good and decent people of the Northside, I vow this-- neither I nor the members of the sheriff's department will rest until every last one of the cowardly perpetrators of this heinous attack are brought to justice.
Thank you.
Mayor, is it true Chalky White is being sought for questioning? Mr.
Mayor, will the city rebuild the UNIA office? Harry, help me with this lamp.
All right, got it.
Ah, Nucky Thompson.
Always a pleasure.
Perhaps for you.
Things look different during the day, no? You see all the-- how you say? The flaws.
I've always preferred bringing things to light.
Meyer, now why you so blue? It could have something to do with the heroin you had him import.
Ah, si.
He mention this to me when he called.
So what do you have to say for yourself? We wait, huh? What partner? Forgive me my tardiness.
It is a quality I deplore in others.
Ah, no.
We just get started.
What the hell is going on? The world is going on, Mr.
Without you, depending on what passes here today.
You two are partners? In a manner of speaking, yes.
As you've deduced, I am deeply entrenched in the business of providing heroin to those wretched souls who desire it.
Masseria and I have recently embarked on an arrangement wherein he will supply me with product via Tampa.
Using my trucks for delivery.
- So you see.
- We do business already, the three of us.
And if I don't like it? I should paint you a picture, but I assure you it would not be pretty.
There is money to be made, Mr.
A very great deal of it.
I will not be your friend, but I will be an able partner.
One far more dependable than you've ever had before.
- Just like that? - No.
I will require your full support on the Northside to include you delivering your Mr.
White to me personally.
This is nonnegotiable.
What do I get? What do you want? For starters, I want my fucking share.
One third of any heroin already imported.
And one third of any imported in the future.
So we have struck a bargain, then? Yes.
You will not be sorry, Mr.
I see great days ahead.
The mayor will be right with you, Mr.
- Anything from Knox? - Can't find him.
Please hold for Mayor Bader.
- Hello? - Ed, it's me.
- Nucky.
- Listen to me clearly.
This is an emergency.
I need you to send two sheriff's deputies to get Chalky White out of town.
Fella goes to a drugstore to buy rubbers.
The guy goes, "You want a bag with that?" Fella says, "No, thanks, she ain't that ugly.
" How do you make your wife scream while you're having sex? Call her, tell her about it.
All right.
All right, I'm heading out.
Johnny, stay.
Have a drink.
I'll catch your matinee performance tomorrow.
Another round.
- What's that called? - Tom Collins.
- I'll kill that bum.
- Oh.
What's a good bar and a good woman have in common? I don't know.
Liquor in the front, poker in the back.
You've never--? Al, you got a call.
Who is it? - He didn't say.
- Take a message.
Said it's important.
I'll take it in there.
Come on.
- Hello.
- This Al? Yeah, who's this? Never mind who it is.
Yeah? Then what the fuck do you want? Nothing.
I was just calling to say good-bye.
Huh? Down! Get down! Ralph! Ralphie! You okay? I'm all right.
Oh, my God! Sweet, merciful Jesus.
Oh, my God.
Come on, come on.
Well, lucky for John he left when he did, huh? Huh? You okay? Are you sure I can't offer you something else? I'm fine, thank you.
I'm too nervous to eat.
You needn't worry.
I'm a married man.
You must be joking.
I am.
Though what would Mr.
Thompson think? He can think what he wants.
My life is my own.
Not that this is that.
This is business.
Drink your tea.
It settles the nerves.
It's impossible to get ahead.
And believe me, I've tried.
I work hard, I save my-- You owe no one any explanations, Miss Rohan.
Bennett-- Mr.
Bennett is a criminal no different than-- Than me? I was going to say my husband.
Though to be fair, one could paint me with that same brush.
Anaconda Realty.
Bennett and his partners own the company.
He bought more shares this afternoon.
You should do so yourself as soon as possible.
You shouldn't sell until he does.
I'll let you know when that happens.
In return for what? A rent-free apartment guaranteed for five years.
A safe neighborhood with rooms for the children.
You'll accept nothing from Mr.
Thompson, yet you will from me? I earned this.
And when it's over, I owe you nothing.
We have a deal.
Very well.
I've never done business with a woman before.
Well, how did you like it? Quite the treat.
You got peoples anywhere? Just here in this room.
You? You stay here, wait till morning.
Catch a train out west.
You'll be safe there.
I'm going wherever you go.
They're here.
White? Climb in the back.
Crouch down a little.
Uncle Nucky.
Will, what are you doing here? I tried to call.
The line was busy.
Want a drink? What's wrong? Earlier today the mayor gave a press conference.
I saw the afternoon paper.
Well, afterwards he had a meeting.
This colored doctor from the Northside.
- Narcisse? - I don't know.
He had a beard.
Suit cost more than-- - What did they talk about? - I couldn't hear, but they were in Bader's office for over an hour.
Get me the American Legion Hall on Pacific.
I'm going down to the river of Jordan Oh, yes I'm going down to the river of Jordan One of these days, hallelujah I'm going down to the river of Jordan Thought we was going to Philly.
We are.
Like I said.
Missed the turnoff back there.
That right? Doing some work on that road.
Taking a different route.
I'm gonna eat at the welcome table One of these days, hallelujah - You all right? - Yeah.
Hurt a touch.
You'll feel better with some sleep.
Maybe I'll close my eyes a while.
I'm gonna put on silver slippers Oh, yes I'm gonna put on silver slippers One of these days, hallelujah I'm gonna put on silver slippers I'm gonna put on silver slippers one of these days No! Oh, damn! Steer the car! Help me get him out.
Carnegie Hall, one month ago.
Nearly 3,000 Negroes in attendance to see Garvey.
If anything, his arrest has made him more popular.
Man to his left, that Patterson? Yes, sir.
We can't get any more inside than him.
Pathetic, isn't it? They join his club, attend his mandatory outings.
In exchange, he sells them uniforms signifying nothing, with the profits being used to fund his appeal.
That man has done more damage free on bail than most criminals achieve in a lifetime.
3,000 Negroes with ideas in their heads-- that's a threat worth worrying about.
Your tail's wagging, Jim.
I got our weak link.
Nucky Thompson-- his brother Eli.
We backed him into a corner.
He's going to connect all the dots for us, Edgar.
Our man in Harlem.
I may need you from time to time to nourish that relationship.
Yes, Mr.
What is this? I'm late for a debriefing.
Yes, of course, sir.
Since when are you so shy? This isn't the right place to be.
Do you just want to sit at home moping? What do you have to be so happy about? Tonight? Nothing at all.
That's why we're here.
Boardwalk Slim.
We just commencing.
Sit anywhere you want.
We're allowed to? After hours.
It's all just us here.
Go on.
That's what you came here for.
Ba-ba-dee-da-da Ba-ba-dee-da-da Ba-ba-dee-da-da Ba-ba-dee-da-da Ba-ba-dee-da-da I'm sorry.
Just lying down for a minute.
No need to apologize.
It's an intoxicating brew-- the music, the smoke, the alcohol.
I haven't had anything.
What's stopping you? Not in the mood, I suppose.
At times, it seems all there is is us and our unhappiness.
This is one of those times.
You're not with the musicians.
I came with my brother.
That's him playing with Mr.
You are Mr.
White's child? You know him? We are intimately associated.
Richard Pastor.
Maybelle White.
No wonder he's so proud.
Do you know where he is? Alas, no.
I've heard the rumors, the lies.
And beneath it all, the old drumbeat of injustice.
Mother won't even get out of bed.
And you are to be married, are you not? Not as of 3:00 this afternoon.
Samuel wasn't even there.
His father told me.
I think he enjoyed it.
Why must it be the daughters who suffer? That's the funny thing.
I'm not suffering.
I'm-- I don't know what I am.
Except something I'm not supposed to be.
Dangerous for people like us.
Like us? To be what we are, where we are, and dare to stand free, what could be more lonely? I was supposed to come here to forget things.
Then go and forget.
What the fuck's going on? You've got the Seventh Regiment out there.
Bader's turned.
He's in Narcisse's pocket.
What? You reach anyone yet? He's locked inside his office preparing a statement.
Word is two deputies are dead on the Pike.
Why are you here? He's doing his job, Eli.
Why else would I put him next to Bader? You need to leave this room.
He's already heard it all.
This is the life you want? Pop, isn't it what we do? All right.
Let's get it sorted out.
One of these days, hallelujah I'm going down to the river of Jordan I'm going down to the river of Jordan One of these days I'm gonna eat at the welcome table Oh, yes I'm gonna eat at the welcome table One of these days, hallelujah I'm gonna eat at the welcome table I'm gonna eat at the welcome table One of these days I'm gonna put on silver slippers Oh, yes I'm gonna put on silver slippers One of these days, hallelujah I'm gonna put on silver slippers I'm gonna put on silver slippers One of these days.

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