Franklin and Bash (2011) s04e10 Episode Script

Red or Black

Where is he? He wouldn't say just that he wants you to take the call in his office.
If it were anyone else.
Stanton! Uh, boys, listen, I've hit a slight snag in my plans, and I could use your discretion on a personal matter.
Well, you know you can trust us.
We got attorney/friend privilege.
Listen, I need you to remove the color-field painting from my wall.
There's a safe.
Sir, do you want us to open it? Is it still the same code as all your other codes your birth date? B.
Sir, how do we put in "B.
"? Quiet! Now, look, I need absolute silence.
- That's very cool.
- Very cool, sir.
Now, you should see a briefcase.
Got it.
Whatever you do, do not open the case.
I'll explain everything when you arrive.
Arrive? Yes, I need you to bring the case locked to the Desert Opal Casino at once.
Stanton, are you in trouble? It's a matter of life and death.
Oh, I-I trust you have no plans tonight.
Not anymore.
See you soon.
Looks like we're heading to Vegas.
S04E10 Red or Black Ooh, what a mixture Such a vivid picture Ooh, what a mixture If I must say so myself Let's open it.
Infeld said not to open it.
Well, I don't want T.
literally up my ass if it's filled with meth or a human head.
Can't fit a human head in here.
You could if you chop it up into a bunch of pieces.
Why would you chop a human head into a bunch of pieces? To fit into a briefcase.
Your T.
thing doesn't even apply.
We're on the no-fly list.
Well, we can't drive 'cause you plowed into my truck.
Well, if you hadn't parked it in the driveway I parked it in the driveway! That's where you park cars.
Hey, what's up? Oh, what's in the case? Couldn't say if we knew.
Wait a minute.
Dan, did you sell that car? Buick Grand National, V-6, 3.
8-liter engine, nitrous boosters mm.
Wait, wait.
Don't touch the case.
Look, if you needed to give us a ride to Vegas How fast could you get us there? Mm, the Strip is 276 miles away from here.
Factor in traffic an hour and a half.
If I were to take yo.
I don't go to Vegas.
Dan, you're gonna take us.
Dude, no.
No, no.
No, no.
Infeld said we're not supposed to look in there.
Stanton never told me that.
How much is that? Oh, man.
- We got to get this to Stanton.
- Yeah.
I'll gas up the dragon, hook up the police scanners.
I'll be back here in 25 minutes.
I don't want to hide my feelings when we're together in the office anymore.
I-I feel the same way.
So, before we start a more intimate relationship, I want to make sure that we're completely transparent with our intentions.
Well, given your history of interoffice relationships, Mr.
Karp, we can't just rubber-stamp this.
Hanna and I managed a professional rapport long after our breakup.
Um And the summer associate you slept with? I wasn't counting her because we met outside of work.
Rachel King.
All right, you got me.
Mm, mm.
Y-you know, w-which is why we're here.
- Oh.
- You know? Yes, and I promise that I will never exert my power as a partner in this firm to settle a personal dispute.
And I would never expect him to diminish his authority over me - just because we're dating.
- Mm.
The client will always come first.
Till death do us part.
The first of many great firsts.
First date? First kiss.
First I'm cool with skipping right to bathroom sex if you're fine with it.
Okay, then.
Um, once my department head signs off on this, you'll be clear to go.
- How long does that take? - How does that it's gonna Oh, no more than a week.
- Okay.
- Oh.
Like, a business week, like five days? Well, I mean, tack on a couple days, - you know, just for filing.
- Oh, so there's Hey.
Uh, you're gonna have to find someone else to work on Donaldson.
Something's come up.
- All right.
- Oh, wait.
Uh, one more thing.
I got a call from John Resig at the Chive.
Is that, like, a cooking magazine? No, it's, like, the coolest website there is.
It's, like, hot women and really funny and smart.
Why are they calling you? I don't know.
Maybe they're looking to hire.
First, we lose hottest lawyer to Anita, and now they're calling you.
T-this is sexist.
Mm, yes.
That's what that is.
So, how is your little lawyer hottie? Is it "Bonnie"? It's "Bonnie," right? I'm sorry Bonnie Bonnie who? Oh, come on.
Stop it.
She seems sweet.
You could use sweet.
She is nice.
I threatened to kill you on our first date.
Well, murder threat aside, it was a fun date.
- Lots of laughs.
- Lots of sex.
Anyway you deserve normal.
So do you.
So, where are you going? Uh, believe it or not, it's kind of Top-secret.
- Top-secret? - Yeah.
Business or personal? I wish I could say.
I got to go.
L-a-s v-e-g-a-s Spells "Vegas" A town where you are sure to have a ball A city that's as cool as it is hot that's Vegas a place of bets - Oh, man.
- Good evening.
Welcome to the desert Opal.
Will you be staying with us? - You know it.
- Uh, name, sir? Mundy Dan Mundy.
Whoo, Dan! Strong driving! Strong drive, brother! - Welcome back, sir.
- Ah, it's the first time.
You probably have me confused with Hugh Jackman.
He has never been confused for Hugh Jackman.
- It happens almost every day.
- Never.
- Can I help you with th - No, no, that's okay.
W no, I got it.
I-I got it! - Wow.
- Sorry.
It's just, uh, my Uncle's eyes are in here.
Yeah, Uncle Bart.
Uncle Bart loved Vegas.
- Loved the way it, uh, you know, looked.
- It looked.
Nice ride.
Is that a two-way LSD? You know your slip differential.
I like that.
You want to take a look under the hood? Yeah.
Let's go.
Vegas, baby.
Well, you've made it out here in impressive time.
Okay, you really need to tell us what's going on.
Let me show you our suite first.
- What? - Oh! Look at this.
- Nice, huh? - Wow.
Knock-knock! Oh.
Peter, Jared, meet Roland Stray.
He runs things around here.
Any friend of Stanton's Oh, and anything you need.
- Does it have to be legal? - No, he said "anything.
" either here or anywhere in town, okay? Gentlemen, I'm gonna leave you alone.
Oh, by the way, the Opal is part of the Silver Ridge Investment Group.
We own casinos all over Vegas, so check them out.
Have fun.
Uh, Roland, that guitar when you first walk in the lobby on top of the, uh, big slot machine? Good eye.
That's the very guitar Elvis played in "Viva Las Vegas.
" I was just wondering if I could play it just for a minute.
No, sorry you see, it's the grand prize only if you hit the jackpot in Colossus.
So not anything.
Roland, thank you for everything.
Okay, what's going on? You said it was a matter of life or death.
Uh, what do you need $150,000 in cash for? You looked? - Well Mundy opened it.
- He opened it.
So you looked.
- Peter looked.
I told him not to.
- He totally did.
He I glimpsed.
He stared.
I told him not to, and he kept looking at it.
These cuff links have been in the Infeld family dating back to the war of the roses.
Life-or-death cuff links? I intend to be buried in them.
Boys, 48 hours from now I will be dead.
- Mad cow? - No.
- Scurvy? - No.
I don't have rabies, mad cow, or scurvy.
Thought it was mad cow.
However, my condition, regrettably, is terminal.
On my ninth birthday, my father arranged a meeting with the family mystic, Bahkti Eknath.
His gift to me was my destiny.
My ninth birthday, all I got was the Millennium Falcon with the stowaway bay.
I got a glimpse of my future.
The great seer told me that I would pursue justice and fight honorably for the rights of the depraved and that one day, I would kill a confidant on a mountaintop.
Hold up, sir.
He said that you would become an attorney? He specifically said you would murder your friend on Mount McKinley? Well, the visions that he presented, uh, were a little more abstract.
Now, tell me this do you believe in fate? I'm more of a "make your own destiny" kind of guy.
Yeah, normally, but, Stanton, come on.
In Bahkti's final revelation, he foresaw my death in the city of sin in my 66th year at the mercy of a noble fish.
Let me get this straight.
We raced here from Los Angeles because a fortune-teller told you that you were gonna be murdered by a fish in Las Vegas? I-I didn't expect you to understand.
Oh, Stanton, your your mystic visions were just coincidences.
Bahkti consulted many generations of Infelds.
I mean, for instance, he predicted the fiery death of my Uncle Gregory in the 1935 Le Mans 24-hour race, and he prevented my mother from boarding a ferry that sank in the english channel.
- Oh, we seriously thought you were dying.
- Yeah.
Well Yeah, you're right.
I-I'm sorry.
It it's probably nothing.
Sorry for the scare.
Please, allow me to make it up to you.
What? Wait a minute.
You're giving us the $150,000? On one condition.
Oh, boy.
What? That you live tonight as if you'll never see tomorrow.
I just met with a client who's being sued for copyright infringement.
We should do it together.
You want me to second-chair your case? Uh, uh, not as your boss as your The guy you're seeing, whatever just to show H.
that we're able to keep our personal feelings out of the office.
Well, I had the exact same thought when I was meeting with my client yesterday.
Me second-chair for you? Problem? No.
Not at all.
He's an artist who wants to stop his ex-girlfriend from selling his work without his permission.
Hang on.
An erotic artist? Oh, God.
You're representing Mikah Rowe, the woman that is selling my client's sculpture as a line of female massagers? The flynnt stick.
Well, we have to choose one over the other.
It's kind of like a pervy "Sophie's choice.
" If you're being judgy.
We should take your case.
I'd rather not abuse my power.
Let's go with your client.
I'd rather you not do me any favors.
I insist.
So you're ordering me? No, I'm being fair.
In order to be totally ethical, I think we should just let our clients decide.
Whatever you want.
I mean, under due consideration, I agree with this.
- Oh, come on! - Oh, Dan, that's too bad.
All right, hit me.
Oh! There you go! I love this town! There you go.
Well done.
Excuse me.
Can I get a White Russian and a beer, please? - Yeah.
- Thank you.
Okay, hit me small.
Make it small, make it small, make it small! Yes! - 21.
- Oh, that's small enough! That'll work.
There you go.
Look at that.
Dealer has 15.
- Dealer busts.
- Yeah! Way to go! Let it ride, let it ride.
Trust me.
- Let it ride.
- Let it ride.
Just keeps going! Come to daddy! Oh! - You're home.
- Live here.
I'll treat you well.
This is actually pretty easy.
And one vodka banana smoothie with sriracha.
My favorite.
You didn't even order that.
But we did like 20 minutes ago t-the White Russian and the beer.
The beer.
And we've got somebody working on cirque tickets for you, sir.
- Oh, thank you so much.
- Oh.
It's the jacket.
Okay, let's keep the streak going.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Oh, look at this! Oh, look at that! It's him.
Oh! Yeah! Whoo! Nice job! Don't let me down! Oh! Oh-oh! Cool him down.
Cool him down.
Oh! Another right here! Get off your knees, baby Come on, hit me, hit me! you've got fire Dealer wins.
Oh! Boom! Oh, my God! I won the guitar! Yeah! - Hey! - Hey.
Anita, you just taking off for the night? Yes.
That's good.
Good, good, good.
So, I guess Franklin had some business out of town, huh? Yeah, that's what I hear.
Yeah, he said it was all top-secret.
You know anything about it? Dan Mundy said it was personal need-to-know.
- Really? - Yeah.
Just said, "Jared's going to Vegas.
" - Vegas? - Yeah.
With Peter.
Hey, do you think they'll finally get married? Oh, right.
It's okay.
This is the best night ever! - It's perfect! - What are you up? Well, I lost count after $400,000! I didn't even know they made black chips.
Dan, what are you up to? - I lost everything 2 grand.
- What?! - Hey, we got you covered, okay? - Thanks.
- Roland! - Roland! - Where you been, man? - Well, duty called.
Oh, you know who's been calling us? Lady luck! Lady luck! Really? Gentlemen, may I ask you to kindly join me in the blue room? We're okay.
- Dan, don't be rude.
- Yeah.
What is the blue room? Well, it's where we let our high rollers count their chips more, um, comfortably.
- Yeah! - The blue room it is! - Okay, let's do it! - Lead the way.
Come on.
Roland, we brought in Buddy Holly.
Uh, Roland, your room seems to be seriously lacking in blue.
This must be a mistake.
The only mistake is the one you made stealing from this casino.
What? We won.
You saw us.
What I saw was a felony cheating at Blackjack.
What? If I were you, I'd call my lawyer.
That's funny.
I was gonna say the same thing to you.
We got it on tape.
It's called the Wong Method.
Does he mean "wrong"? I'm not weally sure.
One guy sits next to his partners at the table, counts cards, bets small, then takes their bust cards, setting up the big betters like you two to win.
Isn't that right? I was trained in counter-interrogation technique at Quantico.
You're not gonna break me.
Easy, Dan.
You want to break it? Let's go.
Okay, Dan, no one's gonna break anyone's hands.
Right? - Good evening, gentlemen.
- Stanton.
They're saying that we were counting cards.
Are you arresting these three? The police are on their way.
- I have a favor to ask.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm going to be going away tomorrow for let's just say a very long time.
Stanton I'd really appreciate it if we could get the wheels of justice moving with a little more alacrity.
Could we fast-track this case, get it on the calendar for, say, tomorrow? Why not? We got all the evidence we need.
Thank you.
Appreciate that.
Why are you taking that's my guitar! We're confiscating it, along with the rest of your winnings.
Oh, by the way, that's the last time I want you speaking to these three.
They're now represented by counsel me.
Bonnie Appel's office.
Uh, yes.
This is, uh, Craig's Restaurant on Melrose.
I was calling to confirm Bonnie's dinner reservation for tonight.
Uh, Bonnie doesn't have a dinner with you.
She's out of town until Friday.
Out of town? Uh, I see.
Did she m-mention anything about Las Vegas? I'm sorry.
I can't tell you that.
You can just Tell Miss Appel when she returns that she is no longer welcome in our establishment.
or any restaurant in Los Angeles.
Excuse me? Stanton, what do you mean you'll be going away for a very long time? It's nothing.
Uh, Dan, would you mind giving me a minute with Jared and Peter alone? - Sure.
I'll go hit the craps table.
- Craps? No, no, no.
No, Dan, come on.
Just stand over there.
Boys, listen, well, I haven't been completely honest with you.
The Blood & Sand Society have graciously invited me to their 12th annual dinner.
And the featured menu item tomorrow is fugu fish.
Now, if it's not prepared properly, the fugu's poison can cause a slow, excruciating death.
Killing you at the mercy of a noble fish.
- As written by Bahkti Eknath.
- Oh, come on! - Stanton, this is ridiculous.
- This is ridiculous.
Stanton, you're being duped by a cold reader.
They use body language to form educated guesses.
A g-guess that I've made love to Linda Ronstadt or was invited to a dinner party where they're serving a deadly fish? Bahkti he predicted all that.
Look at that, eh? "To be opened on the eve of your death.
" Right.
The postmark is my 10th birthday.
So, come on, now.
Once and for all, let's see if Bahkti is the fraud that you say he is.
"Two godlike figures "of sharp tongue and immortal charm shall voyage to the desert in the belly of a dragon" What? "to distract you from your destiny.
" The dragon that's Mundy's Grand National.
Yes! - "Two godlike figures" are describing us.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, at least They're talking about one of us.
I'm sorry.
Are you saying you're more godlike than I am? Let's not do this here.
Keep reading.
What? What is it?! You're gonna die.
Thank you.
Well, would you help me pick out a sarcophagus? Well, we're in a peculiar situation.
Because both of you want to employ the services of our firm, we're forced to put the ball into your court.
So it's up to you to decide whether or not Flynn will retain my services.
Or if Mikah will retain mine.
- I met with Anita first.
- Whatever! You wouldn't have known about this firm without me.
I was the one who told him that you were the best at intellectual property licensing.
I gave you Lancelot to enjoy when I was away in Europe, okay? Not to sell it as a marital aid.
You named your erotic sculpture "Lancelot"? It's a perfect replica of my most powerful piece.
It's also the the perfect match to her, um - Lady Guinevere.
- Yeah.
So so the t-the sculpture is, um, um - Self-portrait.
- Mm.
Well, it was my Valentine's day gift.
Y-you know what? We are, uh, not at liberty to discuss the facts of the case until one of you decides who will stay with the firm.
- I will.
- Me.
There is another way.
If we don't want to play this out in court, Anita and I could mediate a resolution for you both here.
Yes, so, Flynn, you would stay with me.
And, Mikah, I would remain your counsel.
So we would be separate attorneys who aren't able to share information.
And we work together to find a settlement that's beneficial for you both.
Don't look at me to back down.
Well, I'm not giving in! I guess we'll take your offer.
I guess we will.
Well, the difficult part is done.
Eliazar Mundy.
Dan's a nickname.
Jared Franklin.
Yeah, we're all here, sir.
Uh, c-could you put us on second call? We're just waiting for our lawyer.
Stanton Infeld.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
He came by my office an hour ago.
Interesting man.
I bet you'd be surprised to know that he invented the fly striker fishing lure.
You'd lose that bet, sir.
Anyway, he's not coming.
Really? Oh, don't worry.
This is gonna go quick.
We're gonna give you a little high-roller hospitality.
Well, thanks, partner, but we've had enough high-roller treatment.
Plead guilty to disturbing the peace no jail time, no fine.
And then you just agree to leave our city forthwith.
Those highway patrolmen over there all ready to drive you back to California.
Uh, we appreciate the hospitality.
Uh, let us just talk it over.
- Hmm.
- All rise! The honorable judge Selma Gladney presiding.
, neighbor you don't take the deal, we'll be going for five years state prison.
Please be seated.
We have to take that deal, right? No.
We didn't cheat.
No jail time, no fine.
We take the deal and leave, how are we gonna stop Stanton? He wants us out of the way so he can go through with the fug Yeah, we need to get the fugu out of here.
Well, we are looking at five years in prison.
Or we let Infeld meet his destiny.
You guys are the lawyers.
I'll follow whatever you say.
I can't do well in prison.
Peter Bash, Jared Franklin, Eliazar Mundy, please step forward.
Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon, your honor.
- Good afternoon, your honor.
I talked to the D.
about his more-than-generous offer.
Yes, yes, it's a very generous offer, your honor.
I'd take it and run.
How do you all plead? - Guilty.
- Not guilty.
Not guilty.
What they said.
After all the times Vegas has kicked our ass, we finally win.
- They accuse us of cheating.
- We don't even know how to count cards.
- I don't know how to count cards.
- I do know how to count cards.
Come again? I watched you two play.
I figured you could use the Wong Method.
Don't blame me.
You got us arrested.
We totally blame you! I told you I didn't want to come.
Dude, if you have a gambling problem, you should've said it's not about gambling.
It's about systems.
A couple years back, I was getting obsessed with breaking down Blackjack, cracking the formula.
So I banned myself from a few casinos.
Banned yourself? There was this database you could put yourself on.
If casinos are on it, they're not supposed to let you gamble.
Like a chastity belt for gamblers.
I never banned myself from the Desert Opal.
I really wanted to beat them for you.
I'm sorry, guys.
You're not alone.
There's a lot of suckers out there.
Hypnotized into thinking they're gonna hit it big.
Like we were.
You know, I say, for a change we make them the suckers.
So, I think we should get started.
I'll kick things off.
Actually, I'm sorry.
Please you go.
Thank you.
Even though I am a senior partner.
- No, please, after you.
- No, no, I insist.
S-someone? Anyone with a law degree? Well, that would be you.
I apologize for my colleague.
Excuse me? Mr.
Logan, will you please read the inscription in the card that you gave Ms.
Rowe when you presented her with your art? "I give all of myself to you, always and forever.
Happy Valentine's day.
Love, Flynn.
" Implied permission for Mikah to do whatever she pleases with Sir Lancelot.
There's no "Sir," okay? It's just "Lancelot.
" And that that's not what I meant.
Okay, is it my client's fault that your client entered a deal he regretted? I'm just a little surprised that you see greeting cards as contracts.
To be honest, Flynn Should've known what he was getting into.
That the person that he loved would eventually turn on him? How could Flynn have known that back then? And if he did, he would've ended it before it started.
We never had that option.
That's right, because you can't go back to the beginning.
Or you would've ended it before it started? So, since we're out of options in how best to resolve this, - see you in court.
- I'll see you in court.
Excuse me.
The defendants have a motion to dismiss the charges against them? Yes, your honor.
The prosecution says we cheated by counting cards.
Your honor, assuming for the sake of argument, we did - Which we didn't.
- We didn't.
How is that different from what the Desert Opal does to its patrons every night? You're accusing the Opal of cheating? Every casino.
From pumping oxygen in to keep gamblers awake to plying people with free drinks.
No windows, no clocks, constant near-misses at the slot machines daring you just to take one more spin.
If the casino gets an edge, why can't we level the playing field? The defendants are arguing against what makes Vegas Vegas.
If you rule for them, anyone who's ever lost is gonna file a lawsuit.
It'll put this town out of business.
Motion denied.
Caveat emptor, guys.
If you don't like cocktails or oxygen, don't come to Vegas.
Your honor if you can rustle up some evidence that showed me the Opal specifically targeted you, I'll reconsider.
We're in recess! Should we say something? Mm.
How is it? Well, actually it's very nice.
I mean, it's made of soy resin, which makes it environmentally friendly, and the memory foam oh! is fantastic on my back.
Oh, yes, I think I'm ready to spend eternity in here.
This is depressing.
We've all got to die someday.
It's just that I'm gonna die today.
I'll write this up, but can I ask you to get out of the coffin? You're frightening the customers.
Listen Jay-Z wants to give my eulogy.
Please don't let him tell the Barbados story.
Swatello? Where is she? Where's who? You know who your sweet girlfriend.
Bonnie? She's back at Wait.
How did you even know we were here? Why is Infeld in a coffin? Oh, God.
I can't tell all this again.
Here help me up.
- I've got a dinner to attend to.
- Yeah.
I thought you never mind.
I think if I hurry, I can, uh, catch "Zumanity.
" So Wait! Please, just, uh let me go.
Should've gone after her.
Yeah, why didn't you? 'Cause of Stanton and his stupid killer fish.
Nah, it takes about 10 seconds for you to tell someone how you feel.
- I think you chickened out.
- I did not chicken out.
Well, something's holding you back, and it isn't me.
Okay, look, you're my best friend.
When the dust settles, is Swatello The one? Right now, she's the one who got away.
I know she left, but Dude.
Oh, my God.
Oh, thank you very much.
Dan? What are you doing? Are you are you okay? Hey, guys.
How you doing? Yeah, hit me.
You guys are bad luck, man.
How long have you been here? I don't know, but I'm tapped out.
How'd you get tapped in? $10,000 line of credit.
Damn it.
This is from the Golden Oasis.
I used to play there.
It's no problem, sir.
We accept Golden Oasis chips.
- You do? - Yep.
No, Dan, you're done.
Hold on one second.
This is my last hand.
My luck is about to change, I swear to you.
Yeah, no, it is.
Just go back to the room, order whatever you want from room service.
No minibar, okay? Well, where are you guys going? Back to the blue room.
No pay-per-view, either.
Really? All right.
So good to see you again.
Got to tell you, the blue room's really starting to grow on me.
I want to stay here next time.
- It's a good color on you.
- Thank you.
What's on your mind? You have 30 seconds.
Dan Mundy the banana smoothies, the Celine Dion CDs sent to the room, getting to meet the Cirque du Soleil clown.
- I'm still jealous about that.
- Mm.
You know, Dan was on the self-ban list.
He wasn't banned from our casino.
Yeah, that's what we thought, until one of your dealers let Dan bet with this chip from the Golden Oasis.
I'm sure we don't have to tell you, but the Golden Oasis and the Desert Opal are both owned by the Silver Ridge Investment Group.
See that little silver coin on the chip? I know what our chips look like.
You also knew who Dan Mundy was the second he checked in.
How could you not with 715 cameras tracking our every move? So you just followed the cash and targeted Dan to lose.
Which is really all the judge asked us to come up with.
I'm starting to like our odds.
Yeah, so am I.
What about you, Roland? You ready to double-down? - Where's your client? - Late.
Where's yours? She's not answering my texts.
Oh, I can sympathize.
It's a really sophisticated power move, ignoring your first-year associate.
Okay, so so now you want preferential treatment? No, I just want you to act like an adult.
Uh, I am not the one who stomped out of the room like a child.
No, no, no.
Oh, you want to see stomping? Oh, you will see it in court.
Oh, oh, that'll be - Oh, uh, hey! - Mm.
I'm glad you're here.
Yes, we, uh, we need to get in there.
We don't want to keep the judge waiting.
Well, we're not here for court.
Yeah, after seeing you two this morning, we realized our relationship is not nearly as messed up as we thought it was.
This morning, that was an anomaly.
Yeah, it wasn't It was an ephemeral event.
Yeah, well, we just decided that we're gonna work out our differences.
Yeah together.
Y-you're reconciling? Well, you know, selling the Flynnt Stick was my way of holding on to Flynn.
Never really wanted to let him go.
And I realized that that detaching my penis just detached my heart from our relationship.
Thank you so much for opening our eyes.
- Well - Yeah.
You're very welcome.
- Yeah.
- All right.
Bonne chance.
Oh, it's H.
- We've been approved to date.
- Yes, we have.
Peter is calling me.
You want to take that? I don't have to.
It's Peter.
I don't have to take it.
No, y-you should take it.
I'm sure you have things that you need to do.
- Yeah, I'm good.
Oh, great.
- I'll just I'll take it.
I'm only answering 'cause you never call me.
What? No s-slow down.
Back up.
What Stanton? When? No what? Okay, I'll be right there.
Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served.
Bon appetit.
Uh, pardon me, gentlemen, but this is a private affair.
- Uh, well - Yeah, actually Oh, uh, Calvin, it's all right.
They're friends of mine.
Please, just put it on my tab.
Isn't this like 10-grand-a-plate dinner? It's like 20, right? 20 grand.
Yes, well, where I'm going, money is really of no consequence.
Listen, uh, I thought you two were supposed to be in court today.
Oh, yeah.
We persuaded Roland to dismiss the charges.
And he gave back your original 150 grand.
Well, I must say, I'm really honored to be leaving this blue marble with you two at my side.
Sir, how do you know that this fish is the last word in the book of Stanton? Maybe there's another piece in the kitchen with your name on it.
This fillet chose me.
Not you, Peter, not you, Jared me.
And nothing can change that? It appears I'm at the mercy of this noble fish.
- We'll see about that.
- Wh - dude, what are you doing? - Whoa! Dude! Hey, what what are you what?! I ate your destiny.
Wha how are you feeling? Fine! I'm fine.
- See? - See? See? Bahkti he was wrong.
Fate is what you make of it, not just what comes your way.
You're alive.
Indeed, I am.
Excuse me, love.
No, no, no, Stanton! Whoa! Mm.
All these years My stars have been misaligned.
Excuse me.
I need a drink from the bar.
Okay, I can't believe you just did that.
- I can't believe I did that.
- How are you feeling? I don't know.
I think my tongue's starting to swell.
- What? Let me see.
- Yeah.
I-I'm starting to taste colors.
Oh, you're fine.
Well, Damien, you didn't have to come all this way.
Peter and Jared said you were gonna eat some crazy death fish.
It was it was gonna be your last day on earth because some swami, uh Oh, well.
I thought I was never gonna see you again.
I was freaking out.
Well, it's gonna take more than one arrow to bring down this old buffalo.
Well, of course.
You're Stanton Infeld.
Listen, would you care to join me in getting absolutely squiffed? I'm all-in.
- Salude.
- Salude.
So, it's a bit unfortunate for you, of course, that I'm still alive because I had it in my living trust that you would inherit the firm.
It hurts me to remind you that, uh, my taking over the firm was one of my terms for coming back to Infeld-Daniels, but, uh it's a technicality.
You have no sense of the moment.
Wait! Stop! I-is everything okay? Yeah.
Fugu fish.
What? For a second, I thought Peter had been poisoned by a fugu fish.
- Really? - I gave him mouth-to-mouth.
You can't give mouth-to-mouth for poisoning.
I know that.
You also shouldn't give mouth-to-mouth for someone who's having a panic attack, which is what Peter's having.
You thought I was marrying Bonnie? Yep.
Well, you're the one who said I belonged with her, not me.
I did, and that was a lie.
I know you think I'm an idiot.
I actually think it makes you kind of adorable.
Almost lifelike.
So, anyway, uh What the hell's going on with Infeld? No, no, come on.
Let's Let's stay on us.
Okay, I just I realize that I overestimated my contempt for you, and I may, in fact, have feelings that, when juxtaposed with hate, could could be perceived, uh, as Okay, I'm not gonna make you say it.
Look, Peter and I came here to prove to Stanton that there was no such thing as destiny, but seeing how we both ended up here, I'm thinking maybe that's not so crazy or random.
And My hatred for you has been greatly exaggerated.
That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me.
That's really sad.
I want to make this work.
So do I.
But like adults.
Let's not get crazy.
I appreciate you coming to see me, Damien.
It was very, very sweet of you.
I'm just glad you're okay.
Oh, I'm I'm fine.
Now, listen, I-I have to tell you, you've always been my favorite nephew.
I'm your only nephew.
You're my only family.
And I'm grateful for that.
Come on.
All right.
Ooh! Oh, not so hard.
All right.
- You sleep well.
- Yeah.
Dude! - No way! - Yeah.
Part of the settlement.
See? This is a great day.
Oh, it can't get any better.
- That you? - Yeah, it's me.
John Resig from the Chive.
Get it.
Peter Bash.
Hey, John.
Seriously? What? Wha what? Yeah.
Dude, you're killing me.
Come on.
Hey, John, let me talk to Jared, okay? Can I call you back? All right, thanks.
What is it? John offered us a job as legal counsel for the Chive.
Is that why they were contacting Swatello? They were vetting us? I don't know he just said that we have the perfect emotional makeup for the company.
- Get out! - Yeah.
That's a compliment, right? I think so.
Dude! The chive! It's amazing! We'd have to move to Austin.
I thought they were in Venice.
He wants us in Austin.
We'd be working for someone else again.
Ah, no more suits and ties.
Maybe it's a pay cut.
We've never been about the money.
Till we had some.
Is this about swatello? No, it Yeah, it's about Swatello.
I-it's about us getting to practice the kind of law we love.
It's about a firm that now has our name on it.
Look, you're the one who talked me into going big-time.
Now I don't know if I want to change it up every four years.
Just, I don't know if we can stay in one place for too long.
Well I don't know.
I think I can.
What are you saying? You want me to do this alone? No, I I don't know.
Wait, wait, wait.
There's a reason why everything is happening on this night in this town.
I know, right? Place your bets.
Get your bets down.
All right, red, I go to the Chive, black, we stay at the firm.
You sure? I'm not sure about anything.
Not today, o lord.
Not today.
- There's got to be a better way.
- No more bets.
Actually, for us, there's no better way.
Wait, wait.
Black is the Chive? No, no, red is the Chive.
Black is the firm.
Red is the Chive, black is the firm.
I love you, dude.
I love you, too.

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