Friday Night Lights s04e11 Episode Script

Injury List

I've been trying to get my mom checked into a rehab center.
How much? Four grand.
Son, I just don't have it.
I got you, man.
RECEPTIONIST: Your bill will be $4,000.
Here you go.
Your father told me what's happened.
It's okay, Luke.
We'll figure out what to do.
Well, I woke up this morning and I'm still pregnant.
Give me your hand.
Trust me for once.
Everything all right? I need your help.
The local adoption agency.
What if I don't want to have the baby? I can direct you to literature for that, but you're going to need to talk to your mom.
BUDDY: And we're back at 1040 AM El Fuego.
And we got a caller on the line.
Lion's Pride Radio with el rey de la selva, Coach Eric Taylor.
What do you got, caller? MAN: I'd like to ask Coach Taylor what he plans on doing to shut down J.
McCoy? Well, to tell you the truth, we're going to be well-prepared for the Panthers, but that game is two weeks out and right now we're focusing on Friday's game.
Thank you for the call.
Yeah, but, Coach, just between you and me, and those thousands of listeners out there, what will you do next week to combat that Panther's passing attack? How will you do it? Well, Buddy, what we're going to do is, we're going to face the Panthers just like any other team, but right now we've got the Wescott game on the table and that's the game I'm thinking about, and that's the game that I'd like my players to be thinking about.
And that's what we'll be thinking about here at El Fuego, the Wescott game.
Uh, yeah, Coach, we're about to lose Coach Taylor, so call in right now, El Fuego 1040 AM.
I just filled this last week.
I lost them.
You lost them? Yeah.
Well, I'm not filling it again, son.
I got a huge game coming up.
I need these.
Look, do I need to call somebody, like your Like your coach or your Your parents? No.
Do you want to tell me what's happening to those pills then? (STAMMERING) I lost them.
I'll find them.
Thank you.
I'll look.
There was just something about building that house.
It was just so hands-on and rewarding.
A little addicting, huh? Yeah, a little bit.
I would love to do more.
I just keep thinking about that family and how happy they were to move in.
Going through our training program, that's quite a commitment.
It's a lot of work.
Are you able to make that kind of commitment over the next few years? We would be training you to be a team leader.
Yeah, definitely.
Now, you're You're 17, right? Uh-huh.
So, we'll need parental consent.
Is that going to be a problem? No, not at all.
Are you Becky Sproles? Yeah.
I'm Margaret Cafferty, Luke's mom.
(STAMMERING) I know it's probably odd, me being here like this, but I just really wanted to come over and meet you.
You know, extend a hand, tell you that I'm really sorry about what you've had to go through.
And to tell you that I wish I could have been there for you to To help you.
Thank you.
Do you have maybe a few minutes to talk to me and tell me about what happened? I mean, just to help me understand better.
Come on in.
KENNARD: Sit back there and look simple if you want to.
You know I'm telling the truth.
All I'm saying is, you better have your game-playing tight or you going to get your asses kicked in that Panthers game.
Yo, which one is it though, man? KENNARD: Yeah, that's it right here.
Pull up right here.
Let's go collect, junior.
Keep the car running.
That's not how you do business, my friend.
You think I'm cutting up all these cars for charity? Oh, hell, no.
You got your parts, I get my money.
You got 24 hours, or it's going to get ugly.
(COUGHING) Yo, what the hell was that in there, man? You buy a ticket, so you could just watch? You're supposed to help! You an idiot, junior.
Look, how long am I supposed to be doing this till we're even, till we're square? Yo, rehab ain't cheap, man.
I'll let you know.
Get in the car.
CALVIN: What the hell happened in there, man? KENNARD: Let's go.
BUDDY ON RADIO: What will you do next week to combat that Panther's passing attack? How will you do it? TAYLOR: What we're going to do is, we're going to face the Panthers like we'd face any other team, but right now the game on the table is the Wescott game, so what we're trying to do is, we're trying to focus on the Wescott game.
That's the game I'm thinking about, and that's the game that I'd like my players to be thinking about.
BUDDY: And that's what we'll be thinking about here at El Fuego on your AM dial.
TAYLOR: Your focus has got to be on today.
Your focus has got to be on practice this week.
Your focus has got to be on Friday.
Nothing else.
Is that understood? LIONS: Yes, sir.
TAYLOR: 'Cause I guarantee you Wescott's focus is going to be coming down here and kicking our asses, and it's not going to happen.
LIONS: Yes, sir.
Let's go have a good practice.
Let's go.
Let's go, huddle up.
Huddle up.
You all right, man? Yeah.
I'm good.
I'm good.
I'm good.
You sure you're all right? Yeah.
All right.
All right.
Thank you.
You good? You all right? Yep.
Hey, Coach, let's give them five.
CROWLEY: All right, water.
Let's go.
Jog it off.
Let's go.
Uh Oh, my God! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
(STAMMERING) We don't normally take cash deposits, but what did you Did you rob a bank? You're not going to tell anyone, are you? Oh.
Uh I'm just kidding.
I didn't rob a bank.
Well, I'll tell you what, I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to, um I'm going to submit your offer and I'll let you know as soon as I hear.
BOTH: Thank you.
See you.
All right.
(WHOOPS) Luke Cafferty's mother is trying to get you fired.
Why, because he got transferred to East Dillon? No, no, because apparently you instructed a girl who was carrying her grandchild, at least in her words, to have an abortion.
What? Did this happen? (STAMMERING) Uh, I had a conversation with a girl, but I never instructed anyone to do anything.
What did you say, exactly? Well, Paul, you know that that conversation is confidential, but listen, this girl came to me.
Uh, she sought me out, it was not on school grounds.
She's not even one of my students, and I followed protocol.
There's going to be a hearing with you and the school board.
On what grounds? Well, the fact is, this is a hot-button issue and we have a parent who's willing to say or do anything to be heard.
You know, there are certain people on the board who have very strong feelings about this, Tami.
This has turned into a very serious situation.
JESS: I mean, well, you know, how much do they know about me, like, do your parents know I'm black? Why Why does that even matter? I just, I know, it sounds silly, but I just, I 'Cause I'd like to know what I'm walking into with these kinds of situations, you know.
Well, I can tell you, you're walking into some very hit-or-miss cooking.
I think my mom said beef stroganoff.
I don't know.
Two parents that really like seeing their son happy and want to see what he's been so happy about.
You've been happy lately? Mmm-hmm.
What? Let's not get too happy in the hallway.
All right.
Here, I got you.
Appreciate it.
Oh, you got it? All right.
Here, I got you.
Here, take that.
There you go.
You know what? What? You're all right, Tim.
You know, when I picked you up in that bar, I had no idea what a good guy you are.
You've really been there for me and you've been there for my girl, and it's kind of rare, especially in men.
So thanks.
You're like part of the family.
I really appreciate it.
Well, thank you and you're very welcome.
(CHUCKLES) You're okay.
Hey, uh, you know what? Kind of in the mood to celebrate tonight.
Oh, yeah? So how about my treat, take you and Becks out tonight? Dinner.
You kidding me? I'd love that.
Let's do it then.
I don't have to cook.
Be ready.
I will.
(LAUGHS) Well, what exactly is it that happened then? Well, what happened is, I followed protocol.
I did what I am licensed to do, what I am supposed to do.
I think the question here is what are they saying happened? Well, what did they say happened? You know what they said happened.
They said that I advised that girl to have an abortion.
Well, I don't understand why they'd say that.
I mean, that doesn't make sense.
Well, I know it doesn't make sense.
That's the thing that's so crazy about it, especially since that girl's mother took her to get the abortion.
Hey, hon.
You want to do me a big favor tonight? Could you put your baby sister to bed for me? Thank you.
You guys okay? BOTH: Mmm-hmm.
We're fine.
Good night.
Good night.
Look, they've got butterflies on them.
That makes them exciting.
Hey, do you want to go to bed? No.
Hello? Hey, Julie.
Um (STAMMERING) How you been? I I can't talk to you right now.
(GRACIE CHATTERING) My three little brothers are still at that cute age.
They're ten, eight and seven.
My goodness.
Your mama must have been busy.
So, now what do you think about Obama so far, Jess? I think he's good.
MARY: Yeah.
President, he's a good president.
MARY: Excellent.
Well, I'd have to agree.
JESS: Yeah.
This is good, good.
I love this brown sauce, too.
It's good.
MARY: Good.
TIM: All right, it hasn't sunk in, even for me, so buckle up.
Why? Right now, you're looking at a proud owner of a little piece of Texas.
(GASPS) You're a landowner? Congratulations! Oh, my God.
Wow! Wait, where'd you get the money? Becky.
Um Garrity Motors threw us some work.
Really? That's TIM: Yeah.
He's been great.
That's terrific.
I know.
It's pretty surreal.
What are you going to do with all of your land? Well, I know I mean, obviously I'm going to build a house on it.
With your own hands? Yes, with my own hands.
I mean, for sure, of course.
Maybe after I get some more funds together, but all in due time.
Maybe Garrity Motors will send more your way.
Uh That'd be fantastic.
Also going to enroll in this tech school here, you know, just for Riggins' Rigs keep up the pace with everyone else.
I mean, it's kind of a no-brainer.
So, I'll be here a bit longer.
Then we win 'cause we get to have you in our backyard a little bit longer.
(GRUNTING) (TAPPING ON DOOR) Good night, honey.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Don't forget to say your prayers.
Yes, ma'am.
Good night.
Dear Lord, please let me get some more drugs before Friday.
Hey, hon.
Yeah, um, I was going to go watch TV, but Dad's in there.
So, are you going to tell me what's going on? Well, apparently there's somebody at the school who's trying to get me fired.
I gave counsel to a girl in need and it's got some people upset.
So, can they really fire you? Don't you worry.
It's going to be okay.
What's up? Can I come in? Yeah, of course you can.
Yeah? Come on in.
Welcome to the humble Uh, hey, um I don't This isn't a good idea.
I know I said I wasn't going to be knocking on your door in the middle of the night.
But, um, that was a pretty great dinner.
This isn't a good idea.
I can't do this.
I'm sorry.
It's not just about sex.
I know we've done that.
And I just feel like we should get to know each other.
I mean, I'm a pretty great girl and you're a pretty great guy and we barely know each other and we're living just a few meters away.
And I think it would be a shame if we didn't, like, date or, I don't know, hang out like normal people.
Cheryl, listen to me.
What? Just listen for one second.
I think you're a great person, and I will never forget what you've done to help me with the trailer, and I respect you enormously Mmm-hmm.
and Becky as well, but just I respect you, too.
(GIGGLING) I'm not the right guy for you.
And you need to believe me when I say that.
I'm not ready to have or be in a relationship with someone that already has a family.
It doesn't have to be a relationship.
I mean, you don't have to worry about Sorry, this isn't going to happen.
(LAUGHS) All right.
Well I just You know, I thought it would be kind of silly if I never said anything, you know.
So Yeah.
Just in case.
I'm sorry.
Don't be, please.
Just I'm drunk.
Um, thanks for dinner by the way.
You, too.
How's it going? Hi.
It's good.
How's your mom? How's my mom? Oh, um, she came by my house the other day, you know, to talk about everything that was going on, so And she just kind of left upset.
Um, she shouldn't have done that.
I'm so sorry.
No, Luke, it's really okay.
We had a good talk.
No, I'm I'm sorry.
Okay? That will never happen again, okay? I'm sorry.
Um, okay.
You should have advised her to seek counseling.
Well, she came to me for counsel.
And I gave her her options.
And you felt it appropriate to take on that role? Mrs.
Jackson, do you know what my role is? I am a certified counselor and principal.
I followed protocol according to district policy.
But you found it appropriate to impose your values on an innocent No, ma'am, I did not impose my values.
You referred her to an abortion clinic.
I did not refer her to an abortion clinic.
She went to the clinic with her mother.
You provided this girl, who was not your student, who was not zoned in your school, with the information to get her child aborted.
I did not, ma'am.
Are you calling me a liar? No, I'm telling you you have bad information.
TOM: Okay, let's Please, just calm down.
Now, we're here because a parent complained that an educator from our district inappropriately advised a girl, that is all this is about.
I agree, Tom.
Taylor, did you or did you not advise this girl to get an abortion? I did not advise her to get an abortion, no.
This girl came to me, she was scared, she was desperate for an adult to listen to her, I gave her options and I listened.
That was my responsibility to her as a principal and as a human being.
I hope you all will keep that in mind today as you make your decision.
Thank you.
I know you'll let me know.
LANDRY: They just say things sometimes.
I mean, I don't know though.
Obama? Really? Yeah.
I turned a little red when she talked about him.
I had a good time last night.
Me, too.
I sure didn't see you coming.
I know, that's why you hit me with this car.
That is not what I meant.
I know what you meant.
I didn't see you coming either.
I'm sorry, honey, but you have to.
This is time for nap.
(PHONE RINGING) You need to, you're exhausted.
Hello? Five-to-one in your favor.
Really, Paul? Yeah.
Well, thank you.
You're welcome.
It's over.
I, uh I just don't want this to get outside of the board.
This is the kind of thing that, you know, some parents could go nuts about if they hear it out of context.
I have no reason to think that's going to happen.
Just be careful.
I want to protect you as much as possible.
Well, I appreciate you, Paul.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
(GRACIE BABBLING) Listen, I'm going to need you Friday night.
You know I play football Friday nights.
Well, let me just call this son of a bitch and tell him you got a game.
Okay, I'll be there.
I'll get you after your game.
Just be ready.
I don't know why you bother even talking to that guy.
I'm just doing some extra work for him at the shop.
Help pay for your mom? Is she okay? I don't know.
MARGARET: The school board votes and that's it? Well, not if I have anything to say about it.
What was that? Who were you talking to? I just got off the phone with the school board.
Mom, this needs to stop, okay? You should not have gone over to talk to Becky.
I wish Will you please just let this go? A woman who would do something like that should not be in charge of children.
Are you serious? Yes! Principal Taylor, she didn't do anything here, Mom.
I'm the one who got Becky pregnant.
So why are you blaming Coach's wife? Oh, Coach Taylor, football, is that all you care about? No.
That was your child.
That was my grandchild.
Mom, I'm sorry, okay.
But Principal Taylor didn't do anything wrong, and it's not going to help by you trying to take her down for this.
But she cannot do something like that.
Luke, do not walk out on me, Luke.
Oh, I'm tired.
I got some good news today.
What's that? The board decided to keep me as principal.
(WHOOPS) How do you feel about that? I feel kind of heartbroken that it happened, but I guess I'm glad to have my job.
What you doing tonight? Nothing.
I'll go get the wine.
(RAP MUSIC PLAYING) Do you know where I can get some OxyContin? I don't know what you're talking about, man.
Come on, dude.
I'm not a narc.
I just really need some painkillers.
I got money, dude.
Look, I don't care who you is.
Why don't you get out of my park, man? All right.
Okay, thanks.
Dallas, come on.
I'm hungry.
Let's get something to eat.
Come on.
Let's go.
All right, little bro, let's roll.
BUDDY: Hey, Eric.
Hey, Buddy.
How you doing? Good.
What you doing out here? Do you notice anything different about me? You got a new belt.
Took the ring off.
Panther ring.
Forty-eight hours.
I just wanted to see if I could stand it.
You know what? I can stand it.
And I love the old Panthers.
I don't love the new Panthers.
But I cannot wait for that game.
It's going to be a good one.
What do you think our real chances are? I've got a kickoff in four hours.
I don't have time to talk about this right now.
You going to be at the game tonight? Yeah.
I'll see you then.
Good game, Coach.
(TAPPING ON DOOR) Hey, lady, can I come in? Hey, Jess.
How you doing? I'm good.
How you doing? Just, uh Vince told me that you were here, so, uh I didn't know if it was okay to come or not, but I just wanted to say hi.
And I wanted to tell you Vince is really proud of what you're doing and everything.
Thank you.
He's a good boy, isn't he? He is.
Hey, come here.
It's okay.
It's okay.
(WEEPING) Thank you for coming.
(PLAYERS CHATTERING) (CELL PHONE RINGING) What do you want, Matt? MATT: Hey, how are you? Uh, hello? Are you there? Julie? Did you hang up? No, I didn't.
Look, I know you're mad, all right? I mean, I'd be mad, too, you know.
I'd be furious if that happened.
Can I go now? No, I just wanted to tell you that, um, that I'm in Chicago.
I know.
I talked to your mom and your grandma.
I just got a job at this art gallery.
I mean, it's just entry-level stuff, but I don't know It's pretty exciting.
And I'm going to start school next semester.
And I got an apartment.
That's great.
Sounds like you got it all worked out.
But not I don't know.
It's just weird, 'cause, like, I got everything worked out, but it does I don't know, it just doesn't feel right, you know, 'cause you're not here.
Well, I'm glad I mean something to you, just Not enough to call me till now.
Julie, look, I'm sorry, all right? I just I was really upset and And how do you think that I felt? No, you're right You know, with everything that I was going through, I Matt, we were together for almost four years.
I know everything about you.
You were my other half.
I hate you so much for leaving me.
How could you do that to somebody that you love? I don't know, I just thought I just felt like that was what I had to do.
Well, I have to do what I have to do.
And whatever's missing in your life, I suggest you go out and find it.
Oh, Julie, don't say that, all right? Bye, Matt.
CROWLEY: You understand? One tight end, eleven-person game.
Everything is off me.
We'll start All right, as long as you can stay.
You got the tight end on your side? Tighten your splits then, all right? What's up, Tinker? What's going on, man? I I saw you at Carroll Park last night.
Yeah, I was just nervous about something.
Couldn't sleep, so I took a drive.
And didn't feel any better, took a walk.
What I heard was, uh, you brought some cash with you.
What's going on, man? First five games you're talking like an announcer in the huddle, last three weeks it seems like you been saving your breath for something.
Something wrong? What's going on? Be real.
All right.
LUKE: All right? What is that? It's a bruise.
Why you didn't say nothing? Because I can play through it, all right? Why you didn't tell me? Hey, not a word.
You should have said something.
Tinker, not a word.
You should have told me.
All right.
All right.
(CROWD CHEERING) ANNOUNCER: Here we go, folks, five minutes left in the second quarter and the Lions are trying to claw their way back from a 7-0 deficit.
All right, look.
All right, we're going 27, option left.
All right? On one.
Ready? LIONS: Break! ANNOUNCER: Vince Howard brings them up to the line.
VINCE: Hut! Opens left, quick pitch to Cafferty to the outside.
Got a little room.
Oh, my, can this kid really slide! Oh, and he steps out of bounds.
What are you running out of bounds for? Hey, what are you running out of bounds for? Hey, get up field.
Let's go! Same play, Coach.
Same thing, right? Same thing.
Here we go.
Vince, let's go! Let's go! DALLAS: We cannot run that play again.
Excuse me? We cannot run to that side.
You have a reason why not? DALLAS: Dude, Luke is hurt.
His right side is messed up.
Every time we run that play, he gets hit in his right side.
All right, so you want us to do exactly what the coach doesn't want us to do? Okay, great.
LION 1: Luke, how bad is it, man? Can you make it through this one? I mean, it depends on which way we run.
I mean LION 1: You heard the man.
All right, we're going Twenty-eight, option right.
Got it? On one.
Ready? Break.
ANNOUNCER: Quick toss to the right.
Cafferty cuts inside.
He's got a little room.
What's he doing? Oh, what a break.
And he trucks the linebacker.
Another big hit and down goes Cafferty.
First down, Lions.
What'd you give him? We called left! Hey, Vince.
Come here.
Did I tell you to run sweeper short side? No, sir.
What'd you just run? I ran it to the short side.
Why did you do that? Coach, I got the signals mixed up.
I couldn't really see.
You got mixed up? Come on, son, we got them by the ass right now.
Be smart.
Let's go.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Let's go, baby.
Let's go.
Let's go.
All right.
He mixed up left and right.
He mixed up.
We didn't talk about that in practice.
We'll have to review that, I suppose.
Luke, I'm sorry.
We're going 27, option left.
27, option left.
On one.
Ready? LIONS: Break! ANNOUNCER: It's a beautiful toss to Cafferty going left.
Here we go, baby.
Stay in it! Oh, and he gets plowed by two linebackers.
Let's go, Luke.
Suck it up.
Suck it up.
Luke Cafferty is slow to get up, folks.
My, oh, my, did he take a big hit right there.
Let's go.
Walk it off.
Let's go.
CROWLEY: Let's go.
Same play.
Same play.
CROWLEY: It's the same thing, we're coming left.
ANNOUNCER: Up the center.
Cafferty's in motion.
Another quick toss going left.
Here you go, baby.
Cafferty pulls up Oh, he gets pasted.
Down goes Luke Cafferty.
Oh, my, and he is hurt, folks.
CROWLEY: Hey, time out.
CROWLEY: Time out.
Time out.
Coach Taylor has to call a time-out.
You all right? Can you get up? Let's go.
Let's go.
Yep, let's go.
Cafferty's up, but he's moving very slowly.
CROWLEY: Right to the bench.
The crowd on their feet, giving this young man a little love.
Man, he took one hell of a beating tonight, folks.
But this is one tough hombre.
Luke, what's wrong? (GROANING) It's on my hip.
Let me see it.
You all right? What the hell is that? It's a hip flexor.
He's done.
He's out for the season.
How long you had that? Four weeks.
Four weeks? You didn't tell anyone? You did that four weeks ago and you didn't tell us? I thought I could play through it, Coach.
I'm sorry, Coach.
I'm sorry, Coach! Hey.
I was about to watch Thelma and Louise.
You want to join me? Made popcorn.
Where's your mom? She has to work until 2:00.
Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea, Becks.
Why not? Just isn't.
Please? I don't want to be alone.
What other movies you got? KENNARD: Look, we'll just go in there, get my money and we'll get out.
So, it might get a little hot in there, so I'm going to need you to stay in here and keep the car running, since you like to watch anyway.
Come on, Calvin, I'm going to need a little muscle.
Let's roll.
Yo, V, we'll be right back.
Keep this thing running, all right? I got you.
(SIRENS WAILING ON TV) I think I'm moving out.
Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
I do not believe this.
Cheryl, it's not what you think.
Oh, my God, it's exactly what I think it is.
Get out of here It's not what you think at all.
It's not.
on my bed with my daughter in the middle of the night, and it's not what I think? Mom.
How long has this been going on? Thank God I came home sick.
Mom, we were just watching a movie.
You get out of here.
You get out! Get your stuff off my property right now! And you, go to your room.
Mom! No! You stop! Mom, we were watching a movie! Shut up and go to your room right now.
Go in your room! In my bed, are you kidding me? (CRYING) You must think I'm some sort of an idiot, Tim.
I go banging on your trailer door in the middle of the night when you were sleeping with my daughter under my nose.
You're exactly what I thought you were when I first met you.
You're nothing.
You're just like all the other guys I've ever met in my life, absolutely nothing.
I can't believe this.
I cannot believe this has been going on this whole time.
I never touched your daughter.
You can buy your land and you can do whatever you do, but you will never amount to anything, ever! Go.
I don't ever want to see you again.
KENNARD: Go! (GROANING) KENNARD: Get out of here! We'll get our asses shot.
Get out of here! Go! Go! (PHONE RINGING) Hello? MAN: Hello, is this Principal Taylor? Yes, it is.
I'm sorry to call so late, ma'am.
I'm with the Daily Gazette.
Would you care to comment on the allegations that you advised a student to get an abortion? Mrs.
Taylor, do you have anything to say? No.
No comment.
What are you doing here? I just I need to talk to you.
Your mom is going to kill me.
It's fine.
She passed out.
Look, I know you're moving out.
And I know I'm not going to be seeing you much anymore.
So, I just want to tell you that the stuff that my mom said to you, it's not true.
You're not a loser.
And you're not nothing.
You're kind, and you're good, and you're strong.
You've protected me from my dad, and you drove three hours all the way to that crappy pageant.
And you didn't even know me then.
And you helped me through the hardest thing I have ever had to go through.
And you were the only one there.
So, I just wanted to thank you for that.
Bye, Tim Riggins.
(MUSIC PLAYING) I just can't believe we lost.
The season's over.
Luke's out.
We're done.
You did your best.
(SIGHS) We got to go, it's late.
"T" Tami Taylor is going to kill me for keeping you out this late.
Come on.
Sit down, let's have another drink.
I don't want to go home yet.
Thanks for the ride.
All right.
Vince, what you doing here? Okay, what's the matter? Calvin's dead.
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