Six Feet Under s04e11 Episode Script

Bomb Shelter

Why is it always up to me, Cindy? I end up doing everything.
I'll bring the food, but I think Ann should bring the drinks.
- What's their address again? - On Orange, just off Crescent.
She brought one lousy pizza for the whole team to the last game.
- I need the exact address.
- I know how to get there.
- I want to use the GPS.
- You're dead! - What game are you playing? - Mortal Kombat.
- Is that violent? - It's not violent.
Where did you get that game? - I need a new DVD! - Just use that one again.
- I need the exact address.
- It's Bobby's.
Cindy says no way is Bobby allowed to play that game.
- She wants to know where he got it.
- We just passed Crescent.
- I want a new DVD.
- Turn left on Crescent.
- Which way? I need the address.
- I'm waiting.
- Just a second, honey.
- Just give her one.
- Go left! - Here? You have quite an extensive personal collection as well.
There's something weird about twins.
About these twins, anyway.
They're cute.
They always smell like bananas.
You just don't think any kid's as good as Maya.
Well, they're not.
'Cause you're perfect, aren't you? Why yes.
We could have a pretty great kid.
What time are they coming down? Tomorrow afternoon sometime.
Are we supposed to cook for them? Because I really don't feel like making dinner for someone who hates me.
Barb doesn't hate you.
She was just surprised to see you.
Okay, maybe you're not her favorite person, but this is a chance for her to get to know you.
Sure you don't want me to hide in the garage? - I can curl up real small.
- Bren.
So about that thing I just said, that thing that you completely ignored? I heard you.
We could have a great kid.
- So - So, it's something to think about.
To think about.
Yeah, I already had a kid without thinking about it, and I don't want to do that again.
So when were you thinking about thinking about it? Because I'm thinking sooner rather than later.
What's the rush? Well, um I'm kind of at an age where I can't commit to a relationship that doesn't have the possibility of having a child.
So look, if you're saying no I'm not saying no, I just It's overwhelming just dealing with one child and all this, kind of new.
You know, it takes a couple our age on average like a year to get pregnant.
So even if we started trying now we might not have a baby for two years.
I'm not saying no.
I promise.
- You got groceries? - Mm-hmm.
Chandler walnuts from the farmers' market.
- All of that is walnuts? - Mm-hmm.
What are you going to do with them? We're going to eat them.
Some of them we can process into walnut butter, but mostly we'll eat them.
They're full of protein and omega-3s.
I got the brochure from the Loving Couples Center.
- What's that? - The retreat Kyle and Becky went on.
It's quite a list of weekend workshops that they offer.
They sent a videotape as well.
"Intimacy and Healing," "Finding the New in Your Partner," and "Tantric Love," which you seem to have circled.
Hoping to add some spice to our sex life? It's becoming very popular.
Woody Harrelson, Jill Eikenberry and Sting are all practitioners.
I mean, not with each other, but you know Ruth, if this is something you'd like to do, I'd be more than happy to go.
Really? I'm so pleased.
I'll fill out the application.
Oh, I was wondering.
Where do you keep your extra water? There's a pitcher in the refrigerator.
No, I mean for earthquakes and other emergencies.
You should always have some extra water on hand, flashlights, batteries, some canned food.
Do you know something? Is there going to be an earthquake? Is that why you got the walnuts? No, I got the walnuts because I like walnuts.
And yes, there most certainly is going to be an earthquake.
We can't pinpoint exactly when, but could be tomorrow, could be 100 years from now.
Oh, you had me concerned.
Well, you should be concerned.
We should all be concerned and prepared, if not for an earthquake then a terrorist attack, or a catastrophic drought, or who knows what else? George, lately it seems if it's not one thing with you, it's another.
Wow, these are amazing.
Amazing, Claire.
Yeah, they're so cool.
They remind me of that guy what's his name? The guy who does people in swimming pools.
- David Hockney.
- Yeah.
And he did this one thing of photographs - like of the desert - "Pearblossom Highway.
" Yeah, that.
But it's like you took it You made it personal.
You know, Jean Baudrillard once said every possible art form has already been explored and all that's left is to deconstruct and play with the pieces.
That's literally what you did.
Explain the process.
Well, I'd take a whole bunch of closeups of someone, like every inch of their face, and then print those actual size, and photocopy them, and then papier-mâché pieces over the person's face and make an actual mask.
Then when that dried I had them put the mask back on and then I would take a portrait in a setting that hopefully reveals something new about the person.
Yeah, there's so much depth to them.
Exactly, they're like sculpture.
Is that what you were thinking? I don't know.
I guess I was thinking more emotionally, like how many layers there are to a person, and how we all wear masks, even if that mask is our own skin.
But I think it was my background in sculpture that really allowed us to make that leap.
You know, when I first put the pictures of Claire's open eyes over her closed eyes, I was thinking of her as sculpture.
So you helped her with these? In terms of creating the original concept, yeah.
We worked together.
I mean, she's a photographer.
I'm a sculptor, and somehow we combined those two elements and created something new.
I think they turned out great.
You look just like your mother.
Yeah, that's what everyone says or said.
I'm so sorry.
Such a tragedy.
I still can't even quite It's just too much.
Does your family have a burial plot? I don't know, I doubt it.
Cremation is a popular option.
Yeah, do that, but then buried.
I want them somewhere all together, - where I can go see them.
- We can arrange that.
Have you thought about what kind of service you want? I don't even know what kind of services there are.
- Just a regular one.
- Okay.
Did your family have a lot of friends? They had friends, but I don't know who all of them are.
Okay, well, we can post a notice in the paper.
We're also happy to make any calls.
Do you have any other family? I don't think you should be dealing with this alone.
One grandmother left, but she's in a home.
And an aunt and an uncle in Florida, but I don't really know them.
So it's just me.
My whole family Basically, what we're looking at here is battery, assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Pasquese suffered a torn earlobe, inflicting acute pain and requiring meticulous surgical resculpturing.
The pain's rendered him unable to work and he's had to drop out as producer of a major motion picture.
- What?! - Additionally, his irreplaceable earring was lost during the course of the attack.
It was just a little hoop! Who wears earrings now anyway? Mr.
Pasquese has also suffered recurrent nightmares and has been unable to enter a sushi establishment, greatly lessening his enjoyment of life.
For these reasons we are asking for restitution of $500,000.
Are you out of your fucking mind?! We'll leave you to consider the details.
If they're not to your liking, we'll institute a civil case and consider pressing criminal charges.
Oh my God! This is ridiculous.
She can't possibly be serious, can she? How strong is his case? - Did you bite his ear, Mr.
Fisher? - Well, yes! Well, then his case is quite good.
But what am I supposed to do? I don't have that kind of money.
Can't we do a temporary insanity plea or whatever? I mean, his therapist thinks he's suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
In the event that this case goes to trial, that's a possibility.
But do you really want this to go to trial? Because that's when things become very expensive.
I like this restaurant.
How'd you hear about it? Joe.
Oh, have you been speaking to him lately? No, he hasn't called and I feel too guilty to call him.
I think he feels like I betrayed him and I never took him seriously.
Well, you certainly did betray him.
Well, yeah, Mom, I know that, thank you.
Come on, darling.
I'm not judging you.
I've done far worse.
The thing is, is that I did take him seriously.
I really believed that I was going to settle down and have his baby.
I never thought that I could have that with Nate.
That he would forgive me and want to take me back.
Well, I think Nate's been going through some life-changing experiences himself.
Oh, he's still going through them.
I think I understand his relationship with Lisa better now how you can settle for someone who's just not the person you should be with.
You know, you and Nate sound like me and Bern, the way we knew each other.
I mean, we understood each we understood each other like nobody else could.
God help you.
The chicken Caesar salad, please.
Mom? I'm going to have the Porterhouse steak, medium rare.
You're having steak for lunch? Yeah, I'm just feeling a little anemic lately.
Yeah, you do look a little pale.
No, I think I'll go to the bathroom.
Be right back.
Hi, my name is Albert Gross.
I was wondering if you might have a moment to discuss your eternal happiness.
Yeah, sure.
Come on in.
Through a global preaching campaign, God is making known the good news about His kingdom governed by Jesus Christ.
Those who respond are gathering into a place of spiritual protection and healing.
Soon we'll experience freedom from all injustice and suffering.
Seems to me like just the opposite is happening.
That's because human government is - still under the control of Satan.
- Uh-huh.
The perfect government is in heaven.
From there the King Jesus Christ will rule all the earth.
So how do you think King Jesus plans to address the ever-widening holes in the ozone layer, hmm? Or the missing stockpiles of weapons-grade plutonium? Well, I think that God will solve all of mankind's problems in His own way.
Albert, look, this is an enormously complex world we live in, and its problems are multiplying every day.
Now, we're not going to solve those problems by going door to door and asking people to get down on their knees and pray to the sky! Shouldn't a bright young man like you be doing something constructive? I'm going to write down a couple of websites for you to check out that will hopefully enlighten you a little bit.
- Excuse me, are you Brenda Chenowith? - Yes.
Your mom needs you in the ladies' room.
Oh, thank you.
Mom? I'm in here.
Do you have any pads? No, why do you need a pad? Don't tell me you had that vagina surgery.
No, I just went in for a consultation.
Listen, I've been bleeding a lot lately.
Oh God, Mom! It won't stop.
It just won't stop.
I'm calling 911.
Don't worry, Mom.
Don't worry.
# She says, "Wake up" # Claire, it's me Mom.
# I'll keep stealing, breathing her # I have your laundry.
Oh, you didn't have to do that.
But it gives me an excuse to come up and visit.
Well, you can come up anytime you want.
Thank you.
There's no one in the house anymore.
It's so quiet.
I know that smell.
# Naked as we came # # One will spread our # Is this marijuana? - # Ashes round the yard # - Uh, yeah.
I used to smell it on Nathaniel every once in a while.
I always thought it was some sort of embalming chemical.
He never gave it to you, did he? No.
Oh, God, no.
I discovered it on my own.
How funny that Nathaniel would keep it a secret.
Do you smoke it a lot? - Not too much.
- That's good.
I read somewhere that you should treat it as a spice just a little pinch here and there.
How striking.
You used to make collages as a little girl.
I did? You were always tearing up my magazines before I could read them.
Oh wow I mean, sorry.
Well back to my quiet house, I suppose.
Well, you got George in there.
He's not much of a noise-maker.
Hey, are things okay? Oh yes, definitely better.
I can see he's trying, and so am I.
He's a good man, he just needs to let me in a little.
I still want to grow old with him.
I mean, I'm almost there already.
Oh, please, you have a long way to go.
He agreed to go to a Loving Couples workshop with me.
Really? That's cool.
On tantric love.
Mom! I know! Don't tell the boys.
Hey, guys! How was the movie? Augusto was scared.
- You took them to see a scary movie? - No, it was a cartoon.
- They're too young to see scary movies.
- It wasn't scary.
You guys go brush your teeth.
Get ready for bed.
So, Julio tells me that what's her name? Kenny's sister, Julie, has been watching them.
Isn't she some kind of druggie? Oh, please, she smoked a little pot in high school.
We all did.
- I didn't.
- I know, Rico, 'cause you were boring.
It's just weird that Kenny's whole family is moving in here.
You're so ridiculous.
I'm a single parent.
I need help.
Julie's a good babysitter and she's coming over tomorrow.
You're not a single parent.
I can watch the kids.
I don't want you here all the time.
So I have to keep paying for a babysitter? I work as much as you do.
You're not paying for anything.
Don't we have any rice? How am I supposed to make risotto without any rice? That's what risotto is, it's rice.
- So, we'll have pasta.
- I don't want fucking pasta! David, calm down.
Don't tell me to calm down.
We're going to lose everything.
This lawsuit is going to bankrupt us.
- No, it's not.
- Yes, it is! My liability insurance won't cover any of this.
He's going to sue us and take everything we have, that stupid motherfucker! David, take a deep breath.
Now, hold it in.
Now, slowly let it out.
Do it again.
Feel yourself relax.
Instead of focusing on the negative, think positive thoughts.
Does that include beating the shit out of Roger fucking Pasquese? Look, even if he does sue us, we'll be okay.
He can't take anything of mine 'cause I had nothing to do with this, and legally he has no right.
Maybe this is the upside to us not being able to get married.
He's going to take my part of the funeral home and garnish my wages for the rest of my life.
- No, he won't.
- Of course he will.
He wants revenge.
You notice he didn't say a word the whole meeting.
I think his lawyer is putting him up to this.
He's probably a reasonable guy.
I don't think so.
Maybe we should try talking to him away from his lawyer, see if we can settle this ourselves.
He'll never agree to it.
Well, I'm going to call him tomorrow.
We got nothing to lose.
The Loving Couples Center offers many different workshops.
Whatever your needs, we're sure you'll find one suited to you.
- Maybe even more than one.
- Let's not be pushy, Bob.
I hope those people aren't going to be there.
I think they're just celebrity spokespeople.
They're celebrities? - Who are they? - I don't know.
Mom, can you come downstairs, please? - Now? - Now would be good.
That's a lot of water.
Yes, it's a lot of water.
What is it doing in there? What happened to my cremains urns? - I put them in the smaller closet.
- You did this? I told you I was going to order some extra water.
This is a good deal more than I anticipated.
Well, I thought you understood, Ruth.
This is only the bare minimum of what you would need - in case of an emergency.
- Sorry, but we can't keep it in here.
Well, I can't just put it out in the driveway.
Maybe one of the spare bedrooms.
Fine, just get it out of here.
Or maybe that old bomb shelter would be better.
You have a bomb shelter? Oh, Brenda! Bren, stop! I'm just trying to make you more comfortable.
- Well, then get me some more Vicodin! - You just had some.
I tell you what I need, and you say no.
Mom, could you try to just be a little bit more reasonable? No, don't be reasonable.
Be as mean as you want.
- Let it all out.
- Thank you.
That's exactly what I'm going to be a nasty old crone, now that I'm no longer a woman.
Mom, this doesn't make you any less of a woman.
Oh really? Then give me your uterus.
Maybe I should come back? Of course not, have a seat.
Yeah, stay.
Mom, I brought you your favorite flowers, as did Brenda.
Flowers are for pretty girls, not someone like me.
She's not a woman anymore.
Come on, you're still young and beautiful.
Of course they're going to say nice things to you.
They're your kids.
But me, I'm a miserable prick who cares nothing about anyone but myself, and I look at you in your hospital bed, tired and worn out from surgery, and I selfishly wonder how long must I wait before I can fuck you.
Wow, finally somebody said something right.
It would have been weird if I'd have said it.
Not in this family.
Darlings, would you please give us a little privacy? Oh God! Mom, you're not going to I just want to be with Olivier for a minute.
Now go.
Go on, go.
Get something to eat.
Look at all the flowers.
Ooh, a plastic monkey.
Look it, it's like a parade float without the parade.
These flowers are amazing.
If they used an actual tiger that would occasionally maim an innocent passerby, then maybe I'd like it.
Isn't it sad though? Nothing we can ever create will be as beautiful as this flower.
I don't know.
Those Lego dinosaurs you made were pretty fucking amazing.
Why are you so above everything? Excuse me, but you can't do that.
It's okay, Dick Cheney is my uncle.
Hey, what's your problem? What's my problem? I can't fucking believe you would try to take credit for my work.
I wasn't taking credit for your work.
I was taking my share of credit for our idea! Oh, please.
Jesus Christ, are you really that insecure you have to take credit for everything? I don't want to have this conversation.
Because you know you're wrong.
You know I tore that photograph and put the pieces on your face.
That was the idea.
That was the fucking idea! I can't believe you would try and take credit for that.
You tore up a picture.
Big fucking deal! I'm the one who told you to photograph it! - I'm the one who saw the potential! - Great.
So if Picasso painted a picture, it would be all right if you took photos of it and then tell everyone it was yours.
I can't believe you would compare yourself to Picasso.
I wasn't.
Look, one of the coolest things about this was that we did it together.
I like that, just working with you.
Excuse me, young lady! I need to speak with you.
- Run! - Fuck.
Did you want soup? No, I always have such ridiculously high expectations of hospital soup, and I'm always so very disappointed.
You know, I should probably You don't have to say anything.
- I will though.
- I know, but you don't have to.
You think I should tell Mom I slept with Olivier once in college? I kind of wish you hadn't told me.
Thank you.
It would be fun to see Mom's reaction.
We are the most sexually inappropriate people in the world, aren't we? Yeah, well, look who our mother is.
I don't think we had a choice.
Yeah, but it's a little bit too easy for me to blame her - for all my horrible behavior.
- Oh no.
If you stop blaming her, I'll have to do the same.
Maybe it's time.
What about Dad, can we blame him? I'm thinking about having kids.
With Nate? Yeah.
You think I'm crazy.
No no, not at all.
I think it's great.
I think you are going to be a great mother.
It's good to see you.
Nathaniel's father had it built during the Cuban missile crisis.
His mother used to keep her canned goods in here, but I haven't been down here in ages.
This door is lined with lead.
- See, it's just an old - Not a drop of moisture.
Somebody knew what they were doing.
The boys used to play down here.
And David, when I'd scold him this was his little hideaway place to sit and pout.
It's so dusty.
- It smells like - Life.
It smells like life.
Yes, sir, this'll do just fine.
I always put black actors in my films.
Even if the part doesn't say it's a black guy, I always think, "Why not a black guy?" Hmm.
You ever do any acting? Me? No.
You should.
You got a face like a movie star.
Don't you think he should be in movies? Uh, sure.
I'm pretty happy doing what I'm doing.
Mm, ex-cop who becomes a security specialist, that's a movie right there.
I love cops.
Sorry this'll just take a second.
- Yeah? - Check.
Okay, not only is he suing me, now he's hitting on my husband.
I've met so many guys like him with their big black sex cop fantasies.
He hasn't the faintest idea that I'm a real person.
I'm not sure he cares.
Thank you very much.
I'll pay this up front.
No, let us get that.
What, you think you can buy me off with a dinner? - No, I was just - It's not personal, you know, David, but you really fucked up, and, well, someone's gonna pay.
Did he just make us an offer? I think he'll drop the lawsuit if I let him blow me.
I think you're right.
Hey, I hate to play the cop, but I'm thinking you've been drinking, and I should drive you home.
Play cop all you want.
It's a Porsche.
Follow us.
You working on a new one of these? Yeah.
I really like making them.
What's the deal between you and Russell? Anita said he was talking about it like it was his idea.
I am so sick of him.
He thinks it was his idea because he was there when we when l you know what? I don't give a shit.
Did he help with any of those photos you gave me? No! He was just the one who tore up the first photo.
So he needs to lay off, then.
Let him do his own thing with them, Jesus.
Everything's derivative of everything.
I just wish he wasn't connected to it in any way.
I showed them to my gallery manager.
Really? He went all crazy over them.
You're kidding.
He said he wanted to meet with you.
Holy fuck! I can't believe you did this for me.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Who is it? It's me, Rico.
Hey, Julie.
Wow, I haven't seen you since high school.
- Where are the kids? - Asleep.
Oh, okay.
Well, you can go now.
What? I'm here.
You can go now.
Yeah, but Vanessa didn't say you were coming by.
They're my kids too.
Araucanas, you really should get some.
They're beautiful, beautiful chickens.
We got four right now.
There's Petey, Pepe, Polly and - Pogo.
- Pogo.
Well, we don't have room for chickens.
Lisa loved animals.
Did anyone want coffee? - Sure, I'll have some.
- Yeah.
Nate, we should probably tell you why we wanted to see you.
- It's about Lisa.
- Mm-hmm.
Her ashes, how come they weren't, you know, processed? Uh, what do you mean? They were all chunky.
They weren't pulverized.
The funeral director in Cœur d'Alene said it was very old-fashioned.
Huh, I'm not aware of that.
That's not something you oversee.
No, no, we have a regular crematorium that we use and I don't know, I mean, sometimes I guess they just rushed the last step.
Then I want their number so I can look into this.
Oh, Barb, please, I'll take care of it.
I'd really like to see it through.
It was suggested that they may not even be Lisa's ashes.
Okay, look, I need to tell you guys something, l I gave Lisa what she wanted.
What do you mean? I mean, you know, she didn't want to be cremated, so I I buried her in the desert.
What? I know, I should have told you, but I thought it would be less complicated this way.
So those aren't even Lisa's ashes? - No.
- Whose are they? Somebody's ashes that were never claimed from the '70s.
Sometimes people don't pick them up.
So, in Lisa's vault, with her name on it, where my parents go to visit her and pray, are some complete stranger's ashes? - Look, I wanted to honor her - And where is Lisa? The desert, what desert? The Mojave.
You dumped her by the side of the road somewhere?! No, of course not.
I buried her.
It's really beautiful where I buried her.
There's a tree and Was it off the 62 towards Joshua Tree? No, I drove out toward Palm Springs Is there a marker? - How do I go see her? - You see any Joshua trees around you? - They're these short - I know what a Joshua tree is.
No, there's no marker, per se.
Lisa didn't want to have a I'm sorry.
As you can imagine, I was a little out of it.
It sounds like you were completely out of it.
What you did is probably illegal, Nate, and it really pisses me off that you lied to us.
Look, I gave her what she wanted, okay?! I thought that's what you wanted too! No, what I want is for Lisa to still be alive, and not have her daughter be raised by a woman that she hated! - Barb! - This is fucked up! You completely erased her off the face of the earth, like she never even existed.
This raises a lot of questions, Nate.
- What questions?! - This is crazy! I can't talk about this anymore.
Come on, Hoyt, we're leaving.
It raises a lot of questions, Nate.
So, you gonna drop the charges? Yeah, forget it.
I'll call the lawyer in the morning.
But get your boyfriend some Prozac or a muzzle or something.
He just went through a really awful experience and is having problems dealing with it is all.
Yeah? How about you? Me? I'm trying to be there for him, you know? Be strong.
Doesn't that get a little old? No.
Well, sometimes it's kind of Tell me.
I understand, he went through something really traumatic.
I'm completely empathetic, but sometimes I do get tired of hearing about it.
- You're not his mother.
- I wish he would figure out a way to deal with it rather than have these episodes.
Well, at least I finally got him into therapy.
That's a lot for you to handle.
You must be real tense, a little angry.
It's like living with an invalid.
You know, if you ever need anyone to unload on Thanks, I'll deal with it my own way.
Really, though, anytime you need to let off a little steam I'm thinking this is the last time we see each other.
Yeah, I figured.
You better go find your boyfriend before he bites my cat or something.
How was it? I need to get home and shower.
Hello? Yeah, Julie called and she said you sent her home.
I'm tired of my kids being left with some babysitter every single night of the week while you go out with Kenny fucking Sims.
It's none of your goddamned business what I do.
And I have a right to see my kids whenever I want.
Oh, you got the right? You can stay with them all night, 'cause I'm not coming home.
It's called a subscription.
Look, it's what she wanted, all right? I understand, it was obviously a highly meaningful thing for you.
I'm just I'm disappointed that you didn't feel that you could share something that meaningful with me.
- Okay, one, I'm not your patient - Oh, nice.
- so stop talking to me like I am - That's very constructive.
and two, what I did was between Lisa and me.
Look, I'm sorry.
I'm just upset.
Yeah, well, it really sucks that you keep things from me.
Uh-huh, okay.
Why don't you just tell me, okay? Tell me when you're ready to let me in and make me part of your fucking life.
Oh God.
- You guys have your lunches? - Yes.
I made your peanut butter and jelly.
I know you like it.
I made it really good, too, with extra peanut butter.
- Hi, Mommy! - Hi! Hi! Are you guys all ready for school? Okay, Julio, go put your brother in the car, okay? And buckle him up in his baby seat.
- Bye! - Bye.
So, did you have a good night? Very nice.
It's nice to be with a man who knows how to treat a lady.
Really? - So what did you guys do? - You know charity work.
I've had enough of this.
I'm coming home.
I am coming home.
If you ever step foot in this house again without my permission - I'm calling the cops.
- The cops won't do anything.
This is still my house, and you have no right to keep me out.
I don't care.
I'm still calling them, and I'll let you explain that to them.
- Barb.
- Hoyt and I have been talking.
We're really upset about this.
I don't want Maya growing up in this house.
- What? - We don't want her in a place where Lisa isn't honored.
Look, Barb, I know this is really weird for you I don't want to hear a word from you! I know all about you! Hey, you're completely out of line.
We want Maya to come live with us.
Yeah, well, no fucking way! - Maybe just part time - Are you people crazy? No, but apparently you are.
The last time I came here you said some psychic told you Lisa was still alive You know what? I was still in shock, I think, okay? Anyway, I was high.
Look, you know what you did with Lisa was wrong, - and I hate to contact our lawyer - My God, what are you saying? - but if that's what it takes - Get the hell out of here! - Get the fuck off my property! - Calm down now.
We're trying to do what's best for Maya.
You don't care about Maya.
Now, get the fuck out of here! You're not going to get away with this, Nate! You're not! Hey Don't you worry, baby.
Don't you worry, nobody's going to take you away.
No, of course not.
- There's no way.
- I know this is scary It's not like enough bad shit hasn't happened to me already.
She has absolutely no legal right.
I mean, who the hell am I, Job? There is no way that she can take Maya.
- I'm not taking her to day care.
- Leave her with me.
I have one class this morning, I can skip it.
Please please, I don't want to let her go.
Hey, just come inside for a while.
- Everything will be okay.
- Yeah, okay.
Just come in for a minute.
Beautiful, Claire.
Complex alluring and they're fucking creepy.
I love 'em.
How did you come up with the concept? It's something I've done ever since I was a kid, tearing things up.
A genius from birth.
Well I have a new show in a couple of weeks.
Let's put 'em in.
Really? All of them? Oh fuck, yes, all of them.
That's great! Shit.
It's kind of hard to know what to say.
My family is gone and no one can ever replace them.
But this is what life is, right? Pain.
Pain followed by more pain.
Everything you have can be taken away, and it will be, you know that.
Lisa was just the beginning.
You're crazy to even think of having another baby, because I promise you, from now on only bad things will happen to you.
- Have you seen George? - No.
I can't seem to find him anywhere.
They were so much a part of me that I never imagined life without them.
But as deeply sad as I am that they're gone - George? - I'm down here! Oh my.
The extension cord is only temporary, of course.
We're going to need at least a 5,000-watt generator.
I just got a call that there's been a cancelation in the tantric loving workshop.
They can fit us in this weekend if we'd like.
- This weekend? - Yes, this weekend.
Oh, I don't think so.
I've got this guy coming over first thing Saturday morning who's going to give me some advice on the air filtration system.
Well, how long is that going to take? Oh Jeez, I'm not sure.
It's not the sort of thing you want to rush now, is it? I don't know.
I was thinking hammocks against this wall.
How does that sound? What's with the baby monitor? I feel safer knowing what's going on in there.
- I don't trust Barb.
- Oh come on, you don't think she'd I didn't think she'd do anything weird or crazy, but she already has.
I think Barb is still trying to deal with Lisa's death, and it's driving her a little wacko is all.
You can relate.
I don't care what she's going through.
She's never seeing Maya again.
I'm sure this will all blow over.
Just let her work through it.
Well, when someone threatens my family, they don't get to work through anything.
Your family is going to be fine.
I promise.
And I'm sorry, but this is definitely not a good time for us to have a baby, so I'm just saying.
I'm sorry, but we've got to focus on Maya right now, just Maya.
Oh man, what a day.
Would you believe I spent the last six hours standing outside this Japanese businessman's hotel room, and then found out he wasn't even in there.
Did you make anything for dinner? I'm starving.
Oh, shit.
I'm going to fucking kill him.
He promised he'd drop the lawsuit.
It's not that.
Then what is it? The police called.
They arrested someone whose fingerprints match the ones taken off the van.
I have to go in and identify him.

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