Friday Night Lights s05e02 Episode Script

On the Outside Looking In

Our new guidance counselor, Tami Taylor.
- 46 absences last year.
- Yeah.
These kids are just being forgotten.
I want this job real bad.
I think it would be really good for me to be around somebody like you right now.
Oh, my! Luke Cafferty just laid him flat out.
You are going to college.
That's a big deal.
Bye, guys.
My mom's out of town.
I've been staying with my dad and my stepmom, and I just I can't do it anymore.
I need a place to stay.
CaffertyOh! Lions win! Oh, the humanity! No one can deny that the Whataburger classic was an eye-opener and that the Lions showed some stuff that the world better sit up and pay attention to.
The eyes of Texas will be on the teams that get ranked this year.
Maybe things are about to change for a little school called East Dillon.
Dallas star.
Dallas star, man.
All right, it says, "the East Dillon Lions shocked the world.
" I mean, that's awesome "shocked the world.
" You think we're gonna get ranked? Oh, we got to get ranked.
Are you kidding me? We beat one of the top teams in the state.
We're totally gonna get ranked, right? Oh, oh, Crowley, look, man.
There's a picture of you in here too.
And I got a quote.
"East Dillon Lions are hungry to feed on you.
You can run, but you cannot hide.
" You chalk the field yet? Oh! Oh! Oh! Number 35! - Oh! - Oh! I'm so sorry, but, uh My girlfriend is right over there, and I can't give you my jersey.
I'm sorry.
Oh, all right.
Oh, yeah.
Come on! Who's it gonna be? Wide receiver? Tight end? Oh! She's mine she's mine! She's mine, y'all.
All right, who's next? Who's next? Come on! Come on! Who's next? Hey.
Are you Epyck? Yeah.
You know there's no smoking on school property, right? Everybody in Texas smokes.
Babies smoke in this state.
Well, even babies can't smoke on school property.
You need to be in class right now.
- I didn't eat yet.
- Oh.
Can't think without eating.
Well, you need to eat before you come to class.
You also need to come to your scheduled guidance-counselor meetings.
Mom said I didn't have to.
Well, you do.
My name's Tami Taylor.
I'm the new guidance counselor this year.
And we're gonna be working on your grades and making sure you go to class and making sure you're not smoking on school property.
Class is this way, Epyck.
Hey, number 5, come here! What's up? Sit down.
What day is it today? - Tuesday? - September 1st.
It's the first day of the NCAA contact period - for junior athletes.
- Cool.
Georgia, university of Texas, Alabama, S.
Those are yours.
- Those are for me? - Well, they're not for me.
They're letters of intent Letters from universities that have interest in you.
- Don't open them now.
- No? Take them home and open them up.
- Oh, okay.
- Go on, take all this stuff.
Get it off my desk.
You're cluttering it up.
All right.
That's pretty cool, huh? Yeah, it's pretty cool.
Damn cool.
Thanks, coach.
Let's go.
Off the ball.
Wrap him up high.
Wrap him up! Here we go now! Go.
What you gonna do? Oh! That's it.
Hustle! Run through it now.
Run through it.
Let's go! Get off the ball, Sutherton! Let's go! - Come on now, 98! - Come on, get him! Attack the hole, baby! I know this year I know this year we'll be ranked.
Hey, Luke, man.
I heard one of those guys say we're gonna be ranked top 20.
After our last game, I think we're gonna be ranked top 10 after this.
Hell, yeah.
Hell, yes.
I don't hear that crap talked about out here anymore.
Do you understand me? - Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Keep your mind focused on what's going on.
- You got it? - Yes, sir.
Let's go, Tinker.
Fire off the ball.
Hastings, you got to stop dancing on your route, son.
You got to break on it.
You hear me? You break on the ball, all right? What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? I'm just taking a-a break.
- What? - Come on, Tinker! Relax, Billy.
I'm just Do you have any protein on you? You call me coach Riggins, or you call me sir.
Do you hear me? Put that damn helmet on.
- Put the helmet on! - All right.
- Now! - All right, all right.
Do it again! Let's go! Hey, coach.
Sir, this kid's a piece of work.
Be easy on him.
Yes, sir.
Don't take your helmet off on my field again.
Let's go! Rankings, that's all they're damn talking about out here.
Oh, don't worry about it, coach.
We'll get their mind right.
Are you worried about it? Do I look worried about anything? I didn't think so.
Aw, cookies.
Oh, yeah.
Rice krispie treats.
I mean, these are, like, the best.
It's like two cookies stuck together with peanut butter.
Oh, my God, are you serious? Are you serious? - Oh, man.
- Hey, guys.
Uh, I got porn Lots of porn.
All right.
- Okay, I'll see you out there.
- All right, cool.
- Hey, baby girl.
- Hey, baby.
How you doing? - Good.
- Good? Did you, um, forget the combination to my locker? Mm-mm.
I still remember it.
Why? Mm, okay, well, just that all the other players got something from the rally girls cookies, brownies, porn, and stuff and I just didn't see nothing in my locker, so, you know, my baby must have forgot.
Oh, yeah.
About that, though.
You know what? I don't really think this rally-girl thing is for me.
I mean, if that's the way you feel, cool.
And I'm just saying that's how I think, you know.
I know some other people don't think that way, and that's cool too.
And and I'm not saying you shouldn't have a rally girl.
Jess, you would have a fit if you seen another girl walking around the school wearing my jersey.
Boy, it's just a jersey.
Why would I actually have a fit? You telling me I can go get a rally girl? Boy, go get yourself a rally girl.
All right, all right.
- Thank you.
- Go on, now.
Okay, all right.
Thank you.
Well So what I'm suggesting is an after-school tutorial program Maybe one day a week, and a few teachers a week pitch in.
The the idea would be to give some of these at-risk kids an opportunity to improve, you know.
They're not getting the help at home.
Let's give them a place where they can come and do better in their studies.
Tami, the thing is, is that we are already, all of us, giving so much, and we basically get paid nothing to do it.
And we already know which kids want help and which ones don't.
Well, I-I hear what you're saying.
You know, I don't know, for me, as an educator, the challenge is getting to those kids who are harder to reach.
That's what I really love.
You're right.
But I just don't want it to take away from my other kids.
I think we're saying the same thing, and I'll I'll put up a sign-up, and, you know, people who are willing to volunteer, it would be great.
Let's just see what happens.
Well, thank you, Tami.
Thank you so much.
Um You know, we have some other things to cover.
We need to talk about supervising the parking lot for lunch.
Most historians believe that there were around Not a soul who fought at the battle of the Alamo was left to tell the story.
In section this week, be ready to discuss Davy Crockett and the Alamo as an example of myth versus history in the American south.
Hey, guys.
I'm Derek Bishop, head T.
Look, the "deets" are on the syllabi.
Professor Nevins is holding his annual history department mixer tomorrow.
Even if you're not considering history as your major, I recommend showing up, unless you know a better place to eat free food and dodge old men with halitosis.
I'm just kidding.
Professor Nevins isn't that old.
Anyway, rally your study groups, okay? Let's come out.
Thank you.
You're done.
Hey, excuse me.
Um, I was wondering, do you have a study group? Oh, hey, uh Actually, I'm just pledging sigma chi.
The brothers are making me take notes for them.
I'm not even in this class, but Oh, okay, thanks.
Ladies, I'm home.
Sorry about the mess.
Um, I'm trying to double this oatmeal-cookie recipe for Tinker, and I don't think I did it right, 'cause that looks like a brick.
Did you put all the flour in there and everything? Yeah, I did that, and then, um I added four You got to double the eggs.
You got to double, like, all the liquid that's in it too.
So, like, more milk? Yeah, more milk, more eggs, 'cause if you double the flour, then you have to double all the liquids.
You can't just double up the flour.
Well, if it's, like, 1 3/4 Hey, baby, can I see you outside for a minute? Um, yeah, all right.
- Hey, Min, want some cookies? - I really don't.
We'll figure this out.
We'll get it figured out.
What's up? So, I'm just gonna go and say this now.
I don't like it.
Oh, she'll clean it up.
I mean, it's not Yeah, I'm not worried about the kitchen.
I'm worried about her being all cute and you being all, "did you put enough milk in the recipe?" I read US Magazine.
That nanny with John and Kate Look what happened to them.
Babe, she's not a nanny.
She's just It's not about being a nanny! It's about her wearing her short shorts and being all cute in my house all the time.
It's bigger than you, and it's nature, and there's a fox in my henhouse, and I don't like it.
Baby, my brother, who is in prison because of me, asked me to look after her, all right? - Hey, baby.
- Hey, mama.
- What are you doing awake? - Waiting for you to come home.
I got some stuff I got to show you.
Oh, baby, not tonight.
I am so tired.
- It'll just take a second.
- My boss was on me.
He was talking about the department not being zoned properly.
Then the next thing you know, he sends me over there to relieve some people.
I go and relieve them, then later on tonight, he tells me I'm not doing my job properly.
Can you believe that? It's too much.
It just wore me out.
But we'll be all right.
- Really? - Yeah.
What's this? These are letters From colleges Miami, Michigan, l.
, Texas, Ohio state, Alabama.
Mama, they want me.
Where do you want to live? You want the city, the beach? Florida? California? Huh? Where where do you want to live? Girl, I'm gonna take care of you, mama.
I'm so proud of you, baby.
You don't have to worry about nothing anymore.
- I promise.
- I'm so proud of you.
Good morning.
How are my two favorite people? Morning, honey.
What's the matter? What's going on? I was just looking at the rankings.
And? Well, we didn't get ranked.
That doesn't seem right.
We went 2-8 last year.
What do you expect? What do you want for breakfast? Mac and cheese.
- Mac and cheese, please.
- All right.
Mac and cheese for breakfast That is one healthy diet, girl.
You can't ask for blood, Tami, for something called the homework club.
Well, it's not called the homework club.
Well, that's what they call it around here.
Who's calling it the homework club? This is tutoring.
It's it's mentoring.
This is what we're supposed to be doing as educators.
Well, you are a great counselor, and you're a great educator, but the teachers feel like you're lecturing them.
I am not lecturing.
I don't think it's wrong about what you're doing.
I just think you're going about it the wrong way.
Tami, build up some allegiances, and then hit them up for help, okay? Boy, stop looking.
Strong right, power pass, they switch the cover-2 What's your read? - Uh, wait for "x" to pass - Hey, Vince.
Throw it to "z" In the post.
- Hey, Maura, how you doing? - I'm good.
I just needed to get your address, so I can deliver your pregame package.
Yeah, the Cross Street is grant too.
It's near the chicken shack.
Mm, yeah, I know where it is.
- Cool.
- Thanks.
You want to go to defense? Yeah, let's do that.
Let's go to defense.
On the half! Let's go! Come on! You seeing anything out here at all? Coach, we got no energy.
We got no zip.
We're just flat.
Maybe we should just have them run suicides for the rest of practice.
I'm good with that.
I think they're all just so depressed.
What? The Lions have been ignored.
Let's go! Come on! Hey, mo, what's Croft ranked now? Uh, they're ranked 9.
Last week, before you all beat 'em, they were ranked 8.
How we gonna beat a top-10 team and they don't even put us in the top 20? We went through the same thing.
We walked all over Croft.
We beat 'em up.
Man, I told y'all this was some kind of damn conspiracy! They don't want to give us no respect! They're not looking at rushing yards.
- Damn right! - Mo, thanks, man.
Hey, listen up.
Hey, pick up your helmet and shut your mouth.
You know what? I told you about this already, didn't I? I want you to run until I tell you not to run anymore.
- Do you understand me? - Yes, sir.
Let's see you hit the road right now.
Keep running.
You keep running.
Start now and keep.
You can go join him.
You can't keep your mouth shut either? I talked to you about this already.
Listen up.
I don't want to hear any more crap out here about these rankings, do you understand? No more! That's it! Get back out there.
Let's go.
We're starting practice all over again.
Come on, man.
I got enough to worry about, and here you're riling these kids up.
Don't bring that out here, all right? Thank you.
Let's go! Pick it up! Ah, sorry.
Hello? Hello.
Hey, sweetheart! Wait.
Hold on one second.
Hold on one second.
I only get, like, one bar in my office, so I have to come Can you hear me? Yeah, hey.
How are you, babe? I'm good.
How's your roommate? You like her? Yeah, she's just busy a lot.
Well, how are your classes? Um, they're pretty interesting, I guess.
I'm trying to decide between great myths of the American south and econ.
I don't know.
I think, with econ, you know, it's always something you can use in real life.
Yeah, I Mom, I wasn't really asking your opinion.
I know, honey, and I wasn't pressuring you.
I want you to do whatever it is that excites you.
Okay, mom.
I got to go.
I'll talk to you later.
All right, love you.
You can come back in now.
Let me get the chicken and ribs.
Man, listen, they're just letters.
Yeah, recruitment letters, a-a lot of recruitment letters.
I'm not even thinking about that right now.
Let's just get these "w"s.
It's a marathon Thank you - not a sprint.
- Sausage, please, and the ribs.
Is Hastings pissing you off too? He's bugging me.
You've been very angry lately, Luke.
You need a hug? You need some love, don't you? Yes, I need a hug.
Thank you.
Appreciate it.
He's a fruitcake, though, man.
He's a very fast fruitcake with amazing hands.
Vince Howard.
Let me shake them cannons there, son.
Bob Short.
I own short garden supplies.
"Whatever you want, get it in Short supply.
" Well, it's nice to meet you, sir.
Bob, please.
I should be calling you "sir" after that game last week.
Yeah, well, it was a tough win.
I got his dinner.
No All right, thanks.
Uh, ha have you met Luke Cafferty, Lions star running back? - Oh, okay.
- Very nice to meet you.
Transferred last year.
Yeah, okay.
I got, uh - Luke.
- Luke's too.
You ever need anything, call me.
All right.
Keep those guns up.
Good meeting you, son.
You too, kid.
Yeah, thanks.
Appreciate it.
Thanks, Bob.
You got enough bulbs up there? There's another box in the back.
What are you doing here? Hey, Eric.
I just wanted to give you a heads-up.
You're gonna get a phone call from the athletic administration.
About what? They're having a hearing on that awesome hit that Luke made last week.
Where'd you hear that? I play golf with Hank's brother.
Who's Hank? Hank Simmons Athletic administration Hank Simmons.
What the hell do they want? It was a clean hit.
- I was standing right there.
- I know.
I know.
They're saying, you know, it's some kind of safety issue.
And there's a chance that Luke might get suspended.
- You got to be kidding me.
- Oh, I know.
It's just a bunch of bureaucrats trying to cover their asses! Come on.
Come on! Oh, come on, Jones! What are you, blind? Nice.
Nice! Oh! Yeah! Oh Oh! Nice catch.
It's a classic game.
Classic, yeah, but no throwback.
No, I'm pretty sure this is a throwback.
It's my dad's favorite game.
It's a great ending.
Uh, I think you're wrong.
You're pretty cocky for somebody who's wrong.
Yeah, I'm cocky.
Derek Bishop.
Julie Taylor.
You T.
my history class.
That's right.
Nice to meet you, Julie Taylor.
So you're a football fan? Uh My dad's a high-school-football coach, so not really.
Yeah, there's no There's a 36 throwback.
I'd bet my life on it.
So have a nice night.
You're wrong.
We'll see.
Maura, I have a question.
What's that? Isn't it a little demeaning when a girl puts her panties in the locker of a boy she barely knows? Ooh.
Is someone getting a little jealous? No, look, you don't get me.
Hear me out.
When you put your panties in his locker, what does that say about your self-respect, you know? What does that say about how you feel about yourself? I think what that says about me is that I'm gonna have your man in two weeks, and there isn't a thing you can do about it.
You know what? I was trying to enlighten your heifer ass.
But it's just not working.
Well, you know what? Enlighten this, you dumbass.
Oh, bitch! Let go of me! Ehhh! You're an honor student.
What are you doing fighting in the bathroom? Okay, she pushed me first.
I don't want to hear that.
What's going on in your head? I didn't go in there trying to to fight her or anything.
I mean, I was just going in there to talk to her about this whole stupid rally-girl stuff, 'cause it's, like I think it's demeaning for her to put her panties in my boyfriend's locker.
It's a part of Texas football.
Well, the thing is, like I'm someone who loves Texas football.
You know, like, my father played most of his life, and my little brothers now play, and I had so much fun this summer helping Vince get better at his game and stuff.
I don't know.
I love the game.
I jus I understand it.
I'm sorry for that.
So I'm gonna find some extracurricular things for you to do after school so you can work this off, and you are not gonna fight again.
Yes, ma'am.
You get Burnwell to sing at happy hour, I will buy your drinks for the entire semester.
So same time, same place, all that? Hey, y'all.
What's going on? You just caught us talking about happy hour.
Oh, y'all do a happy hour? Rivera's every Thursday night.
Yeah, you should come.
Oh, thank you.
Well, if I can get away from the family, maybe I will.
See y'all later.
- Okay.
- See ya.
Bye, Tami.
Okay, now, if she came to happy hour Somebody's buying me drinks if she comes to happy hour, right? I mean, come on.
Hey, listen up.
"Lion trouble: Inquiry to focus on illegal hit.
" They're already saying it's an illegal hit.
See, first they screw us over with the rankings, right? And now they're going after Cafferty.
Not even fair, dude.
Why are they messing with me, man? This is my life.
They're gonna get me suspended from a game.
I know, it's messed up.
It's not right.
It's a conspiracy.
They're trying to screw us.
Hey, guys.
Listen to me.
Coach, I speak for everybody by saying We feel like everybody's out to get us.
They're going after Luke, saying his hit was illegal.
He might get suspended.
Doesn't it bother you that nobody's respecting us? With all due respect, Vince, I don't give a piss what you feel.
Listen to me.
There is no "they.
" It's an interleague safety issue That's it.
It's a standard deal.
You've all seen it before.
It's nothing more than that.
If there was a problem, I'd know about it.
The staff would know about it.
You would know about it.
One day at a time, one game at a time, right? - Yep.
- Yes, sir.
One day at a time, one game at a time, yeah? Yep.
Yes, sir.
They give us no respect.
I hope he's right.
Look what the cat dragged in here.
- Mac, how you doing? - How you doin', bud? - What are you doing here? - I came over to say hello.
You never come to see me.
Thought I'd come over here.
- How are you? - I got stuff to do here.
Yeah? You got a minute of time? - I need to talk to you.
- Sure.
Of course you're not ranked, Eric.
What the hell's that mean? You're an outsider now.
They're not gonna let you back in.
This inquiry wasn't the league.
It was Jim Leland over at Croft.
- Jim? - Yep.
You know that for a fact? I know it for a fact.
You ought to know it.
I tell you what.
We're still gonna kick y'all's ass this year, no matter what.
says your wrong.
You're on.
Uh, I'm not ready to turn this into an office yet.
She's only been gone a week.
Yeah, well, it's not like we're renting out her room or anything.
I just don't want to get rid of all her little things, little mementos and whatnot.
So I just got asked out to happy hour from the teachers at school.
- Really? - Mm-hmm.
Can't get any support from any of these teachers, can't get them to sign up for my mentoring workshop, none of that, but, "oh, come on to happy hour.
" Where's the happy hour? Rivera's.
Hey, Rivera's is a great place.
You know what? I'm gonna go to happy hour.
And I'm gonna create some allegiances, so maybe I can get some help over there.
You should do that.
Rivera's is a happy place.
You start having cocktails, everyone will talk about everything.
It's easier to get flies with honey than it is vinegar.
Come here.
Oh, no, that is our daughter's bed.
Are you crazy? That is disgusting.
Hi, sweetie.
Who's smoking in here? Hey, Epyck.
Aren't you supposed to be in social sciences right now? I'll get there.
What in the hell are you doing? Putting out your cigarette and taking you to class.
Come on.
You want to hold my hand? How the hell do you know my schedule, anyway? - It's none of your business.
- It is my business.
I'm the guidance counselor.
Well, the last one didn't care.
Well, I care.
And I expect to have you and at least one parent in a meeting with me within the next 48 hours.
Yeah, my foster parents are really gonna give a crap what you want.
If you don't have somebody at home that cares about you and cares about your grades, I am sorry about that.
You don't deserve that, and it's not fair.
Are you done? Yeah.
You can watch it five more times.
Doesn't matter.
That's a good, clean, honest hit between the whistles.
I stand by my player.
I disagree.
Your player led with his helmet.
His eyes were up.
His shoulders were squared.
There was no flag thrown.
So what you're saying, I think, is that referees were wrong in not throwing the flag.
In this case, yes, the refs made a mistake.
They should have thrown the flag.
It's our right and our duty to correct this, and what you think is irrelevant, coach.
I don't think we'd be here, if we hadn't beat a team we weren't supposed to beat.
Two days two days after the game, this complaint comes about.
As we said, it's a safety issue.
We have to send a message.
Boy, I got your message loud and clear.
Go! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Becky! Get up here, girl! I don't do beer.
Yeah, you go.
Where's Tinker? He's, uh He's over there by the Hey, but, hey, yo, dude, none of us are drinking tonight.
We got that big game against Laribee tomorrow.
I talked to coach.
I got suspended for a game.
Are you serious? Hey, hey, dude.
Where's the quarterback? Maria.
- Oh, Vince.
- Hmm? How about a kiss for the winner? I can't.
I can't.
Come on, yo.
What, Jess, you got something to say? You know, I wouldn't mind I do want to see this.
Let's do this.
Come on.
All right, go! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Another day.
Cheers, y'all.
What are you doing drinking a beer? Just having a drink.
Are you all talking about Marilyn Monroe? Whoever she asks gets to get it.
What do you teach? - History of government.
- Uh-huh? Well, good.
That's always interesting.
Um, doesn't have to be anything fancy, but, you know.
And, you know, I think we talked about this last time.
I'll drink on that one.
Tony Dorsett.
Come on.
Oh, no! - Oh! - Oh, goodness gracious.
Oh, heavens.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Oh, no, it's fine.
- I'm so sorry.
- Don't worry about it.
That doesn't happen every time, I promise.
We actually make it through several of these No, actually, I'm gonna head on home anyway.
We got a baby and all that, so All right, I'll see y'all later.
- All right.
- Bye.
Thank you.
Y'all have a good one.
Good lord.
I swear.
Tami, wait.
- Oh, hey.
- I'm sorry about that.
Oh, no, it's fine.
It's fine.
It'll get easier.
It's always hard to be new and at a table of cynical people.
No, everybody's fine.
I know you must have thought we were cynical.
I'm sorry.
No, you know what? Honestly, I am just trying to help these kids, and I'm looking for a little support, frankly.
Well, you know that after-school mentor program? I can I'll volunteer for that.
Oh, really? Sure, sign me up.
Oh, good! Thank you.
We'll talk about it.
- Great! - Okay.
Good night.
- Thanks, Laurel.
- Okay, sure.
All right.
I'll see you tomorrow.
All right.
See you tomorrow.
Oh, good.
Look at that.
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Ew.
All right, now, get it out.
Get it out.
Come on.
Ugh! Come on, go ahead.
Go ahead, just Go ahead, yeah, mm-hmm.
You're all right.
You want to sit down? Come here.
I don't want you to think this has got anything to do with Maura.
Baby, I think it has a lot to do with Maura.
I I miss you.
Miss Miss what? I'm not going anywhere.
I'm right here.
I don't miss you.
I miss the football of you.
Like, the way we were practicing over the summer, you know? Like, going over strategies and stuff, and And you got coach now.
And I'm supposed to be a rally girl.
I know.
I'm just terrible.
I'm a girl, and I like football.
You all right? Come here.
Come on, champ.
I'll get you home.
At least you won.
Ah, wait! What's he doing to her? No, no, no! No, no! Y'all leave that girl alone! Take her home.
Take her home! Take her home! Oh, we're just working it up a bit.
They need to leave her alone.
I'm gonna get you home right now.
Hey, hey.
Douche bag! Why are you even on our team? You don't give a rat's ass.
I asked you a question.
I'm talking to you.
Is there something going on in there or not? You hearing me? Why don't you go dip your head in some water, Opie, all right? Look at me when I'm talking to you! Get your hands off me.
- Give me your keys.
- Why? 'Cause I'm gonna find you a ride home.
I'll be fine.
Yeah, but, um Hastings! Hey, no, I know you are.
I just I really want to get out of here, and you're a good excuse.
Okay, so Come on.
All right.
Come on.
Let's go.
Thanks, Becky.
You're welcome.
I traded my pig for you.
What? Maribelle.
Like, Tinker's in love with her, and I said he could have her if I could have you for my rally girl.
Well, how does the pig feel about that? You want to come up for a second? Not tonight.
I'll see you at school.
Good night.
- Bye.
- Bye.
See you at school.
If you are going to live in this house, there are rules, because we have been up half the night worried sick about you.
I'm sorry.
I-I didn't think I had a curfew.
You didn't think, did you? That's the problem.
Because you cannot be out all night when we are responsible for you.
I'm sorry.
I'm just not really used to people noticing.
Well, get used to it.
Go to bed.
Good night.
I'm here for our stupid meeting.
Come on in.
All right, I'll see you guys later, okay? Hey, football! Hey.
You were right the other day.
I googled the game.
It was 36 throwback.
So you trust Google more than me.
You know, I-I feel like we should have bet something, and since you clearly would have won, how about I buy you a coffee? Sure.
And by the way, my name's Julie, not football.
You know where my office is.
See you after class.
Bye, Julie.
About two years.
Alamo freeze, Dillon, Texas.
That was a fast-food job.
Okay, where were you in 2008? This has nothing down here.
Um I just had some Some problems come up during that time.
Bye, now.
- I got it.
- Got it, yes! With Luke Cafferty suspended, coach Taylor is gonna have to take pause and think about what his next move's gonna be.
The U.
has sent a loud and clear message to the Lions "y'all better watch yourselves.
" We got it.
We got it.
That's what we got to do.
Let's go out and hit 'em in the mouth.
You understand? Quiet! Listen! Quiet down! Mm-hmm.
That's it, yeah.
Let's go!
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