Friday Night Lights s05e03 Episode Script

The Right Hand of the Father

Chug, chug, chug, chug! You know, I don't really think this rally girl thing is for me.
If that's the way you feel, cool.
I'm someone who loves Texas football.
I don't know, I love the game.
I'm gonna find some extracurricular things for you to do after school.
Hey, guys, I'm Derek Bishop, head T.
- How 'bout I buy you a coffee? - Okay.
Hurry up there.
You guys got that? Hey, come on, listen.
Pipe down! Somebody took my picture hope I didn't smile told me I was gonna be here goin' down for a while one day, I was walking down the street when I shoulda been walkin' down the hall I heard a voice callin' out says hoo, where you goin', y'all? Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink! Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink! Yeah! Thank you, everybody.
Give it up for Gary Clark Jr.
and the Old Fat Tribe.
Give it up also for the big victory tonight by the East Dillon Lions! Let's hear it! Way to go, Lions! I want to welcome you all out tonight to the grand opening of Buddy's.
I have the game balls, the first two victories by the East Dillon Lions.
Each week, we're gonna take the game ball, put the score on it, and we're gonna mount 'em in the trophy case.
There will be a lot of balls in this case by the end of the year, folks! I'd like to bring up two of my dear friends, the great coach Eric Taylor And his wife Tami! Come on up! Coach, coach, coach, coach! We are going to let the coach and Mrs.
Taylor install the winning balls into the case.
- Hey, ma.
- Hey, baby.
What are you doing up so late? Oh, I'm just doing some cleaning.
You know, that was a damn good game.
- That was a good game, babe.
- Thanks.
Defense was all over me.
They switched up to a 3-4, and they couldn't stop me.
Place looks nice.
You wanna tell me what's up? Well, um Your father's getting out.
He's gonna be paroled.
- He's getting out.
- Actually, I was hoping that you'd come with me to Huntsville to go pick him up.
W-wait Where's he gonna live? I don't know, babe.
I just I haven't thought about that.
I just want you to go with me.
I can't do that.
I'm going to sleep.
That's Dallas Tinker.
Luke Cafferty.
And Vincent Howard.
Apparently, it's some type of a rally girl initiation.
That is awful.
This thing has had 2,000 hits.
And I've had about that many irate parents call me.
- I have got to do something.
- Like what? Well, parents want these boys expelled.
- Which boys? - Football players.
- The ones they see.
- Wait a second, now.
Listen, this is a horrible thing, I agree.
I don't like seeing what I'm seeing one bit.
There's a lot of boys there, and they're not all football players.
Well, the storm that's gonna rain down on me is gonna be about football players, and they're your players.
Levi, just don't go expelling my football players yet until I can look into this.
Oh, this is because you have a game coming up, huh? It's because I'd like to know the truth behind this thing before you start throwing people off my team.
But you owe me one.
I mean, 2,000 hits? I'll talk to my players.
I'll get to the bottom of it, find out what I can.
And you know what? These girls have got to be dealt with too.
- Understood.
- I mean, that cannot happen.
We didn't do any of this crap when we were kids.
- All right, I'll see you later.
- Yeah.
If any of you have a problem with your grade, don't go crying to Professor Nevins.
He didn't grade them.
I did.
And believe me, I was much nicer than he would have been.
All right, you guys are done.
I'll see you next time.
Office hours tomorrow if you need me.
I don't even know him.
It's been like five years.
I get it.
Like that That's just really weird, you know? Yeah, I mean, the way he treated my mom.
The reason why she was, you know, messed up for as long as she was.
It's hard to come back from something like that.
Don't even know how I feel.
Doesn't even matter.
You think, though, maybe people change? You changed.
I don't know.
I ain't go to jail.
Listen to me, I am telling you.
Buddy junior is in real trouble.
His grades are terrible, he stays out at night all night, and I Pam, stop.
Just stop yelling.
He's a teenager.
He's just going through a phase.
He's gonna come out of it, just like all the other kids.
This is not a phase, Buddy.
Let me tell you something else.
You know what? I think he's smoking marijuana.
You think or you know? I can't believe I'm saying this.
Maybe you should come out here.
Oh, oh, you think he needs his father after all this time? Yeah, I been trying to tell you that for years.
You know what, don't give this to me right now.
This is about our son, Buddy, and he's in trouble.
- We are losing him.
- I know that.
Just calm down and quit acting like a crazy woman.
Oh, acting crazy? I don't think you understand.
I've gotta open the bar.
I've got some things to do.
Oh, you've gotta open the bar.
Yeah, you go do that.
- You open the bar.
- I'll take care of it, Pam.
How do you feel about that video? I didn't put it on the Internet.
That's not really the issue, is it? Actually, it kind of is, 'cause If it wasn't in the Internet, I wouldn't be sitting here right now because nobody would know about it.
Does it matter to you at all that you know about it? You let that happen to you.
You let those boys do that to you.
It was just a party! We were having fun! Didn't look to me like you were having fun.
Looked to me like you were passed out cold.
Have you ever been to a party? I sure have.
I usually try to stay awake.
It's a lot more fun that way.
You move your ass! Nobody told you to slow down.
You move your ass! Nobody told you to slow down.
Y'all enjoy that party this week? Y'all see the video? I know everyone else in town did.
Including that girl's parents, including her church members, and her classmates.
Bring 'em over here, coach.
Bring it in! Now, now, now! Let's go! You know what it is, fellas? It's just damn shameful.
That's what it is.
And it's not gonna happen out here again.
You act like a bunch of thugs, it reflects on all of us.
I'm not holding you to a higher standard.
I'm holding you to our standard! Why you keep putting everything on us, like we were the only ones there? Coach, the whole school was at that party.
If you two don't know the answer to that, you're dumber than you look.
Is there anybody out here that doesn't understand what our standard entails? No, sir.
Y'all look at me right in the eye.
Anyone, and I mean anyone Who breaks our standard will be off this team, and that is a promise.
Get 'em back to it, coach.
Let's go, back in your lines, let's go! - Come on, let's go! - Come on! You remember that, huh? - What you got up in there? - Got some dressing To put up on this Okay? Like old times? Like old times.
Hey, baby.
- Oh - Um Look at you.
Say hi to your father, babe.
What's happening, little bread? I ain't so little no more.
Ha ha, no, you all grown up.
All right, no more little kid names.
What's happening, Vince? What's up, man? Um, so listen, babe, Vince, I got us some chicken, like old time's sake.
What else we have? We have some greens.
Let's just do like we You know, like we used to.
- I missed your cooking.
- I know that's right.
- What the hell is this? - What? - What's that? - That's my suitcase, man.
You didn't tell him.
She didn't tell me you were staying here.
Uh, baby, just just go wash your hands.
Baby, please.
Let's talk about what happens in your body when you consume alcohol.
One or two drinks can impair your reasoning and emotions, which means you can decide to do some dumb things like drink more.
As more alcohol is consumed in the body, your vision and speech are impaired, as well as your reflexes and balance.
Alcohol is a drug, and it affects your brain, - Your heart, your lungs - 'Scuse me, Ms.
Can I just interrupt you for one second, please? Y'all, I need to ask you to put away the brush, put away the cell phones, and pay attention.
Burnwell has brought this woman here to give you information that you need.
I know y'all at least some of you have seen that video.
It is sad, and it is disturbing.
I'm sure you will agree.
It's sad to see a girl throwing up her guts.
It's disturbing to see a girl being passed around at a party like a rag doll.
You think that's funny? I think that's awful.
This discussion is part of - Boring! - A larger conversation Excuse me? What was that? You don't deserve to have this conversation.
You can leave.
You need to take care of yourselves.
'Cause one day real soon, there is not gonna be anybody else to do it for you.
I suggest you take this opportunity and you listen.
- Guys, guys, guys - Look at me, I'm a puppet! Look at me flappin' my arms! Let's go.
Back in your group, let's go! Let's go, let's go! Hey, hey! What the hell are you doin'? What the hell is that? You not hear what I said yesterday? Was I not clear enough yesterday? Jacob, you ever known me to break a promise? Wade, you ever known me not to keep my promise? Grab your helmets.
Get off this field.
Now! Get on the 50-yard-line right now.
Call it, coach! Two groups.
Spread out.
It's a C-minus, and I really have no idea why.
What's wrong with it? There's nothing wrong it.
I just feel like I've spent a little time with you now, and there's more to your thoughts than you managed to get on the page, that's all.
Is it badly written? Is it unclear? It felt safe.
I think there's a very interesting mind in there.
I just want you to feel comfortable exercising it.
Take some chances.
So that's what college is for.
First semester.
Look, it can take a while to get your bearings.
You will.
Hey, Julie.
I've got an idea.
Professor Nevins holds these weekly salons for promising students.
I think you'd be great for it.
You interested? Um Sure.
Y'all get on to class now, okay? Hi, Jess.
Hey, Mrs.
Hey, I'm sorry about all of this today.
Oh, you know And if it means anything, I was listening.
Well, I'm glad.
It does mean something to me.
- Thank you, Jess.
- Okay.
You're welcome.
- I tell you, these rally girls - Eh And then I can kind of understand them.
'Cause everybody just wants to feel a part of the team.
Hey, Jess.
- Come here.
- Yeah? I know coach is lookin' for an equipment manager on the team.
How would you like to be equipment manager? Really? You serious? I mean, I don't know.
I don't know.
- I'd have to ask him.
- I'd be great! I'd be better than anyone else! I think you would.
I'll tell him that.
And tell him, too, I'm really good with technique, 'cause I, like, worked with Vince over the summer.
I'm not making any promises.
I don't know.
You're Thank you! Yeah, you're welcome.
All right.
We got everyone in here? Yes, sir.
Go ahead, take a knee if you want to.
I'm not so sure there aren't a few more of you that ought be kicked off this team, maybe even kicked outta the school.
Maybe even the state of Texas! People are watchin' us.
And it's just as important what we do on the field as what we do off the field.
Y'all know that.
Tell you what we're gonna do.
We're gonna have a clean slate.
There's gonna be a few rules.
No more jerseys on game days.
It's gonna be coats and ties.
And there's gonna be a little community outreach plan goin' on.
Is everybody all right with that? Yes, sir.
Y'all better say it like you mean it.
Yes, sir! How you doin' today, sir? This is one of our schedules, the East Dillon Lions.
Sir, East Dillon Lions.
Come out and support.
Hey, how you doing, ma'am? My name's Dallas Tinker.
I play for the East Dillon Lions.
Mind if I help you with your groceries? You may not recognize me.
Have you seen my face? Number 79? Come on, defensive lineman.
All right, you have a nice day.
Hey, dude, how much longer we gotta be out here? It's hot, I'm burning up.
Can't you see I'm baking? I can see you want bacon.
Hey, Vince, hey, bro, they not taking these schedules, man.
I'm fixing to bounce, bro.
I don't know why y'all lookin' at me.
I ain't the police.
Do what you want.
- Hell, yeah, Q.
- Hey! Hey, let's bounce, man.
I'm outta here.
Let's go, bro.
Where y'all going? Hey, man, I'm out.
They not supporting us no way, man.
Why should I be here? - Vince, say something.
- What you want me to say? I don't know, "come back and pass out the damn flyers"? Luke, look around you.
Go home.
It's done.
- No, Vince - Vince - Everybody's gone.
- Vince! I don't wanna push no tractor tires! Team left, so why don't we be with the team.
Go home! I'm dreaming about tires in my damn sleep, come on! I mean, Eric, he's barely 15 years old, and he's turnin' into a pothead.
Course, it shouldn't surprise me.
He's out there with that Kevin, that hippie, Kevin.
He's probably the one givin' it to him.
I knew this was gonna happen.
And Pam, she calls every 15 minutes with some new disaster.
I am 1,500 miles away.
It's 1,500 miles away.
What can I do 1,500 miles away? What am I gonna say? What am I gonna do? She's the one that wanted the divorce.
She's the one that wanted to raise the kids, to give 'em a great life 'cause I was such a And you know as well as anybody - that it tore my heart out.
- I know, I know.
And I wanted those children.
And now here it is.
What am I supposed to do? The going gets tough And Pam, she just gets to punt, just send Buddy junior You know what, Buddy, maybe it's not about you, and maybe it's not about Pam as much as it is about your son who happens to need you.
Nobody said being a dad's gonna be easy.
Hell, we're both fathers.
Both know that.
Maybe you should look at it as an opportunity.
I'm just sayin'.
Don't you need an equipment manager? Billy is the equipment manager, sweetheart.
Well, I'm sure Billy could use some help.
Everybody could always use a couple extra hands.
- No.
- Well, I just think it might be nice to give this girl an opportunity, you know? It's something that she really wants, and we keep talking to these kids about self-esteem and all that Let's put our money where our mouths are, you know, make some changes.
We gotta get this school out of the '50s, for heaven's sakes.
Honey, we're talking about my quarterback, who's a boy.
His girlfriend happens to be a girl.
I don't need 'em both in the locker room at the same time.
That's a bad idea.
You don't know that.
You just don't know.
No, I do know, girls in locker rooms are bad ideas.
I just think it's something to think about.
Tell daddy to think about it.
- Don't you dare.
- Think about it, daddy! It's not like I'm getting my hopes up, but Mrs.
Taylor did say she'd talk to him.
Ten seconds.
That was good.
So what would you be doing? She said he needs, like, an equipment manager.
You know, start somewhere like that.
What? Nothing.
I mean, I'm happy for you, just Just got a lot on my mind right now.
Did you talk to your dad? Yep.
How'd it go? You know, "Caesar was everyone every woman's man" "And every man's woman.
" Yes, you've used that quote five times in the past week, every time we go out.
Well, no wonder you stole my line.
I did not steal your line.
Unless you are the 17th century Earl of Oxford.
Oh, de vere? Oh, please.
He is such a poser.
Maybe in his dreams.
Anyway, I just adore Alison.
I hear she's doing such wonderful work on her sabbatical in Boston.
- Yes, she is.
- You must be so proud so have such a distinguished wife, yeah? There's Professor Nevins.
I'm gonna tell him about You're gonna want to get real familiar with bleach, 'cause that's the one thing that's gonna keep these - staph infections from going - Hey, Foxy Brown.
Keep it in your pants, Tinker! There's staph infections in here? Yeah.
It's a locker room.
All right.
Hey, everybody listen up! This is Jess Merriweather.
Jess Merriweather, all right? She's the new equipment manager with us.
I expect y'all to treat her with the same respect that you do me, all right? What's that? Hey, you mean none? Shut your face, Moreno! You're good.
So this is you on the team, Laundry? Well, yeah, because I'm the equipment manager.
This is the equipment that I manage.
Thanks! Hey, focus, focus.
This isn't gonna work.
I just I just don't I don't see this I get to wear a uniform and hats and, like, stuff like y'all Isn't that cool? Mm-hmm.
You can't wait till everybody leaves? Can you take those off too so I can get your uniform going, baby? But I'm gonna start on this, because I gotta lot of stuff I don't know about this, Jess.
Okay, mwah, babe.
I'll see you later.
Later, babe.
Excuse me.
Oh, God! - Good lord.
- Oh, man! Fancy meeting you here.
Hi! Let me just give you a little perspective about something.
You were in a supply closet.
That's where they keep mops and brooms and computer paper and There's some rats in there.
Isn't that romantic? This is gonna get around now, too.
And before you know it, you're gonna have yourself quite a reputation.
Is that what you want? 'Cause I happen to know you're smart and I can see that you're beautiful, and this is a time right now for you to choose what your future is.
And it's not just gonna be people around this school talking and your friends talking.
It's gonna be parents talking.
It's gonna be college admissions officers talking.
So really think about what you want, all right? - What's happening? - Where'd you get the car? Friend of mine.
Gotta get it back by midnight, you know.
'Fore it turn into a paddy wagon.
I must have just missed you earlier.
You know, I went down to get some tickets for your game on Friday.
- You went to my school? - Yeah, man.
Don't be going down there lookin' for me.
Hey, hey, come on, now.
Your mama said you were like superman out there.
I want to see you play, son.
I'll be a'ight.
Hey, hey, come on.
Hop in, hop in.
We'll go get your mama at work, we'll get something to eat, some ray's barbecue.
Come on, man.
Y'all go ahead and enjoy that.
Come on, son.
You gotta eat, right? I'll be a'ight.
You know, I'm in this position where everyone thinks that I'm married, but I don't feel like I am.
Is that why you don't wear a wedding ring? I'm sorry.
You know what? This is none of my business.
- This is none of my business.
- No, you know what, it's okay.
It's kind of liberating to talk about it, to hear it out loud.
You know what, we have some issues.
Everyone in my life thinks that we're happily married and that everything's great, but she's been gone for six months on sabbatical, and how are we supposed to work on our issues if we're not even together? I probably shouldn't have said any of that.
I've had too much to drink.
It's okay.
I promise that I will not tell a soul.
You're an awesome girl, Julie Taylor.
In a different world, different time Suffice it to say, I feel very comfortable around you.
I hope it's okay that I said that.
Yeah, it's It's flattering.
Good night to you.
Good night.
I'm gonna try that again and see if I can get my legs to work.
It's been a lovely evening.
You know what you said about Taking chances? Yeah.
The short part of your tie's a little long, man.
You learn about ties in the joint? Uh-huh.
You must have took a tie class.
That's where your ass been the last few years.
Don't worry about where I learned it.
I learned it.
- I don't care.
- That's enough, Vince.
No, no, no.
It's okay.
Come on.
Say what you need to say.
You don't get it, do you? We been doing just fine without you.
And you come in here and you expect us to act like everything's cool, but it's not.
You ain't been here for us.
And if I had anything to say about it, your ass wouldn't even be in this house.
Hold up.
You gonna drop bombs? - Oh! - I got this.
You gonna drop bombs and run like a little kid? Your house? You want to talk like a man, we can do that.
A man don't leave his family.
Is that talkin' like a man? And don't come to my game tonight.
Vince, wait.
Vince, wait.
Wait! Give him a chance.
Okay, we give it a chance.
Then what? He starts robbing.
He starts stealing.
He'll end up right back in prison.
Okay, then do it for me.
Give him a chance for me.
Okay? Let's be a family.
Baby East side, East side.
East side, East side.
East side, East side.
East side, East side.
East side! Coach is lookin' for you.
- For what? - I don't know.
Didn't say.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
What's up? You left the grocery store early.
Why? Why not? Go ahead, say it.
Say what's on your mind.
Well, first of all, you didn't ask me how I felt about Jess bein' on the team.
Being in the locker room.
I don't run personnel decisions by you.
And all these new rules.
They're stupid.
This shirt, this tie, and whatever high standards you're lookin' for, this ain't it.
Close that door.
Close that door.
When I first met you, you were climbing out of a police car.
People said you were a punk and you'd never last on the field.
You know they still believe that? Screw them.
I work hard for everything I've done.
I know you do, and you oughta be damn proud about that.
I am.
I'm proud of you.
Your teammates are proud of you.
It's about character.
It's about striving to be better than everybody else.
Coach, my dad just got out of prison.
He's staying with me at my house.
And I can't stand him.
My mom, she asked me to forgive him.
To be better.
And you're asking me to be better.
I don't know how to be better 'cause he never taught me how! He never taught me how to be better! - He's not around! - Hey, coach, we're going out.
- Ten minutes.
- Fine, coach.
- I'm supposed to be better! - Close that door.
Listen to me.
I've said you need to strive to be better than everyone else.
I didn't say you needed to be better than everyone else.
But you gotta try.
And that's what character is.
It's in the trying.
I'm gonna give you a few minutes to gather yourself up here.
Hastings beat it.
I'm gonna hit you on the second window.
It's coming in hot.
Be ready.
Let's do this, a'ight? On one.
Ready? Break.
Late in the fourth quarter, the Lions down by a touchdown.
But they are still in this game, folks.
Howard to the line, looking to get something started.
Vince Howard is taking no prisoners and finding Hastings for another Lions first down.
- Hike! - Howard takes the snap.
Looking for a receiver.
Oh, he's gonna keep it on a scramble.
- Take him out! - Right there! Breaks the tackle.
Gain of 12, and the Lions are knockin' on the door.
Howard drops.
He throws.
He's got Russell.
Touchdown! An unbelievable pass! It's the Vince Howard show, ladies and gentlemen.
With a minute and a half to go, the Lions have tied this ball game.
Defense! Defense! Defense! Defense! Comin' down to it, folks.
Dillon needs a stop.
There's the snap.
Dragons are back.
Cafferty's got a lane.
Big lick boom! Ball is out.
Fumble! Yeah! The ball is loose.
I don't know who's on it.
Looks like Tinker fell on it.
It's official, folks.
Lion's ball! Under a minute to go, folks, and there is life! There is life in East Dillon.
Okay, watch him, watch him.
Let's go, guys.
Ready! Set! Hut! Howard in the pocket.
He's got 88, Ruckle, open over the middle.
That is in bounds.
Time's still winding.
The Lions are gonna have to hurry.
Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.
Here we go, on the 20.
and Vince Howard has been carrying this team on his shoulders all night.
He's got one last shot.
Let's go! Pick it up! Ready.
Hut! Pick it up! Touchdown, Lions! Lions win! Vince "get the hell outta my way" Howard has lit up this field tonight.
What a show by this young man.
The Lions are 3 and 0.
What do you know? They call that the Tinker shuffle.
Gets 'em a flag for excessive celebration, but you can't really blame these kids.
Another big night.
Another big win for these East Dillon Lions.
That was a hell of an effort.
Hell of an effort.
I ain't got nothing left, coach.
That's character, Vince.
We got it! Let's go! East side, baby! East side! Give it up.
Give it up.
You see it? There it is.
- Hello? - Pam.
This is what I've decided.
Send Buddy junior home to Dillon.
He needs his father.
Are you sure? I've never been more sure of anything in my life.
Send my son home, Pam.
Thank you.
You okay? Yeah.
Feelin' good.
I'm really sorry.
There's nothing to be sorry about.
No, no, there is.
I mean, I shouldn't have let that happen.
I'm a teacher.
You're a student.
It wasn't a good idea.
No, I-I-I totally agree with you.
So we're good then.
See you in class.
I went to your game.
I know you didn't want me to.
But I did.
Look here.
I-I want you to know, um I know how much of your life I missed.
I really I did some bad stuff.
And I was gone.
Time I'll never get back.
Look at you.
You only 17 years old.
And you already better than I ever was.
And you were right.
It's your house now.
And you the man here.
I didn't ask if I could stay here.
That was wrong.
Tonight For the first time in my life I knew what pride felt like.
I mean, boy, you That was crazy out there.
You you the man for real.
Leaping over players in a single bound, boy.
I'm proud of you, Vincent.
Hey, so, uh, so where you gonna be? I'll be around.

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