Rescue Me s05e05 Episode Script


Previously on rescue me - You got limp dick? - No.
Whose dick can't get hard? If I were you, I'd go to the doctor, get that checked out right away.
- Put it here.
- Ý'd like you, this time, to get off your hindquarters and come over here and put it there.
What if that doesn't appeal to me? I'm going to kick your ass.
How's that? Get the chair, janet.
Get the chair! - Ý didn't know that you were- - What are you, back in'nam now? I want you to purge yourself of tommy.
Focus on damien.
He wants to be a firefighter.
Let him.
He's going to do it anyway.
- What's that? - Oh, it's a present from frenchie.
She wanted me to jot down my thoughts and feelings for the book.
Tommy and me, we have this mutual respect thing going, all right? And I just want to respect the respect.
Colleen and sean finding out about that? I think you handled it like a champ.
I think you're real lucky, too, about the whole, you know, - Deciding not to have sex thing.
- What? I don't want her marrying this kid anymore than you do.
And so, if they start having sex, then things are going to get messy and complicated, and they're going to forget this little marriage thing.
- Yeah.
- Shit.
Jimmy keefe.
I just-uh, I was watching news footage from 9/11, and I saw him.
Tom, turn off the television and get yourself to a meeting right now.
We all know where this ends if you don'T.
All right, guys, I'll tell you, best veal in the city right here.
Oh, you're shitting me.
Where the hell did it go? We came all the way down here for this, lou? Where the hell-look, now we got pedro's spanish american restaurant.
What the hell's that? Yeah, well, there's one guy in the crew who's happy.
Why do you hate my people? I don't hate your people.
I wanted veal.
What's wrong with rice and beans? Hey, guys, can I get a picture of you guys? - My daughter loves firemen.
- Yeah, sure.
Yeah, sure.
- On 3, say "cheese.
" - Sure, sure.
Hey, on 3, let's say "rice and beans.
" Jesus, mary, and joseph.
Tom, you all right? Ugh ohh.
Oh, shit.
Sean, n, are you all right? Oh, it's my back.
- My back.
- Tommy! Yo, what the hell was that, man? It sounded like a goddamn atom bomb went off.
- Where's mikey? - Stay there.
- 62 truck respond.
- Yeah, 62 truck responding.
First reports are a terrorist attack, possible suitcase bomb, multiple locations.
Get your people**** What's that? Daddy! Dad Daddy! Shit.
Hey, you all right? You were screaming.
oh yeah - Shit.
- You woke me up.
I thought maybe one of the rats got you.
I don't know.
- God damn it.
- What the hell are you looking for? Goddamn shit! My phone.
Why don't you just ask me, for christ's sake? I told you, i know where everything is around here.
See? Look.
You really could clean up a little bit.
You're making a mess.
I had this nightmare.
Katy was being held hostage.
By who, the gavin family? Suitcase bomb-bombs were going off.
There's a bunch of them.
Looked like-looked like, well, here.
-  Oh, that's real funny.
- Yeah.
- Hey, you want a muffin? - You made muffins? No, I was thinking maybe go run down the corner and get some.
Oh, shit.
Oh, son of a bitch.
Unh! Now you're never going to find it.
And each time, I leave I say i want to find out what the story is with katy.
Where is she going to school? Blah blah blah.
And she doesn't call me back.
You know what I think? - Katy hates me? - No.
Janet hates you.
Katy's what? She's 12.
She's just she's just learning how to hate her mother.
- You know what I'm going to do? - Oh, I know what you're going to do.
You're going to drive over there, you're going to spy on them, and if no one's home, you're going to break into the house, you're going to fish around, see if you can find a piece of mail maybe with some info or the address of the school katy's going to on it.
You're going to drive down there.
You're going to stake out the school.
You're going to wait until either katy comes out or janet shows up, whichever comes first.
What can I say? I know you.
All right.
I got to go.
Well, I guess I'll get the muffins, then.
Yeah, yeah.
Thanks, pal.
All right.
Tell them I said "hey.
" All right.
See you later.
People think the kennedys are dysfunctional.
Proudly Presents Season 5 Episode 05 So, let me get this straight.
Now you want me to be a firefighter? Ok.
This is some kind of test, right? Uh, no.
Silly, you are my son, and I love you.
And I want what's best for you.
Honey, i want you to be happy.
- Since when? - Since always.
- Bullshit.
- You bullshit.
And don't talk to me that way.
I'm your mother.
I know, which is why none of this makes any sense.
Listen to me.
This is the new me, ok? I took the old me, and I crumpled her up in a teeny little ball, and i chucked her in the trash, ok? And the new me knows that you need to be happy.
What's with the face? Mom I hate to say this to the new you, but here goes.
Is the new you on drugs? Uh, yeah, I guess.
I've been on those drugs for a very long time, but my doctor has changed them up, and I'm on this new combo that keeps me way more balanced and upbeat and able to deal with the idea of you doing this very difficult and dangerous job.
Ok, great.
So, did you call uncle tommy and ask him if he could help me out? I'm high.
I'm not that high.
- Ý called mike.
- Mike the probie? But he's an idiot.
Plus, he's gay.
Not anymore.
- Gay or stupid? - Both.
Oh, so is he on drugs, too, you know, new kinds of drugs that make you want to read books and not blow other dudes anymore? You know what, damien? I am not going to have you training under uncle tommy, ok? And you know what? I have gone out of my way to force myself into accepting this stupid goddamn idea of yours.
And you want to know something else? You could have graduated from goddamn nyu, and I spent $80,000 over there just so that you could figure out that you want to do the same goddamn thing as your father.
So you know what? Why don't you cut me a little slack, ok? How about that? Cut me a little slack for once in your privileged little life and do one goddamn thing that I ask you to, huh? Guess there's a little bit of the old me stuck in there.
Maybe the new you should up her dosage.
I know.
I told you, get off my ass about it.
That's enough.
Stop asking me! Hello? Janet? Janet left.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Talking to somebody in here? - Um, uh, me and carly.
- Oh.
Gets on my nuts.
So, where is janet? Uh, she took the little guy swimming.
You can see her car's gone.
Um she just left you here? Tommy, news flash-I live here now.
See my ramp? Yeah.
I just thought-i thought maybe she had some furniture delivered or something.
Calling me furniture? No.
No, no, no.
I just didn't know what-I would no.
I would never say that.
I would You said it.
That's not what I meant, though.
I would never call you a, you know- - What, a gimp? - No.
I would say cripple.
Is cripple cool? - No.
- Paralyze? Yeah, well, paralyzed is accurate, but it isn't cool.
Then I won't-I won't- what should I say? I'm busting your balls.
Come on.
Look, I owe you an apology'cause I was out of line.
This is your turf, it's your family.
I respect that.
I just-you know, just the alpha male thing coming out now.
You know? Cool.
Why don't you let me take you and buy you a drink? I'll take a rain check on that.
I'll tell you, one of the reasons I came over I can't get any information from janet about katy.
I'm her father.
You know? I deserve to know what the deal is.
I'm not going to jump in the middle of this, tom.
This is between you and janet.
She's not here.
She'll be back in a couple of hours.
In the meantime, let me tell you, buy you a drink, all right? Have a little mano a mano.
Well, I don't drink.
Hey, no, I really can't drink.
Well, all right.
Be careful.
- Hello, sean.
- Hey, doc.
How you doing? Listen, I'm feeling so much better in my back, really.
It's like no stiffness, no pain.
- Ýt's like magic, honestly.
- Sean.
Uh, I'm still a little apprehensive about the whole cock situation.
- Sean, please- - Hey, maybe tonight's the night, you know? Go home, put on some music, light the candles, maybe take a bubble bath, break out the jergens, and give'er the ol' college try.
Sean, something turned up on your mri, so we ran a few blood tests.
I'm sorry-blood tests for my back? We found a tumor on your kidney.
I'm fairly certain it's renal cancer, sean.
It's extremely rare for a man your age.
We're going to do a biopsy, but in most cases, a tumor of this mass turns out to be malignant.
But hey, look on the bright side.
Your penis is going to grow at least an inch or two in length.
This means you're probably going to have a very difficult time finding a girlfriend who can handle such a unique specimen of manhood.
But that's what we in the medical profession call a good problem.
Sean? Did you hear me? I'm sorry.
Did you just say something about my penis? No, sean.
You've got cancer.
Get yourself a goddamn bicycle, asshole! I used to drive a little short track indy, you know, when I had stems.
I got a guy working on a cart for me right now.
- That reminds me.
- Yeah? - Hand me a beer, will you? - Huh? Cold one from the back in a cooler.
Y- you want a beer? Yeah.
I'd like a cerveza.
Andale, andale.
- Here you go.
- What are you doing? - You told me to grab you a beer.
- Did I ask you to crack it? Well, I just thought you wanted- Ý'll crack my own goddamn beer.
- What, do you think I'm a cripple or something? - No.
- Grab this.
- What? - What- - Treat me like a victim.
We're going awful fast.
- You got it? - Ý got it.
See, my-my legs don't work, but my arms work, my hands work, my brain works.
My cock works,'cause I'm sure you're wondering that.
I wasn't wonder-wondering about that.
- All the exes wonder about it.
- Not me.
At least, if they got any balls.
I like to get that shit right out on the table.
Get a goddamn chair, grandpa.
Give me a beer, will you? You want another one? - Do I have one in my hand? - Ok.
So here's how it works.
I still get hard.
I mean, a lot.
But it's all random times, you know? So I got to constantly be checking to see if I got wood.
Which means that janet and I, we never plan on when we're having sex.
If it happens, when it happens, it happens.
So if we're at the supermarket, we're in the park or the car, you know, it's go time, baby.
You know, and chicks love spontaneity.
And my junk, it lasts for an eternity.
I had janet on my pole for, like,45 minutes to an hour just riding and riding and riding.
She has 4 or 5 orgasms.
What's the longest you ever lasted with janet? I don't really keep track of stuff like Oh, come on, come on, none of that bullshit.
No boundaries, baby.
It's not a boundary thing, ok? I just never kept track of that.
- Tell me how long.
- 12 minutes.
That's not bad, for a walker.
- Cheers.
- Thanks.
- Pat! - What's up, bro? Oh, man.
Hey! Shit, I don't think I've seen you since probie school.
You looking good.
I'm ok, yeah.
How's things? Oh, you know, it'S it's been better.
Oh, shit.
It's ok, buddy.
Hey, it's ok, buddy.
You're ok.
Oh, shit.
You're going to be ok.
Dewars,3 fingers, same as always.
Anything for your girlfriend? He don't drink.
- So what's he doing here? - Ý don't know.
What are you doing here? I'm not sure.
Everybody in my place drinks.
Don't think you're special.
I'll take a jameson, neat.
So predictable.
Well, well, look who came out to play.
I knew that sobriety shit was a front.
It's not.
Um, sometimes i order a drink, and then I don't drink it.
It's a thing, a system I have.
My sponsor thought of it, actually.
Who's your sponsor, satan? Satan would be a godsend.
So how do you keep them down, tommy? - Ý'm sorry? - The ghosts.
Janet told me about them.
Janet told me just about everything.
First of all, janet doesn't know everything.
- Janet- - Everybody has ghosts, tommy.
You're not the only one.
Who do you think I was talking to when you came over to the house? I got'em.
I- Ý had'em.
Now, I got this.
And these.
I don't drink in front of janet and the kids.
They don't know anything about any of this.
I get too loaded, I take 2 of these.
And to crank up the sleep, I take a few of these, you know? It's a perfect system.
That's what they said about communism.
Stalin didn't have uppers and downers.
He just had vodka.
For the most part, uh they used to come out when I drank.
You miss'em? Yeah, sometimes.
I'd love to have your problem.
was playing hockey late, and I was driving home with my brother and my cousin.
The 3 of us were as sober as judges, and we were laughing our balls off.
This guy, I cleaned his clock, and he swallowed his tooth.
And, uh bam! Out of nowhere comes this prick in a piss-yellow hummer.
Broadsides us.
Turned the lights out on my brother, my cousin and the lower half of me, except my cock, of course, but you know, we've covered that in detail.
So I've been hell on wheels ever since.
No more deceit!No more lies! Look, that's my point exactly, all right? All great truths begin as blasphemies, ok? I mean, just take a look at our history books, for example at least the ones that aren't completely falsified or embellished.
Look, don't-don't get me wrong, ok? I'm just a guy with questions, that's all.
And even if my beliefs don't make me the most popular guy in the firehouse, the guys all say I'm full of shit, you know what? At the end of the day, last time I checked, this was still america.
- Totally.
- Right.
So, you're a firefighter? Yeah.
I'm franco rivera,62 truck uptown.
Can we take a picture with you? Yeah, sure.
No more lies! No more Listen, tom your daughter katy.
The reason you haven't been seeing her around lately she's in boarding school.
Did you say boarding school? Yeah.
Been a couple of weeks now.
She's it's a real nice place.
That lying bitch.
- Here's what we're going to do- - Hey, listen.
Nice and easy.
Janet was going to tell you herself, but I insisted, 'cause you and me, we're kind of the same from the waist up.
I know how you're going to react when you get the news, the same way I knew you were going to come barreling into our house back there.
Our house? You mean, the house that I'm paying the rent on, that house? Is that what you're talking about? I hear janet gets any shit from you over this, I will kick your skinny ass.
You're going to kick my ass? That's funny.
You doubt I could? Listen.
Before that drunk son of a bitch took my brother and my cousin and my legs, I base jumped into a 600-foot crevice in brazil.
I surfed the big waves on the north shore of hawaii.
I climbed goddamned kilimanjaro.
You think you're an obstacle I can't overcome? Think again, skippy.
But hey.
There's no reason we can't be friends.
Oh, I got to change my piss bag.
- You going to drink that? - No.
That's really good.
Oh, you are genevieve.
I am.
Hi, sheila.
That's me.
I'm tom¡ª I'm damien's mom.
I know.
I heard.
So how's the book going? Oh, very well.
I would like to interview you.
Um, lou gave me this, and tommy saw it, and it's some old news footage of that day.
Yeah? It has your husband on it, and it shows that apparently he didn't die in the collapse of the first tower.
Really? - Would you like to see it? - Ý don't know.
I don't-I where is that from? The bbc gave me a lot of old footage.
There was just so much of it.
I thought you might want to see it.
And they're sure that it's him? Yeah.
Lou and tommy recognized him, and you see his face I'll leave it here.
You know, I've been on the job 10 years, running into burning buildings with floors collapsing and ceilings dropping on my head, breathing the most toxic, disgusting, horrible, acrid smoke there is.
Chemicals, asbestos, ash.
I mean, the heat alone is not to mention the 4 weeks I volunteered down at ground zero cleaning up.
Plus a pack and a half a day habit'cause of the stress of this bullshit, and have I ever once, in 10 years, been hurt? Injured? Broken bones? No.
Asthma, emphysema? None of that.
What do I got? I got a goddamn tumor on my kidney.
It's ridiculous.
And ironic.
What? What you just said is practically the definition of ironic.
Not to split hairs or nothin'.
I'm just saying.
What happens now? - What now? - Yeah.
Is you keep this shit to yourself.
I can't keep it to myself.
I mean, I got to tell the bosses.
It's obvious it's ground zero related.
Of course it's from ground zero.
I mean, mine's in the lungs, so it's obvious where it came from.
You know, I got no choice but to retire.
It's part of the job i never anticipated, but if I had to do it all over again, I'd be right back down there digging our brothers out.
Only, maybe, I'd be wearing a mask this time.
Yeah, you and me both.
So, what do I do? How do i even You take some leave.
Scrounge up whatever cash you can get your hands on.
You get that kidney cut out, pray it hasn't spread.
You try and use your insurance, you're as good as off the job.
So, let me get this straight.
I can't use the fdny insurance that I get for the treatment of the cancer that I got volunteering and risking my goddamn life cleaning up at ground zero after the greatest tragedy in the history of the fdny that's what you're telling me without ending up stuck behind a desk or kicked off the job? Yeah.
That's ironic.
You're goddamn right.
- Ok.
- Yeah.
Thanks for the boat ride.
It's very romantic.
You know how I do.
I does it big, ma.
I guess we should head home so I can bang my head against the sink, take a cold shower, and slip into my chastity belt.
I'm sure you can find a better way to ease your suffering.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We said we were going to wait.
Baby, I'm sorry.
But you know, you see, this right here doesn't really help much.
You know, I could do something else for you.
What are you talking about? - Like, a handjob.
- Oh!No, no, no.
Believe me, I would love a handjob right now, but That's just going to open up the floodgates, right? And all the commitment and everything that we worked so hard for is just going to fly right out of the window into the river.
So, no.
Have you ever considered that maybe we're not giving ourselves enough credit here? I mean, you love me, don't you? Of course I love you.
And I love you back, so what could be so bad about that? Guess a handjob wouldn't hurt.
Hi, honey.
Jesus, tommy.
You scared me.
What did you do to him? Oh, he actually-he did this to himself.
Where do you get your balls big enough to send our daughter to a private boarding school upstate without even consulting with me? Hmm? Dwight? He's very, very drunk.
And on pills.
That's right.
Put everything on the table is a goddamn lush.
Oh, yeah.
And he sees ghosts, which I think is kind of ironic.
What are you talking about? You can question a lot of things about me.
My convictions my faithfulness.
My drinking.
And the fact that I switched his uppers with his downers, which is why he's currently in the condition that he's in.
But one thing you can't question about me, ever is my love for my kids.
Or my determination to see to their happiness.
So, you and I are going to drive to katy's school.
We're going to sit down with her and let her decide if she wants to stay there or come home and, once she comes home, whether she wants to live with you or with me.
But one thing's for certain.
She's not living under the same roof as this junkie asshole.
You ok? Oh, yeah.
I'm-I'm good.
Hell yeah.
You're freaked out.
I'm good.
I know we said we weren't going to go all the way, but I'm glad we did.
- You're a very good lover.
- Thank you.
Uh- Look.
It's just, you're only 19.
So? So, like, where'd you learn how to do all that stuff? Old boyfriends, my mother.
So, um¡ª What about the ice and peanut butter ass play thing? Where'd that come from? That was chuck.
Tattoo artists.
They always want you to go around the back door.
And the biting thing.
Where did that come from? Oh, that was my mother.
Mom's a full-on freak.
Round 3? Hey.
What, are you not talking to me? What? Why didn't you tell me about the video? What video? Of jimmy.
I didn't know what video you were talking about Answer me.
I thought it would upset you.
Ok ok.
I-it was a shock to me, ok? I watched it a few times over and over again.
I couldn't believe you know, he wasn't where we thought he was.
And he was-you know, he was in the second tower.
It was just- Ýt threw a monkey wrench into it upset me, you know? It upset me.
I thought it was kind of- Just-what? You weren't thinking about how I would feel.
What did I just say? That's what You were only concerned with how you would feel.
Can I talk to you over here? - Ok.
I- - You idiot.
I want to know every goddamn detail.
I want to know when, how, and where jimmy shows up.
I don't bang your brains out for 2 year So that you could get your rocks off.
I did it because I thought that somehow, somewhere, very deep inside of you, you'd open up and let me in.
I know, crazy, right? The great tommy gavin! He's a closed shop! Nobody gets in! You don't even give a shit about your godson.
I- what are you talking Guess what? Mikey's going to lead him through the academy.
That's why I dropped him off.
And then, damien's going to become the kind of firefighter - That his father always wished he would be.
- Really? And no thanks to you.
'Cause if we want to talk about selfish and resentful-ok, just think about it.
You're putting your only son's safety in the hands of mike? Of¡ª Mike? Mike's-mike's an idiot.
Mike's a moron, ok? He may be a moron.
But he's also one very big thing that you are not.
Retarded? Trustworthy.
What, are you on drugs? Shitloads.
My husband was a firefighter when we met in high school in his mind.
His uncle mike, tommy's dad, had been a firefighter.
His uncle teddy he and tommy, that's the only thing they ever thought of being.
So, when I saw that new footage of jimmy it made me happy.
I can't explain it, but I knew that he didn't that he wasn't in the first building.
But all the reports were saying that Do you know that feeling that you get when you just, like, ever so barely escape a car crash? You know, someone suddenly stops short or races in front of you at an intersection, and you think to yourself for a second, like, right as you slam the brakes-like,"oh, oh!" Ok.
This might be it.
" You know? And all the air skips out of your lungs, and your heart feels like it's going to explode with fright, and your skin sits up real tight on your bones, and there's this huge rush of breath and blood and that shiver just shot, like, right through me, but not when the first building fell.
It was during the second.
I knew that jimmy was gone during the second collapse.
I stopped breathing.
My eyes- Ý couldn't blink.
My hands froze up like claws.
And I thought to myself, "oh, we're never going to finish the kitchen.
" You know,'cause we were working on the kitchen, putting in new counters and cabinets and stuff.
And as those first floors began to tumble down, I mean, like, i don't know however long it took, like,11 seconds my whole life my love, the way I wake up in the morning every day, the way I go to sleep every night, all of that just changed forever.
Floor by floor, I just disappeared.
When you lose that one person that you you know, were meant to be with for the rest of your life so unexpectedly and so soon I don't it's like, you know, who can walk into your real love? Is just gone.
And breakfast.
It's funny, you know.
I totally thought that I was going to just go fetal and curl up in a ball and cry and but I didn'T.
I made arrangements.
I carried my husband's helmet to the funeral.
I listened to the mayor and the chief and tommy talk about my husband.
I buried him.
I held my son as he cried against my shoulder, and i tucked him in that way every night for months.
And then I went fetal for 5 years.
Among many other things, i completely zeroed in on tommy because he was the closest thing that I could find on this entire earth to replace jimmy.
I cursed tommy.
I slept with tommy.
I blamed tommy.
I made tommy breakfast.
Tommy finished my kitchen.
I know that tommy is haunted by jimmy's death, literally.
I- I I think that sometimes tommy wishes that jimmy had lived, and that he had died in jimmy's place.
And so do I.

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