Six Feet Under s05e05 Episode Script

Eat a Peach

Saison 5 Episode 5 "Eat A Peach" I hope everybody saved room for dessert.
How come uncle danny doesn't like clean peaches? "Cling" peaches, not clean.
As in clingstone.
And who says uncle danny doesn't like cling peaches? Uncle danny loves cling peaches, he just can't have any.
Why can't he have any? Because he has the diabetes.
Hit me.
Hit me again.
We used to have that plum tree in the backyard.
- That wasn't a plum tree.
- You got 16, you should hold.
- It was nectarines.
- Don't tell me when to hold.
Hit me.
You sure it was nectarines? - I thought it was plums.
- She never listen.
First thing that goes is the memory.
Well, I made ham for christmas.
She doesn't like ham.
I made her a capon, But she still didn't like that everybody else was eating ham.
That's so like her.
When her daughter got a tattoo she said, "I don't have a daughter.
" I remember! How can anyone say that, that they don't have a daughter? She's so vindictive.
Nothing was ever good enough for her.
It was so sweet.
- She's a big girl.
- No, she got her stomach stapled.
- She did that? - Yeah, she lost almost 200 Ibs.
! - No kidding? - Yeah, she got married.
- She did? - She married a foot doctor.
- She was so sweet.
- Yeah, and then she married a foot doctor.
- I went to the foot doctor.
- For your corns? For my bone spur.
- You had a bone spur? - Painful like you would not believe.
- Did you get the surgery? - They did.
Doctors! What they can't do today.
Staple your stomach, shave off a bone spur.
That was That was lovely.
- Wasn't it? I know how hard this has been on you.
I know you.
I want to make it up to you.
You don't have to make anything up to me.
I wanna try to close this distance between us.
What distance? I think we should travel.
Travel? George, you're not You're not well.
No, I'm feeling much much better.
Where onarth would we travel to? Anywhere we wanted to.
Anywhere the wind blows us.
Could we talk about it another time? Yeah, sure.
Of course.
You know, I was thinking about inviting Maggie over some time.
- What for? - She's new in town.
She doesn't really know anybody, except for George and my mother.
I don't know, I think you'd like her.
- Okay.
- I need to go potty.
Oh, well, I am running a little late, So mommy will take you, okay? Maya, do you remember your other mommy? - What are you doing? - Just asking her an honest question.
It's important that we're honest with her, That she grows up with a coherent narrative, That she understands where she came from, and How I came into the picture.
I am all for her growing up with a coherent narrative, But I think that we have to pick the right time To start telling this particular story.
I mean, don't you think? I need to go potty! What better time than the present? Well, how about after she makes potty, for starters? Okay.
Come on, mommy is gonna take you to make potty.
Should we call mary? No, we don't wanna pressure her.
Pressure? We just inseminated her.
Has she tried to call you? You inseminated her, okay? Well, not personally I didn't.
Has she tried to call you on your cell phone? Keith, relax.
I'm sure if she was pregnant, We'd be the first people she called.
- I'm not sure I wanna do this.
- Do what? Go to this adoption fair.
First of all, it's not a fair, it's a picnic.
Second of all, we have to.
Sissy pasquese wenthrough a lot of trouble to get us moved up the list.
It just it seems weird.
Weird how? Like we're going to look at puppies.
We're not going to look at puppies.
We don't know if mary is even pregnant, Or ever will get pregnant.
Besides, we always agreed we'd keep moving forward On both prongs of the two-Pronged approach Until one of the prongs pays off.
Look at us.
You know what we look like? Homos.
He wanted to be cremated.
- No, he didn't! - We had a conversation.
- He was my brother.
- He was my brother too.
And if carl says he wanted to be cremated, That's what we're gonna do.
- Over my dead body! - Fine with me! Can we please take it down a notch? - She was always difficult.
- You leave her alone.
Is there something in your faith that might provide us with some - Guidelines.
- We have no faith.
- We did when we were children.
- This is america.
Since when do we have to have a faith in order to bury our brother? I didn't mean to imply, sir We're catholic, but lapsed.
You may be lapsed.
Vera and i still go to mass every sunday.
It's a waste of time! There is no god.
All I know is danny did not want to be cremated.
He did! He told me himself six months ago at bingo.
He told you he wanted to be cremated at bingo? Look, I think what we all need to do Is take a collective deep breath, And try to be honest about what we think, uh Daniel would have wanted.
Not what we might want.
I feel like everyone's just here to scope out the most adorable kid.
They're all adorable- On the surface.
All these kids have gone through some serious damaging shit in their lives.
Like we haven't? This whole thing's a little weird, don't you think? - It's just kids playing.
- It's not.
They're acutely aware that they're being observed Like some animals in a zoo.
Have you seen my brother? What about her? She's adorable, but she's surrounded.
We've got to get in there.
You keep getting sand in your shoes? That's why I hate sandboxes so much.
There's so much sand in them.
Such a battle in which the marines Had a high-Tech advantage, and you're looking through it.
They moved forward in pitch black using night vision- Thanks though.
I wasn't sure if you did or not.
In my younger days I did.
But, uh Right now I'm not sure it would mix so well with my meds.
You could eat downstairs with us, you know? Yeah, I don't know if you've noticed, But I'm kind of trying to avoid mom right now.
You might wanna take it easy on her.
She's been through a lot lately.
That puts her in the same boat as the rest of us, doesn't it? I really like that piece.
God! Why is that like the one thing that people like? You know? So I tore up some photos, Who cares? It's like everybody wants that to be the one thing that I can do.
I just think it's very provocative, and Disturbing.
And beautiful.
Isn't that what art is supposed to be about? Just right now, With all the shit going on in the world, Art seems kind of besides the point, you know? Yeah, I do know.
Plus, I'm just not like inspired.
Well, if the muse isn't with you, the muse isn't with you.
Exactly, George.
George! Here you are.
You had me so worried.
- I'm fine.
- What on earth are you doing up here? I'm- I'm just, uh Hanging out.
Do you need me for something? No, I just wanted to know where you were.
You left your laundry in the dryer.
Is that my food? It's from the fridge.
- The family fridge? - Yeah, so? - I'm coming down.
- No, don't please.
Stay here.
Your phone's ringing.
I know.
I just thought You know Maybe you were too stoned.
Hello? I've never been in one of these before, have you? This is fun, huh? You know something? If I don't stop doing this, I think I'm gonna throw up.
Are you okay? Yeah, just a little queasy, that's all.
There's no way you could ever be an astronaut.
Why not? 'Cause you can't throw up if you're gonna be an astronaut.
I've never really thought about it that way, but I guess you're right.
My mom's coming back to get me.
- She is? - As soon as she gets out of rehab.
That's in six more weeks.
I couldn't break through the gauntlet.
This is anthony.
Hi, anthony.
- Anthony, this is Keith.
- Hi.
Anthony's not up for adoption.
- You're not? - No.
My mom's coming back to get me.
Good for you.
The moon bounce make you hurl? - No.
- almost.
He gets motion sickness.
- He could never be an astronaut.
- No way.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry to bother you, but your kid was picking on my kid during recess.
- Excuse me? - Tell her.
He pushed me down in the bathroom And tried to take my "yu-Gi-Oh" backpack.
No, that's can't be true.
He must have julio mixed up with some other kid.
No, he said it was your kid.
That's not true, is it, julio? Because you would never do something like that, would u? - Your kid made a mistake, you see? - It was him! - He just said he didn't do it.
- He did it, he's lying! My son doesn't lie.
Julio? I didn't do it.
He says he didn't do it, that's good enough for me.
- He did it! - So what, it was just a stupid game.
Thanks for coming.
Yeah, sure.
How are you? I'm good.
Yeah? I'm good too.
I'm, uh, I'm back on my meds.
Is there some specific reason you couldn't tell me that on the phone? I just needed to see you.
I could use some closure.
- That's all.
- Okay.
- Should we order? - I'm not really hungry.
Yeah, me neither.
Is that it? Have we achieved closure? Yeah, I guess.
I just- What? I just want you to know that I still care about you.
Okay, I think I know that.
Do you still care about me? Yeah, of course I still care about you, But we're broken up now.
Of course we are.
Can I give you a hug? Sure.
- Okay, I'm going now.
- Oh, great.
Look, can I walk you to your car? No.
Thank you.
All right.
I'just gonna stay here and have a piece of pie.
- Bye.
Uh? - Oh, I'm just here to pick up my dad.
- Oh, cool.
Uh, he's upstairs.
- Great.
- Care for a mint? We buy them in bulk.
- No thanks.
- Yeah.
Hey, uh, would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night? - Here? - No, at my place.
I mean our place- Brenda, Maya and me, I mean.
- Okay.
- Good.
- I'd like that.
- All right.
- We're here.
- With the food.
- Okay, well, tomorrow then.
- Yeah yeah.
With food? Who said anything about food? The cold cuts for during the viewing.
- Danny would've wanted there to be food.
- So we brought cold cuts.
And bacon-Wrapped ham balls.
It's what he would've wanted.
- Well, of course, fine.
- Where do we put 'em? Downstairs in the refrigerator.
Oh, but wait, you have to let me take those.
I'll put them down there.
I got 'em.
It's okay.
He doesn't even want to be adopted.
Of course he's gonna say that.
He's gotta protect himself from further rejection.
I just thought he was special.
Not retarded special.
You connected with him too, you know? He has serious problems, David.
You liked him, you know you did.
- He was kinda cute.
- He was, wasn't he? Yeah, in a fucked-Up- With-Serious-Problems kind of way.
- I want him.
- Are you serious? I think we could give him a happy childhood.
We can't undo anything that's already happened to him, you know that.
- Yes, I know that.
- It's not gonna change anything That's already happened to you either.
I know that too.
I just think it's doable.
What are you doing here? I heard julio got into some trouble at school today.
Who did you hear that from? I'm on the carnival planning committee.
One of the moms told me and I thought i'd stop by to see if I could help.
Since when are you on the carnival committee? I don't see them every day at home.
I think it's important that I be involved at school.
It's fine.
I can handle it.
- What happened? - He picked on one of the other boys.
- For no reason? - It's no big deal.
Oh sure, it's no big deal.
Just like us sleeping together is no big deal, right? Let's just pretend like it never happened.
It's just boys being boys, Rico! Yeah, where is he? I wanna talk to him.
It's late.
He's in bed.
They're both in bed.
When I was a kid, when I got into trouble my old man took a belt to me.
It's a good thing you're not your old man.
- Can I come in? - No, you cannot come in! Not tonight, Rico.
I'm taking care of this.
Go home.
- Is she asleep? - Yeah.
I wanna talk about what happened this morning.
First of all, it made me angry that you would say that to her Without us talking about it first.
You're right.
I am sorry.
Thank you.
But Nate, it's always better to acknowledge the truth.
Yes, I am all in favor of being honest with her About where she came from and who she is.
I just think that we should follow her lead on this one.
When she's old enough to start asking those questions, then we'll answer them.
But just because she doesn't have the language to ask the questions Doesn't mean that she isn't mentally capable of asking them.
Right I just think that you're gonna confuse her.
Okay, listen.
One day she's gonna find out That I am not her biological mother.
Now, I'm trying to avoid that moment of horrible explanation.
There doesn't have to be a horrible moment of anything.
Kids need to know their stories, it's how they integrate their sense of self.
Kids don't need to know everything.
There is such a thing as too much information.
You of all people should know that.
So I grew up with parents who had no boundaries.
You grew up with parents that had nothing but boundaries.
Do you think that was so much better? I just don't want you throwing shit at her From some book you haven't even finished reading yet! She's my daughter and i get to decide that much.
It's gotten so bad I can't even stand to sit at the dinner table with him.
Relationships change.
They do, they do.
Does he bite his fork? I had a boyfriend once who bit his fork, And it so gave me the chills.
No, he doesn't bite his fork.
He's not being abusive in any way, is he? No no no, he just insists on talking About everything, all the time.
I can't stand the sound of his voice.
It's like fingernails on a blackboard.
You know, I know what this is.
What? A friend of mine nursed her husband though cancer a few year ago, And when he was cured, she was done.
With him? It wasn't his fault, it wasn't her fault, She was just done.
You know, we were talking About going to tangier for a little somethin'.
You wanna come, yeah? I can't.
I have to go home and fix dinner for George.
Oh, Ruth! You need to do things For yourself every now and then.
It's important- Care of the self.
It is.
It is.
I had a dream about anthony last night.
See, I knew he got to you.
He kept putting blankets on top of me.
Each one weighed like a ton.
My ribs felt like they were gonna break and I couldn't breathe.
Well, at least he made an impression.
- Hello.
- Guess who's pregnant! You are? That's right, I'm having your guys's baby! - Mary's pregnant.
- She is? At first I thought I was just late, But now I'm really late, plus i've been craving carne asada.
And you know what that means! Well, maybe you don't, but I do.
- Should I tell her we're happy? - I guess so.
I mean yeah.
David and I are both very excited.
Me too, I mean, at the very least this means I can start having sex with my husband again.
He will be so fucking happy.
Yay! Listen, I gotta go.
I got diarrhea like you would not believe.
Which by the way, is also A very positive sign.
But i'll call you guys later, okay? Okay.
Hey, mary? We're gonna be dads! What about anthony? Well, somebody else will find him.
Look, except for taylor, We really don't have much experience with kids.
And I think taking on more than one right now - Would be, uh- - Would be crazy.
Do you disagree? No, I don't.
Hello? Claire? Hi, it's Margaret, Margaret Chenowith.
Oh, hi.
Listen, I hate to call you like this, But there's a serious problem with Billy.
Is he okay? Well, perhaps it would be better if we spoke in person.
Oh okay.
I just want to apologize to the both of you For my son's behavior.
Your wife wasn't very apologetic.
Then I apologize for her behavior as well.
You see, my wife and I are separated, so as you can imagine - This has been a difficult time for julio.
- Of course.
And my wife has been on antidepressants.
So she's been a little lax on doling out discipline.
Plus she was dating this guy who back in high school was a total pothead.
And for all I know, still is.
I just think all the stuff at home has contributed to julio acting out- With your son.
And I've already talked to julio and he would like to apologize to your son.
Tomorrow morning, before school, if that's okay.
Yeah yeah.
Uh, that would be lovely.
Well, I wish we had more fathers like you in this school.
Yeah well, I'm a funeral director.
And perhaps that's why I'm a little better at dealing with people than my wife- Well, my almost-Ex-Wife.
So- Do you think that It's our impending divorce that's causing julio to You know, misbehave? I suppose it's possible.
Thank you for being honest with me.
You know There's some other things that have been going on as well.
Frankie yankovic was his favorite.
Frankie yankovic was not his favorite.
He was his favorite.
He had all his records.
All of them! Herbie hancock was his favorite.
He wanted herbie hancock played at his funeral.
- He told me that, years ago.
- Okay, look Maybe he had two favorites.
You ever think of that? Who the hell has two favorites? I have two favorites.
In fact, I have at least three favorite songs.
And my daughter- You know what her favorite color is? Blue and green.
So here's what we're gonna do, we're gonna play frankie yankovic And herbie hancock.
How's that? You said this was some kind of emergency.
I've never said emergency.
Yeah, but you definitely kind of implied it.
Billy has harmed himself in the past.
He could do it again, you know? Okay, that's not my problem.
Billy told me everything, Claire.
And believe me, I understand- Given the family you come from- Why you ended it.
My family doesn't have anything to do with it.
You know Billy also told me that the sex was erratic.
Now that was his fault.
And by the way, he's on a new medication with fewer side effects.
But he did say that when he was able to, And when he was up for it, the sex was very good.
For Billy, that's really saying something.
He told you about our sex? Of course he did.
I'm his mother! You know, when you were with him, There was this light behind his eyes.
I haven't seen that in him since he was I don't know, four? You were really good for him, Claire.
He's better off without me.
And even if he isn't, i am better off without him.
What do you need from him to make this work? - This isn't a negotiation.
- Everything is negotiable.
I have a son who tried to kill himself in the past.
Now he still really loves you.
And I think you still love him.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- How's my girl doing, huh? - Good.
Are you good, yeah? You helping mommy make some dinner? All right.
Is everything okay? Do you need help with anything? Yeah, you cannot act like an a-Hole tonight at dinner.
Now why would I act like an a-Hole at dinner tonight? Because you were an a-Hole last night.
She's not just your daughter anymore.
Do you know how offensive that was? Can we put a pin in this, please? Is that okay with you? - Okay, fine! - Hello? Hi.
Uh, yeah, sure.
That's fine.
I'm sure.
Okay? All right, we'll see you then.
So, uh, we need to set an extra plate for dinner tonight.
Maggie's gonna bring George.
Was I supposed to say no to her? There you are.
I'll take that.
- I should go.
- No, stay.
Besides, I should be the one leaving.
You know Billy has a few things he needs to say to you, And who knows, you two may have more to talk about than you even realize.
Honey, you be sure and call me later, okay? - Let me know how it goes.
- Okay, mom.
I'll take this.
- You planned this? - I-I- I just Wasn't completely sure if i made myself clear yesterday.
If there is ever a moment Anytime in the future, Whether it's in a hour Or a month or a year, When you change your mind About you know, Us, I want you to know that I would be open to that.
You used your mother to ambush me? It wasn't an ambush exactly.
- I am so out of here.
- Look, I know, I know! I just didn't want you Out there in the world Not knowing how I feel.
Okay, I get it.
I know how you feel, But that is never going to happen.
You know beyond any doubt That you're never going to feel that way about me again? Pretty much, yeah.
how can you know how you're going to feel in the future? I mean, how can anybody know that? God, I've gotta go.
- Claire, Claire - To the bathroom.
- Don't leave me.
- I won't.
I'm just gonna run to the ladies' room for a second.
- I'll be right back.
Okay? - Okay.
You told him about our situation at home? I didn't go into details, no.
But he's the principal at our son's school.
And he was looking for some sort of explanation for julio's behavior.
- He was very concerned.
- He is? He said our divorce is causing julio to lash out, And frankly, he's surprised that it hasn't caused him More problems than it already has.
He did? He was very sympathetic.
It's been hard for me, Rico.
The boys are getting older, I'm doing this alone.
But I didn't realize there was that much of a problem.
It's okay.
I'm on top of it.
We're on top of it.
Who is at the door? Who is at this door? - Grandpa and Maggie.
- Yeah! - Hey, you guys, come on in.
- Hi.
Hey! Oh, thank you.
- Good to see you.
- George, welcome.
- I hope it's okay I brought my dad.
- Oh, of course.
- Are you sure? - Yes.
Please don't talk about me like I'm not here.
Now I just, uh, want to say If Nate and I seem a little tense tonight, It's, uh, it has nothing to do with you.
- Hey, Brenda! - We've been having a fight.
- A fight? - Yes.
No, we haven't been having a fight.
- We just had a disagreement.
- What about? - Dad! - It's about when Maya should- Brenda, maybe we should do this when there's no company here.
You're right, it's not important.
But if you feel a weird energy in the air, It's us.
It has nothing to do with you.
Shall we start on the white? - Please.
- Maggie.
So if he's more or less all better, why can't you leave him? I can't do that.
The way he looks at me, I just see the little boy in him, you know? That's always been my problem with men.
It doesn't matter if they're 10 or 80.
I see them standing there Like children in short pants.
Just skinny little boys, lost.
Why do I always pick men with such skinny legs? I'm a horrible train wreck of a person.
Oh, you are not a horrible train wreck! - I am.
- You're not, you're human.
And there's a limit to how much you can take! But I made a vow to this man! - Oh god, she feels everything so deeply.
- Ruth, Marriage, especially to someone who is making you miserable, Does not have to mean till death do you part.
But he's sweet and ill.
He lives with me in my house and he can't even take care of himself.
What about his daughter Maggie? She has her own life to live.
Let me tell you something.
I had a friend once, A romantic friend, And he had a very bad problem with alcohol.
- Oh god! - So you know what I did? - What? - I dried him out.
I called everybody I could think of, I got him a job, I got him an apartment.
And when I was sure he was safe, I cut him loose.
I could never do that.
That was a lovely dinner, Even if it was prepared under trying circumstances.
- It was delicious.
- Thank you.
- How's she? - She's out like a light.
That little girl can fall asleep at the drop of a hat.
Most of the time.
WellWhatever you two were arguing about earlier seems to have blown over.
It wasn't an argument really.
We were just discussing the possibility of telling Maya That Brenda is not her biological mother.
- She doesn't remember Lisa? No, I don't know.
It's She's barely walking.
How can you know for sure? I think she's old enough to know her story, And how I came to be her mommy.
You know, there's something I've always wanted to ask.
Yeah? Lisa's brother-In-Law, what was his name? Hoyt.
Did they ever determine for certain if he was involved in Lisa's death? - Dad - No no, it's all right.
It's okay.
Look, with both Lisa and hoyt dead, They don't know for sure.
And no one ever will.
- But you think you know what happened? - I think that's enough.
Yes I am pretty sure I know happen Because I think knowing what happened is really important.
In fact, knowing what happens is crucial.
I said I think I know what happened.
Do you feel you have closure about the all? - As a matter of fact, no, I don't have closure.
- George! I think we should change the subject.
Oh, I'm sorry.
My medication makes me feel a little wonky.
And if I get a thought or question in my head, It keeps going round and round like it's caught In some kind of endless loop.
It's not a problem.
Here's to our baby.
Is this alcoholic? No, it's just sparkling cider.
Too bad.
My ob-Gyn says it's okay To have a glass or two of red wine Up until the second trimestery.
- Really? - Listen, I don't wanna worry you guys or anything, But I woke up this morning with a tiny bit of spotting.
Which is nothing to worry about, I spotted through all my other pregnancies.
Besides, I'm still having my cravings for meat so I just know I'm pregnant.
- You're sure? - Spotting is par for the course.
Besides, my boobs are so sore, I can hardly put on a bra.
That's why I'm not wearing one.
- Is there any more lox? - Yeah.
Why would you sign it if it's not a loan? - Either you sold a car to him - You don't understand english? - Excuse me? - I just said- All right, baby, I don't understand things.
- Okay.
- I just don't understand liars.
Getting high in the morning ? Mom wants me to get a job.
Can you believe that? We all have to work, Claire.
We all have to get a job.
Why can't anyone in this family just let me fucking be? Because I just flashed on Maya at your age Sitting in front of the tv feeling sorry for herself Not caring about anything or anybody.
It just broke my heart.
Bye, I love you.
- Mrs.
- Yeah? I, was wondering if I might have a word with you in my office - Sure.
- Thank you.
You don't wanna know what we ended up paying.
- What, for the casket? - The casket is one thing.
- Then there's everything else on top.
- What everything else? It's a list as long as my arm, you don't wanna know.
- Maybe I don't wanna know.
- Believe me, you don't.
But that's what money is for, for times like this.
God bless him.
He was a son of a bitch, but god bless him.
- Oh, he looks good.
- Thank you.
Bullshit! He doesn't look good, he looks dead.
He is dead.
So have you guys figured out what you wanna do with his remains? Carl and I wanna have him cremated And scattered off the santa monica pier.
That's where he liked to go fishing.
He told me that's what he wanted.
Your sister is still arguing for a plot at forest lawn.
Tough shit.
I'm hungry.
Let's go eat some ham balls before they're all ate up.
No offense, Pal, but your family is a bunch of fucked up control freaks.
Whose isn't? I wish you could just tell me what you want.
You're asking me what I want? Yeah, it's your funeral.
For 20 years nobody ever asked me anything.
This is what I want I want Maya to have a mommy.
George? I've been thinking about it a lot And I think I want us to move out.
Move out of the house? Yes, I think it would be best for both of us.
This house is too full of bad memories.
I think we need to make a fresh start.
We could make a fresh start, Leave all our troubles behind us.
That's right.
What on earth do you think you're doing? - Just getting some food.
- Get out of here! I'm trying to have a private conversation with my husband.
Get out! Go get a job! Leave now! I made us an appointment to Look at a place near park la brea.
That is within walking distance of the museums.
And the farmer's market.
Do you really want a new beginning? Because nothing would make me happier.
- Mary.
- Sorry I didn't buzz, But some old lady was coming out the front, so I just slipped inside.
Okay, are you guys sitting down? - I am.
- Why, what's wrong? I got my period.
Just about 10 minutes ago.
- I came right over to let you know.
- But you took a test.
- Didn't you? - No.
- Oh.
- I'm really sorry, you guys, But actually, it's probably a good thing, cause I did just get a new set, of x-Rays at the dentist last week.
Can I use your bathroom? Well Do you still want to adopt anthony? You told our son's school principal that I was dating a drug addict! I never said drug addict.
What I said was pothead.
Kenny never even tried the stuff, Rico.
That was his sister, and it was in high school.
And I stopped seeing him months ago.
- I just - You also told him I was on antidepressants? - I said "was.
" - You told him everything about us, Rico! - I didn't tell him everything! - He wanted to know If the trouble with the babysitter involved any molestation.
I was like, "what babysitter?" He said he was required by law to report it to the police, But that he wanted to give me an opportunity to do it first.
I never told him molestation.
I said there was an incident.
And there was, you didn't show up to get him.
What the fuck, Rico? I thought it would be helpful to bring mr.
Schumacher into the loop of our family situa And he never said that julio's problems at school Were caused by us being separated.
I was trying to do what's best for Julio, vanessa.
- You're full of shit! Lately, I was thinking there might be a chance we would get back together, But boy, do I need my fucking head examined.
I can't believe I ever married a fucking embalmer! - Hey.
- Hey.
- How was work? - It was okay.
Where's Maya? She's in my closet, putting stuffed kitties in all my shoes.
Brenda, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
What am I supposed to tell her? That her real mommy got pregnant and trapped me into marrying her? That she was fucking her brother-In-Law and he might have murdered her Because she tried to break it off? That he might even be her real dad? I just wanted to spare her that, you know? I wanted to spare me that.
Oh god, Nate, I I didn't even think of any of that.
You know, we can be honest with Maya about Lisa being the mother Without having to go through every Detail.
But someday- Someday she might need to know.
But not now.
Not for a long time.
Well, his mother's in rehab and his father's whereabouts are unknown.
His school work is a little Below average.
He's a good kid.
He's very sensitive, very sweet.
You know he has an older sibling.
- No.
- No, we didn't.
Yeah, his name is Durrell.
- How old is he? - Eleven.
You know we do prefer to try to keep siblings together.
So when do we meet Durrell? You know something? I like it.
I think we could be very happy here, don't you? Yes, George, I thought you would like it here.
Oh, I already do.
So here we are: dad and mom And you.
Can you turn the page for me? And this is Lisa.
She was your first mommy, - Your biological momy.
- And that means that you lived there.
- Yeah.
- In her belly.
For nine whole months.
How about that? Just like your new brother or sister is living in your momma's belly now.
And she loved you.
She loved you very much.
Now put a sticker?
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