Rescue Me s05e06 Episode Script


Previously on rescue me And each time, I leave- I say, "i want to find out what the story is with katy.
Where is she going to school?"blah, blah, blah.
And she doesn't call me back.
The bbc gave me a lot of, um, old footage.
It has your husband on it.
Really? I leave it.
Last time I checked, this was still America.
And I got a right to a dissenting opinion, same as you, same as you, same as any other citizen.
You're a firefighter? I know we said we weren't gonna go all the way, but I'm glad we did.
You're a very good lover.
Mikey's gonna lead him through the academy.
- Heh! - Yeah.
And then, damien's gonna become the kind of firefighter that his father always wished he would be.
Mike's an idiot.
Mike's a moron.
Ok? We found a tumor on your kidney.
I'm fairly certain it's renal cancer.
Try and use your insurance? You're as good as off the job.
I can't use the fdny insurance that I get for the treatment of the cancer that I got volunteering and cleaning up at ground zero without ending up stuck behind a desk or kicked off the job? Yeah.
Jimmy Keefe- I just, uh, was watching the news footage from 9/11, and I saw him.
Turn off the television and get yourself to a meeting right now.
We all know where this ends if you don't.
- Good meeting so far, huh? - Oh, yeah.
Uh, I wish I had this one recorded, actually, so I could play it back in the car like one of those books on tape.
I mean, it's depressing, mick.
You know? The homeless guy with no teeth? The vietnam vet in the corner? I mean, what did he say? He drank 12 budweisers and 3 fifths in 2 hours with one arm? I mean, that's hall of fame shit.
That guy should still be out there drinking, not sitting in some church hall listening to pussies like me.
You know? So, what do you want to do? You want to, uh, keep drinking? Yeah.
I do, as a matter of fact.
I want you to tie one arm behind my back.
I think I could break the vietnam vet's record.
I mean I don't know.
Mick, i- I've just been coming out of these meetings not wanting to drink, and instead, it's having a reverse effect.
I feel like starting all over again.
- Hey, derek! - Don't call him over.
I think Tom here needs a little, uh, positive reinforcement.
- You got the thing? - What thing? Yeah.
I got it, pally.
Hold on a second.
Listen, I didn't want to do this inside in front of everybody, 'cause I knew you'd get all pissy.
But it is a major milestone, and I thought it should be celebrated, and I thought it would be appropriate if your sponsor here made the presentation.
What? Your one-year chip.
You've been sober a whole 12 months.
Congratulations, Tommy.
- I'm proud of you, cousin.
- You were keeping track? I- I can't take it.
You keep it.
I can't keep it.
I want to get my own someday, after I earned it.
This belongs to you.
I don't even take medals at work.
I'm not gonna take it for - Staying off the juice for a year- - just take it.
Just take it.
Stick it in your pocket.
It'll be a constant reminder of what you've achieved and what you hope to keep achieving.
The only way this thing's gonna keep me from drinking is if I jam it in my windpipe.
Let's be honest.
You know what? You don't want to take it for you? Take it for him.
All right.
You happy? Now I got more shit to carry around with me.
See that? I told you he'd be thrilled.
Let's go.
All right.
I gotta call the firehouse.
I'll be in there in a sec.
Hey, you've been really inspirational to me, Tommy.
Thank you- yeah.
It's nice, right? You scared the shit out of me.
Now it's all scratched up.
Maybe you'd be safer carrying it in your windpipe.
Come on.
Proudly Presents Season 5 Episode 06 Hey.
Good morning.
So I assume you're here to apologize? For what? The list of "for what"s would be so long, I don't even want to get into that.
Let's just stick with current events, ok? For taking my daughter to a private school upstate, not asking my permission, - that you forged my signature- - ok, Tommy, Tommy, I came here to talk about katy.
But I am not going to apologize.
Come here.
Come here.
Ok, Tommy, no one is here.
- Ok? - All right.
Look, she's in their school play.
She's one of the leads, actually.
She feels so bad about lying to you.
Really? That's funny.
If she felt bad about lying, I would actually want to request a A DNA test, because that would somehow I need proof that she was a gavin.
You know? Maybe I'm not the father.
Oh, if only you weren't.
That's great.
That's really great.
Look, Tommy, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean for it to go this way.
- I'm sick of that bullshit.
- Oh, you're sick of it? What would you do, if you had a do-over, huh? Wouldn't that be nice, if we could all just go back in time and end up with somebody else, huh? Who would you pick? - Brian keegan? - Oh, god.
His uncle with the supermarkets? I bet you he's rolling in it now.
Or tony franzoli? I'm sure you know about him, how he's worth about 40 mil now 'cause he's got his own law firm? - Yeah, and Tommy, who'd you have ended up with, huh? - I don't know- shh! Maybe you'd be with your cousin's wife, huh? Oh, that's right.
You did that already.
You think I don't know about you and franzoli? Huh? I know all about you and franzoli down at the beach that night.
Maggie was there.
She saw every goddamn thing.
What- I know You were screwing around with him at the beach.
- You want to know what, Tommy? - What? You're right.
I did.
I went down on him.
- And his cock was bigger than yours.
- Shut up! - Stop it.
- What's going on over there? What? You all right? Yeah.
Oh, my god, Tommy.
Ohh, shit.
You think that I sent her away? - You really think that? - Here.
Tommy, she couldn't wait to get away.
After everything that she's seen with this family, everything we've put her through? Yeah.
She begged me, Tommy- begged me to go to that school.
Did I want her to go away? No.
Am I glad that she did? Yeah.
'Cause she's happy again.
She's smiling again, Tommy, and the light is behind her eyes again.
So, it's a big deal that she wants us to go to this play.
All right.
All right.
All right.
- It's a gesture- - when? When? Next weekend.
Who's gonna go? Me, you, and dwight? I'll sit in the backseat and watch you fondle his piss bag.
Well, dwight is invited, but he thinks it would be easier for katy if you and I just went alone.
- Dwight said that? - Yeah.
That's awful nice of him.
Must have found a bottle of percocet laying around the house.
Next weekend.
You guys all right? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
I don't mean to interrupt, but, uh, I just need Tommy.
- Ok.
- Ok, uh, we're done.
- Do I look ok? - Yeah.
You're fine.
- Thanks.
- Ok.
What's up? You guys fightin' or feelin' each other up? A little bit of both.
Come on.
What the hell is that? - You tell me.
- Oh, I sure as shit will.
I pulled it off the goddamn internet last night.
That's some asshole's 9/11 conspiracy blog.
What the hell you doing looking at that garbage? Purely shits and giggles, lou.
Only last night, I'm not laughing.
Of course, I see your pretty little face staring back at me- - fireman rivera of the FDNY.
- Nice going, Franc.
Hey, look, it's not a big deal, ok? I went to a rally at foley square- just as an interested citizen.
It's not like I was running around telling everybody I'm a firefighter, ok? Then how the hell did they find out? You're full of shit, Franc.
Hey, look, you got a problem with what I say, what I do while I'm on the clock, it's fine.
You talk, I'll listen.
But when I'm not here, what I do, who I talk to, what I think, it's none of your goddamn business, ok? And who the hell you think you're talking to now, cowboy? Watch your goddamn tone with me.
All right, look.
So, we lost all those brothers that day, I can't ask a goddamn question? I can't take a closer look at that joke called the official report? Look, Franc and I talked about this 'cause I was mad about it, too.
But, you know, it's a free country.
He can think what he wants to think.
Thank you.
This is shaky ground you're standing on.
Now you got him sticking up for you.
- Feel good? - Are you smarter than a fifth-grader? Oh, boy.
That's twice.
All right, look.
You guys are all happy with your heads buried in the sand.
You're willfully ignorant.
- Franco, come on.
- That's fine.
I'm- willfully ignorant.
- There's a difference.
- You know what? Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Let me just remind you of something, ok? You've been talking about this conspiracy bullshit for a while now.
And I really don't mind if he does it here in the house, ok? But you start to carry it outside the house, I want you to remember one thing.
You represent 62 truck wherever you go, ok? As soon as you leave this house, you're a member of 62 truck.
Just rember that.
So, when you're hanging out with your conspiracy bullshit buddies- whether you're going on one of these goddamn rallies, whatever the hell you want to call it- you're still a member of 62 truck, not to mention the fdny, all right, asshole? - Ok, tom, this conspiracy bullshit, as you call it- - yeah? It's not just propped up by a bunch of crackpots and cranks, ok? - Oh, really? - No.
- There's united states congressmen- - oh! Guys, enough! What the hell's the matter with you guys? You're gonna argue about this? This is what you're gonna argue about? Really? It happened, all right? It's over.
Get over it! There's other shit going on in the world! People are dying every day.
All right? Get your head out of your asses, you assholes.
Holy shit.
- Hi.
- Hey.
How was your day? Well, you know, a couple of car accidents, a couple of false alarms, a fat guy stuck in an elevator- typical glitz and glamour of the job.
How about you? What do I need to do to get you to share your experience about that day? Tell you what.
Why don't you - Just leave a blank page somewhere in- - ohh.
In the middle of the book as, you know, in honor of me.
I just want to go to ground zero with you.
I want To hear your perspective and how you feel and- yeah.
Uh I heard you Talked to Sheila.
Yeah, I did.
Great interview.
Unique take.
Now, did you- you ran into her here? The firehouse? Yeah- I saw after she saw the footage of her husband outside the tower, and then we met.
So, did you have multiple copies of the footage- or is that the same stuff you showed to, uh, to Lou? It's the same I gave lou.
Are we going tomorrow, or what? Yes.
Thank you.
All right.
I just don't see the problem, you know? I mean, most guys would go nuts over a girl who knows all that kind of special stuff in bed.
Me, I used to buy magazines that had articles about new positions and stuff, leave 'em open, lying around the house, hoping my wife would read 'em.
And? She'd roll 'em up and hit me over the head with 'em.
But this goes beyond special.
This shit ain't even in the magazines, yo.
All right? I- it's not even in the kama sutra, the positions that we're doing.
There's ice and peanut butter, whipped cream, marshmallows- all right, hold on, hold on.
Now you got me all confused.
I don't know whether I'm horny or hungry.
- And then there's the biting.
- Biting where? - Jesus christ.
- Yeah.
It's not right when the man in the relationship knows less in the sack than his lady does.
I gotta get out of this.
Well, what are you gonna do about the father? Shit! Right.
How do I tell Tommy his daughter's a slut? By phone, from another state, in a room with no windows that open to the street.
And you know he's still gonna find you.
So, you've had a few days to digest the diagnosis.
How you doing? Are the painkillers working? Um, I guess.
I don't take them that much, 'cause of work.
But- oh, I cried a couple of times.
That was weird.
But nobody saw me, so it's ok.
Pretty much, the whole thing blows, if you ask me.
So What are my options at this point? Are we thinking about the whole chemo thing, or- - uh, probably not.
- Ok.
Kidney cancers, by and large, are resistant to chemotherapy- same with radiation therapy.
- We could try immunotherapy.
- Oh, hey.
That sounds cool.
What's that? Well, we use some pretty serious drugs to boost your body's immune system.
You're young.
You're in good shape.
You could probably handle the side effects.
What are those? Oh, jeez.
Let me think.
Um, extreme exhaustion, low blood pressure, uh Liquid buildup in the lungs, difficulty breathing, renal damage, heart attack - Jesus.
- Intestinal bleeding, diarrhea, uh, high fever and chills, rapid heartbeat, mental changes.
Uh, mental changes? Oh.
So, I could You know, like, it could make me smarter? I think surgery is the way to go, Sean.
I go in.
I remove the whole kidney- it's not too invasive- and the attached renal gland, as well as the fatty tissue around the kidney.
Well, sweet.
I get to lose a few Ibs out of the deal.
That's great.
- Ok.
Well, then, I just have one final question- - and I can answer that question.
Most people are perfectly fine living their lives with only one kidney.
Yeah, no.
I was just gonna ask, you know, how much is it to pop the kidney out? Well, you're insured through the fire department, right? I mean, you'd better be, or I'm gonna ask you to leave right now.
Ah, come on.
That's funny.
Oh, you were- yeah, that's very funny.
I, uh, yeah.
No, see, I can't use my insurance company.
I don't want the fire department to know what's going on.
But, you know, it's my health, so it doesn't matter.
Whatever the cost, I'm good for it.
Well, it's about $12, 000.
Holy shit.
Really? Holy shit.
That's Ok.
Well, then how much for the other thing? You know, the renal damage, fluid buildup, heart attack, you know, make me smarter thing? Yeah, you're right.
The The other one's probably better.
Hey, place looks great, huh? Yeah.
What did you do? Yeah.
Well, I got a new, uh, stacking technique.
- Ah, stacking.
- Yeah.
But look what I found.
This little table over here, I figure we could actually, you know, eat off of it, or we could break it apart and use the legs to kill some of the bigger bugs.
- Oh, and there's pizza.
- Oh, good, 'cause I'm starving.
These bugs are big- and organized.
Let me ask you something.
The bugs, did they, uh, ahem.
They didn't, uh, take that 9/11 footage, did you had, did they? No, it's around here somewhere.
You know, the 9/11 footage that had Jimmy Keefe in it? You got something to say, tom? - Huh? - You got something to say? - Me? - Yeah.
Well I've known you a long time, lou.
And you know I love you Blah, blah, blah.
But I gotta say, in all the years I've known you, y- you've pulled some pretty low-rent moves, and most of them are pretty goddamn funny.
But I don't think you've ever been as low-rent As this latest move that you pulled- using footage from 9/11 to try to bait and hook a chick that you haven't the slightest shot with.
That's- that's pretty unbelievable.
So, you're saying I don't have a shot at Genevieve? Oh, you don't have a prayer.
You don't have a- you don't even have a whisper of a wish with that broad.
I mean, let's think about this, ok? This broad comes from France.
She's a journalist.
She travels around the world.
Ok? So, she's- French guys are a given, British- I mean, name a country.
But she comes to America.
And the guy that she's gonna pick to hang around with is you? Uh, let me get this straight.
Right? Ok? An overweight divorced middle-aged fireman.
- That's who she's gonna pick? - Yeah, maybe.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
'Cause you're forgetting something very important.
Oh, yeah, yeah, I forgot that.
I forgot the fact that you're almost- you're living like a homeless person.
Yeah, bring her over here.
This will impress the shit out of her! See, what you're forgetting, my little fizzle-dicked friend, ok, is this.
- She's a writer.
- Oh! - I'm a writer.
- I forgot about the writer! That's right.
Of course.
She's a writer, and you're a writer.
And she's been published, but, of course, you haven't.
You know what? Keep it up, Tommy.
- Keep it up, Tommy- - yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Or you're gonna be wearing these goddamn table legs.
Oh, physical violence.
- Yeah, the threat of.
- The threat of.
- Yeah.
It just happened.
- Oh, I get it.
All right.
All right.
Just try to imagine, ok, her point of view on this.
She walks into our goddamn firehouse- Ok? And here's her options- - franco, ok? - Yeah.
- Franco and then- - here it comes.
- What? - Here it- the inevitable.
- What? - The inevitable- that it's all gonna end up with you.
I wasn't gonna talk about me! I was gonna talk about everybody else but me.
- Yeah.
- Ok? And you.
- Sure.
- Yeah.
All right.
Lou, let's talk about me.
Ok, she's hit on me twice already- twice.
I can't speak for franco.
Me, twice, ok? - Has she hit on you? - Yeah.
I'm not gonna answer that.
- She hasn't hit on you.
- I'm not gonna answer that.
She's never gonna hit on you.
Ok? And yet, you- she's hit on you- and yet, you haven't banged her yet, Tommy.
- No, that's right- - let me try to figure this out.
How could this possibly happen? How could Tommy gavin, the 6-foot-3- velcro penis that you are- not have banged a woman so far? - Because I am trying something different with her.
- You want to know what it is, Tommy? 'Cause you're intimidated by her.
- I'm not intimidated- - she's got a brain in her skull.
And she's intelligent.
And she's sophisticated.
And she's urbane.
- And you don't know what the hell to do with her.
- Urbane? Yeah.
Or option "b, " tom, which is that - What? - Maybe your dick ain't working again? I'm just spitballing.
Let's get even more low-rent, ok? - My dick works fine, ok? - Yeah.
- Didn't you just accuse me of cockblocking you? - I did.
Yeah, yeah.
I don't need to cockblock you.
You know why? Go take a look in the mirror.
You're a goddamn cockblock on your own! Ok.
So, what you're telling me is- my best friend- is that not in a million years would this girl ever think about- - never.
Never! - Taking me to bed, right? - The reptilian, repugnant creature that I am? - Your words- rep- whatever- is that what it is? Reptilian, yeah- your words.
The word I was gonna use was fool.
- You're a goddamn fool! - I have been a goddamn fool, because all these years, tom, I thought that we were friends.
- And we're not.
- Oh, yeah.
- Here with the friend speech- - yeah.
- And you want to know something? - The self-pity speech.
- I'm not your friend.
- No- you got no friends.
Do you wanna know what I am, tom? I'm a little overweight satellite orbiting around the planet Tommy in the universe of gavin.
I'm the idiot who coddles you when you're cranky and recounts past glories when you're down And makes excuses and apologies for you when you shit all over everybody! And you behave like the miserable, selfish prick that you are.
And you know what? All of this time, I thought that maybe there was gonna be something for me at the end, after all these years of servitude.
And that makes me a bigger asshole than you, and I didn't think that was possible.
So, you know what? I'm going out, because it's starting to stink in here.
Hey, don't forget to get some orange juice while you're out there orbiting around! Fat-ass! What was the deal with you? Hey.
Down in the basement, just wandering off like that- since when? I wasn't wandering.
I was doing a sweep with lou.
Oh, really? Well, somebody should tell the king of all douchebags that that's not standard operating procedure.
It's not standard operating procedure, mikey.
The king of all douchebags up front, asshole.
Please inform the shit of all shits that I cleared that decision with the chief and that he should just mind his own goddamn business.
Oh, ok.
Well, somebody want to tell the turdmaster general that the chief received an unclear radio transmission from the aforementioned turdmaster.
Therefore, the whole thing was not ok.
Who's the turdmaster? Who do you think the turdmaster is? I- I thought he was the king of all douchebags.
No, I fell in love with a commoner, and I had to abdicate my crown- which, in this case, was actually a douchebag with the word "crown" written on it.
Ask the grand sphincter if he thought that was funny.
You think that was funny? You think I'm the grand sphincter? Uh, I don't know.
I just assumed- what about me says "sphincter" to you? Huh? Uh-uh!Uh! Shut up.
Two of yous.
Just for that, you know what? From now on, you're the, uh Prince of anal leakage.
That's who you are.
All right.
Well, somebody inform the duke of taint that the prince of anal leakage is a friend of the court of the king of the douchebags.
And he should just lay off.
I thought you abdicated the crown.
- Are you talkin' to me? - No.
Don't talk.
Don't say anything.
I can say whatever I want.
'Cause you know what? See these 2 helmets? No, I can't.
I'm looking this way.
All right, ok.
Well, these 2 helmets here divide the back kingdom from the front kingdom, and I'm the king of the back kingdom.
Well, I'm the king of the front kingdom, and I can hear you talking in the front kingdom, - so just shut the hell up.
- You shut up.
You two gotta stop livin' together.
That was hot, boys.
That was very, uh- - hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Hey.
Where's fireman franco at? He's right here.
Who's looking for him? - Yeah.
- Hey, what's goin' on? - That's the guy.
- We wanna talk to you, asshole.
Aren't you, uh, Harris from the Bronx? Brooklyn.
Stay out of this, blondie.
Call me blond- he called me blondie.
Come here.
What the hell's goin' on down here, guys, huh? What the hell? Maybe you fairies got no problem with this asshole going around pissing on the memories of our brothers.
All right.
You know what? In this particular circumstance, I may agree with you that he's an asshole.
Ok? But he's also our asshole.
Now, let's think for a second.
If we get involved in a little jam up here, we're all gonna get written up, huh? Somebody gets hurt, whatever, we have to fill out paperwork.
We got headquarters on top- you know, it's the new fdny- We're all held accountable.
So, why don't we just relax? We'll talk to him.
I guarantee you that this is done with.
All right? Truce? - Yeah.
- All right.
Watch your mouth.
Let's go, bitch.
Yeah, hit the bricks, blondie.
- Hey, hey.
- Yeah.
I know tae kwon do, son.
Don't make me unleash the master bruce lee jackie chan shit on you, son.
- Shawn- - I'll get you up and, hyah! Shawn? All right, all right, all right.
Hey! Break it up! Garrity! Get that goddamn door down.
That's enough! Christ.
I said enough! What the hell is going on here? Somebody better start talking to me! Just a little misunderstanding, chief, that got out of hand.
Ok? You know you got a guy talking shit about 9/11 over here? See what happens? My guys, in the kitchen now!And the rest of you- come on, get in the kitchen.
What's the matter with you guys? Jesus.
Yeah, I'll be in the kitchen.
The rest of you, I see you within 10 feet of this place, I make one phone call, I get you busted back to probie school.
You understand me? Get out of my house.
- It's not over! - Jesus.
That's the way you're gonna end it? - Asshole.
- Move.
You're good, man.
Smacked him like crazy.
That's- see, that's what I do.
What was that? I mean, what the hell was that? Barely got off the rig, they jumped us.
Like, 12, 13 guys.
They came for Franc.
We had to get his back.
Hard to imagine.
You happy with the public relations job you're doing here, champ? Because I think it sucks.
- And now the rest of you shitheads- - hey, what would- I mean, you know, we had to respond.
You got a problem with us standing up for one of our own? They threw the first punch, chief.
Here's my problem.
I'm never gonna walk into my house and see the third period at a ranger game going on with the goddamn bay door wide open so the whole goddamn neighborhood can see! You know, maybe you idiots haven't heard.
They got this new thing out- cameras in phones.
Everybody's got one.
What do you want to bet I'm fielding calls from thepost before the day is out? And then headquarters right on their tail? And that's not even the goddamn issue here.
You got no goddamn respect for me, do you? - Oh, come on.
- Of course we do, chief.
That's not true, chief.
We respect you.
I'm not a real chief, right? Not at all.
That's not what- we're gonna get this out on the table right now, 'cause I know that's what everybody's thinking.
I only got bumped up because we lost so many experienced guys at 9/11 or to retirement right after that.
Ok, what am I, some kind of idiot? You don't think I don't know that? And you don't think I wasn't pissing myself coming in here as the boss? Fine.
Maybe it's my fault.
I figure, "oh, ok, I'll come in as your pal instead of the guy in charge.
Maybe then, you won't notice me crapping in my pants.
" I don't give a shit if it's my fault or not.
It stops now.
The next time I give you assholes an order, you better goddamn obey it.
Maybe you're just blowing this whole thing a little out of proportion.
- Chief.
- Chief.
You think, Lou? You think feinberg comes in here 5 minutes ago, sees that mess on my floor, sees me totally incapable of stopping it? Hell, I'd get bounced right out of the department.
Maybe you gotta be a real asshole to be a good chief.
Well, I guess we're gonna find that out.
- Sorry, Franc.
- Way to go, Franc.
You got anything to add, tom? Nope.
You might want to have some of your conspiracy buff friends come down and, uh Walk you to your car when you're done with work tonight.
Silletti, what are you doing? Going to the gym? No, dude.
I'm going to the bar.
I gotta go hide this cash, bro.
What cash? Uh, the cash from the bar, the profits.
Dude, I got, like, 24 grand in here.
But wait a second.
If this is profit, how much of it's mine? - None.
- Bullshit, bro.
If that's profit, some of it's mine.
No, dude.
Franc said we can't touch it for, like, almost a year, dude.
We gotta buy new booze and then pay the bills.
And we need money to bribe that guy from the state.
So, I'm gonna- I'm gonna go hide this in the office.
You know what, though? I got a better idea.
Why don't you give it to me? I'll hide it.
No, no, I got it.
No, come on, dude.
You know how you are.
You're gonna be at a bar drunk one night talking to some chick.
There will be a pause in the conversation.
You'll be like, "hey, you know what? I happen to have a huge bag of cash hidden in the office.
Want to come see?" - come on, dude.
I'm- - mike Yeah.
Dude, you're really smart sometimes, dude.
"sometimes, " he says.
Hey, Sheila.
How's it going? Franco.
Pretty good.
Yeah? I hear, uh, damien's starting up probie school.
That's cool, huh? Yeah, yeah.
We pulled a couple of strings and got him in late to the new class.
I mean, he's missed a couple of weeks, but mikey's gonna keep him all caught up.
Oh, yeah? Mikey's gonna help out, huh? That's something you don't hear too often, as in ever.
So, uh, ahem.
What's with this website thing you're on? - You heard about that, huh? - Yeah.
One of the other widows, she keeps track of the blogs.
Well, you know, I've done a lot of reading.
- I can tell you some stuff.
- I don't want to know.
- There were bombs in those buildings.
- I don't want to know.
I'm just asking questions, ok? You know, not out of fear, not out of disrespect, but because I can.
And look, this country was founded on dissent.
And I realize these days, that's called being unpatriotic, but- oh.
I could give a shit about you being unpatriotic.
Just Do me one favor.
What? What do you want me to do? Don't turn my husband's death into a hobby.
That's the deutsche bank building.
It's still eating firemen.
You know, we see these people coming and going.
They do this all day, every day.
They don't really give a shit anymore about it.
And the truth is, when the twin towers were standing, they looked like shit.
Everybody forgets that now.
They used to have magazine articles every couple of years about how ugly they were, how they loomed over the rest of manhattan.
Come on.
I'm gonna show you a different view.
And my cut, let's see Shit.
Uh, hello? Yeah.
Somebody in there? Uh, oh, hey, Franc.
Uh, what's going on, man? What's going on is, I need my keys.
What are you doing? Uh, uh, nothin'.
I'll be out in a sec.
I'm just- I'm just, um, I'm jerkin' off.
I- you're jerkin' off? Yep.
And I'm almost done, so just hang on one sec.
Oh, yeah.
Dude, seriously, I need my keys right now.
Ohh! Work it, daddy.
Ooh, yeah.
Work it out.
Work it out.
She's gonna blow! Hey, bro.
Here's your keys.
Thank you.
Cleanup on aisle 5.
This is my business partner.
- Thank you.
- Here you go.
Uh, you're drinking? No.
It's a little, uh, trick I learned from my sponsor.
It's, um- I don't drink it.
I just order a drink, and I let it sit.
Uh, it works, actually.
Just the fumes alone remind me of a place i Don't want to go to.
Are you haunted, Tommy? What's that supposed to mean? So, um, how many times have you been visited by your cousin? What do you want me to say? - The truth? - You know I'm sure you've heard every, uh Angle from talking to people in the firehouse about this.
But I'll run it down for you, what really happened, ok? Coming down here that day, everybody knew Uh, you know, this was Something extraordinary.
It wasn't a normal run-of-the-mill call, obviously.
I think some of the young guys, when we got in the lobby of the first tower, they probably thought they were getting their death sentence- not necessarily true.
Some of the older guys like myself, we were looking at it like, "this is a big call, but it's a call.
" we were sent up.
Jimmy started to go.
This lady's purse spilled- instinct, I reacted, one of the other guys picking stuff up off the floor, helping her.
I was a little bit late.
I caught up to jimmy.
We came down, a couple of grabs.
He had 2.
I had one.
And he was joking with me how, you know, he was making me look bad again.
We handed them off.
And, uh, you know, then I kind of lost track of him.
I don't, uh, really have any regrets.
I mean, I don't live my life that way.
I'm not a "shoulda, woulda, coulda" kind of guy.
And I thought he, uh, went in the first tower.
And I was ok with that.
Everybody talks about, uh That day.
Nobody talks about what it was, which was the single greatest rescue mission in the history of the goddamn fire service.
That's how I look at it-3, 000 people dead.
But you know what? Shoulda, woulda, coulda- I mean, think about the numbers that would have been if we hadn't have done the job we did that day.
I was fine with it.
When you came up with this footage and this idea, this proof that he actually went into the second tower That's a little different.
That's, you know If I had known, you know, where he was, I could have Gone in.
Maybe I would have Been able to grab him.
You know, if we had an extra 45 minutes that day, I think we could have gotten everybody out.
So, it just makes me, you know Whatever.
Either I could have gotten him out, or we Both would have been in there.
Either way, you know We would be together, uh, right now.
You know? Sometimes, uh, when I'm falling asleep at night, I have this weird thing.
I think I'm him, and I'm inside the first tower, and it's coming down on top of me, and it's like the last few seconds, and then it goes black.
And that's- I think it's a normal thing for people who lose somebody in an accident of any kind, is just wondering what the last few seconds were like.
My wife, uh, says that makes me a narcissist.
This coming from a woman who can't walk by a storefront window without looking at her own ass.
What if You never see him again? Yeah.
Let's go.
It's tough, dude.
They told me I gotta cut my hair off.
And all the guys in my class- they're bigger than me, they can press more than me, they can carry more gear.
Hey, no worries, buddy.
You know? You just gotta bulk up.
I got this killer protein shake that totally kicks ass for packing on the Ibs.
- Yeah? You gotta get me that.
- I'm on it.
And, uh, hey, how about a real drink? As in, booze? I don't think you're old enough to be drinking, d.
Who cares? You own the place.
Come on.
Hook a brother up with a long island iced tea.
Who's gonna know? I will.
Besides, I told your mom I'm watching out for you.
I'm not gonna send you to school in the morning all hung over and shit.
You know, you're already playing catch-up as it is, dam.
I can handle one drink.
I'll tell you what.
You don't even have to give me the good stuff.
Give me the shit.
That's all we serve, is shit, and that's a no.
- Hey, douchebag.
- Hey.
No, not you, d.
You know, I just got done counting the money before.
It's 21, 000 in change, mike.
You gotta get your head out of your ass.
No, it's not, dude.
It's 24, 000.
I counted it, like, 5 times.
Well, then, you counted it wrong 5 times, mike.
It's 21, 000 in change.
- Shitballs.
- Yeah.
Well, listen, dude.
Don't tell Franc, 'cause then he'll think I'm, like, skimming or something.
This one time I'm not gonna tell frank, ok? If it happens again, you're on your own, mike.
You know what I'm gonna get you? One of those little counting thingies- a habiscus.
You mean abacus? You know, maybe you want to drink because something doesn't sit well with you- your cousin, what happened that day.
I mean, I try to keep a handle on it, you know? Well, maybe you should open up about it, be vulnerable.
It's attractive.
But it's not like a bartering chip that I use to pick up chicks with.
It's- you know, that was like the beginning of world war iii for us.
So Yeah.
That is unattractive.
What? Well, the part where you go from how you feel to world war iii.
But that- that is how I feel.
Well, you know, 9/11 was a tragedy.
To most of the world, it was a tragedy.
But to Americans, it was the beginning of the end of the world.
- What's your point? - Well, you know, France warned the u.
Government because of their experience with algeria And then told them that maybe this was not a good idea.
And they didn't want to send their people to die.
Listen, i- I don't get why you want to do a book about 9/11 if this is your take on America.
Because it's an amazing story.
It's a story about how so many people in the world came to support America and its people, to say, "hey, you know what? You've done so much to help us and to support us, we want to give back to you.
" but what did your government do with all that goodwill? Hell, you went right back to war.
You started 2 new wars.
In the name of what? Revenge? All right, hang on.
First of all I don't know shit about no algerians.
Ok? Second of all Yeah.
I wanted revenge.
I wanted revenge for my cousin.
I wanted revenge for my country.
I wanted revenge for the 50 other guys I knew that day that got buried under that shit.
How am I supposed to feel? I wanted blood.
I wanted it in, like, a week.
So I'll be honest with you.
I- i Basically feel the same right now.
So, shoot me.
Every goddamn war is about revenge.
And the French don't believe in guns.
Or soap.
Great cliche.

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