Friday Night Lights s05e07 Episode Script

Perfect Record

I was messing around with this T.
who is married.
We're gonna get you a scholarship to any school you want to go to in this country.
And you two can stay here and screw like bunnies and use protection.
Anyone comes to you opening their mouth about anything, I don't care what it is, you come to me first.
You got two days to come up with my money.
I'm gonna take care of it.
You know that he was in prison, right? Aggravated assault He was a drug dealer.
Aggravated assault and drug dealing, huh? Ready! Set! Hut, hut! Y'all punch this in, you go home! Yeah! Good work, fellas! Good work.
Hey, uh, coach.
Hey, uh, excuse me.
You know Baylor's staffing up for their football camp this summer, - Um, and I've got - Baylor? Yeah, Baylor.
I've gotten really good at, like, washing towels and fixing things around here.
Um, can you give me a recommendation letter? Recommendation Um, well, all right.
Well, write something up and put it on my desk.
Well, but, coach, - I can't recommend myself.
- Sure, you can.
You're asking me.
I'm telling you.
- You sure? - Yes.
That's legal? O-okay.
Hey, coach, great practice! Hey, is there an outlet? You got an outlet around here? Buddy, what the hell are you doing? We got to hook up a bunch of stuff.
- You got an outlet out here? - An outlet? Well, we're gonna keep watch.
It's rivalry week.
We're not gonna have any Dillon Panthers coming out here messing up your field, I guarantee you that right now.
You come out here and join us.
Come on, we're gonna have a cold one.
- Got your name on it.
- We'll be out here all night.
Colonel, what you planning to do with that shotgun? Nobody's gonna mess with this field, coach.
The safety's on.
I still got the bullets in my pocket.
Take the gun away from him.
All right, all right, don't worry.
I'm not kidding.
Take that thing away from him.
All right, it'll be safe.
We're gonna get that oil rig trophy again, baby.
All right, guys, let's get that charcoal ready.
I'm hungry.
How you doing? Sorry I'm late.
- Lookin' good.
- Hey.
- You're lookin' good.
- Thank you, thank you.
Good to see you.
It's good to see you too.
- There he is.
- That's Noah.
Look at him.
He's a big football fan already.
I got a little Panthers football I have him throwing around.
Loose spiral, but he's working on it.
I'll be damned.
I'm teaching him everything you taught me, yeah.
Here, it's got a little spit-up on it.
Gracie got that on there, but you can clean it up.
Coach, I really appreciate the gesture.
I just I do got to tell you that streets look better in blue.
You can go to hell.
Don't be a smart-ass.
He'll wear red.
Red's the color these days.
No, thank you very much, coach.
You know, it took some convincing to get the wife to have him in the first place, but now that we do, she can't wait to have another one.
I didn't know that you made it legal.
Sure did.
- You got married.
- I did.
You got married, and you don't tell me about it.
Coach, I didn't want to tell you over the phone.
I could've saved you the trouble, if you asked me whether you should get married or not.
How am I supposed to send something if I don't know you're married? I'm sorry I didn't call.
I've been super busy.
- I'm very happy for you.
- I've been busy because I got I also got a promotion this year.
I'm a big-time, full-fledged agent now.
You can take that, that's yours.
This the firm Frank Sharp's at? - It is.
- Aero.
Not too bad, though, huh? One of your former proteges.
Hey, you did good.
You know, uh, people are talking about you.
There's a lot of heat.
- We haven't even looked yet.
- Five minutes, please.
I'm sorry.
I get a phone call today about you.
They know I know you.
Colleges are interested in you.
So I just got to I just got to ask.
College consideration for you again or? I couldn't be happier where I am right now.
Got an undefeated team.
Family's doing good.
The wife is happy.
We almost got the daughter out of the house.
Got the other daughter coming up.
I've got a hell of a team.
I love the school I'm at.
Things are good.
I have no interest right now.
All right.
- But I appreciate it.
- All right.
Yeah, but how am I supposed to write a letter recommending myself? I mean, you talk about yourself enough.
- You should know.
- Shut up.
Well, I'm your girlfriend.
You should be able to brag about me more than anybody else.
You want me to write your letter? I want you to write it.
I think you'd be good to write it.
Hey, hey, hey.
Oh, Sookie, Sookie.
Oh, there they are, there they are.
The king and queen of East Dillon High.
What up? How you doing, Jess? - I'm good.
- Son, I got something for you.
Yeah, he just moved back in.
- He he moved in? - I got something for you.
Why is he all excited? 'Cause I'm bearing gifts, son.
I'm bearing gifts.
I didn't come empty-handed.
Look here.
- Oh.
- Wow.
Yeah, brand-spanking-new, not a mark on 'em.
Yo, pop, where'd you get these from? Well, you know, from a friend who wants you to look sharp.
Look, I got something for you too, Jess.
Wait, wait, wait.
Where'd you get all this stuff? It says "T.
" on it.
Yeah, T.
Wait, is it from someone who's from T.
? From not from T.
, a friend of T.
- Man.
- Oh.
'Cause I think my boy about to get a scholarship, huh? Pop, these are fly right here, but, um I can't take 'em.
You know, coach would be upset with the whole recruiting thing.
He's not gonna like that too much, so I can't.
All right, man.
Jess, you staying for dinner, hon? - Yea Uh, yeah, I'd love to.
- All right.
You don't want no free stuff, man.
It's up to you.
Yeah, I mean, these are dope.
'Cause we gonna have us a celebration.
Hey, he's moving in, permanent? Yeah.
Look at my mom.
She's never been happier.
I'm happy.
And he took care of our problem.
Yeah, I mean It doesn't matter how, Jess.
He did.
He's been showing improvement ever since he got out.
All right? All right, come on.
- Y'all ready to eat? Let's go.
- Pork chops.
Hey, colonel, did you ever load that gun? Not yet, buddy.
I'm getting ready to.
I hope we don't have to load it.
Hey, don't be getting that all over It's rivalry week.
We were expecting fireworks, but this is really gonna throw some fuel on the fire.
The name of the website is lionhater.
I don't know where all this stuff came from, but all I can say is turns out 6-0 isn't East Dillon's only record.
Tell you all about it after a quick break.
- What the heck is that? - I don't know what that is.
Anybody got a laptop? Deacon, you can't get no Internet out here.
Where you going, buddy? Hey, buddy, how you doing? Sammy Meade.
Turn on Sammy Meade.
Here, listen to this.
Can you hear this? And according to this website, some of these Lion players have quite a background Aggravated assault, sale of a controlled substance.
Looks like quarterback Vince Howard doesn't just evade defenses either.
He's got two resisting arrests, and that's on top of a theft charge.
Those of you wondering how coach Taylor turned his program around so fast have got your answer.
He's got a football team full of violent criminals.
Busted! This is unbelievable.
What are you worried about, choir boy? You're not even in it.
My thing is how'd they get our records? Supposed to be under lock and key, under wraps, you know? Yeah, well, somebody leaked it, I guess.
I'll tell you who leaked it.
It was those damn Panthers.
Dang, Tink, why were you breaking into a pawn shop? Dude, it wasn't even my idea.
It was my cousin's.
This ain't right.
It's messed up.
"And her dress was stuck in her backside, "so I plucked it out for her.
She turned around, punched me in my eye.
" He said, "well, how'd you get the other black eye, then?" The kid says, "well, when she turned around, I stuffed it back in there for her.
" Hey, good morning, coach.
Just wanted to ask a simple question.
Who is it that, uh, released the records of the players online? We're all as shocked as you are, coach.
Y'all realize, those are just kids.
I agree, coach, and I'm here to personally assure you Who released the records, Randy? I'd like to help you, coach, but we don't know.
It needs to be shut down.
I know y'all can do that.
Shut it down.
Y'all want to go after someone, go after me.
Don't go after my players.
- Coach, we didn't do it.
- Mac.
Well, um, you know, it's a personal situation.
I-I think she's just having a hard time adjusting and No, no, no, no, no, no.
You know, well, I think we can handle it from here, but I just We're just real committed to her not letting this semester go, so Oh, that would be great.
I'll do that, and and I thank you so much.
All right, I'll see you then.
All right, thank you.
Did dad make a tofu scramble? No, there's cereal.
Cereal, great.
Excuse me.
What are you doing today? Um Just answering a few emails and just doing some stuff.
Well, I'd like for you to take Gracie to school this morning.
Why can't you take her? You always take her.
If you're gonna be here at this house, you can help out.
I'd like for you to pick her up this afternoon as well.
And while you're at it, you need to start thinking about how you're paying your father back for that car.
Put your shoes on.
You got ten minutes.
And could you clear that table, please? Yep, I'm on it.
- I'm telling you - No energy today.
Their minds are anywhere but here right now.
Everybody come in here.
Everybody up, let's go.
Everyone settle in over here.
I want to have a word with you.
Information released on that website was personal.
The fact that that information was released was criminal.
Whoever was involved in releasing that information will be found, I promise you.
Doesn't matter who did it.
It's out there, and everybody knows, period.
You ought to be pissed.
I'm pissed.
You ought to be damn well pissed.
But there's a reason someone let that information out, and that's to get in your heads.
It's to blind you with anger, and I'm asking you I'm asking you to please not let that happen.
Here's what I'd like to do.
Today, what do you say we focus? Friday What do you say we punish? - Let's go! - Yeah! - Hell, yeah.
- Let's go.
- Everybody in agreement? - Yes, sir.
Let's do it.
Let's go.
Break it into groups and begin right now.
Let's go.
Break it out, coaches.
Let's go to work, boys.
Let's go.
How you doing? You think if the colleges see that stuff, they still gonna call? They still gonna want me? Let me tell you something.
None of this information's gonna matter.
None of that crap is gonna matter one bit.
It doesn't matter how many games we win, how many touchdowns I throw.
All they see is a bunch of thugs, coach.
Everybody thinks it, but they never say it.
Real men don't use real weights.
Real men fender bench.
- Two, three, four.
- Hey, Billy.
Yeah, one second.
Mindy wants to know what you did with Stevie's blocks.
Underneath his crib where they always are.
Hi, daddy.
Hey, Becky.
Hey, Luke.
You're lookin' good.
Really? Really? "Hey, Becky, you look real pretty.
" No, seriously, that's your game? That's, like, your go-to line? No games, I just like her.
Your wife told me to go for it.
I'm going for it.
My wife is a woman, dumbass, okay? Listen, man, she doesn't understand how men work.
Lesson number one, if you're into a chick, you can't pay any attention to her.
- What? - Trust me on this, okay? Look, how do you think I got Mrs.
Riggins? I went into the landing strip for two weeks straight, all right, and I got a lap dance from every single girl in the place except for her.
Riggins works at the landing strip? - Okay, look, point is - Like, Wednesdays or Frid No, it doesn't matter what days she works there, all right? - Right.
- Okay? The point is she was begging me, begging me to go into the champagne room with her.
- All right? - Wow.
- So ignore her.
- Just ignore her.
Hey, look, you got to let them know they can't get this.
All right, this doesn't come for free.
They got to earn this, all right? - All right.
- Yeah.
She still she still work there? Yeah, she still works there.
Like, part-time? Like, weekends, like You know what you're gonna do? - You're gonna fender bench.
- All right.
All right, fender bench.
Busted! Oh, lordy, lordy, lordy.
- Baby's asleep.
- Good.
What are you doing? I'm looking at this damn website.
It's supposed to be down.
It's still up.
Oh, honey, stop looking at it.
Well, it's supposed to be shut down.
Shh, shh, shh.
I know.
Some of this stuff's pretty harsh.
- I'm sure it is.
- I mean, tinker, holy cow.
But you know what? It doesn't matter, honey.
They're your boys.
And you're doing a great job with them.
You're changing their lives.
Don't forget that.
I know.
And all this is gonna be behind them.
Let's have a barbecue.
A barbecue? Yeah, a morale-building barbecue.
You said it.
I didn't bring it up.
- You brought it up first.
- Barbecues build morale.
- That's why you have 'em.
- You want to have a barbecue? No, seems like that's what we should do, though.
Get Julie to help out.
You know, give her something to do around here.
- That would be nice.
- Well, I agree with you.
- Let's do it just for that.
- Hello? Coach Taylor.
This is coach Taylor.
Who's this? John Aroldi, Shane State, down in Florida.
Yeah? Jason Street gave me your number.
I'm calling about an opening we have on our staff.
Well, there must have been some sort of miscommunication.
We did have that conversation, but the conversation ended with me saying that I-I was not interested in any assistant coaching jobs.
Well, I'm not offering you one.
I'm looking for a head coach, and your name is at the top of our list.
Well, uh I'm I'm pretty happy where I am right now, - to be quite honest.
- Well, I don't doubt that.
A hell of a season you're having this year, - which is why I'm calling.
- Listen, John, you sort of caught me at a bad time right now, - but I-I do appreciate - Coach, I want you to understand, I'm very serious about this, 'cause I think you're about the best damn high school football coach there is in the nation.
- Thank you for having - I'm gonna call you again.
I don't think we're done yet.
- All right, John, thanks.
- You bet.
What's going on? Look, I know you got something on your mind, son.
I feel like I'm playing with a fixed deck, pop.
I be out here early mornings, working hard for them scholarships, pop.
Just seems like overnight T.
probably just deleted my number off their phone.
Oh, 352.
What's all that? Area codes for, uh, Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma.
I've been talking to these schools all day, man.
Wait, they still want me, even after all that crap they saw on the Internet? They don't care Not since I told them, uh, T.
's gonna be offering you.
Pop, we don't know if they gonna give me an offer.
- Hey, hey.
- What? They don't know that.
But I tell you what, they all gonna be at the game on Friday night.
Wait, you got them to come see me play Friday? They're coming to see you, uh-huh, see that cannon of yours.
So look here.
Show off a 60-yard arm, win yourself a scholarship.
Think you can do that? I don't make the calls.
That's coach's job.
Remember when you was a little kid, and we went over to Carroll Park? You wanted to climb that big old tree, hmm? And I told you it was too big, didn't I? - Yeah, you did.
- Yeah.
You didn't care.
- I still went up there.
- Yep, you went.
You was lovin' every minute of it till it was time to come down.
You didn't want to come down.
I didn't think about that.
No, no, you was holding on to them branches forever, boy, scared - Crying.
- Wasn't funny, man.
Now, you remember what I said when I was standing under the tree, "Man, come on, let go.
Fall into my arms.
" "Don't worry, son.
I ain't gonna let you fall.
" Don't worry.
Son, I ain't gonna let you fall.
I ain't gonna let you fall.
Y'all, we're gonna have And it's a mess.
I need everybody to pitch in.
Jules, I'm gonna need you to go shopping today for the whole barbecue, okay? - Okay, well, make a list.
- Did you hear me? Do you have a list? Yeah, we're gonna go make a list in two seconds.
What the hell is this? The day of the barbecue, you are responsible for setting up and for your sister, - you understand me? - Right, but you're gonna watch her at the barbecue though, right? Who eats this stuff? What did I just say? You are taking care of Gracie Bell and setting up for the barbecue.
That's your responsibility.
You get me? Since when has my closet become a storage unit? Julie, if you're gonna drink juice, don't leave an inch of it left in the bottle when you stick it back in the refrigerator.
That's it, all right.
All right.
Sledgehammer, five more.
Give me five more, come on! One, two, three, four, five.
Let's go, quick feet.
Let's go, let's go.
You keep talking about scholarships.
You don't look like you want to get one right now.
There you go.
Look at that.
Go up over your head.
And down.
Stevie gets angry when you don't run hard.
That's right.
Come on, give me five more.
Let's go.
Keep it up.
Keep your legs moving.
Keep your legs moving.
Three, two, one.
All right, come drink up.
You thirsty? What the hell is that? Goodness in a glass.
Suck it down.
- It's good for you.
- Coach, that's nasty.
Just drink it, all right? I know what I'm doing here.
All right.
What are all those chunks in there? What is that? Oh, some of it didn't blend, I don't think.
That's all right.
I used to make those for my brother occasionally.
That's what got him a state championship, if I do say so myself.
And it also got him into college.
Difference between you and Tim is that Tim actually liked to hit people.
I don't get the vibe that you do.
- I do, coach.
- Well, I never seen it.
You tell me you like to hit people.
- Hell, yeah.
- Well, let me tell you about a guy named Tommy Larkins, for the Dillon Panthers.
This is him right here.
You tell me you like to hit.
Then I want you to go out on the first play of that game, and you knock that kid on his ass.
You get a bead on him, and you take him out.
You think you can do that? Hell, yeah, I can do that! Why don't you prove it to me? All right.
There we go.
There we go.
Harder! Harder! Harder! There we go, there we go, there we go! Wait, wait.
Hey, my baby's crying.
Hey, Stevie.
Oh, look at that.
Look at that.
Look at that.
Watch this.
Watch this.
See that.
See that.
Look at that.
I mean, he on his toes, baby.
He on his toes.
Look at that, bam! Yeah, man, you know he can carry He got the feet, but he got but he got a 60-yard cannon, right? And I'm afraid that if we don't get a chance to see it, he gonna be a running back, man.
Hey, let's grab some water! Hydrate! - Grab some water, gentlemen.
- Hydrate! Hey, uh, coach.
I keep rewriting that recommendation letter, and I'm I'm trying to get it to you, but Recommendation letter? Oh, yeah, the recommenda Yeah, I called coach Briles over there.
Wait, you called the head coach for me? - Are you serious? - Let me ask you something.
How's Vince doing? He's better than ever.
Why you ask? You don't notice anything about anyone getting in touch with T.
on his behalf by chance? No, I-I don't.
All right.
Let's be honest man, you think he can make it in the pros? - You know what I mean? - He has potential.
He said you got potential.
Potential? That's what I'm talking about.
Let's go! I said get some water, not drink all of it.
Let's go! What school do they get the kids - to the pros quick, man? - A big school.
It'd have to be somewhere where you're comfortable, though, - somewhere that's a good fit.
- Someplace close to home.
- I want mama to see me play.
- 'Cause I hear the east coast is where you get most of the TV time.
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about the TV time for now.
Hey, Vince, you gonna join us? - Yes, sir, coach.
- Yeah, he coming, man.
You know, we we just talking a little strategy, man.
That's all right, if I can have my quarterback, please.
Your your quarterback? Okay, man, that's it.
Yeah, your quarterback.
All right.
Can you let him air it out a little bit, though? I mean, just once.
You know what I mean? Let him throw that 60-yard bomb, man, just once.
Pop, pop, pop.
No, it's okay, man.
It's cool.
Come on, you the king-maker, right? So make him the king.
That's all I'm saying.
All right, all right.
You the earth-shaker.
I mean, you the mastermind, you know what I'm saying? I mean, I'm just talking about bam.
And he gonna hit it on the button, you know what I mean? Everybody gonna cheer.
They gonna do a pep rally for you, just for you.
You know you got a problem there, right? I sure do.
Got them great plays coming out your head, man.
So just pull one of them out there that say 60 yards on it.
Hey, get away from that grill.
You're gonna burn yourself.
Argh! Hey, just let me make sure that it's not poisoned, all right? It's not.
You can eat it.
Lions, let's have a prayer.
Father, we're always mindful of the words of James Russell Lowell, that truth is forever on the scaffold, and wrong is forever on the throne.
Yet that scaffold sways the future.
And behind the dim unknown standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.
Additionally, heavenly father, give strength to this community of brothers and commit their focus to Friday.
In your name, we pray.
Lions say amen.
Let's eat.
I recommend the brisket.
Lookin' pretty good.
Hey, Luke.
Hey, Julie.
What's going on? Hey, yeah, load it in there.
Yeah, looks like you got your hands full.
Can I help you with this stuff? Um, sure.
College, uh college is out right now? Um, yeah, we're kind of in the middle of our finals Oh, nice.
Sort of midterm-y things, yeah.
Is it cool? I Yeah, college is College is great.
He's a basketball player.
He ain't football at all.
He is not.
He's not.
Y'all let these boys have the ball, these little kids have the ball for a while.
Let 'em have the ball! That's so tacky.
They a bunch of grown men.
Nothing but little boys, though.
Oh, I know, and Vince is catching his dad up on all the sports shows and TV shows, and just seeing them interact, it's too much.
That's nice to hear You know, especially 'cause it didn't start off on the greatest foot.
Yeah, that's true.
It didn't.
But, you know, they got some time apart, and, I mean, look at 'em now - My boys.
- He's down in the end zone.
You see that? That's everything a girl could want.
I'm happy for you.
Yeah, this is he.
I'm happy for you.
Oh, yeah, man, hey.
Glad you called.
What's there to talk about? - So when can we come by? - Give him the ball, baby.
Yeah, yeah, man.
We interested in your school.
We had talked about it.
We wanted to see what you're working with, though.
I like the sound of that.
Hey, hey, listen, man, I got to go.
Yeah, I-I'll call you later.
All right.
Thanks for your help.
- You doing good? - Oh, yeah, man.
You having a good time? Yeah, this is a nice party, man.
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
I've been getting phone calls from, uh, different scouts wanting tickets for the game tomorrow.
You don't know anything about that, do you? I know that they, uh They interested in my boy.
Yeah, I can't say I'm surprised, though.
I thought we agreed that, uh I thought we agreed that everything was gonna come through me, and that there was gonna be a process to it.
Uh No, that's not how I remember it.
Would you do me the honor of informing me how you do remember it, so I can be filled in on what's going on? I remember sitting down, listening to everything you had to say.
Ain't nobody put you in charge, though, man.
I mean, you the coach, right? See, th-this is my son we talking about, his future.
So go ahead, man, you you be the coach.
You know, you be the big man.
You can boss all these little bitch-ass parents around, you know.
But that ain't gonna fly with me.
Feel me? We got plans for the future.
Can't let you get in the way of that, man.
I'm gonna go get me some pie.
You want some? Hmm? You want me to get something for you to drink? No, you good.
You good.
I love that brisket, man.
Jason, my man.
I want to talk to you, man.
I have a few more questions for you, okay? Oh, oh, I'm so happy to be getting in this bed.
Did you get me any water? No.
Honey, you still smell like barbecue.
I got some bad news for you.
What? I'm not gonna be able to go to the game on Friday night.
Why not? Because I'm gonna drive up to Burleson College and pick up your daughter's books and assignments.
Why the hell doesn't she go up there and pick 'em up? Because I can't get her to do anything.
I can't get her to leave this house.
And I'll be damned if our daughter is gonna miss out on her first semester at college.
Well, what are you gonna do, go up there and take - the classes for her too? - Honey, don't argue with me.
- I'm not arguing with you.
- I'll bring the books back.
She'll have a week to study, and then we got a week to get her back up there and take her damn exams.
That damn kid's climbing back in the womb again.
- Well - While you're up there, why don't you tell 'em they have an employee who happens to be sleeping around with the students? Well, it takes two to tango on that one, - hate to tell you, honey.
- Don't say that.
Come here.
Thanks for setting up the barbecue and everything.
You're welcome.
Thanks for all you do.
Thanks for our two beautiful daughters.
Thanks for doing all the laundry.
Hmm? Do you want to fool around? Mm-hmm.
Yeah? Sure.
You were asking for the syllabus for next semester's course, right? Mm-hmm.
Oh, let's see here.
Here it is.
Okay, there's that.
Can I help you? Hi.
Don't want to interrupt y'all.
No, no, not at all.
Yeah, this is, uh You're gonna love this.
So check that out.
Make the changes on the paper.
I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Um, can I help you with something? Well, uh, I'm looking for Professor Nevins.
Are you Professor Nevins? He's actually not in right now.
No, I'm his T.
, Derek.
Is there anything I could help you with? Um I'm here to Pick up an independent study for Julie Taylor.
How is she? She's fine.
Julie, um You know, I haven't seen anything around.
Give me one second here.
Um, yeah, you know, sometimes he leaves things in here.
She will need that.
Thank you.
And I think if there is anything, it would be Yep, here we go.
American History 110, Julie Taylor.
- Great.
- There you go.
That should be, uh that should be everything.
Thank you very much.
Oh, yeah, eat it, bud.
Gonna break some heads tonight, right? Yes, sir.
Yeah, man, you show that Tommy Larkins what these Lions are really made of.
I'm gonna rip Tommy Larkins' head off.
I'm gonna rip it off his shoulders.
I'm gonna spit down his throat, is what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna bring in the wood, mash up every bone in his body.
That's what I'm gonna do.
Hey, that's what I'm talking about! All the way to state, baby! Hey, rally girl.
What did you just call me? Stadium's that way.
No, I'm not going to the game.
All right.
It's game time, folks, and with so much bad blood between these Lions and Panthers, it's finally time to settle this thing on the football field.
We're the only team in Dillon! We're the only team in Dillon! Listen up, listen up.
We're not playing this game in the stands, understand? Forget about that crap.
This game happens on the field.
Commitment We got that, we got this game.
Let's go, let's go.
Bring it down on three.
Lions on three.
One, two, three.
Panthers! Panthers over the ball.
Bragging rights and the oil rig trophy on the line.
Luke Cafferty sets the defense, drawing a bead on panther Tommy Larkins.
Good night, 8-5.
Yeah, I'm talking to you, baby.
These two teams just don't like each other.
Look out, Panthers got it.
Oh, and Cafferty lays him out.
That'll wake you up in the morning.
Oh, my.
Cafferty really brought the lumber on that hit, and look at this, folks, the Panthers all-state wide receiver, Tommy Larkins, is down.
- He's a punk.
- Better call the cops, bitch.
The Lions letting them hear about it on the sideline.
Fasten your seat belts The tone has been set for a bare-knuckle brawl, y'all.
Get after it! Get in there! Panthers dropping back.
Luke Cafferty coming off the edge.
Quarterback scramble.
Oh, down he goes.
Another big hit by Luke Cafferty, who is just bringing the pain.
There's some smack-talking and jaw-jacking going on out there.
Looks like laundry day, folks.
The flags are flying.
Man, oh, man, these boys just do not like each other.
Lions penalty, but I guess that's the only way the Panthers are gonna get a first down tonight.
Oh, no, no, he's a scrambler, man.
He's a scrambler.
I mean, he he got legs.
Set! Vince Howard over center, bringing the Lions out.
There's the snap.
It's a fake draw.
He's looking deep.
Vince Howard tucks it away.
Got a little room Big move to the outside.
Oh, Vince Howard, another cut.
Oh, a big block.
Vince Howard could take this in, folks.
Reservations for six.
Another touchdown for the Lions.
Oh, my, how do you do? Panthers have to find a way to get back into this game, folks.
There's the pass across the middle.
Luke Cafferty's got it.
He's picked it off.
Coming the other way.
He's got his entire team in front of him.
Luke Cafferty putting on the burners.
Here we go.
Oh, my, and the rout is on.
Touchdown Lions.
Somebody hold the damn phone.
And there's the kick.
It's a long, high ball.
Panthers back to receive.
Got a little edge on the outside.
- There he goes.
- Watch the pick! Picks up a block.
Buddy Garrity Jr.
Monster hit on the Panthers' return man.
Oh, my, these Lions are on fire.
Let the party begin.
Hey, ref, get on that! We got a player on the bottom of that! And look at this, more flags are flying out there.
This game might be getting out of control.
Coach, are you not gonna do anything about that, Eric? - Come on.
- Hey, what's that? Are you not doing anything about that, Eric? Hey, coach, calm down.
They're having fun.
I'm not talking to you.
I am not talking to you.
West Dillon's final time-out.
And it looks like that's all she wrote for the once-mighty panthers.
Take a knee.
Let's run the clock out.
Coach Taylor's sending Vince Howard out for the last play of the game.
What a contest, folks.
Really no contest.
The Lions, victory formation.
They're gonna take a knee here, folks, head into the locker room, and celebrate this great victory here tonight.
What the hell's he doing? What are you doing? Wait a second.
Howard's shifting the offense.
Looks like they're gonna run a play here, folks.
Howard takes the snap.
He's looking deep.
Oh, my, did he launch that thing.
And Panther coach Mac McGill can't believe this Ruckle's got it.
Oh, it's gonna be another touchdown.
Put some sprinklies on my ice cream, folks.
That is dessert.
Another Lions touchdown.
Oh, my, good old-fashioned Texas butt-whoopin'.
If y'all were wondering if coach Taylor walked into this game with a chip on his shoulder, I'd say it was more like a block of cement.
Ouch, there is no love lost here.
We in this! That's not who we are, Eric.
There it is.
What do you got to say, huh? Get off my field! Get off! Get off the field! Go home! Go home! You're a bunch of losers! Get off! Get off! So you're saying you chose tonight to throw the longest pass of your life during the most meaningless play of the entire season? What the Panthers did to you, what they did to us Yeah, they deserved it.
Yeah, I did it.
And you're saying your father didn't have anything to do with that? Yeah, he did.
So what? All right, yeah But we won, didn't we? He's looking out for my future.
That's right, I did it.
We're 7-0 right now.
We won, all right? Supposed to be happy.
He's looking out for me.
East Side! East Side! East Side! East Side! He's gonna get us a keg from his dad's bar.
- Hook it up, party tonight.
- How you doing, Luke? I'm well.
How are you doing, sir? Look here, I have a young man that would love to have your autograph on this.
And, man, you hit number 85, you made him look like a war casualty, man.
- Yes, sir.
- Congratulations.
Y'all have a good night.
- Tried to get it out.
- Hey, 4s.
So you stayed for the whole game? Yeah, rally girls had to do concession.
Congrats on the win, football player.
Oh, thanks.
Glad you liked it.
What are you doing? Going to Buddy's bar.
Gonna snag a keg.
No, I mean, like, what are you doing? You're acting really weird towards me.
Am I? "Hey, rally girl, stadium's that way.
" I mean I mean, what is that? I figured it was just, like, testosterone pumping - for the game, but - Maybe, I don't know.
Well, you're just usually friendly, and you call me by my name, and Well, no, I mean, do you like it when I'm nice to you? Yeah, I like it when you're nice to me.
I'm so sorry.
Just someone told me that if I Someone told me if I wanted you to like me, I had to, like, ignore you and blow you off, and then you'll like me.
Look, Becky, I hate acting this way towards you, all right? I really like you.
Well I really like you too.
You do? Yeah.
I really, really do.
Why are you laughing? It totally worked.
Shut up.
The laundry's done, and I cleaned the kitchen.
How was the game? Thank you for cleaning the kitchen.
I didn't go the game.
Where did you get these? I just drove to Burleson.
Did you talk to Derek? Mm-hmm.
What did he say? You need to study.
Coach Taylor should be ashamed of himself.
You saw the game.
Am I crazy here? I can't disagree with you.
All those penalties, all that trash-talking, capped off with a completely unnecessary in-your-face to close the game.
What was coach Taylor thinking? What was the point of all this? You gonna go to Buddy's for a beer? Don't feel like celebrating tonight.
All right.
Thanks for coming out and watching the game.
- It was definitely worth it.
- Thank you, thank you.
He was writing it down when you threw that pass.
I told you, you got to air it out.
- Yes, sir.
- You'd really like this offer.
You'd really fit in to what we're doing.
We can make some big changes with you there.
- Uh-huh, you saw that arm.
- Oh, yeah.
On campus, you take a left, you're on the beach.
You take a right, you're in the mountains.
- Oh, we got everything.
- Beach and mountains? I appreciate it.
I love the beach.
We're about an hour away from the mountains Great place.
All right.
You make sure that when you get a chance, you guys come and visit us.
You'd really like it there Great place to go to school.
Yes, sir.
Thank you again for for coming out.
Don't forget to give me a call.
- I will not, will not.
- I'll be calling you.
I got you.

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