Friday Night Lights s05e08 Episode Script


I kinda was messing around with this T.
whois married, and his wife is crazy.
And she slapped me.
I can't go back there, and I don't know what to do.
I've been getting phone calls from different scouts.
I thought we agreed that everything was gonna come through me.
This is my son we talking about.
We got plans for the future.
I can't let you get in the way of that.
Oh, my, it's gonna be another touchdown.
- Vince.
Hey, hey.
- What's up? - This recording, right? - Yeah.
The red light's on right there.
- You sure? - Yeah.
Red light's on.
Can't miss this one.
This my boy's first interview! Right here.
Come on, hustle now.
The East Dillon Lions, led by quarterback Vince Howard, defeated their crosstown rivals to remain undefeated through the season.
- Vince, what is - Oh, there he is! We're playing for keeps.
The Lions we're the new kids on the block.
Panthers, they old news, baby.
You've really stepped up your game this year.
I did take the summer off.
I worked hard, I'm faster, stronger, more accurate.
I'm hittin' my receivers in stride.
I feel like this cannon is doin' its job.
This offense now focuses more on you.
Last year we did a lot We ran a lot of wildcat.
This season, I'm stepping up as quarterback, as captain of this team and, yeah, I'm showing the people what I can do, baby.
Come here! I can't believe this! He's a leader! Right? Natural-born leader.
You saw how he looked at the camera.
You see that? I know! You didn't like it? Naw, it was cool but, you know You barely talked about anybody but yourself.
You got a whole team there.
Oh, no, I did, I did.
They cut before I even got to it, you know? I said it like three or four times.
Vince, that wasn't cut at all.
- They were on you the whole time.
- It was, it was edited.
Hey, hey, hey, don't worry about that, man.
You the star.
You can't help it.
Huh? Huh? You did good.
You did good! He's the star! - Did you hear that? - Hear what? What if they come home? They're not coming home.
They're gone all day.
They're gonna go buy a tractor.
It's an all-day affair.
I promise.
What? Oh, I can't do this.
Finally, tighten the number four.
Well, it's not the one you gave me, 'cause this is stripped now.
- Can you get that, Jules? - When you get up, can you see if my glasses are in the basket, please? Honey, it's as simple as this.
It's right here.
- What, you can't - That's not the one - you gave me a second ago! - Um - Are they in here? - Glasses are not in the basket.
Use a spanner to finely tighten the nuts.
- I got the damn spanner.
- Where is the spanner? Honey, you need to go find your glasses.
- You need to be able to see this.
- Hey.
What are you doing here? I'm sorry.
I didn't know what else to do.
- You haven't returned my calls.
- You need to go.
- You really need to go.
- Can you please come out - and talk to me for five minutes? - No, my parents are here.
- So you need to go.
- Hey, who is it? - Is that your dad? - Yes, that's my dad, and my mom's here right now, so can you please go? - Hi.
Can I help you? - Yeah.
Hi, Mr.
Tay Coach Taylor, I'm Derek Bishop.
I taught your daughter at Burleson.
If I could just talk to her for five minutes - Get out of here right now.
- Dad Hey, Eric.
I'm not trying to cause any trouble.
- Get in your car right now.
- Okay, okay.
- Dad, stop! - Eric.
- Dad - Eric! I'm going.
- Get going right now.
- I'm sorry.
Right now.
- Dad - Eric! Oh, here he is himself, the golden child Vince Howard.
Tell us about the brutal slaughter of the Panthers.
I threw the ball to myself.
I caught it in the end zone.
Then I kicked the extra point with my gold-plated schlong.
Oh, oh, look, look, and here is the incredible juggernaut's beautiful girlfriend.
Tell us, what is it like dating the most interesting man alive? Uh-uh, y'all need to cut that out.
I mean, is it true that he discovered a new planet? - You need to stop it.
- Right after he cured cancer.
- Really? - Well, this is what we heard.
- Comedians here, huh? - Oh Trying to be funny.
I-I get it, I get it.
It's jokes, it's jokes.
But for the record, I had nothing to do with them cutting you out of that interview.
I mean, they even cut out that part when I ran over number 48, Max Griffin boom! A'ight? You know, man.
Just seems like you're gettin' a lot of air time, that's all.
I mean, with a face like this, how could you not, right? Right? Joey, come on, man.
Hey! Hey! Why are you fighting? You know, you've been doing great.
Your grades are getting better.
You've got to stop it.
- She started it.
- I don't care! That's the thing.
It doesn't matter who starts it.
You gotta stop it.
You start feeling that urge, you get irked, you gotta walk away.
I'm on your side here.
But you gotta help me.
Are you gonna finish that? Haah! Haah! A ka mate, ka mate, ora! A ka mate, ka mate, ora! - Yeah! - Whoo! Coach Riggins.
Coach Riggins! Coach Riggins.
Look, we only slotted Yeah, hold on, did you see? It's like a A pregame war dance to get the other team psyched out.
I was working on these moves all last night.
Let me tell you, defense is discipline.
That's how we win.
Okay? You understand? Enough with the dance practice.
Let's get back in our group.
Hey, what happened? - Hey, hey! - You okay? What happened? What the hell happened? I don't know I didn't see.
Let's get him up.
Let's get him up.
You're gonna be all right, Buddy.
You okay? - What is it? - I don't know.
It's his left leg.
I don't know.
Let's go.
Let's go, everybody up! Yeah.
Hairline fracture.
Why can't they give us something solid? It's either broken or it's not.
And obviously, it's broken.
What on God's green earth is a Samoan war dance? Do they even play football in Samoa? - What was Billy Riggins - Dad, I don't feel good.
We're sitting here in the middle of an undefeated season, and you weren't even playing football.
I know, dad.
I know.
All right.
Let's just sit here.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Someone's here to see you.
Oh, thank you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I don't think that I'm gonna be Before you say anything, I need to tell you how sorry I am - this has happened.
- I appreciate that.
I don't really want to be talking to you right now, Derek.
- Appreciate you coming by.
- Mrs.
Taylor, please.
- I've resigned.
- Good.
I think I can get Julie to go back to school.
How do you plan to do that? She's a bright young girl.
I know you know that.
- Yes, I do.
- I couldn't live with myself ifI was the reason that she dropped out of college.
I'm trying to make this right.
You can't.
I think I can if I can just talk to her.
Well, I appreciate your time.
Thank you.
Do you know how I know that there's a lord above? Because that sweet, sweet baby boy sleeps for the same two hours every day for what I like to call Mama Mindy time.
- To God, honey.
- To God.
- He's a sweet boy.
Becky, what are you doing? I amI'm trying to decide if I want to do a pageant.
- Aw - Miss America? - The beauty queen.
- Uh-oh.
Oh, no, I mean, you have to build up a track record in regionals and win some smaller pageants.
Like I won like chambers of commerce and stuff like that.
Does she get a tiara when she wins that thing? I swear! Yeah, you get a tiara, and a lot of them have cash prizes like scholarship money.
What do you get for this one? - A Chrysler Sebring.
- What? A convertible! Fill out the form.
We are gonna do a beauty pageant.
It's in Wichita Falls.
Road trip? So you want us to come up there tomorrow.
- Mm-hmm.
- Is that even allowed? Sure.
As long as it's not an official visit.
Which it ain't.
No, no, no, it's just gonna be me and a couple of my friends showing you and your daddy around the campus.
I want you to fall in love with the place, Vince.
Oklahoma Tech's a great school.
I know it is.
You graduated from there? Yep.
Law degree.
I run a little company that's got its headquarters near the campus.
Yeah, little nothing.
Man's got a whole building named after him.
- A building? - A whole building.
Let's just say I'm very close to the school.
And I happen to know that you're their number one junior prospect.
SoIf you play your cards right, in a couple of years, you could end up quarterbacking the number one rated big 12 offense in the BCS championship game.
So that's where we're going.
And I think Well, hell, I know You got the talent to take us there.
You just come and take a look around.
Think that might be, uh Think that might be all right.
There you go, hon.
All right.
Um Derek came to my office yesterday.
- Derek came to your office? - Mm-hmm.
What did he say? It doesn't matter what he said.
End it.
I didn't tell Derek to come here.
I need you to do whatever you need to do to put this behind you and go back to school.
This is an opportunity for you to do the right thing.
- Okay.
- Hey, guys, sorry about that.
But I had to wait on Kayla.
This is Connie.
Morning, Mr.
- Hi, Vince.
- Hi.
They are your unofficial tour guides for your unofficial tour.
So you ready to go see the campus? Uh, yes, yes.
Well, let's go! I should have really gone to college.
- I'm serious.
- It's never too late.
Tinker's having a party tonight and he's inviting all the rally girls and the players over Will you come with me? - I can't.
- Okay.
I told Mindy that I would watch Stevie.
Becky, look I like you so much, all right? When you wanna go out, give me a call, okay? All right? Or justEmail me, okay? Like send me a post card in the post office, whatever.
Carrier pigeons.
I don't know, Trixie.
My mom always said that you should stay classic with the evening gown.
Do you think this is too much? You can't win if they can't see you.
So is your boyfriend coming to this pageant? Y'all, he's hot.
No, he's got some football party thing.
Oh, my God, Becky, when you win, you have to sneak into your boyfriend's room wearing only your tiara.
Hell, yeah! - Yes.
- Naughty! Yeah, I'll try that.
Hey, what's wrong with you? It's just Luke and I have only had sex once.
- It gets better.
- Way better.
- Yeah.
- No I got pregnant.
And I didn't keep it.
- Oh, baby.
- I like Luke.
I like him a lot.
But like It's awkward and it's weird, and every time he touches me, I just I'm just like, "you're stupid, you're stupid.
You lost your virginity in a truck.
" I mean, who does that? - I did.
- Me.
- Ditto.
- Car.
Yeah, but that's not the point, you know? I just I just wish that I could start over.
Listen Life is gonna throw a bunch of crap at you, but all you can do is just Put it in the past and leave it there.
Or you can drink a lot.
- I'm just saying It actually really does help.
Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
- You seen Vince? - No, I ain't seen him all day.
- He wasn't in school.
- Yeah, I know.
I thought he might be sick, and I called his house.
No one answered.
Seven, eight, nine, ten.
All right, spread 'em down to the right.
- What? - One, two, three, four You see him, you hear from him, have him give me a call, would ya? Yeah, okay.
Two, three, four, five.
Look, pop.
It's amazing.
You get a 105,000 screaming buffalo fans up in those stands Take your breath away.
This is amazing.
See up there? - That's my circle suite.
- Right there? Yep.
Next sooner game, I want you and your family to come on up and be my guests.
We'll have ourselves a party.
Sound good? - Yes.
- All right, good.
Hold on.
I gotta take this here.
Pop, go ahead.
Yeah, throw a little route.
Hello? Yeah.
- Touchdown! - Yeah, we're Yeah, we're here.
All right.
Hey, can we see the locker rooms? Uh, yeah, sure, soon as all the players get outta there.
But listen, right now I got got a little business to take care of.
Why don't you guys just stand here? Don't need to say anything.
Just listen.
- Hey, coach, how you doing? - Doyle, how are you doing? I'm great, I'm great.
Good to see ya.
- Good.
Great day.
- Yeah, it is.
So, uh, Vince Howard from East Dillon.
- Uh-huh.
- We like him.
- Like him a whole lot.
- Yeah, I heard that.
We've got him andt** at the top of our blue line list.
Way things are shakin' out, first one to give us a verbal Probably gonna be running our offense in two years.
Hmm We gotcha.
We're meeting this weekend to slot our offers.
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay? If you happen to see Vince or his daddy, tell him it'd be a good idea to give me a call next week.
- Can you do that for me? - Yes, sir.
- If you happen to see him - On the off-chance.
- I appreciate it.
- Thanks a lot, coach.
- Take care.
- I'll see ya.
All right, let's go now.
Let's get busy.
So, uh What you think? Worth missing a day of school for? Yes, sir.
Let's go take a look at that locker room.
- Calm down.
- I'll take on all of you.
Hey, hey! Epyck.
Epyck! Epyck! Come here.
Get in this car right now.
- Get in that ear right now.
- Yeah, get in the car.
- Quit it.
- Go home to your mom, Epyck.
Hey, y'all boys Cool it.
Sleep with one eye open,.
Hey, y'all quit.
I'll see you in hell! 'Scuse me.
What in the world? Hey, can I have one? - All right.
- Thanks.
These are good.
You know what, I'm gonna feed you right now is what I'm gonna do.
- Oh.
These are so good.
- Mm-hmm.
What's going on? Are you getting fed at home or Why? Well, 'cause you seem hungry all the time.
It's a foster home.
You know, they're supposed to feed you at a foster home.
Not send you to school hungry.
There's not always a lot of food.
The lady spends all the money on herself, and she just has too many of us to take care of.
There's a lot of fighting and Some other boys that live there.
You know what that's like.
No, I don't know what that's like.
I-I can call social services.
- No! Don't do that.
- Why? What are you afraid of? I just don't want any trouble.
They'll blame me.
They always blame me.
But what are they blaming you for, sweetie? It's not as bad as a lot of the other ones I've been in.
I can take care of myself.
But you do not have to live like that.
Do you understand me? They'll just take me away And I'll just have to go to a different school and start all over again.
It's okay.
You shouldn't be living like this, Epyck.
And I won't get to see you anymore.
Please don't call.
All right, honey.
All right.
Jess, it was unbelievable! I mean, they got jacuzzis.
They have five pools.
Two on the outside and three on the inside.
So if it's hot, you outside.
If it's cold, you on the insid I mean, it was great.
They got XBOXes by the locker room.
Half-time, if I wanna play, I'm playing.
Oh, if you wanna play at half-time? The setup is nuts.
It is.
At least somebody had fun today, 'cause I know I got my ass interrogated by coach at practice 'cause you didn't show up.
I mean, was he mad? I know he's usually mad.
- Okay, he was mad.
- Yeah.
What the hell you think? Course he was mad.
How the hell are we supposed to have practice without the quarterback being there.
- I had to.
- What do you mean, had to? - I had to leave, okay, Jess.
- Uh-uh, that's bull - They wanna offer me.
- What do you mean? Coach Bailey said, you know, it's between me and this other guy.
But if I give them a verbal now Whoa, back back up.
You you spoke to the coach? Well, I mean, I heard him say it.
That's against the rules! No, it's not.
It was a unofficial visit.
Your dad say that? You know what? They want me, Jess.
And you should be happy for me.
All right.
I'm sorry.
Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was.
I just didn't want you to have to lie for me.
That's what I don't understand.
If this is all okay and it's unofficial visit, why you gotta lie about it? I don't.
It's ju It's complicated.
Vince, don't tell me it's complicated.
- It it is - I'm not stupid! You don't have to worry.
All you gotta say is congratulations.
Star quarterback of Oklahoma Tech.
Congratulations, star.
Thank you.
Well, that wasn't how I'd hoped to meet your dad.
That was, uh That that was dumb.
I shouldn't have come.
Derek, what are you doing here? I don't know if your mom told you, but I, uh Quit my job.
I'm gonna take some time off and go to my family's cabin in Tennessee to finish my dissertation.
I think I'm gonna be able to focus a lot better up there.
There won't be so many distractions, you know? We had a connection.
Didn't we? I mean, I thought we had a real connection.
And the older you get, the more you're gonna realize how rare that is.
Is it the same kind of connection that you had with your wife? Or was it the different kind of connection that you had with all the girls before me? No.
Do you realize what an ass I made of myself? How your wife came in and humiliated me in front of my whole dorm? We're getting a divorce.
Because of me? I don't know.
But I know I'm not in love with her.
Julie, you need to go back to school.
It's where you belong.
You're gonna be fine.
I promise.
I wrote down the address in Tennessee.
I just want you to take it.
That's all.
Just take it.
If you ever need anything, my door is always open.
- Hmm.
- Mmm.
- Mmm.
- Yes.
It's your morning.
Yes? Come in, honey! - Hey.
- Hey.
I didn't mean to wake you guys up.
We're up.
I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going back to school.
I, um I talked to Derek.
And before you say anything, it was just honestly what I needed.
After talking to him, I realized that I just really belong at school and I'm kind of wasting my life here.
And I'm sorry for all the B.
I put you guys through.
It wasn't fair.
I'm proud of you.
So can I make you guys some breakfast? Did you hear that? You make some coffee? Yeah.
Thanks, honey.
When is she leaving? Honey.
** Hey, coach.
- Hey, guy.
- Hey.
How you feeling? Jess told me that you weren't feeling well.
Figured since you missed practice, you damn well might be dying.
No, uhIt was my mom.
Your mom? Yeah, she had been, um little old habit.
Kind of got picked up again and she was a little sick, so I was the only person I understand.
You don't have to explain yourself.
You know, if you need anything, you can count on me.
Yes, sir.
Everything's all right? Yeah.
I won't be missing any more practices though.
Next time something comes up, a situation, let somebody know.
Yes, sir.
That'd be fine.
I got class.
You better get to it then.
Yes, sir.
I'm Tami Taylor.
I'm the counselor at Epyck's school.
Thank you.
This isn't the first time Epyck has lied about her situation here.
I don't know why she does it.
Maybe it's an attention thing.
I don't know.
Kids, come get your lunch! Oh, my.
Okay, here we go.
Good job.
All right, T.
, chips for you.
You take the water.
That's right.
Thanks, sweetie.
Now, eat your apples first.
Well, I must say this isn't exactly what she described.
Epyck can be a sweet girl.
I think so.
The little one's love her.
*** She's had a tough life though.
Lost both her parents to AIDS.
Lived on the street.
Abused, addicted, you name it.
She deserves a lot of credit.
But she is a handful.
Uh-oh! - Oh, whoops! - Okay.
I got it, babe.
Oh, shoot.
Oh, no.
Let me ask you a question.
Are there any older boys here? Honey These are the only boys here.
All right, let's get you some more water.
How about that? Come on in.
How you doing? Yeah, you wanted to see me? Yeah, come on in.
Hey, how's your mom doing? She all right? Yeah, she's, um She's better.
Hey, let me ask you something.
You recognize that photo? - Coach, I was - How was Oklahoma? I was gonna tell you about Don't.
I'm sure your father has your best interests in mind, but I'll tell you something.
He's driving you in the wrong direction.
That offer, whatever it is, I guarantee you it's worth nothing.
Coach, what else you want me to do? This is important to me.
This is my future.
He's looking out for me right now.
Nobody else is looking out for me.
You're knocking on the wrong doors.
I don't have anymore to say.
- How's that look? - More.
Like, seriously.
Okay, Stevie and Billy say, "hi," and "good luck.
" All right, now let's do something about your boobs.
Lift up your boobs.
Need to be up, up.
No, that's against the rules.
You are so cute, I can't even stand it.
How are you? Mind if I join you? There's laws against stalking.
Well, you're pretty easy to find.
Believe you're the only person in this place.
And your foster mom told me I'd find you here.
I heard you came over.
Why'd you lie to me? Did you know you don't have to lie to me? I actually like you.
Look at me.
You're strong and you're smart and you're feisty.
I believe you have a future.
Everybody needs help.
You got a roof over your head.
I know you got food to eat.
And now you got me.
You're not gonna make a difference.
I am who I am.
I don't know about that.
I might try a little soup.
Don't leave.
Before I announce the runner-ups, I want y'all to give a big hand to the girls up here.
You're all winners! I love you, Becky! Becky! And The second runner-up for Miss Young Texas is Becky Sproles! - No! - Oh, come on! - Boo! - This is horse crap! - All right.
- Boo! Hey, ladies, it's a family show.
Watch your language.
- Hey.
- Come on! Hey, calm down.
It's all right, girl.
Boo! - It's okay.
- You were robbed! It's all right.
There's more to come.
You see, dear I think you should take a hard look at the company you keep.
Go ahead, honey! You are beautiful! It's okay! You told me you wanted me working with the safeties.
It's just a new blitz package.
Coach, you've got to let all of us know.
You can't freestyle this thing.
You almost got it fixed? - We're good.
- Yes, sir.
So which one am I doing? You do what Crowley says.
- That's what you're doing.
- 4-3, stay in your drop.
Coach, just do it.
Ready, set Hut! Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing, huh? You don't hit him when he's got that shirt on.
You understand me? You don't hit my quarterback when he's got that red shirt on! Yes, sir.
Get your ass over there! You get by on cheap shots? Hey! Hey! What's wrong with you? We went over that in practice yesterday, Buddy.
Oh, you weren't at practice yesterday.
That's right.
How was Oklahoma? - You trying to be funny? - How was Oklahoma? - Hey, back off! - I got something for you.
Take a break! Take a break! - Huddle up! - Hey.
- I'll see you later, superstar.
- Take a break! All right.
You're up early.
I need to know something.
Did you come to Dillon to get me to go back to school or just to get me back? The second thing.
That's what I thought.
Get him to air it out Can I have you for a second? Yeah.
I'll see you around.
- How's everything going? - It's good.
How was Oklahoma? It was real nice, man.
Yeah, thank you for asking.
I won't have any one player bigger than my team.
Vince misses another practice, I'll bench him.
Now is that what you, uh, told your boy down at Shane State That you all about the team? No, you didn't think I knew that there, did you? Yeah.
See, I know that, uh, they been calling you every day.
They wouldn't do that if they didn't think they had a shot.
So come on, man.
Come on.
Come on.
Don't tell me all this bull about you all about the team.
Come on now.
I know better than that.
Howard Yeah? I mean what I say.
Oh, I have no respect for the game? I been coaching since you were born.
What is your problem with me? I don't like the way you do it.
You know what? You're an old-ass man, okay? You have no respect! Cheap shots when somebody's not looking.
What's the matter? You don't know how to take a hit now? All right, well, I'm looking at him.
- You do it again.
- All right, Buddy, listen.
What? The minute you start playing and acting like a part of this team, then I'll start treating you like part of this team.
You just mad 'cause they want me.
They don't want you.
It's cool.
It's all right.
I know Shut up! - Shut up.
- Led by Vincent Howard And Luke Cafferty! The mighty, mighty East Dillon Lions! Chill, Luke! Chill! Want to take out this moment and thank the man that taught us how to have pride in East Dillon High again.
Our own Coach Taylor.
Can you say, "victory"?
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