Oz s05e08 Episode Script


Here are some scary facts about impotence: suffer from it, not related to the penis; of psychological reasons; and scariest of all, for 5% of the men who are impotent, the cause is unknown.
Don't do this to me, Vern.
You guys are all I got in here.
It's not my choice, James.
We've got a charter we gotta follow.
You know that charter better than anybody.
I asked the fuckin' dentist.
He said he put white man's gums in my mouth.
- White.
- Really? 'Cause that bruise Dr.
Faraj planted on your cheek is blue.
That tells me you didn't get the answer you were looking for.
Tomorrow you're moving to another cell.
There's Robson.
You were right, Imam.
Allah has punished him for his sins.
- How's the mouth? - Arif.
Fuck you.
Despite all you done, my heart goes out to you.
God is trying to teach you something.
Please be smart enough to learn.
He's saying my friends will take me back.
I'll make them take me back.
Oh, lookie here, my step-brother.
Feels good talking with a black man's gums, don't it? I need a shitload of tits, now.
You? All that Aryan drug-free bullshit just bullshit, ain't it? Will you shut your fucking corn-trap and hook me? - Or I can take my cash elsewhere.
- All right, man.
Shit! Guard! Officer! One of the physical causes of impotence is lack of frequent spontaneous erections.
In other words, you can't get it up because you don't get it up.
Because you can't get it up, because you don't get it up either way, you're fucked.
I can't get it up.
Miguel Alvarez is up for parole again.
So what? He'll just get rejected, same as last time.
Maybe not.
Tim, come on.
With all the shit he's pulled, the board's not gonna let him go free.
Well, Alvarez is a changed man.
He's really trying to stay out of trouble.
Look, I know he did a good job training the seeing-eye dog, but one pooch hardly balances out his criminal record.
Well I'm writing a letter to the board recommending parole.
Alicia Hinden, who ran the program, is gonna do the same thing.
And if Ray Mukada were here, he would too.
Tim, do you honestly believe Miguel Alvarez is ready to rejoin society? Six months ago the dink was in solitary smearing shit on his cell wall.
I know there's been bad blood between you and Alvarez almost since the day he arrived.
What are you saying, my judgment is clouded? Fuck you.
- Have you spoken to him since? - No! - Don't you think you owe him that? - Owe him? Not warden to prisoner, man to man.
If a person's trying to change, - shouldn't we acknowledge that? - Not in Alvarez's case.
- Leo - No, damn it, no, hell, no! You file your fuckin' letters of recommendation, okay? I'll call Steve Dawkins myself and put an end to this bullshit.
Thanks for setting up the parole hearing, McManus.
To tell you the truth, Miguel, these parole board hearings your chances for release are a long shot.
No, no, no, no.
I got a good feeling.
I got a good feeling.
I got my "A" game on.
God, it'd be great just to get away from Oz, you know? I could see Maritza.
She's been let out of Parker Women's.
She's got a job.
You know, she's got her life on course.
Shit, maybe I can have another baby, you know? I just gotta let the parole board people understand that I can do that too, you know? That I know in my heart that I'm ready.
It's a pleasure to meet you guys, you know.
Yeah, my dad and my grandfather were both incarcerated in here.
- Excuse me? - Alvarez, what are you doing? I'm just practicing my answers for the parole board hearing.
Count! - Hey! - Hey, pretty boy, man! Hey, Charlie Brown.
Maritza, mi amor.
- Fuck you.
- Ooh, careful, Miguel.
You wouldn't want a smudge on that record this late in your parole.
Shut the fuck up! You know what would be a terrible tragedy? Just before you got out, if Maritza has some kind of accident.
You hurt her you're dead.
You fuck with my parole, you're dead.
Oh, you're so fuckin' beautiful when you're angry.
All right, Mr.
Alvarez, that was a very lovely speech you just made.
But now we'd like to ask you some questions.
Dawkins, you can ask me whatever you want.
You were convicted of beating a 75-year-old man, then cutting his face, all because his car scraped yours.
Yeah, I wasn't myself that day.
Once you were here in Oswald, you cut your own face and later tried to hang yourself in your cell.
Were you yourself either of those days? Last year you masterminded an escape from Oswald.
I didn't mastermind an escape.
Busmalis was digging a tunnel and I was fearing for my life You were one of the major leaders in the riot and hurt a number of people, including an officer, Joseph Mineo.
He was making a move on me Later, you poked out the eyes of another officer, Eugene Rivera.
Then you murdered two fellow prisoners, Carlo Ricardo and a Jorge Vasquez.
So, my question is, what the fuck makes you think we should set you free, you little prick? Knock it off! Knock it off! Let him go, Alvarez! Fuck! This is fuckin' bullshit! I'm fuckin' tellin' them I'm trying to tell them how I got rehabilitated.
Fuckin' bullshit! He asked me how I think I changed in all this bullshit.
I'm talking to him and I'm trying to explain how I changed.
- Are you listening to me? - I gotta talk to you about my trial.
He fuckin' cuts me off.
He just cuts me off.
- I'm lonely.
I'm afraid! - Are you listening to me? Montgomery is a cunt that got what he deserved.
Cunt! Hey, that C.
had no right to shove my face in shit.
Get me out of here.
Get me the fuck out of here! - I'm afraid.
- Cunt! Get me the fuck out of here.
McManus! It's quittin' time.
You promised to buy me a drink.
I really need that fuckin' drink.
- Let's go.
- I'm sorry.
I'm gonna have to pass.
- I don't want to leave Pancamo.
- You know I've been dumped by a lot of women for a lot of guys, - but never one in a coma.
- He could die, Tim.
It's my fault.
A man comes into my E.
with a non-life-threatening stab wound, gets infected and goes into toxic shock.
I didn't take proper care of him before but I sure as hell am not gonna let him die alone.
- How about a cup of coffee? - Okay.
There you go.
You ever met my wife my ex-wife, Eleanor O'Connor? Our paths have yet to cross.
We've been divorced five years.
When I was first offered the job at Oswald to build Em City, to fulfill a lifelong dream, she didn't want to trail along.
She had this great job, she didn't want to leave, so I just walked out, and for five years I've carried the guilt of that.
I mean, every time something goes haywire, I just think, you know, "Fuck.
I could be with Ellie and maybe by now we'd have a couple of kids.
" Don't talk to me about regret.
I own the patent.
Well, my point is today I was walking in solitary and I was surrounded by all my mistakes, and my head was gonna explode.
But then I thought about Omar White, about how hard it was to turn him around.
But we did it.
I mean, we can't save them all, Gloria, but if we can save just one, that's enough.
And I want to save Pancamo.
Well thanks for the coffee.
Now, I'm gonna get myself a real drink.
Good night.
- I'm gonna snap the faggot's head off! - Take his head off! Prisoner #02C773: Wolfgang Cutler; convicted February 20th, 2002; murder in the first degree; sentence: life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.
I want into the Brotherhood.
You know the deal, Wolfgang.
You gotta demonstrate your fearlessness.
By whacking somebody? Who? Killing a nigger's always nice.
The higher up the better.
Kareem Said.
I like the way you think.
- Omar, you ready for some hot gossip? - Hmm? I overheard the Aryans in the gym.
That new guy Wolfgang Cutler, he was bragging to the others about how he was gonna kill Said.
Yo, you Cutler? How the fuck did you get back here? That don't matter.
Look, I came because I heard a rumor and shit, all right? Just stay away from Said, all right? No, no, whatever you got brewing, just stop it, okay? I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
And get the fuck out of here.
I'm trying to be diplomatic here, okay? And I'm telling you, get the fuck out of here! Look, I've been pretty good lately.
You don't want to see me bad, okay? - You touch Said - And what? Nigger, you gonna cry? Fuck you! Hey - Motherfucker, motherfucker.
- Fuck.
- Motherfucker.
- Fuck you.
Stay away.
Stay away.
You motherfucker, I'm going to fuck I'll kill you, fuckin' black motherfucker.
I'm telling you, don't touch Said! Stay away! Stay the fuck away from Said! Stay the fuck away.
Stay, stay the fuck Oh shit, what's that? What's that, Cutler? Cutler? Cutler Hey, hey.
Come on, man.
Hey, Cutler.
Cutler! Come on, man, don't do this to me.
Don't fuckin' die.
Oh, shit! Fuck! Oh, shit, fuck.
Fuck! I almost killed the motherfucker! I mean, look, it's not like I started anything! The motherfucker was all up in my shit, man taunting me! I don't know what the fuck happened! Omar, slow down.
Who are you talking about? - Cutler's getting ready to jack you! - Wolfgang Cutler.
The motherfucker's still alive, okay? In a second, the hacks are gonna be up here punching in my fuckin' ass! Shit! Fuck, fuck! Omar, you follow me, you do not stop, you understand? Let's go.
But I saved him, both of them, I mean, Cutler and Said.
What do you want? Do you want a fucking medal? You almost killed a man.
Do you understand that, God damn it?! I give you this is what I get in return! I bend over backwards for you, as a result, a man ends up almost dead.
You want me to be fuckin' happy about that? McManus, it is not that simple.
Ms Yes, it is that fuckin' simple, Said.
Don't you be looking to her for help.
I've made my decision.
The rule book says solitary.
I'm playing by the rule book this time.
And if he had done this to protect you instead of me, would you be sending him away? Shut up, or you're going with him.
McManus! McManus! McManus! That wasn't for you, Ellie.
No, no, that was genuine rage.
I remember it well.
Tim you think I divorced you because you wanted to come to Oswald and build Emerald City, but that's not true.
You want to know what made me leave? Your relentless, unflappable, never-say-never idealism.
You would have preferred me cynical? No! You want to save the world and when you realize you can't, you crucify yourself and everyone around you.
This nonsense, where it's up to you to change everything for the better your wife, your prisoners, whoever else until we all fit your ideals.
Isn't it time to see that for the pride that it is? - Go on.
- No.
I'll just go.
Minister? Look, whatever it is that you want it can wait.
What I want is for you not to blame yourself for what happened to Omar White.
Well, like I said, what you want can wait.
# Amazing grace # # How sweet the sound # # That saved a wretch # # Like me # Will you shut the fuck up?! # I once was lost # # But now I'm found # # Was blind but now I see.
# Impotence can also be the result of depression, marital discord, job stress, financial worries.
That's right, a little salary can make a hard man soft.
A drop in the DOW can diminish rising expectations.
That was my son.
Alex Jr.
's days away from death.
Gosh, Bob, what are you gonna do? What can I do? I'll wait for the call that tells me that my grandson's life is over.
- No, you gotta see him.
- How? He's in intensive care.
He can't even leave the hospital, let alone visit a prison.
- Then you go to him.
- They'd never let me.
Why not? McManus has been helpful in the past.
Ask him.
You can cuff me, shackle me, gag me if you have to, just let me see Alex, make eye contact so that he knows that his granddad loves him.
I remember when you took up that collection to take him to Adventure Country.
That trip meant a lot to him.
It did to me too.
Not only you wanting to raise the cash, but then actually rallying these dinks to help you.
So may I go? Yes.
And gagless, shackleless even.
I'll arrange the visit today.
- Are you traveling with me? - No.
Handing you off at the door.
I was once sentenced to die, you know? I remember something about that.
A power failure shut down the electric chair.
My death was commuted to life legally.
I only wish there were laws that could do the same for Alex.
But only God can grant that kind of reprieve.
- Chug.
- Chug.
- Chug.
- Chug.
Chug-a-chug, work it! This is the best "Miss Sally" ever.
Mail call! What you got for me, Vern? Mr.
Stinkin' with cheap perfume.
It's from Norma.
Hey, Fiona, would you do me a favor? This letter is from my former fiancée.
Would you mind reading it to me? Make me kind of feel like she's here in the room.
Hey, we all got our trip.
"Dear Agamemnon, I got very depressed after 'Miss Sally' - was canceled and I lost my job.
" - Poor thing.
"But the one thing that hasn't been canceled is my love for you, and I'm coming to visit on the 15th to explain why I never showed up on our wedding day.
If you can find it in your heart, please see me.
Love always, Norma.
" - Ah, well, ain't that sweet? - The 15th.
That's today.
- Norma! - Hello, Agamemnon.
Wait! Surprise.
Hey, Bob, how'd the visit with little Alex go? Tired.
Guess what happened while you were gone.
I'll tell you tomorrow.
If you want, we can talk more about little Alex.
I have nothing else to say.
I'm on the death watch.
I fold.
Bob, you've gotta get some rest.
Did you see that? See what? He's gone.
Count! Your grandson was stable, but the storm Well, the electricity went out for a minute and the surge scrambled his equipment.
- And? - I'm sorry.
Alex died.
I need help.
I'm real sorry about little Alex.
You know, you try to prepare for a death but always secretly you believe there's a chance that the doctors were wrong, that they'll find a cure, and that as long as he's alive, there's time.
So while you think you're steeling yourself for the sorrow, all you're really doing is waiting on the miracle.
Which is why when death comes, it's so horrible because you realize you weren't prepared at all.
But you knew last night.
On some level.
it was a power outage that saved me from execution, but last night the electricity finally came back on to finish the job.
Except so much time had passed that my grandson was now in the chair.
I never really liked this hat.
But now that he's passed away, I understand this hat.
This was my grandson at his most alive.
So I'm gonna let Rebadow go to the funeral.
Jesus after 35 years he gets out twice in one week, and all for the worst reasons.
Holy shit.
I'm back.
I decided to give Rebadow his money.
I decided he should help his grandkid.
New studies show that even Viagra, which is supposed to help a fella get an erection, can sometimes cause problems in young, sexually active men who use the drug recreationally.
You see, if an erection lasts longer than six hours, the blood supply gets cut off permanently.
Of course, after six hours, you know, maybe you don't give a shit.
You know what I mean.
Your father and I went to Adam Guenzel's funeral.
When I saw Olivia walking down the center aisle of the church, so crippled up with arthritis, moving so slowly, each step measured, supported by a cane, my heart my heart broke.
You know, when you were first arrested, Olivia Guenzel was one of the few friends who stood by us, and there we were, burying her grandson who caused her so much shame.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't protect him.
I know.
I know you did your best.
Funny, when I hugged Olivia, when I saw the grief in her eyes, I thought "Good.
Now you really do understand.
" God forgive me.
I almost forgot Holly sent you this.
Happy Valentine's Day.
- Winthrop - Get away from me, Beecher.
- I need to talk to you.
- I gotta get this food to Schillinger - or he'll kick my ass.
- I've been where you are.
- You don't have to be his bitch.
- Yeah, right.
- I can help you.
- Like you helped Adam? No fuckin' thanks.
Sister, at our last interaction, you were asking about Adam Guenzel, about the circumstances surrounding his rape, and I kept silent at the time because of because of my own involvement.
Now I think, had I spoken and told what I knew, - Adam might still be alive - Beecher.
Vern, you know the rules.
No interruptions.
Go on.
Yes, go on.
Though it's too late to save Adam, - I think being honest might - Might what? We're all getting along so well these days.
- Vern! - No.
He starts making wrongful accusations, all the good work you've done here will unravel.
You don't want that, Sister, do you? I want him to speak his mind.
I'm not gonna sit here and listen to this horseshit.
- That's your choice.
- Beecher, tread very carefully.
You tell the truth, Tobias.
Just tell the truth.
Take Said to his unit.
Beecher stays here.
In accordance with D.
regulations, this committee has given you a fair hearing.
We have listened to testimony from witnesses and examined evidence.
We have determined the following: one, that you conspired to and engaged in the rape of Adam Guenzel; two, that you conspired to and engaged in the rape of Franklin Winthrop.
We find you guilty of these charges and have decided that you will be transferred immediately to solitary confinement for an undetermined length of time.
Nice color.
Chris? - How'd the trial go? - Fantastic.
A jury of my peers found me guilty of murder in the first degree.
- Oh, God.
- My idiot lawyers are going to appeal, but he doesn't hold out much hope.
I go back Thursday to the courthouse for sentencing, and more than likely I'll get the death penalty.
Well, I'll do ev I'll do everything I can to help.
Show me your tits.
Don't do that.
I'm sorry.
I guess I'm in a bad mood.
It's not every day you get sentenced to death.
All of these years my penis has dominated my life, forced me to go in whatever direction it chose.
Now I want to share my love with someone and I never will.
You know, there are people out there who are fighting against the return of the death penalty.
Tell that to Shirley Bellinger.
You know on the ride over here, I was thinking about how I wanted to die.
Well, there's only two choices now: lethal injection and the electric chair.
I want the chair.
I want the juice.
I want to go out on a charge.
Christopher Keller was convicted today in the brutal slaying of Brice Tibbetts.
Tibbetts was tortured, sodomized, and murdered in July of 1997.
Keller, who faces the death penalty, will be sentenced on Thursday by Judge Grace Lema.
Keller is suspected of committing at least two similar murders.
I have to go see him.
May I remind you of your promise to yourself - never to speak to Keller again? - Yeah.
The great thing about breaking a promise to yourself is only one person gets hurt, and I can live with my guilt a shitload easier than I can live without ever seeing Keller.
No, this is wrong.
How is love wrong, Kareem? In whatever form it takes, how is love wrong? Especially here in Oz, where there's so little of it.
You and I, we love each other.
You stabbed Schillinger and Robson for me.
But the Aryans say that any sort of love between the races is a perversion.
Who decides these things? Who chooses which love is permissible? God.
The God I worship loves everybody, and he created a universe full of different kinds of people sharing different kinds of love.
Allah says "Man" Don't quote scripture to me, Kareem.
You know what's gonna happen when you go and see Keller again.
I'm not gonna fuck him.
I'm just gonna let him know I care, that he's not totally alone.
I think Allah would approve of that.
Here you go, Keller, your brand-new home.
They say the ghost of Shirley Bellinger still haunts this cell.
- Oh, yeah? - When the moon is full, you could still smell her vagina.
You're a very funny guy there, Lopresti.
You should think about doing comedy.
Hey, how you doing? Chris.
You got mail.
Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, high blood pressure, obesity, aging can all cause impotence.
So can riding a bicycle.
You put that hard seat between your legs, there may be nothing else hard between your legs for a long, long time.
- Suck my fucking - Quiet down! Come on, man.
Get up.
- Leave it.
- No.
Leave it.
Fuckin' retard.
Hang in there, Cyril.
- Where is this? - End of the line.
I'm not supposed to be here.
Where's Jericho? - Relax.
- Where's Jericho?! - Relax.
- Jericho! - Oh! - Ryan! Go, retard boy! Ryan! - Ryan! - Wow, bitch, let it out! I'm not supposed to be here! I'm not supposed to be here! No! - Finally the S.
team had to subdue your brother.
- Christ.
I gave him some Haldol to calm him down, but as we learned from previous episodes, it's just a stopgap measure.
It's never gonna be a long-term solution to Cyril's violent episodes.
We don't need a long-term solution.
The judge has set his execution for next month.
- What? - Why are you acting so surprised? He was found guilty of the murder of Li Chen.
The punishment is death.
Look you're gonna have to discuss with Cyril the way he wants to die, either the electric chair or lethal injection.
Lethal injection.
I want Cyril just to doze off and go to sleep.
There's more to it than that.
The drugs they inject into his body first paralyze him.
I don't want to hear the details, okay? It's not okay, Ryan.
Up to this point you've resisted all our attempts to help your brother.
You should know what his last moments will be like.
- Can I see him? - Not yet.
I'll allow a visit once he's settled down.
Take O'Reily back to Em City.
The guilt or innocence of Cyril O'Reily is not at issue here.
The question is whether the Eighth Amendment of our Constitution, which protects us from cruel and unusual punishment, will also protect Cyril O'Reily, whose IQ, by the way, is 51.
That's one of the lowest IQs of any condemned prisoner on record.
As a mother, I appeal, I plead to all of the other mothers and fathers out there to stop the state from committing this monstrous act.
Governor Devlin refused to comment on the demonstration held outside the capitol building.
You know, Meehan you can hold a million press conferences, but you're still won't be able to save my brother.
If I had that attitude, you'd be right.
But I'm going to prove you wrong, Mr.
I'm going to show you the power of prayer, of hope, and faith in the Almighty.
Okay, well while you're at it, why don't you suck my dick? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Father Meehan! Are you here for a lesson? No, I was the only seminarian booted off the choir.
The prefect said, "Your voice is an offense to God.
" You were magnificent on your television press conference.
- Oh, thanks.
- A veritable firebrand.
Well, I've had a lot of practice.
I want to talk to you about Ryan.
Ever since I came to Oz, I've been trying to reach him.
Well, I know that he and Cyril were brutalized by their father, and that's enough to dent any boy's psyche.
But my gut feeling is there's something more, that your son is hiding something, some some naked truth, some deeper pain.
I was wondering if you knew anything.
My greatest regret, Father, is abandoning my child.
He was just a little baby when I left, and until a few months ago, I've had no contact with him.
Is there anyone I could ask? Well, certainly not his father, but maybe Brenda his aunt.
Thank you very much, Brenda.
Yes, we're doing everything we can for Cyril.
Well, keep praying.
Lockdown, lockdown! Ryan, tell me about Carolyn.
What the fuck are you talking about? Carolyn, your little sister.
She's dead, end of story.
Then don't tell me the end, tell me the beginning, the middle and all Who the fuck told you about Carolyn? That doesn't matter.
Just tell me your memory of her.
She died.
She was barely six months old, fell out of her crib, and broke her neck.
Why you doin' this? Well, I've seen how you love your brother, how you're protective of him, yet you're willing to let him die, and I was wondering why.
I thought I told you this before.
Death is better than any day in Oz.
Isn't that what you priests are always preaching, the upside of "life everlasting" and all that fucking Catholic nonsense? Did you have any responsibility for Carolyn's death? Were you taking care of her when she fell? No, I'm not talking about this.
I haven't spoken about my little sister with anyone my entire life, not even Cyril, and I'm not about to start with you! So, that's what happened, you think you killed her.
- So, what did happen? - Shut up! Ryan, now is the time to speak the truth.
You've been carrying this burden on your back for far too long.
Whatever you say to me will stay right here between us.
- No, no.
- Like in confession.
Now, you can finally say what you want to say since Carolyn died.
No, fuck you! God damn it! Fuck! - Don't.
- Come on.
- Please, stop.
- Come on.
It's all right.
God loves you.
I went to a priest, and I told him the truth and he didn't believe me.
And she was so small.
It's my little sister.
I know.
God loves you.
God loves you.
Suddenly I'm famous.
I done six interviews, newspapers and TV, ever since that nonsense with your brother started.
I gotta admit, I'm getting kind of used to the attention.
The guys at Kelsey's have been buying me rounds every night.
There's this broad, sits at the end of the bar, she's been flirting with me.
I might just fuck her.
You gonna see Cyril while you're in the building? Yeah, yeah.
I guess I oughta.
I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna say to that boy.
- Tell him you love him.
- Oh, yeah, right.
You ever told Cyril that, Dad? Cyril or anyone? Ma? Tessie when you were married? Have the words "I love you" ever crossed your lips? Because I never heard them, not once.
Don't start with your whining.
I'm sorry, I forgot how sensitive you are.
You asked me to come, I'm here.
State your business.
I wanna talk about Carolyn.
Carolyn? What about her? I want to talk about the day she died.
I remember her crying, you know, non-stop for what seemed like hours.
Tessie couldn't get her quiet.
You were drunk and in a foul mood.
- Sit down! - Fuck you! You sit or I finish telling my story to a cop.
Carolyn was crying and you took her from Tessie's arms and you put your hands around her and you shook her and you shook her and you shook her until she stopped, until she went limp like a ragdoll.
She fell out of her crib.
I was there, Dad.
I was in the doorway.
I saw what happened.
You were just a kid.
What the fuck did you know about anything? Think my old man didn't beat me, that fuckin' scumbag? My life has been nothing but shit since the day I was born, and I didn't have no brother to lean on like you did.
I've been alone my whole fuckin' life, and soon you will be too.
I'll never tell anyone the truth about what happened with Carolyn.
That's between you and me.
But, Dad you better pray to Jesus Christ Almighty himself that I never get out of this place.
Because when I do I will kill you.
And I brought you some company.
- Jericho.
- Yeah.
Hiya, buddy.
Did you miss me? I missed you.
Hey, Sister.
Look, I want you to know that I've decided to become totally selfish, okay? I'm not gonna lose Cyril from my life.
I'm gonna help save him, and whatever you need me to do, I'm there 100%.
I am so glad to hear that.
Hey, little brother - Who loves you? - You do.
Drugs can cause impotence.
Marijuana, heroin, steroids.
So does alcohol and tobacco.
suffer from penile artery clot.
Anybody got an ashtray? Just because I'm sending you back to Emerald City doesn't mean you're completely well or that you can stop taking care of yourself again.
- Uh-huh.
- Don't "uh-huh" me, Augustus, or I'll come and clean your catheter myself.
You think it's funny.
You know, when I heard that you was healthy again, man, and that you was coming back, I kicked myself with joy.
Let me give you a hand.
I don't need no help, man.
Man, you know I always liked you, Augustus.
I always respected you.
Cut the shit, man, what you want? What? You know Burr got all lathered up when you went down, all right? Blamed me for getting you smack.
You did.
You gave me the tits.
Yeah, I know.
Burr ain't got to know that, though.
He thinks Guerra gave you the shit, so our little peace treaty with the spics, it kind of fell apart.
You know, Burr and Morales got into a little fandango, now they both in the hole.
If Burr finds out you was the one that gave it to me, - he's gonna skin your fat hide.
- Yeah.
Don't worry, son, I ain't gonna rat you out.
I wanted those drugs.
It don't matter who gave it to me.
- I'm gonna tell Burr that.
- All right.
Thanks, man.
You know, if I was a girl, you'd get tongue.
If you was a girl, son, you'd be butt-ass ugly.
Why you gotta be all like that, man? So I was sitting in my office watching the two of you when the fight broke out.
Now, I'm not naive enough to think that you're gonna tell me what the argument was about.
You're not naive enough to think that I'll let it go.
So, in order for me to not send both your asses to Gen Pop, we're gonna agree, once again, no violence between you.
- I agree.
- Redding? Sure.
That was a little less than enthusiastic, but okay.
You can go.
So it was Morales that gave Augustus the drugs, right? Morales or one of his stooges, am I right? Gospel truth, I don't know.
I thought it was the spics, but maybe I was wrong.
Then who? Well, like I said before, Augustus will give it to me straight.
You should've let me talk to him in the first place.
Isn't that touching? Look, I know I didn't do right by you guys, siding with that nigger, muscling you out of the tit trade.
- I'm sorry, okay? - Sorry? - You think sorry's gonna be enough? - Mario, please.
I think you'll find that we Sicilians are misunderstood, that at heart we can be very forgiving people.
Oh, yeah? And what's that forgiveness gonna cost? Redding's 50%, - That's bullshit.
- Chico.
One condition though.
You kill Redding.
My pleasure.
I got angry when I heard you was using that shit again.
I wanted to lash out in every kind of direction.
And then I realized that I was really angry at myself for being so blind that I didn't see that you had been back on that shit again, for getting you strung out on it in the first place.
- Burr.
- I sat down there at the table, sitting in your daddy's chair, eating your momma's food.
And all along Eugenia never knew that I was feeding you that shit that I had you slinging for me.
But why'd I do that? Why'd I tell a lie? Why'd I hurt that sweet girl? Listen, it's like you said, Burr, life happens the way life happens.
No, man, that's a copout.
We make life happen.
I got you strung out on that shit 'cause I wanted you dependent on me.
'Cause I was always afraid you was gonna leave me.
And yet, I almost lost you altogether forever.
Burr you never need no drugs to keep me close to you, man.
I always loved you.
Look at me, acting like a weepy old woman now.
Burr, no! No! Get him a doctor, for Christ's sake! Redding, let him the fuck go, let him go! Jesus Christ.
I-I I can feel my legs.

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