Rescue Me s05e09 Episode Script


Previously on Rescue Me We found a tumor on your kidney.
I'm fairly certain it's renal cancer, sean.
So, what do I do? Take some leave.
You scrounge up whatever cash you can get your hands on.
You get that kidney cut out, pray it hasn't spread, all right? You try and use your insurance, you're as good as off the job.
I gotta go hide this cash.
You know what, though? I got a better idea.
Why don't you give it to me? I'll hide it.
Somebody in there? Hang on one sec.
You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? We get him in the ring.
We get some side action goin', pick up a little extra cabbage.
This is a chance to make money.
Do you really think that sleeping together is such a bad thing? Where'd you learn how to do all that stuff? Old boyfriends, my mother.
So here's how it works.
I had janet on my pole for, like, 45 minutes to an hour.
What's the longest you ever lasted with janet? We are not having sex.
Honey Hey, can I, uh, ride along? Only if his mother says it's ok.
He gets in trouble, I'm not lookin' out for him.
Hey, let me get in there.
All right.
Suit up.
Tommy! Copy that, 2-3-3.
In the soho area, 8-1-9 reed street.
Yeah, you know what? Go ahead and give me, uh R.
S to the building lobby.
All right.
Still want me out of this house? Uh, 2-5-4, smoke unit has been notified.
You're just there for crowd control.
His mother never finds out.
That's the deal.
- Can I? - Yeah.
You ok, kiddo? Yeah, I'm all right.
Listen, it was tommy gavin who pulled your ass out of that oven.
Maybe one day, you'll have a chance to return the favor.
I hope I do.
I hope you don'T.
Come on.
Sid, damien, take a seat.
- I insist.
- I'll stand.
You sure?Sure you're not tuckered out from all the excitement?I mean, - it's nearly nap time.
- Up yours.
No, up yours, sid, way, way up yours.
Listen, the kid's fine.
Nobody got hurt, ok? Yeah, but, you see, I seem to remember somebody tellin' every guy in this room with hair on his balls that we live in a culture of accountability.
Know who that was? I know.
The memory at your age-- - Your mother's-- - Hey.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- What, what?What? Jimmy keefe's widow make you a little sweets, huh? She bat her goddamn eyelashes at you, and all that fire and brimstone you're spoutin' goes right out the window.
- You would have done the same thing.
- No.
No, you see, because I'm the boss, ok? This is my house.
These are my men.
And right now, the boss wants to know which one of you assholes took the kid inside.
Look, nobody brought me in, all right? I snuck in myself.
Kid, you really wanna treat me like an asshole before you take the exam? Think before you speak.
It was my idea.
What a shock.
He did not, chief.
It was me.
Listen, I thought it would be ok.
It's my responsibility.
I was the chief-- Listen, I appreciate you guys tryin' to cover for me, but I'll take the beating.
I got it comin'.
It was me.
It was not, chief.
I brought him in.
Listen, my bag of shit, and I'll carry it-- All right, quiet.
- It was me, chief.
- Chief, it was me.
Quiet!Stop the bullshit.
I know it wasn't you, and I know it wasn't you.
I took him in.
I brought him out, ok? - It was simple as that.
- You did not.
Guys, I don't-- We all gotta share the blame on this thing.
We didn't think anything was gonna happen.
Unit 3-5, I show you 10-8.
Try 9.
Give a 10-12 to Yeah.
You don't think I'm gonna come down on you like a ton of goddamn bricks? You see, unlike feinberg here, I got no enemies at H.
I'm a popular guy most places.
Really? Not in this room, apparently.
In my office, now.
And, the rest of you, go wash up.
Anything you wanna say to me, you can say to me in front of the guys.
and 3--you already got one dead kid on your conscience.
You really want another one? In the office.
I said wash up.
Proudly Presents Season 5 Episode 09 There's no reason to be nervous.
I'm not gonna jump over the desk and attack you.
Go ahead.
Typical management.
I didn't ask for this desk.
But you took it.
And you wouldn't? Nope, not in a million years.
You know why? Do I know why? I know why.
'Cause it's bullshit.
You know what's bullshit, tommy? You're bullshit.
Not everybody can be reggie jackson, swingin' for the goddamn fences every time they get up to the plate.
Somebody's gotta be billy martin, because without billy martin keepin' the egos in check and takin' heat from the owners and the players and the fans and the press, you know what you got? You got a last-place team.
You got anarchy.
Just write me up.
I don't give a shit.
I'm not gonna write you up, pal.
I'd be implicatin' myself.
I saw the kid go.
Standin' right next to his mother when the rig pulled out of the garage.
Nah, tellin' the department'd be far too kind.
I'm goin' back to the fifth grade on this one.
I'm gonna tell his mom on you.
Just like billy martin would have done.
Let me know anytime you wanna jump over that desk.
I got as much guts as you do, tom.
Well, unless that desk catches on fire, we're never gonna find out, are we? Yello.
Hey, uh, terrence, it's me, sean.
Hey!Squirt, what are you doin'? Ok, could you not call me squirt, please, terrence? Is mom around? No.
She's at, uh, cheerleading practice.
All right, will you just put her on? You know, it's about time we heard from you.
Don't you wanna know how I'm doin'? Yeah.
How are you doin'? Aw, forget it.
Doesn't count now, because I had to ask you-- Ok, could you put mom on, please? Ok, squirt.
Ma! It's phone! - Who is it? - Sean.
- Sean who? - Your other son, sean.
What do I owe the pleasure? Hey, ma.
Listen, I, uh--ahem.
I got some news.
- You're gettin' remarried? - No.
What, then? Hey, is terrence still on? No.
He's in the other room workin' on his crossword.
He's so smart, your brother.
He's a really bright boy.
Well, listen.
Ma, here's what I gotta tell you.
I-- I, uh-- - I got cancer.
- I knew it.
You knew it? What--what do you mean you knew it? You never call with good news.
Just once, I'd like to hear you call and say, "I'm gettin' married to a normal, healthy woman.
" Or, "I won the lotto.
" Oh.
Well, I'm so sorry to disappoint you with the news of my kidney cancer, ma.
- Is that the kind you got? - Yeah.
I always said you didn't drink enough water.
I drink plenty of water, mom.
It's not--it's not-- I got it from ground zero.
I told you not to go down there, that you would get sick.
Well, what other choice did I have? - She's right, sean.
- Hey!Get off the phone, terrence! I'm just sayin'.
Ma, will you tell him to get off the phone? Hang up the phone.
You should've never went down there, squirt.
Oh, you know what? Just don't call me that, asshole, ok? - Sean, language.
- Sorry.
- Yeah, sorry, ma.
- It's not my fault you got cancer.
Ma! Honey, hang up the phone.
All right, ma.
You watch your language, squirt.
- Is he gone? - Yeah.
Well, listen.
I-I'm gonna need to get this surgery done, ok, and the doctors think that they can stop the cancer from spreading if they cut out my kidney.
Oh, seany, my poor baby.
I know.
I know, but I'm gonna need you to come to new york, ma, and be with me, all right? I-I'm all alone on this one.
I haven't even told the guys in the firehouse.
It's so far.
Ma, it's jersey.
It's like an hour.
How am I supposed to get there? Ma, please? I--I need you to do this for me, all right? I'll put you up in a nice hotel.
All right, if you think it'll help.
I do.
I--I do, ok?Thanks, ma.
Thank you.
- Sweetheart.
- Yeah? Do you at least have a new girlfriend? No.
No, ma, I don't have a new girlfriend.
- Figures.
- Oh, you are such a dick, terrence! - Seany! - You're such a dick! Sorry, mom.
Listen, I am gonna go, ok? Thank you, though.
I'm gonna call you back, all right? Ok.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I need you to get in the car.
What? Whate-whatever it is, I didn't do it.
If I did do it, I apologize, but I'm pretty sure I J-just get in the car.
All right.
Is it--is it an old thing that I did, 'cause I-- what? Tommy, it's not always about you.
Headed my way, beautiful? Hey, coll, it's me.
I know who the hell it is.
You've been watching me from across the street for the last 3 hours.
Ok, and you think I'm a freak? No.
No, no, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait.
- I don't think you're a freak.
- Don't put your hands on me.
Come on.
Let me just talk to you.
Come on, coll, will you just wait for one goddamn second? Touch me again, and I'll knock your block off.
- What?! - I'm full of shit, ok? You know how I told you I was wild back in the days, how I ran through all those women, bangin' chicks left and right? It was all bullshit, all right? I was just puttin' up a front.
The truth is I've only been with, like, 5 women my entire life.
So, what, did you spend the last week banging hookers to up your average? No.
I spent it sitting in a dark room alone, thinkin' about you and about the night we spent in bed, the nipple thing, the whip cream, even that peanut-butter ass play stuff.
- You liked that? - Yeah.
And I figured, you know, what the hell? Just go with it.
It's just sex, right? So I think we should just get down and dirty, do all that nasty, filthy, slutty, whorey, skanky, animalistic-- You think I'm a whore? "Filthy, nasty, slutty, whorey" Uh, n-not street whorey.
I only did all that stuff because we're getting married.
Oh, god.
You don't wanna marry me anymore.
I didn't say that.
You don't wanna marry me, because you think I'm a whore? Come on, boo.
You know, if you wanna marry a virgin, start trolling grammar schools, asshole.
A-all right.
All right, all right.
All right, what's with all this hitting with you gavins? Pussies run.
Gavins fight.
No shit.
So what's up? Katy sent us a letter.
Hate mail? Hate's a strong word.
You know, it's more like intense dislike mail.
Basically she doesn't wanna see us again unless we can act like grown-ups for a change.
First sign of trouble, she's cutting us off for good.
Ok, wa--who-- She doesn't get to cut anybody off, ok? She's 12.
We--if anybody cuts--we cut people-- Ok, tommy, she can, and she will.
I mean, after all the embarrassment we've cost her? Ok.
Fair enough.
Wha--I mean, that normal parents thing, I don't know about.
We certainly can lie our way around the rest of it.
I mean-- You know, I can come over and pretend to stay over for the weekend, and, you know, we can-- Yeah, and we should keep having sex.
What? We should continue having sex.
That was in the letter? No, that would be for us.
I mean, come on.
It was great, right? - Yeah - Yeah.
I--you--I don't know what you're goin' for here.
What's-- what's-- you wanna have sex with me? No, uh--all this-- - No.
- What? No, I'm saying no strings.
- No--no strings? - No.
You're saying that you wanna have sex with me, with no strings attached? Yeah.
That's--no motives? No secret motives? No-- - No.
- No old envy, jealousy? No resentment? Ok, first of all, I don't have jealousy - Yeah, ok.
here we go again.
- And envy anymore, - but we are throwing all the rest away.
- What about dwight? Does dwight know about this? A-and does he have any idea about this secret, evil no-strings plan? Yeah, for your information, dwight and I are done.
And does--does dwight have that particular information in his paralyzed lap? Does he have that? No.
No, he doesn't, does--no.
I know.
- He will.
- Yeah, he will.
He will.
I-- ho ho ho.
This is just classic.
Ok, you know what? Do you wanna have sex with me or not? All right, no-- no strings, no--just pure, unadulterated, one-on-one Sex.
All right.
It's never gonna work, but when do we start? Hey, tommy, there's some, uh, guy out front in a wheelchair, says he wants to talk to you.
Name is dwight.
Wh-what--what's he doin'? Nothin'.
He's, uh, parked out front, truck-side, shootin' the shit with niels.
Wh-what's he sayin'? That he'd like to talk to you.
Can I, uh--can I get a couple hours? Can you buy me a couple drinks later? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Industry 14, rescue 88, are you still 89 with the Hey, tom.
There you are.
What's goin' on? The guys, they, uh--somebody told me that you were here, and, uh, I was just lookin' for you.
I didn't see you and thought maybe you left.
How you doin'? Well, I'm still in a wheelchair, tom, but other than that, I'm-- I got no complaints.
So you're good.
I'm super.
Well, I got a bunch of stuff I gotta take care of.
There is one thing, tom.
Yeah? You don't mind, I'm a little uncomfortable even bringin' this up with you, but-- but I like you, tom.
Figure if we're really gonna be friends, this is the kind of thing we should be able to talk about, you know? Yeah, sure.
I mean, we-- you know I tell you, it's, uh, janet.
Since she came back from you guys visiting katy at school Yeah? - She's been a little off.
- Off? Lately, she hasn't been opening up to me in the way she normally does, - if you know what I mean.
- Yeah.
So I was wondering if you might be able to shed a little light on it for me.
Uh, hey, did you guys have a dust-up or somethin'? N-no.
I didn't--a dust-up? I-- But it--it was somethin', right? You know, dwight, I-- no.
Everything was great.
We had a--we-- Dwight, look, you know I'm tryin' to shoot straight with you here.
I'd appreciate that, bro.
You know, uh, something, uh, happened.
It was just a thing.
There was a thing.
You slept together.
- So she told you.
- No.
You just told me.
Ok, sh-she had a lot to drink, and I'm not--that's not an excuse.
I'm just explaining what happened to you.
She had a lot to drink, and it just happened.
- You had sex with janet.
- Once.
Twice, but it was--felt like once, 'cause it was so-- Hey, look.
I-I'm not gonna lie to you.
I-I've been there with my ex.
You know, you just get together, you dredge up all your old feelings, you-- you know, you get desperate.
That's the--drudgery.
It was like drudging.
Th-there was not a lot of, uh, enjoyment.
You know it's goin' nowhere, but you go there anyway.
We didn't even know we, uh-- we di--we went nowhere.
- We didn't--it's-- - How long did it take you? Uh, what do you mean? Were you quick? The sex? How long'd it take you? - I--I, uh - 10 minutes, an hour, what? I don't know.
I hadn't done it in a while.
It was--it was probably fi- fi--7 minutes.
- 7 minutes.
- Yeah, total.
But it was a pretty damn enjoyable 7 minutes, huh? Yeah, well, I mean, you know, I don't have to tell you.
You've been there.
Yeah, I been there.
- 7 minutes.
- So we're cool? Oh, we will be cool in about 7 minutes.
Wh-what do you mean, "in about--" ohh! Dwight.
Oh, ok, ok.
Uh, I--I probably exaggerated.
It was--oh, my god.
It was probably only a couple of minutes, actually.
Don't fight it, tommy.
- Don't fight it.
- I'm not fighting it.
Hey, guys.
What's goin' on? Uh, nothin'.
Can you come back in, like, uh, a minute? Give us a minute.
About 6 minutes and 31 seconds.
Yeah, sure.
I-- what are you doin'? - I'm checking the tire.
- He's got a loose nut.
Oh, yeah? You want a ratchet or somethin'? No, no.
I'm good.
Oh, I think you may need a ratchet if you got a loose nut.
No, no, no.
I got it.
Don't need a ratchet.
Hey, you guys seen lou? Yeah.
He's over there.
All right, I-I'll get you a ratchet.
I'll be right back.
Don't really need one.
- Hey, hey, hey, sean of the dead.
- Hey, lou.
- What's goin' on? - Hey.
- How's your gonorrhea? - My what? Well, mikey said you were pissin' blood yesterday.
My fellow physicians and I did a little bit of an amateur diagnosis on the back of the rig.
I don't have gonorrhea, ok? For your information, it was a urinary track infection.
Really? I thought only female sprinters got that from banging too much.
Yeah? Well, maybe I got it from bangin' too much.
Yeah, well, it's possible, but, uh, "a," you're not a chick, anatomically speaking, and, uh, "b," everyone knows you're not gettin' laid.
What is goin' on with him? He needs a ratchet.
Je--I'm comin', tom.
- Just came by to get the cancer money.
- What cancer money? You know, the money that we took off the top for the charity.
Well, you know, look, we had a little, uh, late-night counting issue.
That money actually got tossed back in with the rest of the cash.
Really? Well, I need it.
Oh, you seem awfully eager to get your hands on that money.
Well, I have a heart, lou, all right? I'm tryin' to do somethin' for the good of all mankind here.
All right, I gotta get tommy this.
It's pronounced "tract," by the way.
Oh, really? See what I'm doin' here? This is, uh, you know, me doing something for my fellow man, unlike you.
All right, what's goin' on? All right, boys, let's see what we got over here.
Ah, it's--it's good.
It's fine.
- Yeah? - Well, it looks-- You know, I don't know.
I mean-- Yeah.
No, I'm actually just workin' on that.
I think the tire might be flat.
Oh, the tire? Well, why don't I get a pump? No.
No, don'T.
You know, let me get a look at this.
No, no.
No, no.
Holy It's a, uh, long story.
It's not that long, actually.
Looks like you got your hand on his Yes.
Just Thanks.
You know, if you hadn't gone and opened your mouth to janet about the pills and the booze, you wouldn't find yourself in this what I can imagine is a very uncomfortable position.
So you banged her.
I could give 2 shits.
But you had to blab to her like a little bitch.
You Ok, it hasn't quite been 7 minutes, but I got a lunch date, and, uh, my hand's startin' to cramp up.
I'm not used to holdin' somethin' this small for this long.
Now we're cool.
You wanna drop those babies in some ice water.
Engine 18, rescue 87 has 9-15.
You may discontinue.
Watch the head.
Give me 2 more.
Good job, frankie.
Good job.
Way to go.
You're lookin' good, champ.
Hey, lou, I'm gonna set somethin' up.
- He ain't ready.
- The hell he ain'T.
He's got no wind, his footwork is so sloppy, a-and, uh, he keeps telegraphin' like that, he's gonna get his clock cleaned.
Lou, he ain't fightin' rocky marciano, for christ sake.
It's the department league.
Look, no fighter of mine's gonna get into the ring unless he knows how to box, ok? Ok, I think you're forgettin' who's frontin' this little operation.
All right, you got gym fees, equipment rentals, dietary supplements.
- Wh-what do you want me to do? - You got any idea how much he eats? Hey, hey, lou, come on.
I'm ready to go.
See? - Oh.
Oh, you wanna fight? - I am ready to fight, man.
You think he's ready to fight? - Yes, I do.
- All right, then.
You know what? Maybe we'll have a little fight here.
Sonny! This is my old friend sonny volpe from gleason'S.
Come on, champ.
What can I do for you? "Old" is the operative word here.
Yeah, right.
What do you say we do a quick round? Lou, the guy's 368 years old, and he's got one eye.
- I'm not fightin' him - 3 minutes.
That would--that wouldn't be nothin'.
Yeah, 3 minutes.
- What do you say? - I'll kill him.
- No-- - ok.
All right, fine.
He'll kill me? Fine, you're gonna kill him.
What do you say? Ok.
Uh, he does this for 3 minutes, we get him a fight? You get him to 3 minutes, he's gonna set you up for your first fight.
- Ok.
- All right? That's good? There you go.
Sounds good to me.
All right, look, just walk around with the old duffer, huh? Walk around with him? He's got one eye.
So stay on the other side.
Let's go.
- Let's get it on.
- Think he's a popcorn? - He's a popcorn.
- Is he? Tell him.
A what? I'm a what? You--you're a popcorn, big guy.
He called you a popcorn.
Start the goddamn clock.
Start the goddamn clock.
All right, go easy on him, sonny, will you? All right.
Real lemonade, isn't he? Real lemonade? Sure.
Sure thing.
- He's serious, huh? - Popcorn retread.
Go do some damage, sonny.
Ok, big guy.
Let's go.
- All right.
No problem, franko.
- Ding! Keep those hands up, franko.
I wanna see that left.
Come on.
Hands up.
This guy ain't ready.
You hear? A lemonade.
It's lemonade.
Sweet Crusade - by: Kerri Powers Thought you said--ahem-- you wanted to talk about damien.
I do.
And I think I remember you saying that you, uh-- it was too personal to talk about on the phone or at the firehouse.
It is.
Come on.
Sit down.
A toast.
To you for saving my son.
I know you're drinking again, tommy.
- Look-- - Kitten, I know everything about you.
You see--ahem.
Listen-- 'Cause, you see, tommy It's safe for you here.
Don't you get it? You're totally safe here.
You can come here, and you can drink.
You can come here, and we can do stuff like this.
You taste that? Doesn't that taste good? I want my son to be safe.
You can come here, I'll keep your secrets, and you keep my son safe.
Drink it.
Come on.
Come on and have a drink.
Good boy.
Want some more? Go on.
Good boy.
Good boy.
Good baby.
Good boy.
Good boy.
You gotta go.
Damien is gonna be home in about a half an hour.
- Am I all tucked in? - sure.
What? What, he's wi-- he's livin' here now? Yes.
I am so happy.
It's like my last stand with him or something.
You know, but don't worry.
I mean, he's not here most of the time, so you can come here, and we can do this.
You know, come over and totally drink, and I'll totally bang your brains out.
He'll never know.
I have needs.
You have needs.
It's mutual.
Get it? And I know that jimmy is looking down on this, and he is so proud that his only son is taking his place at the firehouse and that you are taking his place here, at home.
In bed and out.
All right, let's go.
Don't forget your shit.
You sleeping with anybody else right now? No.
- What do you mean? - Janet.
You are.
That's perfect.
There was a sudden-- No, no.
No, listen.
I totally mean that.
It's perfect.
Keep doing it, because that'll be, like, your, um, crazy, resentful, grudge sex Right.
And this will be more like an oasis, relaxing and slow and easy.
Plus you can drink.
- Except not right now.
- Oh.
What-- Ok, listen.
I know, based on how fast you came, that I still do it for you, and you definitely still do it for me.
I mean, christ, that felt good.
- Yeah.
- Didn't it? Yeah.
You gotta go.
Listen, do you wanna make this, like, a, um-- a regular night thing, or we should just call each other when we wanna hook up--you know what? I'll just call you.
- Are you using sex as a weapon.
- What?No.
It's the only weapon I have, so-- All right.
Well, d- do you want me to call you tomorrow? No, no, no.
I'll call you.
- Don't worry.
- Oh.
- All right? - All right.
- I love you.
- What? - How's the beer? - Uh, it's cold.
Hey, sweetie.
Can I get a shot of vodka, please? You got I.
? Come on.
You got another cigarette? Hey, dad.
See the markets? They're killin' me.
I mean, all day today, all right, I'm on the phone tryin' to talk my clients through this mess.
I'm tellin' 'em, "hey, calm down.
Everything's gonna be fine.
" Meanwhile--heh--every second and a half, my computer screen is just exploding with all the stocks I just talked them into goin' right down the shitter.
You know, the market keeps up the way it is, I might have to sell one of my boats.
Hey, wouldn't happen to have any weed with you, would you? Dad.
Oh, by the way, I just got this new place out in montauk.
You gotta see it.
It's right on the coast.
Hey, you know, I'm only gonna be using it, like, every other weekend, so if you wanna come out there, just let me know.
Goddamn it, what did I say to you? I told you in the car that I had to come down here and talk to this guy and that you needed to just chill for a minute.
Now go sit down and play your video game.
He's just like his mother.
He's always askin' me for shit.
W-where was I? I can't find my game.
What do I look like, your goddamn butler? Go and look for it.
Jesus christ.
What are you doin'? I thought derek was closin' up.
N-no, he was.
He-- I just--I, uh, forgot my cellphone, and, uh, just, uh, i came back to get that.
What are you, uh--what are you doin'? I'm just droppin' some gear off.
Me and damien have rehearsal with the band after closing tomorrow.
Are you drinkin'? No.
No, no.
Uh, derek must have left that bottle out, and i found that glass over on the, uh, pool table.
Hey, uh, speakin' of damien, I'm gonna need you to back off on that, uh-- that whole deal.
I was talkin' to his mother about it, so-- Yeah, back off on what? Whatever you--heh.
Whatever you wanna call that retarded mentoring thing you were doin'.
And, what, you're talkin' to his mom? What, are you tryin' to turn him against me, tom? Yeah, no, no.
I'm-- I'm not turnin' anybody against him.
You almost got him toasted, so, you know, I talked about it with her, and-- I--I don't give a shit What his mom thinks.
Neither does he, tom.
The kid looks up to me.
He's in my band, for christ's sake.
I don't give a shit if he's in the band.
I'm tellin' you how it's gonna be, ok? I'm takin' over.
I'm gonna teach the kid the right way to do things, all right, so-- Oh, really? So what makes you think I gotta listen to what you're tellin' me to do? What, just 'cause you were bangin' his mom today I'm supposed to back off? Listen, asshole.
I got news for you.
I don't give a shit whether you're drunk or not or who the hell's sucking your cock.
You got no rank on me, tom.
Watch what you're sayin'.
You're a goddamn firefighter.
I'm a goddamn firefighter.
No, correction.
- You're an old goddamn firefighter.
- Don't forget who you're talkin' to.
Yeah, you took a beatin' for me, tom, because we work together as a team, and you are the goddamn senior member of that team.
I'm glad you remember that? And when I'm your age, I'll be doin' the same thing, tom.
Only, I'll be wearin' officer's stripes on my shirt.
You don't wanna be chief or goddamn lieutenant, that's fine with me, but until you do, you got no right to tell me what to do.
Got it? - You can kiss my ass.
- Blow me.
Boy, you got some balls, kid.
Keep drinkin', pal.
Don't forget to lock up.
Portishead - by: Glory Box
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