Friday Night Lights s05e10 Episode Script

Don't Go

Guess about three months left, right? Yeah, on good behavior.
Y'all remember Becky, right? - Well, don't leave then.
- I'm leaving.
Because, you know what, we're done, jackass.
You recognize that photo? You're benched for Friday night.
Hey, you're putting Luke at QB? This is coach Taylor.
Who's this? John Araldi.
Shane State down in Florida.
Yeah? Jason Street gave me your number.
I'm looking for a head coach, and your name is at the top of our list.
Will you at least come down and pay us a visit? We made the decision to move up to division one last winter, and the guy we're looking for is going to get the keys to the kingdom Complete control over every aspect of the football program from recruiting, scheduling, personnel, the whole deal.
I mean, you've got an amazing story.
The way you brought your team back this year, I mean, that's very impressive.
You're exactly what we're looking for in a head coach.
This is what we can offer.
This is bad.
Garrity, I don't have time for all this.
Buddy, please.
It's "Buddy," Levi.
And I need to tell you something in all seriousness.
That right there marks the end of the East Dillon Lions football program led by coach Eric Taylor.
- It's a crate of oranges.
- Yeah.
And it's from the Sunshine State, from Florida.
And that can only mean one thing year-round sunshine and college funding.
Let me tell you something, Levi.
We are up against it here.
We have a fight on our hands.
A fight to keep coach Eric Taylor.
You got all that from a crate of oranges? Now, your brother's sentence was for 24 months with parole eligibility after 10 months served.
Now, we might be able to get a sit-down in front of the parole board, but what we need are character witnesses, people from the community who can speak on his behalf.
So, Timmy could be coming home? Well, his release isn't guaranteed.
I'll be honest, it's going to be tough.
He's had good behavior the whole time he's been in.
That's that's helpful.
Let me give you this.
All right, let's see.
This is a parole packet.
Use it to study.
Bring it with you to the meeting.
So I just get up there and give a speech? - Sure.
- Okay.
I can do that, yeah.
But get a few other character witnesses as well.
Is there anyone you can think of, anyone other than yourself that would be good for this, someone who can stand up and and speak for Tim? UhYeah, I'll figure it out.
- Do.
It's important.
- Okay.
- We'll need them.
- Okay.
- Come on, son.
- Keep throwing up them bricks.
- What? - We're going to build a house.
Hey, hey.
Respect your elders, boy.
Grown folks court right here.
You ain't know no better.
Why you grabbing me, huh? Why you grabbing me? Why you grabbing me? Look at that.
Bounce in the house! Whoo! This your lucky court, that's why.
- You got a high.
- All right, all right.
Wait, hold on, hold on.
Don't shoot none.
Always cheating.
Home rules, baby.
Home rules.
- Whatever.
- Oh, oh, oh, this is it.
- What? - Oklahoma Tech.
Hello? Ah, Mr.
Yeah, yeah, how you doing, man? You got some good news for me? Hold on.
You're joking, right? You're kidding me, man! What the hell was the visit for, then?! Hey, tell them they're making a big mistake, you hear?! What happened, pop? They offered it to the Toby kid.
- The lefty? - Yes! I thought you said we had it in the bag, pop? I know what I said, boy! Damn! No, forget it.
Grab the stuff, boy.
Ah! Well, East Dillon is gearing up for its first playoff run after a Cinderella season.
But there is a rumor afloat.
Some people are saying that coach Taylor is in the running for a college coaching position.
Did you see that, little girl? Could the East Dillon Lions lose their kingmaker? No doubt the Lions' powerhouse season has upped coach Taylor's stock, but will this translate into his leaving his team behind? - Gracie Belle.
- Hey, honey.
How you doing, monkey? - Monkey doodle.
- Grace, your daddy's home.
So, how was it, honey? Are we moving to Florida? Ah, it was very interesting.
Oh, good.
And who did you talk to? How was the facility? I talked to just about everybody that's down there - that's involved in the program.
- Oh, that's good.
They must have really rolled out the red carpet for you, then.
I don't know if they've got a red carpet down there to roll out.
It was nice, though.
But I think, overall, it looked like a pretty solid opportunity, I suppose.
Vince, you ain't gonna believe how many people are coming into the garden shop asking for bulbs, you know? I thought y'all sold flowers.
Boy, that is a flower.
Okay, okay.
Now I've got it all figured out.
What do you have figured out? We're going to call TMU, because coach Fletcher, he was all over you.
So I'm going to talk to him, generate a little heat and play them against Mississippi Central - Hey, dad! Dad! - And the next thing you know Dad, no.
Maybe we should just talk to coach.
No, I I'm just saying I need to be focused on this game Friday night.
Worried about getting my spot back, right? You going to get that back.
You're a Howard.
You're a star.
- Thanks, pop, but - Mm-hmm.
I think we need to take a step back on all the meetings, just for a while.
JustJust be cool.
You're the boss.
All right, all right.
I got to go to school.
I'm going to be late.
Yeah, don't be late.
Have a good day, baby.
- Madame chairman? - Yeah? Can you give us updates on the homework club, please? Yes, y'all.
It really is starting to work, I have to tell you.
Expelling Epyck, that was a good start.
All right, regardless of that, the homework club is making a difference.
And we can impact if we get one more volunteer.
- Do we get a flak jacket? - One more.
'Cause I don't want to end up with a concussion.
- All right, all right.
- It's not what I'm here for.
- Anyway, um - All right, let's move on.
One more volunteer would be great.
Yes, let's just move on.
Our last item is this fall's athletics banquet this week.
It's not mandatory to attend, but it does show good support from our faculty if you're there.
And also, you get a free dinner, okay? - Whoo! Free dinner.
- All right! That's it! - Have a good day, East Dillon! - All right.
See, I got this idea, Levi.
What we do is, we turn the athletic banquet into a tribute for For coach Taylor.
Well, the banquet's for all the teams, not just football.
Well, I understand that, but this would give each individual Lion a chance to stand up and give a little impromptu speech about the coach.
Well, impromptu means unplanned, Buddy.
Well, then promptu.
What I'm trying to say, Levi, is we have to make a case to try to keep coach Taylor here instead of off chasing oranges.
How do y'all feel about coach leaving? That's just a stupid rumor, Tink.
How do you know? I just know.
He's not going anywhere.
Oklahoma Tech didn't offer.
At least he had an offer.
Not anymore.
Stretch 'em out! All right, let's hang 'em.
A man can't leave if you erect a statue of him in his honor.
Think about it.
- Coach Taylor? - Mmm.
How about a plaque? - 1, 2 - You got money for that? I could work on money for a plaque.
A plaque sounds good.
I submitted you for this.
You submitted me for something without telling me? Yeah, I'm the principal.
I can do a lot of things without telling you.
What is this? Uh, it's a conference in Lubbock day after tomorrow.
You'll be on a panel about getting kids into college, and I think you're more than qualified for it.
And they think so too.
And, Tami, I think it would be good for you as well as East Dillon, okay? - Thank you.
- Good.
- Um, hey, one more quick thing.
- Yeah.
Do we know anything about Epyck? Has she showed up at Kilroy or? Mm, no.
Her papers haven't come in yet.
Plus, we have 500 other students to be concerned about, Tami.
Okay? - Okay.
- All right.
And you can take it as a personal day, okay? - Personal day? - Yeah.
- Oh, Levi, you are too much.
- Yes, ma'am.
- You are too much.
- Have a good y! You too! Yeah, I know that you're enjoying those really fresh, nice Florida oranges.
I saw the crate in there.
Why don't you just come out and tell me that you got an offer Don't do that.
Don't do that.
How's Buddy, Jr.
doing? The surgery went fine.
He's at home with his laptop and TV.
How much longer in the cast? I'm sorry about that.
I am too, Eric.
I'm especially sorry that he may never get to play for you since you're going to go off to greener pastures right now.
- Coach? - Yeah? - You got a minute? - Yeah.
Hey, Buddy, how are you? Oh, hey, Billy.
Do you mind if I have a minute with coach? No, no.
Go right ahead.
Um Tim's got a parole hearing, um, this week, and his lawyer wanted me to find some people who'd be willing to speak on his behalf.
They say it's probably his best shot of getting out early.
How's he doing? Yeah, he's doing good.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
I mean, he's keeping his head down, staying out of trouble, so I'll be a character witness.
You will? Your brother Tim Riggins? Maybe one of the best fullbacks ever to play in the state of Texas, the boy my girl fell in love with? Yeah, I'll do that.
I believe in loyalty, Billy.
Yeah, I believe in sticking with your people through thick and thin, good and bad.
You know I'll be there.
Okay, thank you, sir.
- You betcha.
- Me too.
All right, thank you.
Thank you.
Hey, Jesse, you wouldn't hold back on us, right? You telling us the truth? I'm telling the truth.
I haven't heard anything.
I haven't heard him say anything about it because I'm not snooping.
- I'm going to ask him now.
- No! Hey, coach! You going to Florida? - Oh, damn, Tinker.
- Tinker What? No, I was planning on going home, Tinker.
So should you.
No, seriously.
Are you leaving, coach? Come on, it's all over the news.
We heard in the newspaper you were leaving.
We heard it on the radio, coach.
Come on, coach, it's in the newspaper.
You leaving us for Florida, huh? You know where I'm going, fellas? I'm going to Northfield on Friday on the team bus with you, because we've got the playoffs coming up.
Where you going after the playoffs? Maybe Disneyland, Tinker.
I don't know.
But other than that, I don't really have any other plans.
- Whoo! - Y'all have a good one.
You too, coach.
Oh my gosh! Would you look at this house? Gracie, look.
Isn't that pretty, honey? See that? She's excited about it.
Honey, this is exciting.
I didn't even focus on stuff like that.
- Look at that pool.
- Mm-hmm.
How many years is this offer for? Three years with a two-year option.
We could do three years with that pool, couldn't we, Gracie Belle? Yes, we could.
Says it's near a charter school, too.
This looks beautiful.
Oh, my gosh.
- Vince.
Hey, Vince.
- What's going on, Mr.
Garrity? - How are you? - I'm doing all right.
- Good, good.
- How's Buddy Jr.
holding up? Buddy's doing fine.
He's doing well.
Thanks for asking.
Appreciate that.
Listen, all the guys are going to say a little something at the banquet about the coach, all the players.
The football players? We've got to say something? Yeah, yeah.
And I just want to give you a heads-up so you can be prepared.
And, you know, it will just make him feel a little special, just a way to honor coach Taylor.
Garrity, I don't think coach really cares what I got to say.
It won't change nothing no-how.
I don't know if I really agree with you on that, Vince, 'cause, well, it's I mean, I know you didn't start last week, but you're one of the leaders of this team.
You're one of the captains of this team.
In my opinion, you're the heart of this team, and I think it will mean a lot to him.
All right, well, I'll try to come up with something.
Thank you.
Appreciate it.
For sure.
Have a good week.
- Ready? You got it? - Yeah, I'm ready.
I'm ready.
- All right.
- Come on, hit me.
Here! Nice! - Okay, go long.
- All right.
A little longer, little longer.
You're not going to get it to me if I go any longer.
I have an awesome arm, okay? Hit me.
Oh, there you go.
See? Don't make me tackle you.
Unfair size advantage.
So you going to do the whole college football star thing? Probably not.
How come? There's just other people who are better, you know.
End of story.
Nobody wants me.
I want you.
I thought you were being cute! That was cute.
My brother has made mistakes, and he's paid for those mistakes.
He is a good person, and he is a true American, and I can promise you that if Damn it.
He's a good citizen, you freaking moron.
My brother has made mistakes, and he has paid for those mistakes.
He is a good citizen, and he will do everything he can to make sure that none of these things happen for him in - What are you doing? - Hey.
Don't sneak up on me like that, please.
Hey, I wasn't.
That sounded real good.
No, it didn't, okay? It sounds ridiculous.
Hey, no, it doesn't.
I'm supposed to have this thing memorized by tomorrow, and I can't even get halfway through it right now.
- Hey.
- What? You're a good brother.
Hey, coach, can I talk to you for a second? Yeah, come on in.
What you got? Coach, I know why you benched me.
All right? I get it.
And I hear you loud and clear.
But I want back, all right? I want to take us to the playoffs.
I will take us to state.
I understand Oklahoma Tech went with someone else.
You're going to have to work your way back.
The team comes first.
We do not play to get you offers.
I'm going to earn it back.
I'm just trying to be realistic, because I'm thinking maybe, you know, football's not just going to hand me my future on a plate.
I hear you.
So I was just thinking of what's happening next, like after I graduate and, you know Unless you think that's too late already.
Oh no.
It's absolutely not too late.
College deadlines are coming up, though.
Have you started your applications at all, or? Well, no, because I thought that I just figured that with college everything was going to be football, like that was going to get me to school, so Well, I think it would be useful to talk about what your other interests are, I mean, besides football.
What do you think you're good at? I haven't really I need a chance to think about it.
That's okay.
Think about it.
I brought you some water.
Thank you.
How many books did she make you read? Five.
She's gotten real good at picking out words.
I have no idea what I'm going to say at this stupid panel tomorrow.
Are you thinking about Shane State? Tim Riggins is up for parole.
Billy came into the office today and asked if I'd be a character witness at the hearing tomorrow.
You going to do it? You bet I'm going to do it.
That poor kid.
But I put hot sauce on it, and they say "hold on now.
This is Mrs.
B's hot sauce.
" I said, "come on, now.
" I mean, I put it all up on it, man, you know.
- What's up, pops? - Hey.
What's going on? Where's mom at? She's at the house, man.
Some people I want you to meet.
This is Andy Oswald and Glen Peppers.
- Mississippi Central.
- Hey, uh This is the man here, the man with the arm, right.
I'm looking forward to talking with you.
Have a seat.
Um, pop, can I can I talk to you for a second? Yeah, yeah.
We've just got some family business.
We'll be right back.
Enjoy the chips, all right? - All right.
- We'll be talking to you.
- Okay, Mr.
- All right.
- Pop, what you doing? - What? I thought we said we was going to take a step back.
Yeah, I know I know what I said, but, look here, I found out that coach Fletcher, you know, from TMU, he offered to some kid, Chris Patterson.
Okay, the clock is ticking now.
We've got to make moves.
Pop, I'm not meeting with nobody else, all right? I can't afford to get in any more trouble with coach.
I told you that.
Look, son We've only got so many choices.
So we've got to jump on opportunities, all right? Now what you need to do is lose the attitude and sit your butt on down now.
Now, I ain't playing.
Come on.
Buck up.
Come on, Vince.
Son! All right, yeah.
Go on.
Handle that paper.
Yeah, uh, sorry, sorry.
He ain't going to be able to make it tonight because he's got a paper due, you know.
And schoolwork is very important to him.
- Absolutely, absolutely.
- Grades are very important.
So, you know If she puts her nose down, we give her that little love tap.
Don't whack her.
Just a little love tap.
All right.
And, remember, the nose is a steering wheel, okay? So if you want her to go this way, you want her to go this way, that's how you work with her, because you want that judge to be able to look at every single part of this pig's body all the time.
That's part of that showmanship.
You're trying to show them it's a well-trained animal.
And always keep your eye on the judge, okay? Another part of that is you've got to look good.
So you want to tuck in your shirt and wear a belt, and don't be chewing any bubble gum.
And don't wear a baseball cap or anything like that.
- All right? - All right.
Just remember, don't be nervous, because if you're nervous, she's going to be nervous.
You know, Luke, you're pretty good at this, man.
Is this your first year here? Tami Taylor.
- It's right over here.
- Okay, thank you.
- Tami? - Yes? - Tami Taylor, right? - Right.
Dana Weldon, yes, from Braymore College.
- Great to see you.
- We met at West Dillon.
Yes, yes, yes.
Nice to see you.
Good to see you.
I'm actually at East Dillon now.
- Oh? - I'm a counselor over there.
Good for you.
Are you going into this next panel right now? Yeah, yeah.
Actually, I'm a panelist on it.
Oh, excellent.
- Are you going? - I am.
All right, great.
So what's going to happen is this They'll call you in, you have to sit.
They're going to want to hear from Tim.
But keep it brief.
Wait You're not going to be in there? No, they don't allow counsel to be present during the meeting.
That's why I gave you the parole packet.
Okay, but, um, how do I know when to speak, then? They'll call your name.
I don't want Billy to speak.
What? He's done enough damage.
Tim, look, somebody's got to speak for you.
I understand that.
I just don't want it to be you.
Tim, I don't think you understand how important Billy is to you.
He's the family member that you'll be living with if you get an early release.
Besides, how badly can he mess it up anyway? You'd be surprised.
Getting back to the issue of standardized testing, what improvements can be made in regards to college admissions? Well, I think one of the options is that Texas needs a baseline for their standardized test scores and accountability for those scores.
Now, we can learn a lot from looking at California's integrative accountability system, and that has a state academic performance index, and it's also monitoring the federal adequate yearly process and program improvements.
And I would love to just add one thing to that, if I could.
Uh, you know, I feel that we've spent a lot of time today talking about these standardized tests, and I think we've already acknowledged the system is failing us.
And if we continue to just keep looking at these tests and focusing on these tests, then we will fail our students.
And if we keep pushing those kids towards the ever-important test score, we're pushing them to fail.
It seems naive to presume that these test scores don't exist.
I don't mean to presume that they don't exist, but the students have very different needs.
And we have a responsibility to see what those needs are and to address them.
What would you have us do? Sit down with every student in the state? Yes.
I would.
Very good debate.
He's always been a great little brother, just a great person.
He's a good American, and he's changed.
I'm sorry.
That's not what I meant.
I mean, he's still a good American.
He's just not going to get into the kind of trouble that he got into before.
I'm sorry.
I wrote all this down, but, um The bottom line is, he's got a family that loves him and misses him, and we'll be a good support system for when he gets out.
I've got a son who needs to know who his uncle is.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Now I understand we have a letter of support from Mr.
Eric Taylor.
Coach Taylor.
Thank you.
I'm a high school football coach.
I don't think that there's any better position to be able to judge the content of a young man's character than that.
I coached Tim for three years.
He graduated, got a scholarship, went off to college.
He came back.
I offered him a job as an assistant coach.
I didn't ask him to be an assistant coach because of his skills on the field, which we all know were prodigious.
I asked him to be part of our team because of his character off the field.
The mistake that was made Was tragic indeed.
I think everyone in here agrees that it was a stupid mistake.
But that mistake does not represent the man who's sitting in front of you.
I can guarantee you that.
He is a good young man.
And that's how I know him.
Thank you.
Thank you, coach Taylor.
That's all the business we have Wait, I'm here to speak, sir.
I'm sorry.
I don't have anyone else on the list.
Well, I'm Buddy Garrity.
I've owned businesses here in East Dillon for a long time.
As you well know, Erica, you bought a Chevy Tahoe from me about three years ago.
- Mr.
Garrity, I - Excuse me.
- I'm sorry, but we normally - Sir, please, please.
If you if you don't mind, please.
I've known this young man since before he hit puberty.
And this young man has done a lot of things wrong.
I've seen him do a dozen things wrong, but let me tell you something right now.
He is not a bad young man, and he's certainly not a criminal.
He doesn't need to be in this system.
He dated my daughter for years, and we took him in like family, so he's like family to me.
And I could tell you this kid right here has got more heart than almost any person I know.
And I can promise you that when you let him out, he will have a full-time job working for me.
And I can guarantee you that nothing like this will ever happen again.
You have my word on that.
It's time for you to let Tim Riggins come home.
Thank you.
They tell you how long it would take for them to decide? I've been told two weeks.
Bailiff said that you've been taking classes.
Got some time off for good behavior.
Yes, sir.
Good behavior.
Did you get my letters? I did.
I'm sorry I didn't come visit more.
I'm sorry I let you down.
You didn't, and that's not why I'm here.
Thank you for coming.
What's up? Nothing.
Uh, you know, um I want to talk to you about something.
Now I don't want to fight, okay? Just hear me out.
I got a call into these people.
Alabama, son.
Best program in the South.
Didn't I tell you I was done with all that college recruiting stuff? I told coach Taylor the same thing.
Coach Why you hanging on Taylor's every word, huh? He got one foot out the door.
Luke asked him straight up was he leaving, and he said "no.
" - He said he ain't going nowhere.
- Come on.
Think now! What? You think he's gonna tell y'all that he's going somewhere? No! Not with the playoffs coming.
He ain't no fool.
Look, trust me, son.
The man has an offer.
All right? And he's going to take it.
And how do you know that? Because I talked to an assistant coach at LSU.
He was up for the same job.
The offer's on Taylor.
Now that's when you need to listen to me, son.
I'm trying to set you up for the future.
I'm your father.
I know what's right! Now what you need to be doing is using what you got O.
! That is enough.
Get off his back.
Regina, I'm just telling him how it is.
No, no.
What you've been doing is is you've been smothering this child all week, all month.
He needs a father, O.
, not an agent.
Out of my way.
You think coach really gonna leave? I don't know, babe.
So, coach testified, then you testified, then Buddy Garrity testified? It's not called testimony, all right? We just talked.
That's all.
Okay, so everybody talked, and then what did the judge say? He's not a judge, all right? It's just like three people in a room.
Mindy, baby, we've got to go.
Come on now! Well, did they tell you when Tim gets parole? No.
Nobody told me anything, okay? I went in there.
I stood up.
I spoke.
I said what I had to say, and I came home.
Nobody freaking told me what happens after this.
Why don't you quit yelling at her? Is that what you're wearing? Maybe you'd just like to go by yourself to your little party.
Screw this.
- Hey! - What?! What?! What do you want?! All right, all right.
I'm sorry, okay? Look, you did the best you could, okay? Oh, babe, you got coach there.
You got Buddy there.
I promise you, you did everything you could, and that makes all the difference, okay? Baby.
I'm sorry.
- Okay.
- Okay.
It's okay.
Ladies and gentlemen! I'd like to thank you, faculty, staff and parents and students for coming out to the East Dillon Fall Athletic Banquet.
Give yourselves a hand.
We want to give a shout-out to the East Dillon basketball team.
Young men, please stand up.
The ladies of the East Dillon Lions volleyball team please stand up.
The outstanding cross country team, please stand up.
And now, the mighty, mighty East Dillon high football team Give it up.
- Hello, Taylors.
- Oh, look who it is.
- Hey! - Hey, guys.
How are you? Hi, Buddy Garrity.
How are you, honey? Gracie Belle, you are the most beautiful girl here.
- You remember Mr.
Garrity? - I brought you a t-shirt.
Just for you.
- Oh, nice.
That's so sweet.
- You like it? It's all yours.
Look at that, Gracie Belle.
Clear eyes.
Little hearts.
You know what? Can't lose.
- Hey, Jess.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- What's what's up? - Not much.
How are you doing? I'm all right, I'm good.
Just getting ready for the game tomorrow.
I I I've been meaning to say too, like, I heard about Oklahoma Tech, and I'm sorry Don't be.
Don't be.
All right, I got another year.
Everything will work out.
Yeah, for sure.
I mean, that was just such a jerk move how they Jess, I miss you.
I miss you.
I've got to go find my brothers.
I'll see you later, though.
Mary Belle, second place.
- That's my girl.
- Congratulations.
Hey, I thought I was your girl? - You are my girl.
- Good boy.
Hey, everybody, could I get your attention, please? First of all, I just want to honor one special group here tonight who happens to be the East Dillon football team Lions who have, for the first time in 25 years, made it to the playoffs.
All of you know that that would not have been possible without a very special person that we have here, coach Eric Taylor.
Thank you very much.
We have a little surprise.
Some of the players are prepared to come up and a little special tribute for coach Taylor.
Coach taught me to play hard and to leave everything out on the field.
So, thank you, coach.
Yeah! When I met coach, I was just a fat kid.
I'm still a fat kid, but he told me if I worked hard and played hard, that he'd make me into a player, and I want to thank you for that.
Playing for coach is is like a dream.
Some of the greatest days of my life have been playing for you, coach.
Thank you.
All right! I just wanted to say ever since you came to East Dillon, you've really changed my life, and I love you for that.
Thank you for everything.
Coach told me that I would like football, I just didn't know it yet.
And he was right.
Thank you.
Um, coach Taylor is You know, he's, uh he's the best.
So good.
That was such a nice honor for you tonight, hon.
You don't think it was too much on the nose, do you? Well, I think it was obvious what they were doing, but I think it was heartfelt.
I think all those people meant what they said.
And that had the desired effect.
I'm sure it makes you think twice about leaving Dillon.
It's a hell of an offer.
It really is.
I'd own that program.
- Excellent funding.
- Yeah.
They've actually got recruitment dollars that can be had.
And oranges.
Don't forget about oranges.
- I like oranges.
- I love oranges.
I love fresh-squeed orange juice in the morning.
I like fresh-squeezed orange juice next to a pool.
- It's nice, too.
- Ooh, that pool.
I love that pool.
You know what I want more than anything right now? What? I want to bring these kids to state.
That's what I want.
I know you do.
They deserve it.
They do.
But, you know what, once you do that, this offer is something to think about, because you deserve that.
Your mom said hi to me.
- No, she didn't.
- Yes, she did.
It's so pretty out here.
I used to hate it here.
And my whole life I always figured football was going to take me out of here, because I couldn't imagine staying around here, but I guess I better try to imagine it.
I have an amazing imagination.
- You do? - Uh-huh.
I'm seeing the next game.
And you're winning.
No, you're winning.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
And you're making all these plays.
Yeah, and then you're catching a pass, and you score a touchdown.
And the crowd goes crazy! You do have a good imagination.
See it like a movie.
You ever, um You ever think you could imagine living on a farm? Sure.
Okay, Gracie Belle, I've got your coloring books.
Where's my hat? You got my - Gracie's got it.
- Aw, you found my hat.
I'm just going to wait here for the babysitter.
- You be good, kiddo.
- I'll be right there, okay? - Bye.
- Okay.
I'll see you soon.
All right.
All right, see you later.
Bye! What the hell are you doing here? I know you got an offer to go coach at Shane State.
And I'm asking you not to go.
You know you're supposed to be at the field house right now? Yes, I do.
Feeling bad about last night.
Want to get some stuff off my chest.
And I wanted to let you know that having you as a coach has been one of the best things that ever happened to me.
I don't know where I would be without you.
Either in jail or in a ditch somewhere.
And I just want to let you know if you come back next season, I'm going to be focused.
No mistakes.
No mess-ups.
No drama.
Just don't go.
You know you're late, don't you? Come on.
Get in the damn car.
Come on.
Get in the damn car! Let's go! Did I tell you you're starting tonight? No.
Since when? Since I made the decision that you're starting.
- You know what your problem is? - What? You ask too many damn questions.
All right, I'm going to have one more shot, one more.
And then I've got to go.
- Hey.
Hey, you're home.
- Hey.
We haven't gotten him any food yet.
Do you need something to eat? I'll get you a Schmitty's burger.
We'll order in some Schmitty's.
Is that good? Okay.
Got to go kick ass in the football game.
Okay, I love you.
Say, "here's mommy.
" I've got to go win a football game.
All right.
Stevie, I love you.
Hannibal, you're the man.
Oh, Tim, it's good to have you home.
And these are yours.
Oh, Eddie.
Keep your hands off my wife.
- Will do.
- All right.
Welcome home.
Coach! Coach! Listen, coach, I know it's been a long road, but you're taking this team to the playoffs next week.
How does it feel? You look at all these people out here, and you see the excitement and everything, I think the word that comes to mind is pride.
What do you want to say to your fans about your future at East Dillon? I'll tell you, this is an away game tonight.
But you look around and you see the community that's here and the young players that I have playing for me, and the character they've got no matter where they are, no matter where this community goes, that's home.
And I know there's been a lot of speculation about what I'm going to be doing with my future.
And I can tell you tonight after this game, I plan on coming home to Dillon.
And that's where I plan to stay, at home in Dillon.
You're full of surprises, aren't you? I love you.
Love you.
Have a good game, coach.

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