Rescue Me s05e10 Episode Script


Previously on rescue me What, you want to fight? Yeah, I'm ready to fight, lou.
Let's do it.
This guy's not ready.
Reality dude.
You gotta be in the band, bro.
Count me in, bro.
We should continue having sex.
You're saying that you want to have sex with me with no strings attached.
You don't have to worry about teddy anymore.
You know how he was banged up after your father died? Right.
He's running around volunteering at every single V.
Hospital there is.
Kill me.
I'll give you 3 grand.
Look, I'm here to offer support and let you guys know you're not forgotten.
How about for 20 grand? Apparently your sister maggie is down there with him.
And she's into it 100%.
They got in so much trouble.
Wills, are you masturbating? Somebody should call arlington national, tell them there's going to be a rush.
No, it's about time you're interested.
Ok, could you put mom on, please? To what do I owe the pleasure? Hey, is terrence still on? No, he's in the other room working on his crossword.
He's so smart, your brother.
He's a really bright boy.
- I got cancer.
- Oh, seany, my poor baby.
I'm gonna need you to come to new york, ma, and be with me.
All right?I'm all alone on this one.
I haven't even told the guys in the firehouse.
You're totally safe here.
And you can drink, and I'll keep your secrets.
And you keep my son safe.
Are you sleeping with anybody else right now? - No.
Only-- - Janet.
You are.
That's perfect.
It's perfect.
Keep doing it.
This will be more like an oasis.
Tommy? What are you, drinking? No, no, no-- You got no right to tell me what to do, got it? Boy, you got some balls, kid.
Keep drinkin', pal.
All right, all right.
What's up? We got lots of damage to the upper floors.
A couple of residents unaccounted for.
You and mike, you want to do a quick sweep of the basement? - No.
- No.
Go out that door.
Cross the courtyard-- Yeah, yeah, I remember, I got it.
We had a fire here when I first got into the department.
Oh, yeah? Probably started by a dinosaur.
Me and jimmy got assigned to the basement.
I think the set-up in these apartments might be different, but down there should be just about the same.
Yeah, was that during the kennedy administration? - Ha, that's so funny.
- Sorry.
Were the beatles broken up yet? You know what, speaking of bands, I don't want damian playing in your little shitty one, ok? I want him focused on everything he's gotta do at the academy.
We're not a shitty band, tommy.
We're actually pretty good, and damian rips it up on the guitar.
He's got some really good chops, actually.
I don't care if he has a jimi hendrix tribute solo that he can pull out of his ass.
I want him focused on the work at hand, ok?Nothing else.
Well, why don't you come and tell him that yourself, face-to-face, when he's got his axe strapped on his back, you know? We're actually rehearsing at the bar tonight because it's an off night.
Oh, wait, you know what, I forgot.
You probably already know that because you've been doing your secret little drinking thing there.
Do me a favor, try to stay sober long enough so you can hear us.
Hey, you know what, that was--I was tired that night.
That was what that was about.
Yeah, whatever, I didn't say anything, asshole, all right? I kept your dirty little secret for 3 reasons-- one, I was embarrassed.
Really embarrassed.
Ashamed actually.
And two, you know, damian's got enough on his plate without having to worry about whether his drunken uncle is gonna show up shitfaced or clear-eyed holding a cup of coffee in his very steady hand.
- What was the third thing? - What? You said there was 3 things.
Did I mention shame? Yeah, you said I--you said you were ashamed after the really embarrassed thing.
Really embarrassed, that was the third thing.
- That was the third thing? - Yes!Why? Because most people would include the really embarrassed in with the just regular embarrassed.
It would all be one thing.
And then shame would be its own, separate whole individual thing.
Yeah, I should have made shame its own, like, area.
Because you know what? I was ashamed.
- You really should be too, tom.
- Now it's an area? I thought it was with the thing.
Hey, I can quit the booze whenever I want, ok, asshole? Then you should.
Quit while you're ahead, tom.
I don't feel like it, all right? Holy shit.
You know what check the other side of the room, all right? Hey, lou, you might want to run a ride down here.
I got smoke with no bitch, all right? Copy.
Yeah, I can quit the sauce whenever I want to, pancho.
- Oh, yeah? - Yep.
What about all that A.
Bullshit then, tom, you know? About it being a disease and everything.
Yeah, well, some people it is.
It's like bone cancer, you know? Kills 'em dead.
Me, it was like the flu.
I had it and now I'm over it, you know? - Let me ask you something, tom.
- What? How much have you had to drink today? Why don't you take a swing at me and we'll find out, asshole.
Lou, what the hell was that? Are you guys ok? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're fine.
Floor gave way on the third story.
A guy had a goddamn safe up there.
What kind of safe? Not your ordinary home safe.
An 8,000 pound goddamn bank safe.
Oh, shit, tom, the door's jammed.
Hey, lou, any chance you guys coming down here, maybe clearing the doorway for us? Copy.
Be right there.
All right, enough.
What are we gonna do? Play scrabble.
Where is that coming from? Wow.
Hey, hey! Hey.
Hey, relax, will you? What are you doing? I forgot to fill the tanks from the last job, tom.
You're shittin' me, right? That's awesome.
Yeah? We got problems, or should I say problem.
The safe, it's down at the bottom of the stairs up against the basement door.
Trying to think of a way to get the hell out of there, coming up dry.
You? Uh, let me think.
Um nope.
I've got nothing.
How's your air? Uh, douchebag forgot to switch the tanks out after the last call.
So he's done, and I'm probably really goddamn low.
You all right? Just relax, ok?Take it easy.
- All right? - What are we gonna do, tom? Just relax.
I'm spitballing here.
But that time jimmy and I were in this building, I think I think if you go up a floor, the second apartment in the back.
Go into the apartment, go through the living room, and, uh, the center of the living room floor should be just above where we are, ok? You'll be there when we are? Yeah.
Dead or alive.
- Give us 2 minutes.
- All right.
Lou, if you could shave about a minute and a half off that, it would really help.
Copy that.
Oh, shit! Oh, shit.
Holy shit.
All right, kid, hang on.
What do we do, tom? I really think we ought to knock it down.
Hey, hey, hey.
- Tom! - What?! - Knock it down, tom! - Shut up! You're eating up air.
Tom, tom we're gonna burn in here, tom.
All right, kid.
Come on.
All right, all right, all right, enough.
Hey! Hey! All right, one more time.
Come on, quick, quick.
- Do you pray, kid? - Yeah.
Might want to get an our father or a hail mary in.
Ready to go, lou? Here, go.
All right, come on.
Come on, let's go.
Get up, get up.
All right, listen.
You keep my secret, I keep yours, got it? Hey! Sorry about that, guys.
- We've been a little busy saving civilians.
- Oh, really? Yeah, plus there's a milla jovovich poster out in the hallway.
- Oh, yeah, which movie? - Resident evil.
- Ah, one or two? - Two.
You got it? There you go.
Proudly Presents Season 5 Episode 10 Guys, all I'm saying is, you take the boston off the front of a boston cream pie, and you have a dessert that everybody can enjoy.
How is a yankee fan supposed to dig into that particular dessert and not feel like a total scumbag traitor? - I just think you're overreacting.
- It kills me, every bite I take.
- This is america.
- Lou.
Hi, ken.
Long time, no see.
Who's your friend, lou? Oh, just a lovely young lady that blew into my life a couple years ago and took about $26,000 of my money, or just about everything I had saved up at that point.
- You're looking good.
- Can we talk? Yeah, you know what, let me just have the guys hold my wallet.
I'll be right out.
Go ahead.
- What the hell was that about? - I don't know.
The ghost of thieving hookers past.
Are you all right? Yeah, I'm all right.
I'm fine.
- I know I should have-- - Move.
Away from the house.
You have got some nerve, bitch.
You've got some goddamn nerve walking in here smiling, acting like nothing happened.
You want to know something, I have never hit a woman before, but I swear to god, if I were you, I would keep walking and walking fast.
I came to tell you how sorry I am about-- About what? About what? About running away with my life savings? You could have saved yourself a trip down here.
You could have went into a hallmark and bought a "I'm so sorry I ripped you off" card, and shoved 26 grand into it and mailed it to me.
I can pay you back most of the money.
It's not about the goddamned money! You know, I don't say the words "I love you" naturally.
Those words, they just don't form in that order in my mouth without a lot of goddamned heavy lifting.
And the fact of the matter is, I opened up and I exposed myself to you.
And then I just find out that I'm just one more asshole in a whole line of them, just waiting to be fleeced by you! I am a different person, ken.
Well, congratulations.
Now screw! I've changed, but you haven'T.
I'm sure of it.
You are still a good man with a good heart.
If I really needed you, you wouldn't turn me away.
Yeah, well, try me.
I'm not leaving until you're ready to talk.
I'm not leaving, ken.
That way.
That way.
- Hey! - Hey.
How's it going? Not too good.
I've got a dilemma.
You've got a dilemma.
Take a look around you.
The level of need in this place is ridiculous.
I have found a new sense of purpose.
Listen, you don't understand.
Why, they want you to kill 'em? My cats, they're very, very sick.
How did you know that? I've got my ways.
Oh, my god! Your father would spin in his grave if he knew you were having sex with these old guys.
Oh, please!Dad would have given his goddamn purple heart.
Besides, some of these vietnam and gulf war vets are totally hot! And I dabbled in korea, but that's where I draw the line.
Anything beyond korea would just be gross.
You have some serious issues.
I got issues? You should talk to stumpy.
Stumpy's number four on my list.
Life without arms is no picnic.
You should try scratching an itch on your nose while you're cut off at the elbows.
It's like a cat licking his balls.
You know, you ought to consider siding him up a bit.
I came here to help my fellow vets, not play angel of death.
Well, I didn't come here to play angel of sex, but sometimes the roles we play choose us.
Jesus, maggs, you're even more twisted than I thought.
Hey, ma, how'd you sleep?Ok? Not great.
It's hard for me to adjust to a new mattress.
Or maybe it was those crazy sheets.
Who is that little yellow person, anyway? Oh.
Spongebob squarepants.
Mike said he was going to get rid of those.
I'm sorry.
It's fine.
I didn't expect the four seasons.
More the one season-- winter.
A/c kept kicking on every 5 minutes.
I probably have a swelling of the respiratory tract.
- You have a what? - A cold.
Well, then why didn't you just say that?A cold? Instead of coming up with some cockamamie, fancy word that tries to make you look smart, when in reality, you still can't hold down a job and you still live at home with ma.
Ok?And could you use a glass? Please, terrence?Jesus.
I looked at your glasses, squirt, they're filthy.
I'm sorry if I don't want a rhinovirus.
A what? Ma, did you have to bring him?Really? You didn't tell me not to.
Yeah, I did, ma.
Like 10 times in a 3 minute phone call.
It was like a chant at one point.
I wanted to spend some time alone with you.
- Is this the whole cancer thing again? - Oh, shut up, terrence.
No, get over yourself, squirt.
I mean, obviously you're going to milk this cancer thing for everything you can.
Which reminds me, you need more milk.
You're such an asshole! Sean leslie garrity, the language! - Apologize to your older brother.
- Are you kidding me?Ma-- Terrence is just trying to tell you that maybe you're getting a little self absorbed about your health issues, which is probably why you didn't have time to find us a hotel room after our 6-hour drive from trenton.
Ok, it's not 6 hours from trenton.
The turnpike was bumper to bumper.
And we stopped at some outlet stores.
And I didn't put you up in a hotel because I'm spending all my money on the surgery I'm having in a couple of days, by the way.
Oh, boy.
See, ma, I warned you.
- He needs money.
- Oh.
Look, I'll pack up, you pull the car around.
Terrence I don't know, I just started baking again.
You know, 'cause I got a lot of time on my hands.
But I didn't want to leave them lying around the house, because then I would eat every last crumb and I didn't want my ass going all ponderosa, so we thought that we would bring them here.
- Nice.
- You thought.
I thought I'd like to get to school on time.
Can we go? - Hey, look.
- Ooh, lou, muffins.
- You want-- - Later.
What--what is it--it's-- Since when does lou not want a muffin? Revelations 2:3, and the lieutenant shall shun baked goods.
So, how was your first fire? Were you scared? You know, a little.
Not the answer that I was looking for.
All right, a lot.
I was scared shitless if you want to know the truth.
Yeah, well, you're scared.
As soon as you don't show the bitch some respect, that's when you have to start picking out the kind of casket you want.
You know what, how about we not talk about caskets, 'cause you're spoiling my muffins.
I tell you what.
You go back to probie school and you listen to your dis like joe higgins and those guys, and you graduate top of your class or close, I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
I'm gonna put in a good word and try to get you assigned to this house, to this crew.
You can do that? Well, I never called in any favors, so I just, you know, might as well take the opportunity.
What? Thank you.
Thank you.
Wow, this is incredible.
I'm just--I'm really honored.
Thanks, tommy.
Shit, look at the time.
I'm gonna go wait in the car.
- Ok.
- Ok.
Hey, thanks, tommy.
- Ok.
- Well, you know what? I'm glad you guys are sleeping together again.
What--wait, what? Back the truck up! What? - Well, you are, right? - No! Oh, come on.
- I know the signs.
- What signs? She's baking, she's happy.
That doesn't-- And when you use tommy's name, you say it without that, uh, "I'm gonna chop his balls off" tone you usually have.
Listen to me.
Your uncle has just given you very good news about your future.
Can you not disrespect him by talking about his balls? Come on, we're all adults here.
You should do what makes you happy.
Damian, for the last time, we literally are not having sex.
No-- Fine.
Look, can we go, please? - I really can't be late.
- Yeah.
All right.
Hey, thanks again, tommy.
What do you think, did he see something? Oh! I want to make something very, very clear here.
We're not gonna have sex anymore? What? No, shh.
No, no, we're totally having sex.
That part is good.
I don't care if you come over to my house and drink and have sex with me, and all that's good.
I just want to make sure that you have a handle on the booze.
Because if I get one iota of an inch of a whisper of a whiff - that you are drinking on the job-- - I'm not drinking on the job.
I'm gonna take these sensitive brown tits right off your goddamn table.
Look, I'm not drinking on the job.
- Then you still have my tits.
- Ok? - Who else knows about-- - Nobody.
All right.
Besides me and lou and janet? - Mike.
- Why? After I left your house that night, I went to the bar, and we got--we got into an argument about damian.
It was--I wasn't even-- I had like 2 drinks.
Damian is what I'm worried about, ok? Look, there is safety in numbers.
The more guys that know, the better the odds are of you keeping it under control.
I guess I never thought of it that way.
Well, do me a favor and start thinking about it that way.
Be at my house around seven? Bye.
This channel 4 weather chick can get it.
Hot to death, man.
No, I don't like her hair.
It's too poofy, you know? That chick on channel seven, though, with the olive-y skin, that's who I'd bang.
Well, what about the one from channel two? - Oh, the one with the big lips, right? - Yeah.
No, no, no, her voice is too squeaky.
It's like, "nyah, nyah.
" - Lou? - What? Weather chicks? You know what, the mood I'm in, al goddamn roker.
Guys, hey, hey, could you turn off the tv, I've got an announcement I want to make.
is that the channel four weather chick? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Nice tits, but hmm, spock ears.
Listen, guys, I got an announcement I'd like to make.
I put a lot of thought into this.
Just gonna put it out there.
I'm drinking again.
Now, I know a couple of you guys, lou and mike in particular, already have this information, but I want you guys to know, ok? I'm not an alcoholic.
I think I was going through a rough patch and that's all.
Now I'm drinking again, I can control it, and, you know, in the spirit of the brotherhood and working together and being 100% clear, I want to put it out there on the table I'm drinking again.
I can control it.
It's not going to be a prob--what? You told mikey before you told me? Ok, not on purpose.
It was--shawn? Does this mean it's ok for everybody to know? Yeah, like I said, I'm not an alcoholic.
I really don't care who--yeah? Goddamn probie gets the info before I do? I'm not a goddamn probie anymore.
You didn't raise your hand, asshole.
Guys, would you please-- yeah, shawn? - So I can tell colleen? - Yes.
Let me--let me clarify.
Mike, yeah, I know, you're not the probie anymore.
I have to go to the bathroom.
Ok, you know what, do me a favor and don't tell colleen.
Maybe tell everybody else, but just don't tell colleen.
- Full disclosure? - Full disclosure.
- Except colleen.
- Right.
Ok, mike.
You can go to the bathroom.
No, no, I was just curious.
What does "full disclosure" mean? You can tell everybody.
What? So is there any protocol on how we tell people? Like, I don't know, oldest, dearest, closest friends first, or is it the reverse, the guy you barely know or trust, the probie who doesn't think he's a probie anymore 'cause there's another probie in the house? - This is bullshit.
- Hey, hand, probie, hand, ok? I bet you told derek the bar back, too.
No, I did not tell derek the bar back, but you know what, that's probably a good idea.
Don't tell derek the bar back, because he's my sponsee.
Actually, don't tell mickey, either, because I'm his sponsee.
So just don't--yeah, mike.
What about garrity? Oh, my god, don't tell me he already told garrity, too! Hand, asshole, hands! - I'm gonna take my hand-- - Hey, hey, hey-- Not the hands.
Come on, you've got your first sparring match tonight.
- Easy on the hands.
- Christ! - All right, so are we clear? - Yes.
Everybody knows what to-- what's what? - Yeah, gotcha.
- Ok.
I just-- you know, I'm going to say that I-- you guys are, you know, you're my brothers and I just, I really appreciate you letting me unload and get that off my means a lot.
So we're supposed to tell everyone except garrity, right? No, no, no.
We tell garrity and everyone else, but we don't tell colleen, right? And we don't tell derek.
It's very simple.
- Garrity knows.
- Cool.
- Got it.
- Got it.
- Yeah.
- We got it.
- Ok.
- We got it.
- Good.
- No problem.
So mickey we tell? - Right.
- No, no, no, no.
Mickey, garrity, colleen, they don't get to know anything, ok? Nothing.
Ok? And anybody else can know the whole thing.
- Everything.
- Yes.
Everybody knows what? Nothing.
Tommy isn't drinking still, anymore.
- Right? - Right.
Good for you.
Turn on channel four.
The chick with the tits is in a hurricane.
Lester, what the hell happened? You were doing so good the other day.
When you're 87, good days don't last.
You've come to kill me? Oh, knock it off, will you? You want prune juice, I'm your man.
Angel of death, you've got to look elsewhere.
I don't have long.
My breathing is shot.
That means it's almost over.
If I could only talk to my son one last time, make things right.
- You had a falling out? - Terrible.
- He a queer? - No.
He married a jap chick.
After serving in the big one, I was against it.
A jap chink? Chick.
A jap chick.
Oh, that's good, because a jap chink--I don't think you can do both.
I haven't talked to my boy in over 25 years.
He lives 2 towns over.
Not a word.
What's his name? Arthur frost.
Hehe has a financial consulting business in salem.
You hang in there.
I'll bring your boy here.
Don't worry.
What, what is it, pal? What is--oh, god! I'm standing on your oxygen tube.
What nitwit put that there? You're all right now.
Yeah, that's it.
Breath deep.
Sit tight.
Hey, fellas.
How's it going? - Good.
- Great.
- Everything all right? - Yeah.
Yeah, never been better.
Good sandwiches? - Off the chain.
- Killer.
- Listen, is-- - Tommy is doing great.
- No drinking.
- Nothing.
- Not a drop.
- Nada.
- Yeah, coffee.
- Yeah.
Well, he drinks so much coffee that we call him the coffee king.
Who calls him that, dude? Everybody who's cool, mikey.
Now, I can go in there and get him, because he's probably in the kitchen making more coffee, because he's the coffee king.
That won't be necessary.
I already know what I need to know.
He drinks coffee.
Shit, dude.
Listen, that guy wasn't here, all right? We didn't talk to him, we don't know him.
We don't know who the hell he is.
I mean, that's tommy's cousin mickey.
Just eat your sandwich, ok? Hey.
How are them sandwiches? Good, right? Oh, great.
Hey, is that my cousin mickey's car? - No.
- Yes.
Hey, ma.
Hello? What are you watching? I don't know.
The people on these reality shows, they're just pathetic.
I'm glad you came.
I know I haven't exactly been the best son in terms of visiting and calling and all that, but I really appreciate you being here so, what with everything that's going on.
You mean the cancer? Yes, I mean--yeah, the cancer.
It's a pretty big deal for me, so.
But you're having it taken care of, so that's good.
Yeah, I am getting it taken care of, but it's still a big deal, you know.
- I mean, it's cancer.
- Hey, ma.
- It's not like-- - Sorry to interrupt.
Well, not really.
Hey, look, I just made a B.
And I'm a little concerned because it's loose and has got kind of a green hue to it.
Will you come take a look at it? Yeah, let me check.
I'm sorry, I was just trying to talk to you about my cancer, and you were acting like it's no big deal.
And then he just took a big green shit, and you're ready to, like, jump out of the chair.
So I don't understand.
Here he goes again.
"Look at me, I got cancer.
" You know, at least you know what you have.
Green fecal matter could indicate any number of health irregularities.
Well, excuse me for freaking out a little bit that I might actually die from my cancer, ok.
You're not gonna die from a big, dumb, green shit that you just-- Shh.
That you just took in the toilet unless it's sitting there with a goddamn gun.
- Sean! - Sorry.
I'm sorry.
How'd you get this cancer anyway? Kidney cancer accounts for 3% of all cancers.
And its victims are typically between 50 and 70 years old.
I mean, you can't even get a terminal disease right, squirt.
It's amazing how he knows these facts.
But he always liked to read.
You should have read more, sean.
Come on, sweetheart, let's have a look.
So selfish.
I want you to give him everything you got, chuckie.
All right? You do not hold back.
He gives you the opening, you take him down, ok? You got that? Any of this getting through? I'm banging your wife.
Your mother's a whore.
I heard you like little boys.
Ok, then.
How you feeling, kid? You loose? Yeah.
This guy looks a little bit questionable, chief.
I mean, is he in the department or what? - He's in the system.
- The system? - All right, well, what system? - The penal system.
Killed a guy with his thumb.
Don't worry, he's wearing gloves.
Look, the point is he's not an old man, so keep your hands up.
You lose this bout, lou's never gonna let you back in the ring again.
- All right? - Yeah.
- Feel good? - Yeah.
No, something--it just doesn't feel right, chief.
Hey, hey, frank.
You don't do anything you don't want to do, all right? Just so you know, this guy voted for bush.
And the way I hear it, when he says his prayers at night, he thanks god almighty bush junior was in office when 9/11 hit.
And anyone who thinks it was an inside job is a traitor and a coward.
I know what you're doing, chief.
Is it working? Yeah, a little bit.
Kick his ass, all right? Come on, frankie.
Use your feet, franco, use your feet.
Come on, frank! Let's go, frankie! Get those arms up, frankie.
Come on.
Let's go, frankie.
Come on.
Come on.
I think frankie's ready.
I think chuckie's dead.
Get the car.
Right in here.
You can do it, artie.
It's been too long.
You don't have to say anything.
He wants to offer you an olive branch.
Let him do the talking.
It's almost over.
He looks terrible.
Arthur? Son? I'm here, pop.
My son.
After so long, my boy's here.
I told you I'd bring him.
Let me look at you.
How are you, boy? I'm good, pop.
I'm good.
And how's that goop bitch of yours? You prick.
She home, or is she out in a rice paddy? Go to hell.
Thanks for dragging me down here, you son of a bitch.
Ooh, me love you long time, joe.
Heh heh heh! Now I can die.
I--yeah, I just don't see what the big deal is.
If he knows we're having sex, why can't I stay over, you know? Because "a," he doesn't definitely know that we're having sex.
And 2, this is like my last time with him.
He's gonna graduate from the academy and go to the firehouse and probably want to move out on his own.
It's like my last hurrah.
- Yeah.
- Ok? You know what, when we move to the new place, maybe I'll let you stay over a couple of nights.
I feel like a goddamn hooker.
What's with the new place, by the way? Well, it's smaller.
It's, um, more intimate.
It has a washer-- It's closer to the firehouse.
You got to cut the cord, I'm telling you.
Because, you know, once the kids sees-- he's almost out of the academy now.
When he comes out and gets into the fires, you can't be dropping by unannounced all the time.
It's embarrassing.
The guys will be busting his balls.
- Really? - Yeah.
You're gonna talk to me about cutting the cord? What? Janet.
Ok, off-limits.
What is it with the two of you? It's like she's the goddamn death star, and she keeps, like, pulling you back into her, like, warped, blonde black hole.
Can I have another glass of wine, please? You don't love her.
- I love her.
- No, you don'T.
- Yes, I do.
- No, you don'T.
Don't tell me--give me a glass of wine.
You don't need her.
You just don't want to lose her, right, because you're tommy gavin and nobody walks away from tommy gavin, right? Especially not his wife.
Right? It's like you just keep circling around.
Ok, and you're never gonna move forward like that, tommy.
It's like you're an army guy or like this general, like, who's really strong enough and brave enough, but he just keeps, you know, fighting the same battle and taking the same hill.
Now get out because I gotta do the dishes.
My purse is over there.
You can take 20 bucks.
- Give me a glass of wine.
- No! I said that you could drink, not get drunk.
Just drink.
I'm not getting drunk.
I'm asking for another glass.
Come on.
- No.
- Give me the bottle.
Give me the give me the bottle.
- Let me ask you something.
- Yeah? - Um, is it better with me or with her? - Her.
- You.
- That's good.
Ok, here's another thing.
- What? - Um, I want you to promise-- That you are never going to make love to me and her on the same day.
- Well, how am I gonna-- - Zip it.
- That's an impossible-- - Promise.
Vow it.
Mom, do you know where-- oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone else was here.
- Yes, please.
- Yeah? Oh, just, you know, your mom's having some wine.
Thank you.
I'm looking for my red shirt.
You know, my favorite one.
I got band rehearsal with the guys.
I was wondering maybe you packed it or.
What? I don't know.
What? Shirt.
He's looking for the--what color? - The red shirt.
- The red shirt.
Yes, I packed it.
- Packed.
- Packed.
She packed it.
See you later.
Oh, my god.
- Do you think he knows? - That made my upper lip sweat.
Um, the sex? Yeah, he knows about that.
But the booze, i think that we covered that up really nicely with the Come in.
Hey, ma.
You should be sleeping.
You need your rest.
Yeah, I know, I just--I'm gonna turn in in a minute.
Terrence still up? Yeah, yeah.
He's watching adult swim.
- You boys and your sports programs.
- Yeah.
Thanks for coming, ma.
I've been having a hard time lately.
I'm all alone on this one.
And I haven't really talked to the guys in the firehouse about it.
so, you know, I really appreciate you being here.
It makes it seem a little less, uh, you know.
I'm afraid, though, ma.
I'm pretty scared.
You, the big firefighter? You're not scared.
Yeah, I am, ma.
There's a lot of stuff I haven't done yet.
- And if I die-- - You won't die.
Ma, you don't know that.
This is cancer, ok? It's not like a cold or a big, green turd.
It's serious.
- I'm here, aren't I? - What are you talking about? I beat it, you can beat it, too.
What do you mean you beat it? You didn't have cancer.
I did, yeah.
I was watching the today show one morning, and they did this segment on checking yourself for lumps, you know, checking your breasts.
I remember I was sitting there with a cup of coffee and a bowl of kellogg's all-bran.
I can still see it.
I slid my hand inside my robe, and I felt a lump.
My whole world--the ceiling fell in on me.
Well, what happened? Well, it turned out fine, obviously.
I had surgery, they caught it in time.
Just like they're gonna catch yours.
Why didn't you ever tell me that? I just did.
Go to bed, my handsome boy.
All right.
Thanks, ma.
I'm handsome, too! Hey!Guys, hold up.
Hold up.
What are you doing, dude? We had a good thing going.
Yeah, but I got an idea.
What if, uh, what if at the end of that chorus, instead of going right into the next verse, rob does a kick-ass fill for 2 bars, and then we come in singing halftime for the first 2 lines.
And then we kick back into regular time after.
It sounds good the way it was, all right? I just think it needs to be broken up a bit, don't you guys think? I don't know.
I like the idea.
That's just because you want to do a kick-ass fill, dude.
Come on, mike.
Why don't we at least give it a shot, man? Look, guys, this is my band, all right? I'm the leader.
I'm the one paying you.
We're gonna go with my musical sense and my direction.
All right? You know what, I got an idea.
Um, after that second chorus, instead of going right back into the verse, why don't you do like, you know, a cool, like, drum lick or something, then we'll go back into the verse halftime.
I think you're right, mike.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Sounds great.
- Thanks.
- Sounds awesome.
I was--I was really--I'm impressed.
You gonna maybe stick around for a couple tunes? No, I just came in to have one for the road.
See ya later.
- See you, tommy.
- See you later.
See, I told you he's got it under control.
Yeah, I guess so.
If You Stayed Over by: Bonobo
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