Friday Night Lights s05e11 Episode Script

The March

Oh, and he's lofted it over the middle touchdown! And these East Dillon Lions are going to the playoffs.
He needs a father, O, not an agent! I waited tables before.
I can take your shift.
When are you going to be up there? You'll have to spend a lot more money to get me up there, honey.
When you let him out, he will have a full-time job working for me.
It's time for you to let Tim Riggins come home.
- Hey.
- Hey, you're home.
You look lonely.
Can I ask you a question? Yeah, sure.
What does your boyfriend think about you working at the Landing Strip? He's all right with it.
It's good money.
There's better money in stripping, you know.
Yeah, I don't do that.
We got cake! Got to eat it! You got to do what you got to do, Becky.
Here's the man, the man of the hour.
- There you go.
- All right.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Yeah! East Side! East Side! East Side! East Side! East Side! East Side! East Side! East Side! East Side! Hey! Hey! Listen up, listen up! Listen How does it feel to be one step closer? Now, this is where the real work begins.
State is yours to lose.
Plain and simple, you are that good.
Were there problems out there tonight? Damn right there were.
There's problems every game.
But that was one hell of a performance out there, fellas.
That was one hell of a game.
One more thing.
Buddy, come here.
Buddy Jr.
Change that dumb number.
What's that number up there right now, fellas? - 4! - What's it need to be? - 3! - How many more games? - 3! - How many more games to State? East Side! East Side! East Side! East Side! - Good morning.
- Morning.
All right, everybody have a seat please.
What's this about, Levi? Everybody, thank you for coming in early.
Anyone need a doughnut? What's going on? Um, some of you won't have a job next semester.
Yeah, I've been in this district 27 years.
I've never seen it like this.
There's no money coming in.
In fact, they want money back.
Department heads, uh, the guidelines are right here.
Follow them the best you can.
Anyway, uh Pray.
He did just say "pray," didn't he? Mm-hmm.
First, they fire Dave Morrison, so who do you think they're going to let go next? They're not going to fire you.
They're going to fire somebody.
Meanwhile, where's the union in all of this, you know? Sorry.
Tami Taylor.
Oh, hey, how are you? Oh, the assistant dean? Sure.
Yeah, well, it's pretty I'm pretty open.
Okay, wonderful.
Well, it's a small school.
It's kind of it's kind of like the Ivys, but not an Ivy.
You know, it's one of those up in the northeast there Well, Philadelphia.
"It's kind of like an Ivy, but it's not an Ivy"? - Did you hear that? - What did you say? They said they'd fly me out there.
They're going to fly you? Mm-hmm.
That is if I go, of course.
But it could be kind of fun to go, you know? If no other reason, just to talk to them.
I mean, it's a college, and I never interviewed at a college.
A good opportunity for you to go up there, no doubt about it.
It's a good college too.
I think it's I've heard it's real, real, real good.
It's very flattering.
I mean, they really are good.
Well, it might just be a hoot, you know? Do y'all want cheese? A "hoot?" Did you just say Did you use that word? - What is that noise? - "Hoot"? - Honey? Do you hear that? - Ever heard mom say "hoot"? - Huh? - I hear something.
Want to see some something really fun? Will you tell them we're about to have dinner, please? Just come on.
I've got tomatoes all over them.
You wanna do your hair up too? All right, hold on.
Come on, honey.
State, State, State, State! What are you doing in my yard? Getting strong, coach.
Getting strong? Well, get out of my yard.
You're making it look bad.
We're running three nights a week.
- Hi, Mrs.
- Hey! Let's break it down for Mrs.
Taylor, y'all.
Hey, y'all need to get out of this yard.
I'm serious.
I'm trying to eat dinner here.
Ready, set! Hey, save your legs.
Now, beat it.
- State! - And go! Hut! It's just beer, okay? You ain't going to drink none of it.
I didn't get it for you.
I got it for me.
Okay? Baby, I done worked a long day.
When I come home, I just I just I want a beer, that's it.
- What's wrong? - Tell him.
Son, I done worked nine hours in a slaughterhouse, you hear? Now, I come home.
I just want a cold beer and a hot shower.
Why am I getting grief over that? He knows I'm not supposed to have that in here! Mama, I know.
Look, pop, I understand you work hard, but She can't have that in the house.
This ain't drugs, man.
It's just a damn beer.
O, come on, man.
I don't know.
I just don't know.
Pop Excuse me.
Can we get some volume on this TV here? Do you know where the remote is, Mr.
Garrity? Yeah, it's right there, Tim.
Keep it on the back there.
And they go with the reverse.
Great move in the backfield.
And that takes it down to the cowboys' 20.
And Smash Williams will take it and then show some speed and gets another touchdown before the half.
Now, Brian, what are your thoughts on Smash? Well, he's not spectacular Smash, the Aggie Who'd have thunk it, huh? Smash, an Aggie.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
The guy laying the block looked kind of like you.
Hey, Tim, did you change that, uh, other keg? You seen you seen how we do it.
- Yep.
- Yeah, okay.
All right.
Women's volleyball has half the budget ours does, but they don't even have a quarter of the ticket sales.
- You're not reading that right.
- I'm reading it exactly right.
I think we should melt the weights and sell them as scrap metal.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Or we could do a coaches calendar.
How about work on next week's game plan how about that? Why are we working on this freakin' budget when we got a playoff game coming up? - This is ridiculous.
- We need money.
And I say we do a coaches calendar.
I tell you what The things that you come up with What the hell are y'all doing? We're three weeks deep in the playoffs.
We're talking about the budget.
You're not getting anything done.
We're getting the budget done! You're bickering.
I can listen to you over there.
What? I got something you're gonna love.
Good, thank you.
What it this? It's a scouting report from Preston.
Scouting report? We don't play Preston.
But we might in the quarterfinals, right? So I went to their game on Saturday, and I videotaped it, and that's also for you.
So we can maybe study it, you know, together.
I didn't ask you to do this.
Not only did I not ask you to do this, but you realize it's illegal for you to be taping But I'm not a coach, so it's not illegal for me.
No, you're not a coach.
You're an equipment manager.
I know.
I'd like to, you know, get in that transition to become a coach, though.
A transition? Yeah, like, by shadowing you.
Can you know, can I shadow you? Jess, you'll never be a football coach.
What? 'Cause I'm a girl or something? That's not what I said.
Yeah, it is.
Well, I mean, I wrote the report.
If you have time, you could read it.
What's next, babies driving cars? You don't have to watch the DVD.
Coaches calendar, we'll sell it around town.
Oh, God, would you shut up, please? - Just shut up.
- Let's get back to work.
Don't stop for me.
- I thought you were at work.
- I was.
How was it? Thrilling.
Um, I made cookies, if you want some.
I'm good, thanks.
I'm gonna have a shower.
Yeah, use protection this time, my friend.
I got to get ready for tomorrow.
- I'll see you.
- Okay.
See ya.
Back to pass.
Oh, it's picked off! Cafferty going in! Oh, Lions win! Lions win! Another big night, another big win for these East Dillon Lions.
Hey, everybody! Hey! Hey, y'all! Hey, everybody! I've only got one thing to say.
Quarterfinals, yeah! Best game he's had so far, Luke Cafferty.
Come on up, baby! Luke! Luke! So now you're saying we're on the chopping block? Ah, it's not just you.
Football brings in money, Levi.
And it costs too.
Right now you are revenue neutral.
What do you mean "revenue neutral"? What I'm saying is the board meets in ten days to make their final cuts.
Football is a big target.
You need to make the cuts before they do.
Taylor, this is serious.
- Hey! - Hmm.
- You got my back, don't you? - I ways do, Taylor.
All the way to State! All the way to State! All the way to State! All the way to State! Here I am trying to take a team to State, and Levi's got me counting pens and paper clips.
One week, he's wasting money on banquets, offering me contracts.
The next week he wants me to cut the budget down to bare bones.
I've got Spivey.
I've got Stan.
I've got Crowley.
I've got Billy all on stipends.
That money's just about to disappear.
What am I supposed to do? I had another conversation with that Dana Weldon from Braemore.
They want me to come do that interview.
And I think I'd really like to do it.
The thing about it is that it is going to be two Fridays from now.
That's during the semis.
I know.
You can't do it some other time? Apparently, it's really hard to get people's schedules together.
There are going to be several people in the meeting.
The president of the college might be there.
It's just an exciting opportunity, you know, after all these years in high school and Mommy! Come here, mom! What is it, honey? I'll be right there.
- Let's go, baby! - 55, 54, 53 Go, baby, go! Hey, what are you doing? Hastings, you going to drop the ball there? Don't just put that ball on the ground.
You hand him the ball.
Turn it around, and we do it again.
I don't care.
We'll be out here all damn day.
That's just a stupid mistake.
- Coach? - What? Got something for you Natalie Watson.
First female high-school-football coach, the Cawley Village Broncos in Washington, D.
You know what you are? - What? - You're a pest.
Let's go! Once the season's over with, they're going to have to let a bunch of coaches go because of budget cuts.
I mean, Crowley'll be there, 'cause he's, like, coach's right-hand man and Spivey, you know, he's all right, I guess.
But that guy Stan you've met Stan That guy's a freakin' weirdo, man.
The repeating of everything everyone says It's annoying.
Billy, I get it.
Anyway Oh, um, coach wanted me to tell you if you want to come with us to the game, you can.
We'll just put you on the bus or whatever.
- I got to work.
- Well, Buddy will let you off.
I don't want to be let off work.
All right.
Wait, oh, you got to see this.
Come outside.
You got to check this out.
What are you degenerates doing on my lawn? Getting ready for Preston, coach! All right, I like to hear that.
Paying our respects to the God of "D.
" The God of "D.
" Thank you very much.
You hear that? Hey, Tinker, how you holding up? You look like you lost about 40 pounds over there.
Oh, yeah! Think you can give me a war chant? - Hell, yeah.
- All right.
You ready? Ah! All right, listen up! Listen up! Listen up! You feel that? There's about 5,000 people out there, and they want to take your dream away from you.
You going to let them take this dream away from us? No, sir! Are you going to let our dreams be taken away? No, sir! As one, gentlemen.
Bring it in.
Dear lord, please allow these young men to safely pursue the height of their excellence tonight and, as a family, allow them to achieve their goals with the gifts with which you have blessed them.
- Amen.
- Amen! Now, let's go kick some ass! Let's go! I pump fake, throw it up in the air.
Hastings jumps over triple coverage - Touchdown in the end zone.
- Okay.
You have never seen 5,000 fans so quiet in your life, mama.
You would have loved it.
You should have been there.
Well, I'll tell you what, I'm going to be there from here on out, 'cause I ain't missing no Fridays.
- Since when? - Since I talked to the boss.
- He said I could be there.
- That's what I'm talking about.
- Hey! Hey, babe.
- That's what I'm talking about.
What's up, star? Yo, boy.
Come over here.
Give me a hug.
You drinking, man? Hey, hey, don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it.
Hey! Whoo! Huh? Now, I-I-I heard you You crushed it at Preston, right? - Yeah, we won.
- That's it.
That's my boy right there.
Hey, pop, what's up with them jackets? Bringing gifts.
Here, okay.
That's for you And for your pretty little mama.
No, you didn't even make enough money to buy Hey! You trying to embarrass me? Huh? Come on.
Just put on the damn jacket! Hey! Hey! Don't put your hands on me, boy! Don't put your hands on me, boy! Now look here, now, you better go.
I swear to God I'm about to call the police.
You better go! Go on now! - Hey, man, what's this? - Get off me, boy.
- What's that? - Just stuff, you know.
This is grown-man stuff.
Don't even worry about it, hear? I bring gifts, and y'all treat me like Yeah, you got me, huh? You got me? Trying to give you a gift.
I'm trying.
Take this.
Take that, man.
Y'all ungrateful.
I'm sorry.
I'm all right.
- Are you all right? - Yeah I'm all right.
You want to go? We're going to go.
Come on, ma.
Come on.
Only four teams left standing in Texas, and if you find me a man who says he knew all along East Dillon was going to be one of them, well, feel free to kick that man in the butt and call him a liar.
'Cause no one, I mean, I no one in their right mind saw this coming.
And yet here those Lions are, from 2-8 to one game away from State.
Why is it that I'm driving you to go to Philadelphia while I got the semifinals coming up The time when I need you the most? You're going to do that right now on the way to the airport? You're going to bring that up right now? You got a problem with this? - You put that feeling out.
- What feeling? You know what feeling you put out.
It basically says, "Eric, you need to be quiet about this.
We're not talking about it anymore Conversation's over.
" - You have lost your mind.
- I haven't lost my mind.
I was very straightforward about this.
I was very straightforward about how I felt, about how important it is to me, how sorry I am to miss your game.
I'm so sorry about it.
It breaks my heart.
But that's how important this is.
I could use a little support, quite frankly.
I'm driving you to the airport.
Like I've done for you a million times.
Did you get the window seat? Don't try to change the subject.
Well, you're kicking my ass here.
Well, that's right.
Your ass needs some kicking.
Who's going to cook dinner for me? Oh, poor baby.
Have a good one, fellas.
- I'll be in in a minute.
- Okay.
Natalie Wilkinson.
Oh, you mean, uh, Natalie Watson.
That's why I couldn't find her when I looked it up.
Natalie Watson.
coaches around this country.
That's one.
- Yeah.
- You like those odds? No, actually I think they stink.
So do I.
You know it's a man's game.
Men play this game.
Not just any men certain men, angry men, fierce men, tough men.
I'm not asking to play.
Shadows are silent.
Shadows don't make any noise.
Shadow You don't even know a shadow's there.
Shadows certainly don't talk back.
- Uh-huh.
- Mm-hmm.
All right.
Welcome aboard.
Well, you going to come in here or what? Oh, yeah.
Your pregnant wife is working the room.
Your son Stevie's getting bottle-fed by a bunch of rippers back there, and you're on your seventh beer.
You're not going to hear me complain.
Why'd you let her work here? She's a stripper, Tim.
That's what she does.
I meant Becky.
I didn't even know she was working here, honestly.
She came up here one night with Mindy No, no, no.
You could have stopped it.
I don't understand what the big deal is.
She's just waitressing, Tim.
It's not like she's stripping.
And part of that money that she's making is helping to go pay rent, and that rent is actually helping to pay for your land that you got.
Didn't ask for that.
You may not have asked for it, but that's the way things are.
Times are a little tight, Tim.
I thought times were good, Billy.
So now you're just a liar.
Ok, take it easy, all right? - She may as well be stripping.
- Where you going? Hey! - Hey, leave her alone.
- Tim, it's okay.
What is your problem? My problem is You're touching her, and she's a waitress.
Tim, this is Randy.
He's one of my best customers.
I don't care who he is.
He touches you again, I'm going to break both his arms.
- Tim, stop.
- I'd like to see you try.
Let go of me! Stop! Get off me! - Tim! - She's 17! - Get a haircut.
- 17 years old! A high school junior! Let go of me.
Let go! It's okay 'cause it's Dillon! It's Dillon, Texas.
Let go! I'm sorry about that.
Sorry about that.
Hey! What the hell is your problem, man? Come here, man.
If you got a problem with me, you take it out on me, not that little girl! She's going to lose her job.
You were supposed to look after her, weren't you? We had a deal.
I screw up my life.
- You fix yours.
- I fixed my life! Come here.
How long you going to hold it over my head, man? The rest of my life, if I feel it needs to be.
I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry! Hey.
What's up with the locks? Huh? You all right? You ain't sounding right.
Yeah, I'm all right.
Come on, now, open What, did y'all change the damn locks or something? I did! Regina! Girl, has you gone crazy? Now, this is my house too.
Open the damn door.
Come on! Yo, pop, you ain't getting in like this, all right? You gotta go get yourself right.
Yo, pop, pop, pop.
I made you, boy! Someone's trying to break into our house! - You blowing it, pop.
- I live here! - You going to go to jail, pop.
- Let me in this house.
Yo, pop, you blowing it right now.
- Let me in the house now! - O, go! - I ain't going nowhere! - Yo, pop, you gotta go, man.
You gotta go, man.
You gotta go, pop.
Let me in the house, man.
You gotta go, or you gonna go to jail.
You better not sleep, 'cause I ain't going nowhere! No, pop! I'm sorry for getting you fired.
I messed up.
Tim, that's my job.
I needed that job.
And you humiliated me.
Becky, you can do better.
You don't even talk to me anymore.
You don't even look at me, really.
Is it that? I got to go.
You don't have to leave because of me.
I have to go.
I got to go.
Hello? Sorry to bother you, but I wanted you to hear it before you read it.
Oh, Levi, what is it? Hear what? I've been at a budget meeting.
Been here all day.
Listen, if you're calling me to take anymore out of the budget, I can't do it.
I've taken everything I can out, Levi.
Uh, there's only going to be One football program in Dillon.
Say that again.
West Dillon and East Dillon are going to share a team next year.
Well, which program are they planning on cutting, Levi? That's next week's fight.
Coach! Coach! It's Arnett Mead, Arnett Mead.
Come on, they're the only team that beat you this year.
What are you going to do differently this time? The difference this time is State's on the line.
So that's your answer? That's what you're giving us? - Yes, that's my answer.
- Can you comment on the rumors one of the two Dillon programs is facing elimination? Look, one of these teams is going to go to State.
One of them is going to be a State champion.
I don't think anybody is going to eliminate a State champion.
I got to go, fellas.
Thank you very much.
All the way to State! Hey, I'm sorry about last night.
Okay, I know it looked bad.
Let's go.
- How you doing? - Yeah, I'm good.
I'm all right.
- You ready? - Yeah.
- Oh, okay.
- Have you, um Have you heard from dad? I haven't talked to him.
How you getting to the game? I can make some room for you on the bus if you want.
Well, actually, um, I, uh, wanted to know if it was okay with you if, uh, I not go to the game and I have a meeting I need to get to.
I need to take a meeting, you know.
I mean, but if you really need me to go, I can No, mom, no, no.
It's all right.
That's more important.
All right, I gotta I gotta go.
But I'm going to win this game for you.
I know you will.
Give me a hug.
- I don't want to hold you up.
- All right.
- Okay.
- Anytime, son.
I wanted to give you a little bit of a heads-up on what to expect today.
- Okay.
- So it's a small committee.
For the most part, they're smart, - pleasant, open-minded people.
- Uh-huh.
Basil Hochman is the director of admissions.
He's essentially humorless.
He will be making the ultimate decision, 'cause you'll be working with him.
So just focus all your positive energy in his direction.
- Will do.
- We're here.
You ready? Oh.
Ready as I'll ever be.
Let's go.
Well, all I'm saying is, we have found that our test scores are not at all representative of the student bodies and that they are just increasingly inaccurate.
And so, you know, I have just personally been trying to find a Miss Taylor, are you saying, then, we should ignore input like the S.
s? No, no, no.
I'm not suggesting that we ignore it.
Well, then what are you suggesting? Well, I think you use them, but I think you use them minimally.
And I noticed that you have a very rigid cut-off point for your students' S.
We have approximately for 900 spots.
I understand.
Now, we have to set cut-off points.
With our limited resources, we can properly assess the applicants.
I'm just suggesting that you're not getting the top-tier applicants.
Dean, I think that Ms.
Taylor is just trying to suggest we just sort of re-evaluate Listen, I can only imagine that y'all flew me all the way here from Dillon, Texas, because you think I might know something - about high-school students.
- I'm sure you do.
And what I can tell you is I think there's a chasm happening, and you are not getting your best student here.
If you just broadened your admission policies Yes, but that would be because You'd be in competition with the Ivys, if you wanted to be.
I'm not interested in how the Ivy League does it.
I retract it, but I'm just saying you're missing such great kids out there.
As I understand it, uh, you went from guidance counselor to principal of your high school and then back to guidance counselor.
Can you explain that to us? I know you're angry, but you don't have to do this.
I do.
Too many people in this house.
Okay, babe, he feels so guilty.
You don't even know.
He sits up in bed at nights, and he cries, and there is nothing I can do to stop him.
He feels so bad because he loves you so much.
I love you so much because of what you did for us.
You gave Stevie a father.
And I'm happy for you.
Billy, Stevie you did it.
You're a family now.
But I've got to go.
You're different, you know that? Yeah I am.
Less than two minutes to go, the Lions down 13-9.
And I'll bet you a buck coach Taylor wishes he had some of those time-outs back.
Come here! Listen to me, no huddle.
Hurry-up package, you got it? Slot right, quick out, then trips left, - 31 bubble.
You got that? - 31 bubble.
Yes, sir.
That ought to put you in the middle around the 25, give you some room.
- Yes, sir.
- Watch the clock! Hey, watch the clock! The East Dillon Lions come to the line Shotgun formation.
Set, hut, hike! There's the snap.
Howard steps back, looks to the outside.
Complete to Ruckle.
But he stays in bounds.
The clock's rolling here, folks.
They're gonna have to hurry.
Let's go, let's go, let's go! Let's go! East Dillon Lions, Howard under center.
There's the step, he steps back.
Little swing pass to Cafferty.
Got some room to the outside.
Gain of 8, but the clock is still ticking.
Howard steps back and looks like he see something he likes.
Oh, it's a big beautiful pass.
Complete to Ruckle but he's still in bounds, the clock is running, folks.
They gotta go.
- Coach.
- Slot right 90 double.
Ready? Hut! That's it, go! There you go, there you go! I need you to get to the end zone or the sideline.
It doesn't matter which one, all right? Ready, set Hut! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Calm down.
Tink, how you feeling? Big as a mountain.
Let's go.
That's what I'm talking about.
- 26 power glide on 1.
Ready? - Break! Vince Howard brings the East Dillon Lions to the line with two seconds in the game and one last shot with their entire season on the line.
Here we go.
Down, set! Set blue 28! Hut! Touchdown! And the East Dillon Lions are going to the Texas High School State Championship.
The Lions are heading to State! You did a great job today.
It was fabulous.
I don't think dean Hochman thought so, but Dr.
Tate! Hey, hi.
- Oh, my goodness! - I'm sorry I'm late.
I had dinner with a wealthy and very angry alumnus.
Oh, my goodness.
Well, hi.
Nice to see you.
It's my pleasure.
I can't stay long.
Oh, you're so sweet.
Thank you for even coming by.
I'm offering my apologies in advance.
I have two kids at home that need tucking in.
- Anyway, cheers.
- Cheers.
And thank y'all again so much.
It was really a great, great opportunity for me today.
Okay, we're not offering you assistant dean of admissions.
I understand.
You know, it wasn't something I really expected.
But it was such a great thing for me to Because we're offering you dean of admissions.
What? It's in there.
But what about dean Hochman? I want people like you at this college.
Oh, my goodness.
I am I am stu I don't know what to say.
I'm a counselor at a small school in Texas.
And principal of a blue ribbon school.
I don't know what to say.
So this is what you say.
Say, "I know this is a tremendous opportunity, but I need to go home and talk to my husband.
" And, um, hopefully then you're going to call me.
And you're going to say yes.
Thank you.
I'm going to leave.
Sorry you can't stay.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Good night.
Hey, listen up! Hey, listen up! Listen up! Bring this board up.
Hey, fellas.
Check this out.
What's this say? - One! - How many games to State? - One! - No, sir! Get rid of that.
What's it say now? - State! - What's it say? - State! - Baby, we're going to State! Hey, coach, coach.
We just missed the turn for the field house.
We're not going to the field house.
Where are we going? Let's go.
Let's go.

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