Six Feet Under s05e11 Episode Script


Saison 5 Episode 11 "Static" Are you still sure you wanna do it ? Really ? Are you ? I brought the thing.
Then, yeah.
Thank you.
In a dark blue honda accord Last seen heading south on the 101.
According to officials, the abduction took place ? This morning around Where eyewitnesses say that a tall caucasian man in a hooded sweatshirt Forced six-Year-Old colleen platt into the car.
Keith ? - Keith ? ! - Hi.
Hi, could you go get Keith and tell him that I need him ? He and Durrell went to go get some doughnuts.
They'll be right back.
Whose idea was that to get doughnuts ? Durrell's.
Are you sick ? No, I'm just waking up.
My face came off last night.
What ? What did you just say ? My face keeps coming off when I go to bed.
Wake me up ! body of young Sarah Davis Was recovered last night in Fontana.
Authorities had been searching in that case For what eyewitnesses had claimed was a dark-Blue nissan maxima.
But now they are saying the two incidents are related.
Weather forecast - Keith ? - Hey.
I'm gonna take the boys to school.
Oh, okay.
Thanks for Letting me sleep.
Hey, have you heard about the, They think this guy's on the loose or something ? Or did I just dream that ? No, I just saw it on the news downstairs.
- Walk the boys into school ? - Sure.
Are you all right ? I just had a hard time waking up.
I'm all right.
It was just a bad dream like people have.
- Are you sure ? - Yeah.
Look, it's been almost six weeks since You know.
It's time, right, for me to get it together ? It's time when you feel that it's time.
I'll call you when I drop the boys off.
All right, thanks.
- Thanks for breakfast.
- Anytime.
- What's this ? - It's Maya's medical history.
Where did you find it ? It slipped between the files in the second file box.
It was on the bottom underneath.
And I got the directions to the pediatrician's new office.
- They're in there on the top.
- You're amazing.
You want me to come with ? To the doctors ? God, I don't know.
No, you know, I think it'll be better If the hand-Off is Just Ruth and me and Maya.
Thanks, though.
It'll be good to have her back in the house.
Yeah yeah, it will.
Ow ! Can I ? Sure.
Somebody wants out.
Two more months.
I'm not drunk.
It seems like you are.
I'm not.
Claire, you fell asleep at your desk this morning Twice.
And I can smell it.
- You can't smell vodka.
- I can.
Anyway, you're being a little fucking bitch.
All right, Claire, we're all really sorry - That your brother died.
- Really ? Yeah, really.
But you've been drunk or high at work Like every day this week and it's starting to scare people.
I mean, I've told them all to give you a break, but Well, this doesn't feel like much of a fuckin' break, Kirsten.
Being followed into the bathroom and Lectured at by some schoolteacher.
Just go home for the day and sleep it off, okay ? I won't tell.
- You won't tell ? - No.
- Who won't you tell ? - Human resources.
- There's no one to fuckin' tell - I'll tell human resources ! God damn it ! Go ! Tell, tell, tell ! Okay, okay ! I am wicked pissed ! You are gonna be so fired ! Yeah, well, I'm fucking Ted.
- No way.
- Way.
- Marianne and Johnny - Didn't want to hurt your feelings.
Just belongings.
- And I need you to file that for me.
- Okay.
- I think that I have everything.
- Yeah, you have everything.
- Come on.
- Good.
You're all doing really important work here And I'm sorry if I fucked it up for anybody.
Why don't you just shut up for a few seconds, okay ? - Where are we going home ? - No, I don't wanna go home.
Oh, we're going home.
- Everyone you know is gonna die.
- Claire come on, .
Let's go.
And that little Kirsten is a fucking bitch ! Can you make him look whole again For when the people come ? I already have a call in to the company That provides us with prosthetic limbs Designed expressly for this purpose.
We want him to look like, you know, Who he was as a person.
Not like People should see more than just what happened to him.
He'll look very natural.
I promise.
And complete.
Thank you.
Can you stand him up and make him walk around too ? Oh, Holly, please don't start that again.
Can make him maybe like talk and tell everybody It's all good and it's really no problem to be dead ? Maybe just stick your hand up inside his head and, you know, "Everything's fine ! Everything's fine ! Freedom, freedom, freedom !" If you dress Paul up in that uniform - Holly, stop it ! - No, mom.
And put fake arms and legs on him and make it looked like it all worked out - What's so wrong with that ? - It's not real ! I don't care what's real ! I don't wanna see him like that ! Are we gonna tell the people who come to the funeral he killed himself too.
- Are we ? - No.
With a drug that people use to put dogs to sleep ? Is that how you want your brother to be remembered ? I said no.
He gave himself a hypodermic of pentobarbital.
We don't know how he got a hold of it.
I think maybe a night nurse.
They're so understaffed over there right now They're taking anybody.
I'm sorry.
I don't know why you always Have to rub people's faces in it.
It is such a violent impulse.
Should we have tubes put in her ears ? No.
It's a whole surgical procedure Under general anesthetic to put those tubes in.
She gets these ear infections so often lately.
It doesn't seem right.
Well, we can ask the doctor if he'd put on A prophylactic dose of antibiotics for a few months.
- See if that would help.
- They do that ? Oh, more and more.
Because, you know, those tubes fall out when kids play.
How do you know all this ? I I joined an online pediatric news group A couple of weeks ago just to keep up, you know ? Whatever.
We'll, we'll ask the doctor.
Thank you for coming with us this morning.
My pleasure.
And for being a friend lately.
I'm glad I can help.
I don't want to let her go, George.
I don't.
I know.
- Thank you, mr.
- Of course.
We'll see you tomorrow a little before 2:00.
Hey, I'm sorry I blew up in there.
I feel like I'm going kind of crazy lately.
I know how you feel.
I miss him so much.
He was the only brother I'll ever have, you know ? I'll never have another brother.
Believe me, it wasn't a problem.
Thank you.
David ? What ? Hey, I know this must be a hard time for you.
It's hard for me too.
- I'm sure it is.
- But even so So at some point we're gonna have to.
Sit down and talk about the future Of the business.
I agree.
- Does it have to be today ? - No Obviously not.
All right, then.
Then I do feel like I need to know when it's gonna happen.
It's been more than a month since Nate died And we still haven't even talked at all About what we're gonna do with the business.
Look, Rico, I don't Know when I'm going to be able to.
- I'm sorry.
- It's just, you know, I got , I got a family I'm trying to think about.
So do I.
I have a fucking husband, Rico.
I have two children.
When are you gonna realize I'm human being just like you, when ? When ? "Support our troops" ? What a bunch of bullshit ! Miss, I don't know what you want me to do.
Why don't you try driving something That doesn't require so much Gas for starters.
If you're so fucking concerned ? Let's go inside.
Yeah, we wouldn't want to offend anybody - While they're supporting our troops ! - Claire, shut up ! Dozens of fucking iraqis are still dying every day ! The whole world hates us for going in there in the first place.
And terrorists are still gonna be blowing shit up In this country for the next 100 years.
And the best thing she can think to do about it is put - Take her inside ! - A sticker on that enormous shit box ! Wait.
I am, I am so, so sorry.
They still bring the wounded soldiers back at night So the press can't even film it and nobody sees ! American soldiers are still being fucked up everyday And they don't even tell us ! And it's all so you can put gas in this enormous fucking car To keep everybody feeling really fucking american ! Claire, shut the hell up ! Her brother just died ! Damn it ! I'm sorry.
- I am so sorry, Mrs.
- You should be.
- She will not be here tomorrow.
- I should hope not ! - She seems like she's on drugs.
- She usually is.
Thank you.
What ? - So when can we talk about it ? - Are you fucking serious ? Yeah.
I'm sorry, but I am.
I need to know when you think you'll be ready - To have this conversation.
- Okay, here.
- Here are my keys.
- Oh, David.
No, you want the whole fucking business, Rico ? It's yours.
I just want to hear what your plans are.
-No, it's yours ! It's all yours ! There we had our talk.
No one's returned a call to my phone in weeks.
I called Brenda twice, Maggie several times.
I guess no one returns calls anymore.
I've never waited this long for a doctor my entire life.
It's like this in my neurologist's office.
They overbook.
It's so rude.
- Oh, God, sorry I'm late.
- Mommy ! Hey, my sunflower ! How are you ? You got a sore ear ? Let me look.
- The doctor hasn't been in yet ? - No.
But they told us it'll be very soon.
It's been an extremely long wait.
Yeah, we're kinda getting used to that now.
Did you bring her things, her clothes ? - They're all in the car.
- Great.
- Brenda.
- What ? I think Maya should stay with us.
- Oh, really ? - Yes, I do because - Maybe this isn't the time.
- Well, she's not going to.
You're gonna be very busy once the baby comes.
You don't know what it's like with a new-born.
No, but I think I'll figure it out.
She'll probably end up staying with us when the baby comes anyway.
No, she won't.
I have Billy staying with me - So we will be fine.
- Billy ? Yeah.
I'm not sure that's the best environment.
I'm not sure I care what you think, Ruth.
- I'll go wait in the car.
- Oh, look.
Come on, stay.
I'm sorry, can we please just not make this Any harder than it has to be for Maya's sake ? There are too many people in this room already.
I'm gonna go.
You are about to have a brand-new baby.
How is this any of your business, George ? Any ? She's all Ruth has right now.
She's all Ruth has.
Whereas you've got your anger, your self-pity and your spite.
Are you really gonna make Maya pay for the rest of her life Because I fucked somebody else and died ? She's better off with my mom, Brenda, and you know it.
Westin will be with you in just a few minutes.
- Sorry for the wait.
- Wait ? What's that ? Okay, keep her.
Give me my keys.
- Where do you wanna go ? - Ted Give me my fucking keys ! I'm not gonna let you drive messed up like this so just.
What ? What's so funny ? Nothing.
I just never thought I'd know a guy named Ted.
- It's such a '70s name.
- Funny.
Now give me my keys.
- No.
- Oh, God.
Fuck ! Okay.
I don't want you here.
I don't even like you.
You are a fascist republican asshole.
And the fact that I ever even liked you in the first place Is total proof that I am totally fucked up about my life ! So will you please just go And leave me alone ? You look really stupid right now.
Go, you fucking freak ! Get out ! I'll bring back your keys tomorrow.
You know what your big mistake was ? You should have married Billy.
- That's not even funny.
- Come on, brenda, he's your soul mate.
All I ever was, all anybody's ever been, is a substitute for Billy.
That would be so easy for you to believe that, wouldn't it ? It's not your fault.
You were raised to be impaired.
You were grown wrong like one of those square watermelons They cultivate in Japan.
Don't laugh and miss the sorrow of it.
I love Billy as my brother.
That is natural And it's right.
Just because you're incapable of having any real feelings about any human being unless you're fucking them.
Brenda, listen to me.
Pack up your stuff, take Billy and go.
You can be together.
Go someplace far away like, you know, Nova Scotia.
Tell people you're married They'll never know.
You'll live together, you can love each other, you can fuck.
I am so glad you're dead.
Brenda, I am pretty sure that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver Are brother and sister and they're making it work.
Just shut the fuck up.
I'm just saying you only get one life.
There's no God, no rules, no judgments Except for those you accept or create for yourself.
And once it's over, it's over.
Dreamless sleep forever and ever.
So why not be happy while you're here ? Really.
Why not ? So then he came back inside, threw the keys at me and left.
So does that mean he quit ? - No, nobody's quitting.
- Why'd you give him the keys ? We were fighting.
I was It happens sometimes when people work together.
- Eat some salad.
- I had some.
- You did not.
- I had a cucumber.
- Rico does - What ? He does kind of have a right to ask for a sit-Down, doesn't he ? He - Yeah, Keith, he has a right.
- He is your partner.
I know he is.
And I'm not denying him any right.
- He just wants to have a conversation.
- I know.
I just need some time to sort things out before we talk about it.
Could you take my side on this, please ? - I 'm taking your side - It doesn't feel that way I'm taking your side by trying to help you get some perspective about this.
My brother's dead, Keith ! I don't need anymore fucking perspective ! I just need to be loved ! Oh, shit.
This keeps fucking happening.
I can't - Go to your room.
- Why ? Because I told you to.
Go to your room.
- I'll eat some more salad.
- Get out ! Come on.
David, you have to try and relax.
- I'm trying.
- Try harder.
It's been on the market for six months.
- Vanessa.
- It's been reduced twice.
Vanessa, I know this place.
I don't wanna buy it.
It's chuck weingarden's old funeral home.
He always had water trouble in the basement.
Maybe he's fixed it to sell it.
Or He's selling it because he knows he can't fix it Without tearing the whole place down.
You'd have to see it to find out, wouldn't you ? Rico, our lives should be ours to win or lose, Not the Fishers.
Our lives should be ours.
Oh, don't spill that.
It's higher than it was before.
Doctor said the fever might last through the night.
Sometimes the antibiotics take a while to kick in.
She's rubbing her ear like it still hurts her.
Ruth, she's getting better.
Don't worry.
We could raise her, couldn't we ? Um well, We're a little old, But yeah, sure.
- We could.
- I think we could too.
It seems right somehow.
Can you get us a cold towel for her forehead ? Yeah, I'll be right back.
Thanks, mom.
I wouldn't want anyone else to take care of her but you.
I love her so much.
I know you do.
When I see you touch her forehead like that, I can feel it on mine When I was little In this same room late at night sitting by the bed.
Before Claire, before David.
When it was just dad and you and me.
And everything was gonna be all right.
My poor sick little girl.
I used to think that I'd have more people in my life As time went on.
It doesn't work that way.
I'm starting to realize that.
It's almost like as we get older, The number of people that completely get us shrinks.
Until we become so honed by Our experiences and Time and Nobody else understands.
That sounds about right.
Be sure to tell the baby that.
First thing right when it comes out.
Why did you have to die ? It really sucks.
Everything's unraveling since you're gone.
That's not true.
It feels that way.
I miss you.
I miss you so fucking much ! I miss you too.
You know how I always used to tell you you weren't dad After dad died ? Yeah.
It was such a waste of time thinking that way.
No, it's just part of how you dealt with it, that's all.
- It kept you from missing dad so much.
- No, it kept me from ever knowing you Like as much as I really could have.
And now you are so completely fucking gone ! - It's It's just- - Claire.
What ? ! It sucks ! Stop listening to the static.
What the fuck does that mean ? Nothing.
It just means that everything in the world is like this Transmission Making its way across the dark.
But everything.
Death, life, everything, It's all completely suffused with static.
You know ? But if you listen to the static too much, it fucks you up.
Are you high ? I am actually, yeah.
I'm quite high.
You are ? What the fuck was that ? I don't know.
- Nate, what is that ? - I don't know.
You know everything about the entire fucking universe, But you don't know what's out there right now, in the dark ? Claire, you have to get out of here.
Nate ? Nate ! Fuck ! - Hey.
- Hi.
I thought you went to bed.
I can't.
She's doing somersaults, Playing on a drum set.
Can I feel ? Yeah, sure.
I love your baby.
Thank you.
I'm gonna kind of miss having her inside me.
But it'll be really nice to get my body back.
I think you look beautiful.
I do.
I've known you ever since I was born.
And I think you look more perfect to me now than ever.
- Come on.
- What ? All right, fine.
I'll shut up.
What'd you do that for ? Because I wanted to.
I love you.
I don't really even know what I mean by that.
I love you so much.
I love you too.
Can I hold you ? Of course you can.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You wanna touch it ? I want you to.
Do you wanna ? Okay.
That's what your penis would look like if you were a boy.
I was thinking the same thing.
"Your fabled gemini optimism Can be tempered with wisdom And still survive.
Greet news from long lost friends with suspicion.
You have more enemies than you think.
" Okay.
Let's read grandpa's.
"Aries, think about what you say, Before you speak.
" - Claire's not in the coach house.
- So ? She probably stayed at- What's his name ? Tom's.
She's not answering her cell phone.
Well, it's not even 8:00.
They're young.
They sleep.
And they don't call back.
George, I missed saying goodbye to my son.
I'm not going to miss - Ruth - I want to know where my daughter is ! - If you go out for recess You stay on the school grounds.
You don't wander off.
And I'll be waiting outside the principal's office inside the building To pick you up at the end of the day, you got it ? - We get it.
Let's go.
- Boys ! Come here.
I am sorry I got upset and used bad language at dinner last night.
- That was not right.
- Can we make pizza tonight ? Sure.
I, um I just miss your uncle Nate a lot right now, you guys.
A lot.
And And it's been harder than I thought it would be to move on.
We're gonna be late.
Okay, you're right.
Good boy, go ahead.
Have a good day ! - Excuse me ! Did you see that ? - What ? I think that might be the dark blue nissan they're looking for.
The guy who's murdering children.
That car's not blue, it's black.
My mistake.
You're sure you wa me to move out ? It's not like a rejection or anything.
- I know that.
- Maya will need a room.
You've got a whole life to get back to.
I get all that, I do, I just I mean, do you think you're gonna be okay when the baby comes ? No.
- Not at all.
- So Billy, I'm not saying that when the baby comes You won't be here 18 hours a day.
I'm just saying that I gotta get my fucking shit together.
And We need the space.
- So, when are you gonna pick her up ? - This afternoon.
Why the fuck did I tell them they could keep her ? Don't beat yourself up, just go get her.
She's your daughter.
You're the best mother she could have.
All right.
I'm gonna go pack my shit up.
Shit ! Oh, finally.
What the fuck ? ! - I'm not dead ! - I'm sorry, I thought- - I'm sorry.
I'm a funeral director - Kill me ! Kill me, whoever the fuck you are ! Kill me ! I wanted to die.
Please ! - This is not happening.
- Kill me, you motherfucker ! I can't live like this.
I don't want to fucking be here ! This is not fucking happening ! Okay, maybe it isn't.
But that doesn't mean you're not totally fuckin' alone.
You're gonna die, David.
Just like Nate, Just like your dad, just like everybody.
I am aware of the reality of death.
- I work with it every day.
- And you're scared.
You're more scared now than you've ever been in your life.
You thought you knew what fear was when Jake poured gas all over your head.
But this This simple unavoidable fact That you're alive and alone, And then someday You'll be dead.
- Stop it.
- You'll never see Keith after that.
- You'll never see your boys.
- Shut up ! So where are you gonna go ? I don't know.
Just away.
I'll find another job somewhere.
Why ? Because you're okay now.
Everything's fine.
I'm not necessary.
I'm not.
And when were you gonna tell me that you were leaving ? I would have called you whenever I got there.
Wherever I end up.
But you, you've got family here.
No, Daddy, I don't have family here.
I have some people that I've ruined And that I've ruined myself in front of.
- That's all I have.
- What the hell's that supposed to mean ? Do you remember anything, Daddy ? I mean, do you wake up every morning Totally blank ? Just empty ? You left us ! You left me and brian With mom when she was so fucked up And you don't even say goodbye ? - Sorry.
- Don't be.
That's the way life is, right ? I mean, you ruin things, you walk away.
You go somewhere else until it's ruined- Maggie, it's not true.
We all try to do our best- I am so sick of pretending everything's okay Just so that you like me.
I hate you ! I hate that you dragged me into this world And you left me here ! Just let me go ! Why did we leave school early ? I rented some movies and got the stuff to make pizza.
I was missing you guys.
Did something happen to Keith ? No.
Then why are we going home ? For real.
I just wanted to spend some time with you, is that all right ? Whatever.
Just gonna have to call somebody to get my math homework for me.
- Do you want to go back to school ? - I didn't say that.
Because I can turn around and take you back if you'd like it so much.
Answer me, do you want to go back to school ? No ! I just wanted to see you.
I thought you'd be happy to get out of school.
I'm sorry if I ruined your day.
David, I just found the guy downstairs, Totally not ready for the viewing.
I am here all alone.
It would be a real treat to know where the fuck you are.
Call me.
Diaz ? Yes, Mrs.
Duncan, I'll be right out.
Hey, Vanessa.
Listen, if you can get out of work early I could really use your help.
Yeah, now.
I know.
J Just come if you can.
I will owe you forever, I will take you to water grill.
Could you just come ? Bye-Bye.
- You get a hold of you ? - Yeah, thanks.
- I'll give you 800.
- What ? That's like nothing.
I mean, it's a Cadillac.
I know what it is.
I'm buying it for parts.
- Seven.
- You just said eight.
I know, but you're making it very hard to do you a favor.
You should be thinking how lucky you are to be alive, young lady, Instead of trying to jack up the price on a totaled car.
- 950.
- Done.
Come on, boys, roll her over.
Get her out of here.
Get the chains on over.
Can I join you ? I guess.
- You work here ? - No, my husband does.
I'm helping out.
I'm vanessa.
- Hi.
- Hi.
We are living in, like, The unluckiest time ever.
I know it feels that way sometimes.
I mean, I grew up thinking I was born In the time when there was the internet, you know ? And the fall of communism.
And the gap.
Turns out my time is when there's like And the end of everything.
What ? Do you have kids ? No.
I was just thinking that I love my kids.
And I know it's a hard time, But I still feel like there's a lot of good in this world.
And I feel like there's a lot of beautiful things And I'm glad that my kids get to live to see them.
- My brother's dead.
- I know.
I'm sorry.
- I'm sure he was a good man.
- He was fine.
That's all he needed to be.
That's all anyone needs to be, is fine.
They shouldn't have to get destroyed.
You're right.
Did you pack her things ? Not exactly.
I called an hour ago.
- You told her I called, right ? - Yeah.
George told me He told me that you were feeling like You needed to have her back again, but I think She's been so happy here.
Okay, george, could you please take Maya upstairs And pack her things ? Or do I have to call the police ? Oh, Brenda ! Call the police ? It's all right.
Come on, up we go.
Hey, we'll go wash your doll.
Come on.
Why are you doing this ? All I am doing is taking my daughter home.
After you left her here like a bag of garbage.
I left her with you because it was the most responsible - Thing I could think of doing.
- Responsible ? I never left my children.
I never left them for a second ! I wouldn't ! I couldn't ! Nate fucked maggie the night before he died.
- That's not true.
- Yes, it is.
It is true, Ruth.
It's as true as anything you know.
And I needed some time to work through my anger about that Before I could be a good mother to that little girl, who I love.
I love as much as my own baby and who I am taking home.
Oh my god.
- Oh my gosh ! - Sit down.
- What's happening ? - Your water is breaking.
No ! No, it can't.
It's too early.
Just sit down.
I'll get you to the hospital.
Maya can stay here with George.
Oh, shit ! This movie's gay.
What is gay, Durrell ? Really, what is gay ? Movies with no talking.
Is the pizza ready ? Almost, I just put it underneath the broiler To melt the cheese a little more.
- Stay right there.
- Who is it ? I don't know.
Hello ? Who's there ? No ! Don't ! No, please ! Please don't kill him ! They're gonna die anyway ! - Something's burning ! - Something's burning ! - What ? - The pizza's burning ! - What's the matter with you ? - Nothing's the matter with me, Durrell.
- Don't talk to me that way ! - What did we do ? You didn't do anything ! Not everything is about you ! What the hell is going on in here ! Anthony, come with me.
Jesus Christ.
So, your mom came right over.
She helped everyone get seated.
She even talked to people afterwards.
The whole nine yards.
Was it sad ? Yeah, it was.
But it felt good.
You know, to be there for people.
It did.
I called the realtor.
I'm gonna go see that place tomorrow at noon If you want to come.
Are they asleep ? Almost.
David, you got to I don't know.
I know.
It isn't good for the boys to be around you like this.
I know.
I know.
I feel like What ? Keith, I feel like my face is coming off.
I keep trying to hold it on, But I can't.
It keeps coming off.
What's underneath is just I don't want the boys to go away.
I have no intention of sending the boys anywhere.
But I do think that you should go away for a little while.
Till you Until you get better.
The boys are scared to be around you right now, David.
They don't even want to be in the same room with you.
It's not good.
Is my baby okay ? Tell me, is my baby gonna be okay ? Just keep pushing.
Just keep pushing.
Fuck !
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