Rescue Me s05e12 Episode Script


Previously on rescue me For the next 10 years, I've got you by the balls.
And I asked you to do one, single, solitary thing, to not have sex with your wife on the same day that you're havin' sex with me, and you can't even manage that.
Yeah, but she ambushed me.
I mean, you can function fully on one kidney.
That's what the doctors say.
It's cancer.
I may go under the knife tonight.
Aw, sean, I'm so sorry.
We're gonna get an I.
Started, and then we're gonna shave you for surgery.
Oh, can I do that? Shut up, terrence!Jesus! He called me a whore.
Nobody calls my daughter a whore.
I'm gonna take care of this right now.
I said she did some whorish things.
No, no, no!Tommy, stop! Katy sent us a letter.
Basically she doesn't wanna see us again unless we can act like grown-ups for a change.
The first sign of trouble, she's cutting us off for good.
I've got a goddamn firehouse full of men over there, my chief included, who keep on asking me what the hell is up with that crazy bitch across the street who wants to talk to me, and i don't have a goddamn answer.
So you wanna talk to me, leave me your goddamn number.
Please use it.
It's important.
Home movies, gavin family.
- I think when you get home.
- Yeah.
I think you're gonna pop this thing right in.
- I might.
I migh - Right in the old dvd player.
You're gonna sit back, pour yourself a nice big tumbler of whiskey.
Who-who told you? You did just now.
Don't you be wastin' all your money on syrup and honey, because I'm sweet enough, don't you be usin' every minute on makin' a livin', because we've got our love, listen to me,1,2,3 baby, baby, baby, spend your time on me don't you be out all night long leaving me all alone, because I, I need your love, don't you be spendin' every day workin' away, because I'm waitin' for you Listen to me,1,2,3 baby, baby, baby, spend your time on me Hey, guys, can we stop for chinese on the way back? We'll see, mike.
Aw, come on, lou.
I'm jonesin' for pork fried dumplings.
Do me a favor.
Put these tools back on the rig before they get ripped off, all right? And when I mean tools, I don't mean bobby and niels.
Now I know why I don't have kids.
Yeah? Well, you don't know what you're missin',lou.
Yeah, you know, sometimes i think it'd be nice have a little lou runnin' around.
- No.
- Nah.
Probably not.
How you guys doin'? All good, chief.
Yeah? Yeah, it's a great thing you had that ladder up on the roof,'cause you saved our asses, man.
It was so close.
His ankle's a little twisted, but otherwise, everybody's fine.
Listen, I heard that, uh, needle dick caught you with your pants down the other day.
Say, look, don't worry about it.
I'm not gonna go put your balls over the fire.
- You had a moment of weakness, huh? - Yeah.
- You know, women can do that to a man sometimes.
- That's true.
Shouldn't be punished for the occasional bonehead move motivated by our primal instincts.
That's profound, chief.
So, uh, don't worry about needle.
I think I got, uh, something on him that's gonna trump that little back-seat bingo session of yours.
Really? What do you got? All good things come to those who wait.
- Try to keep it in your pants at the firehouse, ok? - Ok.
All right.
I can't believe you got feinberg in your corner.
It's like the-the jets and the sharks joining forces and becoming one giant, gay, dancing, singing street gang.
- Yeah.
- You got a rabbi now in your corner.
Ok, but let's not forget that, you know, I also used to have a priest in my corner, and, uh, shortly thereafter, he became defrocked.
We talkin' 'bout that bingo game you had with, uh, janet outside the firehouse? - It was nothin'.
- What do you mean it's nothin'?Somethin' dirty.
Tell me.
Why-why do you go right to dirty? - 'Cause-'cause it's you.
- Yeah.
We, janet and I have an arrangement.
- You have an arrangement? - Yes.
Jesus christ.
Tom, you guys have been gettin' divorced for, like,8 years.
Isn't it time you took that old dog into the woods and put one in its head? All good things come to those who wait, my friend.
Well, you know what? If that's the case, then your divorce is gonna be a goddamn carnival cruise.
What's that? It's nothin'.
- Got a text comin' in? - Yeah.
- From sheila, huh? - Yeah.
You're bangin' her, too, aren't you? You know what? What-what is with the banging, ok? Cou-could you use something that's a little more appropriate? Oh, I-I'm sorry.
Y-you're "being intimate" wi-with janet and sheila again? - Maybe I am, all right? - Jesus christ.
- What? What? - Wait.
Let me guess.
This is a-it's a-it's a no-strings arrangement, right? - And it was their idea.
Am I right? - Yes.
Can't you even se- jesus christ.
These are women, tom.
Women have-they got more strings than a goddamn baseball.
Ok, y-you don't know what you're talkin' about.
- I do too.
- You don't understand the situation.
I know exactly what I'm talkin' about.
L- let me explain to you, ok, what the situation-I am takin' care of my kids, ok? My 3 kids, plus damian, ok? I'm damian's godfather, but I'm also his father figure, ok? So I am manning up.
That's what I'm doing.
I'm peyton manning.
I'm eli manning.
I'm the entire manning family, ok? I am taking responsibility, and I am paying for everything and taking care of all the kids, and in return, I get basically free sex with no strings attached.
- Do-you wanna call my thing bullshit? - Yeah.
- What about your thing? - What about my thing? You're banging, uh, the hooker.
Hey, watch what you're saying and how you say it, tommy.
I'm not bangin' a hooker.
So-so what is her motivation for hangin' around? She likes you? Let me guess.
- It could be, tom.
Could be.
- She likes you? - Yeah, could be.
- Oh, ok.
And it wouldn't be that she's just hangin' around because she's ba-basically casing the joint so that she can stay with us and become a third roommate and then eventually just rob us blind? You think that's what's gonna happen? Wh-what do you think's gonna happen? Of course that's what's gonna happen.
You wanna put money on that? You wanna put money where your mouth is? - You wanna make a bet about tha- - Yeah, I'll make a bet with that.
What's your bet? That your no-strings bullshit relationship thing you got goin' on with these 2 broads It's not bullshit.
Completely falls to pieces Yeah? Before I cave to candy.
You gotta clean my apartment.
And if the-she ends up robbing you blind and blah, blah, blah, you clean the apartment.
Well, I can always get a second hooker to do that.
They have those? Yeah, they got everything on craigslist.
All right, bet.
Easy money.
Yeah, right.
Chinese? - Yeah, I'm starvin'.
- Yeah.
All right, dumplin' boy, suit up.
You got your wish.
Let's go.
Saddle up, guys.
It's a musical.
Sean loved steven seagal, but all the hospital had was musicals.
Loves steven seagal, mom.
" Right.
Present tense.
I keep it on in the background so he doesn't get lonely.
Better pray he doesn't wake up a raging queen.
I'm gonna go get some coffee.
Hey, ma, will you get me an orange? Yeah, yeah.
Damn, sean.
He looks like he's on death's doorstep, you know? Doesn't even really look like garrity, except for that stupid look on his face.
I guess he kinda does look like garrity.
Aw, dude, his eye just twitched.
Jeez, I saw it.
slowed I saw it.
It kind of opened.
Nah, his eye isn't open.
He's a goddamn vegetable, man.
Not a vegetable.
He's just in a, you know, semiunconscious state.
Looks like a cauliflower to me.
Aw, buck up, you bunch of pansies.
That's your friend in that sickly, pale shell.
How lovely to be a vegetable, so settled, so still, so serene, completely vegetative, cucumbive or potative, noncommunicative and green, how lovely to be a vegetable, how noble, immobility, the one wish that I'd wish, to end up as an elegant side dish, a veggie, how lovely to be how grand to be chosen to wind up canned or pickled or frozen, how lovely a vegetable to be How lovely a vegetable to be Maybe he can hear us.
Nah, he can't hear shit.
He always was a softie.
I love you, sean.
Mike, what the hell are you doin'? I'm just-I'm just tellin' him how-how I feel.
That's what you're supposed to do.
You're supposed to tell him that, and it helps him come back.
You know, if that was me lyin' there, you leaned over, told me how much you loved me, I'd run into the light.
Doesn't look good.
Aw, what a pussy.
Come on.
Let's get out of here before he dies, huh? Come on.
Come on, mike.
Let me tell you what.
I was not expectin' that.
I know, man.
What the hell? Why didn't he tell us? Guys, he's gonna be fine.
He's gonna be ok.
Just don't think I can lose another brother, you know, not like this.
This is just- 8:00.
- What? - Bogy,8:00.
Don't turn your head.
Damn, man.
How'd you see her? I mean, she's practically standin' behind you.
Yeah, I know.
I didn't see her.
I smelled her.
Chanel no.
Oh, my god.
What a rack.
What an ass.
Kind of rack you read about.
I'm gonna beat off to her later.
What, I crossed the line? - Unbelievable.
- Yeah.
I'm sorry.
"Beat off.
Wonder what kind of nipples she's got.
All right, I'm goin' in.
Easy, cowboy.
I spotted her first.
You smelt her.
I spotted her, ok? I spotted her when we first came up.
I was just tryin' to be respectful of our sick buddy who's layin' in bed there before I made my move.
Ok? I did.
- Oh, jesus.
- Oh, my god.
Don't tell me this asshole's gonna pull the sensitive, weeping man routine.
I was gonna do that, ok? - I invented it.
- You invented it? I was playing the weeping man when you were an itch in your absentee father's pants.
I'm not fakin',all right? Assholes.
Hey, man, just take it easy.
Don't go to pieces, all right? I'm really upset about sean.
I know.
It's gonna be fine, ok? That's our friend in there, and he's hangin' on be a bare- - Pull your shit together, all right, man? - Yeah.
All right? Come on.
He's fakin'.
Excuse me.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Come and sit.
Yeah? Oh, that son of A bitch.
I've taught him too much, and now I must destroy him.
- I'll help you.
- Me, too.
- oh Shit.
- Unbelievable.
- Yeah.
- Hey, you got a sec? Yeah.
What's up? Katy just called, and she wants to come home.
That's great.
She wants a family dinner, and she wants colleen to be there.
Family dinner.
What's the problem? And her boyfriend.
Ok, I'm assuming that, uh, colleen's got a new boyfriend.
Katy wants shawn.
Why does katy want shawn? I - I guess that I got a little carried away, you know, telling her how happy we were and how happy they were.
You know, and meanwhile, colleen has been e- mailing her, telling her how great shawn is.
And this is of course before the whole whore, name-calling, fire-hose thing.
I don't think havin' shawn to dinner is really an option right now, honey.
What, because you violated his civil rights? Look, tommy, this is our first test.
She's coming home tomorrow night.
What do you want me to do about it? Just get him to that dinner, and I'll work on colleen.
Big, hot, sexy family dinner.
That must get your dick hard.
Don't you have a hooker you have to go see? Hey, you know what? At least I don't have to have dinner with her family.
Oh, though, you could probably order that up on craigslist, couldn't you? It's like Trade you one mickey mantle for a michael gavin straight up.
I had my love-in with teddy.
And I know you think that havin' a couple of belts before you watch these home movies is- I don't know-gonna give you some kind of emotional release, free your soul, and ease your burden.
That's just bullshit.
You're still gonna wake up with a head full of sirens, and your father's still gonna be dead.
Couple of drunken tears ain't gonna change any of that.
But i guess that's for me to know and for you to find out, huh? Oh, and, uh, by the way, you're settin' some example for your sponsee derek there.
Guys like you, you think everybody is an alcoholic, ok? You can't have a couple of drinks, have a good time, why should anybody else? You wanna take everybody.
You wanna go right into bars, and if you could, you would, wouldn't you? You'd go into bars at night, and you'd grab 'em, and you'd stick 'em into your little gang of coffee-swillin',cigarette-suckin' cave dwellers.
But no, no, no.
That's-I have gratitude towards you and A.
, Because my year of sobriety has taught me, really, a-an invaluable lesson.
And you know what that lesson is? No.
Sobriety sucks.
That's why we invented booze in the first place, ok? I saw teddy.
He's happier.
He-he's more in touch with his feelings.
He's-he's full of life again, not sittin' in some church basement with his head stuck so far up his own ass that all he can see is the-the meatball parm he has for lunch that day.
My head's out of my ass.
Do you know one of the things you always told me as my sponsor was to keep it simple.
It doesn't get much more simple than this, ok? I am drinking again.
Why don't you stick that on a goddamn bumper sticker? Thanks.
Hey, man.
What's goin' on? Don't even talk to me, man.
Why? Wh-what'S Should have your ass written up for that hose-down you gave me the other day.
Some degradin'- ass shit, tommy.
Degradin'- ass shit? Now you're gonna play the race card.
I ain't playin' nothin'.
I'm just sayin'.
you know, I really should apologize, 'cause, you know, colleen has always been able to push my buttons, man, and I-i have-you know, I got a temper, and she-she pushed my buttons a- and I-I overreacted.
S- and I'm sorry about that.
You apologizin' to me? Yeah.
You must need me for somethin',tommy.
Yeah, that'll be the day when I need you.
- That- - Ok.
Listen, where you goin'?What? H- hang on.
Hang- wait.
N- now who's overreacting now? L- listen.
I need you a little bit.
I got an idea.
I just wanna-ok? Believe me, I'm tellin' you, man.
We're havin' a family dinner.
Katy's comin' home from school.
Colleen's gonna be there, janet, ok? You come over, and it's a perfect opportunity for you, man.
You just-you're there, and you just shine.
Shine? You mean like greasy shine? I don't know what greasy - hey, no, no, no, no, no, man.
That's not a racial thing.
No, no, no, no.
You're the star.
You come in there, man, and she's like-y-you're actin' right.
You're at dinner.
- You're just - You mean actin' white.
No, it's not acting white.
- You're just-your- No, no, no.
That's code word for acting white.
No, it's not, man.
It's not.
I'm not playin' that, man.
I'm talkin' like you're gentleman.
You're a gentlemanly guy, and so all the bad feelings go out the window, because she sees you being a gentleman.
All right, so if you want me to come over and be sidney poitier in guess who's coming to dinner, you- - Well - What? Eh, sidney poitier.
I mean, that's-you know, you've- that's kind of a reach, but if you come-wait.
- Forget it.
- Ok.
I'm th-wait.
Wait, wait, wait.
Come- You have a sidney thing.
You g- that's-good idea, man.
'Cause you got that, you know-you got that thing he has.
You got that face.
You got that, you know, ageless thing.
You know, that black thing that you-you know what I'm talkin' about.
Like you're-you're, uh, god, you're classy, man.
You dress like sidney would be, man.
- You know, like really nice.
- White.
- What? - Dress white.
Why is that white? That's a ni-he's dressed nice.
He's, you know, dressed up.
You know? I think he won an oscar for that shit, man.
- You come over, and you're just sidney- - Ok, ok.
I get it.
- So - She'S You want me to act white.
You want me to dress white, eat white.
And if you could talk a little white, that-that- Listen, man.
You know what I mean?'Cause it's her.
She's impressed by it.
It's sidney.
It's not-you know? It's a white thing, but it's still kind of a black thing.
Ok, listen.
I'm not doin' it for you, all right? I'll come over because-I wanna get back with colleen.
That's the whole idea.
That's what I'm sayin' to you here.
Colleen's impressed.
The ass-whore thing goes out the window.
You're back with colleen.
I'm ready to get my sidney P.
What? That's a black thing.
It's not a black thing, man.
Tha-that's a potato, man.
It's an irish thing, and it's become a multiracial thing.
Just don'T.
Ok, derek jeter, jason giambi.
That's all I'm sayin'.
Yeah, I get it.
I'll be over.
- All right.
- Sidney.
All right.
All right.
- Yes.
- All right.
Hey, tom, there's a archie bunker on 2 for you.
I hate you.
What's with the outfit? What? Just get back from your job interview at kinko's? Come on.
You know I look sharp.
I don't want any of your bullshit tonight.
I don't even wanna see you right now, but i wanna make my little sister happy, so if we have to play this game, let's do it right.
So be cool.
Cool is how I do, baby.
Stop trying to sound like isaac hayes when you're standing here looking like the lost, retarded huxtable kid.
I don't look like no damn huxtable.
- And here we are - Oh, yeah.
- Katy's favorite.
- Nice.
Pot roast.
It looks yummy, mommy.
That rhymes.
"Yummy, mummy.
Right, babe.
It was-it was a good one.
- Ok, everybody, dig in.
- All right.
We have to say grace.
- Right.
- Of course we do.
Of cours-of course we do.
- Yeah, wi-will you do the honors, sweetie? - All right.
I want daddy to do it.
Um, right.
Joining of the, uh, hands.
Uh, thank you, god, for this wonderful feast we are about to eat and for all of us getting to be together and for black shawn, who-it doesn't matter what color he is, because we're just really happy and glad to have him.
And also, for all the stuff that we have and for brett favre being traded to the jets.
- Amen.
- All right.
I guess we should just dive right in.
What do you want from me? Just to be with you.
Why? Why me? You were the only man that never felt like a trick or a mark to me.
Well, the words every man yearns to hear.
It's the truth.
I discovered that in jail.
As bad as they say? No.
I got clean.
I know now that I would never do anything that could get me sent back there, and I would never again do anything to hurt you.
Aw, shit.
What? Just realized I'm gonna lose a bet.
Shawn, could you pass me the water, please? Sure thing.
And dinner was amazing, mrs.
Why, thank you, shawn.
And you can call me janet.
And by the way, that's a beautiful dress you're wearing this evening.
Why, thank you, shawn.
Don't you want wine with your dinner, mommy? Oh, no, no, no.
I-I don't drink anymore.
And neither does your dad.
I can totally vouch for that one.
Is that true, daddy? Yep.
Makes a great cup of coffee, though.
I have your favorite dessert.
Hot fudge sundaes? That's right.
You wanna help me make them? Yes.
- How awesome is that? - You can pour the fudge.
Here we go.
- do you have vanilla? - That's what we have.
Seriously, calm down.
You're hitting on my mother.
- I-I didn't do anything.
- You did too.
- I didn't do anything.
- Calm down a little bit, ok? I'm freaking out.
No, and, you, I cannot believe-I know you've been drinking.
Wha- I know you're drinking.
I'm not drinking again.
What's- Yes.
I know.
I can tell.
- I swear - I didn't say-I didn't do anything.
And you knew.
Tell me.
Stupid- Does everyone want hot fudge sundaes? Yeah! - Why - Put the fork down.
- Dad.
- Why do I always Wow, ken.
Well, look.
I'm-I'm sorry, uh, about the mess.
I haven't had a chance to clean up in a while.
Well, like, ever.
Well, beats my cell in rahway, narrowly.
Thank you, ken, truly.
You should, um, probably have a seat here, and, uh, make yourself comfortable.
I've been lookin' for that.
And, uh, there you go.
And, um, I'll go, uh, make the bedroom up for you.
Uh, you mean us? No.
I think, uh, just you f-for now.
We'd better just go a little slow in that department.
I'm still dealing with the shock of having you back.
By the way, if you see a tall, drunk, irishman wandering around, it's just my friend tommy.
He's crashin' here, too.
Just relax.
Whatever you do, don't open the fridge.
And, uh, I'll be back in, like, a-like an hour.
Ok, probably gonna need, like, um, like a hour and a half, maybe.
- I love you, daddy.
- I love you, too, sweetheart.
Good night.
- We did it.
- I know.
We did it.
Did you see how happy she was? - She loves us again.
- I know.
It was great.
Oh, gosh, I was so nervous at first, but the more that we went on, it kind of just seemed like old times.
Yeah, it was awesome.
Kind of like a normal family.
I know.
Ah, and I finally felt a connection with her.
And colleen.
- Ok, and shawn - I know.
Is such a sweet guy.
What are you doing? I thought-I thought we were having-gonna have sex.
No, no, no, no.
Not with the baby and katy out there.
Honey, honey, honey I can - I can definitely be quiet.
No sex.
Yeah, but on the bright side, you have regained the unconditional love of your youngest daughter.
Can't have the unconditional love and the sex at the same time? No.
Got it.
No, no.
Why don't you do what you used to do? Just go downstairs and watch some tv, and then when she falls asleep, then you can go.
Hey, thank you for tonight.
'Cause I have a newfound respect for you.
Yay, respect.
R- e-s-p-e-c-T.
What's up? I'm happy I came home.
We are, too, honey.
Good night.
You know, mom is smiling again.
She doesn't say nasty things about you when you're in the other room.
Wa-wait a minute.
She-she's saying nasty things about-what kind of nasty things? I like shawn.
I hope he and col work things out.
I, um-why? You know, I just-I sensed a little tension, like you and mom used to be.
Well, th-they're in love, honey, and when you get older, you'll understand that- I'm glad you're not drinking.
It used to scare me sometimes, you know, like-like you were somebody else.
I hope you never drink again.
Well, I-you know, I- Do you promise me you won't drink? We-it-that's-it's-it's- that's a complicated-you know.
I don't know if anybody can promise- Why? B- because nobody knows what, you know, the future- what's gonna- Are you an alcoholic? No.
Did mom say that? Well, no-see, we're studying president grant at school, and he had to have a drink almost every day.
Do you drink every day? No.
Honey, honey, ahem.
I did for a while, because I was-I-you know, I had some grief issues and-when I was going through the problems with your mom and your uncle jimmy was killed.
I was very angry and-but I- I learned how to deal with that, and now I don't have that, you know-I can control it.
I- I can have a little, tiny, little bit, and it's not a- you know, it's-it's-that's why things are goin' so good, 'cause I'm-it's just I'm different with it, you know.
So you're in denial.
No, no.
So you can have a little bit to drink now, and it's not gonna be like it was before, like we'd always worry about bad stuff happening, and then you and mom are gonna stay together forever? Yes.
I love you, daddy.
I love you, too, honey.
Now go to sleep, ok? Have fun at work.
- What's wrong? - Is damian here? What? No.
He's gonna be home from probie school any minute.
- Oh, ok.
Well- - So you gotta get in my room and drop the pants.
Ok, but I wanna tell you about I wanted to talk you about this whole - Yeah.
- You know, situation.
Take your pants off.
Um, what situation? You know, this-this whole thing.
I feel conflicted, you know.
Take your pants off.
- I-I am.
- Have you been drinking? - Not yet.
- Oh, boy.
You know, I mean, I know we - it's sort of working great.
I mean, I just-I guess, you know, there's no reason, really, to complain about it even, but, you know, it's just I think the thing with janet and my kids and then you and damian, I don't know.
I mean, even though it's working good, maybe we're kind of foolin' ourselves.
You know, it's- Take your pants off now.
Are you listening to me? Ok, so what? What? You were saying? I was saying-I was saying- ok, yeah.
So do you think I'm an alcoholic? What? You stupid- Wake up! Listen to me.
You are not an alcoholic! That's good.
You are a functioning alcoholic.
That sucks.
No, no, no.
It doesn't suck.
It's good.
It's good.
It's like- - I-it's not- Right.
- No, jim morrison Was an alcoholic.
He died.
Miles davis quit everything when he was, like,64 years old, and then 6 months later, pbbbbt, dead as a doorknob.
You, my dear Are like keith richards.
You don't drink, and the whole band goes down the tubes.
So you have got to keep your eyes on the prize.
Which in this case, are the kids.
Colleen, katy, wyatt, damian, and oh, yeah.
Hey, ma! I'm home! What- Oh, shitbox! - What? I just took 'em off.
- Put your pants back on.
Now, do not quit drinking until much further notice.
Come here.
- Say it.
- Say what? Functioning.
You're so funny when you wince.
- Hey, ma! - I'm coming! All righty.
Oh, my god.
You are such a good man to come here and stand watch over my poor, sick boy.
It really is a brotherhood, isn't it, the fire service? I was just thinkin' about a lot of stuff, and life, you know, important stuff, and, uh-and it made me think about him.
We should say a little prayer.
Is that irish? Yeah.
Gimme a blast.
Sit down.
No, son, the bottle.
Give me the bottle.
Y- you want the bottle? That's nice.
What happened to sean's movie? Oh, I thought it was, uh Ok.
Come here.
Our father who- take a knee.
O- ok.
Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom Come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our Daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and power and the glory forever and ever.
- Amen.
- Amen.

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