Rescue Me s05e13 Episode Script


Previously on rescue me Madre mia! I wouldn't mind going a couple rounds with you.
Oh, yeah? Yeah.
Wouldn't mind boxing, either.
You can function fully on one kidney.
That's what the doctors say.
So it's really not that much to worry about.
It's cancer.
It's- Cancer.
Goddamn, he looks like he's on death's doorstep, you know? I love you, sean.
What the hell are you doing? Just telling him how I feel.
That's what you're supposed to do.
You're supposed to tell them.
It helps them come back.
You know if it was me lying there, you leaned over and told me how much you loved me, I'd run into the light.
So I asked mickey for the dvd the old home movies, you know, the ones we all watched together Well, I put it in the machine, and I poured 2 big And then I drank them real slow And get ready for the next surprise I started bawling my eyes out! What do you want from me? Just to be with you.
Why me? You're the only man that never felt like a trick or a mark to me.
Words every man yearns to hear.
I didn't know you think that having a couple of belts before you watch these home movies is I don't know, going to give you some kind of emotional release That's just bullshit.
You're still gonna wake up with a head full of sirens.
And your father's still gonna be dead.
A couple of drunken tears aren't going to change any of that.
But I guess that's for me to know and for you to find out, Ok, ladies, come with me to the left.
Garrity, take this hallway to the right.
*How long have I been waiting for* *a boy worth celebrating, * *and devastating, handsome, brawny, brave * *and true* *My heart could not be gladder, * *there you are and there's your ladder, * *feels like love, it does, * *I know it's real because* *you take my breath away, * *leave me winded, * *gasping for air, * *well, the newness of you has me * *clearly completely ecstatic, * *speaking respitorially-* *I'm asthmatic-* *For you, * *take my breath away-* Sorry.
Just give me a second.
*Rasping and spent, * *while your touch is enchanting, * *the panting that follows is not, * *but so what? * *you take my breath away* *I take your breath away, * *leave you wheezing, * *light-headed and weak, * *take your place at my side* *and together our future we'll tailor* *Just as long as we keep close at hand-* *An inhaler, * *for you* *take my-* go ahead, you do it.
I'll catch up.
Don't fight it, kid.
Walk towards the light.
Listen, relax.
I'm trying to put you out of your misery.
Oh, you want to play tough? What are you doing? I'm baking a pie.
What do you think I'm doing? -I gotta get somebody Don't bother, kid.
I disconnected it.
What do you think, I'm new? Listen to me, pal.
You got the cancer.
Maggie told me you took a turn for the worse.
I came over to try to end it for you before it turns ugly.
Why did my mom or terrence or the doctors tell me that I was taking a turn for the worse? They never tell their patients the truth.
Be like putting a bullet in your head.
Takes whatever little hope you may have and crushes it like a bug.
I don't care, teddy.
I just-I really want to live, ok? Can you just put the pillow down, please? Yeah, just put it down over there.
That's good.
-Ok? It's your life, your choice.
My choice.
Thanks, ted.
Did you mention maggie before, or No, no, I mentioned maggie.
She spoke to the doctors.
As your ex-wife, she's still considered immediate family.
She broke the news to me.
Said she was going to come by and visit today.
Pay her last respects.
What is it, bro? Did you say that maggie was coming here today? Yeah.
Do me a favor.
Anything, pal, you name it.
Get the pillow.
- =YTETС×鹤×÷ÊÒ=- ·­Òë: ʱ¼äÖá:sunshine_zp *on another day* *c'mon, c'mon, * *with these ropes I tied, * *can we do no wrong? * *Now we grieve,'cause now is gone, * *things were good when we were young, * *with my teeth locked down, * *I can see the blood, * *of a thousand men * *who have come and gone, * *now we grieve,'cause now is gone, * *things were good when we were young, * *is it safe to say? * *C'mon, c'mon, was it right to leave? * *C'mon, c'mon, will I ever learn? * *C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon* What do we got? No one in the burning vehicle as far as we can tell.
Couple of bodies got thrown out on impact, both dead.
Ok, sean, franco, take the popover.
Tommy, you guys check the bodies.
Hey, what the hell is that? Witnesses say that was one of the tiny smart-type cars.
And whoever was behind the wheel sure as hell ain't coming back out.
Whoo, shit! Yeah, baby, it's a hot one.
See, if cars ran on ethanol and corn, wouldn't be as much fire as this.
Yeah, if cars ran on corn, next time we show up to one of these crashes, all we need to bring is like, you know ribs and potato salad.
I know, right? What's up with this new shorty, the boxer? She hot? Oh, yeah, man, she's a dime piece.
You'll see her at the fight next week, no doubt.
She's not gonna come over and try to punch on me and knock me out, is she? That depends on how you act, man, but based on your relationship with colleen, that'd be just the thing to turn your little freaky ass on, wouldn't it? Stop hating.
Yeah, yeah.
You wish you had a freak like that.
Hey, uh, tommy, I got a favor to ask you.
Yeah, I'm up.
I'm going to be kinda making the move on candy tonight.
Oh, ok.
- Yeah, you know.
So you want me to hang on to your cash and credit cards, is that the idea? He he! Listen, mikey wants me to work on them leaky pipes down at the bar.
I'll do it tonight, I'll crash down there.
Just do me a favor- once the sex is over, make sure she doesn't rifle through my bags.
And also make sure she doesn't grab a hold of the plasma, it's the only thing in the apartment worth any value.
Ok, you done now? Yeah, I'm done.
What's up? Tell me that's not whatI think it is.
It's a kid.
You all right? Ollie, I'm gonna need another bus and another engine company, all right? Hey, chief.
What? What's that all about? Maybe lou found a box of donuts.
He looks pretty upset.
There's probably no bavarian cream.
What's going on, lou? You all right? Yeah, what's up? You- oh, goddamn.
Oh, shit! What's going on? Lou, what the-jesus christ.
Mike, turn around.
Trust me, this is not something you want to witness.
All right.
I want everyone to take a deepbreath, and then we're all going to do our jobs and clean this shit up.
We owe it whoever this kid's family is to getthe bodies covered before those newspaper vultures show up and start taking pictures.
Not to mention these rubberneckswith the cell phone cameras.
Franco, shawn, I want you to get- I got it, chief.
Give me the blanket.
I got it.
Give me the blanket.
All clear, lou? Holy shit.
It was that bad? Worse? That was jesus.
Yeah, thank god for him.
How does he do it, man? I guess when you see your only son run down and trampled like a rag doll maybe it makes a mess like this that much easier.
Either that, or the rest of us are just a bunch of giantpussies.
I'm going with the rag doll thing.
Open space in the forest,5 letters.
No, it needs to start with a "g," ma.
That's an air-freshener! I hate that you guys do crossword puzzles, really.
Tip of the iceberg, lace-wise.
What the hell does that even mean? You know, if you guys get this right, I just want to drop dead right here.
How many letters? I'm serious, ma.
A- g-I-e-T.
Ok, somebody kill me, please.
Right now.
Jesus, sean, you look terrible.
I'm maggie, by the way.
Hey, nice to meet you.
Yeah, I'm terrence.
No wonder you two never stayed together.
Way too smart for him.
Oh, get serious, terrence.
Your father was borderline retarded.
He could barely even tie his own shoelaces.
And we were together nearly 35 years.
You are absolutely gorgeous, maggie.
Those pictures sean sent me didn't lie.
Ha, thanks, thanks.
During our brief time together, sean almost never stopped talking about you.
Or you.
I'll bet.
Terrence? Yeah, ma? Eyes.
Sorry, ma.
-It's ok.
Hey, no, it's not ok.
Knock it off.
She said it was ok! Hey! Jesus.
- Come on.
Sean - Ma! We're gonna go out, get some juice.
Give you some time alone.
Terrence, come on.
Ma, I really don't think that's a good idea.
You guys, really.
I'm feeling a little- It was nice to meet you.
You! Get out here.
So Well, are you in pain? No.
The drugs are good.
What, maggie? I came to make peace.
You know, it's funny.
Peace actually came when the divorce went through.
Yeah, well, that's a pretty terrible thing to say.
Well, it's true.
Well, you want to deal in the plain, hard facts? I came to make peace peace.
Everlasting peace.
Yeah, everlasting peace.
Did the doctors tell you what teddy said that they told you? I mean, is what my mom and terrence are telling me, is that not true? Is that what you're saying? What, that you're gonna die? Oh, jesus.
They told you that.
Well, not in so many words, but I read between the lines.
Look, sean, I don't deal in bullshit anymore.
I'm clean.
I'm sober, and I'm clear as a bell.
And if this it, I just wanted you to know how much I loved you.
And still love you.
And hate you.
And will love and hate you with equal measure as long as we both shall live.
Like even if you die in a half an hour from now.
Ok, wait, is that what you read into the doctor's conversation? Is that what you're saying? No, like I meant if the world comes to an end or something like that.
Hey, whoa, whoa, what are you doing, maggie? Hey! Well, I'm gonna make love to you one last time.
Maggie! What if this is it? First of all, you just said that you hated me! No, I love-hate.
Second of all, I don't want to.
But this could be it! Would you please stop saying that? What if it is? -What if it isn't? Is that morphine? Yeah, that's morphine.
Can I have a couple hits? Oh, my god.
No, you can'T.
I thought you just said that you were clean and sober, maggie.
I am.
I just wanted to level the playing field so that we're both on the same plain during sex.
It's called sacrifice, sean.
That was the whole problem with our marriage, no goddamn sacrifice.
Just selfish one-way behavior the whole goddamn time.
Yeah, you're right.
By you! I know! My needs, my wants, my urges.
I never once put any effort into trying to make this relationship work.
Ok, you know, I think I'm dreaming.
Could you slap me really quick -oh! Ho! Phew.
Um, I'm sorry.
Sean - Oh, no, hey, dr.
This is my wife-um, ex-wife maggie.
Maggie, dr.
We've met.
I'll come back later.
Ok, great.
Thanks, doc.
Do you want me to blow you? That shit today, man it was gruesome.
Top three on my all-time worst list.
Where shit involving kids, that was number one.
Was he burned? She.
She was 8, maybe 10.
It's tough to tell.
How bad, exactly? You don't want to know, sweetheart.
It's kind of a code we have for firemen.
Stuff we see will stick with you, believe me, so we keep the ugliness to ourselves so ladies like you can go throughout your day without being haunted by it.
Come on, pal.
We're done for the day.
Oh, wait, wait, wait.
How bad was that kid today, huh? What you saw? I don't really want to talk about it, carla.
Well, I do.
No, you don'T.
Yeah, I do.
She was burned? Yeah.
To a crisp? Yes.
What else? Jesus.
Back off, numbnuts.
What else? Eyes were melted off, huh, nose off, what? God damn it, carla- Come on, asshole.
Come on.
Hey! Hey, look, you know, like he said, there's a code.
Come on, asshole! Come on, pussylips, tell me!What else? Come on! Enough, god damn it! How'd that make you feel? Angry? Shit, yeah! Yeah? Pissed off? Yeah.
Make you wonder where god was, huh? Why this child, why now, huh? Yes, god damn it, yes.
Yeah, then use it! Hit that bag like you're hitting god or satan or whoever the hell you want to blame.
Right in the face, man.
Take dead aim and hit that bag with everything you got until it hurts not to hit it.
Come on, hit it.
Hit it! Hello? Ken? Yeah? I don't think I live here.
Of course you do.
Come in.
I know, you cleaned up for me a little on my first night, so I cleaned up a lot.
A lot a lot.
Where the hell is everything? Well, the clothes are in the wash.
Um, the furniture's just been touched up and rearranged a little bit.
I polished up the coin collection.
I sorted all the books, dvds and old records into alphabetical order.
And I was just finishing up cleaning out the fridge.
I have a coin collection? It was on the couch under all the clothes? Looked pretty expensive, as did the civil war chess set.
You play chess? I guess I used to.
The place looks amazing, though.
You did a great job.
Let's celebrate, shall we? This looks nice.
Tommy's gonna get a kick out of that.
You know, he's a big fan of scented candles and potpourri.
He's not going to be home tonight, by the way.
We have the whole sparkling clean place all to our itty, bitty selves.
Yeah, boy.
Hey, candy.
I've been doing a lot of thinking about- about a lot of things.
Like? Like like death and life and cake and donuts.
And in between, you.
A lot of you.
More so than the cake and the donuts, which is a first for me.
You know, I see I see a lot of horrific things on the job.
And seeing a dead kid on the side of the road, it's never going to be easy.
But sometimes, like today, it just hits you hard.
Really hard.
And on a day like that the last thing you want to dois go home to an empty house.
And I think that if there's the slightest, outside long shot of a chance for happiness here look, I've been working a lot on the anger and resentment that I felt towards you and towards this whole situation.
And I think that I've made it to the next phase.
Which is? Pizza.
And forgiveness.
'Cause I always thought that those two things went really well together.
Just like, you know, champagne, and and affection.
Affection's good.
-Affection's good.
It is good.
And, you know, my first impulse was to not- was to not make a move on you.
Was to play things really cool and-and just to kind of feel you out and to see whether or not this time it was for real or not, whether you were for real or not.
And whether I thought about you- In between the cake and the donuts.
Yeah, well, of course.
The more I realized how Is how attracted I was to you from the beginning.
I feel the same way.
I just- I want to take it slow.
So, look, we'll have a little bit of champagne a nd then we'll see where it goes.
I actually quit drinking.
Oh, yeah.
I just I think your first impulse was correct.
My first impulse? What the hell was that? Take it slow, feel me out.
Yeah, ok.
Actually, my first impulse was to jump all over you, fast, and to feel you up, not to feel you out.
My second impulse was a lot like the first, except there was a lot more jumping involved.
My third impulse was to go kind of slow and to kind of feel you out.
And you know, just like women can have multiple orgasms, you know, men have multiple impulses.
And I just happened to go with the wrong impulse at the time, so you really can't blame me - Yeah, I can.
I feel the same way you do.
I just want to make sure we do it right this time.
So let's-let's just relax.
- Ok.
Let things happen as they should.
Ok? - Mm-hmm.
Want to play chess? Yeah.
Can we do it in the nude? That week I got hit.
On saturday, remember? It was going to be my little league all star game.
Mom making you take off work.
You missed a bunch of my games, that summer you were working all that overtime.
It was going to be great.
It's uncle jimmy.
He was always so funny.
And damian.
I think he's gonna make such a good firefighter.
I'd give anything to be there when he graduates from the academy.
One thing I'm happy for was that my kid didn't die before me.
Because if he did, that would just-that would be just That would make my heart ache so much.
I would never- never, ever be able to get over it.
Me, either.
You know, it's just a, um it's like a silver lining on a never-ending dark cloud, hmm? You know, connor, when you died, it was just, um, it was so meaningless.
You know, so it was sounnecessary.
I don't know, I just you had your whole life laid out in front of you at your feet.
Falling in love, having your own kids.
I don't know how you deal with it, tommy.
It must be killing you inside.
Have another drink, bro.
You're almost there.
Just one more drink.
One more and the- the dam is gonna burst, brother.
I promise.
You ain't gonna make a difference.
He can drink all the booze he wants.
Drain the goddamn bar dry.
It won't matter a bit.
Ain't no tears inside them bottles.
He already left behind those blue irish eyes.
He cried them all, and carla got crushed.
Same way I did when johnny here got clipped.
I heard the news, went in the can and shed a few.
Came right back out to face the music.
Face the music, assholes.
He's done.
Dead as a doornail inside.
Just like me.
Only he's still walking around.
That's why he's the best goddamn firefighter there ever will be.
Better than I was.
Better than jimmy was.
Because the only thing he can feel is heat.
Only thing that gets through that thick irish skin of his is fire.
And even goddamn flames ain't gonna make him cry.
He's the real deal.
Iron man, come to life.
Oh, shit.
Ow, shit! Shit.
Oh, shit.
God damn it.
Oh, shit.
Yeah? Hey, chief.
What's up? You drinking? -Yeah, yeah.
You drunk? Ah, well, I just got done talking to my dead son, my dead brother, my cousin jimmy, who's also dead, and my dead father.
So then I took a blowtorch and burned a hole in my leg big enough to stick my goddamn thumb into.
What do you think? You think I'm drunk? All right.
You don't have to make fun of me, asshole.
Jesus christ.
Ahh, thanks for calling.
Shit! Cutes.
You still got that first aid kit that I gave you, or did you lose it in the move? No, I got it.
I just unpackedit yesterday, actually.
Why? All right.
I'll be right over.
Oh, I know, I know, it hurts, it hurts! I know.
But it's gonna hurt worse! No, no, no, put more in there.
Just clean it out.
Oh! Oh, my god, I can't do this.
I can't do this.
It looks too painful.
Please let me take you to the emergency room.
I'm not going to the emergency room! Shit.
Oh, god, tommy.
Tommy, this is very sick.
I'm sorry.
You know, sometimes I bottle up my emotions about jimmy and I will go for months and months without shedding a tear, but I would never, ever get into S.
What? Self injurious behavior.
It's a thing.
I saw it on intervention.
Jesus christ.
-That's a good show! And it's called cutting.
I know what it's called.
Besides which, you know, the sex thing between us has been so great, and now you're not going to be able to have sex with me for such a long time because- god damn it! Where that thing is, it's just gonna kill.
It will just keep opening up over and over and just be this big, pus-y wound that would never heal.
Like, ugh.
If you try to make love to me with that cut, I don't care how strong you are, it would be like absolute torture.
Take your clothes off.
What did you say? Take your clothes off.
What? No, that's weird.
Yeah, come here.
No, I don't think that this is the right time- Take off your top.
Come here.
Come on.
I'll take my own shirt off.
Hurry up.
Take off your pants.
Hurry up! Yeah.
Turn around.
No! No, I don't want to touch it! Ohh! Ahh! Oh.
Ok? Ah.
I don't-it's going to be- it's going to hurt you! Listen to me.
Ok? How's that? It's tempting-I don't wantto go harder, though.
Yeah, come on, move a little harder.
No, no - ahh! Come on.
That's good.
Good girl.
Come on.
Come on.
Up and down.
I'm not gonna go harder than that.
Come on.
Oh, jesus.
Oh, my god, are you ok? No.
Can I do anything? Yeah.
I'm not kidding.
All right.
And grab me a bottle of whisky.
All right? A shrill, chirping sound.
C- h-I-r-K.
Want me to go see if sean and ma are awake? I take that as a yes.
Guys, I hope sean looks better when he wakes up.
Yeah, he looked like death warmed over.
Ok, kids, let's stay together.
Just follow me.
This way.
The cancer kids.
Kid on my block's got the same thing.
Is the blue one you like? You know, a lot of these kids won't make it.
Want to go back to your room? That's it.
Both asleep still.
What's up? The hot nurse come by again? Oh, shit.
See, last night, sean wasn't looking so good, I faked a few sobs.
She brought me an orange and a snickers bar.
She even bent over, hand it to me.
I swear I saw her nipples.
Please don't stand here looking sad.
It only stands to remind the children just how sick they are.
If you want to come in, you have to literally put on a happy face.
Otherwise, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to move awayfrom the window.
Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today, I want to be a part of it, new york, new york, these vagabond shoes are longing to stray right through the very heart of it, new york, new york, I wanna wake up in a city that doesn't sleep, to find I'm cream of the crop top of the heap, these little town blues are melting away, I'll make a brand-new start of it, oh, in old new york, if I can make it there I'll make it anywhere, new york, it's up to you, new york
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