Rescue Me s06e03 Episode Script


Previously: Get back in the saddle because we may not be here that long.
The mayor's closing down houses.
We got a big target on our back.
So do the West Side Wildmen and only one of us is gonna be shut down.
Franco, he was a godsend.
He fixed the car, he fixed the stove.
Did you know that he cooks? Did you go by my house a couple of times while I was laid up? I was there almost every day.
If something happens to me again, don't go by the house.
I want Damian out.
Out of what? The job, the calling.
There's a kid trapped.
All right.
I'm going.
I don't think he should go.
He's the only one who's got a chance.
All right.
Good job, Dam.
This is the best job ever! Yes.
Wanna go to a meeting? I'm living in the moment.
I'm making positive changes.
You're drinking too much.
This is what my old man did to me.
Made me drink and smoke until I felt like quitting.
Shawn! No! I was gonna change.
Today was the day and, you know, the world is not cooperating.
So shoot me.
Hey, what are you doing? Well, Colleen and I have come to a decision.
No more booze, no more butts.
I think that night that we spent down at the bar may have been very interesting for her.
I think she may have learned something about herself.
Her legs are hollow? Honey, I'm serious.
I think I don't know, I think she, you know, may have gotten scared about her, you know, capacity for it.
Well, I'm very impressed, Tommy.
And I'm not buying a word of it.
Very impressed.
Honey, baby steps but steps none the less.
I swear to God.
All right.
Serious, you know? Finally some information may be, you know, what Whoa! A little early for that, isn't it? What? Wine? It's 8:00 in the morning.
What? You're not tossing these? No, I'm tossing booze, not wine.
Wine is booze.
Honey, no.
Booze is booze.
Oh, okay.
Now, this is gonna sound really silly, but define booze for me.
Okay? The difference between wine and booze.
Okay, honey.
Booze is booze.
Booze is, you know, uh, whiskey and vodka and you know, uh, spirits.
You know? And wine? Wine is in a whole separate family, honey.
Wine is like a You know, it's a delicacy.
Wine is like, uh You know, it's grape juice with a little extra kick.
It's when, you know, they talk about fine wines, you know? It's like France.
They drink wine in France all day.
They don't drink at 8:00 in the morning but they start around lunchtime.
They take it pretty serious.
And which explains why France is the superpower it is today.
Okay, yeah.
Italy? I could name a million countries.
Do you see how desperate you are? I'm not desperate.
You're trying to use Italy to win an argument.
Forget the French, forget the Italians.
You are 100 percent mick through and through.
And that little kick that wine has? You're gonna keep drinking it until it kicks you like a goddamn mule.
I know what this is.
I know.
I know what you're doing.
This is You know what this is? It's racist.
That's what this is.
Oh, come on.
No, it's the stereotypical, you know, Irish cliché.
All we're good for is drinking, right? And fighting.
And making bad food.
Hey, Tommy.
It's in your blood.
It's in her blood.
Do you have any idea how much wine it would take for me and And Colleen to get even remotely shitfaced? Okay? No, I have absolutely no idea.
But I'm certain the two of you will find out very, very soon.
This can work.
Ugh, for the two of you, I doubt it.
For the entire Napa Valley? It's a goddamn gold rush.
And do me a favor and keep count.
We will.
So, uh, what's better with Cheerios? White or red? Funny.
* On another day C'mon, c'mon * * With these ropes tied tight Can we do no wrong? * * Now we grieve 'Cause now it's gone * * Things were good When we were young * * When my teeth bite down I can see the blood * * Of a thousand men Who have come and gone * * Now we grieve 'Cause now it's gone * * Things were good When we were young * * Is it safe to stay? * * C'mon, c'mon * * Was it right to leave? * * C'mon, c'mon * * Will I ever learn? * * C'mon, c'mon * * C'mon, c'mon C'mon, c'mon * Sixty-two truck.
Hey, what's going on? Yo.
What's cracking, my man? Hey, listen, I'm on my way in Oh, that's right.
First day back to school for you.
You excited? Did you get a new lunch box? Yeah, that's really funny.
Listen, the guys, are they planning some kind of bullshit, celebratory surprise thing for me? I know you're surrounded by the guys, so just give me a yes or no answer on it.
Okay, which means yes.
Tell the guys to take the banner and the Bundt thing down.
They can start eating the cake.
Send the strippers home.
I don't wanna make a big thing.
Actually, tell them they can keep the strippers around but otherwise, you know, business as usual, okay? I don't know, dude.
The guys are pretty excited.
I don't wanna be a dick about it Well, old habits die hard.
What? Nothing.
You broke up on me there for a second.
It's just Tell them it's a regular day.
All right.
I'll break the bad news to the guys.
All right.
Talk to you when I get there.
Who was that, probie? Nobody special.
Yes, dudes! Got one! Finally.
Only took you three and a half hours.
It would help if it actually fit in the jigsaw puzzle.
You can't just squeeze it in.
Hey, what's going on? Nothing much, man.
Where is everybody? I don't know.
Shh! Hey.
Hey, what's up, T? What the hell are you doing here? This is the day you told me I could come back to work.
Right? Was that today? Marlon Brando, you're not.
Okay? Nice try.
Guys! Ahem.
Hey! So where are they? Who? What are you talking about? Strippers.
Where are they? In the other room? Yeah.
They're in the other room.
Lou, will you give us a template for the proper He's checking the back room.
All right.
All right.
I get it.
What, are they in the bunk room? The truck? You got them in the truck? What are you talking about? The jig is up, assholes.
All right? Before they get cold or tired and leave.
Didn't you tell me that you didn't want us making a big deal out of you coming back? Let me get this straight.
I snuck out of the hospital, and I did my own rehab to get myself back into this room and ready to go back to work with you guys and you have What? You're telling me there's no cake? No, uh No girls.
No No hats, nothing? Yes.
Lou is the winner! Come on.
Pay up, pay up, pay up.
You guys aren't gonna even lift a finger to welcome me back? Okay.
Tommy's back! I'm laughing so hard.
Consider yourself fortunate it wasn't a different finger.
Yeah, I got a finger for you.
Step on it, Niels.
This call box is smack dead between us and the Westside Wildmen.
Whoever gets first on the scene scores big points with HQ and the natives.
Hold onto your nuts.
Well, normally I prefer a warm bath and a glass of red wine, but I'll make do.
Well, well, well.
If it isn't Girls Gone Wild.
Homos on Wheels.
Holy shit, is that Tommy Gavin? That's right.
Back to work already? Hardly recognized you without the bull's-eye.
I'm rubber, you're glue, pal.
Nice comeback, huh? I'm bleeding.
So, how's it feel to play second fiddle to the best house in Harlem? Second fiddle, my ass.
We were here first.
I don't think so, pendejo.
Hey, hey, hey! Knock it off! This ain't West Side Story.
So what? Kurt Cobain pulled the box? Here's what's gonna happen.
We're all gonna do our jobs and see how this plays out.
The old heroin hang, huh? You cop a rotten bag? Phew! Grab the medical bag, he might be in OD.
We were here first.
Arrived first, my dimpled ass.
Black Shawn, go get the med kit.
Tommy, phone in the bus.
This is our call.
Hey, it's our call.
Who asked you? Who asked you, asshole? Who you calling asshole, asshole? I'm calling you an asshole.
And you.
You're all assholes.
Except you.
You're amazing.
What's your name? Eat shit, asshole.
I like it.
Why don't you guys back off? - You back off.
He's ours.
- No, he's ours.
Huh? Whoa! You're right.
He's yours.
You got here first.
You want it.
You called it.
You got it.
What is this, third grade? Penny, get the O2 kit and some ice packs off the rig.
Damian, open his pants.
You want me to blow him back to life? Just open his pants, probie.
Get in there.
Take one of those ice packs and shove it under his nut sack.
What? - This ain't how I get my kicks.
- Just do it.
Here, I'll do it.
No, I'll do it.
You know, I'm pretty sure he shit his pants.
Yeah, you do it.
There you go.
See? And they say chivalry is dead.
You want me to grab a Sawzall so we can cut that hand off later? Bus is on its way.
All right, put another bag under his nuts.
I better get a phone number out of this.
His or mine? Get your hand It's stuck! Rape! Rape! Whoa, Jesus Christ! What the hell is this? You OD'ed and we saved your life.
You wrecked my high is what you did, man.
He's gonna live to shoot up another day.
Gentlemen, this is a draw.
Everyone please return to neutral corners.
We'll settle this as cook-off.
You assholes don't stand a chance.
Yeah, whatever.
Whatever? You look at these dickheads? - Idiots, dude.
- Morons.
Like looking in a mirror, huh? No one's talking to you.
Why don't you keep walking? Why don't you go dribble a basketball? It's the only reason he was brought into our house.
Look at me now, running circles around you clowns.
But don't get sensitive, ladies.
Every village has an idiot.
We're just blessed to have dos.
You know what? I'm so sick of that shit, man.
I went to college, briefly.
I got some college in me.
Yeah, man.
I got a bachelor's degree.
Do you really? Yeah.
I got it online, but it still counts.
Not to mention I am a bachelor.
Between the two of us, we got like a master's.
Yeah, you know what? We're a lot smarter than people are giving us credit for.
We're gonna do something about it.
We're gonna team up and we're gonna prove to these assholes that we're not just punching bags.
Yeah? How? I don't know.
Let me think.
Uh Cramp? Huh? Oh, I got an idea.
New Orleans.
Dude, Mardi Gras, bro.
I like it.
Hello, it's not for the greater good.
A couple of days down in Mardi Gras would be great.
It would do me a shitload of good.
I'm talking about helping people.
Like who? Like, uh, the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
That was like 10 years ago.
It was three years ago.
A lot of those people don't have places to live.
I saw on TV where Brad Pitt's building a bunch of houses down there.
Really? Yeah.
Brad Pitt's a carpenter? No, he's an architect.
Not like pro, but, like, semi-pro.
And his wife's a senator, by the way.
No, she's a She's an ambassador, come on.
Brad Pitt's got New Orleans covered.
So starving children in Africa.
George Clooney's taking care of them.
What? Since when? Yeah.
Since he won the Oscar, dude.
He's saving the starving kids and then he sells them to Angelina Jolie who flies them over here and feeds them.
When did she become a pilot? Uh, right after she became an ambassador, I guess.
All right.
I got it.
Clean water.
We work with water, it ties right in.
Matt Damon's got the whole thing taken care of.
What's Ben Affleck doing? Directing.
God, selfish.
Selfish prick.
Back to the drawing board.
We have crayons and construction paper back at the house for you boys.
I haven't used crayons and construction paper since I was 10.
Etch A Sketch.
Hey, Tommy boy, how's the wing, huh? Good.
Yeah? Feeling great.
Really getting some movement back in it.
Hey, Jan.
What's going on? What? No.
Actually, I don't think those pants are too dressy at all.
But what top are you gonna wear? Really? What's the occasion? Oh, yeah? No.
I think you're good with that combo.
But the shoes are key.
You should go like, toeless, or open toe, or whatever.
All right.
Yeah, yeah.
He's right here.
Hold on.
Hey, what's up? Hello? Honey? Honey? Shit.
Hon? Goddamn it.
Does Tommy seem a little off to you, chief? Nah, he's all right.
Yeah, I don't know.
The way that guy was talking smack before and Tommy just stood there taking it.
Maybe you brought him back a little too soon.
Tommy's fine, okay? Just needs to find his sea legs.
It's Lou I'm worried about.
See the gock? I think that's a Danish.
No, asshole, a gock.
When a man looses his waist line and his gut runs straight down to his cock, that's called the gock.
On a woman, it's called a gunt.
No, you know what? The, uh, technical term is FUPA.
Fat upper pubic area.
Yeah, we're going with gock.
Gock it is.
Here you go.
How about a soup kitchen? Soup kitchen for what? - What did she say? - Who? None of your business.
Then why are you talking about it in front of us? Why are you listening? Keep talking to Tommy.
Now my curiosity is piqued because you're being defensive.
You wanna do something for charity? Hungry for something you don't have to chew? We're trying to do some good for the community.
That could be just as easily achieved as you two shitheads hopping on a bus to Toledo.
Hey, hey! Sean, stand down! Hey, kids! Enough already! I will turn this truck around.
I'll do it! All right, fine.
Now we're not stopping for ice cream! - Get him, Get him.
- Jesus Christ! Shit.
What, Lou? We're not stopping for ice cream.
Let's get a little food order going here.
What do you feel like eating? - Italian.
- American.
French-Thai fusion.
Chinese it is.
French-Thai fusion? Hey.
What are you guys doing? Hey, we brought you a little something.
What's this? That, my dear nephew, is a rare bottle of Irish whiskey.
A little something to wish you well on your first day back.
This is really top-shelf stuff.
Top shelf? They keep that shit in a safe.
That there is a distilled work of art, my friend.
I wish I could have a taste of that myself.
Well, I hate to tell you, boys, but I ain't drinking whiskey no more.
Strictly a wine man now.
Oh, the wine.
Changing seats on the Titanic, he is.
You can do whatever you want.
We just came down to wish you well on the job and in life.
Really? What gives? We've come to the conclusion That you're a lost cause and now we gotta cut you loose.
What's going on? I'm sorry, Tom.
What comes next ain't gonna be pretty.
I love you, but I'm out of bullets, both literally and figuratively.
Gonna miss you.
Stay low.
In vino veritas.
Yeah, well, screw you too.
What do you think of that? Assholes.
Oh, please let this be a false alarm for a change.
It's, what, the eighth call in a row? Not to mention those three wave-offs.
I haven't seen the house since breakfast.
Shit, man.
My legs are stiff as boards.
That must make it tough To run circles around people.
Not you, bitch.
- Oh, bitch? - Yeah.
The fire, the two water main breaks and the gas leak, I can understand.
But three ODs, five sick calls, a guy with a beer bottle stuck up his ass and that chick with the busted implant? Not what I signed up for.
I'm not complaining about that last one.
Because you felt her up.
It was my job to feel her up.
Was it also your duty to put your hand on her ass? Nothing wrong with being thorough.
Amen to that.
Hey, Tommy, you okay? Yeah.
You know, I was in that hospital bed for about four weeks dreaming of a day like this.
You guys are bitching and whining and moaning about being busy.
Why don't you put in for a transfer to some house in Staten Island where you can sit around with your dick in your hand? You wanna Twitter and twatter and download deaf mute porn online, why don't you run for Congress? Me, I'm happy being a firefighter again.
All right, what happened here? This young lady and her boyfriend were walking down the street.
The boy, he dropped down the grate there like a sack of potatoes.
That's got to be 20, 30 feet.
At least.
Uh Hey.
Where's Lou? I don't know where he is, Tom.
All right.
Who's going down? I'll do it.
No, no.
You take care of the crowd.
Why? I can do it.
Are we having a conversation? Niels, watch the crowd.
Swing the ladder around.
Franco, get a bucket and a board.
Two Shawns, harness up.
Hey, you all right? Can you hear me, kid? All right, boys.
Here you go.
Keep an eye on that.
Why don't you get your balls off my leg? Get your dirty balls off of me.
My balls are black but they're not dirty.
Watch the basket.
Ah! Get off me, man.
You get off of me.
Hey, can't we all just get along? Uh, we got him, Tom.
You got him on the board? - Yeah, doing it now.
- All right.
All right.
Okay, guys.
Easy, guys.
Very nice.
He up? Yep.
He's up.
Get us out of here.
Shawn's molesting the hell out of me.
- You're molesting me.
- Stop touching me.
- You touched me first.
- Come on, man.
Nice job, guys.
My thigh, man.
- Tommy, get us out of here.
- Come on! You know what? We're leaving them down there.
Later, assholes.
Hey, hey! Hello! Hey, yo! Hello! Hey.
What are you doing? Oh, we ain't getting any younger, my friend.
You all right? Yeah.
I think I pulled something hopping off the rig.
What's your excuse? I was doing your job, delegating.
I think it's good for the guys.
It's good experience.
You know, this Irish pride is gonna put both of us in our early grave, don't you? You're gonna have to realize you can't keep going at it like you're 25 for the rest of your life.
The machine, it starts to break down.
It already has.
Let me tell you something, okay? This shoulder? Couple of weeks from now, tip-top.
You know Shippity-shape.
You can't even finish your sentences anymore, Tom.
There's no shame in being on the other side of the peak, Tom.
All right.
I know what this is.
You're using this as an excuse to give me your annual.
"Why don't you become a lieutenant, take the exam" speech.
You really wanna be the guy holding onto your glory days like you're some schmuck in the back row of a Springsteen concert? I'm not a schmuck.
You wanna be the guy the young guys are talking about? "That's Tommy Gavin.
He used to be the shit.
Now look at him.
" I think you're afraid of failing the test.
I'm afraid I'm actually afraid of passing the test and end up like you.
Forty pounds overweight, and bleeding out from my papercuts from doing all the paperwork.
What? This isn't about me.
No, you know what? You should look in the mirror.
You ever take a look in the mirror? We all have our crosses to bear, Tom, all right? Bulimics puke.
Pill heads pop pills.
Junkies shoot junk.
Drunks drink.
I eat.
Now, if you'll excuse me, you're making me kind of hungry.
And last month, would have been you going down into that hole.
Nice job.
Good job, fellas.
You guys make a good pair.
Thanks, man.
Like Amos and asshole.
Which one of us is asshole? Here's a hint: Amos was black.
Never should've asked.
I'm sorry for calling you and Mike stupid before.
Oh, hey, man.
You know, I'm just on edge, you know.
My girl is drinking, and it's that Gavin thing.
You know? Mm-hm.
It's a mess.
Tell me about it.
I was married to her aunt for a while.
I forgot you guys were hitched.
I wish I could forget.
You know what? All I can tell you is, stick in it as long as you can, fight the good fight, and at the end of the day, if it's bad, that inner ref inside you? Put a stop to it.
If not, I'll be there to help you out.
Thanks, Sean.
Hey, you got it.
Yo, I got an idea for that good deeds thing, if you wanna hear about it.
Hit me.
Okay, listen.
You got cancer from working at Ground Zero? Yes.
We had to foot the bill because Uncle Sam ain't signing any checks? Right.
A lot of other brothers are dealing with the same thing, so you could do something like speak up on it, bring some attention to the situation.
I don't get it.
No, I get it.
No, I get it.
That's a great idea.
God, why didn't we think of that? Mike is such an idiot.
You said it, not me.
Hey, thanks, pal.
What's up? Well, I'm just calling to let you know that it is officially 17 past 6 in the evening, and Colleen has already poured her third goblet of wine, and she is still sober.
Honey, I told you this was a great idea.
And now, she's pouring goblet number four.
Is Franco there? Franco? Huh? Uh Janet just wants to say hey.
Oh, cool.
Hey, Jan-Jan.
What's going on? Oh, yeah.
I know.
No, no, no.
There's still some in the house for sure.
Uh, did you check the medicine cabinet? Okay.
Uh, what about the, uh, cupboard? Really? That's weird.
Oh, you know what? I know where it is.
It's on the, uh That bookshelf next to the dining room table? Either that, or in that little drawer next to the bed.
Yeah, I know.
I know.
You are so silly.
All right.
I'll talk to you later.
Bye, Jan-Jan.
Hello? Hm.
What were you guys laughing about? Oh, nothing.
Inside joke.
What was it, uh Oh, about Vaseline.
For the kid.
Baby's got a rash.
So silly.
You'll get those rashes.
Yeah, eh? Don't you guys have stuff to? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
You all right? Yeah.
Hey, you got a rash, Tom? Because, um, sometimes, like, a little baby powder down there works great for the old bunker balls.
Get away from me.
Get in the car.
What are you doing? Get in the car.
I'm not getting in the car.
Get in the car, or I'll put those naked photos I took of you up on my Facebook page.
What naked photos? I'm I'm get I'm getting Right.
How's it going? It's going good.
It's busy.
It's just, you know It's good for me.
It's good.
Jump right back, you know? I mean, my arm's sore, but, you know, it's weird.
It's like, if I Ahh! Like, right now, if I go, like, straight up like this with this shoulder, right there, that's where it really kind of hurts.
You don't really wanna know about You wanna talk about Damian.
Yes, I do.
Well He's not texting me back.
He's not calling me.
He's not even coming for laundry night anymore.
And I need to know, you know, what the deal is.
Everything's cool.
What was that? Don't know.
What? Unlock the door, Sheila.
I will unlock the door when you start talking.
I'm a grown man, I can't get out? Come on.
Yeah, grown man.
Childproof locks.
I haven't the fingernails.
You're not gonna like what I have to say.
He kind of, sort of, uh, pretty much did a solo save.
Oh, God.
And Oh, my God.
The department's gonna give him, uh, you know, thing.
A what? What? A medal.
No! Listen, he's gonna be a hero.
What is he doing being a hero? He's supposed to get out of the dumb job, not get medals for it.
What do you want? The kid's got a knack for it.
There was a kid who was trapped under a collapsed building.
What do you mean, there was a kid? You let him go into a collapsed building? No.
Wait! The building didn't collapse until after he pulled the kid out Oh! Where is your Ow! Goddamn it! What do you want me to do, reorder the kid's goddamn DNA? You know, he Most people would be ecstatic about this.
They'd be full of pride and happy.
You're right.
I am? Yes, you are totally right.
Because you know what? At least he only got the hero Gavin gene instead of the raging, alcoholic, sex fiend, angry, asshole gene.
I'm referring to you.
I know who you're referring to.
I'm a little fed up with this blame me, I'm always the guilty one.
You know, me, me, me, me.
What about you? What about? What about me? What? Go ahead.
What? Find something.
I'll give you something.
Yeah, go ahead, go ahead.
The mothering thing, okay? You're smothering him with the moth You're a smothers mother.
You know what I mean? It's like a pillow.
A love pillow that you're holding over the kid.
He can't breathe.
I'm telling you, you gotta You're too emotional, and you care, and you know, you're too loving.
You need to, like, you know, like, be more What, be more like your mother? Five packs a day and colder than a kitchen Hey, she had a houseful of kids, okay? She was doing it with no money and she was married to a firefighter who was a raging alcoholic, and had three girlfriends on the side.
All he thought about was drinking and sex and himself.
Shut up.
You're doing a great job.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Hey, what's going on? Hey.
What are you doing here, Ma? Whose car is this? This is a loaner because mine's in the shop.
Honey, you look so tired.
How about you answer my first question? Which is what? What are you doing here? I I'm here to talk to Tommy about something that is totally unrelated to you.
- Oh yeah, what? Hm-mm.
Talking about stoves.
Tommy, get out of the car.
I can't.
Christ! Go.
Hey, stay close, this won't take long.
All right.
Everything all right? For me, yeah.
What? What? Nothing.
We're good.
We are? Yeah.
We are very good.
Thank you.
What's going on? Did I miss something, or? Hm? No, no, no.
You didn't miss anything.
I just I just realized that, you know, you've You've tried your hardest and you have been the best uncle, you could be and the best friend that you could be.
And I honestly, I thank you for that.
And you are released.
I am released from what? Ah! Ha-ha! Whoo! Ha-ha! - Hi, Sheila.
- Hey! Tommy, tea time's over.
Let's go.
Tea time's over.
Do you want me to drive you to the fire? No.
Tommy, shit's burning.
I'm going, I'm going.
Let's move.
Good talk! Thanks.
Yeah, here.
Take it.
What do we got, Lou? There's still two inside.
One male, one female.
Any word on the source? Tommy's alibi is solid.
He was getting a lecture from my mother.
Hey, funny girl, game face.
Lou, Tommy, Franco, Black Shawn, go inside for stragglers.
Take Streisand around the back.
Get my tools.
Ah! Goddamn it! You okay? Ah! Yeah, I'm okay.
We're going into a burning church and you're asking me if I'm okay? All right.
Fire Department, anybody here? Hello! Fire Department! All right, you guys.
Take upstairs.
All right, Lou.
Fire Department.
- Anybody here? - Hey.
Check the closet.
- I'm gonna check over here.
I found her! Lou, we got a 1045, female.
Rest of the floor is clear.
All right, bring her down.
- Sir, hold on, we're coming to get you.
- Where are you? Oh, Jesus! Sir, you gotta get out of here! No, please! This is my parish! She's in there! I gotta We gotta get you out of here! - I got her, I got her.
- Get her out! The fire out? Go away.
Hey, where's Tommy? He's coming out.
Did he get the grab? Yes, he did.
Yes he did.
Where's the girl? You're looking at her.
God bless you! You saved Mary! God bless you.
There you go.
You got her? This statue is worth a fortune.
Our parish had it shipped over at the turn of the century from the Vatican, where it stood for 575 years.
Oh, Mary.
Oh, Lord.
Oh, God.
What happened back here? What? Look here.
Where? Where? Right here.
Hm There's a hole in it.
No, I think that's where she's attached to the wall.
Mary has never been attached.
I know every inch of her.
That looks like a hole That was meant to No.
No? No.
This is not how I left her.
That's how I found her.
I mean, it was Well, this is not how I left her.
There was a couple of corners down there, and there was a staircase maybe, uh What am I saying? You sent me into a room full of smoke and flame to pull out a chunk of plastic.
Hey, Gavin, nice, nice grab.
Man, I hope you copped a good feel on the way out.
That's the blessed Virgin Mother, asshole! All right, Tommy! Unbelievable.
Sorry about that, Father.
I lost No, don't be sorry.
I'm only pissed that you beat me to the punch.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Is it real? - Stop playing.
- Uh, who cares? Called Bobby and had him put an order in.
- Wow.
- Dig in.
Oh, pepperoni! Get Lou.
Go get Lou.
That was a tour for the ages, gentlemen.
Thirty five calls in one shift is no easy feat.
I'm proud of you.
What? What's with the bag? All right, we're not waiting.
This is for you, Gavin.
Is this from Uncle Teddy? Open it up.
No, this is from us.
It's a welcome back gift.
I swear to God.
Oh, everything's fine.
Boom! What? Bet you don't have one of these.
This is so everybody knows where you live.
And this is where HQ is gonna aim when they come after us.
Is this Kevlar? - Kevlar.
- Hey guys! Hey! Something's wrong with Lou.
No way.
Let me guess, he lost his appetite.
Lou lost his appetite? There's something wrong with the universe.
Over here, see? What's wrong with Lou? Oh, Jesus.
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