Rescue Me s07e02 Episode Script


Previously: She She's beautiful.
She's dead.
You wouldn't have known if I was holding her or if she was holding me.
That's how incredible the experience was.
Which one did you tell first, you goddamn liar, your girlfriend or wife? They were here.
They knew the story.
They were here? You have a department physical coming up, a physical you are guaranteed not to pass, and you want me to get you off the hook, give you a clean bill of health, lie to the F.
This is all I know how to do, doc.
I don't fish.
I don't golf.
I fight fires.
The only way that I will have this kid is if you promise to be a normal, close-to-home dad.
I gotta say, honey, you look gorgeous right now.
I know.
What are you laughing at? You and Janet, what's What is this? You guys have the brotherhood, so we have the motherhood.
Will you marry me? Yes.
Does that surprise you or scare you? Heh.
What if she lost 250 pounds? - She's dead.
- I know.
She can't lose weight, because she's dead.
- Still no fires? - Nah, man.
The last tour, caught what, four frozen water pipes, a kitten stuck in a toilet, and a busted valve in a subway stop.
Three weeks.
Three goddamn weeks in the city without a fire.
The last time we had the ladder up was Garrity going up to make sure the water bucket was full.
What water bucket? Oh, direct hit.
Oh, man, that was a good one.
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
Oh! Oh! Oh! I feel bad for you, Mike.
I mean, what is this, the fifth time? This year.
There's not a third one, is there, guys? No.
No third one.
Your job is done here.
Thank you.
Go dry off.
Since when do you ask my daughter to marry without asking my permission first? Whoa, whoa.
Hold on.
You hold on, okay? She went on a bender, jerk-off.
You pointing fingers at me? I'm pointing fingers at you She went on a bender because she got some goofy-ass DNA from you.
- Hey, Tom.
Come on.
- Whoa, whoa.
I don't have to ask you permission for shit, old man.
- What the hell is this? - News crew.
- What? - A news crew.
Hey, knock it off, you animals.
It's almost time for my close-up.
What's going on? Hi.
Pam Kepp.
Nice to meet you.
This is the news chick.
Excuse me.
For what? This is the Jimmy thing.
What Jimmy thing? The piece they're doing on Jimmy.
This is a good thing.
What do you mean it's a good thing? What kind of good thing? Wait.
All right, let's go.
Get out.
Come on, Tommy.
Whoa, whoa! Hey, asshole! I'm the asshole? Let me tell you something.
See that guy, the face up on the plaque that you got your cameras and your other shit pointed at? That's my cousin, all right? My best friend.
What do you think this is, the baseball hall of fame? You waltz in here and start taking pictures of plaques? He was a fireman, not a goddamn first baseman! Anybody that does anything about him, they gotta talk to me first.
And here's me talking.
Get out.
Let's go.
We should shoot this.
What'd you say, asshole? Hey, come on, Tommy.
All right, that's enough! That's enough! Let it go! - Come on! - Get him outta here! - Christ, Tom.
- Tom, come on.
Will you relax? You make a move, we're gonna kick your ass to the curb.
Who's idea was this? It was cleared by HQ.
They got official papers.
Really? Signed by who? Sheila.
It's not bullshit, we saw the papers.
Tommy, they're doing a 9/11 Really? What's their angle, Franco? What, is it the 9/11 conspiracy? Is that their angle? Maybe it's our crew didn't do the job they were supposed to do that day.
Maybe that's the angle.
Or it's the department they're gonna blame.
Maybe that I slept with my cousin's wife.
Is that what they're going for? They picked out six guys who were there.
Jimmy's one of them.
It's an hour-long special.
Six random guys.
That's the story.
It is a hero piece.
In Jimmy's case, they're gonna talk about Damian too.
Family bloodlines, the baby that he saved.
Hero blood.
Not booze-hound blood.
I'm putting an end to this right now.
Where are you going? Call somebody to cover for me.
What do you mean, cover for you? It's kind of short notice.
You got any suggestions? No.
I mean, doesn't even have to be a fireman.
Leaky valves and frozen pipes? Get a goddamn plumber.
Oh, sure.
Like it's so easy to find a goddamn plumber.
* On another day C'mon, c'mon * * With these ropes tied tight Can we do no wrong? * * Now we grieve 'Cause now it's gone * * Things were good When we were young * * When my teeth bite down I can see the blood * * Of a thousand men Who have come and gone * * Now we grieve 'Cause now it's gone * * Things were good When we were young * * Is it safe to stay? * * C'mon, c'mon * * Was it right to leave? * * C'mon, c'mon * * Will I ever learn? * * C'mon, c'mon * * C'mon, c'mon C'mon, c'mon * All right.
I want some answers.
What is going on with this Jimmy TV thing? You're gonna wake the baby.
You know what? I'm gonna wake the dead if I don't get some answers.
You know, I was Came from the firehouse.
Your little new best friend here Yes, gave her permission for the news to do a story about Jimmy.
I most certainly did.
It was my idea, actually.
What They called, and they asked about it, She called me.
We discussed it.
She called them back and gave the go-ahead.
With no input from me? This has nothing to do with you.
What? Could you pass me the scrub sponge? Yes.
I will trade you the paper towels.
Thank you.
Forgot to tell you that I love these 2-plies so much.
I do too.
Write that down.
Two-ply paper towels for when you go to the store.
You smell good.
You smell good.
The vanilla.
What are you wearing? You are not wearing that vanilla.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey! All right, I have had enough of this best-friend bullshit, okay? We're gonna lay a few laws down in this house right now.
Okay? Uh.
I'm the boss around here, okay? I'm tired of being treated like, uh, you know, I'm some kind of a A Mexican errand boy.
Okay? Yeah.
Now we go shopping when I say we go shopping, okay? And when it comes to Jimmy, I got a lot of stuff to say.
Okay? So from now on, strap yourselves in, sisters, okay? Because it's gonna be a ride that's driven by me, okay? What do you think about that? Starting now.
Right now! What? You are so insensitive.
Hey, I am not Oh, you're a caveman.
I said it.
You have no say when it comes to Jimmy Keefe.
No say! I mean, he was my husband.
He's still my husband.
You don't own his memory.
I do.
It is 10 years later, and no one remembers his name.
Half of this country doesn't know how many firemen died that day.
And we don't have to worry about your indiscretions, because we are in control of this story.
Of Of my What about your stuff? You both did stuff.
A lot What's wrong with you? I'm fat! You Okay, listen.
You are You're not fat.
All right? I'm huge! Look at my thighs.
You don't Bare You have extra calves instead of thighs.
What are you talking about? My jeans do not fit.
My ankles are bloated, okay? And I'm a blimp.
No, you're not.
I'm such a blimp.
Okay, okay, you You wanna de-blimp? Uh-huh.
Go sit next to your mother.
That ought to put things in perspective.
No, no, no, no.
That did That didn't No.
See, I did Listen.
I didn't No, no, no.
I didn't say fat.
She said fat.
I said I said perspective.
Oh, my God! I can't believe you just called Mom a blimp.
No, I never said, "mom," and, "blimp," in the same sentence.
I I You knowyou know, Auntie Sheila's right, okay? Uncle Jimmy, he deserves to be on that TV show, and he's gonna be on that TV show, because he was a hero, and everybody's gonna watch, and everybody's gonna see it, and they're gonna see what a hero he was.
And mom's not fat! She's pregnant! Okay.
It's okay, honey.
- You know what, sweetie? - You are not fat.
There's a list of stuff we need from the store.
We need it now.
You are non-sized.
This is, "tampons, Motrin.
" Are you guys all, you know, what do you call it? Doing the At the same time? Yeah.
It's called cycling, okay? Okay.
Now why don't you get Lance Armstrong to go to the goddamn pharmacy for you? Because I'll tell you something right now.
I'm not going.
I am not going to the To the vagina aisle.
Can we help you, sir? Ah.
I'm good.
- Are you okay? - Yeah.
Just, uh Good.
You know this is the feminine hygiene aisle? Yeah.
It's not the men's cologne section.
I have a list of stuff.
Vagisil? Vagisil don't come in a spray can.
Must be pervert week.
All right, man.
Let's go.
Th-that's okay.
I know him.
He's married.
He has a couple daughters.
Let me see.
You know her? Umm, yeah.
You know what? And this writing's way too neat to be a guy's writing.
I'm sure they sent him down here to get this.
This messy part's probably yours.
What does that say? "T-tand.
" Hand lotion.
I have very dry hands.
I can vouch for him.
The hand lotion's in aisle five.
Show's over folks.
Move along.
Thank you.
Kelly, what are you doing here? Buying shampoo.
"Tampax Pearl, Always With Wings, Kotex Lightdays.
" Holy shit.
Are all the girls in your house on the same cycle? Oh, yeah.
Major cycle.
It's kind of like the tour de pants.
I can help you get this.
Well, thanks.
What's, uh What's going on? Um, I got cancer.
I moved into an apartment over here because it's closer to where my medical torture takes place.
This says two tubes of Preparation H? Yeah.
One's for my wife, and the other one's for, uh, Sheila's under-eye You remember Sheila.
Joe Pesci with tits.
"Carefree Pantiliners for thongs.
" Who's pregnant? My wife.
Four months and And you're still seeing the tit bull? No, no, no, no, no.
They're actually kind of seeing each other.
They both went lesbo? No.
I wish.
They're, uh, like, best friends, believe it or not.
So your wife is four months pregnant, and she's best friends with your ex-mistress? Yeah.
I think you're gonna need more than one bottle of hand lotion.
You should check, see if they sell it by the case.
You need this for your eyes? Yes.
Thank you.
Man, that stuff stings.
So, uh, cancer.
Is it, uh Is it serious? It's cancer.
Of course.
What What is Breast.
I'm down one.
One? Breast.
But you're You're okay? Oh, yeah.
Every day is a party.
Guess which one.
Hmm? Can you guess which one's fake? You You want me to That one? Wrong.
Looks like you're buying the coffee.
And I think that we should get you some chocolate.
Choc Why? - Hey, Lou, where you at? - Come on, man.
Everybody's on the rig.
Let's go.
Where is he? Here.
Come on.
Hear everybody yelling? We're waiting.
I ain't going.
What? I ain't going.
You ain't going? You taking a mutual or something? No.
So you're not going now.
You're not going later.
What? You know some way around taking the annual physical? Clue us in.
Nobody wants to go downtown.
Why don't you guys go and leave me alone.
If you don't take the medical, they'll pull you off duty.
If I take the medical, they'll pull me.
You wanna tell us what's going on? I got some health issues, all right? It's not a big thing.
All right, but it's enough of a thing that if the doctors find out, you'll be out the door, right? Exactly how serious is this? I feel like I got a right to ask, considering you keel over in a fire, my ass is probably gonna burn up trying to save yours.
I got some heart problems.
Well, yeah, no shit.
We broke you out of the hospital, remember? I know.
Since then.
The doctor says it's gonna be all right, if I start exercising, you know, get in shape.
All of which you ain't doing.
Well, I'm starting soon.
You didn't start soon enough.
Which brings us to today, with you sitting on this couch while everybody else is waiting.
Ugh, I mean, look, Lou, I got a lot of respect for you.
Half of what I know as a firefighter Shit, 75 percent of what I know, I learned from you.
But come on.
You gotta get your shit together.
What am I gonna do? Well, it's Lou, right? We gotta do something.
Look, come on, man.
Just get on the rig, okay? We'll figure something out on the way.
What are we gonna figure out? I don't know.
How take a complete head-to-toe physical without actually taking it.
We got Twinkies on the rig.
You boys got all your paperwork filled out, ready to go? Yeah.
Good to go.
Locked and loaded.
I'm gonna hit the head downstairs.
All right.
I'm going to get a coffee, but I will leave you with this: When the doctor checks your prostate, it will not be the last time the F.
gives it to you in the ass.
Don't clench.
This shit is never gonna work.
How we gonna get away with this? I'm the first one to admit it's crazy.
You never even been through this.
It's ten, twelve different doctors.
Gonna be fine.
Million guys go through here.
They might not notice.
If they do, it's our asses.
Everything's gonna go well.
We'll cross that bridge if we come to it.
Hey, 62 Truck.
Just a minute! Remember who you're supposed to be and in what room, okay? All right, 62 Truck, on three.
One, two, three.
Sixty-two Truck.
Shawn, you're up first.
Lou, let's go.
What? To the bathroom.
What for? So you can blow me.
To swap shirts.
Come on.
The plan.
Was he sleeping over there? You're doing very well, Lieutenant Shea.
Piece of cake.
One twenty-five over eighty.
That's a major improvement over last year, Lieutenant, uh, Shea.
That's me, Lieutenant Shea.
Lieutenant Kenneth Shea.
Uh, you know, they call me Lou, because Lou-ten-ant is, you know The Lou goes for The Lou in the tenant.
So, yeah, says so right here on this shirt.
Lieutenant Shea.
My shirt.
Here we go.
I don't know if I can do this with you staring at me, doc.
I'm a medical professional, Lieutenant Shea.
I do this every day.
I don't, I'm a little stage fright.
I get pee shy.
Do you mind turning around? We're required to observe.
It's not like I can see your I'm gonna stand here all day with my dick in my hand.
I can do that at home.
I do do that at home.
No, I don't really.
Okay, thanks, doc.
Here we go.
Niagara Falls.
Niagara Falls.
Hudson River, ugh.
Pouring rain.
Tidal waves.
Water fountains.
Anything? No.
Could you turn the sink on, maybe? That The running water might help, you know? Thanks, doc.
Oh, yeah.
Much better.
Come on, baby.
Work your magic.
There she goes.
Huh? Yeah.
All right.
Uh, ooh, can you turn that off? Please turn it off.
Uh, ooh.
I'm gonna need another cup.
Say again? I'm filling this one up pretty quick.
Pinch it off.
I'm trying.
Uh Kegels.
Thank you.
You got it? Oh, man.
I'm gonna fill this one up too.
Shouldn't have had all that coffee.
Can I get another cup? Thanks.
Thanks, doc.
Okay, here you go.
Ready? Making the transfer.
Boy, I'm gonna need another cup.
Ha, ha.
I I'm all out of cups! Yeah.
I need another cup, or I'm gonna piss all over your floor.
Could you hurry up? Oh, come on, you monkey.
That's, uh Oh, Jesus.
Son of a bitch.
Got them.
Oh, shit! I don't know what to say.
Something funny.
I'm so tired of concerned looks and sympathetic smiles.
Funny shit, that's what I want.
Um I've always had a thing for Bruce Willis.
That's what I'm talking about.
I've never been compared to a male action hero before.
Except I did see this one guy that nicknamed me Jackie Chan, but that was because of this thing I did and it Never mind.
I took it as a compliment.
Yeah, I got a weird compliment from my wife and my ex-girlfriend the other day.
Said I had girl legs.
Oh, yeah.
Girl legs.
And girl hair and girl ass.
I wonder what you'd look like in some of my dresses.
One more operation, we'll both have the same bra size.
Is that what they're saying that you're gonna They're gonna take the other one? No, but you gotta be ready for anything, right? And I have to say that this whole thing has really I don't know made me focus on the real, actual, tangible, important things in life.
Like? Tits.
I don't know.
I don't know.
This shrink's roaming the hallway of the cancer ward, wants to talk about my feelings and my family and my bullshit.
I don't know, my legacy.
They wanna know what I want my legacy to be.
And? Well, I don't know.
What's your legacy? Uh My kids, I guess.
And unless I, uh, got killed in the line of duty and then that would be my, you know You know, you get a plaque.
Where's the plague? In the firehouse.
Is there something for all the guys that died in 9/11? Yeah.
I mean, each firehouse, we have stuff up, you know, for my cousin and the other guys, but, um, next to Ground Zero, there's a firehouse.
Outside they have a really impressive, uh, wall that they put up with all 343 names.
It's, you know And are there pictures? No, no.
Just the names.
Well, that just doesn't I don't know, seem like enough, does it? Don't you think, for the public, there should be a picture to go with the name? A face? Wouldn't you want there to be a picture of your cousin somewhere so everybody could know what he looked like? Yeah.
That'd be Yeah.
Maybe that's what I should do.
What, put pictures of my cousin? What? No, for me.
I mean, there's gotta be a picture of my tit somewhere.
I think Billy Squier took a picture of my tits once.
Or maybe it was Billy Ocean.
Which one's the black guy? Billy Ocean was the black guy.
I smoked a lot of weed in the '80s too.
It was really hard to remember.
Thank God.
Or maybe I could get a plaster cast made of my tit and turn it into a paperweight or tea cup.
Well, now, I'd buy a couple of those.
Ugh, for old times' sake? Yeah, and also to, uh, to put in my dress, fill it out, you know.
Couple of those things, one of your dresses, and, uh, the space I got between my teeth, I think I could give, uh, Lauren Hutton a run for her money.
Okay, pay up.
I have chemo in a half hour.
Oh, yeah.
Hurry up.
You gotta get your blood drawn.
I can't do that without my shirt.
All right.
Meet you back here.
Come on.
Take it off.
- All right, give me yours.
- If we get caught, the shit is gonna hit the fan.
- Nobody's gonna know.
- Come on, give it to me.
God, it's tight.
You want me to drop you at the hospital? No.
It's only a couple of blocks.
I like the air.
Gives me time to get ready.
Besides, there's a cute doctor working on my case that I kind of have the hots for, and I don't want him to think I have a boyfriend.
What? I just think that's great that you still have a, you know, sex drive.
Well, it's more like a curiosity drive, really.
You know, if I can get a guy to like me based on just my personality, what I say, how I say it, no hair, half the recommended cleavage.
Maybe that's your, uh, legacy.
Heh, maybe.
This was fun.
You should call me, same cell.
Later? No.
Later, I'll be gray and dizzy and angry.
Kind of reminds me of when I was drinking.
You quit? Yeah.
Had to.
I, um I got a call from the Jameson's people.
They wanted to give me a, uh, lifetime achievement award.
Took that as a bad sign, so See, that would look great on you.
It's the wrong cut.
Makes me look too hippy.
Well, you better get that stuff home before it turns into Night of the Living Dead at your place.
All right.
See you later.
Yo, I got the lung test next.
Who am I? Me or Lou? Uh, hold on for a second.
Lung test.
Lung test.
Lung test, you're you.
I'm Lou for the lung test.
Weight test, you're Lou.
Lung test, me.
Weight, Lou.
Lung, me.
Weight, Lou.
Lung, me.
Weight, Lou.
Lung, me.
Son of a bitch I hope you appreciate what we're doing.
Talk about taking a bullet.
I just got 16 shots.
Hepatitis B, give me that.
I got a tetanus shot.
I even got the TB test.
You douche bag.
Ow! You weren't supposed to.
He was supposed to get his own shots.
We decided that's one thing he could do.
Shit! Yeah, double shit.
You gotta go back later and get those shots again for yourself.
What? Like I said when I broke it down, if you cover part of the physical for Lou, you gotta go back do them again for yourself.
Otherwise, your physical comes up incomplete.
I got an idea.
What? If I'm getting all of Lou's shots and Lou gets all of my shots, it should turn out all right.
You know what I'm saying? Lou.
Hey, Lou.
Where the hell did he go? Goddamn it.
Hey, can you, uh, die from getting too many shots? I don't know.
I guess we're gonna find out.
Sick of needles! How's it going, Frank? Chief.
Uh, all good.
So I heard.
You see Feinberg? No.
No, No.
But I been in and out with the white coats, so, you know I can't find him, and I checked every shitter in this place.
I checked every shitter in this place.
Something you wanna tell me? Concerning? You, Lou? Um, well, you know, chief, all due respect, if I answer that question, you're not gonna like what you hear.
So this is like a "Don't ask, don't tell" situation? Exactly.
Oh, my God.
What? Oh, Jesus Christ.
Oh, shit.
What's wrong now? I knew something was gonna get screwed up.
Lou is supposed to be taking his own mental evaluation.
Well, who's doing it? I mean, when I say I masturbate a lot, I mean, you know, one person's "a lot" can be, uh, another person's "not so much," right? And I think there have been times when I haven't, like, masturbated for, like, a full day.
Or two days, even.
But like they say, it's good for you, right? Good for your pro-state? Prostate.
Yeah, all that stuff.
Are we done yet? Just a few more questions.
Oh, I'm not a lieutenant.
I mean, yes, I am a lieutenant.
Why would you say you weren't a lieutenant, Lieutenant Shea? Shame? Why do I smell urine? Nervous.
Hey, wandering Jew, what the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing locking me out? I didn't lock you out.
Oh, come on, you little shit.
Turn my back on you for two seconds, and you're conspiring against me.
Open the goddamn door! This isn't the medical building.
The medical building's two blocks that way.
I just I just came out of here.
You went to go to the bathroom an hour ago.
No one's seen you since.
What is going on? Why are we standing here, talking? I don't wanna talk about this.
Come on.
Let's go.
It's this way.
Okay, girls.
Where the hell have you been? What'd you do? Crawl there and back? Nah, I Why do you smell like feminine hygiene spray? Yeah.
Tropical breeze.
Oh, it was I This was an emergency.
What part did you not understand? I, you know it's like we have to spell everything out.
Ooh, dear God.
Girls, chocolate.
He got chocolate.
Aah! He got chocolate.
You got chocolate.
And it's from France! Yes.
Oh, ha, ha.
Dad, you smell good.
Thank you, honey.
And you know what, girls? I was thinking, uh, while I was making my little trip, um, about the whole Jimmy TV thing, and you know what? I I rethought it, and I think it's a good idea.
I think it would be great for his legacy.
I think it's a no-brainer, and, uh, I'm in.
Why is? Why is that so funny? Oh, honey, that's sweet.
He's in.
He's so in.
Yeah, your interview's next week.
What? Mm.
Me, Lou, Needles and Franco, we're doing ours this week, then you are doing yours last so that we can make sure that you talk and act good.
This is what you guys were discussing while I was gone? Oh, my God.
I think I just swallowed some crystallized lavender.
Mm-hm? Mm-hm.
- Crystallized lavender? - Mm.
Oh, it is heavenly delicious.
No, listen.
While you were gone, ahem, we were crying, cleaning and cursing your very existence.
The interviews, we set up last week.
Well, you can just unset it, because I'm not doing it.
Okay? Number one, because you didn't ask me, number two, because if you had asked me, I'd have said, "I'll do the interview.
When hell freezes over.
" Okay? You just call back whoever it is you have to call back and you tell them Tommy Gavin is not What should I wear? So looking through your results for all of your tests today, your blood pressure's great.
Uh, your weight is down very nicely from last year.
It's, uh, 165.
I, uh I don't carry it well.
A little in here.
good, stress test: very good, uh, lung capacity's excellent.
Well, pays to take care of yourself, I always say.
All right, look, blood, hearing, vision's all good.
The only red flag seems to be from your mental wellness evaluation, and, uh, the psychiatrist strongly recommended that you seek counseling for your issues involving excessive masturbation, uh, occasional incontinence, and your latent homosexuality.
All right.
Um, I'll get right on that.
And, hey, I wanted to say you guys just do a great job down here.
I was dreading coming down here for this physical, but this year was easiest it's ever been.
Well, just one more thing.
And I spoke too soon.
What are you doing here? Uh, Franco said you sometimes come here.
How many you had? Ugh.
Doing the trick? It's club soda, Colleen, all right? Unlike some people, I have dignity.
I don't need that hard shit like you and your old man drink so much of.
Drank so much of.
Of course.
Here comes the "thing of the past" speech, right? Got drunk because you were nervous, simple and clean.
You're just gonna blow it all away, right? So you wanna come up here and give me my ring back so, you know, because you just couldn't handle it all.
It was too much for you.
So get on with the show so I can get on with my life.
Shawn, another club soda for the gentleman.
I think she likes you.
Not as much as she dislikes you.
You know, brother sharing same space with a white girl.
Up in here, you know, we're not exactly a popular pair, all right? Especially with the sisters.
Well, then they're gonna hate my white Irish ass for this.
What are you doing? Shawn Johnston, I want you to marry me.
Let's take this outside.
I know you don't think I can handle it, but I can.
I'll be ready.
She's just so silly.
I mean, yeah, been doing a little drinking.
She's got a bit of a drinking problem.
Hey, no.
I am in the program, okay? I just had a little slip.
I hear that, sister.
What makes you think the lily white bitch can't hack it? Whoa.
Slow your roll, all right? She's not a bitch.
No, I'm the bitch that's gonna slap that weave off your head.
You want some? Because this is real.
Hey! Hey! No, I saw you looking at my man.
That is a weave! Shawn! Shawn! Calm down! God.
Calm down, all right? Chill! Who was she, Mo'Nique on crack? This is Harlem, baby.
You don't see me walking into Paddy McFadden's down in Hell's Kitchen sticking my tongue down your throat.
Know your surroundings, Colleen.
And you gotta corral that anger, man.
Trying to take on a bar full of pissed off sisters? What are you thinking? Yeah, I'm not scared of them, Shawn.
That's what I'm talking about.
And I'm not scared of marrying you either.
If you just hang in with me, I know I can do this.
I want to do this.
I'm not gonna say yes just because you Because you want me to, all right? You're scary, baby.
But not as scary as the prospect of being married to a drunk.
I need some time to think about this.
Okay, so take some time.
I'm not going anywhere.
But if you do, make sure you don't go anywhere above 110th Street.
Sisters are looking to cut you deep.
I'm shitting my pants.
Hey, I love you.
I must be out of my goddamn mind.
Uh, Lou, you really think that's the best idea after everything we just did for you? What? It's a Power Bar.
It's a Snickers.
You have your power, I have mine.
Hey, man.
We need to talk, Tommy.
Okay, that's our cue.
Sit down! Wait a minute, is this like a family thing? It is.
As much as you assholes wanna deny it, you're all in the goddamn family.
Sit down.
Not only can we not catch a fire, now we're all part of the de facto Gavin clan.
Lucky us.
Colleen proposed to me.
What? She asked you? Yeah.
That's right.
She got down on one knee, showed me a ring, and she proposed.
Sounds a little backwards.
Yeah, well, in the Gavin family station wagon, reverse is drive.
That's a good point.
The women have the balls in that family.
Didn't Maggie propose to Garrity? She did.
Thanks for bringing it up.
Want lemon juice to pour in that wound? How'd that work out? It was the best I left with a rosy outlook on relationships, not to mention nightmares and the scars, You gotta get a girlfriend.
Well, clearly he can't rope one.
You know, maybe he needs a cat.
Okay, you know what, guys? Why don't we all shut up and let the kid finish what he had to say.
Let me guess.
You said yes, and you came down here to give me the finger and gloat.
I came to ask for your blessing.
Now you want my blessing.
Listen, Tom, I respect you, and it wasn't right for me not to ask you for Colleen's hand.
I was just so worried and caught up not knowing what she was gonna say, and it didn't cross my mind how you would feel.
And I haven't given her my answer just yet.
In light of all of your knowledge and wisdom and experience in the matter of marriage, I came to ask if you think I should marry your daughter.
And whatever you decide, Tom, I'm gonna respect that decision.
Really? So whatever I say is what goes.
That's very classy.
And I say No.
Oh, man.
- Wow.
- Aw.
That's cold, Tom.
Thanks for asking.
Yeah, Colleen, it's me.
I will marry you.
Oh, shit.
What? I respect you, now it's time for you to respect me.
Okay, Dad? Wait a minute.
Is that it? If that's how it begins, I can't wait to see how it ends.
Goddamn it.
Let's go.
Button up your coats, boys.
We got a live one! Yeah! Whoo! Might be a big mother too.
Could go four alarms.
Is anybody inside? We got three adjoined tenements.
Fully stocked! Yeah.
That's what I'm talking about.
It's like Christmas all over.
* I got the world On a string * * Sitting on a rainbow * Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's go.
Move them over.
* What a world * * What a life I'm in love * Step aside.
Let the master do it.
Old school.
Check out across the hall.
* Anytime I move my finger * * Lucky me * * Can't you see I'm in love * * Life is a beautiful thing * * As long as I hold a string * * I'd be a silly so and so * * I should ever let it go * * I got the world on a string * * Sitting on a rainbow * * Got the string Around my finger * * What a world What a life * * I'm in love * * Life is a beautiful thing * * As long as I hold a string * * I'd be a silly so and so * * If I should ever let it go * * I got the world on a string * All right, fellas, come on.
We're taking up and heading back.
Chief, come on.
We just got here.
The fire's been over for two hours.
You gonna overhaul the whole neighborhood? You two, get down here.
Come on.
We're just getting started.
Fill your tanks, clean your tools when we get home.
Dispatch has just assigned us to a block down on 128th and Lennox.
Sounds like another job.
You got about Ah, that sounds like a hot one.
Whoo! Let's go, ladies! We got more work to do.
Come on.

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