Doc Martin (2004) s08e02 Episode Script

Sons and Lovers

1 [Up-tempo music plays.]
[Sea gulls squawking.]
Look at that.
It's ruined it.
It's bitten right through the diaphragm.
Oh, you've got about another 30.
That's not the point, is it? That's the second one.
LOUISA: I did warn you to keep the surgery door closed.
MORWENNA: It's not an it.
It's ahe.
- And you'll give him a complex.
- It's been neutered.
- It has no usable gender.
- Morning.
Am I early? - Yes.
- KEN: Sorry.
LOUISA: Morning, Ken.
Um, Mrs.
Travis is looking after James for the day.
And don't forget we're meeting at 12:00 on the dot.
- Yes.
I know.
- Don't be late.
I won't.
I had a dog once.
It ran off after a week.
Can't blame it, really.
Great story.
Come through.
I'm sure it's just the flu, Doc.
I've got the symptoms nasty cough, headaches all the time.
- Have you been drinking again? - No! Then what's all this liquid? Well, it's not bloody booze.
It's ascitic fluid.
Its presence is symptomatic of liver failure.
Right, get dressed.
Come sit down.
Your latest test results came back from Truro.
They indicate a reversal in the improvement of your liver function.
Presumably down to your alcohol consumption.
Presume all you want, Doc.
I don't drink anymore.
That's a fact.
What happened to your hand? Dropped a glass, tried to pick up the pieces.
You're perspiring.
Are you going to the AA meetings regularly? I daren't risk it.
If somebody from the Crab saw me, it'd be all 'round the village.
Everybody in the pub thinks I drink.
And when did you have your last drink? 18 months, almost to the day.
Are you being honest with me? Honest and bloody proud, Doc.
Sorry we're late.
This one didn't want to leave the house.
Come on, Astrid.
It's time to come in.
Not today.
You've got art first thing, - and you love art, don't you? - I wanna stay with my mum.
- Is she still feeling unwell? The tonsillitis is all cleared up.
Just the other day, she was saying how bored she was being off school.
You are feeling better, aren't you? - S'pose so.
- Hm.
On you go, then.
Come on.
To be honest, I am struggling with all the time I've taken off work.
- I have not had a sale in weeks.
- Don't worry.
If there are any problems, we'll let you know.
All right.
See you later.
Let me go.
I've got to go to work.
I will see you at 4:00.
Hey, it's part of life.
People leave you.
Your fiancée at the altar.
It's how it goes.
Yeah, thank you, Joe.
Off we go into school.
Just the person I want to see.
I was gonna call you this morning.
What does it concern? How do you feel about farm animals? Ambivalent.
Exactly! Yet you own a farm.
And I have been fielding phone calls from someone who's looking for a property just like yours.
I'm not looking to sell.
If someone were to pay you above market value to take it all off your hands [Chuckles.]
some might see that as an attractive proposition.
You've got my number.
Think about it.
I didn't say yes.
- I said I'd consider it.
- Well as partners, we really should have been informed of this.
RUTH: Well, I'm informing you now.
We've had hardly any guests at the B&B for weeks.
And as for the whole whiskey enterprise I know it's been a bit of a slow start.
A slow start which has since ground to a halt.
Ruth, all of the building blocks for a very successful business are here.
We just need more time.
I need to make a decision soon.
So time is a luxury that neither of you have.
If things are going to turn 'round, that needs to happen now.
AL: Hmm.
You said, "12:00 on the dot.
" Yes, I know.
I'm sorry.
There's a girl at the school, Astrid.
You saw her the other week.
Anyway, she was being really difficult today, and I practically had to walk her from class to class.
It's 13 minutes past.
As long as we make a good impression, that's the main thing.
There's only one place left.
Punctuality makes a good impression, too.
LOUISA: And so does politeness, Martin.
As my mother used to say, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
It's a pity she didn't follow her own advice.
See, that's the sort of thing we probably want to avoid though you're absolutely right.
Glad you could make it.
Come on, then.
I'll give you the guided tour.
Now, this is the main interactive space.
How long have you been registered as a qualified childcare provider, Mary? Mel.
Mel what? Her name is Mel, Martin.
You've met her before.
I looked after James Henry.
Just for one day.
You were very rude to me.
You had a fungal infection in your armpit.
You know, it's wonderful what you've done with the place.
Setting it up from scratch like this.
It's amazing.
MEL: I loved being a nanny, but there comes a time when you have to move on, try something new.
Any questions, then? Well, it's all just really impressive.
Isn't it, Martin? Are you cleaning yourself properly now? How is your personal-hygiene routine? Now, what about arts and crafts? I'm just asking because if you're working with children She knows how to work with children, and she knows how to look after herself, Martin.
So, arts and crafts.
They're through here.
I'll show you.
So, who would you say James takes after? Me.
He takes after me.
DOC MARTIN: [Sniffs.]
- Martin.
- Yes.
[Door closes.]
BERT: Today is your lucky day, Ken.
Why? Are you paying off your bar tab? Even better.
I'm giving you exclusive rights to Large Whiskey.
Artisan spirits, made right here in glorious Portwenn.
Bert, I've got a touch of the flu.
I just spent a half-hour lugging boxes down into the cellar.
Now is not a good time for this.
Best medicine there is.
- I'm sorry, Bert.
- Oh, please.
I've tried everywhere.
The brewers have got the market sewn up.
Now, I'm a proud man, but I'll beg if I have to.
Fine! I'll take a few bottles.
Drop them off tomorrow.
Just go on.
You won't regret this.
Leave me in bloody peace and quiet! - AL: Did you got the sale? - BERT: Some bottles, yeah.
- Well, how many exactly? - He didn't specify, did he? But I'm sure I can upgrade him to a case or two.
Well, I hope so, because Ruth is gonna sell up.
No, she's not.
I mean, she's just reminding everybody who's boss.
Yes, it's her.
And she's sick and tired of us! We'll lose everything the whiskey, the B&B.
Plus Plus, we'll be homeless! All right.
Easy, boy.
There's no need to panic.
[Vehicle doors close.]
Do you usually leave your guests standing out in the cold? - AL: Sorry.
You are? - John Rahmanzai.
- Are you Mr.
Large? - Yeah.
- Yeah, I have a reservation.
- Have you? We spoke on the phone last week, arranged it all.
Hang on a minute.
Rahmanzai? - JOHN: Yes.
- That rings a bell.
I thought I mentioned it.
You didn't.
I do hope you're not full.
Well, obviously we're very popular, but I will make sure you have the best room possible.
So give me a few minutes to prepare the deluxe suite.
He seems tense.
Who wouldn't be? - We were very lucky.
- How so? Well, you accused her of being unclean.
- No, I didn't.
Not really.
- Well, practically.
And she still accepted James despite that, so we can feel relieved.
It's sort of a shame, though.
I feel like he's growing and growing, and I'm just missing out on seeing so much.
I though you wanted him to go to nursery.
- Oh, I do.
- So you're happy.
- Yes, kind of.
- Right.
I just wish I had more control over my time.
But at least he's in good hands.
So, can you get James there by 8:00 tomorrow morning? Tomorrow morning? No.
I've set aside two hours before surgery for reading.
- What reading? - The Lancet.
I have to stay current.
And I've got a meeting with the governors in the morning.
- Oh.
- Let's discuss it over dinner.
I need to be getting back to school now anyway.
- DOC MARTIN: Louisa.
- Yes? I booked us a table at that new restaurant.
The "what's it.
" The one on Tintagel Terrace? Yeah.
I'm sure it's ghastly.
But Dr.
Timoney said we ought to try and go out once a week, - so I - Oh.
Right, then.
I'll look forward to it.
[Buddy barks.]
Go away.
[Sea gulls squawking.]
LOUISA: So, what happened? PIPPA: She was disruptive in class.
Started shouting at everybody to be quiet.
- Even me.
- That's not like her.
Well, single mother.
You know.
More interested in work than looking after her child.
Poor girl probably just wants some attention.
Samantha's very good with her.
And Astrid's never been like this before.
I just want to check she's okay.
- [Knock on door.]
- Come in.
Is everything to your satisfaction, sir? Oh, everything's fine.
Thank you.
If there's anything you want me to arrange during your stay Maybe fishing trip or whiskey tasting.
I won't require any activities, thank you.
- AL: Okay.
All right.
- [Coughing.]
AL: Well, maybe a glass of water, sir? No.
No, thank you.
Actually, I would like to have a look around and maybe pop into the village.
That's no problem at all.
I'll drive you myself.
- Oh, thank you.
- AL: Okay.
You're not in trouble.
I promise you.
It's just, if something's wrong Has something happened at home? Or at school? Is it the other children? You can tell me.
It's just between us.
It's It's just they make such a noise, and I just want to go home.
I see.
It's all right.
We'll get it sorted.
Position away from direct sunlight in a well-ventilated Leave it alone! I was just trying to help, love.
TISHELL: Well, don't.
- Hey, Mrs.
- [Coughing.]
I've got a guest.
Needs some help.
With his cough, by any chance? I've got the very thing.
Guest? Well done.
- Oh, yeah.
- As I said to Sal the other day, I can't see a B&B lasting long without folk being there.
I mean, that's a waste of time and money.
Better off to shut the whole thing down.
Thanks, Clive.
Why don't you try our new machine while you're waiting? You'll be our guinea pig.
Now, you put your hand in there.
- All right.
- And I press this button.
No, don't fiddle with it, Clive.
I'm just giving it a trial run, Sal.
No, no, no.
I need codeine linctus, please.
- Have you had that before? - Many times.
I find it's the only medicine that seems to have any effect.
You do realize it can be addictive? Codeine is converted into morphine by the liver.
Yes, I do understand that.
Has this purchase been authorized by a medical professional? I was in America two weeks ago for a conference, and I seemed to get it there fine.
Well, this isn't America, I'm afraid.
Large, could you help me out here, please? - Mrs.
- MRS.
TISHELL: What? Look, for all I know, he could be a wanton drug addict seeking to satisfy his next fix.
I am not a drug addict.
Which is exactly what one of them would say.
Oh, God.
This is ridiculous! Well, speak to the doc.
If he's all right with it, I'm all right with it.
I don't understand these numbers, Sal.
What? It's nothing, Al.
I just need you to take your arm out.
And then go very slowly to Dr.
Ellingham's surgery.
What? I don't want you to panic, Al, but there is a strong probability that you are going to have a heart attack.
[Bell dinging.]
Or a stroke.
Stroke? Oh.
Clearly that woman has no idea what she's talking about.
And you shouldn't listen to her either.
I'm sure you're not having a heart attack.
Well, strong possibility.
That was the phrase she used.
Oh, I think my arm's going numb.
That's a sign, isn't it? Oh, it's probably 'cause you had it stuck in that machine.
- Al.
- Sorry, Ruth.
Can't stop.
I've got to get me and Mr.
Rahmanzai up to the surgery, ASAP.
I'm having a heart attack.
[Breathing heavily.]
I need to see the doc straightaway.
- MORWENNA: Why? What is it? - I'm having a heart attack.
- He's exaggerating.
However, I do have a genuine reason Doc.
Doc! I'm sorry, but I really can't take the chance.
- What's going on? - Al's having a heart attack.
- AL: Yeah.
- I very much doubt that.
No, yes.
Thank you.
- However, I do need your help.
- Deep breaths.
- Do you have an appointment? - [Coughs.]
Are you a registered patient here? No, again.
Then register as a temporary patient with the receptionist.
Al, come through.
Let's have a look at you.
[Coughs, sniffles.]
- Mm.
- Mm.
[Breathing heavily.]
She thought I was gonna drop dead.
[Monitor beeps.]
- DOC MARTIN: It is high.
- [Sighs.]
But it would be wrong to base a prognosis on one or two readings.
I'll fit you with a portable sphygmomanometer.
- A what? - A portable sphygmomanometer.
It measures your blood pressure every 30 minutes for 24 hours.
You wear it on your belt.
And if all the readings are very high, does that mean I'm gonna have a heart attack? Well, long term, the force of blood against your artery walls could lead to health complications, including stokes and heart attacks, yes.
I just want Martin to update my prescription.
- Shh! - [Coughing.]
We just met a few minutes ago outside the chemist's.
Oh, yes, yes.
RUTH: Was I correct in hearing that your surname was Rahmanzai? - Yes.
- Are you, by any chance, related to Ismael Rahmanzai? My father.
How is he? I'm afraid he's dead.
It's almost two months now, that, but he had been ill for a very long time.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Poor Izzy.
"Izzy"? You knew him pretty well, then? Oh, this was some time ago.
Well, perhaps you can tell me Why did he want to end up here? His ashes.
I'm to scatter them on some hill.
I believe it's not very far outside of Portwenn.
It's, uh It's not far at all.
Any idea why he wants his ashes scattered there? What are you doing? Oh.
Next patient! [Coughs.]
If you're not too busy for dinner, perhaps we could continue this conversation.
I am a little busy.
- It's just - Yes, next patient.
It's just that I don't meet many people who knew my father back in the day.
And I'd love to hear more about him.
- Please? - Of course.
- I'll book somewhere.
- [Coughs.]
- Thank you.
- Yes, thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
All I want is some codeine linctus, but the woman in the chemist's wouldn't let me have it without your approval.
Is she mad, by the way? How long have you had this cough? JOHN: A month or so.
Any change in your home or work environment? - Any undue stress? - No, not really.
My father passed away around that time, but I doubt if it's connected.
- [Coughs.]
- It's possible.
JOHN: It's also irrelevant.
Doctor, the point is, if I take the linctus, the cough stops.
The linctus might simply subdue the cough whilst disguising the cause.
Has your own G.
done any tests? No.
I consult a private physician who doesn't waste my time with unnecessary questions.
Ah, but he's perfectly happy to waste your money.
I'm struggling to find the appeal of this place.
I mean, you've got chemists who don't do their job and doctors who don't help their patients.
Exhale into that, please.
Short sharp breath.
[Breathes deeply.]
Well, it could be adult-onset asthma, but I need to do further tests.
I'm going back to London tomorrow.
I'll consult my own doctor.
Thank you.
Then I'll write you a prescription for an inhaler as a precaution.
Do I have your permission to buy the linctus or not? It's not on prescription.
You don't need my permission.
Well, would you mind writing a letter explaining that fact to the pharmacy? Certainly.
And good luck with that.
[Pen scratching.]
Don't worry.
I'll get this sorted.
- Mrs.
- [Door handle clicking.]
Tishell! [No audio.]
Just a minute.
Please! The cough linctus medicine.
I'll need to order it.
Oh, this is ridiculous! You just sent him to get permission! Why didn't you tell us you didn't have it in the first place?! - [Monitor beeps.]
- You need to calm down.
JOHN: I have a prescription for an inhaler.
I presume you are able to fill that.
Or am I required to go on some pointless trek before that can happen?! Well, I have just started stock taking.
This is from your Dr.
Ellingham! Give me a moment.
[Bell dinging.]
JOHN: [Sighs.]
I have no idea what my father saw in such a place.
Has anything changed at home? No.
It's just me and her, muddling along.
Same as always.
Do you think it's 'cause I work too much? I'm often taking calls in the evening, writing up reports.
I know you always make time for her, and I'm so impressed with how you juggle it all.
She did say that it was too noisy for her at school.
- I don't know what that's about.
- Hmm.
Kids do go through phases, though.
I'm sure she'll be back to her usual self soon enough, God help us.
LOUISA: Let me know if there's anything I can do.
Thanks, Louisa.
Come on, pumpkin.
Pint of bitter, please, Ken.
I was thinking of closing up.
Not feeling so good.
No, that's fine.
It's just funny, really.
When you're on top of the world, everyone wants to be your friend.
But when you're all alone Fine.
One drink.
Not drinking on duty, are you? I've just clocked off.
Aw, bugger.
The barrel's empty.
That's fine.
No rush.
I'll be here.
'Course, I should be on my honeymoon with the woman I love.
But, no, she's traveling across Europe on her own, and I'm still here.
Going nowhere fast.
Oh, it hurts! It does.
It really does.
Just need to go up to bed.
Just Aah! Ken? Ken.
You all right? Oh.
I'm gonna need you to stop bleeding through your mouth.
[Rat squeaks.]
[Suspenseful music plays.]
[Breathing heavily.]
- Um - [Groans.]
To be honest, Ken, I don't really know what I'm doing.
So I'm going to call the doc.
Wait there.
Stay with me, Ken.
If you see a light, don't go into it.
DOC MARTIN: What's happened? He fell down the stairs.
[Switch clicks.]
Has he been drinking? I don't know.
I would if I owned a pub.
DOC MARTIN: Out of the way.
- Can you hear me? - [Rat squeaks.]
- KEN: Yeah.
- Rat! I'm sorry, Doc.
I don't think I can stay down here.
I've got a thing about rodents, as in, I don't like them.
- At all.
- Have you called an ambulance? It's not that bad.
It's just a phobia.
- No, for Mr.
- Oh.
No! Um I'll call the hospital.
Hollister, are you in any pain? All over, Doc.
Mostly here.
What about your legs? Can you move your legs? - Yeah.
- The pain's just here? Yeah.
Have you been drinking? No, Doc.
I swear.
Hollister, I can only give you the appropriate medical attention if you are completely honest with me.
On my mum's grave.
Nil by mouth.
You have a vermin problem.
How often do you come down here? KEN: Three or four times a day.
- And when does it get cleaned? - [Scoffs.]
I got an arrangement.
I don't bother the rats, they don't bother me.
This whole place stinks of stale urine and feces.
I wouldn't be surprised if you've contracted leptospirosis.
You've been having headaches haven't you? And fevers.
And that fluid on your liver.
JOE: Ambulance is on its way, Doc.
- Is he dead? - No.
Ken, the ambulance is on its way! - Do you think he'll be okay? - He's gonna need a course of intravenous antibiotics immediately.
But don't touch anything.
This whole place needs cleaning and sterilizing.
You're living in a dump, Ken! Not deaf.
Joe, this place will be the death of me.
I'm finding it harder and harder to get through the day without trying to get hold of a bottle.
And I don't have anybody to talk to about it.
JOE: I know how you feel.
Apart from the bottle bit.
You're still young, Joe.
Get out there.
Life is for the living.
[Breathes deeply.]
You're right.
Thanks, Ken.
I will.
And I'll call health and safety about this place, because, frankly, Ken, it's disgusting.
Thanks, Joe.
[Sea gulls squawking.]
LOUISA: It feels like ages since we were last out.
- We went to that wedding.
- That doesn't really count.
And I'm sure tonight will be more enjoyable.
It just that with school and all the paperwork and James, there's never quite enough time.
I can take him to nursery tomorrow morning.
You can go to your meeting.
- Thank you, Martin.
- You're welcome.
- Oh.
- MAN: Good evening.
- Good evening.
- After you.
I made a reservation in the name of Ellingham.
But you're already here.
- No, we're not.
- Dr.
Ruth! Oh, Martin.
Did you make a reservation in the name of Dr.
Ellingham? Yes, of course.
You've got the wrong Dr.
- Table for four? - No.
As booked.
Now, well, look, we don't want to disturb you.
Isn't there somewhere else we can sit? - We're pretty full tonight.
- All right, we can go home.
No, no, no.
I'm sure we can get four 'round here.
It might be a bit of a squeeze.
LOUISA: Well, if you don't mind I'm sure Ruth will.
No, no.
Of course not.
The more the merrier.
- I'm John.
- Louisa.
This is Martin.
- Yes, we've met.
- LOUISA: Thank you.
Where's your inhaler? It's on top of my bag back at the bed and breakfast.
It's not doing much good there, is it? Maybe we could save the medical consultations for work hours, Martin.
Of course.
I presume they have fish.
This is what the doctor ordered.
A nice quiet drink.
A chance to relax and forget about my worries.
I'm pretty sure the doc never ordered that.
And you can't drink 'cause you've got to drive John home, but it's the thought that counts.
- AL: Yeah.
- [Door rattles.]
Oh, I've just remembered.
The doc got called out to see Ken.
Just great.
Why is there only one pub - in this village? - [Monitor beeps.]
- Oh, come on! - Sorry.
No, it's not your fault, is it? It's me.
A few weeks back, everything was great, wasn't it? My health, my business.
Now everything is just falling apart.
We're not falling apart.
No, I know, but And you know what I like about you, Al Large? - Is it my boyish charm? - [Laughs.]
That you make things work.
Even when everything goes wrong, you find a way.
So let's just grab some chips, and we can worry about the future later.
Okay? So, John, what brings you to Portwenn? My father.
He wishes his ashes to be scattered here.
- Oh.
- JOHN: I have to admit that I didn't even know he'd visited the place.
Oh, my mother passed away a few years before so the whole thing's been quite a puzzle.
Thankfully, I ran into Dr.
Ellingham, and it turns out they were old friends.
Were you an acquaintance of my mother's, as well? No.
I just knew Izzy from when he worked at Broadmoor.
I see.
What's the connection with this place? I mean, did he visit? Not that I'm aware of.
Rahmanzai? A small man with big glasses? JOHN: Oh, you knew him, as well? No, but I remember now.
- I must have been very young.
- Well, it was a long time ago.
- And you could be mistaken.
- No, I'm sure.
'Cause he was a doctor and I wanted to be a doctor.
And he gave me some very good advice.
Oh, so he did visit here.
You know, now I come to think of it, yes.
He must have been passing through.
Passing through? What, here? From? RUTH: Oh, well, I-I can't remember now.
Maybe there was a conference or something.
It was at the farm when I met him.
Maybe you should choose which fish you want, Martin.
He came there quite a few times with you, when I was staying with Auntie Joan.
The farm where I'm staying? That's right.
[Breathes deeply.]
Iown it.
You You never mentioned that before.
Ruth, how many times did my father visit Portwenn? Once or twice.
To see you? Specifically? It was a long time ago.
Well, it looks like he wants to come back now, then.
Doesn't it? I'll have the mackerel, grilled, no butter, plain rice.
Um, if you'll excuse me.
Good evening.
John [Sighs.]
Thank you, Martin.
Were you and Dr.
Rahmanzai Yes, Martin.
What? What? It's not my fault.
If you'd wanted me to shut up, you should have said something.
I gestured.
- Well, I didn't see you.
- I did.
Anyway, you asked us to sit down in the first place.
No, John asked you to sit down.
I might as well go home.
Good night, Martin.
- Louisa.
- Oh, Ruth.
I'm sorry.
Well, at least we've got the table to ourselves.
I'll sit here, shall I? What? [Coughing.]
Can I just say sorry again? Yesterday, about the medicine? If you want, I can drive you to Truro.
Thank you.
Don't stress yourself.
I'm not.
I'm not allowed to.
- Got this.
- Oh, yes.
Uh, I'll be returning to London later today anyway.
I'll pick up a bottle there.
And I'll be honest Any longer in this place, and I'm afraid I'll lose my mind.
Well, if you leave a review, don't say that.
Just say, "Rural charm, interesting locals.
" Yeah.
You okay to find Rosstree Hill? I have your map.
Thank you.
- Yeah.
- It's not so far.
- [Horn honks.]
- AL: Nope.
[Engine shuts off, vehicle door opens.]
Good morning.
Good morning, Dr.
[Clears throat.]
I wanted to apologize about last night.
I'm sorry I walked out.
My father was a difficult man.
We were never very close.
[Clears throat.]
But it is hard to realize that we were further apart than I had thought.
- Rosstree Hill? - We used to go walking there.
He was very fond of the view.
He said it was a place he could forget all his cares.
His cares being his wife and child back home.
He wanted to be a better father, John.
He just didn't know how.
I'm due to catch a train at 2:00.
If his ashes are to be scattered where he desired, we'd better get a move on.
- We? - My mother's gone.
Whatever pain my father caused has long since passed.
Ruth, if you would like to say goodbye to him, as well, that's fine by me.
Thank you.
Next we have the statutory guidance for assessing and reporting the national curriculum at key stage 1, containing provisions made pursuant to Article 9 of the Education National Curriculum Key Stage 1 Order of 2003, under section 86 of the Education Act.
Just going to stop myself there.
It is, of course, section 87, not 86, of the Education Act.
Best I start again.
Statutory guidance for assessing - and reporting the national - [Cellphone vibrates.]
Oh, sorry.
Um, I'm gonna have to be excused.
Um, Pippa, could you make some notes, please? I Unavoidable.
As I was saying Now, that might look bad, but yesterday was hectic.
DOC MARTIN: Yes, I can see.
There's a number of peaks.
- 175 over 90.
- Yeah.
- 180 - 180? Over 100.
You need to control your stress, Al.
There's any number of relaxation techniques available.
I believe you can lower your blood pressure by changing your diet, taking more exercise, and drinking less alcohol.
If all that fails I'll have a heart attack? I can prescribe you medication.
Oh, for how long? Couple of weeks? Months? - For the rest of your life.
- [Paper rustling.]
You can keep that.
Thanks, Doc.
Thanks for coming, Louisa.
Come in.
I know you said to call you if I was worried.
LOUISA: I meant it.
What's the matter? She's locked herself in the wardrobe.
I don't know what's going on with her.
Come up.
RUTH: I'm sorry about the way you found out.
JOHN: To be honest, I'm not surprised my father had an affair.
The rare moments I saw my parents together School holidays, the occasional weekend.
The sight of them put me off marriage for life.
Shall we stop? [Wheezing.]
Did you ever get married yourself, Ruth? No.
I remember Izzy hoping that you might become a doctor.
Oh, well that was another severe disappointment for my father.
I took up English literature.
I teach.
At a university no one's ever heard of.
I'm sure your father was very proud of you.
I would like to think so.
I used to sneak into wardrobes, as well, when I was your age sometimes.
Usually when I was playing hide-and-seek with my friends.
Do you know, I'd wait for hours on my friends.
They wouldn't come find me, because they'd be off somewhere else, playing without me.
And do you want to know a secret, Astrid? Wardrobes are fine places to hide in, as long as someone wants you to come out.
And I'd like you to come out.
Did they really leave you in there, Mrs.
Ellingham? Well, yeah.
Maybe they just forgot.
What about you? I was scared.
LOUISA: Are you ready to come out now? Well done.
Good girl.
She's been like this since her illness.
You should take her back to Martin.
JOHN: [Coughing.]
One more thing, if you would.
How did it all end? Well, he was going through a difficult time, and in the end well, no matter how much I wanted him to stay, his family you, John meant much more to him.
He chose to finish things.
And I never saw him again.
Thank you.
We're fine.
You can leave us now.
If you don't mind, Doc, I think she feels better having Louisa here.
Well, all right.
This started a few days ago, you say? That's right.
She was all set to go after the tonsillitis.
Yes, her throat's swollen again, which it shouldn't be.
Did she complete the course of medication? - Yes.
- Did you? Astrid.
It's okay.
You're not in trouble.
No matter what.
It tasted horrible, so I spat it out.
I waited till you weren't looking.
Listen, because you didn't complete your course of antibiotics, your immune system was left to fight the strep bacteria from your tonsillitis on its own, leading to cross-reaction with your brain tissue.
I don't understand.
Essentially her immune system can't distinguish between what is the strep bacteria and what is not.
Her antibodies are actually attacking her tissues, leading to neuropsychiatric reactions, - such as extreme anxiety.
- Am I going to die? No.
Nobody's gonna die.
Yes, you are.
Everyone dies.
But not today.
I'll write you a prescription for azithromycin, but you're not to spit it out, even if you do think it tastes horrible.
Make sure you take this medicine, Astrid, 'cause if you do, you'll feel better.
- I promise.
- Excuse me.
[Pen clicks.]
While I'm here, would it be unprofessional to ask if you knew whether your aunt was considering selling the farmhouse? I'm not sure what passes for professionalism amongst estate agents, but it would be inappropriate and crass, yes.
Just checking.
JOHN: [Coughing.]
I suppose I should try and say say something meaningful.
- [Coughs.]
- Do you want some water? [Breathlessly.]
I'm fine.
There are so many things I wish I could ask you.
So many things I've had to carry.
I can't br breathe.
- Where's your inhaler? - [Coughs.]
It's in my bag at the B&B.
- Is he stable? - [Wheezing.]
RUTH: There are signs of acute dyspnea and cardiovascular collapse.
- Have you called an ambulance? - Morwenna has.
Where is his inhaler? Back at the B&B.
Can you hear me? RUTH: He was coughing all the way here.
Well, why didn't you stop? Martin, please, don't blame this on me.
[Breathing raggedly.]
He has a pneumothorax.
His right lung has collapsed.
Do you have a bottle of water? There's one in the rucksack.
DOC MARTIN: You open that.
- Mr.
, um - Rahmanzai.
Yes, you are suffering complications from adult-onset asthma.
I'm going to insert a needle into your chest to let some air out, which will reduce pressure on your lung and allow it to re-expand.
This is a giving set.
Isn't that for putting fluids into the body - and not for taking them out? - Yes.
I know.
I'm making do.
Well, it's rather a risk, isn't it? Yes, I'm aware that it's a risk, and so is the patient now, thank you very much.
- [Breathes deeply.]
- DOC MARTIN: There we go.
I'm sorry? My father's ashes.
Scatter them, please.
It's what he wanted.
Goodbye, Izzy.
Ken! Ken! JOE: He's not in.
He's got to be.
We've got an appointment.
I've brought a batch of whiskey for him.
Well, that's not gonna happen.
He fell down some stairs, got taken away with leprosy.
Leprosy? Sounded like leprosy.
Point is, he's in the hospital.
Don't know when this place is going to open again.
No, no, no.
I needed that sale.
JOE: Bert.
Look at me.
The girl of my dreams left.
I'll probably never see her again.
I've got no prospects.
I'm all alone.
- And? - There was something else.
Ken said it.
It was good, as well.
Just wait.
It'll come to me.
It's gone.
Do you feel better? Not really.
You? Well, I felt worse yesterday.
So I'll probably feel better tomorrow.
JOHN: Ruth.
Thank you for what you told me.
What did you tell him? That Izzy ended the relationship.
It wasn't true, but I didn't think the truth would help.
Not now.
No, I was the one who stopped things.
Izzy would have dropped his family in an instant.
But I don't know.
That all felt too much, and I wasn't ready for it.
Oh, he was a lovely, smart man.
And I've regretted that decision many times over.
I'm selling the farm.
Really? Oh.
Probably a good idea.
It's quite a bother, isn't it? Oh, you don't mind? No.
It's not my farm.
Come on.
You did the right thing, bringing that little girl into the surgery.
LOUISA: Well, it wasn't a difficult decision.
No, but if it was left undiagnosed, her condition could have worsened, escalated, and she could have ended up in a child's psychiatric unit.
As teachers, we are used to looking for these sorts of things.
And, do you know, today, for the first time in ages, I actually started to feel useful again.
Which is sort of what I wanted to talk to you about.
Yes? Well, it's just, with my experience in the school and what I've learnt about myself being with you, it's made me realize that there are other options available for me.
What do you mean, being with me? Well, I suppose I'm I'm talking about therapy.
We had therapy.
I'm thinking I could train in child therapy.
Why? Because you talked that little girl out of a cupboard? - Peas? - Yes, please.
Because I've been reading up on it.
DOC MARTIN: Why? Because I need to know about these things to make sure James' development is okay.
Is he meeting all his targets? He's doing fine.
Correct size, a good weight.
No, I meant his psychological development, as well, just to make sure he doesn't end up End up? As As an unhappy child.
He spent 10 minutes yesterday smiling at a spoon.
I took it away from him in the end.
It's something I want to explore anyway.
It would be a big shock.
It's a lot of hard work.
- LOUISA: I know.
- We just agreed to get a dog.
Do we still have to get a dog? - Is that relevant? - I don't know.
It will be tricky in the short term, working and studying, but in the long term, it will make our lives more flexible.
If you pass.
Martin, your food's getting cold.
I need you to collect James from nursery.
Do I look like an au pair? Is it the overdraft you're worried about? - What overdraft? - I wanna rent the pub.
Your track record hardly inspires confidence.
This is completely unacceptable.
My time is precious, doc.
All right, stand by, everyone.
We're ready to go about.
Amy! Amy!
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