Have I Got a Bit More News for You (2007) s46e11 Episode Script


Good evening and welcome to Have I Got News For You.
I'm Mel Giedroyc.
- I'm Ray Winstone.
I'm Richard Osman.
- I'm Kathy Burke.
I'm Jo Brand.
In the news this week, backstage at Strictly Come Dancing, Bruce Forsyth's family watch him finally get to the end of an autocue link.
LAUGHTER As the major parties gear up for the next election, one householder is just a few seconds too late in pretending he's not at home.
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE There's evidence that whilst Nigella Lawson was on drugs she may have made a few mistakes with her burrito recipe.
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE And in Cyprus, after his meeting with the Finance Minister is cancelled, Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls has two hours to kill before his flight home.
DANCE MUSIC PLAYS This is the funeral of Margaret Thatcher, and the man of the moment, who's had a haircut, by the look of it.
Oh! LAUGHTER A man with clear political vision.
I did think that about halfway through.
Having started off thinking, "What a waste of money.
" Then I thought, "Well, actually, we've got all this kit, "we've got these cathedrals, we've got the choirs, we've got the army, "might as well use them, really.
" It was great.
I mean, I do like funerals, and I realised halfway through, "I'm really enjoying this "and I don't really care whose funeral it is.
" People like you, Ian.
I bought your magazine this week.
Page after page after page.
You adored That's how magazines work.
LAUGHTER They work like that.
Just one of them and it's just a sheet of paper.
There was a moment, in fact, I actually thought that the great lady herself was going to come to life once more.
Oh, really? Because That would have been interesting television, wouldn't it? Well, it would have been wonderful for the world.
But the reason I thought LAUGHTER .
I thought it might have happened, seriously, is I glanced under David Cameron, the Prime Minster's chair Yes.
He was seated adjacent to the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, and under his chair was a bottle of Evian water.
French water! In St Paul's at Margaret Thatcher's funeral.
I was surprised that the casket didn't burst open, and a hand come out and grab it from under the chair.
She would not have approved of that.
Most people don't come back from the dead because of mineral water.
Did you see how the BBC announced the news? Yes.
Can we see it again? I have to interrupt you there cos there's one more line, just as you were reading that, which has come in from Lord Bell.
And he's been quoted saying, "It is with great sadness that "Mark and Carol Thatcher announce that their mother Baroness Thatcher "died peacefully following a strike this morning.
" LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE Did you hear about Julian Stiles? According to The Mirror Pull your finger out, Julian, you lazy bastard! I'll chin you, you bastard! Let's abandon this show.
Let's Brian says, "Who wants a fight?" I'm going Am I on that? Yes, you're on this now.
I don't know what you're on! Jeffrey Archer paid tribute to Lady Thatcher, saying Jeffrey Archer, not just a terrible writer, but also a terrible writer.
That's Ken Clarke.
This is the crushing defeat of the Conservative Party.
Well, you may laugh, but by the time this goes out Nigel Farage will be Prime Minister.
That's the problem - Kenneth Clarke.
The Tories were incredibly scared that UKIP would take all their seats, so Kenneth Clown Kenneth Clown! APPLAUSE Thank goodness it wasn't Jeremy Hunt.
APPLAUSE Which other high-calibre names are lining up to be UKIP General Election candidates? Do you know? Both the Hamiltons.
That's right.
Christine and Neil.
GROANING Yes, you groan! But come the Farage Cabinet, you're looking at the Home Secretary .
and the First Lord of the Admiralty.
That's Christine.
I don't think there are any loonies on the right of British politics.
You don't think that Nigel Farage is insane? No, no, I don't.
I think Nigel Farage is broadly a good egg.
LAUGHTER Nigel Farage is, like, the fevered wet dream of Jeremy Clarkson, that is all he is.
I'm not sure I quite understand.
Shall we have a look at Farage on the front page of The Times this week? It's Hitler combined with a sort of one-sided Fu Manchu.
Tommy Robinson, what did he do this week? He resigned from the English Defence League and He found out, much to his horror, that a lot of them are racist.
And do you know what Tommy Robinson does for a living? Does he work at the United Nations? He also used to run a tanning shop.
Exactly right, yes.
What? Changing the colour of people's skin? Yeah.
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE So your customer comes in, "Come in, madam.
" Half an hour later, "You can get out!" Explaining his decision to quit the EDL, Tommy Robinson said Yes, it's always the tiny minority that makes marching on a mosque such an unpleasant experience.
I don't know who these people are.
So, what? I can't say who these people are or I can say who they are? We are allowed to report the facts.
1066 was the Battle of Hastings I mean, Andy Coulson is still allowed to give interviews in GQ.
I mean, we're not allowed to say anything about him under the laws of contempt, obviously, and I wouldn't want to.
Instead If we are so wary of words, is there any way you could express an opinion through contemporary dance? You'll get sued.
You'll get sued.
At last, someone could go to prison for mime.
There is one High Court case we can talk about.
Did anyone see Bernie Ecclestone turning up for his case? It was great.
He was rather baffled by the concept of revolving doors.
Here he goes.
Now so far, so good, you see? Now, just come - walk out.
No, no No, no, no.
No, no, no This is the trial of Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson.
Since we can't make jokes about any of the defendants, let's make some jokes about you, Godfrey.
Here's what you got up to 30 years ago on your stag night.
VICTORIA: Oh, bless her, she's doing such a good job of smiling, isn't she? Oh, I know.
GODFREY: I was a good-looking dude in those days, Victoria.
- You're very good looking now.
- Very kind of you.
- But it's possible that standing there in just her pants while a man in a suit rubs his face in her tits wasn't the greatest night of her life.
It's possible.
APPLAUSE I know you've said that women aren't very good drivers, but they're much better than men at finding the mustard in the pantry.
And I wondered, was that a euphemism? Like, have you often found yourself, you know, with women, and you feel like you've been rummaging for ages in the pantry, and You know, she's screaming, "You just can't find the mustard.
" Is that LAUGHTER .
where that came from? I'm sorry, are we talking French or English? This week it was reported that the Mirror Group is now facing 55 claims of phone hacking, so before we're not allowed to talk about that case, can I just say, Piers Morgan is a total arse.
Is Ed Miliband trying not to listen to an Ed Balls speech? Oh, look, there's someone spying on him from the Mail.
And that's Karl Marx's grave.
This is the Labour Conference, and they had Damian McBride's book.
Yes, Damian McBride was hoping to upstage the Conference.
Did you see him being introduced on Newsnight? Damian McBride.
McPoison, as he's known to his many enemies, or McPrickface as he was referred to in a recent cache of Downing Street e-mails.
He's so used to being called McPrickface Would anyone like to see the chat up technique of Danny "Fancy A Brandy?" Alexander? Oh, yeah.
This Conference has been so busy.
I've had so many things to do.
So, I haven't been up late, um .
relaxing in the bar, so that's not a problem.
That'll come onWednesday, maybe? Maybe tonight.
Maybe tonight, good.
How about you? Um What have Ed Balls and Ed Miliband been 'inting at? Been? Been hinting at? Yeah.
What have they been hinting at? Don't know.
So posh.
Oh! You're wearing a suit.
I can afford it.
That's cos you don't pay any tax.
That's why he's dressed up, he was in court this morning! Also, did anyone see how Mark Austin addressed ITV's News at Ten viewers this week? No.
Would you like to? Yes.
This is ITV News at Ten, with Mark Austin and Julie Etchingham.
Good evening, paedophiles.
Brilliant! This is Camilla, and she made her first speech in French, and she was a bit nervous about it, but it went very well.
She's a golden creature that seems to bathe in heavenly light wherever she goes.
She smokes fags, as well.
That's correct.
It IS correct.
And before she set off, she had a word with the press, and sounded extremely confident about how well her first solo trip would go.
My first solo.
My first solo - probably my last.
No, no, no! Yeah, and it would've been, had the Duke of Edinburgh's men not been waiting in the wrong tunnel.
LAUGHTER AND GROANS So, um In other royal news, how did the Queen pose for a photograph showing that she belonged to the ancient Order of the Thistle? There's a striking, dramatic photograph on the Scottish moors, isn't it? It looks like something you should see on a tea-towel.
It will be, one day.
Yes, this is the Queen in a Scottish glen.
There we are, look at that.
Looking delighted.
- She does not know much about hill walking, does she? LAUGHTER What did Dame Helen Mirren do while dressed as the Queen? She was doing The Audience in the West End of London, reprising her role as Her Majesty the Queen, and a bunch of gay drummers was drowning her out.
And she come out and complained about it.
I think She told them to BLEEP off.
How did they know it wasn't the Queen? Precisely, yeah.
They must've thought, "Bloody hell!" Well When she says BLEEP off Yeah, you stay BLEEP-ed off! Helen Mirren stormed out of her West End play this week in order to shout at a group of drummers publicising a gay festival.
The organiser said What, a screaming queen on a gay parade? That IS a shock.
Oh, that's Rebekah Brooks! Who's that? Oh, Lord! I mean, it's Theresa May, but it's like looking in a mirror.
I'm always doing that.
What, it's just fallen off, the shoe? To be honest, after the photograph of Mr Bloom, I was so relieved to see a burka.
You know, I Just thank goodness.
You know the world's still run by men when any women are wearing either a burka or hot pants.
Feminism will have won when everyone is just in a nice comfy, knee-length dress with a cardigan.
I couldn't agree more.
So I think the story was about a man dressed in a burka.
Yes, ironically, the first person ever to be liberated by wearing a burka.
A man, obviously.
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE He was tagged, wasn't he? He was under really close surveillance, so he managed to nip into a mosque in Acton, change into a burka and run for it.
Is it G4S who's in charge? It is indeed G4S in charge.
I didn't want to create any more legal problems.
Here's a picture of him before and afterwards.
We see him going into the mosque on the left, that's him leaving the mosque on the right.
Five times a day - that's going to work any tag loose.
You can't tell, he's got a burka on.
The tag may still be on.
He might be limping.
We've got to presume it's not.
Otherwise they'd have brought him in.
Oh, it's G4S, yes, of course.
Er, this is clearly somebody trying to post letters, there.
There's the dog helping him out.
The Royal Mail has been sold off, hasn't it, Mark? Now, even Thatcher said, "We will not privatise the Royal Mail," but this lot have decided to do it.
And you have to conclude they really, genuinely would sell their granny.
It's as if the country is being run by Ryanair now.
You just pay for your little thing, and that's it, nothing else.
"I don't want to pay for libraries, I don't go to the library.
"I'm not paying for the fire service, I'm not on fire.
"Look at all the money that gets wasted on guide dogs.
"I can't climb a tree, nobody buys me a gibbon.
" APPLAUSE According to The Times, this might not be the last privatisation we see, as well.
What else have they suggested might be privatised? The Queen.
They haven't yet, but that would be oversubscribed, wouldn't it? I'd like a piece of her.
I've heard the rumours.
What else have they got left to sell off? I think the next one will be lamp posts.
I think they'll sell off lamp posts, only you'll have to put 5p in a little meter.
And it'll give you just enough light to get to the next one, and you'll put another 5p in.
Somewhere George Osborne is writing that down.
You know that, don't you? Yes, this is the mad rush to buy shares in the Royal Mail.
To our younger viewers, a letter is a bit like a text, but you write it down with a pen and you put it in an envelope, and then buy a sort of sticker to put on it, and then you put it in the hole in one of those red boxes, and within two days it'll be delivered to the wrong house somewhere near where your friend lives.
Dancing, socks.
Oh, more Scottish dancing.
More dancing.
You're talking about dancing a lot, aren't you? Yes.
Yeah, I'm sorry, we'll get on with it.
Um If they go independent, the Chancellor has said to them, "Well, you can't have the pound.
" Ah.
And Alex Salmond, who will be in charge of Scotland His title isn't clear yet, it may be King.
Last year, he was really keen on having the euro, but then something happened, er So what do the Scots want? Well, we don't know yet, we haven't asked them on the referendum.
Well, hold on a minute.
They want independence If I give the wrong answer, do you get out the pliers? No, you get cut.
So what's the latest economic news, then? We nearly went into recession but we didn't, so George Osborne says, "That's fine.
"We've got enormous growth of about 0.
" That's bang on, yeah, which is four-fifths of BLEEP all.
We're still, apparently, and if we pay it back at this rate, how long will it take to clear it? It depends if we go to Wonga or not.
So it's not really our problem, is it? This is a row as to whether the independent Scotland would be able to use the pound as its currency.
Alex Salmond has called for the creation of a Sterling-Zone, which sounds good but the way the economy's going, I think we'd be calling it Poundland.
Money being printed, obviously.
RBS, Royal Bank of Scotland not giving people money, being very, very bad people.
People couldn't get their credit cards to work the other day on one of the biggest shopping days of the year, Christmas rush and all that, so people are very unhappy with the Royal Bank of Scotland.
That's right.
What have the press and sad, desperate marketing people been trying to do? Call this a special day? Black Friday or something? Cyber Monday.
Supersonic Tuesday.
Next it'll be Wank Wednesday .
Thuck Off Thursday What was the effect of all this hype? People were fighting in Argos.
Don't they go to Argos and hit each other? I've seen it on the news, it's fantastic.
People attacking each other in Argos? You've seen this on the news? Yeah.
Well, he's not been there, has he? LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE Yes, this is RBS, the bank that likes to pay less, whose entire computer system failed on Cyber Monday.
To be fair, everyone was affected.
Even senior bankers found out their credit cards had stopped working.
Paul Flowers had to chop out his coke with his bus pass.
This week also saw the UK's first ever Black Friday discount day.
One very special offer for shoppers in Manchester promised They're even offering a choice of kebab - Donner, Blitzen or Rudolph.
Oh, that's a proper train.
Yes, well, you know they're building this enormous boondoggle up north, Ian, and Is that a technical term? Yes, boondoggle, it's In economics, it's called a big fricking waste of money.
You can't get to Birmingham fast enough.
- You can in your virtual self.
Do you know this week's figure of how much it's going to cost? I think it's 130 zillion.
Well, the government's current budget is 50 billion, although one independent study says it's going to cost 80 billion.
You've got Mark Carney now as the Bank Of England chief, he can just print it.
Just print that's what he does, that's what he's there for.
Print more money! Doesn't matter if it's just print money, it's fine.
You put the money in the train and take it to Birmingham.
Listen, max - one hour 20 minutes to Birmingham.
It's too long.
It's more like an hour.
Did you hear the actual words of the dire warning from the government about the consequences if Labour do not and everybody does not? I'd like to hear you say it.
The precise words were It's just hard to imagine what that would be like, isn't it? Monsieur Raymond Blanc, the television chef, tweeted what appeared to be a sarcastic remark about the winner 24 hours before the winner was announced and possibly spoilt the whole competition.
Bake Off fans were furious.
What did former finalist Mary-Anne Boermans compare the situation to? Do you know? No.
The end of the Crimean War.
She said it was Good grief! Does that happen?! Oh, no! This is the grand final of Bake Off, which I watched this week.
It was contested by three female cooks, which is odd because I happen to know for a fact that the best bakers are all male and they're all called Gregg.
One of the finalists, Ruby Tandoh, received a lot of coverage for her looks.
She complained, saying Ruby, you're dough-eyed.
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE That's dough with an O-U-G-H.
If I'm not at home, leave it with my neighbour.
Recently discovered footage shows a young Boris Johnson helping his brother perform a magic trick.
In Moscow, the Russian mafia launch their own version of Ocado.
And in Doncaster, Mrs Ivy Hinchcliffe still hasn't come home from Bingo.
And so to Round Two, The One-Armed Bandit Of News.
Fingers on buzzers, teams.
Here's the first one.
BUZZER That's a mocked-up Alex Ferguson, Sir Alex Ferguson, English football's most successful ever manager has just resigned.
John, will you be writing a poem for the occasion? Are you a Man United fan? I approached this from the wrong angle.
I was looking at this monitor and that monitor and trying to spot the 15 differences.
Oh, I see, yes.
I'm going to have to give this one the swerve.
So can we do a quick Fergie quiz? Yeah.
Yes, please.
What does Alex Ferguson keep by his bed? His wife.
Hopefully he keeps her in his bed, not by it.
Do you think she has to stand there all night? She's on the subs bench until she He calls her on.
No, he keeps By his bed, he keeps JFK's autopsy report.
Now can anyone here impersonate a Liverpudlian? I have to tell you that Jon Snow can't.
Here he is discussing Alex Ferguson's departure.
Well, I was driven here by a Liverpool supporter who said LIKE A PIRATE: "Oh, I hope they take Moyes" because they really do regard him.
LIKE A PIRATE: When the tide is high and the crow flies towards the horizon .
there will be change of management, arr! This is the retirement of Sir Alex Ferguson.
As the news spread on Wednesday, shocked Man United fans gathered in the city centre, bringing London's traffic to a standstill.
Buying meat products has never been so difficult.
You never know what's inside.
So, now onto the pies of news.
Buzz in when you've identified the news filling.
LAUGHTER That's the winner of the Grand National.
This is horse meat found in products, including one which is meant to be fish.
Beef lasagne, eaten any of that? Not recently, but apparently that had a problem with horses in it.
Wasn't that 100% horse meat? Yeah.
It actually came with a sheepskin nose band.
They've tracked it all down to this Romanian abattoir, and the bloke was outraged.
He said, "Of course it's horse, that's what we sell.
"We sell horse, it's really good.
" I tell you what, what is the world coming to if you can't trust a Romanian abattoir? BUZZER Here we go, Paul.
Yes, this is the new Pope.
We have not had one from Latin America before, and for the first time in 600 years there are two popes in existence.
And this one's very good.
He goes everywhere, he travels by bus, he doesn't insist on being called the Pope, he's a very humble Pope.
Yeah, travels by bus for free! If there's two popes, then presumably he could also give up and there would be three popes.
As soon as you've got three popes, you've got yourself a boyband.
Exactly! Yes, he lived a very frugal life.
According to the Telegraph, after realising he wouldn't be going back to Argentina Like the newsagent wouldn't know he'd become Pope! I think they were very pleased in Argentina.
Here's a woman reacting to the news he's become Pope.
SHE SHOUTS IN SPANISH And here is the reaction in London.
It's Cardinal Bergoglio, from Buenos Aires.
ALL: Ahhhh.
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE BELL RINGS This is the new motto for the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
which had a meltdown last year and unbelievably, I don't know if I can actually say this live, but this character, because it's Fukushima, is known as Fukuppy.
Amazingly, you're almost exactly right.
This is Fukuppy, the mascot of Fukushima Industries, which makes commercial freezers.
"It really is a schoolboy error for a company to leave "the name of its fridges open to such puerile jokes," said the managing director of Smeg.
BELL RINGS Yes, is this the priest who's got an organ growing out of his head? No.
This is the news that a swan named Hooper has fallen in love with a helicopter.
No, it hasn't! No, it has.
It happened at Le Mielles Golf Club in Jersey, which is where Hooper lives.
According to The Times Gold-digger! We've got a picture.
That's just a swan flying past a helicopter.
In flagrante.
That's not proof the two of them are in love! I call that It's not a very romantic picture, is it? You cold, cold man.
I think that's tabloid intrusion.
There's always Zeus, isn't there? Zeus, yeah.
Helen of Troy was born out of a swan's egg.
I thought you were going to say Swansea for a minute! Thought she was a Cardiff girl.
IMPERSONATING DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: The helicopter lands, aware that his mate is somewhere in the field.
As the blades circle around, the swan picks up the scent of diesel .
and comes lolloping out of the aircraft hangar.
And straight into the blades of the helicopter.
I know this one.
Is it inbreeding in the royal family? Isn't that the Duke of Clarence? I'm quite nervous, it's my first show.
My dad actually rang me and went, "Don't spoil this for us.
" What a starter for ten.
I've just been sat here, going, "Just don't, don't.
" There's a discussion going on around me and in my head two kittens are fighting over a pork chop.
Is it the original Olympic? There's beer swilling and shin kicking and Yes, go on.
The Cotswold Olympics.
That's it.
They were chronicled in an ancient pamphlet which is up for auction.
See if you can identify the sort of games that were played using an image taken from the book.
Well, it looks like sword fighting we can see top right, standing on your head in the middle Yeah.
misunderstanding perspective.
That was a very popular sport at the time.
Anyone know what dwile flonking is? It sounds like a daytime presenter - "Over to Dwile Flonking.
" Is that the beer thing? Yes.
Well done.
It's dodging beer-soaked rags.
Dodging beer-soaked rags.
Why would you dodge them? Now it's time to play The Wheel Of News Or Not News.
I'll spin the wheel and you have to identify the story and tell me if it's news or not news.
BUZZER Not news.
It's What's the story? There isn't a story, it's not news.
It's a policeman giving Iain Duncan Smith a head massage.
Clairvoyant police? It is clairvoyant police.
And it's The police are going to be able to predict crimes before they happen.
You think I'm making it up.
No, you're not making it up, you're reading out something that somebody else has made up.
According to Pre-crime Commander, Simon Letchford Pre-crime?! Which has already identified the county of Midsomer.
The technique of identifying and arresting potential criminals before they commit a crime is based on a method developed by the Metropolitan Police.
Known as "institutional racism".
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE Time now for the Odd One Out Round.
Cliff Richard, the Oxford cox, the Norwegian log fire and the new Dutch King's inaugural song.
The new Dutch King had a song written for his coronation, a special songand decided he hated it.
The Oxford cox.
He swore a lot during the race, this year.
Swore like a porn star all the way through.
Wasn't there a Norwegian TV show about logs, and getting logs, and putting them in a fire? And they complained about the way the logs were stacked? That's exactly right.
But no-one has ever complained about Cliff.
It's about people moaning.
Cliff isn't known for making people moan, is he? LAUGHTER They have all caused an audience to complain, apart from Cliff Richard, whose music caused his audience to die.
According to Gardeners' Question Time, a study conducted on the effect of music on plants revealed that the plants which had been played Cliff's music all died.
A song composed to mark the inauguration of the new King of the Netherlands was withdrawn by the composer after it attracted a storm of criticism.
Let's have a look.
THEY SING IN DUTCH Perhaps he's trying to get a reduction on his car insurance? According to the Daily Telegraph, in musical terms, the song is .
known as crap.
I think I'd rather like that.
Zadok the BLEEP.
LAUGHTER LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE Best reaction I've ever got out of Paul! You've never said BLEEP before.
Adolf Hitler, Robert Mugabe, beards and Yoda.
The only thing I've seen about Hitler in recent days is a teapot or kettle that's come out that closely resembles Adolf Hitler.
It includes the Hitler kettle.
I think a good starting place for this is Yoda.
Not Yoda in his sort of day job but in a recent sideline he's developed.
Stick with advertising.
Robert Mugabe sponsors Rice Krispies, I don't know.
Poor old Rice Krispies! Snap, Crackle, Dead.
They're all officially advertising a product, apart from Adolf Hitler, who is unwittingly advertising a kettle because a billboard photo of the kettle looks like him.
That's amazing.
It must be deliberate, it's got to be deliberate.
Once you see it, you can't see the kettle any more.
The kettle's gone.
I mean, it's even got the salute on the spout, hasn't it? So, beards are the new thing in advertising, according to a Kentucky-based company who've introduced beard-vertising.
Oh, yes! People have adverts put onto their beards, clipped on.
I must say, it looks fabulously impressive.
It is his face that sells it, isn't it? What other beards have been in the news recently? Oh, this is cats, people who pose with cats.
They hold a cat in a certain way so it makes it look like the cat is part of a beard.
It's called cat-bearding.
LAUGHTER Here's a cat beard.
Urgh! And here's another.
And here's a dog beard.
Yes, so the answer is they are all officially advertising a product, apart from Adolf Hitler, who is unwittingly advertising a kettle.
It's not so much the kettle that looks like Hitler I object to, it's their marketing slogan - "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein sugar.
" It's time now for the Missing Words Round, which this week features as its guest publication .
the magazine of the North of England Rat Society.
For northerners who don't find pigeons dirty enough.
And we start with Sexual tension.
MILES: The body count.
It was an absolute blood bath.
The safety officer.
Looks all right to me.
Just chuck the rats on it.
This is good stuff.
The overall standard of ears.
Next One of the rounds on Bake Off.
Do you think you can just add boiling water and come back again? The process reduces the body to powder, and has been pioneered by a company called .
whose slogan proudly states, "We're the people who put the gran into granules.
" Next Can't I be called Mr Chubby Chops instead? Director of Fat says, "Put it over there with the rest of the fat.
"Stop asking me, it's obvious, fat pile there.
" It's Next Wedge? It's not a tricky twelve-incher, is it? A birdie.
An eagle.
An eagle? That would be a good story.
Might be owl? Takes an owl in his pants? A two-week holiday? The answer is Next Is it, "the BLEEP piss"? The answer is No they don't! This is the story of a court case in New York in which four chimpanzees are seeking to be recognised as humans.
The complexities of the chimpanzees' case have left legal experts scratching their heads, rubbing their arses on ropes and eating things from behind each other's ears.
Grow beards.
According to the Telegraph, the unwelcome visitors to Saudi Arabia were approached by the .
with their traditional line of "Allah, Allah, Allah "What's all this, then?" Before we go, there's just time for the Caption Competition.
"What's that, Skippy? "The guy fell down the stairs and none of us touched him?" "That's nice, isn't it? I've only just come to visit your country, "and here we are remembering old times.
" GILES BRANDRETH: Oooh! Oh, do you know? Let's not, let's just sit back and enjoy this.
I mean, come on, let's actually turn the corner in this show in the last moments.
Let's actually just let the country celebrate spring.
Let's not ruin it with any protest, just love it.
JOE WILKINSON: What about, "Mouse celebrates spring by tickling bum with pollen"? LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE And I leave you with the news that, on the set of the new Transformers movie, one of the extras gives up queuing for the toilet.
In Aldershot, in the playground of a primary school, a pupil prepares for a visit from Michael Gove.
After announcing several more years of austerity, George Osborne goes home to decorate his Christmas tree.
And, as Piers Morgan's success in the States continues to grow, he moves his production company into a new office.
Good night.

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