Have I Got a Bit More News for You (2007) s50e08 Episode Script

Jo Brand, Josh Widdicombe, Tim Farron

APPLAUSE Good evening, welcome to Have I Got News For You - I'm Jo Brand.
In the news this week, in Kettering, after killing the neighbour's cat, the perpetrator cleans away all traces of the crime.
At a funfair in Moscow, the WikiLeaks whistle-blower Edward Snowden makes a rare public appearance.
And despite the criticism of their failings, Belgian security forces are confident of catching another group of suspects.
On Ian's team tonight is a comedian who now has his own sitcom on BBC Three - but we only have his word for that.
Please welcome Josh Widdicombe.
APPLAUSE And with Paul tonight is the leader of the Liberal Democrats, and a committed Christian, who recently said Don't know about God, but that's certainly the voters' plan.
Please welcome Tim Farron MP.
APPLAUSE And we start with the bigger stories of the week.
Paul and Tim, take a look at this, please.
Ah, yes, this is Putin.
There's planes, and there's bombs being dropped - there's the bombs, in black and white.
There's Cameron saying, "This is where I'm going to be hiding.
" Yes, so it's the real world's attempts to frighten the bejesus out of us again by these Russians having had a plane shot down by Turkey, but it hasn't led to another world war yet.
There's sanctions - and whenever you hear the word "sanctions", that's always a relief.
How have the Turkish defended their actions? Oh, they've released the warnings.
They've released the tape.
They have - they've released an audio recording which apparently shows Turkish air forces warning the Russian planes.
A voice is heard saying in English Well, it's a fencing championship.
Bizarre, isn't it? Do you think Turkey's actions were an overreaction? WellI wouldn't have done it.
Does Russia have any history of violating other countries' air space? TIM: Not that I'm aware of.
Don't worry, you're not going to be Prime Minister just yet.
Not yet, not yet.
I think you're safe with an opinion for aa while.
How long? Ah.
So far, Russia's response has been more restrained than we might have thought.
According to the Mirror Because Really? I just get Nectar points on mine.
But, um LAUGHTER Now, Putin's released pictures of his new multimillion-pound, three-storey war room in Moscow, from where he directs Russia's air strikes.
Is that a storey for each world war? Well I hope not - do you want to have a look at it? Yeah, go on, then.
JOSH: Why is Putin in, like If that was a theatre, he hasn't even paid to be in the stalls.
That is the exact set of Spectre.
I know I'm slightly obsessed by this film, but Can't get over the fact that once again you were passed over for the role of LAUGHTER .
Miss Moneypenny.
And the Turkish leader, Erdogan, has been talking tough.
Do you want to see him talking tough?Yeah! We would.
Let's have a look, then.
HE SPEAKS TURKISH IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE It's nice to hear the Bee Gees' influence, still, in modern politics.
It's difficult to pick a team, isn't it? It's impossible at the moment.
There is someone that can help us, and you will be pleased to welcome her into the fold.
This is Sun columnist and former Tory MP, Louise Mensch, everybody.
Excellent! Is she here? No, sheThank God! Well, she has something to say about the developing situation.
She wrote And goes on to say As she said from her concrete bunker.
So, thank you for that, Louise.
I mean, it is all getting a bit complicated in Syria.
Shall we play a game of Goodie Or Baddie? ALL: Yes! Right, well, I'll say the name of a group involved in Syria and you tell me if they are a goodie or a baddie.
Let's start with Turkey, OK - goodie or baddie? Ooh.
BUZZER Ian? Both.
JOSH: Oh, very clever! Yeah Does slightly ruin the game, doesn't it? But then, that's what diplomacy is all about! Well, look, let's start with this, OK, so they're a member of Nato, so that makes them goodies.
But they bomb the Kurds.
Yes, but they've been bombing Kurds, so that makes them baddies, that's right.
But they are against Assad and support the Syrian opposition - goodies.
But then they shot down a Russian plane, Russia are our new allies - baddies.
But then they warned the Russians not enter their airspace, so maybe that was justified - goodies.
But they've been allowing Isis fighters and arms shipments to travel through their territory, so that makes them baddies.
Boo! This game hasn't really turned out to be as much fun as I thought.
What's the score now? Is that 4-3? I'll tell you what we'll do next, it's Tim Brooke-Taylor - Goodie or baddie? How has David Cameron argued in favour of air strikes this week? Keeps us safer, he said.
He did say that.
What's the Lib Dem position on air strikes against Islamic State in Syria, then? If it's legal and it's effective, then, you know, you consider it.
I think it's probably legal.
Are we sure it's going to be effective? We're basing a lot of this on, you know, stuff we don't really know, and it's a big deal when you're voting to send people's kids to war.
And the Prime Minister's saying, "Trust me.
""I'm a politician.
" "Cos very recently, I suggested going into Syria on the other side, "To bomb Assad.
A year later, "I'm saying exactly the opposite.
" But he DOES want to bomb Syria.
We're sure of that.
A different bit this time.
APPLAUSE What's Jeremy Corbyn done now? He's been writing letters.
He has.
Was Jeremy Corbyn's letter just from his mum, saying, "Jeremy can't come to Cabinet today"? He's written letters to all of his MPs.
I don't need to bother doing that, I can just talk to them, coswe're that close together.
He's written a letter to all his MPs saying that he cannot vote for the air strikes, or whatever it's going to be.
How's it gone down with his Shadow Cabinet? It's bombed.
He was accused of And a Shadow Cabinet member said Why are they particularly so annoyed with him? They keep talking about collective responsibility in the Cabinet - the Shadow Cabinet.
Sorry! How ridiculous! The Shadow Cabinet coming to agreements about things, and then he just makes announcements.
Yeah, he just doesn't consult anyone.
I thought a lot of them were ringing you up and saying, "Can I come and join your party?" The latter bit might not be true, but the first bit's true.
What, there are a lot of them ringing you up? They did, a little while ago.
I think they're just fuming to each other.
JOSH: And what are they saying? They're saying how sad they are that their party is left of centre now.
Are you working at the Samaritans? It kind of I feel that that is my role.
If US coalition and Russia fail to rid the world of Isis, which unlikely hero can we rely on to do the job instead? Is it Hillary Clinton?No.
It's US stay-at-home mom Linda Glocke.
Nice and smiley, isn't she, Linda Glocke? Yes, lovely.
Yes, nice and smiley, isn't she? She posted on a social media site Well, thank goodness someone's stepped up to the plate.
Now, meanwhile, the Mafia has warned Isis to stay out of New York.
Oh, right! Giovanni Gambino, a Mafia boss's son, said Now, The Sun caused controversy with one of their front pages this week.
What did they do?Print the truth? They printed a poll.
I think it was their contribution to keeping everyone calm.
"One in five Muslims have sympathy for jihadis.
" Then it turned out, this isn't actually what the polling organisation asked.
They didn't mention the word "jihadis" and there was some quibble about whether it was sympathy for or sympathy with, they didn't take a very large poll, I mean, all of this is going to be a big surprise to you, but this bit of Sun journalism wasn't very well done.
How did they even take that poll? If someone rang me up and said, "Can I just check if you've got sympathy for Isis?" I'd presume they were trying to recruit me! Right, now, Tim, do you think The Sun should apologise? Because they apologised to you once, didn't they? Oh, they apologised because they got my name wrong.
Because obviously, absolutely everyone knows who I am(!) So, unforgivably, they got me mixed up with Michael Fallon, who is the Defence Secretary, so he gets my post and he gets to speak to South Ribble Young Liberals, and I get his post and I have the Trident codes.
So that's great.
Let's just get back to The Sun's apology, because unsurprisingly, it was a bit sarcastic.
Now, with the attacks in Paris and everything kicking off in Syria, it's good to know that our army will be keeping us safe.
Who knows what Captain Coward's been up to this week? Unfortunate name, I grant you Anyone?He's not a cartoon character? He is a real person? No, it's a woman, Claptain Claptain? She's got the clap as well Captain Clare Coward's got the clap - what a great poem that would be.
She hasn't, I'm sorry, Clare! I think alliteration is no defence in law.
Captain Clare Coward of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers sent a 400 word e-mail to junior officers, complaining about their poor performance when it comes to supplying coffee and biscuits to senior commanders.
She wrote It's a sign of pomposity, really, isn't it? To devote that much effort to pink wafers.
It is.
I've never liked the pink wafer, I think it's misleading.
Yeah, what type of biscuit is that? Yeah, it's just all pink wafer, there's nothing else! If you don't like pink wafer, that's it.
I mean, with a Jaffa Cake, there's some sort of surprise in the middle.
Well, not a surprise when you have more than one, but Does anyone here actually enjoy eating pink wafers? SEVERAL PEOPLE: Yes! See? Nobody.
I like them! Well, you'll eat anything that's got a cake on it, won't you? Anything that's got a cake on it, or a CAPE on it? A cape? I'd eat Batman.
Would you?Yeah.
So, this is the continuing mess in Syria.
David Cameron has been trying to persuade MPs to support air strikes.
He's embarking on a high-risk strategy involving himself in a civil war with fanatical factions fighting each other to topple an unpopular leader.
But what can he do? He needs those Labour votes.
MAN LAUGHS DISTINCTLY LAUGHTER You were told not to bring pets into the audience! According to the Guardian, Ed Miliband this week said Well, if anyone knows - it's not him.
Ian and Josh, take a look at this.
It's another budget.
Um "Where have they hidden?" And that's the new rapid reaction police force.
That's the last time you could afford to buy a house.
Yeah, George Osborne's done a U-turn in his autumn speech.
Everything he said he was going to do, he hasn't done.
So he's not going to cut the police, he's not going to cut tax credits, there's plenty of money for the armed forces, plenty of money for the SAS, money for everything What you got? What you want? It's-it's an extraordinary U-turn.
I mean, presumably, he He was watching this programme when there was some mild criticism .
of his initial budget, and he's come to his senses.
Do you think, Paul, that's cos you had a chat with Jacob Rees-Mogg about it last week, and it's had some effect on him? He's gone and I don't think anything from the 21st century could have any effect on Jacob Rees-Mogg whatsoever.
If I was sitting here wearing a periwig, I might have got through to him.
Well, according to the Mirror, he But whose victory was it, really? Because quite a few people were claiming it TIM: Definitely me.
Hey!Thank you very much.
It was a vote in the Lords It was.
And it was a lot of your lot.
It was our Lords who voted against it, to scrap it.
So I think we can claim at least as much credit as the Mirror.
APPLAUSE How did Labour press home their advantage? This is the less happy bit of the story.
He got out Chairman Mao's Little Red Book, the Shadow Chancellor Yes, John McDonnell, he did.
It was meant to be a joke.
It was him saying, "You know, you've sold a lot "of Britain to China, this is how they're going to deal with you.
" But he didn't think - for the vast majority of people, they'd be thinking, "Oh, you're a former Communist "and you're now waving Chairman Mao's book around.
" So then he threw the book across the chamber and Osborne - I do hate to say this - came up with a joke.
He said, "Ah, it's your personally-signed copy.
" LAUGHTER You see, you're laughing at a Tory Chancellor.
That's how bad things have got in this country.
How's George Osborne managing to do all this, when he was saying, only a few weeks ago, that huge cuts were necessary? The day before, someone said, "You have an extra 27 billion.
" Largely coming from tax - which is the other way to raise money, apart from cutting spending.
I like the description of him as the "lucky Chancellor".
I mean, unbelievably lucky.
Yes, but he's still going to cut 12 billion from welfare.
So he just hasn't said yet where he is taking that from.
It might be from you, madam.
Who knows? None of us know.
That would be better, wouldn't it? Just pick on one person.
Everyone else I think if you put that to the country and said, "There's 12 billion.
Do you want to share it out between you? "Or one of you takes the hit?" Can I vote for Andrew Lloyd Webber? CHEERING AND APPLAUSE He can take it.
I know.
What's George Osborne's big plan? What's his big plan? Yeah.
Become leader.
Yeah, become leader of the Conservative Party.
Move from number 11 to number 10 and not hold that red box up any more.
Yeah, that and to get the debt down.
At the moment Does anyone know how much it is at the moment? It's about a trillion.
It's 1.
56 trillion and rising.
Look, here it is counting up, see JOSH: Oh, my God.
TIM: Seems to be going quicker.
JOSH: Someone needs to stop him, it's still going! We should have that above Trafalgar Square.
Can we have Andrew Lloyd Webber handcuffed next to it? Every time it goes past, like, another million, he gets a slap.
APPLAUSE And what did George Osborne promise individual taxpayers? A kiss.
Everyone will have their own online personal tax account, to file their tax return over the internet.
I won't.
You will.
No, I don't have any access to the internet.
Do you not? I don't have a mobile phone.
I know, just like everybody else, Now it's just you and Jacob Rees-Mogg, isn't it? He's got a clockwork one.
How did Robert Peston cover the Autumn Statement on his last Ten O'Clock News? He song and danced it, didn't he? Came down some steps in a top hat, twirling cane Silver-topped cane # The news is breaking tonight! # Osborne says it's all right He's the Chancellor, I'm You know, you knowYeah.
I was really excited to see how far that was going to go.
I shouldn't have I was trying to rhyme Chancellor and I backed out of it.
I'll show you my pecker, I'm from the Exchequer! Now, we mustn't forget Ukip in all this.
What did single, solitary, powerless Ukip MP Douglas Carswell say about the Autumn Statement? Ooh, I don't remember.
He pointed out that Apparently, they've spent To be fair, that's a lot of corks.
Apparently, you can sometimes do a Nigel Farage impression, is that right? I once did a Nigel Farage impression.
Did it go down well?Well, it was me v Clegg in the warm-ups for the Nick v Nige things last year.
All I did was make stuff up, which is what he does.
Turned up in a purple tie, drank quite a lot - brilliant.
Ian, do you have any political impressions you'd like to give us? He's got a good Pitt the Younger.
He's doing it now, that's it now.
And this is Pitt the Elder I had a go at doing political impressions - it didn't go very well, so I've I gave them up.
Who'd you do? Er, Tony BennOK.
But I can only do Tony Benn singing Alesha Dixon.
AS TONY BENN: # Does she wash up? # She never washes up Does she brush up? No, she never brushes up.
Can I kill this fly? Yeah, it's really Can't we negotiate first? I'll just ring the UN.
Has it gone over your airspace? En garde! En garde?! And so to Round Two, the Scrambler of News.
Buzz when you know what it is.
BUZZ Oh, this is the boy who I saw this, which is why I'm able to press the button and answer with some authority.
He was singing the Australian national anthem but he got a bout of hiccups so he sort of hiccupped his way through it.
AUDIENCE: Aww! But, no, it's OK because he got severely punished for it.
No, everybody found it very amusing, I think some of the players found it quite amusing as well.
Shall we have a look? Let's have a look.
Australians all let us rejoice HE HICCUPS # For we are young and free We've gol HE HICCUPS .
soil and wealth HE HICCUPS # Our home is girt by sea # Our land abounds in Nature's gifts Of beauty HE HICCUPS Rich and rare HE HICCUPS Aww!Lovely.
His name is Ethan Hall.
What happened after the performance? He was chased out of town.
Well, despite his unfortunate dilemma, he bravely carried on AUDIENCE: Aww! Yeah.
And in other sports news, why has Seb Coe given up his ambassadorial role with Nike? Cos it's all very murky, isn't it? Because they gave the International Athletics World Championships to a city that I've never even heard of.
TIM: Eugene.
JOSH: Eugene.
Yeah, I'd never heard of this place.
Eugene, Oregon.
Isn't that an opera by Tchaikovsky? It's the centre of Nike's business.
Have you ever bought a Nike product, Ian? Yes, I have a number of their waistcoats.
LAUGHTER Do you know how much they were employing Seb for? It was over a zillion pounds.
It was �100,000 a year as a brand ambassador.
Why had these suspicions been raised? There was no bidding process, it was just awarded to them.
People think that Seb, in his role as ambassador, might have said to himself as vice-president, "Why don't we give the Championships to this town?" - whose major employer pays you �100,000 a year.
TIM: That's ridiculous, that would never have happened.
So, anyway, he's had to resign.
How did Seb Coe help fund his presidential campaign for the presidence The presen JO MUMBLES How did Seb Coe help fund Are you on something? I'm on menopausal ladies' heroin.
I don't know if you know that, folks, it's lovely.
It's called Solpadeine Plus Soluble and, crikey, does it give an old lady a bit of awhooh! I'm not even being paid to advertise it.
No, you're a brand ambassador.
I don't really want to be a brand ambassador for Solpadeine Plus.
You can't stop talking about it, though, can you? And on the theme of allegedly corrupt men in sport, what has Sepp Blatter been up to this week? We surely don't have to say "allegedly" with Blatter.
Even he doesn't believe he's innocent.
He keeps having panic attacks, doesn't he? He told Swiss TV channel RTS Although I suspect he was slightly closer towards the fire of the devil.
That's hell of a symptoms to go into your doctor with, isn't it? "Just two paracetamol, see if it gets rid of it.
" You know what I'd be recommending.
Anyway, moving on.
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE Sticking with football, what extreme lengths has this man gone to to ensure his son supports his team, Millwall? Oh, well, it's one of those things where he's named him after every player in the Millwall team.
Well, yeah, not quite every player, it is along those lines.
He's named him And his nickname is "Poor littleBLEEP".
The joke's on him, because Bloomfield Road is Blackpool's home ground.
So I bet he's laughing about that! "Oh, unlucky!" I saw that one quite early.
What an idiot.
Bloomfield! I was on London Bridge once and there were about 50 Millwall fans on the other platform and one of them saw me and shouted, "Oi, Hislop! Wanker!" And they all started running up the bridge to come over to the other side.
I thought I was going to die.
I had the devils of fire here and angels here.
What did you do? Solpadeine?I LAUGHTER Sorry, I'm going to stop doing it.
What did you do?I ran really fast.
JOSH: Did you? Yeah.
Lucky you had your Nikes on.
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE How did Mike Bloomfield convince his wife, Kellie, to go along with the name? Rohypnol? Did he not tell her they were Millwall related? Yes, he didn't ask her, actually.
According to the Metro She was pretty angry at first, but has since come round to the name, saying Fingers on buzzers, teams.
BUZZ That's the hole that the potential thieves drilled under Hatton Garden.
It is.
Potential thieves? Well I mean, that's cautious, isn't it? I reserve my judgment, they might've just been lost.
It was the Dad's Army kind of criminal gang, wasn't it? They hid the jewels under a gravestone or something, is that right? No, that was Scooby-Doo.
Can I just stress that four people have pleaded guilty and four people are on trial? Two of those standing trial have been described as Shocking.
If it turns out they did it, I'll never trust a second-hand car dealer again.
Didn't they discuss it in the pub? They had all their meetings on a Friday night in the pub.
Well, we've all made plans like that on a Friday night in the pub.
But they carried it out, you see.
That's what I like about them.
That's what makes Britain great.
Britain's plucky pensioners.
How did the eldest ringleader, Brian Reader, otherwise known as .
or .
get to the raid? He got public transport, didn't he? TIM: Oh, he used his Oyster.
He used his Oyster card, that's right, to jump on the bus The other way they caught him is the next day, he put �4 billion on the Oyster card.
In other crime news, what did two car thieves from Virginia discover when they stole a car this week? That neither of them could drive.
They actually found JOSH: Ooh! And what did the two community-minded car thieves do? Cracked the window open, closed it back and left it.
No, before stealing the car, they ALL: Aww! This is the start of the Hatton Garden jewellery trial.
Four men who have pleaded guilty have an average age of 68.
The raid didn't go to plan, as when they finally reached the basement, they forgot what they'd come downstairs for in the first place.
Time now for the Odd One Out round.
Ian and Josh, your four are: Ronaldinho, Republican candidate for President Carly Fiorina, Jimmy Nail and Zimbabwe's Mison Sere.
Ronaldinho is obviously a footballer.
I think he had dental work done recently.
Because he has always famously had kind of rabbitty teeth, is that the description? That's not the description.
It's that kind of abuse that's made him have to change his teeth! Jimmy Nail is ugly.
Donald Trump was rude to her.
He described her as ugly, is that right? Correct, that is right.
Oh, Mison Sere looks like he's in one of those gurning competitions, or one of those things.
Are we on the right lines? Yes, you are, it is an ugly question.
Three of them have been described as ugly And the other one describes himself as ugly.
Yes, which one? That person is MiserMison Sere.
Well, you are pretty much there.
He is Zimbabwean, he's the odd one out because he won the country's annual Mr Ugly competition this week.
However, the competition ended in uproar when Mison's rivals claimed he was too handsome.
He's just got terrible teeth, that's all! Well, that's right, because people specifically criticised the fact that his ugliness Well, let's move on to Carly Fiorina.
Donald Trump recently said of his female Republican rival A comment so crass that even his hair tried to distance itself from him.
Now, Jimmy Nail, according to the Mail, he had his show, Crocodile Shoes, rejected from Brazilian TV because his face was considered too ugly for Brazilians to look at.
And as far as Ronaldinho is concerned, Real Madrid President Florentino Perez told Spanish newspaper El Pais Who did Madrid sign instead? David Beckham.
Indeed they did.
Florentino said of him, "Just look at how handsome Beckham is" Um Did I get it?I'm not sure.
You certainly didn't give a warning! No.
Ronaldinho is actually a nickname, meaning Little Ronaldo.
He was forced to use a nickname to differentiate himself from the many other players called Ronaldo in Brazil.
What was team-mate Roberto Carlos' witty solution to having two Ronaldos in the squad? Ronaldo and Ronaldon't? Yeah, I would have liked that, but he just said Footballers are lovely, aren't they? They have all been accused of being too ugly, apart from Zimbabwe's Mr Ugly, Mison Sere, who has been accused of being too handsome.
Here he is with his winning smile.
I still would, though.
Real Madrid refused to sign Ronaldinho because their marketing department thought he was too ugly, which also explains the controversial signing of left-back Jennifer Lopez.
Paul and Tim, here are yours.
Ben Carson, the Ken doll, Kanye West and Tom Cruise.
They haven't all had a doll made? It's someone they've all been portrayed as.
JOSH: Is it Jesus? Yes, it is.
Cos Kanye West called his album Yeezus, didn't he? That's right.
Perhaps they're all Jesus.
They're all Jesus.
Except him.
He's a scientologist.
Well done.
You did almost get it.
The answer is they've all been depicted as Jesus, apart from Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, who was depicted in a painting with Jesus, which hangs on his wall.
That's not Jesus, that's Wolf from Gladiators.
Now as far as Tom Cruise is concerned, the Biblewalk Museum in Ohio houses a series of waxworks of various celebrities, all recycled so they represent characters from the Bible.
Here, for example, is a recycled Tom Cruise as Jesus.
On the left.
Let's play a little game.
I'll show you a religious waxwork and you have to tell me which celebrity it originally was.
First off, King Solomon.
Vanessa Feltz.
That's John Travolta.
It is John Travolta, Ian.
Brilliant work.
Next up, this rather dapper-looking angel.
Prince Philip.
It's Prince Philip.
So who wants to go to that museum? Nobody.
Rapper and famous prat Kanye West has often equated himself with Jesus, and was depicted as the son of God on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine.
Ken doll was actually part of an exhibition in Buenos Aires in which Barbie and Ken adopted various religious guises.
Here's Ken.
And here he is doing "suggestive shepherd".
LAUGHTER Some collectors have invested a lot in the Ken as Jesus doll, only to be disappointed - they put him away safely in the sealed box, but when they go back to check on it three days later, the box is empty except for the robes, which have been left neatly folded up.
Let's stay with religion, but go somewhere else with it.
Why have some 12th-century monks from Glastonbury been outed as lying bastards this week? Because they were really from the 13th century? Well, archaeologists from the University of Reading have concluded that many of the myths around Glastonbury Abbey were in fact made up by This isn't news! There was a particularly good documentary, fronted by Oh! Um .
myself, which, um discussed exactly this question.
What did they do, like, a kind of 12th-century insurance job? No, they went for a dig and they said, "My goodness, we've found the bones of King Arthur and Guinevere "in the cemetery - unbelievable good luck!" Did they then go to a car park in Leicester and find that king? Well, not only did they say that Arthur and Guinevere were buried there, they said that Jesus visited Glastonbury as a boy.
He couldn't get in over the fence, though, could he? The headline act was a middle-aged Mick Jagger.
Finally, what happens if you're a high-ranking Russian Orthodox priest and you can't get into a car because you've got a big hat on? Do you want to see?Yes.
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE Oh, that is brilliant.
Time now for the Missing Words round, which this week features as its guest publication The Business Of Ferrets, the magazine of the Wessex Ferret Club.
It's for people who think rats just aren't long enough.
And we start with Is it excessive use of sunbed? Thinking.
APPLAUSE It's Next Tunnel-building programme.
It's A very gullible governor! "Now, you'd better be back by six o'clock!" This is at a Nottingham prison.
Rambling is offering a new form of exercise to prison inmates, where they go on long walks and reminisce about showbiz in the '70s.
Next High-powered jet engine.
JOSH: Is it very low bridge? It is This is a woman pictured in The Sun on Thursday.
Here she is.
How come the blind man is looking straight at her? Is he entitled to that dog? If she's on her way to Dragons' Den, I don't fancy her chances.
Next Shoving a cucumber through a letterbox.
Did he squeeze himself through the letterbox? Oh, dear me.
Extraordinary image you create.
Overly enthusiastic This is a delivery man who tried to throw a parcel through a window but missed and it landed on the roof of the house.
The driver then posted an official card through the letterbox, which said Before adding by hand Here it is.
A spokesman for the delivery firm said You'll find them in the chimney pot.
Next TIM: Quite difficult for ferrets because they've got short arms.
Is it a poor man's backgammon? I think you'll be surprised by this.
Is it scrotum-squeezing is key to my success, says Joe Pasquale? Scrotum-squeezing is What?! I know, this is so weird, the Paralympics is set to get tough on scrotum-squeezing, as athletes have been risking their lives to gain an advantage of up to 10%, as the bizarre practice tricks the brain into giving them more power and adrenaline.
Even more if they're your own.
I mean, who's heard of that, anyone? Sorry, I'm just experimenting, hang on Any more power? No, nothing so far.
RAPIDLY: Come on, let's get to the next bit of the quiz, what have we got? And finallyYeah, final, yeah.
Appear to have been radicalised.
At the National Ferret Fair That's good advice, isn't it, really?It is.
It is good advice.
Weirdly, this is from The Business Of Ferrets.
A ferret with diarrhoea - that's two things you don't want running down your trousers.
So the final scores are, Paul and Tim have four, but Ian and Josh are this week's winners with six.
APPLAUSE Very sorry.
All my fault.
Just before we go, there's just time for the Caption Competition.
Ian and Josh have this.
JOSH: Is he saying, "So according to Tinder, "you like dogs and horse riding"? Paul and Tim get that.
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE You can say no more.
I've probably said enough already.
I leave you with news that there's embarrassment at Tate Modern after their catering staff accidentally win the Turner Prize.
At a European summit, the Greek Prime Minister suggests he could save money by sharing a hotel room.
And in Jerusalem, an interpreter is a little slow arriving at the translation "goat's testicle".
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