12 Monkeys (2015) s01e80 Episode Script

The Witness

What is a plague? An epidemic, that lays waste to all in its way.
Time is the true plague.
A plague devours live, leaving only a memory.
But what if we could stop time? What if you could end the destruction? Death itself would become the memory.
We carry on because of those memories.
The Witness knows this.
He's our enemy.
He will save us.
By destroying us.
- He is our savior.
- A murderer.
- The one we love.
- The one we fear.
- It is his will.
- That we must stop.
So we may live forever in the Red Forest.
And undo the damages that he has caused.
- The Witness knows - I know - That he will - Must not Prevail.

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