24 s01e22 Episode Script

9:00 P.M.-10:00 P.M.

Right now terrorists are plotting to assassinate a presidential candidate.
My wife and daughter have been targeted and people that I work with may be involved in both.
I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and today is the longest day of my life.
No! No! And now, I'm proud to present the future President of the United States Senator David Palmer! Congratulations, David.
Hey, we did it.
You know, this is our victory.
And when we started out they said the country wasn't ready.
They said it couldn't be done.
That it would never happen.
Well, here we are.
Still standing tall.
And when we look back at this amazing time we can all say that we were a part of history.
We can all say that we did our part to make this world a better place.
And, God willing, our children and our children's children will reap the benefits of the seeds we sow right now.
Nina, it's me.
Jack, where are you? I'm with Andre and Victor Drazen.
What do you mean? Where? Nina, just listen to me.
I'm being held hostage.
The reason I'm calling is Victor wants confirmation that his son Alexis is still alive.
Well, he's in the hospital.
I can try to get through to his room.
Okay, do it.
Okay, hold on.
Tony, get me the hospital.
I need Alexis Drazen on line 2.
Just spoke to the backup team.
Drazen escaped.
I want a net over that entire area.
I want 1-mile, 3-mile and We know.
We got Jack on the line.
He's with Victor Drazen now.
What? Nina, got Alexis Drazen.
Transfer it.
Who is this? Hold on.
Alexie? Father.
Where are you? Did you get out? Alexie, what happened? What have they done to you? You.
You always said that I would get in trouble with women.
You were right.
Forgive me, Father I have failed you.
You have not failed.
You are alive, I am free.
Hold on, Alexie.
We will be together soon.
No, Papa, you go without me.
I'm not going to make it.
You will make it! Be strong! Tell me you could do this! Yeah, Papa.
I have something to say to the rest of you.
I am willing to trade the life of Jack Bauer for that of my son.
Drazen, this is George Mason.
I'm the acting head of the CTU but I don't have the authority to make that trade.
If you do not have the authority, you are not the head of anything.
Talk to your superiors.
We will call back in 15 minutes.
Be ready to respond without qualification.
And let me remind you that when I was 10 points behind in the polls I told you I had a plan.
That on this date we were going to celebrate, party nomination in hand.
Well, promise delivered.
This campaign has been an uphill battle.
I'm not going to be able to go to Dallas with David tomorrow.
Why not? I committed to a National Youth Service Day event here in LA.
That's okay, I can reschedule.
No, Patty, I don't want you to reschedule.
David and I could use a couple of days apart but I don't want him to feel alone, okay? Whatever you want.
Because for us, doing the right thing is the only thing to do.
You talked to Chappelle? Yeah.
No trade.
What? This whole Victor Drazen thing is a big embarrassment for them.
If they do a trade, it's an admission he's alive.
That the D.
's been keeping him here secretly and on top of that, they let him escape.
So they're just going to sacrifice Jack? He's like all the rest of us, expendable.
Is that what you think? Doesn't matter what I think.
I don't think he walks on water the way you do but I don't want to see him hung out to dry either.
Nina, I tried.
Without the trade, how are they going to locate Drazen? My guess is they won't even try.
They'll let him out of the country and pick him up in Europe.
If we do the trade, then we know where he is.
You're preaching to the choir.
That's what I just said to Chappelle.
They don't want to draw attention to the situation.
End of story.
So, that's it? We just go back to work and let Jack die? What can I say? Nothing.
Nina, shouldn't Kim be here by now? They just left the police station.
I mean, she should be here soon.
I never did hear what happened with her.
She was arrested by mistake.
Listen, Teri, Kim's fine.
That's not the problem.
What do you mean? What's going on? It's confirmed.
Jack's been captured.
He's being held hostage.
We're doing everything we can to bring him back, but-- Wait.
What do they want? It's hard to say.
Well, tell me what you know.
This guy Drazen wants to trade Jack for his son, Alexis, who we have.
Then, he'll be okay, right? No.
The government won't make the trade.
What do you mean they won't trade? How are they going to get Jack back? They're not.
Jack's on his own.
I'm sorry.
There can be no flaws, and it must be done soon.
I don't care how much it costs, how many men you need.
We're out of here by midnight.
Call me back.
Let me know.
There! My good, good friend.
I never thought I would see you again.
How is your family? Eager to see you.
Is everything prepared? Yes.
Please come in.
Victor, I would like you to meet my daughter, Mila.
- Mila, right.
- Hello.
How beautiful.
Thank you.
Just like your mother.
Yeah, but she got my temper.
No good.
That is no good.
We have some fresh clothes for you whenever you are ready.
To you and your family.
Would you like something to eat, Jack? No.
It doesn't make any sense.
How does letting a senior CTU agent die help keep Victor Drazen out of the news? I'm busy.
Can Nina help you now? No.
I'm talking to you right now.
I'll call you right back, all right? You are not going to let my husband die.
No one is going to let Jack die.
We just can't go through with the trade right now.
There's no difference.
Without your help, he doesn't have a chance.
With an ordinary agent, I'd agree with you.
Jack has a Special Forces background.
I've seen him do the impossible.
Stop patronizing me.
You've been doing it all night.
Just tell me what you are prepared to do to help my husband.
I'll stop patronizing you.
I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
I'm going to call up Division and ask them to reconsider one more time.
And they're going to say no.
And that'll be the end of it.
Anything else? Nina, I'm asking you, as someone who cares about Jack we cannot just stand by and watch him die.
I know.
I agree.
I'm already doing something about it.
What do you mean? What are you doing? I think there's someone who could help Jack.
It's not exactly procedure, so I can't talk about it.
You're just going to have to trust me.
Okay? Patty.
This is the lady you should be complimenting.
We were just talking about you.
Oh, really? Yes.
They loved the speech tonight.
Among other things, Patty's the brain trust behind most of my public addresses.
Excuse me.
Nina Myers at CTU.
- Excuse me.
I have to take this.
- Sure.
Nice to meet you.
This is David Palmer.
Senator, thank you for taking my call.
What can I do for you, Ms.
Myers? Jack's in trouble.
He needs your help.
What kind of trouble? There's no time to tell you everything.
Let me just give you the headline.
Victor Drazen is alive.
What do you mean, he's alive? That's all we know.
The U.
government held him prisoner until about an hour ago.
What happened an hour ago? He escaped.
He's taken Jack hostage.
He's willing to trade Jack for his son Alexis.
What's the DOD's response? They're refusing to get directly involved.
Who knows you contacted me? No one.
Who's actually talking to Drazen? George Mason.
Tell me about him.
Normally, he's by the book, but he's very ambitious and political.
Look, I'm going to make a few calls first.
Where can I reach Mason? Here at CTU.
He's in Jack's office.
All right.
Thank you, Senator.
Are you sure? Okay.
What's up? Kim's car was hit.
Two cops are down.
She was taken.
- What? - Yeah.
Was there any communication? Any witnesses? They're working it up now.
All right, let me know what you find.
Tony, I'm going to need to talk to you in a few minutes.
- Tony? - What? Are you all right? No.
We've got a problem.
Any word on Kim? - I was just about to check.
- She should be here any minute, right? Yeah.
Teri, I'm sorry.
Do you mind waiting in the conference room? Sure.
What's going on? They grabbed Kim again.
What? It must have been Drazen.
The patrol car she was riding in was hit.
I don't believe this.
Are you going to tell her? Mason.
I have Senator Palmer on the line for you.
Put him through.
Senator Palmer, this is George Mason.
It's an honor to speak to you.
I want you to reverse your orders on the Bauer-for-Drazen trade.
I'm not sure how much information you have about this but this is agency business.
With all due respect, it doesn't fall under the Senate's purview.
As you know, your entire agency falls under Presidential purview.
And in nine months, I will be in that office.
I'm not sure if that's meant to tempt or threaten me.
It doesn't matter either way.
I don't have the authority to pull the trigger on this one.
From what I'm told, Mr.
Mason that authority is something you'd like to have.
What's that supposed to mean? Act on your own prerogative, go through with the trade.
You'll be reprimanded, possibly even demoted.
So far it sounds great.
Within the first month of my term I will instate you in a high-level position in Washington.
You'll bypass five years of middle management.
And if you don't get elected? That won't happen.
Think about it, George.
Transportation's been arranged.
There were problems with last-minute changes? It's going to cost more.
It's going to cost more.
How much? $200,000.
You should try, Jack, the borek.
It is wonderful.
Do you need anything else? No.
Everything is perfect.
My father told me to take good care of you.
The service was impeccable.
And my compliments to the chef.
Thank you.
It was my mother's recipe.
Drop the weapons! Drop the weapons! Put your weapons down! Put your weapons down, or I'll cut her throat! Drop the weapons! Put them down.
You, too, Victor! Of course.
Drop the weapon! You son of a bitch! One more death for you to atone for, Jack.
How could you do this? What happened? Call CTU now.
Tell them I want your brother Alexis here now! Cuff his hands behind his back.
Keep her father away from here! You're supposed to be watching him! What am I paying you for? Where's Teri? She's in the conference room.
Mason, what have you decided? Mr.
Mason? We're going to do the swap on our terms.
That's an interesting dream.
The swap will take place exactly 30 minutes from now.
The address is 2127 Grand Avenue.
A green SUV will be waiting.
Place my brother inside the vehicle.
What about Jack? When my brother's in position, I'll direct you to Bauer.
You have 29 minutes.
I got it.
2127 Grand Avenue.
It's a repair garage.
Tell Chris Porterfield at LAPD we'll be taking over the streets in that area for the next two hours.
Where are you going? To the hospital to get Alexis.
He just got stabbed in the stomach today.
They won't let him out.
They're going to have to.
No, don't worry.
My name's not going to be even close to this.
This conversation has to end right here between us.
I agree.
- Okay, then.
- Look, I've got to get back.
- We're clear? - Yeah.
There you are.
David, where have you been? I had to make some calls.
Just in case you haven't noticed, everyone is here to see you.
You need to make an impression, not phone calls.
I know what I have to do.
Do you really? Don't talk down to me, Sherry, I don't like it.
I hope this weakness you've shown today is because you missed a night's sleep and you'll be back on your game tomorrow.
Otherwise, we will be buried before this election even happens.
Steven! No, stay.
I'll be over.
Get to work.
Senator, the Wall Street Journal had a couple of questions for you.
I put together some of your past quotes, to help you with it.
I hope that's all right.
Don't you look gorgeous tonight.
You've seen this before.
It's not just the dress.
Thank you.
Patty, I've been thinking.
Since this incident with Keith is out in the open it's going to shift the focus of every interview, every press conference.
I've already started a Q-and-A of all the questions to expect over the next few of days.
Did you talk to Mike about this? Not yet.
I need a little bit more time to prepare.
I'd really like to see whatever you have so far.
Whenever you want.
How about now? Now? Yeah.
Everybody seems to be having a good time.
There's an open bar, and I doubt anyone will even notice that I'm gone.
I doubt that that's true.
In any event, I could use some quiet time.
You stay here.
Just tell me where your notes are.
If you don't mind, I'd rather walk you through it.
It would make more sense to you.
Why don't you meet me upstairs in, say, five minutes? Sure.
My dear friend, it's not what you think.
I have lost my wife and daughter.
And you, both of your brothers and now Mila.
This is what our enemies have done to us.
He would have killed her, and not in a merciful way.
How could you do this? Murderer.
You killed my daughter.
You killed my daughter! You murderer! We have to get out of here.
Kim! Get him in the van.
Get this place cleaned out! Nina, what's happening? Will they help Jack? Yes.
They're going to make the trade.
That's good, isn't it? Do you think he'll be safe? I think so.
Victor wants his son back, so I don't think he'll pull anything.
Thank God.
And when's this going to happen? Mason's already left to pick up Alexis.
That's so good.
I can hardly wait for this to be over.
I think when Jack and Kim arrive I'm just about to collapse in a big heap.
Do you need anything else? Actually, there is one thing.
I know Kim's on her way here but it would make me feel better to speak to her on the phone.
Is there any way that you could patch me through to the police car? We were so busy tracking Jack, I didn't have a chance to check on them.
Let me see if that's possible.
Thank you.
Nina I know it's been a really long day for you, too and I guess I want you to know how much I appreciate your being up-front with me about everything.
I couldn't tell her.
I just couldn't, after everything she's been through.
I understand.
You okay? I just feel like I'm not doing my job.
There's nothing wrong with the way you're doing your job, okay? I mean, ultimately, we're here to try to help people, right? I don't know anybody who does that better than you.
You're welcome.
You have to let my daughter go.
She's got nothing to do with this.
You want me to do something for you, I'll do it, but let my daughter go.
- I'm not-- - After what you've done I should kill you both right now! Don't test me! You're not thinking this through, Andre.
You have a chance to escape with your brother and your father alive.
-You start killing innocents, they'll never-- -Enough! Your best tactic right now, Mr.
Bauer, is to be quiet and let my father rest! Okay.
All I care about with Ferragamo is that the public knows in no uncertain terms, that Carl and the Latham Group were acting outside of our influence.
They will.
Mike has already started setting up interviews with major papers.
He's clearing up some points with your attorney and by the morning you should be able to speak freely.
When did you have time to do all this? In the last couple of hours.
You wrote two speeches for me today.
If I don't help you get into the White House, I'm out of a job.
- Would you care for a glass of champagne? - Sure.
When do you find time for a life? This is my life.
Oh, no.
I mean a boyfriend.
I know, I should get out more.
Yeah, you should.
Here you go.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
What are we drinking to? To taking five minutes off, starting now.
Hear, hear.
Hear, hear.
So, you and Sherry were childhood sweethearts? That's right.
There's never been anyone else? I'm running for President, Patty.
I can't answer that.
Come on.
Are you flirting with me? I don't know.
I think I might be.
This is good.
Tell Mike I want to meet with him on this first thing in the morning.
I want you there.
Call Everly.
Someone from legal should be there.
And, it wouldn't hurt to put in a little more face time downstairs.
I think you might be right.
Shall we? Yes.
Wait here, Father.
If your people deliver my brother as promised, you'll live.
If not, then you'll die here.
A sniper rifle is currently aiming at you.
They await my instructions.
What about my daughter? You'll hear from us when this is over, if you make it that far.
And to dissuade you from wasting valuable time trying to trace I've prepared a scrambled phone.
What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Not yet.
What do you want me to do? - Senator! - Hey, John, thanks for coming.
Hey, Michael, thanks for coming.
Look at you! Don't you look nice.
- Sir.
- Hey, how are you? There you are.
I'd like for you to meet Doctors Bryan Chasin and Darrell Maines from UCLA.
Yes, of course.
You're the gentlemen doing such wonderful work in AlDS research.
Sweetheart, I need to look after something.
- That'll be fine.
-Excuse me.
So, what isn't the government doing for you that we could fix next term? Patty? Hi.
You were upstairs with David, weren't you? Yes.
What happened? - I did what you told me.
- And? I think it's working.
Palmer, I'm not sure where all this is going.
All you need to know is that this is for his own good and for the good of his campaign.
What's the problem, Patty? I thought you liked David.
- This shouldn't be a tough assignment.
- I do like him.
It's just hard for me to deceive him like this.
I understand your hesitation.
But I know my husband better than anybody and he needs someone like you right now.
But it's going to lead to other things, Mrs.
We'll just deal with that when the time comes.
Everyone in position.
Okay, we're here.
Stay outside the perimeter.
Let's just get in and get out.
Here's Alexis.
Where's Jack? - What's wrong with him? - Nothing.
He'll be fine.
Alexis, are you all right? - Yes? - Alexis is hurt.
- How badly? - Worse than we thought.
He's fine.
He'll need a doctor.
I'll have one there when you arrive.
What are we doing here? If you don't follow us, we'll give you Jack's location.
That's unacceptable.
We need to know where Jack is now.
Hold it right there! Move to second position.
We have a problem.
Are you going to shoot me? Maybe you should have taken a few more English lessons.
"Trade" means we get something, too.
I want Jack now, or you're all coming back with us.
We have Jack's daughter.
You must know that by now.
So, what are you saying? We get Jack and his daughter? My English is clear.
You're going to get back Jack as discussed.
- What about the daughter? - It's not my concern.
I need to talk to Drazen.
If you keep holding me here, I can't return Alexis to his father.
We're on a schedule, remember? All right, move back to the perimeter.
We're going to have to let them go.
We'll be waiting to hear from you.
Nina, do you copy? Yeah.
I have him.
As soon as we get Jack, we'll take them down.
Okay, we're standing by.
Damn it! What's wrong? They found the tracker.
We lost them.
Yeah? Just south of the platform, there's a parked car.
If you want to see Kim alive, talk to no one get into it and head towards Century City.
Wait, wait!
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