24 s08e15 Episode Script

Day 8: 6:00A.M. - 7:00A.M.

You know I have the fuel rods.
But I have no desire to harm innocent Americans.
And yet you're threatening them with a bomb.
What I'm asking for is simple.
Turn over President Hassan.
That will never happen.
You have exactly one hour to change your mind.
We have an out here.
I think we should take it.
Give in to the demand to turn over President Hassan? I will not sell him out to the very terrorists that we are determined to defeat.
What are you suggesting? A covert action.
We deliver Hassan to the terrorists, but make it look like they took him hostage.
I'm begging you.
Don't do this.
Don't betray your president.
Ethan? All right.
My God! Call a medic.
We wait to acquire Hassan before calling an ambulance.
Understand? Take the weapon off now! A dirty bomb will be detonated in New York unless we deliver Hassan to the terrorists.
Does the president know about this? She's refusing to deal with the terrorists.
This is General Brucker's operation.
What are you doing? This is on you now.
You have to deliver Hassan to the terrorists.
I don't take orders from anybody but the president of the United States.
Now, move.
Are the Americans handing over Hassan or not? The only information we have is that he's being transported to McGuire Air Force Base.
So, President Taylor doesn't intend to give him up.
- Tarin.
- Yes? The president has not responded.
Start the countdown.
The NYPD will handle hazmat and triage; the National Guard will control the streets; and I've got an army battalion standing by.
Well, a dirty bomb is about to go off in Manhattan, Commander.
I'd plan for mass panic.
Ethan Kanin is dying back there.
We need - to get him medical help.
- We will.
- I mean now.
- No, not until our team completes its mission.
When we have the bomb, then we'll get your friend help.
Madam President.
Carry on.
General, what's our status on the ground? Well, the civilian first responders are positioning for rapid deployment, and we've got army support available as necessary.
At this point, only command level knows we're anticipating a radiological device, but people on the ground are quick to connect the dots.
- Word will get out.
- Yeah.
I'd like to get ahead of that.
I've drafted an address for the networks, Rob; I need you to look at it.
And I'd like Ethan to read it, too.
He wasn't in his office.
Do you know where he is? I'll go find him.
Less than ten minutes.
Dear God, this bomb cannot go off.
I'm sorry, Madam President, but we have to prepare for the worst.
What are the latest casualty figures? Median scenario shows due to the bomb and ensuing panic.
But who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky.
Let me know the second President Hassan arrives.
Yes, ma'am.
This is not right.
My life for so many others.
It's not right.
President Taylor doesn't see it that way.
She knows I would never have gone along with this decision.
That's why she kept me out of it.
You are more than just one life, Omar.
You are the best hope of ending a war that has lasted for decades.
You must understand President Taylor trying to protect that.
This is not acceptable not like this.
Get in here.
Get down.
What are you doing? He's slowing us down.
Don't worry.
He'll be fine.
His injuries aren't lethal.
Jack, I need to talk to you.
What? Hassan isn't happy about Taylor's response to the ultimatum.
Doesn't matter.
It doesn't affect our mission.
He's a head of state, Jack.
Maybe it should.
It's not our call.
If he wants to take it up with President Taylor, he can do it when he sees - Mom! - What? - Throw your gun down.
- Omar, what are you doing? Mr.
Kick it to me.
Omar, have you lost your mind? You, outside! Back up inside! Sir, you do not want to do Just shut up and move it inside! I'm giving you what you want.
Here, take the gun.
Omar, what are you doing? I'm sorry, Dalia.
My life for tens of thousands? - I couldn't live with that.
- Omar, don't.
You can't give yourself up.
I have to.
What if they're lying? What if they blow up the bomb anyway? At least I've tried to stop the attack, and I've failed.
But if I don't even try Father, please.
You stay here with Kayla.
I'll send someone - from our delegation to pick you up.
- No.
I won't leave you.
- Dalia, do as I say.
Do as I say! - If you want me to stay here, then you better lock me in that room because I won't let you walk to your death! - I won't leave you! - Dalia, I said do as I say! - No! - Back in the room! Now! In the room! We've got less than five minutes.
We got to move.
President! Mr.
President, you can't trust him! You can't trust him! Come on.
These people owe you their lives, sir.
You're doing the right thing.
Excuse me.
Do you have the package? Yes.
You're cutting it damn close.
You know that? Yeah, there were complications.
Jack Bauer found out about our operation.
He's no longer a problem.
Casualties? The entire unit.
Everyone but me.
Sir, you need to know that President Hassan is cooperating with us.
He's here by choice.
Well, what are you saying? That he would have given himself up? Yes, sir.
We got to move.
All right.
Stay on the line.
Look at him.
He'll be dead soon if we don't do something.
Yeah, along with half of New York.
Bishop's on the line.
He's got Hassan.
Get ready to make the call.
Bishop, we're live.
You there? - Yes, sir.
- All right, we got less than two minutes.
Do it.
- Yes.
- This is Rob Weiss, President Taylor's chief of staff.
Do you have Hassan? Yes, and we're prepared to make the exchange.
Prove it.
Uh, Bishop, put him on.
He wants to talk to you.
This is President Hassan.
I'm prepared to give myself up if you stop the bomb.
So, President Taylor changed her mind.
She wasn't willing to meet your demands.
I am.
But I need assurances.
- Assurances? - Yeah.
That the exchange will The exchange will happen exactly as you're told.
What you'll do is exactly what I say.
Damn it.
We did what you asked.
Quit stalling.
We're running out of time.
He cut us off.
A minute and a half till the bomb goes off.
Yes? Tarin stop the bomb.
Hassan will be arriving there shortly.
You know what to do.
All right.
Bomb was supposed to go off four minutes ago.
There's no report of an explosion anywhere on the island.
Arlo, what's happening on the ground? Sweep teams are still looking everywhere.
No luck.
According to the deadline we've been given, we're on borrowed time.
The bomb is still out there, still a threat.
We may have caught a break here.
Let's use it.
Chloe, it's Jack.
I need your help.
Reception is terrible.
I can barely hear you.
- Can you hear me now? - Yes.
President Hassan is trying to hand himself over to the terrorists.
That's why the bomb didn't go off.
No one here knows that.
And no one else can until I talk to the president.
What's going on? Chloe, I don't have time to explain.
Please, just contact Tim Woods.
He can get me a clean line to the president.
But no one else can know that I'm calling.
Do you understand? I'll call you right back.
Who was that? Search team.
Requesting updated grid assignments.
Do you need some help? I'll ask if I do.
We're clear! Keep them up here on the landing.
I need you to get them back to President Taylor.
What about you? I'm going to say behind and look for Hassan.
Ma'am, I just got off the phone with CTU.
They're going to help me find your husband.
But right now it's not safe here for you.
I want you and your daughter to continue on to the Air Force Base.
Agent Walker will help you get there.
She can be trusted completely.
Bauer, my father, he did - what he thought was best.
- I know he did.
We're gonna do everything we can to get him back, but right now we need to move.
Let's go.
Jack, he gave himself up willingly.
Maybe we should just let this happen.
I already told you, it's not our call.
President Taylor asked me to protect him.
That's what I'm gonna try and do.
So, please, just get them to the Air Force Base.
Taxi! Come on.
This is Bauer.
I got a secure line.
Chloe, I need you to do something else for me.
I'm on Seventh Avenue between 53rd and 54th.
There's a security camera mid-block.
I want you to see if you can get a feed and roll it back.
President Hassan was standing here less than ten minutes ago.
I'll check.
Seven minutes past the deadline.
Do we have any idea why the bomb didn't go off? No, Madam President.
We're polling our civilian counterparts, trying to determine that.
Maybe it's like you said.
We got lucky.
Well, at the moment it certainly looks that way.
What about President Hassan? When will he arrive? Well, his transport was a Secret Service operation, ma'am.
- I'm not really in the loop.
- I'll look into it.
No, I'd rather you find Ethan.
- I'll page him.
- No, not page him, find him.
I need him here.
Yes, ma'am.
- Madam President? - Yes? It's an urgent call from Homeland for you.
Excuse me.
This is President Taylor.
Madam President, this is Jack Bauer.
Please don't say my name or react openly to what I'm about to tell you.
President Hassan is no longer in my custody.
He got away and he's trying to hand himself over to the terrorists.
That's why the bomb didn't detonate.
I'm afraid I don't understand.
Madam President, you're being betrayed by General Brucker.
40 minutes ago we were attacked by mercenaries under his command.
Go on.
We managed to fight off the attack, but President Hassan turned himself over to one of them in an effort to stop the bomb from going off.
As we speak, they're preparing to hand him over to the terrorists.
I'm assuming that that is still something that is unacceptable to you.
That is correct.
Madam President, General Brucker is in charge of this operation.
He's in communication with the terrorists.
I need to know where the exchange is gonna take place.
- Ma'am, you need to confront him now.
- I understand.
As soon as you have anything, please contact CTU.
I will.
Thank you, ma'am.
Come with me, please.
Chloe, it's Jack.
You still there? - I'm here.
- What do you got? Got the security camera feed you were talking about.
Hassan got into a black SUV at 6:08 with one other guy.
That's got to be the merc he handed himself over to.
They were headed west on 53rd Street.
I was able to trace them until they turned north - on 10th Avenue.
- Okay, good work.
Redirect the satellites to the Upper West Wide.
I'm on my way.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop! Hey! Hey! Hey! What now? Who's this? Listen carefully.
Hand the phone to the driver.
It's you, isn't it? Hand it to him now.
He wants to talk to you.
It's Bishop.
Okay, Bishop, this is what you need to do.
Listen to my instructions and follow them.
Step out of the car, leaving the keys in the ignition.
Take the phone with you.
Do it now.
Walk toward the intersection.
When the light changes, I want you to cross the street.
Stay inside the crosswalk.
Where's the bomb? Just do what I say.
The deal was Hassan for the bomb.
The light's changed.
Bishop, move.
Where is it? Just do what I say.
Shut up.
Stop now.
Don't turn around or you get nothing.
Stand there and wait.
Turn around.
Walk toward the newspaper stand.
Look down.
Show me your hands.
Hands! On the dash.
Where's the bomb? Where is it? Where is he? The General's in Mr.
Kanin's office.
With Ethan? We're not sure.
No one's seen him in nearly an hour.
Ma'am, there's something you need to know.
Your chief of staff is with the General.
They appear to be in on this together.
Are you saying Rob Weiss betrayed me, too? I'm afraid so.
Okay, do it.
Don't move.
Hands where we can see them! Up! Call medical.
Against the wall, hands behind your head.
Madam President, you need to see this.
Oh, my God.
Is he still alive? Yes, ma'am.
He's had a serious cardiac event.
Get him out of here! No! You stay.
Where is President Hassan? Damn you, Rob.
Where is he? I don't know.
Don't lie to me! Tell me where he is.
No, ma'am, I cannot.
And if it makes any difference, this was not an easy decision.
It makes no difference at all.
It wasn't your decision to make.
With all due respect, you were not elected to sentence tens of thousands of Americans to death.
Is that how you justify this? You have sold out a peace I committed this administration to.
I've protected New York and given you plausible deniability in an impossible situation.
I don't want deniability.
I want Hassan! We are on the verge of a peace that has eluded this planet for 50 years, and you are throwing it away! Tell me where he is.
The charge is treason.
It carries the death penalty, and so help me God, I'll throw the switch myself.
Tell me where he is.
It's not too late.
It is too late.
They have Hassan.
We have the bomb.
The bomb's at Amsterdam and 93rd.
We'll get NEST team there as soon as possible.
Damn you, Rob.
Really, Madam President? New York City is safe.
Take him away.
Your attention, please.
I've just spoken with the President at McGuire.
Rogue operatives have handed Hassan over to the terrorists.
In return, they got the location of the dirty bomb: Jack Bauer and NEST are already on-site and disarming the bomb.
Our focus is to recover President Hassan.
I've got satellite feed at 93rd, sir.
Okay, looks like we're back in business.
Put it up on-screen, Arlo.
We know that President Hassan was handed over at that location approximately ten minutes ago.
NSA feed only gives us still images.
We might have missed him.
We didn't.
There's Bishop's SUV.
Okay, they've got to be close; find them.
Someone's approaching the SUV.
Any idea who that is? I can try to clean up the image.
Lost it.
They were heading east.
We can backtrack through the traffic cam footage.
I want you and Dana to find that vehicle.
As soon as you reacquire it, let Jack know.
Dana, where are you going? Hastings wants us to do this.
I was thinking I would reroute some of the servers.
Not now.
It'll give us more processing speed.
We can work with what we have.
Let's get going.
Those are the rods we were looking for, sir, packed in enough C4 to irradiate half of Manhattan.
Okay, as soon as they're extracted, I want you to contact CTU.
- Thanks.
- Yes, sir.
I want him transferred back to holding in medical.
Contact Hastings as you're en route.
So it's real.
A dirty bomb.
Then we succeeded.
We saved Manhattan.
You betrayed your president and your country.
Get him out of here.
This is Bauer.
Go ahead.
Jack, it's Chloe.
We've got Hassan's location.
He's heading north on Amsterdam in a black SUV.
- How far north? - About - 30 blocks ahead of you.
- Jack, the president wants us to do everything we can to recover Hassan.
She wants you to lead the operation.
How many men are with him? - We think only one, the driver.
- Okay, Chloe, I need you to find me a suitable ambush point.
I want clean lines of fire from rooftop and street level.
In order to protect Hassan, we need to take the vehicle and the driver out at the same time.
Tac teams are standing by, Jack.
- Is Cole with them? - No, on his way back.
We expect him here any minute.
Then he's going to have to quarterback this op from CTU.
I'll get you real-time updates on the position of Hassan's vehicle.
Copy that.
Cole's back.
I'll go get him.
Yes? Hello? I'm so glad you're back.
Yeah, me, too.
I heard we recovered the bomb.
Only 'cause Hassan gave himself up to the terrorists.
Jack's putting together an intercept operation right now.
He wants you to run it from here.
All right, you'd better bring me up to speed.
What happened to that probation officer that was sniffing around? I convinced him I didn't know anything; he left.
That's good.
Yeah, it's good.
We're going to get through this, you and me.
We will.
We should go.
You don't have to do this, Tarin.
You can pull over right now, stop the car.
Believe me, I want to do this.
If you hate me so much, stand against me at home.
Join the opposition.
Fight me openly, honorably.
I don't need to fight you, Hassan.
You have already lost.
So tell me, what's the plan? You'll put me on trial? A dark room and a video camera, I suppose.
A man hiding behind a mask will read a list of my crimes and cut off my head with a sword.
The world will be impressed.
You've done worse in your prisons.
What I did I did to unite our country, to make us stronger.
That's a lie.
You just wanted to hand us over to the Americans.
I wanted us to rejoin the world.
I wanted us to have peace.
You wanted the cover of Time Magazine! You think I don't know you, Omar.
I watched over you day and night, remember, watched over you while you betrayed your own wife with a western whore.
You care for nothing but yourself.
Yes, I've made mistakes but believing in peace was not one of them.
Think whatever you like.
You won't be around to find out.
Madam President Just, just a moment.
They're going to treat you on the base hospital.
But then I want you right back here.
That's an order.
Excuse me just a moment.
You have always been true to me, Ethan.
I need you now.
Hurry back.
Take good care of him.
Madam President, Mrs.
Hassan and her daughter have just arrived.
Thank you, Susan.
I am so relieved you're both safe.
Thank you, Madam President.
Do you know what is happening with my husband? We do.
He is in the hands of the terrorists, but we're tracking him on satellite.
We're going in now to monitor the rescue effort.
Do you want to join us? Yes.
All right.
If you will, go on in the situation room, and, and I'll be there in a minute.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
I didn't expect to see you again, Ms.
Walker, but in these last few hours, I have learned how few people I can really trust.
I am glad you're here.
Thank you, Madam President.
But I think I'd be of more use at CTU.
Of course.
Susan will arrange a car for you.
Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you.
Jack Bauer and CTU are running the operation.
We expect the intercept to occur in a few minutes.
Ma'am, satellite feed's coming in from CTU.
Jack, Hassan's vehicle just crossed 130th.
I'm at 110th Street.
Do we have an ambush point yet? Yes, intersection of 161st and Amsterdam.
Who we got for the take-down team? I have a special ops unit moving into position.
We'll trigger the traffic lights to stop the vehicle at the intersection, then heavy machine gun fire into the engine block to disable it, snipers to take out the driver.
That leaves you - to reacquire Hassan.
- Good.
What's our perimeter look like? Bridges and tunnels were closed earlier this morning.
That means Riverside Drive is shut down, too.
He can only use Amsterdam.
What about cross streets? We got 'em all covered from 140th Street on.
As long as we don't spook him, he'll drive straight into the ambush.
Copy that.
Leave this line open in case there are any changes in the route.
- You got it.
- What's our timing? Given traffic flow, Tarin should hit the intersection - in eight minutes.
- I can use traffic lights to slow him down if Jack hasn't caught up.
Fine, I'll let the president know.
Cole, I'm seeing some fluctuations in the carrier signal on the subnet.
What's that mean? It might be a problem with the trunk line.
We can't afford another dropout with the satellite feed.
That's how we lost the rods in the first place.
Chloe, what's the status of your workaround on the trunk line? It's working fine if you ask me.
Do you need me to check it? No, we need you here.
I can check it if you can watch my screen, - Chloe.
- Okay.
Thanks, Dana.
Arlo, what are you doing here? I could ask you the same.
Cole asked me to check on the trunk line.
Except the trunk line's over here.
I can do it from here also.
I set up this system, you know.
Then maybe you can explain why they keep going down.
We were hit with a massive electromagnetic pulse.
It's a miracle we managed to get anything up and running again as fast as we did.
So, what are you doing now? I'm running a diagnostic on the trunk line.
Why were you looking at a map of Manhattan if you're running an internal diagnostic? I was checking the progress of the operation.
How I do my work is none of your business, Arlo.
Actually, given that I've been having to cover for you the entire night, I think it is my business.
You want to check up on me, go ahead.
You're really going to do this.
Yeah, I am.
So, where are the diagnostics? In the systems folder, where they always are.
No, I mean, where on our screen? Thought you said you were working on this.
I wasn't using diagnostics.
I was monitoring the voltage fluctuation in the trunk line directly.
How? I thought you knew everything.
- Yeah.
- Arlo, where are you? Hasting's been looking for you.
Yeah, I'll be right down.
Hastings wants me on the floor.
I'll leave you to do whatever you're doing.
Don't push it, Arlo.
CTU is following you.
Where? Where are they? They're all over you.
There's an ambush set for 161st.
I'm nearly there.
Why am I only hearing this now? Look, I am already doing far more than I've been paid to do.
You need to calm down.
We knew this might happen.
Can you find me an exit? There's one between 158th and 159th.
- Parking garage.
- 158th, 159th.
Is everyone ready for this? I will let Samir know, and then it is up to him.
It's only a matter of time before this gets traced back to me.
I need to get the hell out of here while I still can.
Hassan is crossing over 148th Street.
I'm activating signals up to 160th.
You took your time.
I'm sorry.
It got complicated.
Is the trunk line going to hold? Yeah, I think so.
Then we keep going.
What's our timing, Chloe? Intercept: four minutes.
Jack, do you have a visual on Hassan yet? - Negative.
- He's five blocks ahead of you, Jack.
Roger that.
Tac teams in position? - They're good to go.
- Okay, nobody move until Hassan's vehicle is stopped in the intersection.
What are you looking for? We are being followed, aren't we? Shut up.
That phone call it's a warning.
CTU is onto you.
I'm not afraid of CTU.
Why are you looking over your shoulder - all the time? - I said shut up! Tarin, it's not too late.
Give yourself up.
Give yourself up, and I'll speak for you.
I won't warn you again.
You're on an island here.
There's no way out.
They'll find you.
Yes, they will.
Soon enough.
Damn it.
They've made us.
He's breaking left.
I repeat: he's breaking left.
Chloe, have you got them? Can you see where they're going? Checking.
What's happening? Why did he turn? He's in a parking garage.
- It extends across the block.
- How many exits? - Only two.
- Okay, he's going to have to double back.
Where's the other exit? - Broadway.
- I'll cover that.
Cole, I want you to pull your team back from the ambush point.
- Cover the block.
- You got it.
All teams, pull back and reposition.
Set a perimeter around the parking garage between 158th and 159th.
I've got him.
He's going back into the garage.
Copy that.
All units converging on your destination.
He's just moving deeper into the structure.
He's got no place else to go, Jack.
You got him.
Where did they go? Inside the structure.
He's running for the roof.
Move! Move! Where the hell is he going? Coming straight at me! Damn it! Chloe, we got any movement from the target vehicle? No.
No one could survive that.
Chloe, Hassan is not in the vehicle.
You know where to go.
- What if he comes to? - He won't.
Not before you deliver him.
Go! I said go! Yeah.
Hey, it's me.
Have you got Hassan? No.
We set up our ambush.
We were seconds away from taking him down, when out of nowhere, the driver deviated from his route.
He managed to transfer Hassan to another vehicle before I could get to him.
Someone inside CTU has got to be tipping them off.
How is that possible? I don't know, but I've got the driver's cell phone.
Soon as we can set up an uplink, I'll be able to figure out who it is.
I'm on my way to CTU.
- Do you want me to talk to Chloe? - Yeah, but no one else.
Tell her we need a secure area to run the uplink.
- Get back to me as soon as you're ready.
- Okay.
We need to search the parking structure.
They switched cars.
Get the team to move in now.
All right.
Let's move.

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