32 Brinkburn Street (2011) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

My name is Frank, and this is my family home, 32 Brinkburn Street.
It's 1931, the year before I was born, when the world was a very different place from today.
But some things never change - family is family, and all families have secrets.
Mine is no exception.
That's my sister, Nora.
And that's my mother, Gracie, on the worst night of her life.
And this is the story of my family, then and now.
No-one talks about this.
Oh, I'm tired this morning, Gracie.
I didn't get much sleep, what with all that snoring.
I'm so tired I could sleep on a clothes line.
Sit down, Mam.
Are you watching? Oh, where's it gone, where's it gone?! Nora! You'll have her wild! No, love, I can't digest standing up.
Why don't you sit down then, Mam? I'd freeze to death over there! No, no.
Though you would think, this being my house, I might be able to choose where I sit.
Walter! Thank you.
Ooh, I might have a spot to eat after all.
Anyone seen Violet this morning? I swear I'll swing for that girl.
Poppy! 'Oh, and this is me.
Frank, you haven't seen Poppy, have you? No, not this morning.
I don't know where she is, I'm looking.
I don't Poppy! Pops! I, I can't find her, Jen, I'm sorry Yeah, yeah, I know what time it is there.
I'll make sure she's around next time It's like she's invisible! Was that Jenny? What did she say? She's only been here a couple of days and she's already disappearing.
Nick! Did you ask Jenny about the money? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She's sending it today.
About time.
I'm assuming she doesn't want her daughter to starve.
What? I'm just saying there is a big difference between Poppy staying here every other weekend and becoming a permanent fixture, that's all.
We're going to need some extra Oh.
Dad! Are you missing anything? Violet, breakfast! Right, I can't stay on for long.
It takes longer to get to school now I'm at Castle Dullsville.
'But you'll be there tonight?' Yeah, course I will - I wouldn't miss your last night, would I? Oh, I've bought a dress especially.
I think you'll like it.
'Mmm, nice.
'It's going to go off tonight! I've booked the backroom at the Spark and Daz is bringing his decks.
' Ooh, sick.
'Your dad's said yeah, right?' Yeah, he will.
He can't expect me to stay in this dump all night.
'Don't believe it's as bad as you make out.
' Think about the worst old ladies' room you've ever seen, then double it.
The stupid floorboards aren't even straight.
It's like it's never been touched in 1,000 years.
Violet! Now! That tickles! Does it now? Well, how about this? You've missed breakfast.
Oh, no, where's the comb? Violet's going to have tatty hair.
Oh, Mam! Tell him! He's being a horrible pig.
Don't cheek your father.
And get up earlier if you want feeding.
It's not like I've got work to go to, is it? And that's one day's pay you've cost us.
It's not my fault the machine broke, is it? Can I go to the pictures tonight, Mam? Not likely.
If she can't enjoy herself now, when can she? What's on, love? Dracula.
You don't want to go watching films about foreigners.
Well, when they set something good in Manchester, I'll go and see that.
Can I, Mam? Violet, give your gob a rest, will you? I've got my own money! You can't spend it though, can you? Not when we're getting cut back! Starting when? When were you going to tell me? How long's it going to last? A few weeks.
Can I go though? You can stay right here and make yourself useful! I'll give you a list, you can go to the co-op.
What, now? No, first you can sort out the fire.
You used to like the flicks, didn't you, Gracie, love? And the dances.
All those nice lads after you.
You could have had your pick, and this house could have been yours.
Instead, look what you have lumbered yourself with.
Mmmm now that's what I call minty fresh.
You can't keep leaving them in there, Dad.
Why not? You think they're going to eat everything in the night? I found him on his sticks again.
Hey! Me legs might not work, but me ears do! I'm just worried, Dad.
That's why we're here, to look after you.
I know, I know.
Well, if you know, start behaving yourself, please! There you go, Frank.
You missed your mum on the phone.
Well, I've got to get going.
So do you want to come with me? No.
OK, I'll see you all tonight.
We've got to speak later.
Yeah? OK.
All right.
Bye, Dad.
There you go.
SHE HUMS Why's she literally humming to herself? I have literally no idea.
Dad The answer's no.
You don't know what I'm going to ask.
Yes, I do.
You've asked me the same question every day for a week - no.
But it's Mikey's last night before he goes to Edinburgh.
Ah! No! I need to be there! Poppy! School! Yes, sir! Oh, young love, eh? Something like that.
So, are you going to be spending the rest of the day on Myface or what? No, Frank.
But I will be building some new websites.
It's a big day for me too.
Yeah? Going to sort through some photographs.
You can help if you like? Be still my beating heart.
We need to lie low for a couple of weeks and then get to London They're looking for two Irishmen, that's all it says.
Any descriptions? "Two Irishmen".
That's it.
I'll get us a wireless.
That way we'll hear any news quicker.
Where'll you stay? Somewhere local.
And what are you going to call yourself this time? I was thinking "Sid".
Oh, someone's in a good mood! Things going better chez Dad, I take it? Yeah! If you like your breakfast with extra dentures.
No, it's all right really, you know.
Well, it is for me, because I can leave the house.
Nick's the one I feel sorry for.
All these business worries are one thing.
But ending up living with your second wife's father.
It can't be easy on his ego.
Yeah, but think of all the money you'll save.
And it looks like we're going to need the extra cash.
I said, "it looks like we're going to need that extra cash".
No! Seriously? Yeah.
Oh, June.
It's the third time today.
I was like this with both of my two.
Ginger biscuits.
That's what you need.
And you know the biggest secret of all? The one that parents'll never admit? Little kids, even the cute ones, are very, very boring.
Welcome to motherhood! Who was that? Who? Who is he, Violet? Just some Thick Mick.
What was he saying to you? Nothing, he was just asking for lodgings, that's all.
Well, put it away then.
I'll do tea tonight too, if you want.
You're not going, Violet.
Oh, why? You know why.
Heads! Heads! Heads! Another one, heads.
Always a pleasure, lads.
That's a lot of money you've got there, Walter.
Look, it was a fair win.
Well, nobody's saying it wasn't.
Walter! Aren't you forgetting something? A little matter of the money you owe me? Get him! HE PANTS I can assure you that invoice has not been paid.
I'm looking at it now.
Yes Yeah.
No, I understand that.
Well BANGING Sorry! Sorry Look, can I call you back? Yeah, cheers.
Frank The whole point of getting you this chair is that you can use it.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
I just overshot, that's all.
I'll get out of your way.
Oop Look, I'll sort it.
Just sit down! Please.
All fingers and thumbs these days.
It's fine, Frank.
It's fine.
Just Can I just get a few minutes, yeah? Yeah.
Cheers, Ernie.
And if Billy Lamb comes in, you've not seen me.
Right? Right.
Violet! Ohhh! What's the matter with you? Nothing.
Only enjoyment I get is a nice drop of milk with my tea, and your husband saw fit to polish it all off this morning.
My, is that the time? It's getting on.
He'll be on his way.
Oh, I'm sure he will.
Mind you next door's man, he works in the warehouses too.
He's always home on time.
And what was he talking about this morning? How long do you think he's going to have a job at all? I'll go get you the milk.
I don't want any milk.
You do! DOOR CLOSES WALTER WHISTLES CHEERFULLY Here she is, me little darlin'.
For my good lady wife How did you get this? Three guesses.
And How? I was owed.
Off Harry Green.
What for? Well, it were a few months back and he were short.
I didn't tell you cos I knew you'd hit the roof.
But fair dues to the man, he paid me back every penny and I saw this in a shop, and I thought, "No - Gracie deserves something nice.
"Something to tell her "how much she means to me.
" Now, I know you'll go mad but I did haggle with the bloke.
And it's oh, dear, me What am I gonna do? Sally stole away my heart completely Pack it in, you daft lump! # And I'll never get it back For she goes with Mr Black And they say he's going to marry Sally Wheatley You can thank me properly later.
Shall we make 'em Irish? Ooh, actu Whoa Listen, Frank.
I'm sorry about before.
You've been really good to us and I'm a nuisance.
I know I am.
You're no such thing.
Look, I'm just glad to have your company.
Do you want to er do you want to have a look through a few of these? What do we have here? HE LAUGHS Is that you? Yes.
If I'd known I were that good looking, I'd have had all the confidence in the world.
Well, it obviously impressed your wife.
She is stunning! And how cute is Ellie? Is this Is this Grandma Gracie? Ellie takes after her a lot.
I think that's why they got on so well.
Me, on the other hand, I take after me dad, Walter.
Inherited HIS looks, unfortunately.
Who's this? Do you know, I don't know.
D'you know Ellie was born in this house? Yeah, I know.
And we've re-invaded and taken everything over.
I'm really sorry, Frank.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
It's been I find it hard to juggle everything, you know? The business, Poppy, trying to have a baby, you Here, Frank.
But I will get better.
'We need milk.
You can go.
' Me? Violet! Just Please.
Go borrow some.
Mind, she's quiet up them stairs.
Tea won't be long, Mam.
All right, lads? We can sort this, I don't want any bad feeling with you boys Billy! Hey, we can sort this out, can't we, Billy? Can't we? Billy Billy I'll get you the money.
Hey, there's no need for that! Aagh! You really should have just paid up, Walter Silly boy! See you later, Wally.
Hey! Leave him! Hey! Leave him! WALTER GASPS AND GROANS You all right, mate? Oh, they've done a proper job on you.
No offence, Paddy but go to hell.
Have a good day? Mm? SHE GIGGLES Well it just got a lot better.
I think it's going to get better still.
I'm pregnant.
When? How? How?! I can't believe it! Well done you.
You know what this means We're a family.
Well done, you! Well done! Well done.
Right OK.
We need to sort out bedrooms.
Erm Hang on! We'll put Poppy in the attic, I'm sure Frank won't mind You should tell him now.
After dinner.
He'll be like a kid at Christmas.
Frank! I'll tell him when I've got a definite result, Nick.
Wha? Tell me that you've done a test? Oh, I've got one.
I've got three, actually, just in case.
But I know I am, Nick.
I know I am.
I can feel it.
I've been sick three times today I think you should do a test.
Right now.
Well, let's have a coffee Just to make sure.
But I need a full bladder.
Just let me have a drink.
Ellie, please.
I know I am.
SHE HURRIES UPSTAIRS Oww! Careful, woman! Can you move it? How could you have got yourself into a mess like this? Me? Look, I'm the victim here! Attacked from behind.
It's getting rough round these parts.
Hey, where you going? Where do you think? You have been paying Dr Lloyd every month? What do you think I am?! Blood and sand! Oh, don't start, woman.
Oh, look at the state of that, you'll never get that clean, Gracie.
He'll lose that arm, I'm telling you now.
Keep it clean till I get back.
Gangrene then that'll be that.
And if it gets hold, that's the end of him! Thanks! He won't get gangrene.
He might well die of starvation, though! I'll be all right in a few days.
You'll be lucky if you're back to work next month.
Look at the state of you! If he don't end up deformed, I'll eat me hat.
Gracie Argh! I said I'd be there, babe, and I will.
I know! My dad's MY problem.
I will sort it.
I promise.
Love you, bye.
Oh careful, Frank.
Watch yourself! Ah.
Just the ticket.
Can you do me a favour? Just nip down to the newsagent's, and put that in the window.
You OK? Yeah, fine.
Just to help your dad out.
Oh, right, yeah, anything to help HIM.
Hello, sweetheart.
All right, gorgeous? WOLF WHISTLE You got the letter then? You smell good.
Do I? Not as good as you taste, though.
Go on with you! Are you all set? For the flight? Yes I hate this.
I know.
I wish I could have done something - but these rules with the visa I guess I guess we always knew it was going to come to an end.
You promise you'll come and visit at Christmas? Yes.
Even sooner.
Look I'm going to have to go.
So, this is it The end of our amazing year.
Stop fussing.
I'm fine.
It'll happen.
I know.
It's probably stress, you know? The business, the move Things have calmed down now, so it'll be a lot easier.
I know, you're right.
Absolutely right.
And I'm still young enough.
Still young enough, gorgeous and looking better every day.
And I know you find me devastatingly attractive.
SHE LAUGHS So, it shouldn't be too much of a hardship trying.
Oh, that smells good.
What is it? It's carrot and lentil soup, Dad.
Oh, lentils give me awful wind.
Trust me.
One carrot and lentil soup, minus lentils, coming up.
There's something I wanted to say.
Would you, erm You OK? Yeah, yeah.
I know things have been a bit difficult since you moved back in, and Oh, well It turns out I need more time than Nick can give me.
Frank So, I've sorted it.
I've advertised for a carer.
You don't Just part-time.
The advert's already up.
It means I've got somebody to pester whenever I want and it takes the strain off Nick.
I'm looking forward to it, actually.
The advert was very specific.
Are we going to you know? Is that all you ever want? What? At least give me a drink first.
I tried to clean it as best I could, Dr Lloyd.
Just keep an eye on it.
I'll leave you some dressings.
Now, let's get this bone set.
This isn't going to hurt, is it? Don't be daft, of course not.
Agh! You're my girl, Violet Ogilvie.
Get away with you! I'm just off to Sarah's.
- Sarah who? - Sarah Davis.
From school.
She's helping with my maths.
That's very kind of her.
Where does Sarah Davis live? The Grove.
You can ring her if you like.
OK, then.
Just make sure you're back by ten.
Oh, Poppy! Do you want to show us what you're wearing? What? Show us what you're wearing to do your maths homework.
What do you think, Frank? Maths homework.
Nice try, Poppy.
Dad, I'll only go for a bit.
I'll be back by 11, I promise.
It's his last night.
He said "no".
What's it to you? Why not? Don't talk to Ellie like that.
Well, she's not my mum.
Why not? I'm a man who used to be an 18-year-old, that's why not.
He's not like you.
He's different.
Yeah, they're all different, that's why they're all the same.
You're 15, Pops! What? Do you want me to be miserable? Just go and get changed, please.
You're pathetic! Seriously! Sorry, madam.
I was just wondering if you had any lodgings? You scared the life out of me! I'm really sorry.
Try the pub.
Ask for Jack, he'll help you out.
That's exactly what I'll do.
It looks really good.
It wouldn't do any harm to give her a bit more freedom, you know.
Maybe you should meet him before you pass judgment.
I have met him.
No, you've not, Nick.
You've just seen them holding hands.
You haven't spoken with him.
I don't need to.
Look, she's a sensible kid.
Yeah, and she's my kid, and I said no! Look, I know you mean well, but you don't know what it's like.
No, you're right, I don't.
Because she's your kid, isn't she? I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It's fine.
More rest.
That's what we need.
This new carer will help.
Do you know what? Maybe we should just forget about all this baby stuff for a while, take the pressure off.
Maybe that's the key.
Sodding kids, eh? Nora? Dad, is the bone poking out? Not any more.
Can I see? I've got to go somewhere.
I don't want you telling your mother that I've gone.
No, no, that'd be lovely.
Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow then, Joy.
Popsicle! Come in, come in.
That advert worked.
Hey What's this? Hey? I don't mean the tears.
I mean this! If only I could do that with boyfriends, eh? Have you ever been in love, Frank? Oh, boy, yes! I was about your age.
Peggy Carter, she was called.
Well, I thought I was in love and then her best mate walked into the room.
Then I was in love, She took my breath away.
I've a photograph of her here on our wedding day.
Oh, wow! Gosh, she looks like Ellie.
She was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life.
Did Ellie ever get mad with you? Somebody once said that if your children have never hated you at some point, then you've never been a parent.
I hope me and Mickey are as happy as this on our wedding day.
Of course you will be, sweetheart, of course you will.
You're like a proper granddad.
I am.
Nora? Bed.
Oh, why? Because I said! And quiet going up, no waking your poor dad.
He's not even in.
Can I not even have a pint in peace? What did Dr Lloyd say to you? Rest! He'll say owt for sixpence.
I need a drink for the pain, darling.
How does playing cards help with a broken arm? Do you not think you've got yourself into enough trouble gambling? You think? Darling, how could you? Does it look like we're playing for money? You'll not mind if I mix these up a bit then? You lying, scheming hound.
Gracie You still looking for a room? Yeah.
Is this somebody's room? Cos I don't want to put anybody out.
Keep it tidy.
I'm not here to clean up after you, remember that.
I will.
Lavvy's outside, take your own paper.
I'll do just that.
You'll have to push the front door hard, it sticks.
I'll do your washing once a week, no more.
You pay my mum and only her, understood? Nobody else.
Thanks, Mrs Ogilvie.
I'm Sid.
I was only trying to get us sorted.
That's all I wanted to do, I swear.
Sit down.
It's ready.
Sit down.
Why the hell is he here? HE GROANS Goodnight, sweetheart.
You're back in with Nora and your nanna.
Get yourself cleaned up before you go to bed.
I don't want them seeing you looking like a tart! I hope you're paying full board.
I am.
I was told to give it to the lady.
I run the money side of things in this house.
And a week up front.
Let's just be clear You might have helped me out earlier but I don't like you Irish.
Cause me any trouble and you'll be sorry.
Your job's gone.
What do you mean, gone? Do you know when you get back, can I stay over? Some boys have a nasty habit of leaving a girl very poorly.
David I'm still in Manchester.
You should read this.
Yeats, who's Yeats? Yeats, he's a poet and a politician and he's a great lover of freedom.
I own you Don't ever forget that! I mean, do you actually even want another kid? You know I do.
Then, please, act like you do!
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