9-1-1 (2018) s04e12 Episode Script

Treasure Hunt

Check it out! This one's called
"Artemisia californica."
I liked it better when you
knew the names of dolls.
Dad, I never played with dolls.
Emma? Where'd you go?
Can you believe this?
Oh, what you got there?
Dad, look. I think
there's a note inside.
Oh. Okay.
Is that blood?
Oh, boy.
Do you have a more precise location?
Uh upstream, I think.
Tell 'em they could be up
near the headwaters, Dad.
Yeah. They could be up
near the headwaters,
but we can't see anything from here.
You can't see the person?
Then, what makes you
think someone's trapped?
We found a message in a bottle.
Dispatch, this is Fire Rescue One.
We are on the scene.
Copy that, Fire One.
Engine and Rescue 118 are landing now.
Rangers think the bottle may
have come from the headwaters
of the creek, south by
southwest of your position,
near the rocks.
Copy that, dispatch.
8,000 acres to search.
We could be waiting awhile.
Are they sure someone's up there?
That bottle could have been
floating around for months.
Which would mean our search and rescue
might become a search and recovery.
Note was written on a receipt.
Rangers checked the date.
It was five days ago.
Sure hope it wasn't their last meal.
We see you, Captain Nash.
We're coming in now.
Copy that.
Okay, Chimney, Eddie,
gear up. You're going with them.
Copy that. You'll harness up,
we'll lower you down
so you can grab him.
Cheer up. You can go next time.
Okay, first quadrant is
right over that ridge.
Head up to Devil's Point.
A lot of hikers get stuck up there.
Copy that, Cap.
Pretty sure there's a river, too.
It could be where they
threw the bottle in.
I think I see something.
Help! Please!
Down here! Help, please!
Okay, we got him.
Let's get in a hover
position right here.
Looks like severe dehydration.
He's gonna need this.
- Ready?
- Piece of cake.
Be advised, air support
gonna maintain 50 feet.
Lowering rescuer now.
Rescuer at ten feet.
Rescuer on the ground.
I'm Eddie. What's your name?
I'm Clyde.
There's willow trees around here, right?
'Cause if not, I'm gonna
feel pretty dumb.
You're burning up.
Drink this. It's got electrolytes.
How long have you been up here, Clyde?
Five days, maybe?
I'm not sure.
I was trying to get high
enough to look around,
and then I fell.
I thought I could tough it
out, but I ran out of food
and water.
Yup. Looks like you broke it.
We'll get this splint on you,
and we're gonna get you out of here.
No. No! No, I'm fine.
Just give me some
painkillers or something.
I got a couple more spots
I got to check out,
and I can just ride it out
until I'm done here.
That's a negative, Clyde.
Chim, prep fluids.
- Our guy's gonna need it.
- Oh, man.
Sir, let's get this on you.
We're gonna ride up together.
Oh, thanks.
That's our cue. Hold steady, Fire One.
I'm bringing him up.
All right, buddy.
We got you. We got you.
Dispatch, all souls on board.
Returning to base.
Careful! He's kind of delirious.
Been out there awhile.
Said he injured himself three days ago.
I'm fine. I just want to know
when I can get back up there.
Definitely not today.
Do you have a cell phone?
- Doesn't everyone?
- Yes.
But most people use it to call for help
instead of putting a
message in a bottle.
Battery died yesterday.
That was two days after
you injured yourself.
I didn't want to leave.
I was so close.
I didn't want anyone else
to find the treasure.
It's mine! The treasure's mine!
Don't tell anyone!
Don't let anyone take it.
It's mine!
The treasure's mine!
Did he say "treasure"?
This is Channel 8 with breaking news.
Hollis Harcourt, the author
of such cult classics
as Agony in Atwater and
Bludgeoned in Burbank,
passed away in his sleep at age 57,
leaving behind an intriguing message
to his loyal fans.
Behold. My final gift to the
citizens of Los Angeles
a rare and priceless treasure.
Though, if I had to put a
price on it for tax purposes,
I'd call it about $5 million.
Whoa. Five million.
I'm gonna bury this chest
somewhere in the city of Los Angeles.
If you are clever, as I know you are,
one of you will find this chest,
and the treasure will be yours.
We spoke with Harcourt's
longtime assistant,
Jeremiah Ruiz, moments ago.
Hollis was passionate.
He had high standards.
But he was a good soul.
He cared about people and their stories.
He will be missed.
And he won't be forgotten.
At least not any time soon.
According to his final video,
Hollis buried that $5 million treasure
somewhere in the city
that was the setting
for most of his work.
A poem he recited in the video
is said to provide all the
clues needed to locate it.
"I walked along the river's edge,
to hide my secret treasure."
- This poem is terrible.
- "A heron soared,
a gray bridge roared, a bullfrog
croaked 'Good measure.'"
It's less of a poem,
- and more of a riddle.
- Fine. It's a terrible riddle.
"I stopped beneath a willow
tree in the narrow place.
And then I saw the light beam
fall upon my treasured place."
You know, the guy on the cliff
he asked me about willow trees.
A real-life treasure hunt.
- Wouldn't it be ?
- Dangerous.
- Reckless.
- Stupid.
- Probably not even real.
- What if it is?
How cool would it be to find it?
You know, this poem-riddle thing
is getting a lot of traffic.
Yeah, which means our friend Clyde
is likely not the last emergency
we're gonna see
- from this treasure hunt.
- Your girlfriend's news story's
probably not gonna help out with that.
She's my friend, not my girlfriend,
and she's just doing her job.
Reporting the news.
Well, tell her to stop.
We got enough work without people
creating their own emergency.
Well, at least it was the midday news.
- Maybe the whole thing dies off.
- Before anyone actually dies.
I guess.
Uh, hey.
- I just saw you on the TV.
- And I heard a rumor
you guys responded to a
call about a treasure hunter
- in Malibu Creek?
- Yeah.
He didn't find anything, though.
Not that there's anything to find.
I mean, the whole thing's
probably fake, right?
I'm not so sure.
Hollis's assistant confirmed
he saw the treasure himself
before Hollis died.
I didn't see that part on TV.
He wanted to keep it off the record.
In case this thing gets crazy,
he doesn't want anyone
to come looking for him.
So this is real?
There's $5 million out there
just-just waiting to be found?
Looks like it.
You know, uh, I bet
if we compared notes,
we could probably figure out
where he buried that treasure.
You're saying you want to team up?
Look for the treasure together?
We'd be, uh, we'd be
doing a public service.
- Hmm.
- We find it
so no one else has the
chance to get hurt.
Yeah. And I mean, clearly, it's my duty
to keep the city informed.
The sooner that treasure is found,
the safer the city will be.
Everybody wins.
Maybe not everybody.
My final gift to the
citizens of Los Angeles
- Nuts.
- Please tell me that's not porn
- or sports.
- This?
This is our future.
Apparently, a guy buried $5
million somewhere in the city,
then told people to go out and find it.
I miss the days when bored rich people
would just name wings of museums
and hospitals after themselves.
Have we had a conversation
with this misguided citizen?
Yeah, that's a little hard to do.
He's been dead a week.
Did we post uniforms at his grave site?
You know, that's one of the first places
people are gonna start digging.
Kevin, find out where he's buried.
Send some units. Thanks.
How bad do you think this is gonna get?
Ugh. City's coming out of
a near yearlong lockdown.
Everyone's still a little stir-crazy.
This is gonna send them over the edge.
The search for Hollis
Harcourt's $5 million
took another turn today
in Topanga Canyon.
This marks the second serious injury
in the so-called treasure hunt.
With local officials reporting
that treasure hunt-related
emergency calls
are climbing every day.
Where did you say the fight is?
Balboa Park. Send someone quick!
- It's getting pretty vicious.
- Are they armed?
Sort of.
- Hey, hey!
- Put the metal detectors down!
Now! Smart man.
Can't find a treasure
from inside a jail cell.
- 911. What's your emergency?
- 911. What's your emergency?
- 911. What's your emergency?
- Hi.
Can you please send
someone to Griffith Park?
The Western Avenue entrance.
There's some idiot here trying
to dig under the bear statue.
What was that?
You might want to send
the fire department, too.
LAFD coming through.
Sir, LAFD is here. Try to stay calm,
and we'll get this statue off of you.
- 911. What's your emergency?
- 911. What's your emergency?
Your turn, sir. Drop it.
Cheating bastard!
Not sure it's an X, but that's
definitely gonna leave a mark.
We'll have you out in a sec, sir.
I can't believe it wasn't here.
Well, cross Griffith bear
park statue off the list.
Man, I really thought
I was onto something.
Better luck next guess.
- Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.
The latest numbers show
six hospitalizations
and 17 arrests since the
treasure hunt was announced.
It's a hoax! Listen, people,
please stop rising your lives.
Uh, thank you for that
perspective, ma'am.
My husband almost died!
More people are gonna die!
You need to stop! Turn that thing off!
Sir! You cannot dig here!
- No! Everybody back!
- Go, go, go, go.
They never call before they dig.
You think it's weird that
all the cases are solo acts?
No teams.
Everybody's working alone.
I guess people are greedy,
don't want to share the treasure.
Maybe that's the flaw in their plan.
Two brains are better than one.
What if we worked on it together,
split the $5 million fifty-fifty?
Sorry, I, uh, already
made a deal with Taylor.
How would you feel about 33-and-a-third?
You need to give him 50% of your cut.
We're not splitting it three ways.
Do you really need the
extra $400K that bad?
I already promised my cameraman
I'd split my half with him.
So we split it four ways.
Okay? It's still more
than a million each.
And 25% of nothing is still nothing.
We're missing something.
I did some research on the
whole willow tree thing.
Do you guys know there's something
called an arroyo willow?
- It's not a tree.
- More like a shrub.
Hard to stop beneath it.
Okay. I'll just be over here, then.
Thinking. By myself.
Go team.
We still have too many options.
We need more data to
rule some of these out.
Well, I think we know a guy.
I wonder how many dumb
treasure hunt calls
- we're gonna get today.
- I know.
It's been crazy, right?
I think we had four yesterday.
Uh, oh, yeah?
What were they?
Oh. Well, you know,
there's a homeless guy
Feel that, Hen?
Oh, I feel a definite chill.
We've been left out in the cold.
I think it's time we show
them how it's done.
No, sir, the paramedics are
on their way to you now.
- It's not at the observatory.
- Oh
Who thought that was a good idea?
- Not it!
- Hollis's fifth book,
Stabbed Beneath the Stars.
The murder takes place
at the observatory.
911. What's your emergency?
There's ants everywhere!
I'm sorry, did you say "ants"?
Fire ants.
Looks like he stepped
into a whole colony.
- Let's hope he's not allergic.
- Or a good guesser.
Two sections of
inch-and-three-quarter line
with a narrow fog.
Should be enough for us to
knock those ants right off.
We'll make a water curtain.
40 psi!
Okay, get in there.
You've got to stay still.
Try to stay still.
Checking airway for swelling.
Bilateral breath sounds
are clear and undiminished.
No stridor noted.
Pushing fluids, 25 of diphenhydramine,
with some epi and solumedrol
to mitigate this venom reaction.
- Try to stay still.
- And five of morphine for the pain.
All right, let's load him up.
Wonder what made him
want to dig out here.
Guess you'll never know.
Yeah. What did make you
think to dig out here?
All right, this way, up the hall.
- Could we leave yet?
- Hey, you know what?
I know my rights.
It's called the Constitution.
Hey, Athena.
Picked this one up at the
Melrose Trading Post,
trying to steal a chest from
one of the street vendors.
It was a misunderstanding.
That looked just like
the one on the video.
The markings are very distinctive.
Yeah, she was also
arrested three days ago
at the Beaumont Flea Market
similar misunderstanding.
Maybe not that distinctive.
The Manson Tunnel.
You gotta look in the Manson Tunnel.
For a buried treasure?
What treasure?
Okay, time to go.
Let's chat about what's
in the Manson Tunnel.
Okay, let's book her
and hope she doesn't
make bail by Saturday.
I hear Antiques Roadshow
is gonna be in Pasadena.
I'd hate for there to be
another misunderstanding.
Copy that.
Oh, hey, I, uh, I'm just
making some breakfast.
Oh, sounds great.
Did you have as crazy a shift as I did?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Super crazy.
I don't know about you,
but I am sick and tired of
these treasure-hunting fools.
What was that?
Uh, it's just a project
that I'm working on.
You want some French toast?
I'm gonna make you some French toast.
A-Athena, you want some
you want some coffee?
How about some, uh
you want some eggs?
Oh, God. Not you, too.
So, these are the woods,
parks around L.A.
where you find creeks or rivers.
The red pins, that's where
you find willow trees.
Now, the white pins are
where you find herons.
The green, bullfrogs.
I'm not sure what the "gray
bridge roared" means yet.
- I think it might be a metaphor.
- This is very
- thorough.
- And I'm making some headway.
I think the treasure is
here in Solstice Canyon.
- There is a creek
- Arrested someone there this morning.
- Uh
- No treasure.
I thought I was really
onto something there.
Guess I'm gonna have to recalibrate.
I think I do, too.
Where did this come from?
What, the whiteboard?
I picked it up at the store
- on the way home.
- No.
I mean this sudden desire
to go searching for hidden treasure.
I don't know. I just, I saw
other people looking for it
and, I mean, it's $5 million
and I figured, where's the harm?
It's no different than
playing the lottery, right?
No one ever ended up in the
ICU buying a lottery ticket.
There was that one incident
where the two peo
Okay. Doesn't matter.
I'm not gonna go doing
anything reckless.
I'm not gonna go scaling cliffs
or dig around gas mains.
- This is just dreaming.
- About the money.
What would we do with it?
I thought if I found it,
I would surprise you
with trust funds for the
kids, a new kitchen,
maybe even a whole new house.
I thought we could take that
honeymoon we never had,
see the world.
- Hmm.
- Hell
we could even decide to retire.
- I thought you loved your job.
- I do.
But jobs like ours,
nobody does them forever.
Eventually you hang
it up and go fishing.
Not me. I mean, you can
have your fishing cabin
or whatever at Lake Arrowhead.
We can go up on the weekends.
But I plan to be out on those streets,
until they force me off them.
Somebody almost did.
You nearly died last year, Athena.
I know you don't like to talk about it,
but it was a really close call.
And most people would have at
least thought about quitting.
I did. Elaine brought it up.
She wanted me to seriously
consider it, so I did.
And I decided not to.
You never told me that.
Well, I didn't see the point.
The decision was already made.
I mean, what was there to say?
So, what was that about
that French toast?
I see you've requested
the Willow Tree Suite.
I think the two of you will enjoy it.
You and your, uh ?
Oh, uh, boyfriend.
- For now.
- Oh.
Actually, you know, just between us
I really think this
could be the weekend.
Like the weekend, you know?
I mean, just one last score.
I I mean, your romantic
setting is, uh
- I think he'll finally be ready.
- Love it.
I'll send champagne up to the room,
set the mood.
And where is the lucky fella?
He's just outside. Yeah.
Just, you know, getting
our stuff from the car.
Uh, so, um "River's Edge."
You guys getting a lot of
business lately, or ?
Actually, it's been, uh, pretty good.
Hey. Why you looking over there?
Willow Tree Suite's that way.
Wasn't over there, babe.
Trust me, I got a nose
for this kind of thing.
I do trust you.
- Hey, babe?
- Yeah, babe?
Look, you know I love
our adventures, right?
I was thinking
like, if we do find this five mil,
maybe we could call it
quits on the schemes.
Check it out! The ground
here is super soft.
- I bet somebody just dug it up.
- Yeah. Okay,
the grass does not look dug-up.
Baby, they're hiding treasure.
It wouldn't look dug-up.
There is definitely something down here.
Get away from there!
Hey, okay, uh, keep digging.
I'll hold him off.
- Digging?
- What are you doing?
- Digging on my property?
- Sir
You can't dig there!
Ah, man.
Oh! What is that smell?
Septic tank. Roof rusted through.
Woman's been stuck down
there for seven minutes.
A tank like that is
likely full of methane.
We're gonna need some breathable air.
Let's get on it.
What's the name of the woman down there?
- Keisha. She just fell in.
- Okay, gentlemen,
this ground could still give way.
I'm gonna need you to step back.
We don't want you falling in, too.
Keisha, just sit tight. We're
gonna get you out of there.
Not exactly going anywhere.
What were you doing out here?
Duh. Digging up the treasure.
- What treasure?
- River's Edge B&B?
Willow Tree Suite? Of course it's here.
It is here, right?
'Cause otherwise,
she's gonna kill me.
Okay, Keisha. I'm gonna
lower a mask to you,
and I need you to put
it on. Can you do that?
Okay, here it comes.
She's already showing
signs of hypoxia, Cap.
We got to get her out
of there before she has
permanent neurological damage.
Okay. Eddie, I want you to extend
the aerial ladder over the hole.
We'll lower Buck down.
He'll pull her out.
Oh, wait. Why me?
I did say you could go next time.
Not the same, man.
That's good. Nice and slow.
Keep it coming.
Okay, about five more feet, Eddie.
Doing okay, Buck?
Well, I'm not looking
forward to this next part.
All right, Keisha, let's
get you out of here.
Keisha! She's drowning.
She's gone under! I can't see her!
- Get me down there now!
- Eddie, drop him, drop him.
Wh-What's happening?
Keisha! Keisha. Keisha.
I got you.
You're okay. You're okay. I got her!
We'll get you out.
Okay. Guys, get us out of here!
Okay, bring 'em up.
I got her. I got her.
Sorry we couldn't find
the five mil, babe.
I don't need the money.
I just need you.
So whatever you're waiting for,
you don't have to wait anymore.
My answer is yes.
Uh, yes what?
Yes, I will marry you.
We can settle down and
start a whole new adventure
as a family.
Babe, uh I thought you knew.
- I am married.
- What?!
You're my adventure.
J-Just on the side.
Uh, she wanted some space.
Oof. Whew!
Come on.
Got a call from the alarm company
- about a break-in?
- They called me, too.
Jeremiah. I was Mr. Harcourt's
personal assistant.
The door was like that when I got here.
I haven't touched a thing.
I figured it was probably
some treasure hunters
- looking for clues.
- Okay.
- Stay here.
- Okay.
This is LAPD.
The door's open. I'm coming in.
Get up slowly. Hands in the air.
What are you doing in my house?
Hollis Harcourt?
Looking mighty good for a dead man.
You're alive?
I'm gonna kill you!
Ah. I have not known this man for long,
but I'm confident he's not worth it.
You're such an ass.
What happened to, "He
had such a good soul"?
- And who changed my alarm code?
- Oh, I don't know.
Maybe the person who's
not supposed to be dead?
And who was conveniently
left out of the will?
Speaking of that, Mr. Harcourt,
I think you and I need
to have a conversation
about your unexpected return
to the land of the living.
15 years of working
for a solipsistic narcissist
Don't let the thesaurus
hit you on the way out!
Sorry for dragging you over here
for nothing, Sergeant,
but as you can see,
there's been no break-in.
Just a simple misunderstanding.
I think your work here is done.
Or perhaps it's just beginning.
Fraud. Filing a false report.
Forging a death certificate.
All crimes, Mr. Harcourt.
And you would be right to arrest me
if I had done even one of those things.
But I didn't.
Simply had my lawyer have my publicist
release a statement, and voilà.
Cue the heartfelt tributes
and outpourings of emotion.
I'm feeling some kind of
emotions myself right now.
And your ridiculous treasure hunt
has the city completely off the rails.
Isn't it great?
Confirms everything I ever
thought about this town.
Full of selfish, greedy morons.
Well, those morons are
dropping like flies.
- You need to call this whole thing off.
- I can't.
I need to find out how it ends.
You buried it. Pretty sure
you know how it ends.
Not the hunt.
The book.
Gutted in Glendale.
It's my next novel.
I've been working on it for two years.
Huge advance.
Already sold the movie rights.
Tom Hanks wants to star.
He loves these, uh, blood
and treasure stories.
Mine is gonna be like The
Da Vinci Code, only bigger.
Just one problem.
I don't know how it ends.
So you buried the treasure
To find my ending.
I've blown the last three deadlines,
and, uh, people have started asking
some very uncomfortable questions.
Saying a lot of very ugly words, like
"refund." Ugh. And "lawsuit."
But I am so close. I can feel it.
I'm gonna find my ending.
I just need a little more time.
So maybe you keep the
news that I'm not dead
between the two of us.
- I could just sneak back out and
- The alarm call
went out over the radio,
so I'm probably gonna run
into some curious reporters
back at the station.
And what are you gonna tell them?
The truth.
We were his research?
More like his lab rats.
Running around in his little
treasure hunt simulation.
Which is exactly what he wanted.
Every emergency on the news
was a new chapter for his book.
The idea is surprisingly
diabolical for Hollis Harcourt.
Have you ever read any of his books?
Well, if we were his research,
we should all get paid.
He tell Athena where the treasure's at?
No. If there even is a treasure.
Hollis never had to actually plant
one to get what he wanted.
He just needed to say that he did.
And since we now officially
know that he's a liar
It's time to give up. Right?
No more treasure hunt.
I can't believe I fell for it.
I feel like an idiot.
Come on, we, uh, we all got fooled.
Yeah, but I should've known better.
- Mm.
- I'm a trained journalist.
Or, at least, I was.
Before I got caught up in
this dumb treasure hunt.
What was I thinking?
Think of it as a a big adventure.
But you got to sleep in
your own bed every night.
We were so close.
Yeah, we were.
And then that selfish, lazy bastard
ruined everything.
Actually, that's not fair.
He wasn't completely lazy.
You know, he did like to jog.
But I can still hate him, right?
You know, we could always
rent a cabin now and then.
For vacation.
Do you even know how to fish?
I am from Minnesota.
Well, I take that as a yes.
"I walked along the river's edge
"to hide my secret treasure.
"A heron soared, a gray bridge roared,
a bullfrog croaked, 'Good measure.'"
This is terrible.
No, it's awful.
He's not much of a poet.
Or even a writer, I guess.
"I stopped beneath a willow tree
"in the narrow place.
"And then I saw a light beam fall
upon my treasured place."
The narrow place.
I was never able to
figure that part out.
I searched his novels.
Couldn't find a reference.
Not sure what I missed.
You're missing a book.
Yeah, Hollis's unpublished book.
Gutted in Glendale.
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
- Bobby?
- Yeah.
I think I know where the treasure is.
The Glendale Narrows.
That's what they call
this part of the river.
Wait. You mean this concrete
channel with water in it?
I keep telling everybody,
this is not a river.
Which is exactly why no one
else ever thought of it.
All of you adventurers
thinking you had to trek
up into the mountains.
Never occurred to you to
look right here in the city.
Home of herons.
And bullfrogs. And a
gray bridge roaring.
Right there.
Bit on the nose for a metaphor.
Well, Hollis isn't really a poet.
Or a trustworthy person.
He's not the only one.
Uh, seriously?
Well, so much for giving up.
I cannot believe you guys.
We agreed we'd all stop looking.
And yet here we all are.
Did you two really bring your gear?
Wasn't sure what the
terrain would be like.
Wanted to be ready.
They brought their med kits.
This treasure hunt has been nothing
but medical rescues and injuries.
I was not about to be one of them.
So, what tipped it off for you guys?
Hollis's yet-to-be-released novel,
Gutted in Glendale.
And then the part in the
poem about a narrow place.
Put it together
- Glendale Narrows.
- It was the river for us.
Uh, Taylor said Hollis used to jog here.
My wife wrote an algorithm
that detects changes
in satellite images.
Okay, well, what do we do now?
Six of us, one treasure.
- Technically, Bobby and I pulled up first.
- Whoa.
Because you elected to keep the name
of Hollis's unpublished
novel to yourself.
I didn't know it was important.
Also, pretty sure this is the first time
any of us are hearing
about an algorithm.
Okay, guys, look, it's $5 million.
So we split it five ways.
We have a preexisting deal with Taylor
and her cameraman.
The cameraman with no name gets a cut?
- No, no, no.
- I really don't think that anyone
who isn't physically
here should get a cut.
Uh, sh-she already knew
where we were going.
Okay, fine, look, we-we
split it seven ways.
I don't know the exact math,
- but that's enough.
- Uh, it's, uh, $714,285.
71.4 cents.
I don't know what to
do with the point-four.
You-you can keep ours.
We found the treasure.
So let's go enjoy it. Together. Come on.
It's got to be buried on
one of those little islands,
the sandbars.
I see some willow trees.
But how will we know which one it is?
There's supposed to be a marker.
"H" marks the spot.
Or maybe we'll find
someone else already there,
beating us to it.
- Is that Probie?
- Guys!
I found it!
What's five million divided by eight?
I'm not doing any more math.
Ravi, why don't you do the honors
since you were here first?
Pretty sure we would've been here first
were it not for the extended
round of negotiations.
Wasn't as heavy as I thought.
I'm guessing it's just a check,
not the actual jewels.
I mean, who would be dumb
enough to do that? Right?
- You have got to be kidding me.
- What?
I think we need to have
a word with Mr. Harcourt.
Gate's already open.
Never a good sign.
Front door is open, too.
I'm gonna go in and check it out.
You all wait here.
You are not going in there alone.
We're going in with you, Athena.
Do any of you have a badge?
And a gun?
I didn't think so.
Wait here.
Guess he found his ending.
Oh, my God.
Is he dead?
Most likely murdered.
Didn't I say to wait outside?
Why do you people never listen?
So that we could be your alibi?
This is News 8 with breaking news.
This is Taylor Kelly
reporting from outside
Hollis Harcourt's mansion,
where, in a twist worthy
of one of his novels,
the famed author has been found dead.
So, you all found an
empty treasure chest,
drove down here like an angry mob
to confront him, now he's dead.
But these facts are
unrelated to each other?
Rick, he was dead when we got here.
- We didn't kill him.
- We just wanted to.
- You're new.
- Yeah.
I'm not really with them.
Uh, I barely know these people, so
- Detective.
- Yeah.
We got the security footage.
Wasn't them.
I didn't actually think it was.
I was just
- I was just doing my job.
- Mm-hmm.
And maybe enjoying the moment a little.
Take a look at this.
She's wearing a Zip Parcel uniform,
but that is not one of their trucks.
Delivery driver? This time of night?
Is she pregnant?
She is.
Where have I seen her before?
My husband almost died!
More people are gonna die!
And you knew he had to be stopped,
so maybe you took matters
into your own hands.
I didn't kill him.
Been hearing that a lot tonight.
But you went there in disguise,
under false pretenses.
Doesn't look good.
- He was a horrible person.
- But you didn't kill him?
You're not really delivering anything.
Where did you get the outfit?
From my husband.
My sweet, kind, normally
level-headed husband.
Who almost lost his life
because of your ridiculous
treasure hunt.
If you're surprised that your husband
is a greedy, reckless man,
then maybe the truth is
you didn't know him as
well as you thought.
So you're welcome.
He's not greedy.
He wanted the money for his family.
We have a baby on the way,
and now he can't work.
He might not be able to do his
job ever again thanks to you.
You need to fix this. Make it right.
Oh, oh, I see. Okay,
this is a-a shakedown.
Got it. Um, who should
I make the check out to?
How about, uh, "Mrs. Take Your Sob Story
And Empty Envelope Somewhere Else"?
Because I don't care.
- Don't you touch me!
- No! Oh!
Oh, my God.
That's a that's a crystal
vase! It's valuable!
So's my husband!
Not to me.
Stop it!
What are you doing?!
Stop it! What are you do
I'm calling the
Oh, God. Are you okay?
911. What's your emergency?
This is 911. Is anyone there?
Hello? Can you hear me? Is anyone there?
If you're there, press a button.
Why didn't you say anything?
You don't know that.
Maybe it was just a bad connection.
She's not wrong.
She didn't technically kill him.
The M.E. talked to his doctors.
He had a heart condition.
Hollis let her into the house.
So, no breaking and entering charges.
She just let him die.
And the DA isn't gonna want to
touch this with a ten-foot pole.
Everyone just wants this
whole thing to go away.
I know I do.
But what do you think
happened to the money?
Buck, there was no money.
Hollis was just yanking
everyone's chain.
The whole city.
And all of us.
But why bury an empty chest?
I mean, why bury anything at all?
You don't think the probie
double-crossed us, do you?
At this point, I don't trust anyone.
I mean, aside from you guys, obviously.
- Everyone else, they suck.
- Huh.
Especially that assistant.
Jeremiah. You know, he swore
to me he'd seen the treasure
with his own eyes.
Guess he was in on the
con this whole time.
No. He was just as surprised
as I was that Hollis was alive.
You're alive?
- I'm gonna kill you!
- Uh
What are you thinking?
Hollis didn't bury an empty chest.
Hollis didn't bury anything.
Hollis wasn't the type
to get his hands dirty.
You're the only one I trust.
You have to do this for me.
You just told me you're dying,
and now you want me to
wade into the L.A. River
and bury $5 million?
I need a minute.
Jeremiah, I don't think
I have many minutes left.
So it was left up to Jeremiah,
his loyal assistant,
to do the dirty work.
Who he conveniently left
out of his fake will.
He had a fake will for his fake death?
And still didn't put
his assistant in it?
That guy was a real piece of work.
Hollis spent his life
writing about the worst
aspects of human nature.
Confirms everything I ever
thought about this town.
Full of selfish, greedy morons.
And, still, he failed to remember
that sometimes, when you
push people too far
they snap.
He left yesterday.
Chartered a plane to the Maldives.
No extradition treaty.
Do we even know if he committed a crime?
Yeah. What else would you call it?
A severance package.
But I really think
Yeah, forget I asked.
I'm guessing no trip to the Maldives?
They think "there was never a
treasure" is a better story.
They want me to leave it there.
Ah. I feel like they don't
know you very well.
Mm. And you think you do?
You know, I'm starting to.
I also happen to think that,
me and you, we, uh
we make a pretty good team.
Buck, we didn't find the treasure
and you ended up being
questioned by the police.
For the second time.
Yeah, but, uh, the rest of it
It was fun.
I'm glad we're friends.
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