9-1-1: Lone Star (2020) s05e11 Episode Script


Core temperature too high.
Meltdown imminent.
Core temperature too high.
Meltdown imminent.
Core temperature too high.
- Meltdown imminent.
Core temperature too high.
Meltdown imminent.
Shut down reactor immediately.
- Core temperature too high.
Meltdown imminent.
- (COUGHS) Help!
- Core temperature too high.
- Meltdown imminent.
Core temperature too high.
- Meltdown imminent.
Core temperature too high.
Meltdown imminent.
- Shut down reactor immediately.
East wall.
Core temperature too high.
Meltdown imminent.
- Meltdown imminent.
Nuclear meltdown in ten, nine
eight, seven
Nuclear meltdown in six, five
- four, three
two, one.
TK STRAND: Oh, my God, this is terrible.
Babe, I can't believe I missed this.
What? What's going on?
Our aspirin expired two months ago.
So? What's the big deal?
Because they check for that kinda stuff.
They go through our medicine cabinets?
Yes, it's the Department of
Family and Protective Services.
They, they kinda look
through everything.
Babe, you need to relax.
How am I supposed to relax?
I just FaceTimed Jonah
at that boarding school
that Enzo sent him to,
and he was crying his little eyes out.
- All he wants is to live with us.
- CARLOS REYES: And he will.
It's what your stepdad
wants for him. too.
This is basically a formality.
Yeah, I don't know about all that.
He's facing 25 years for fraud.
I don't think the courts are gonna
hold his opinion at a very high regard
if the social worker disagrees.
She won't.
You think our emergency
plan is displayed well enough?
- I do.
- TK: Good.
'Cause I want her to know
that we can handle a crisis.
We submitted sworn affidavits
of our work history and job performance.
Pretty sure she knows.
Alright, what if she doesn't
like where we put his bed?
Where else would we put it?
I mean, we could give him our room.
We're not giving him our room.
But, babe, he's not gonna
have any privacy.
He will when we finish
these bookshelf partitions.
What if she thinks our aesthetic
is too severe for a child?
Our aesthetic
is not too severe.
When the social worker looks around,
she's not gonna care about the bed
or the aspirin in the cabinet.
She's going to care about
all the love we have for Jonah.
- I sure hope so.
- I know so.
This is where your brother
is going to grow up.
We're going to be a family.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Now grab a hammer
and work on that bookshelf.
can't we get a dog again?
(CHUCKLES) Because we are too busy
and dogs are really needy.
And we're both allergic to cats.
Yeah, but plants are, like,
the most boring pet ever.
They are not boring. They're magic.
I mean, look at those
money trees over there.
They're definitely plants.
They're lucky.
MATEO: I could get behind that.
So should we just get, like,
the biggest one here, yeah?
Uh, well, not too big,
because we're gonna have
to schlep it back and forth
between our places.
Seriously? The tree?
Look, why don't we just move in already
and let's just get it over with?
Babe, you know I'm not ready for that.
Well, when will you be?
What are we waiting for?
We both know how this is
gonna end up either way.
Which is?
Or not.
Um, Nancy, do you not wanna
get married to me?
I don't wanna get married to anyone.
I don't believe in marriage.
You don't believe in marriage?
What? What does that even mean?
Baby, I'm just saying that
I don't think that you and I
need rings to prove that
we're each other's person.
Right here.
- Right. Yeah. You're right.
- Yeah.
Are you freaking out?
I feel like you're kinda freaking out.
No, I'm just looking
for the most portable one
that we could, um, carry back
and forth, like you said, right?
You know, what about this one?
You like that one?
Yeah. Let's get that one.
Oh, hey, bro.
I-I was gonna pick that one.
Well, then why is it in my hands?
Uh, because you snaked it from me.
What's your problem?
Hey, babe, Teo, let's just get another.
I don't want another
plant, okay? I want this one.
Listen to your wife, buddy.
You don't want any part of this.
She's not my wife, jerk!
- Let it go.
- Or what? Huh?
Or I'm gonna kick your little
You said let it go.
Hey, just stay down, bro, okay?
Look, we don't even need
to do this right now.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean
- Yo!
- Whoa! Dude!
MAN: Get back, the both of you!
You, you're under arrest for assault.
Dude, are you making
a citizen's arrest right now?
No, I'm off-duty APD.
Bro, I'm a firefighter.
We're on the same side here.
Call 9-1-1. Tell 'em Sgt. Landon
is code 3 at this address,
they'll know what that means.
MATEO: But you swung first.
Yeah? Tell it to the judge.
- Hey, Paul. What's up?
- Not much.
Just wanted to let you know
that Nancy just called
and said Mateo's gonna be late today.
- She say where he was?
- PAUL: No.
Only that he had a personal appointment
- that he couldn't get out of.
Are you going somewhere?
Uh Uh, yeah.
I, I too have a personal appointment
that I can't get out of.
Oh, at the top of the shift?
Where you going?
It's a, uh
Uh, it's a hair thing, if you must know.
You always take your briefcase
to these hair things?
- I work while I'm there.
- Hmm.
- Don't do that.
- Don't do what?
Dismissed, Lieutenant.
PAUL: Mm-hmm.
So they were on the door when it went up
and got caught in the gears.
- They?
- Jax is non-binary.
- They use they/them.
- Got you.
Lieutenant, you want me
to grab the airbag?
- PAUL: Yeah, please. Gallagher!
- GALLAGHER: Yes, sir?
Grab the rotary saw
and find the building manager
- so we can turn off the power to the gate.
- GALLAGHER: Copy that.
Hey, Jax, we're gonna
get you down, okay, bud?
Greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
- PAUL: How's your arm?
- Fine. Just stuck.
The gate turned off when I got caught.
It's probably a safety shut-off.
Hey, do I know you?
Doesn't she look familiar?
- Eh.
- Ysabel, keep filming.
- This is great content.
- YSABEL: Bet.
PAUL: So how exactly did
they get stuck up there, anyway?
- EVAN: Um
- No comment.
Probably playing chicken.
Kids film themselves
hanging off these gates
to see who jumps first. Am I right?
PAUL: Yeah, so I'm
guessing you lost, huh?
What makes you say that?
Favoring your right ankle.
Probably from the fall.
Hey, Marjan, can you check out
his ankle until EMS gets here?
Yes, sir.
Wait, you're Firefox.
Jax! Jax, this is Firefox!
Seriously? Hey, could you
follow my Insta?
JaxAtax! Two X's, one T,
and-and one exclamation point!
Why don't we get you
down first, alright?
Hey, I think there could be
a lot of synergy here.
They're gonna be
the next Jackass for Gen Z.
Yeah, they're certainly on their way.
Okay, power's off, L.T.
PAUL: Hey, Jax. I'm Paul.
Why don't you put your feet over here
on this ladder so you can rest?
- There you go. Is that better?
- Yeah.
Great. Alright.
- How's your pain?
- Fine.
Cool Hand Luke over here, huh?
I don't know who that is.
(CHUCKLES) Don't worry about it.
Alright, look,
let me take that saw there.
I'm gonna try to cut you
out of here, okay?
- Okay.
- Cover you up with this.
If it starts to hurt,
you let me know, alright?
Just gonna cover you.
Watch out for this box, okay?
JAX: Got it.
PAUL: Just gotta get through
these bars, and you're out.
Hey, I thought you said
it wasn't hurting.
(STRAINING) I said it was fine.
I'm used to pain.
You sound like someone
who's made a habit out of it.
Yeah, not always by choice.
- Alright. (GRUNTS)
Okay, they're out!
I thought you killed
the power to this thing!
I did too!
Probably reactivated
now that nothing's blocking it!
Their hoodie's stuck!
- Shut it off!
- I'm trying!
PAUL: It's gonna crush them!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah!
Okay, come on. Come on.
- Roll. No problem.
- JAX: Thank you.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you.
- Alright.
- Thank you.
- You're okay.
- That was close, right?
- Yeah, too close.
That was wicked!
Ysabel got all of it.
You're gonna trend for sure.
Hell, yeah.
here, kid, let's check you out.
We baby-locked all the cabinets,
covered all the outlets.
We also have an emergency plan
in plain view
per the state's recommendation.
I assume we're calling
this Jonah's room?
We were actually talking about
just giving him the master.
ALISSA: I don't think that's necessary.
I think this is adorable.
Who doesn't love a race car bed?
I told you she'd like it.
The purpose of a pre-adoptive
home screening is to ensure
Jonah is brought up in a stable
and loving environment.
- CARLOS: Mm-hmm.
- So I'd like to ask you
about the homes you grew up in.
Carlos, let's start with you.
You wrote that your parents
were married for 31 years, correct?
How would you describe
the household in a word?
In a word? Um Disciplined.
But my mom was
very affectionate, though.
Still is.
And your father?
Didn't really show it.
Especially when I first came out.
Uh, but he did in the end.
He was a very loving man.
He was a great dad.
ALISSA: TK, I see your
parents got divorced.
That can be very traumatic for a child.
It was, but it made me
appreciate how important it is
to never take your family for granted.
Do you think it could have contributed
to your drug use later on?
Uh, sometimes addiction develops
as a response to trauma.
I see you checked "yes" on having
a history with drug or alcohol abuse.
Oh. Um, no, no, I
I got hooked on pills
after a bike accident.
It had nothing to do with my parents,
who were amazing, by the way.
They're the ones
who got me into rehab and
I mean, they saved my life.
TK has been sober for five years.
Yes, I see he wrote that here.
Well, he-he didn't just write it in.
Uh, he goes to meetings every week.
- He has a sponsor.
- Babe, it's okay.
Um, is that gonna disqualify us?
Not if you're willing to
submit to random drug testing.
- Yeah, absolutely. Of course.
- Yeah.
Then you should be fine.
Congratulations on five years,
by the way.
I'm in recovery myself.
I'd like to talk about something
slightly less sensitive now.
- Yes, please.
- Let's talk about your jobs.
CARLOS: Mm-hmm.
You both work pretty long hours.
Yes, we do,
but we can get off
whenever we might need to.
It's true. And my mom
can be here anytime for Jonah.
I mean, 24/7. (LAUGHS)
Whether we like it or not,
- right?
So, walk me through
a typical day's work for you.
Um, well, that's
I mean, that's what
we love about our jobs.
- CARLOS: Yeah.
- There is no typical.
- ALISSA: I can only imagine.
As a paramedic, you must
have some wild stories.
I wouldn't even know where to start.
Well, there was that time that
I got stuck in a toxic gas cloud
or running through lava bombs.
Lava bombs? That's like out of a movie.
No movie script
would be that ridiculous.
What about you, Carlos?
As a Texas Ranger,
you must have your
fair share of adventures.
Well, I mean,
it comes with the territory.
You never know if you'll be
chasing down bank robbers
or kicking in the door to a
cartel stash house. (CHUCKLES)
I think I have everything I need.
Did we pass?
Are you gonna recommend
for Jonah to come live with us?
I'm afraid I can't do that.
- What?
- Why not?
Your little brother has
already lost both of his parents
to tragic circumstances.
His mother's sudden death,
his father's incarceration.
I can't place him in a home
where both adoptive parents
are involved in such dangerous work.
Heroic as it may be.
I'm sorry.
Hey, Dr. Collins.
Hi, Tommy. How are you feeling?
Well, I had an egg yesterday
that I managed to keep down.
And I watched an entire episode
of Bridgerton
without falling asleep, so I think, uh,
I might finally be turning that corner.
Good. That's good.
And yet you say it like it's not.
Dr. Collins
what's going on?
I just looked at your latest scans,
and the results are concerning.
How concerning?
This is your scan from
when we started treatment.
This is from today.
As you can see, the tumors have grown.
No, this doesn't make any sense.
No, this, this treatment
was supposed to be a sure thing.
With cancer, there's never a guarantee.
Okay. Could, could it just
be that they're swollen?
Right? That can happen, right?
The immune cells attack the cancer,
and it causes the tumors
to swell before they shrink.
DR. COLLINS: That can happen, yes.
In very rare cases.
But either way,
I'm afraid it may not matter.
What does that even mean?
This tumor here is now
pressing against your aorta.
It looks like it's already
started a small bleed.
If it grows another millimeter,
it's going to rupture.
Is there anything we can do?
There's no surgery for something
that close to your heart.
What am I looking at here?
It's impossible to say.
My girls are in Atlanta
visiting their uncle for a week.
Should I be calling them to come home?
I think that's for the best.
Mr. Chavez, I'm Officer Ross.
This is Agent Sutton.
Listen, what that cop said is BS, okay?
I'm AFD, and he totally started it.
- We know.
- You do?
That guy's always been such a dick.
Here, let me help you with those.
Thank you.
So, does this mean
that I'm off the hook?
No, you'll still be charged
with disorderly conduct
for smashing all those plants,
but we should have you out of here soon.
So why is there an FBI agent here?
Well, I'm not with the FBI, Mr. Chavez.
I'm from Immigrations
and Customs Enforcement.
As a Dreamer, I'm sure you're aware,
any unlawful actions puts
your DACA status in jeopardy.
And that we take all attacks on
law enforcement extremely seriously.
No matter who started it.
MATEO: That's crazy.
I didn't know that was a cop.
AGENT SUTTON: Well, be that as it may,
considering the severity
of the incident,
we've had to make
a very difficult decision.
Decision? What decision?
Mateo Chavez,
this letter is to notify you
of the process of removal.
If you leave the country voluntarily,
you'll be allowed
to reapply for legal re-entry
in the next two to three years.
What are you saying?
I'm saying we're
deporting you, Mr. Chavez.
Hey, Jax. Hey, buddy.
Hey, Paul. What are you doing here?
Uh, I I just wanted
to see if you were okay.
Ah, it's just a few stitches.
I've had worse. (CHUCKLES)
I do not doubt that. You got a second?
Do you always visit the hospital
of people you rescue?
Well, sometimes the rescue is not over
just because you bring
someone to the hospital.
I saw some of your TikToks.
I saw some videos of you
base jumping, car surfing.
Listen, Jax, you're, you're a brave kid,
but some of those stunts
you're doing are just plain stupid.
I don't know what to tell you, man.
You don't get likes playing it safe.
That's kinda what I wanted
to talk to you about.
You know, of all the videos I've seen,
do you know which one was
the most concerning to me?
Grocery cart on the highway?
No, no.
It's the one you posted before you
started doing all the daredevil stuff.
Today was rough, you guys.
I had to introduce myself
at my new school,
and when I said my pronouns,
the teacher groaned
and then some kids started laughing.
People just don't get how
painful it is to not be seen.
Jax, I know what it's like
to wanna feel seen.
And doing this stuff is
going to get you eyeballs,
but it's going to get you killed.
That's not true.
Yes, it is.
You have no idea how many kids
I've scraped off the pavement
because of one stupid mistake.
No, I mean, respectfully,
you don't know what it's like
to not be seen.
What makes you say that?
Oh, come on, man, you're a firefighter.
You're a hero.
Nobody cares about me.
Everybody looks up to you.
First of all, I care about you.
And I'm also trans.
You? No way.
I wasted so much time
trying to prove who I was
to everybody else.
Trying to justify my existence.
But I don't have to do that.
We do not have to do that.
But believing that we do is dangerous.
I just wish I had someone
who would have told me
that I was enough.
So I'm telling you
you are enough.
(VOICE BREAKING) Um, thanks.
Thanks for, thanks for saying that.
You're welcome.
While we're on that, I highly recommend
you get some new friends.
Some who don't enjoy recording you
getting choked to death on TikTok.
Yeah, well, if you have any tips
on where to find them,
let me know. (LAUGHS)
Why don't you come down
to the firehouse?
Seriously, I'd love to give you a tour.
I mean, who knows, maybe
you can make a career out of it.
We're always looking
for people who have guts.
Jax! Are you done or what?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, I just finished.
EVAN: Alright, then, let's bounce.
I gotta go.
Take care of yourself, Jax.
YSABEL: How many stitches did you get?
- JAX: Nineteen.
- YSABEL: Oh, sick!
We should get a pic of them for Insta.
Hey, Cap. These just came for you.
OWEN: Open Sesame?
JUDD RYDER: Open Sesame.
I don't think I know what that is.
That's 'cause it's in New York.
"A taste of what's to come."
- Hmm.
Is this, uh, New York trying to woo you
to be their, uh, chief again?
Uh, I am officially beyond being wooed.
I met with my lawyer.
I went over the contract.
I've accepted.
Hot damn.
Congratulations, Owen.
Hey, this time there's nothing
in God's green earth
that's gonna stop you from going.
Well, don't tempt Him.
JUDD: Yeah. Wow.
Wow. So, when, uh, when do you start?
In a month.
Hey, Cap. Um, you got a sec?
There's something I need
to talk to you about.
Let me finish up here.
I'll come find you.
Sure. No problem.
- What's up, Judd?
- JUDD: What's up?
Whew. So I guess now you're
gonna have to tell everybody.
They're doing a story
in The Times tomorrow.
In The Times? You're a big deal.
I'm a little worried how
the gang is gonna take it.
It'll be hard for 'em, but they're
all going to be proud of you.
I know I am.
Thanks, Judd.
Boy, The New York Times.
The Gray Lady.
JUDD: How about that?
Hey, Mom. What's up?
Hey, mija.
Iz, it's Mom.
Hey, Mom.
Hey, you girls look like you're
out in the world somewhere.
We just ordered boba.
Is your, uh, is your Uncle Julius there?
Yeah, he's outside.
Do you want us to get him?
No, it's fine.
IZZY VEGA: You'll never
believe what he got us.
Tickets to Olivia Rodrigo Friday!
Wow. We love her.
EVIE: I guess he met
her on tour or something.
We have backstage passes!
That's amazing.
Don't worry. We'll send you selfies.
So, what's going on?
Why are you calling? Is everything okay?
Yep. Yeah.
Everything's fine. Fine.
I, um, I was missing you girls,
and so I just wanted to call
and let you know
I was thinking about you.
And I love you very much.
Very much.
We love you too, Mom.
- BARISTA: Order 21.
- Our boba order's up.
We gotta go.
Hey, have fun.
And, and don't forget
to send me those selfies.
SPEAKER: You always did look
so beautiful when you cried.
Hello, Tommy.
No, no. No.
No, you're not
No, you can't be here.
I'm having a stroke.
I must be having a stroke. (SNIFFLES)
It's Yes.
tear in my heart just threw a clot.
And I should probably call 9-1-1.
You're not having a stroke.
You don't need to call 9-1-1.
They've been to this address enough.
You're not real.
No, no. You're a hallucination.
You're a hallucination brought on by
It's my stress.
And chemo and
I can't I can't
- How real was that?
That's too real.
Hey. You hungry?
I'm gonna make you something.
How does steak and eggs sound?
(VOICE BREAKING) Why are you here?
I'm here to bring you home.
Charles (EXHALES)
There's still so much to do.
I know it feels that way.
I felt like that.
But you'll see in time,
it all happens as it should.
Well, what about the girls?
The girls are strong.
You made sure of that.
Who's gonna watch over them?
The same person
who's watching over them now.
Their Uncle Julius.
You think your baby brother
is up to this?
Yeah. Me too.
I thought I had this.
That I could beat it.
You gave it everything you had.
You suffered so much, Tommy.
You fought so hard.
Now you can rest.
Does it hurt?
Not nearly as much as living does.
I love you, Charles.
I love you too.
Do you have any extra shammies?
They're gonna kill me
if they know that the probie
don't have any towels
to dry off the truck.
Yeah, man, it's, it's just
right there in the bin.
How you doing, man? You doing okay?
- I'm good, man.
- JUDD: Yeah?
Your demeanor don't exactly
look like things are good.
Carlos and I saw
that social worker today.
JUDD: Mm-hmm.
She's not gonna let us
be Jonah's parents.
Because of this high-risk career.
That's absurd. So can y'all appeal it?
Doesn't work like that.
No, no, look
There's gonna be something you can do.
There's not.
We haven't even gotten him,
and it feels like
we've lost everything already, you know?
Yeah. Charlie's been, uh
living with her grandparents
for the last couple months.
Did they get custody?
No, no, it's nothing like that.
It's just, I was going through
some personal stuff,
and, uh, I'm actually in recovery now.
Oh, I, uh
Judd, I didn't I didn't
I didn't know, man.
I mean, that's the way
it usually goes, right?
But, yeah. Yeah, your dad
actually helped me out a lot.
He saved my life.
So in that sense, you know,
it kinda makes us, uh
Like brothers.
- JUDD: Like brothers, yeah.
- Yeah.
Look, you know how
in the program they say
that we just gotta do
the next right thing?
With this whole Jonah deal
just keep doing the next right thing.
It's gonna be okay.
Hey, probie, where are the shammies?
I'ma kill them. I'ma
(LAUGHS) I swear.
My God, woman. Hang on.
You're gonna get your shammy.
You want a shammy?
- No, don't throw that.
- MATEO: Hey, you're the probie.
You should be doing this,
by the way, too.
- You're about to get
- Oh! Hey!
- MATEO: Get off of me! (LAUGHS)
- Stop it!
Your mama wants a shammy!
Your mama wants a shammy!
Hey, everybody.
Uh, I have an announcement.
Um, Captain, you wanna get,
uh, TK and the rest of EMS?
Sure thing.
It's the whole squad. Must be serious.
What's going on, Dad?
This is gonna be harder than I thought.
I have something that,
um, I need to say.
It may be hard for me to get through.
- Is the cancer back?
- No, no, no.
It's, it's nothing like that.
It's not the end of the world.
But something has come up.
Saved by the bell.
I don't think so.
"Asteroid threat to Austin
in approximately one hour."
"Seek immediate shelter"?
"This is not a drill."
Good Lord.
So maybe it is the end of the world.
If you are just tuning in,
no, the texts are not a joke.
We have confirmation an asteroid
is on a collision course
with the skies over Austin
56 minutes from now.
thing that can just happen?
Asteroids hitting Earth?
Well, one crashed in Siberia
about ten years ago.
What did it do?
Sent a shock wave 60
miles wide in every direction.
NEWSCASTER: We are joined
on the phone by Dr. Marie Rao,
whose team at JPL
first spotted the asteroid.
Dr. Rao, what can you tell us about it?
DR. MARIE RAO: It's roughly
70 feet wide, 8,000 tons,
and traveling 50,000 miles an hour
towards the Austin Metroplex.
Somebody in this town
has really bad karma.
And what's going to happen
when it hits the atmosphere?
DR. RAO: That's the
million-dollar question.
It could shatter into thousands
of harmless fragments
and rain down in the Texas Hill Country.
Or it can retain its size
and hit downtown Austin,
which would likely involve catastrophic,
if not total loss of life.
So either it kills everybody
or it kills nobody.
Either way, people are
gonna be freaking out.
City officials are pleading
for people to shelter in place
as roads are jammed.
Shops have been looted and burned,
and perfect strangers have been seen
crying into each other's arms
as everyone comes to grips
with the possibility of extinction
in about 39 minutes.
And evening is nigh ♪
I hurry to my blue heaven ♪
You turn to the right ♪
- You find a little bright light ♪
That leads you to my blue heaven ♪
You find a cozy place,
fireplace, a cozy room ♪
A little nest that nestles ♪
CHRIS: Hey, Milton.
MILTON: Yeah, yeah. Hello, Chris.
- Oh!
- Here, let me give you a hand.
No, no, no, I can manage
by myself. Thank you.
Alright. No worries.
Hey, bud, can I ask you a favor?
- No.
You don't even know what I'm gonna ask.
You're gonna ask if you
can join me in my bunker
and survive the meteor strike.
Okay, that's, that's
what I was gonna ask.
Yeah, for years, you laughed at me.
Oh, come on, we never laughed at you.
You called me a crazy doomsday prepper.
I heard you.
At all those barbecues
you never invited me to.
Well, we never thought
that you wanted to come.
You'd always call the
cops on us about the noise.
MILTON: Goodbye, Chris.
Enjoy the apocalypse.
Wait, wait, wait! Wait! Wait!
Okay, you know what? You're right.
I did call you a doomsday
prepper, and I'm sorry.
But please, man.
Just take Meadow in there with you.
Please help our daughter!
I'm not a babysitter!
No, but you're a human being.
It's not her fault that we were jerks.
Just turn to the right ♪
But she'd better like Doctor Who.
And there aren't gonna be any cartoon
Milton! Milton, you okay?
- Milton!
- Milton!
- My blue heaven ♪
Guess they didn't get
the memo to stay put.
You can't run from a meteor
when you don't know
exactly where it's gonna land, people.
Can't really blame them
for trying, though.
I can. Bunch of Chicken Littles.
Well, in their defense,
the sky is actually falling.
That's him.
CHRIS: Oh, thank God.
I wasn't sure anybody
would bother showing up.
Till the end.
So I guess Milton
built this thing for Y2K.
He was trying to open
the door for my daughter
and then he just grabbed
his chest and he collapsed.
Do you know if he has
a history of heart disease?
No. I mean, we're not
really friends like that.
We're just neighbors.
TK: Hey, sir, can you hear me?
You guys, I think
I see his chest rising.
Guys, he's alive in there, but barely.
should I go get the acetylene torch?
OWEN: No, it's the most
reinforced part of the bunker.
We'll never get him out in time.
- So what do we do?
- We gotta make another hole.
Yeah, but how? This thing is built
to withstand a nuclear shock wave.
But not a direct hit.
Hey! Hey, Cap, I think I found the edge!
Alright, Cap, we're ready.
Alright, start stacking the tanks.
- Yep.
- Here you go.
OWEN: Come on, let's hustle.
Okay, crank 'em.
Tamp the bags.
Hurry up, hurry up!
Okay, fall back.
Let's go!
Fall back! Fall back!
You ready, Mateo?
OWEN: EMS, you ready?
- Ready, ready, Cap.
- Ready.
Fire in the hole!
Let's go. Let's hustle!
Come on, everybody!
MATEO: I'm going in the bunker, Cap.
(ON RADIO) I'm inside.
You see anything?
TK: No, it's still too smoky.
MATEO: At the door. Coming out.
I've got a pulse, but it's
jumping all over the place.
Get him on the LIFEPAK.
TK: Copy.
- Here you go, Cap.
- Thanks.
- TK: Cap!
Heart rate's spiking 180,
blood pressure's dropping fast.
He's in severe A-fib.
We need to cardiovert
to get his heart back into rhythm.
- Cap, I'm losing him.
I'm losing him!
Alright, stand clear!
What Wh-what happened?
You had a cardiac event,
but you're okay now.
Was my, my, my A-fib act up again?
Wait. Wait, wait. I was in my bunker.
How'd you get in my bunker?
Oh, yeah. Uh, about that, man
Sorry, we, uh
No! What have you done?
Well, we saved your life.
Until the meteor hits.
Now, what am I gonna do?
There's probably just enough time
to put a few burgers on
the grill with us, if you want.
Are you joking?
I would love that.
Come on.
- Of course.
Let's do it.
Good save, 126.
Yeah, unless he dies again
in 15 minutes anyway.
OWEN: Well, at least he won't be alone.
Let's go home.
OWEN: Hey, everybody.
So, uh, we don't know
what's gonna happen
when this rock hits,
but it's probably not gonna be good.
Everybody else gets to go home,
be with their families and loved ones
but not us
'cause we took an oath.
We serve no matter what the danger,
no matter what the cost.
And I just wanted to take
a second and say thank you.
There's no group I'd rather
be with at a time like this.
Right back at you, Cap.
Hey, this is our family.
Hey, 126 forever.
126 forever.
Alright, so go call your loved
ones. Do what you need to do.
I need you back here in five minutes.
Ready for impact.
Hey, Mateo. There's
something you wanted to tell me?
Probably doesn't matter now anyways.
Hey, um, what was your announcement?
Don't worry about it.
Hey, Carlos.
CARLOS (ON PHONE): Hi, baby.
Joe, we didn't even make it to a year
before our first existential threat.
Hi, Charlie girl.
- Hi, Daddy.
- JUDD: Ohh.
Honey, you know
how much Daddy loves you?
To the moon?
To the moon and back.
Bye, Daddy.
it's the end of the world ♪
'Cause you don't love me anymore ♪
Why do the birds go on singing? ♪
Why do the stars glow above? ♪
Don't they know
it's the end of the world? ♪
It ended when I lost your love ♪
MATEO: Hey, you know
I would have done it, right?
Schlepped that money tree back and forth
for the rest of our lives.
Good. Because
if we survive this,
I'm gonna hold you to that.
Even if we're in different countries.
NEWSCASTER: All of Austin
is holding its breath.
We are hearing thousands
of motorists are stranded
in their cars out on the roads.
Others are at home enjoying
what might be the last time
they spend with their loved ones.
MEADOW: Here, Milton.
Oh, thank you very much.
NEWSCASTER: And for many,
there is nothing left to do
but stare up at the heavens in surrender.
Either way, we will all learn
our fate in about 60 seconds.
OWEN: Everybody, under the trucks!
Protective gear on.
- Prepare for impact.
Don't they know ♪
Everybody under the trucks!
Let's go.
It's the end of the world? ♪
- Son.
- Dad.
Let's go.
You gotta be kidding me. Jax!
What are you doing here?
If something bad's about to happen,
I wanted to be somewhere I can help.
You said you could
always use people with guts.
- Hey! Who's this?
- This is Jax.
I told him I'd give him
a tour of the firehouse.
Under the truck.
NEWSCASTER: Alright, folks, this is it.
The asteroid will hit the
atmosphere in about 10 seconds.
God bless you all.
I'm scared, Paul.
it ended when you said ♪
Me too, kid.
And God bless Texas.
Goodbye ♪
Here it comes.
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