90210 s05e05 Episode Script

Hate 2 Love

I told you, I slept with you in Vegas because I thought Dixon and I weren't together.
It's not gonna happen again.
I've got one shot to make a name for myself, and I have to knock it out of the park.
A guy in a leg brace does not scream "kick-ass opening act.
" Whoa! Where did that come from? Do you want to feel sexy? Try dancing in front of a live audience.
There's nothing like it.
You know where I could sign up? You and Max are a mistake, and I am not gonna let you ruin his life.
Max, Alec set me up.
- He kissed me and had someone take photos of us.
- He was trying to prove that you had cheated on me once, and that you would do it again.
How was your fantasy weekend? Max and I hit a bit of a speed bump.
I'm not gonna let that happen again.
Is Navid around? He has been after me for days to come see what he is doing here.
I'm not really sure where he where he is, so Okay.
Well, I'll just come back.
I only had a few minutes anyway.
How are you doing? Uh, with the whole baby-making thing? Sorry, this is kind of weird for me to ask, but are you? Pregnant? No.
Not yet.
But it is still surprising that I am disappointed to say that at 20.
What's up with you? Oh, just shooting this frontal lobotomy of a movie, and, uh, actually giving school a go.
- Good for you.
- Yeah.
I thought a business class could really help in expanding the bar.
Teacher really knows her stuff.
I could learn a lot.
Except she's got it in for me.
A teacher doesn't like Liam Court? No! Yeah.
Yeah, she thinks I'm some dumb actor, wants me to drop her class.
Hey, you were always a teacher's pet.
I was always a good student.
There's a difference.
- Meh - Yeah.
No, for real, though.
What do you think I should do? I mean, I spent all this time making this business plan, and she won't even read it.
Successful businessmen don't let anything stand in their way.
They either go around the obstacle - or just plow right through it, right? - Yeah.
Human bulldozer really isn't my style.
Well, sometimes you got to switch it up.
You might even surprise yourself.
I am glad we're talking again.
I really miss it.
Me, too.
Sorry, I didn't realize you were both here.
Uh Place is starting to look like something again, huh? Yeah.
It really is.
Good job, you guys.
Yeah, it's been, like, 24/7.
Need it ready for the Pop Up, it's gonna be huge.
- Uh, oh, I think I'm getting - I really want to hear about all of this, - but I don't have time right now.
I have an appointment.
- Oh It's another one of those doctor/baby things.
It's endless.
Um, let's catch up later? Uh, yeah.
Hey, uh Liam, to be honest, uh, I'm not cool with how you handled the whole Dixon thing.
It's not gonna be good for anyone if he bombs.
Well, I think he deserves a shot.
Well, the Pop Up is kind of my thing.
Okay? Well, mine and Taylor's.
It's our event.
- Yeah, at my venue.
- Okay, but I spent a lot of time and cash to get this place ready.
I need to be able to make decisions Okay, look, look, Navid.
I know that I've been a little half-assed about this place sometimes, but I'm taking it more seriously now.
And as long as I own the place, I have some say in what goes on.
You know, maybe we should have a little bit more of a formal agreement.
No, dude, dude, we're friends.
I know, I know.
It's better to hammer this stuff out now, and just avoid misunderstandings later.
So what? You want to hire a lawyer? Yeah.
Yeah, I think I do.
Actually, I know the perfect one.
You two are the most important people in the world to me.
Which means, from here on in, you're gonna get along.
No more mind games, and no more underhanded jabs.
Do I make myself clear? - Absolutely.
- 100%.
Okay, then.
Group hug.
Come on.
Come on, all together.
The coders are stuck again.
I got to go.
Um we good? - Right? - Absolutely.
- Of course.
- Okay.
My husband wants us to get along; I want what he wants.
Do you actually plan on putting an effort in for real? Of course.
Max won't be aware of any discord.
If you're taking this underground, Alec, make no mistake: I'll meet you there.
Colin, I have to say I'm kind of enjoying this.
What do you mean, "kind of"? I really like spending time with you.
Oh, well.
Kissing while eating Mexican's kind of dicey anyway.
Where's Dixon? Hmm.
Well, hello to you, too, Riley.
Dixon's not here.
Well, I think I'll wait.
Come on in.
Colin, this is Riley, Dixon's physical therapist.
Hey, man.
You like mole? No, I'm not really a fan of Mexican.
Oh, this is Oaxacan.
- Which is in Mexico.
- Right, I just meant that particular region has really great food.
Even people who don't like Mexican like Oaxacan.
Not to mention the tequila.
We're talking the authentic stuff, with the worm.
Did Dixon say when he'd be back? No, he didn't.
But, you know, you don't have to wait if you don't want to.
I know, but I will.
Pop Up at the Offshore this Saturday.
Invitation only, surprise guest, one night only.
I want you to be there, and trust me you want to be there.
What's up, guys? How's it going? It's going over the top.
How's it going with you, my man? Uh, you know, getting stronger.
Uh, setting up, getting ready.
How about you, Navid? Hey, Taylor, can you give us a sec? - You bet.
- Thanks, man.
Look, Dixon, I I didn't mean to be a jerk.
You didn't? Oh, man, that means you just hit it out of the park - without even trying.
- Hey.
Just, this Pop Up has been a huge amount of pressure on me.
I can handle pressure.
Yeah, you can.
It's me I'm worried about.
I really need this thing to take off.
It's something I'm good at, I could really be a player, get noticed.
By Silver.
- By everyone.
- Mostly by Silver.
Well, yes, fine.
It wouldn't suck if Silver happened to see what she was missing.
- I it's okay, I get it.
- You do? - Hey.
- Hey.
Uh, Navid, Megan.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Uh, we we met in in, um In our support group for people who are totally messed up in the head.
- Yeah.
- Ah.
Actually, Dixon's the only one keeping me together.
Well, and the drugs.
- Kidding.
- Oh.
That was a good one.
Uh, Navid's actually throwing the Pop Up - that I'm playing at.
- Cool.
Yeah, invite only, surprise guest, one night only.
I want you to be there, and trust me you want to be there.
Then I guess I should be there.
Uh, you know what, I got to go.
My English lit professor makes us recite Shakespeare when we come in late.
Uh, well, hey, take a few more, spread the word.
- Yeah, sure.
- Thanks.
Good call, man.
She's hot.
Hey, Dixon.
- Do you want to - Pop Up? Offshore.
Invitation only.
Thanks, but my boyfriend already invited me.
Hey, uh, Dixon, do you want to go grab some lunch? Uh, I'm not really that hungry.
Actually, I got to start planning my set list.
Don't forget, you have physical therapy later.
- Okay? - Yeah, I know I have physical therapy, okay? It's not like I can forget.
I'm babe, I'm sorry.
Uh, it's just it's just, everybody's been on my back about it lately, you know, so It's fine.
I will stay out of your way.
Well, we're just thrilled that you're on board, Mr.
- Welcome.
- Well, I look forward to getting to work.
Thanks for joining us.
I wanted you to meet a new client.
New client? Yes.
Liam Court.
Court has retained the firm, and specifically asked to work with you.
Oh, I know who he is.
He's a student of mine at CU.
- Really? - Unfortunately, that's a conflict for me.
Good news.
Remember how you wanted me to drop your class? Great! Then the first order of business is an employment agreement.
Uh, someone at his bar is looking to get some equity.
So I'll let Liam fill you in on the details.
- Mr.
Court, pleasure.
- Hey.
- See you soon.
- All right.
Good guy.
Do you even know what equity is? Don't you remember the return on equity projections in the business plan that I submitted for your class? Gee.
Must not have read it very carefully.
I probably didn't get to it because I was prioritizing the work of real students.
Well, now that I'm a paying client, I guess you will have to make me a priority, won't you? Alec's meeting ends at 7:00.
I just need you to bump into him, ask him if he wants to have a drink, and keep him busy long enough for me to poke around his office.
If Max wants you to stop feuding with Alec, then why don't you? Because he's trying to break up our marriage.
Besides, if I could just get something on Alec, then maybe, just maybe, I'd be able to neutralize him.
Wow, "neutralize".
That is very CIA of you.
Yeah, fine.
Then "blackmail.
" Either way, we both know I could kick his ass if that doesn't work out.
All right, look.
I am only doing this because I know that you'll harass me until I do, and I don't have time for that.
Really, what else do you have to do? Or rather, who do you have to do? Silver, are you finally giving up your tortured art girl look? It's from Halloween.
- Uh-huh.
- Last year.
Oh, right, when you were a hot dog? Who is he? We know you've been sneaking around with someone.
If you want me to go and do this, then I have to go and do this.
Hello! I come bearing gifts! Hey.
Invites to the Pop Up okay.
Uh, here you are, Naomi.
And here you are, Silver.
- You were my next stop.
- Thanks, I already got one from Liam.
Oh, okay.
Uh, uh, you're coming, right? Definitely gonna try, yeah.
What, "try?" Well, you have to come.
Nelly Furtado's performing, one night only.
Navid, chill out.
We will be there, but right now, we have to go.
Where you going? Girl stuff.
But we will be there at your event with bells on.
Ta! Uh Dixon has been so touchy lately.
Yeah, he lashes out at me, too, but it's normal, considering what he's going through.
Yeah, I guess.
I don't know, I just, I feel so far away from him right now.
I don't know if it's him, or if it's me It's definitely not you, Ade.
You love him.
Yeah, of course I do.
I just want to feel close again, you know? And it's like we can't get back at it.
We don't connect, we don't have sex.
Sorry, you didn't have to hear that.
Oh, it's fine.
I yeah, I so didn't need to hear that.
Just, I don't know if it's me, or the injury, or maybe I'm expecting something that he can't do.
It's not like I can just come out and ask him, not with everything else going on.
I just feel so stupid.
If you want to give Navid Shirazi equity in the business, this contract has a vesting schedule.
Do you know what that means? I appreciate your expertise, but I could do without the patronizing and condescension.
Patronizing and condescension are redundant.
Well, I thought I would use both to best indicate the scale of your attitude.
Look, I know what I want.
So here's an idea how about you actually listen to me? I'm trying to expedite this process and save you expensive attorney fees.
What's this? That's my business plan that you wouldn't read.
I don't recall reading this being part of the retainer agreement.
Mmm, well, if you had read the retainer, you would have seen the definition on page four under miscellaneous business.
That's funny, though.
I thought attention to detail was your thing.
Don't presume to know what my thing is.
I want your notes by Saturday.
You can drop them by the Offshore.
I have plans Saturday.
Oh, well, I thought your boss assured me that all services were client-centered.
Do I need to call him to clarify? See you.
Oh, crap.
You really should have a cleaning crew come in here more often.
If you're trying to take me down, you'll have to do better than that drinks with Silver ruse.
Oh, that was Silver's idea.
She thinks you're hot, bless her heart.
Save it, Naomi.
You're way out of your league.
I'll always be one step ahead of you.
So why not maintain what little dignity you have left and give up? Because, Alec, I never give up.
Sorry to ruin your movie date.
I'm back early.
Silver is going to get a piece of my mind.
She couldn't keep Alec away for one hour.
My bad for thinking we could get - a little peace and quiet here.
- That's okay.
It was nice while it lasted.
What happened? I was just getting started when Alec showed up and knew exactly where I was.
Wait, he knew exactly where you were? Yeah, it was freaky.
Give me your phone.
Let me check your network settings.
Yeah, look right here.
He's been using your GPS to track your location.
- He hacked her? - God.
Now, I assume you'd like to reverse this pathway and get full access to his phone, so you open this window here and you have access to his e-mail account.
Oh! Oh, my God.
You are the best thing ever.
Do not mess this up.
Oh, boy, you just gave kerosene and matches to a pyromaniac.
Boring, boring, boring.
God, his e-mails are even more boring than his personality.
Whoa! E-mails to Madison.
A ton of them.
So? She was gonna marry Max.
It's not like they didn't know each other.
They're about me.
He was pressuring her to hire me to plan her wedding.
Why was he invested in having me plan the wedding? He knew I would ruin it.
Oh, my this is awesome.
How are you gonna tell your husband this? "Oh, I just happened to be tapping Alec's phone.
" Annie, you are such a wet blanket today.
I'm gonna have Madison do it.
Why would she ever? Clearly, you forget how charming Naomi can be when she wants something.
Thank you, little geek.
You're a natural.
A natural, yeah.
It's like I was born in this thing.
All you need to do is get your own distinctive persona, starting with a stage name.
Is that the thing where you take your dog's name and add it to the street you grew up on? No, honey, that's for porn.
This is an actual art form.
You've got a great first name.
It's, um it's my last name, but I don't want to use any of my real name.
You know, I just wanted to try this thing out on my own without any pressure, no gossip, no anything, so I haven't told any of my friends.
I get it.
It really is your alter ego.
Though it's weird, hiding it from everyone.
I mean, they know I'm up to something.
Then tell someone.
They'll love it.
Yeah, I know someone who would.
Yeah, friend, boyfriend? Complicated, but we're just starting to become friends again.
See you tomorrow.
Dude, I'm so excited for tonight.
I just made some minor tweaks and Man, you okay? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
I I looked it up online, and it said it's probably just nerves waking up, and that's good news, right? Yeah, yeah, or it could be more neuropathy, which means you should probably see a doctor.
No, not until after tonight.
I talked my way into this, and there's no way in hell I'm letting anything get in the way of this.
Hey, Dixon.
How's it going? How's what going? I don't know, whatever you guys were doing.
Uh, great.
Everything's everything's great.
I'm great, Riley, you're great, right? Always.
All right.
Hey, uh, can I ask you a question? I can't promise I'll answer.
Okay, well, um, all right, if if someone is injured, are there any, um, limitations with I don't know, um, intimacy? Are you asking me what it's like to bonk a guy in a wheelchair? No! No.
Well, yeah, a little bit, a little bit, but not for me.
Just 'cause I'm asking for a friend.
Okay, well, um, the mechanics are pretty straightforward.
I mean, it depends on the injury, you know.
Sometimes the parts work, sometimes they don't, but, um, like, for instance, I don't have any feeling below my waist, but I have a lot above my waist, so my pleasure comes from giving my partners pleasure.
- Riley, I didn't mean to - No.
No, it's, uh it's no sweat.
- You know, it is what it is.
- I was asking about Dixon for Adrianna.
They're, um she is, uh, having a hard time.
Right, uh, well, Dixon's injuries are less severe than mine, so my guess is that his parts probably work, but not not that I'm looking into his business or anything.
Nope, nope, me, neither.
Annie, you know, sex isn't just about the parts.
I mean, one thing that I learned from from my experience is that, um, you know, these injuries, they don't suddenly make you a new person.
Whatever problems you had before, whether it's with yourself or with your partner, they don't disappear.
You know, you can't blame it on the injury.
Thank you, Riley.
It's no sweat.
Hey, by the way, if you do want to buy me dinner sometime, you still might get lucky.
Um, yeah, well, we've got one installed here, and then, uh, another one over here.
Here, I'll just show you.
This way.
Hey, Liam, your phone's buzzing.
Have you noticed anything between, uh, Silver and Liam? No.
I can't keep track of all the drama in your crew.
Why are you so hung up with that one girl? This is L.
You have a club.
Girls are low-hanging fruit.
Guys, please be careful with those extra lights.
Oh, and the fire inspector said we can't use the generator.
Yeah, well, this place has to look good.
It's not, like, some janky amateur hour.
Dude, we're on the same team here.
We just got to play by the rules, okay? Madison? Naomi? What are you doing here? This is a place of rest and beauty, and you are a A well-intentioned victim of circumstance come to make things right? I know, I suck.
I'm sorry.
You have every right to hate my guts, but I just so happened to see you here.
I'm genuinely sorry for how everything went down with Max and the wedding, I really am.
Got it.
Now, go away.
I have finally found happiness with someone else, and I don't want you ruining that, too.
Oh, my God, I'm so happy for you.
It's almost as if it all happened for the best.
Still, I suck, I know.
I'm sorry.
Nothing excuses the fact that you are vulgar and hateful, but my new-found happiness does help me to forgive.
Well, that's awesome.
And since we're past that, I was wondering about Alec.
What about him? Did he pressure you into hiring me as your wedding planner? Alec barely acknowledged Max and I were even getting married.
Well, until my first planner fell through at the last minute, and then all the other people I tried were unavailable.
Then Alec suggested you.
So, Alec ignores you, and then, suddenly, rushes in and saves the day, finding you a new wedding planner, who happens to be Max's ex-girlfriend and love of his life? No offense.
And you think that's, um, coincidence? Well, maybe not.
But what do you care? You got what you wanted you got Max.
Yeah, and I got Alec along with him.
He's gunning for me now.
Madison, I would not expect you to say yes to this, but my friend Navid is throwing a Pop Up at the Offshore.
Max and Alec will both be there.
Maybe you could come down and help me get the truth out finally into the open? Show Max what kind of person his business partner really is.
- Why would I ever - No.
Not for me.
For Max.
You're a forgiving, kind, beautiful soul and you loved him once.
I mean, if his best friend is dead set on sabotaging all of his relationships, don't you think Max deserves to know? Don't you think Max deserves a chance at happiness, too? Okay, so I still can't believe that I did this, but I had a talk with Riley about things.
Not "things" literally.
Well, actually kind of literally if you really think about it.
You talked to Riley about sex? Yeah, but he was surprisingly cool about it all.
First, Dixon is probably fine.
I mean, physically with you know.
Um, and with Riley, it's a little more complicated.
Not that you needed to know that.
Not that I needed to know that.
Even though I think he wanted me to know that, which is weird.
- So? - So, Riley said that sometimes in these situations, people blame their problems on an accident or disability, but a lot of the time, the problems already existed.
What are you saying? I guess I'm saying that maybe the real question is: How was your relationship before the accident? Hey.
Hey, you made it.
Why you acting so surprised? You think I can't dance? Oh, I didn't think you were the club kind of guy.
Well, I'm not.
No, I was actually just here to, uh, check out the ramps.
Good incline.
Sailed right up it.
So, where's your man, the world traveler? Colin is stuck at work.
Okay, well, if you want, I can, uh I can sit here and just spit out some crap I read in Travel and Leisure for you.
Hey, remember yesterday when you were not a dick for like five minutes? Can we do more of that? It depends.
You going to ask me more sex questions? Okay, I'm sorry.
That was a joke.
Ha, ha.
And actually, truth be told, I kind of enjoyed not being a dick for five minutes and just talking to you, so want to get a drink? Yeah.
Yeah, let's do that.
Per your request.
A quick approval would be appreciated.
You're not in the least bit interested in seeing the place? Why would I be? And what do you care? I don't.
I I just thought that, you know, since you're working for me, it might be nice for you to actually experience the business described in the business plan.
It's not that complicated.
None of this is.
You got me all figured out, don't you? Unless there's nuances beyond the good hair and "I'm gonna blow your brains out.
" You saw my movie.
So what? I just find it interesting that you're so put off by me, yet you took the time to see Corporate Invaders.
It's not interesting, Liam.
I had a coupon.
Now, will you sign off on the revision so I can go? Sure.
After I read and review them.
So, sit down, relax, have a drink.
Or just stand there with that look on your face.
Whatever floats your boat.
- Dixon, hey.
- Hey.
All the world's a stage, and all men and women merely players.
I was late for class, but I thought it sort of applied.
This place is really cool.
Thank you so much for inviting me.
Oh, no, no, I'm just glad Are you okay? Mmm.
Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, it's it's just nerves, literally.
Uh, I'll see you after the show, huh? Yeah, I'll be, uh, the groupie - waiting around to meet the rock star.
- Ah.
- See you.
- All right.
- Hey, I wanted to wish you good luck.
- Hey.
I know how important tonight is.
Yeah, thank you.
Hey, Dixon, when this is over, do you think we could talk about stuff? Talk about what? Well, I've been thinking.
Before the accident, our relationship was Ade, I'm about to go on, please.
No, no, I know, okay? Whatever was happening between us then is Hey! Our relationship is important to me.
Yeah, and my career's important to me, all right? That's good to know.
Have a great show.
I cross through the fire to the other side I did the impossible, happy to be alive Nothing's in my way and I'm stronger Than I was because I'm better than before Now I never get enough, 'cause I'm back Smarter, better Faster I had to come back, I can't leave I know who you wanted to see I know that you miss me, know that you miss me Know that you miss me I had to come back Hey.
I see the effort that you're making with Alec, and I really appreciate it.
Of course, I have the hottest, smartest man on the planet, I don't need drama.
Oh, Max.
Max? Madison! Madison.
- Hi.
- Hi.
This is a surprise.
Madison and I ran into each other at the spa.
And, in the spirit of putting things behind us, I invited her here tonight.
I'm so glad you decided to come.
Madison came here tonight because she wanted to tell you something.
Madison, how nice to see you.
Yeah, you, too.
Anyway Uh, gosh, I hate to duck out, but, uh, there's something going on at work.
Um, I'll be right back, and and we'll talk, okay? Oh.
What are you doing? I'm not doing anything.
Madison is dying to tell Max about how you pressured her into hiring me as her wedding planner.
Madison, I'm so sorry that Max had to step away, but I really think it's unfair to subject you to the droning of Alec's voice, so would you like to dance? Oh, with you? Honey, it's time to get your swerve on.
You okay? Not really.
I guess the problems Dixon and I were having before the accident never really went away.
Did you think they ever really did? Wishful thinking? I don't know.
He won't even talk about them.
I keep trying and trying, and I don't even know why anymore.
It's because you're a good person.
And you feel guilty.
So, now you're fighting things that maybe you should just go with.
Maybe you're right.
I got them all saying Oh-oh-oh.
Crazy, man.
Ah, thanks, man.
You know, if you want to get me back, you're going to have to double my rate, right? Yeah, well, if I had the authority to do, uh, well, anything, I totally would.
Have you seen Ade? I was kind of being a jerk to her before I went on.
No, I was actually looking around for Silver.
I can't believe she's not here.
Come on, let me get you a drink.
You know, we really should be out there right now.
And how exactly would that work? Sit on my lap while I do 360s to the beat.
It would be a hell of a ride, too.
All right, let's do it.
We'd cause too much of a spectacle out here.
Hey, you want to take off, maybe go get something to eat? Although I got to warn you, it's it's not going to be mole from Oaxaca.
Hey, am I interrupting? - Yeah, kind of.
- Colin! We were just hanging out.
I'm so glad you made it.
Uh, you remember Riley? Yeah, of course, Riley, man, good to see you.
You, too.
Come on, let's dance.
All right.
Navid! Hey.
Hey! Sorry I'm late.
No, it's better late than never.
So, what do you think? It's pretty great, huh? Well, if I can - do this with some little clam shack - Hey, I'm sorry.
This is really great.
Have you seen Liam? I got to talk to him about something.
Yeah, I'm, uh, sure he's somewhere around here.
I better get back to work.
Whoo! All right, everyone, please give it up for Nelly Furtado! You caught me off guard You know, hey, I'm pleased to meet ya Don't know if you can hold me But I gotta honor it, yeah Depending on the minute, depending on the hours I guess I got some time to waste So we can chop away the hours, yeah Cool, so let's see and then let's talk And then let's walk, yeah, and then, and then Then let's see, and then less walking And less talking, and we'll see Yeah, bring your car to the parking lot Bottoms up! Mmm! Max better get back soon.
I'm getting a little tanked.
Yes, you are.
And he will be.
He's going to be so appreciative that you are giving him the lowdown on Alec.
Girl, you have moves! I do cardio barre! Hey, may I cut in? No you may not.
- Whoo! - Madison, I know Naomi's put you up to something, okay? We both know how underhanded she is.
She stole your fiancé.
So, before you say anything to Max, you think about this: Did I ever say one word against you and Max? Well, no, but Just remember, you and I know the truth.
Do not believe that silver-tongued snake.
You are wasting your time.
You weren't supportive of my marriage! The minute I realized that you thought that, I did everything I could to make it up to you.
By convincing me to hire Max's ex? I didn't convince you to do anything! You liked her work the best.
Because I'm really good.
Remember what we talked about, Madison.
- I'm thirsty! - Okay.
Whoo! - There you go.
- Thanks.
You're welcome.
And just remember how I came into your life and I ruined it just like Alec knew I would.
Don't let her manipulate you, Madison.
How could I possibly have known what was gonna happen? And why would I ever do something, anything to hurt Max? And think about it do you really think that I would want Max to end up with that? Well, I will have you know, Madison, that that is the face of evil! Whoo! Na-na-na-na, ley, ley, ah-ah-ah-ah, ha Hey-hey-hey Na-na-na-na, na, ley, ley Ah-ah-ah-ah, ha, hey-hey-hey Na-na-na-na, hand in hand, arm in arm Okay, I need a break.
- I'm hot.
- Me, too.
What happened? I thought you guys were gonna dance.
What are you talking about? We just did.
That that that was dancing? - Riley! - My bad, my bad.
Oh, hey, it's cool.
I'm not the greatest dancer.
Really? 'Cause I thought you were the expert at everything.
By the way, moron, um, there are no worms in tequila.
Yeah, the Oaxacans, they put it in mescal, as a marketing ploy, basically, just so that rich, stupid gringo tourists like yourself will buy overpriced firewater and suck down worms.
Okay, what is wrong with you? I'm really sorry.
No, no, Annie, please, don't don't apologize for me.
This this is the kind of guy you like, seriously? This? Wow.
I thought you were better than that, Annie, but obviously I was wrong.
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ha, hey-hey-hey Na-na-na-na, ley, ley Ah-ah-ah-ah, ha, hey-hey-hey Hey! Are you really gonna read the whole thing? Aren't there a lot of pressing bar and club issues that demand your scrupulous attention to detail? Wow, Corporate Invaders must have really touched a nerve, huh? Oh, Liam, please.
If you must know, I saw your stupid movie with a stupid boyfriend who dragged me to it, which annoyed me so much that I've since vowed I'll never date another stupid guy.
Well, at least that explains why you're so lonely and bitter.
You think everyone's stupid.
You have no right to judge me.
You don't even know me.
And you don't know me.
Hey, by the way, um, what was your favorite part of the movie? Check this out! You will not believe what I just got vid of! That actor guy totally doing some chick! Wet and sloppy standing sex! Hey, dude, this is a private club.
We don't allow video of our customers.
I'll need your phone.
What, are you for real? Got to protect my clientele.
Hey, you'll get it back, man.
Don't worry.
After I've erased it.
Okay, what was all that about? Celebrity sex tape.
My club just hit the big time! Oh, God Who is that? It's Liam! Who's he with? Uh, if I had to guess, I'd say a yoga instructor.
No, wait.
Is that his teacher? This guy is unbelievable.
Liam, this has to be way, way on the down low.
does not look kindly on professors who consort with students, even ex-students.
My firm would not be thrilled, either.
Don't worry, Professor.
My lips are sealed.
Honey, thank you! And call me when you get back on your feet! Recruiting Madison was a real act of desperation.
So fitting.
I'm actually glad I did it.
I've been unearthing all kinds of interesting things, Alec.
Be sure to tell Max how you got it.
Max! You're not gonna believe what I found out.
Come here.
Max? We've been hacked.
What? Look, we still don't know the extent, but someone who really knew what the hell they were doing hacked into our secure server.
That's where everything was stored, Max.
Everything! I This could sink us.
How the hell could something like this happen? I am so sorry.
That was just psycho.
I feel bad for the guy.
After what he said to you? It's not about what he said.
He's clearly got a thing for you.
Maybe, but Look, cut him some slack, okay? You're pretty irresistible.
And with all he's got going on.
I mean, you and I can never imagine the obstacles these guys face.
You are such a nice guy, Colin.
Annie, I'm so sorry.
Uh, business emergency.
I'll make it up to you, I promise.
Don't worry about it.
My friends are here.
You're the best.
Have you seen the specs? We got everything we need to get out in front of them.
I hacked into the wife's mobile phone.
Candy from a baby.

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