A Haunting (2005) s11e07 Episode Script

Field of Ghosts

NARRATOR: A teen senses spirits in her house It just felt like someone was playing hide-and-seek.
NARRATOR: But these ghosts have a tragic past.
Something happened here Something terrible.
NARRATOR: Can paranormal experts put them to rest I felt it was definitely a male spirit.
What happened?! The energy It's too much for her.
NARRATOR: before it's too late? Aah!! NARRATOR: In America, there is real evil.
It lurks in the darkest shadows and in our most ordinary towns.
Between the worlds we see Someone is in my room.
and the things we fear [ SCREAMS .]
there are doors.
When they are opened [ SCREAMS .]
NARRATOR: nightmares become reality.
synced by dom.
smrc In the Southern part of Virginia lies a charming town known for its rich heritage.
As a young man, David Beason bought property in the rural area surrounding Smithfield.
DAVID: It was a piece of farmland.
And being 23 years old, I was able to purchase the lot 'cause the payments on it were cheap.
NARRATOR: For generations, farming families have labored the land that is now the site of David's home.
DAVID: I actually built the house in 1986, and that's where I got married and have been raising my family.
NARRATOR: David and his wife, Sandy, have been together since their 20s.
You would think, after all these years, I'd be used to doing the yard work around here.
Well, that's what you get for marrying a country boy like me.
And I wouldn't change it for the world.
Steven! Hey there, Mr.
and Mrs.
Great to see you.
Nice truck.
I've actually been waiting to drive it forever now, and it's official.
Steven, you got your license! - Yeah.
- You finally did it.
NARRATOR: The couple has a 16- year-old daughter named Markie.
She's a normal, typical girl, especially at that age.
NARRATOR: Markie and Steven have grown up together.
- Good job.
- Thank you.
I'd known him for about 7 years, and we're really good friends.
So, what are we waiting for? Let's go! Okay.
Steven, you be careful with my little girl, okay? - Yeah.
- She's the only one I got.
- Dad! - Sure thing, Mr.
" DAVID: Markie was very social.
Markie always liked to have a friend with her, whether it was a schoolmate or somebody in the neighborhood.
They would go off by themselves and stuff like that.
So, I had a pizza joke.
But I'm not gonna tell it, 'cause it was really cheesy.
You just think since you got a license, that you're all, like, fancy and stuff now.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Are you cold? Uh, yeah, it's kind of chilly.
I'm just gonna go get a jacket from the car.
I saw a older man with a hat.
I don't know how to describe, but I could just sense he was my friend's father.
NARRATOR: But Markie has never met Steven's dad, who passed away several years ago.
[ GASPS .]
What are you looking at? Hey, are you okay? Uh yeah.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
Are you sure? Maybe we should maybe we should, uh Maybe we should get out of here.
[ SIGHS .]
Did I do something to piss you off? 'Cause, you know, things feel kind of weird for some reason.
No, no, it's not you.
This was your dad's truck, right? Before he passed away? Yeah, why? Did he ever wear a hat that had, like, I don't know, a horse's head on it? How did you know that? Because I think he's here, maybe to make sure you're okay.
How do you know any of this? You're like the kid who sees dead people? Something like that, I guess.
MARKIE: As long as I can remember, I've had this ability, but I never really talked to anybody about it.
I didn't really try to understand it.
Well, what's it like? Well, when I was little, I used to feel my grandmother a lot, and that was nice.
But now it's different.
It's, like, a lot of other spirits.
Do they ever, like, scare you? Sometimes.
It's hard to explain.
It's like I don't know what I'm feeling.
Probably think I'm some sort of freak now.
No, not really.
See, I think about my dad all the time.
And I really miss him, so it's kind of nice, you know, to know that he's still here with me.
It was comforting because, you know, he believed me.
He didn't think I was crazy.
NARRATOR: But these other spirits fill Markie with a sense of dread as if something horrific happened long ago.
Aah!! [ GASPS .]
It was just a dream.
I heard the actual voice of something.
It was coming from the closet.
Best way I could describe it is it just feels like the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up.
It was a male voice.
And that scared me to death.
NARRATOR: Lately, 16-year-old Markie Beason has been sensing spirits in her house.
I saw, like, a dark shadow in the shape of a person.
There was just someone in the room.
DAVID: Markie stopped wanting to be in her room in her late teenage years.
She would stay out in the living room on the couch.
She just felt more comfortable rather than being in her room.
How many times do we have to go over this? Mom and I don't want you sleeping out here.
That's what the bed in your room is for.
But, dad the ghosts, they're back.
One of them was in my room last night.
NARRATOR: Ever since she was a child, Markie has told her parents about these ghostly encounters.
DAVID: She was between 5 and 6 years old, and she came to me and said that she had ghosts in her room.
She could sense things like somebody was with her, somebody was watching her.
As she got older, it just seemed like things would get worse with her.
NARRATOR: But they've always dismissed her fear as a figment of her imagination.
Honey, you're a little too old to be scared of monsters in your closet.
DAVID: We thought it was just a phase.
We thought maybe it was an attention getter, something like that.
what is all this about? Did you have a fight with one of your friends? MARKIE: He would just tell me that nothing was there, you know, "It's all in your head," pretty much.
What'd I say? Mom? NARRATOR: Markie is unnerved by the idea of being in the house alone.
MARKIE: I always had friends come over my house, and it just was more comforting knowing that there was someone there with me, and I didn't want to be by myself.
I could sense it was a younger spirit.
The teddy bear is nowhere to be found and is gone.
It had just disappeared.
NARRATOR: Ever since Markie was a young child, she sensed spirits all around her.
You're like the kid who sees dead people? Something like that, I guess.
MARKIE: I did feel like there was multiple spirits in my house.
NARRATOR: Lately, the activity has increased.
I heard laughing.
That's when I could sense it was a younger spirit.
It just felt like someone was playing hide-and-seek.
NARRATOR: Markie has the feeling the ghosts are not at rest, as if something horrific happened long ago.
MARKIE: It is very stressful 'cause things are getting more intense.
I don't know what's going on.
I don't know 100% what it is.
Aah!! - Is everything okay? - [ GASPS .]
Mom! It's you.
Who did you think it was? The ghosts, they're back.
But this time, it's different.
It's like everything I feel is just getting stronger.
I know you don't want to hear it, but something happened here.
And I don't know what.
Something terrible.
I'm scared.
Oh, honey.
NARRATOR: Markie's parents don't believe in ghosts.
Her mother is at a loss for what to say.
You didn't eat the dinner that I left for you.
I'll just go heat something up for both of us.
DAVID: We would listen to her, but, you know, I just couldn't grasp what she was going through.
Markie's demeanor changed.
She was scared.
She wasn't comfortable.
She didn't know what it was or what was going on.
Things were happening that she wasn't sure of.
Seemed like it got worse as she got older.
MARKIE: I stopped telling them, really, because my parents thought, you know, I was just being dramatic, or I was just seeing things.
I can't talk to my parents.
It's like they don't even care.
Don't say that.
It's more like they don't get it.
I guess.
I was very frustrated, 'cause I wanted them to believe me.
You know what I mean? I wished they could experience what I was experiencing.
It made me feel very isolated.
Okay, so, what happened last night? He would ask me questions, you know, if I could talk to ghosts in my house and all that kind of stuff.
He was real intrigued by it.
There was this ghost.
A-and all I know is something horrible happened.
NARRATOR: As the days go by, Markie does everything she can to escape these spirits, but they appear to follow her wherever she goes.
Aah!! MAN: Shh.
Everything's gonna be okay.
[ GASPS .]
[ GASPS .]
NARRATOR: Restless spirits have been visiting 16-year-old Markie Beason, and one appears to be a man.
MARKIE: It was just an intense presence.
It felt like someone had ran their fingers through my hair, and then I heard a male voice.
MAN: Shh.
Everything's gonna be okay.
[ GASPS .]
The fact that I can't see this thing, and it can physically touch me scared me to death.
NARRATOR: That summer, David's cousins from England come for a visit.
But he neglects to mention what Markie has been going through.
Here we are.
You'll be staying in Markie's room.
It's lovely.
Are you sure it's all right? DAVID: I had cousins that took off work for the whole summer, and they just kind of wanted to see, you know, the United States, and we told them they could stay with us.
It's only for a few days, and she'll be fine.
MARKIE: I had never met my dad's cousins before.
So, make yourselves comfortable.
My bedroom was the only one in the house that had a queen-sized bed, and they needed it.
If it's all right, I'd like to freshen up a bit.
It's been a long trip.
Fresh towels in the bathroom.
Kenneth, how about a drink? [ SIGHING .]
Oh, Markie, I hope you're okay.
So, remember the big dog that aunt Jenny had? What was the dog's name? - Buford.
- Buford! Do you know that Buford was so big, and I was so small, I used to ride Buford like he was a horse.
- No, you didn't! - I did.
We have pictures.
Uh, I don't mean to be a pain, but can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to sleep.
Oh, geez, honey.
We're sorry.
Yeah, we'll be quiet.
Markie's a good kid.
Yeah, I just wish we really knew what was going on with her these days.
She seems stressed.
Is everything all right? To be honest, we don't know.
Markie's a teenager.
It's hard to know what's going on with her.
That's for sure.
She is telling the truth, you know.
There are spirits here.
She can Sense their energy.
DAVID: One particular evening that I do remember well, my cousin actually said she could feel the energy that Markie was feeling.
What? How do you know? David, come off it.
Grandmother, my mother, your mother, we all have the gift.
But you know that.
All the women in my family, at least on my mother's side, seemed to have that intuition.
So, Markie has it, too.
Some of that is probably in the bloodline to where she could sense things or is too sensitive.
Now do you understand? NARRATOR: Spirits lurk in the Beason home, and they are not at rest.
When David's cousin comes for a visit, she too senses the dark energy that haunts his daughter, Markie.
[ GASPS .]
She said she saw a darkened silhouette.
And then, all of a sudden, he was gone.
NARRATOR: The next day, Julia seeks out Markie to discuss the haunting.
You look like you've got a lot on your mind.
You could say that.
I want you to know that I understand what you're going through.
NARRATOR: It turns out the women in their family have a gift.
For as long as I can remember, I've had this ability just like you, my mother, her mother, all of the women in our family.
Really? Why didn't dad tell me? I just don't think he ever took it seriously.
But maybe now he will.
MARKIE: It was kind of cool knowing it was a family thing, that I wasn't the only one.
Like, she knew what I had been experiencing throughout my whole life made me feel very comforted, and I didn't feel like I was crazy.
NARRATOR: Now that his cousin has confirmed sensing spirits in the house, David can no longer deny his daughter also has the gift.
DAVID: It definitely opened my eyes up.
Something is happening.
Knowing that I doubted what Markie was telling me was true, it makes you feel bad, you know, that you actually doubted your child.
NARRATOR: In order for his daughter to feel at peace with the spirits, David invites seven cities paranormal to investigate the home.
Hi, I'm Scott.
I lead these investigations.
- And this is Sherry - Hi.
and Sarah.
Our main purpose is to help people, help those that have questions or don't understand what's happening to them when it comes to paranormal activity.
And what do you do? They bring an insight into the case that might otherwise be unknown.
In other words, we're psychics.
NARRATOR: Sherry is known as a clairsentient.
She has the psychic ability to retrieve information from her surroundings.
I have a knowing sense of things that have occurred in the houses that we go in.
It's nothing to be afraid of.
SARAH: Sherry is our lead medium, and she's definitely be my mentor.
My role in the group is mostly to assist Sherry, to give more knowledge.
She has the gift, too.
I sense it's only getting stronger.
Stronger? But why? SHERRY: Markie just did not understand her abilities at all or, you know, the reason why she was getting all this information.
And it is very scary to feel spirit in your house and not know who they are or why they're there.
Your abilities tend to intensify when you become more aware of your surroundings.
When that awareness occurs, it's almost as though you become a beacon of light of sorts to the spirits.
The more you interact with a spirit and the more you acknowledge it, the more it will interact with you.
About time for us to get started.
Why don't you head upstairs? Okay.
SARAH: Typically, they don't give us any information before we go in.
We go in blind just because, you know, it makes us more credible.
So, me and Sherry, when we first go into an investigation, we'll do a walk-through, and we'll start feeling things, and then we'll kind of go off each other's feelings.
The energy here It's powerful.
There's a spot in the hallway where you can really feel the energy flowing.
It's very strong.
I feel it, too.
I'm going to check out Markie's bedroom.
NARRATOR: Suddenly, Sherry has a vision of an event that took place where the house stood long ago.
Sarah can sense it, too.
SARAH: I felt definitely a male spirit.
This specific spirit wanted me to know that he was present.
Aah!! NARRATOR: For more "A Haunting," visit tlc.
I'm going to check out Markie's bedroom.
NARRATOR: While two psychics investigate the haunting of the Beason home, Sherry has a vision of a past event that took place on the property.
SHERRY: I could feel the little girl's energy, and I could hear her giggling and laughing.
And you know that sense you get when you're running, and your hair's blowing in the wind? I could feel that.
And then her fear.
Aah! That was extremely strong.
NARRATOR: Her colleague, Sarah, also senses a presence.
Aah!! [ PANTING .]
I remember just feeling kind of trapped, very vulnerable, like something had control over me and was overtaking me.
What happened?! The energy, it's too much for her.
We got to get her some air.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
So, what happened back there? I sensed a male entity.
And then, all of a sudden, I felt desperation, sadness, fear, and guilt.
That's what I've been feeling.
Who is this ghost? I wasn't 100% sure at the time that it was a spirit.
I thought it was something darker.
Did you pick up anything? Yes, I did.
I had a vision when I was in the hallway.
SHERRY: The father and the little girl were the main two spirits that were in the house.
The father had been out in the field plowing.
The little girl came running out to the field.
And she was giggling and laughing.
SHERRY: The horse was a little antsy that day.
Abigail! Aah!! SHERRY: The little girl was run over.
MAN: Shh.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Oh, no.
And she died in his arms.
So, the issue is now the little girl is terrified to cross over.
And until then, the father's spirit will not rest, not until they're back together.
He felt guilty because he felt that it was his fault that his daughter died.
Her father had crossed over, but he kept coming back to try to get her to go back with him.
So, uh What do we do now? I think I can help.
I think I can guide her to the light.
NARRATOR: In order to cross over the little girl, Sherry must first alleviate her fears.
SHERRY: She was afraid of that brilliant white light.
For a lot of people who don't cross, it's the fear of the light.
If they never knew anything about the light, that's very scary.
Getting a spirit to cross is helping them to understand, helping them to realize what's on the other side.
I was focusing on the little girl, telling her that her father was waiting for her.
Don't be afraid.
He's waiting for you.
MAN: Abigail! [ GIGGLES .]
MARKIE: After Sherry crossed her over, it felt like everything was at ease.
Everything was calm.
Like, all the energy had gone away that was going on in my house.
NARRATOR: Today, Markie has come to terms with her gift.
MARKIE: It's still going on.
I'm not necessarily scared of it anymore.
I've learned how to deal with it.
DAVID: My advice to a parent with a child going through the same thing is listen to your child and get them some help early.
I'm glad that I took the initiative and was lucky enough to run into Scott and his group.
NARRATOR: As for the spirits of the girl and her father, Markie is hopeful that they are at peace.
MARKIE: Sherry had told me that the teddy bear had been taken.
It was comforting knowing that the little girl had it.
I felt if she wanted something of mine, she could have it.

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