A Touch of Frost (1992) s02e03 Episode Script

Nothing To Hide

Yes? All right quickly then.
Jack, hello.
We're doing a run-a-round for Dennis's party Oh yeah? Fiver each.
I'm on duty.
You'll be popping in though won't you? We can't let him go without a decent send off.
I suppose Mr.
Mullett will be making one of his speeches.
Well he's bound to isn't he? He should be paying us a fiver surely All right, all right there you go.
What about him? He's only been here five minutes.
I haven't been asked.
Well you save yourself a fiver haven't you? Cheers Jack.
He's right though you hardly know the man.
Is that why I haven't been asked Governor? Wait Costello we all know you've had a problem settling in here, but don't you shake your beads at me hey son because I'm inclined to get ever so irritable.
Little bastard.
Anne, Anne, he's been here again hasn't he? Hasn't he? Right that's it no more excuses.
Ray, Ray, Ray please.
I'll sort it out I promise, I will I promise.
I've had enough Annie I mean it.
Denton Police, Sergeant Johnson.
Denton Police hello? Hello? Excuse me sir? What's happening? We're wondering if you're going to be much longer.
I'm having my meal break.
Yes sir I know sir, but the thing is we need to get the place ready for Sergeant Brigg's retirement party.
Are you telling me to hop it? Oh no sir.
Well all I mean is well if you don't mind? Yeah go on get on with it.
Yes sir.
And just do it quietly will you? Quietly yes sir.
Hello Good Evening.
Evening, Dennis.
Good evening sir.
It's nice to see you.
You remember my wife Audrey.
It's been a long time.
Good evening sir.
Can I get you a drink? Yes very civil of you Arthur.
I'll have vodka if I may, vodka and tonic.
Just a small one.
Right sir.
George can you get me a vodka and tonic for Hornrimmed Harry.
Boy's arrived has he? Yeah he's over there.
One vodka.
Small one he said.
Yeah well it should liven him up a bit won't this.
You wanted these over time returns.
Hm? Oh good you checked them.
Here stick them in the purse will you? There due at county collection by tomorrow afternoon.
Oh yeah.
It's none of my business, but if these returns don't get there first thing tomorrow they're miss the salary checks and you'll have a mutiny on your hands.
Yes you're right.
You better drive them over there then.
It's nearly an hour each way.
Well you got something better to do have you? Aaah.
It's a big step though isn't it sir? A lot of studying, a lot of homework.
I'm not sure if I'm ready for it.
There you go sir.
Ah, right thank you.
Keith of course yes thank you very much Keith.
Another fizzy water for you Hazel? No I'm fine thank you Keith.
I'll leave you to it then.
Right where were we? You were asking why I hadn't put in for my sergeant's exam and I was saying what a lot of work it was and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it.
Yes well let me tell you what I think.
Would you like to hear what I think? Yes, yes of course.
Well it does seem to me that women have a particularly valuable part to play in (unintelligible) Benny, Benny.
All right Jack? Yes, yes sir yeah very nice.
And yourself? Yes very enjoyable.
Ought to have this sort of get together more often, Iet our hair down get things off our chest, hey? Quite right sir.
You ought to mention it to that finance committee you're always going on about.
How's Costello shaping up? He's all right.
He hasn't hit anyone yet if that's what you mean.
Got any problems just let me know.
Yes I will sir thank you.
If you'll excuse me I'm.
Look Jack, we've had our differences of course we have.
You're a street copper.
I'm one of those boring old farts who thinks about nothing else but keeping his books straight.
No, no, no need to deny it.
I know what you chaps think of me and to some extent it's true.
I've spent more time in college than I have on the streets, and I'm, Sir.
And I'll have to admit, that when it comes to the practical side of policing sometimes I'm out of my depth.
Will you take my point Jack? Yes, yes I do absolutely sir.
Stop, stop you! So I said to him how's the golf going then Dennis? And he said to me well it's a bit dodgy actually sir.
When my woods are working my irons are no good.
When my irons are working my woods are no good and when they're both working my wife won't let me play.
That well, well I suspect she'll be letting him play a lot more in the future if only to get him out from under her feet.
Isn't that right Audrey? And a word of warning Dennis I have it on very good authority that your handicap is under investigation by the fraud squad.
Well I can see that you're all getting thirsty, so I won't detain you any longer except to say that we're going to miss you Dennis, and I know that you're going to miss us.
Well if not us exactly, then, then certainly the job.
But of course we all know that policing is more than just a job, it's like family.
One way or another you might say, that despite rank, or experience, we're all brothers under the surge.
Down here sir.
Hang about, hang about there's no rush.
If he's dead he'll wait.
If he isn't you're in serious trouble Constable.
I was listening to Mr.
Mullett's speech.
Are you the one that found him are you? Yes me.
That'll teach you to find somewhere a little bit up mark won't it? Pardon? Next time you stop off for a Jimmy Riddle.
Oh no it wasn't a call of nature, it's part of my rounds.
It's all these cutbacks you see sir.
There's no full time attendant anymore.
So we have to lock up.
I see.
Yes quite right now.
I mean we can't have people using the place like that as a public convenience can we? What's the world coming to? No the thing is there's a lot of valuable lead and copper piping down there.
So we have to keep very much on the alert otherwise we lose the contract.
It's a very cutthroat business this is.
Quite right sir, quite right.
I got to learn to keep my big mouth shut.
Go on carry on.
No well that's it really.
I went down and he was sprawled on the floor and so I immediately contacted you lot.
Call the doctor.
He's on his way sir.
Oh well can't put it off any longer.
Come on down we go.
The thing is, I'm behind on my rounds.
So unless you need me.
No it's all right son you go off.
If we want you we'll get in touch.
Bloody (unintelligible).
It's a wash down here.
Why the bloody hell didn't you warn me? It wasn't as bad as this before sir.
The system's on, and the body must be blocking the drain.
Get's better and better.
Well come on where is he? He's to the right there sir.
We'll have to get our feet wet I'm afraid.
(unintelligible) Let's have a look at you.
Oh no it's Ben Cornish.
You know him do you sir? Yes, since he was a kid.
Been in trouble from the minute he was born.
A druggy by the look of him.
Yes drugs, booze you name it.
Isn't there any way we can stop this bloody water? It's that one there sir.
Well don't give me a running commentary on it son, see if you can fix it.
And what's happened to the rotten lights in this place? Don't tell me they're cutting back on those.
There's the switch in the corner, but they're all locked up.
Not anymore they're not.
I think that's fixed it.
I don't know.
I think it was more romantic with the lights off.
Is anybody home? Yes come on doc we're down here.
Inspector Frost I should have guessed.
Somehow one associates you with places like this.
Doc you shouldn't have got yourself all tarted up.
It so happens I was at a function.
Yeah you and me both.
This is him then it is? No, no this is one we had left over from yesterday.
Do we know who he is? His name is Ben Cornish.
He's a dropout who's been living rough.
He's on drugs and booze and whatever else he can lay his hands on or could.
Ah well that's it then isn't it? Ten a penny.
Hey wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Are you going to examine him or aren't you? I mean none of us want to be down here you know, apart from you.
But you don't really expect me to slop through that muck? Well what else can we do? The body is blocking the drain.
Well move the damn thing.
All right.
I want a photographer.
Don't be bloody ridiculous.
You said yourself he's an addict.
I want a photographer, (unintelligible) and forensic down here.
I want this place sealed off for further inquiries.
Bloody ridiculous.
Well doctor I'm waiting.
Where's Frost? Where's who? Mr.
Detective Inspector Frost is out on a call,all right That's all I needed to know.
Thank you.
I haven't finished.
Next time you want to attract my attention you address me by name and then you wait until I'm ready to respond.
Understood Constable? Yes Sergeant understood.
Make some tea.
What? There's a kettle over there.
Brew for six or is putting a kettle on beneath the dignity of an ex-inspector, because if it is our bloody luck.
There is some bleeding to the back of the head.
I'd say almost certainly the result of his head colliding with the stone floor when he fell.
However, it was not the cause of death.
Something you seem have missed inspector? Cheap rum laced with industrial alcohol by the smell of it.
I think he drank himself senseless, fell and choked on his own vomit.
That's a lesson to us all hey doc? I shall arrange a post mortem for some time tomorrow.
However, it will only confirm my diagnoses.
That's everything is it? Yes.
Fine well I'll let you get on with your detection.
Oh I remember, I shall need some more claim forms for my expenses I've run out.
Have them send me some over will you Iike a good chap.
Drive carefully.
Austin? Sir? Come down here and guard the body.
Good morning sir.
Good morning sir.
Everything, everything all right is it? Yes sir very quiet at the moment.
Nothing to report then? Yeah, well we did have a dead body last night sir.
But as far as we could tell there were no suspicious circumstances.
Who's on it? D.
Frost sir.
Just make sure I'm kept informed.
Very good do I thought last night, very good indeed.
Oh yes.
Excellent sir.
Yes it was very good, very well organized.
Well done.
It was good to see you enjoying yourself sir.
Yes, yes thank you.
Yes we all thought you were on very good form sir, very Very lively.
Yes very lively sir.
Ray? Ray? I don't suppose you know where he is do you? We found a stiff last night.
He's informing the next of kin.
There now that wasn't so difficult was it inspector? Sorry, Constable.
Just knock it off all right, knock it off.
Or what? Thump me as well will you? Just make sure he sees these as soon as he comes in.
How can I pretend? If it wasn't today it would have been tomorrow.
We knew that.
Of course we knew that.
And the hours we spent with him me and his father, trying to reason with him, trying to help him, trying to understand and what does he do? He lies, he cheats, he steals anything to get his drugs and his drink.
How could we expect any different? Right from the minute he was born he's been nothing but trouble.
And don't give me any of that nonsense about an unhappy home.
Was his sister unhappy? Was he treated any different? It's nothing to do with family.
We gave that boy everything, everything and what's he given us in return hey? Nothing but heartache.
When did you last see him? Not for months, and then he turns up here Iast Saturday fortnight just when we were going out.
The first time we've been out for ages and I said to my husband I'm not changing my plans not for him.
Breezing in here just when he thinks he will.
What does he think we are? Bigger fool me though hey? We come back, and he's taken my little French clock.
The only thing of my mother's I had left that little clock.
And no we didn't report it.
What was the point? He'd only have it sold for something to stick into his arm.
Did you see his arms, the state of his arms? My God.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come on over No I don't want to see him not the way he is now.
You could ask his father, but I'd rather you didn't then.
It'll just about finish him.
Ask Anne, ask his sister.
She's a good girl my Anne.
She'll understand.
She'll do it.
Thank you very much indeed sir.
That was a very good do I thought last night sir.
Yes, excellent.
And a very good speech if I might say so, very appropriate.
Thank you.
Did you get home all right last night sir? Yes thank you.
Well better safe than sorry sir.
It was a good night last night Hazel hey nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Well that's one way of getting a quick promotion.
What is it? What's happened this time? Can I come in love? I need to talk.
Well I was going out can't it wait? Better if I come in.
I supplied the goods and I want the money.
I wont keep you a second.
No I can't give you till the end of the month.
I need the money, and I need it now.
Right, right, thank you.
Sorry about that.
What is it? What's happened? That's exactly what I said.
What is it? What's happened this time? He's dead, Benji.
They want me to identify the body.
My mom won't do it.
I can't blame her, she's had enough one way and another.
Two o'clock I got to be there.
I was hoping you'd come with me.
He's finally done it Ray.
He's killed himself.
It's a question of attitude.
What's that supposed to mean? Oh come on, you're not that stupid.
You've been dishing out the old moody ever since you were posted to us.
It's not our fault you took a swing at a D.
and got yourself shunted back to constable.
You don't know the circumstances.
I don't want to know the circumstances.
All I know is you're a pain in the butt and I've been lumbered with you.
You do realize of course that this is Hornrimmed Harry's way of teaching us both a lesson.
Now what's with that Sergeant Wells? He doesn't waste one opportunity to make me look small and you know it.
Let me tell you something about Billy Wells.
Everyone's got him chalked down as the perennial desk sergeant, the typical sergeant plod.
Well there was a time when he wanted to be an inspector so bad it hurt.
Now he's a bloody good cop.
He's passed all his examines, but the board kept turning him down and in the end, he threw his cards in.
So when he comes across someone like you, someone who was an inspector something he's never going to be and who's chucked it all away.
And I'm the one with the attitude problem? Terrific.
When can we bury him? I'll let you know as soon as we have the results from the post mortem.
I'm sorry I can't say more than that at this moment.
Why do they need a post mortem? I mean I thought from what you said.
I'm afraid in cases like this it seems What do you mean in cases like this? He choked himself that's what they said.
How much more do they need to know? I mean for God sake hasn't his family suffered enough? I'm sorry sir there's nothing more I can do about it.
I'm sorry.
We're all a bit well obviously you know.
That's quite all right sir I understand.
Wait a minute stop the car.
What? Stop the car, stop here.
Just stop here.
Don't wait.
See you later.
Good afternoon sir.
Good afternoon constable.
I mean you must admit he looked decidedly shifty this morning even for a superintendent.
Just what is it you're after? Oh yes very shifty, very, very shifty.
You didn't let him invite you in for a cup of coffee did you? She did.
She let him invite her in for a cup of coffee.
You did know that his wife's away? You mean he didn't tell you his wife was away? Oh dear she fell for it.
She's gone and fell for it.
Look he was leaving, I was leaving.
He was going to call a mini cab.
It was on my way so I offered him a lift.
I'll tell you what though, if I was going to get pulled around I'd get pulled by him than any of you lot.
Oh is that Mr.
Mullett I saw in your car last night? Don't you start.
Hey? Sorry sir yes, yes it was.
I was giving him a lift home after the party.
When we got there he put on his number one dress uniform and we had it away six times on the plant table in the conservatory.
Now if you'll excuse me I'd just like to go and throw up.
Afternoon gents, nice day for it? Ah Jeff, post mortem on Ben Cornish.
You're a bit late aren't you? Don't tell me it's already started? I hate coming in half way through.
It's over and done with.
You know that Dr.
Bond he don't hang about.
He's still here isn't he? No I told you he's gone.
The other one's still here thought that doctor, what's his name, McKenzie.
He's waiting to see you.
Pathology one.
Come in.
Good afternoon doctor.
Charlie Rainbow out there said you wanted to see me.
Who's this? That's Detective Constable Costello he's new.
Look I'd rather talk to you alone.
Is this police business? Of course it's police business.
Then he stays.
Thank you.
We've got a bit of a problem.
We? No one could examine the body properly in the conditions we had to cope with last night.
Well apart from anything else he was covered in filth, well you saw that yourself So if we missed anything it was through no fault of our own.
No, no what did the post mortem show? You are agreed? Yes, yes what did it show? He was beaten up just before he died.
In fact, in fact he was punched and kicked so badly that his liver virtually exploded.
Are you trying to tell me that the poor little sod was beaten to death? There's no way he would have recovered from such injuries.
But the actual cause of death was that he choked on his own vomit.
So to my credit in that respect my diagnosis was perfectly correct.
To your credit.
It was all of you could do to bring yourself to touch him.
The conditions were quite appalling.
Yes, yes I know you got your best suit on.
I know all that.
When do I get the report? It's being typed up now.
Look Jack if questions are asked you will emphasize that we did everything possible last night.
So that's what the we's are all about is it? Don't worry I'll carry the can.
I'd hate to see a dedicated medical man Iose some of his perks.
Oh that reminds me here are your expense forms you wanted.
See if you can fill them in properly.
Dump him.
What? He didn't do the job properly.
Get him dumped.
That's what you would have done is it? Straight and no sweat.
And what if you didn't do the job any better than he did? Well that would have been for me to know and them to find out wouldn't it Guv? Say Inspector? Yes? I bet he didn't give you that number.
What number? I knew he'd forget to tell you.
I noticed it when I washed him down.
See? I knew he'd put his Black and Decker right through it so I made a note, That's either a 3 or a 5.
That's either a 1 or 7.
I reckon it's a phone number.
I reckon you could be right.
Thank you.
You know it's people like you that make my job a real pleasure.
Should have been a copper hey? Yeah.
Not the sort of place you'd come for your holidays is it? You should have been here last night.
So then there's prints all over the back of this door.
Like he was trying to hold it shut while it was being pushed in.
But,whomever it was out here kicked the door in, drags him out, and then wallop? What do you recon? He comes down here to give himself a fix.
Someone takes offense, kicks the crap out of him.
Possibly but no gear found on him.
Could have been nicked, hence the kicking.
Or he's down here doing a deal then it turns nasty.
Yeah whoever it was must have been upset pretty badly.
I mean you don't give someone a seeing to like that just because they forgot to send you a birthday card.
In my experience the sort of scum he must have been mixing with would have cut his throat for a dog end.
Yeah you're right.
I don't know, 22 years old, and he's shot down here.
You've had dealings with him before haven't you? Ben oh yes ever since he was a nipper.
By the time he was 14 he was put in a home.
beyond parental control.
It's funny isn't it.
Decent ordinary people Ieading decent ordinary lives that produce two kids, one straight as a dime and the other born out of step, walks out of step ever since.
So presumably there's some sort of file on him.
Yes I'll go have a word with George Toolan he knows as much about him as anyone.
What about drug squad? I take it you do have sort of a list of local pushers? Look we may not be West End Central, but we do have a certain amount of back up.
I mean we're not totally inefficient.
Oh well, I suppose I better go and have a word with Hornrimmed Harry and tell him we've got a murder on our hands.
It'll keep him happy.
Give him something to do with his little calculator.
What would you like me to? Well you can either start making the usual inquiries or you can stay down here and get some ideas for your living room.
It's up to you.
What I don't understand is why none of these facts presented themselves last night.
Well the body was blocking the drain so the place was flooded.
And when you're standing up to your armpits in cold pee you're inclined to be Iess fastidious than you might be.
But you're quite right sir I should have made sure the doctor checked the body more thoroughly.
So in the end it's down to me.
Just so long as the trail isn't completely cold.
My sentiments entirely sir.
Thank you for telling me.
All right.
Oh Jack? Yes? I enjoyed our little chat last night.
It cleared the air somewhat I felt.
Me too sir.
Good, good.
In fact it was a very enjoyable evening all around I thought.
Costello? Incident room Guv.
Oh and Guv apparently Cornish was notching down in some squat with Wally Peters and some bloke nobody knows the name of.
Where is this squat? Don't know Guv couldn't get an address.
Well that's handy.
What do you mean another bloke that nobody knows the name of? Nobody knows him.
He's not local.
Check out the D.
, who knows see if they've got any new faces signing on, and bring in Wally Peters.
Control already got a called out.
Lucky them eh, Wally Peters in the back of the car.
Costello? Yes Guv? Here I had something I wanted you to do.
What was it? I've had a word with drug squad Guv.
Yeah go on? There are two new pushers operating in the area, but as of yet they can't give us any details.
They're checking addicts with a history of violence.
But and hold onto your hat they would like to point out that all addicts can be driven to extreme violence when desperate.
Well who would have guessed it? I'll tell you what I want you to do.
I want you to write that in big letters on the blackboard in case we forget it.
Oh yes that's it.
Check that out and see if it's a phone number.
I think it is.
Find out who it belongs to.
See if it's got any connection with the deceased.
Now I'll tell you that that's either a 3 or a 5 and that's either a 1 or a 7 all right.
I'm going to go over and have a word with Ben Cornish's sister.
Not much of a one for system is he? When was the last time you saw him? Oh I don't know weeks, I don't know.
And you've not had any sort of contact with him at all? No we, we never saw him.
He never came around to the house? No.
So you've no idea where he was living? No.
We understand he was living in a squat.
Was he? So you have no idea where? No.
So you don't know the names of who he was living with or people he associated with? Like I said we, we never saw him.
Well I think that will be all Mr.
Butler, Mrs.
I'm very sorry to have had to tell you about him like this.
He wasn't an easy kid young Benji, but he didn't deserve You're not sorry.
Why do you say you're sorry? You're glad to see the back of him.
We all are, isn't that the truth? Yes all right sir.
I'll see myself out.
No one wanted him dead Annie.
No one wanted him dead.
Hello? Yes I'm sorry I'm looking for a Miss Grant, Miss Eileen Grant? She's not here.
She left months ago.
Oh, I see.
Thank you.
You struck dumb or something? Sorry Guv.
Well go on astound me.
On the telephone number you wanted me to check with these two sets of alternatives we get four combinations 341489 and 541489, which are unobtainable 547489 which is a cinema and 347489 which is a doctor's surgery a Dr.
Royce Patten.
And? No Benjamin Cornish registered as a patient now or at any time.
So why would he make a note of that particular doctor's number? Doctors supply drugs don't they officially or otherwise.
Anybody wants me I'll be in my other office.
Who's guarding the fort? Costello.
Oh well we can all rest easy.
Who's nicked my crime prevention stickers? Ahhhh.
I hate machines.
I had this lawn mower you know had a life of its own.
It tried to attack me once.
This thing's getting a bit saucy and all.
It might be better if you took some out.
If I do what? If you took some out.
You an expert on it or what? Got a degree in it.
What are you doing here anyway? Well that bloke Wally Peters they found it.
You used to be with the serious crime squad didn't you? For a bit yeah.
Good keep your eye on that lot then will you? (unintelligible) All right, all right come on where is he? He's in here sir.
All right knock it off Walter knock it off will you.
Hello Mr.
Frost you haven't got a fag have you? Constable give the man a cigarette.
Walter you smell terrible.
I deny everything.
You were looking at the nurses you dirty old devil.
No I wasn't.
Oh no I wasn't.
I was looking for my shelter.
What about that squat you've been kipping in? Can't use it can we? Why not? They've stopped us haven't they? Who has? They have.
Who are they? Them.
I don't want to talk about it, it upsets me.
All right come out here and sit down on this bench.
Why? Because I'm fed up talking to you in a broom cupboard that's why.
Now come on get out.
I'm not admitting anything.
Go and sit down.
Go and tell him it's been a mistake and I'm dealing with it.
He's a peeping tom.
He's an old man who's had too much to drink and has got nowhere to kip.
Go on and sort it out go on.
When did you last see Ben Cornish? We had an arrangement.
Walter he's dead Ben Cornish.
Drugs was it? I told him it will kill him in the end.
No it wasn't drugs.
Someone kicked him to death.
Did you know, that more people die at four o'clock in the morning than at any other time? Except in China or when there's an earthquake or something.
My sister died at four o'clock on a Sunday, Sunday October the 22nd.
I'm going to drink heavier.
When did you last see him? I told you we had an arrangement.
Don't keep asking me questions I'm tired.
I need my rest.
I'm not entitled to much I know, but I am entitled to a decent night's sleep.
You what? Oh come on Bill don't mess about just lock him up.
If you're so keen to give him a bed take him around to your place.
No he doesn't like the wallpaper.
I was lying.
I was looking at that nurse.
I lusted after her, carnal thoughts.
Shut up.
Don't keep asking me questions.
Stringer lock him up.
My loins are still restless.
See this is on your head.
Letting me free now, you're putting in jeopardy the entire female population.
On what charge? International diamond smuggling and peeing on a double yellow line.
Oh sarge.
Do it.
Evening all.
I need to talk to him about Ben Cornish.
Well why can't you do it down wind in the car park? Because I'm tired and he's tired and he's been putting a lot away and I'm not getting any sense out of him.
So I want him banged up nice and tight so I can speak to him first thing in the morning.
You do know the last time we had him in a cell we had to hose it down afterwards.
Yes I know William, but what you've got to remember that he's just a human being like you are.
I knew you'd understand.
I'll give you a lift if you like.
No it's all right I'll get the bus.
No, no don't be daft come I'll drop you off.
Where are you living? Sustin Avenue.
I'm in Digs.
Digs? I thought you were a family man? So did I.
I made it pretty badly after all the trouble.
She took the brunt of it and one day she'd had enough.
Took the kid and off she went.
It'll sort itself out, one way or another.
Are you hungry hey? Oh it's a bit late for that now isn't it? Now I can always make a bacon and egg.
Now come on yes or no? I'm not after your body.
Yeah thanks.
I couldn't sleep.
Anything you want to talk about? No I just, I just can't sleep.
Something I ate probably.
It's not happening again is it Royce? Tell me it's not happening again.
For God sake Linda.
I would wake up in the morning the first thing I'd think about Peter bloody Rubens and how I could nail him.
I was obsessed, I admit it, obsessed.
Come the day I've got it all set.
I'm a half an hour away from feeling his collar and saying right you bastard got you and the chief steps in.
The slimy bastard's taking over.
I'm gum smacked.
I've done all the work, he's going to get all the glory.
It needs rank he says, and besides you're too personally involved.
And he's got, he's got this stupid grin on his face.
This really stupid grin.
Is that right sir I said, and I hit him right in the mouth.
So here I am, bottom of the pile again, but I'll be back.
I'll show the bastards, I will.
I'll show the bastards, him, you, all of them.
Good morning sir.
Good morning.
Oh Hazel, come here a minute.
I want you to do something for me.
I want you to run a P and C check on this motor vehicle.
It's a black mini metro, the name and address.
Got it? And I want it done on the QT.
Yes sir.
Thank you.
Any chance of getting a toss of marmalade No there bloody isn't.
Good morning sir.
Another cup of tea will you? Well I'm feeling rough this morning so I just want you to listen to me Walter.
Do you remember what I told you last night about Benny? He's dead Walter.
Somebody killed him.
That's right you told me someone killed him.
That's right.
You were living in a squat with him.
He wasn't but a little fella, a bit lippy I suppose.
That's kids nowadays isn't it? Tell me about the squat.
It was me, him, and this other fella.
I want to have a look around.
Won't do you no good.
What's the address? I don't know.
I could take you there.
All right then, when did this happen? Must have been some time that afternoon.
It wasn't like it when I came home from my lunch.
I told you that's why I was looking for somewhere to kip.
We'll have to find out who the owner is.
You won't find anything there.
I told you they threw all our stuff out.
We would have been alright you know if Benny hadn't given him that lip.
Given who lip? Them gorillas they sent around whoever he is, the fella who owns it.
Do you see what they did to his hand did you? What happened? Them gorillas come around, when was it? About 10 days ago said this bloke had bought the place, so out.
Benny he gets a bit clever and all that I know my rights stuff.
Say he's going to write to his MP.
Chief gorilla grabs his hand and puts it in the door and bangs it shut and says Iet's see you write to him now Mr.
know all.
Broke the lot he did.
We had to take him to the hospital.
You think that Benny would have Iearned his lesson wouldn't you? I mean them blokes are (unintelligible), but not him not a bit of it.
I'm going to find out where they're from and I'm going to have them he says.
Too late for that now Benny my son.
You said you had an arrangement with him.
What was that about? My throats gone all dry.
Any chance for a cup of tea? You had an arrangement with him.
I was supposed to meet him last night though he didn't turn up.
Mind you he said he might be late because it's this other bloke he had to see.
Well I think it was a lot of old moody.
I think he was just mouthing off again.
What other bloke? He didn't tell me.
He said I might mess it up.
Mess what up? I don't know.
All I know is he came back home grinning all over his face one day.
He said we don't have to worry anymore and that he was on to something that was going to make him rich for years.
Any idea what it was? I'm not a recording machine.
Who was this other bloke that you shared the squat with? I don't know, just turned up.
A friend of Benny's they were at school together.
School? That's what he said.
So he's local.
He's Scotch I know that.
Any idea where we can find him? I think he was moving on, at least he said he was.
He got scared when they did that to Benny's hand.
Can you give us a description? (phone ringing) Hello? Hello? No, I'm afraid she's not available at the moment.
And I'll have to go because I'm in conference.
Was Benny's.
They threw it out with all the other stuff.
Who did? I told you them blokes who did the place? They threw all our stuff out.
What do you mean it was Benny's? He found it.
Found it.
All right thanks.
Now the properties just been taken over by GMC Holdings.
The whole blocks due to come down the end of the month.
Who does their clearing out? Hines' Securities? That lot a right bunch of lunatics.
You know him Guv, Trevor Hines.
He used to run that little club off the old square.
Oh yes him mad Trevor.
Let's get him there at that squat.
What do you want to do about the doctor? Oh bloody, I knew there was something.
Yeah, I'll go and see him.
Just a thought Guv, but it might be an idea to drop in a bit of salt.
Let him stew for a while.
Would you by any chance be trying to tell me my job Constable? I wouldn't by any chance be trying to tell you anything Governor.
Give him a ring and make an appointment.
With a bit of luck he'll have to look at my piles at the same time.
Likes to let you know he's been around a bit doesn't he Guv? That's because he has Constable.
That name and address you wanted sir.
All right thank you.
I'm sorry to disturb you doctor, but there's a policeman on the phone, a Detective Constable Costello.
What does he want? He wants to make an appointment for a Detective Inspector Frost to come and see you.
I did ask him what it was about, but he wouldn't say.
Would you like to speak to him yourself? No.
Now just a minute.
This afternoon before surgery.
Who's going to pay for all this? Well if you'd like to send me the bill sir I'll make sure it goes through the proper channels.
Tell me what you're looking for and might be able to help you.
If I knew what I was looking for I wouldn't be looking for it would I sir? Clues is that it? Well it's all (unintelligible) isn't it? You need squatters, we need clues.
I told you we threw it all out.
Why do you bother with these people? They're filth.
Give you much aggravation did they? Are you serious? We've heard the one who's dead gave you a lot of aggravation.
It was him was it? The one with the mouth.
The one with the busted knuckles.
He was distracting us from going about our legitimate business.
So you taught him the errors of his ways.
He had a big mouth and he was out of order.
He was nine stone dripping wet and mostly out of his mind.
Take him on yourself did you or did you send the dogs in? I don't think I like your attitude.
I don't think I give a toss what you think.
You got an hyperactive tongue constable.
I've also got the desire to punch you right in the nose.
Go down stairs and wait in the car.
Go on.
Sorry about that sir.
Not that he would of course you know punch you in the nose.
Just a figure of speech.
Just so there's no misunderstanding neither me nor none of my executives Iaid a finger on that kid.
He tripped over the carpet.
Of course he did.
When did you last see him? About a week ago, maybe about 10 days.
One of his mates was telling me that he was going to pay you back for busting his hand.
Pay me back.
Pay me back.
You didn't bump into him again did you by any chance and teach him another lesson? I said he tripped over the carpet.
Of course you did.
Where were you the night before last between eight and eleven? Tuesday? Down at the club working out, then in a bar drinking carrot juice.
Sorry to keep you inspector.
It is inspector isn't it? Yes Frost, Detective Inspector Frost.
I know your Chief Inspector Allen.
Oh well I say I know him, we've played golf a couple of times.
Sit down won't you? Yes thank you.
Popular game this golf.
Well if you're thinking of taking it up, don't.
I reckon that's how Jim Allen got his ulcer.
Well it's how we all did.
How is he by the way? Oh still rolling his eyes and chewing lumps of chalk.
I must give him a ring, fix up another game.
Well he's away at the moment sir on a course.
Not a golf course? No sir no.
He's away being educated.
They like to educate policemen nowadays so that we can quote the relevant sections as we bash them over the head with a sock full of wet sand.
So then what can I do for you? You know a young man by the name of Benjamin Cornish.
No I don't think so.
He's not a patient? I said I don't know him.
No sir you said you didn't think you knew him.
I was jogging your memory.
No Inspector he's not a patient and to the best of my knowledge I don't know him.
Well that's all I really need to know sir.
Couldn't you have done this by telephone? Yes.
Sorry if I've wasted your time.
Both our times I would have thought.
Though it's not really wasted though is it sir? I mean how long have you been in this area 18 months sir? Our paths would have crossed sooner or later.
It's always nice to put a face to a name.
I do have a rather full surgery this afternoon inspector.
Yes of course you have sir.
They can put a man on the moon, but they still can't stop your nose running can they? Oh I haven't told you why.
Why what? Why I wanted to know about Benjamin Cornish.
I'm surprised you didn't ask me sir.
Well? Well he's dead, someone killed him.
I still don't see what that has to do with me? Well someone told me that he was a patient of yours and I thought you might be able to tell us something about him.
Obviously they got it wrong.
Mind you it's my own fault.
They usually get it all wrong don't they people like that.
People like what? Well he was a drug addict.
Didn't I mention it? I think they've gone over to see her mother.
Sorry? I say I think they've gone over to see her mother.
Well I know they have.
Thank you.
That poor boy.
Just think he was here only two days ago.
Excuse me.
What did you make of Dr.
Patten? What? Oh the doctor oh yeah well he's got something on his mind, don't know what.
We'll soon find out won't we? Any messages for me are they? No.
If anybody wants me I'm in the canteen.
Oh Guv that mobile phone he nicked, Cornish well he might well have made a few calls.
You know something for nothing he probably couldn't resist it.
And if he did the company will have it on record.
You know never know might give us something.
Good idea.
I'll get on to it.
No don't bother.
George Toolan is already doing it for me.
30 all, your serve.
Bill give him a break will you? Give who a break? You know perfectly well I'm talking about Costello.
He's an arrogant bastard.
I know he's a good copper too.
Maybe they're one in the same thing.
After what he did he's lucky to be in the job.
He knows that, but if he's got enough ball to front it out I mean the least we can do is give him a break.
There you are you see you're all heart you.
Aren't you? I'm a good copper too Inspector.
Who ever gave me a break hey? Hey? I came home and he'd broken in.
It wasn't the first time.
He'd done it before.
He only did it when he was desperate and needed money or something to sell.
We didn't call the police because, because he was family I suppose.
But you knew he'd been killed.
You knew I was trying to do my job.
Why did you lie to me? Why did you say you hadn't seen him? I didn't, I didn't want to get him into any more trouble.
Yes all right.
What time did he call? It was about three o'clock you said.
And he didn't contact you again? No.
I didn't tell you, he phoned when you were out.
We'd had a row about Benny about what he'd done.
That's what next door must have heard us rowing.
So what? You went out to cool down is that it? Well we were both, you know pretty upset.
It was all getting out of hand.
I had some stock to pick up from a mate of mine over in Chelsea so I gave him a ring and went over.
What time did Benji call? Be about half eight.
What did he say? He said, he said he was sorry, that he'd pay us back.
When? He didn't have two (unintelligible) for a penny.
I mean come on love, how could he? Did he say where he was going to get this money from? No, only he was definitely going to pay us back.
There are one or two of his personal bits and pieces that need to be collected from the station.
I thought you'd prefer to do it rather than your wife.
She's obviously very upset.
We should have told you the first time it happened.
We should have said something then.
The thing is once you start with a lie there's somehow no going back is there? Yeah.
Hello Eileen.
How did you find out where I was living? I called up the old flat she gave me your new address.
Just like that? Well no, no it wasn't just like that.
Why? Sorry? Why are you here? It's usually me that asks the questions.
Don't roll out the funnies Jack.
I'm not impressed anymore.
I'm sorry.
I I don't know really, I just um You didn't even tell me she was dead.
I had to read about it in the local paper.
I know, I know.
Why didn't you come and tell me she was dead? That was the idea wasn't it? That's what we agreed wasn't it? Yes I know it.
Don't know somehow it just seemed wrong.
All right to share my bed when she was alive, but not when she was dead.
Yes it sounds reasonable enough Jack.
She was my wife.
Pity you didn't think about that at the time you selfish bastard.
I think this was mistake.
I'm sorry, I think I'll leave.
Why did you come here? I don't know I just You just wanted to see how I'm surviving without you.
Well I'm fine and now you know I am you can clear off and carry on playing the big detective.
Because that's the one thing you're good at and do you know why? Because you don't have to feel anything you can just slice up people's lives and you don't have to feel anything.
And I'll tell you this you're not that bloody good a detective because you're certainly had me worked out all wrong.
Well I do You misunderstood me entirely Jack do you know that? I was relieved when you didn't come back.
I was.
I was relieved and do you know why Jack? Because you were making too much of it.
It was an affair that's all.
A bit on the side, sex and not particularly good sex either.
Let's face it you're not exactly Warren Beatty.
If you don't mind I've got to get on.
I've got people coming for dinner.
Hicks, Costello Denton C.
I wonder if we might have a word? (unintelligible) Hang on, there's nothing to worry about.
This way.
Good morning Guv.
Good morning.
Do they got him? They've got him in the interview room.
Who are they? Sorry Guv George and what's his name the new bloke.
What do you mean what's his name? You know perfectly well what his name is so say it.
DC Costello Guv.
Thank you.
George wants to know if you want to sit in.
No I don't.
Tell him to get on with it.
What are you grinning at? Sorry sir.
Oh sir? Yes? Cornish made four calls on the mobile one to Dr.
Patten's surgery, one to his sister's house and 34021 7 he phoned twice.
It's Don't tell me let me guess.
So when was this? About a month ago.
What you just bumped into him? No I knew he was here.
I came looking for him.
Why? He was my mate.
I needed somewhere to stay.
Tell us about the night he was killed.
Like what? Like where were you? I was with some friends in Morecambe.
Did he ever say anything about some deal he was trying to fix? Some what? Now there's talk about him being into something that was going to make him a lot of money.
Oh yeah? Drugs was it? Starting to push was he? I've no idea.
Where do you get your drugs from Gordon? I'm registered.
And that's enough for you is it? You don't need to go elsewhere? Does the name Patten mean anything to you? Dr.
Royce Patten? Is that who Benny was dealing with? Is that who he was getting his stuff from? I have no idea.
Is that where you were getting it from? Get stuffed.
Okay Gordon if that's the way you want it fair enough.
Book him.
For what? All those little packets of class A substances we found hidden about your person.
You bastards.
Tell us about Dr.
I had nothing to do with it.
It was Benny all right.
Tell us about it.
Do you remember a young man by the name of Gordon Hicks? No.
What's this? What's happening? It's alright Linda there's nothing for you to worry about.
Who are you? Detective Inspector Frost to Denton C.
I C.
what do you mean C.
? Linda please.
Well? Mrs.
Patten I do believe it would be better if you Did you know they were coming? Is that why you didn't want to come with me? Oh for God sake don't be so.
Look I had no idea.
They telephoned me just after you left.
Patten your husband is helping us with our inquiries.
There's nothing to worry about.
I do believe it would be better if you left.
Anything you have to ask my husband can be asked in my presence.
We have nothing to hide.
Of course.
Doctor I was asking you if you remembered a young man by the name of Gordon Hicks.
And I said no.
Are you sure? To the best of my knowledge.
Only he's a friend of Benjamin Cornish the young man who was murdered.
What young man? Three days ago Mrs.
Patten we had reason to believe that the young man in question was a patient of your husband.
That's why we interviewed him yesterday.
Did you not mention it sir? Obviously not.
Anyway these two young lads they went to school together.
But when I say school I suppose it was to them in a way.
Though what they would have learned there wouldn't have been particularly beneficial to society because it was a hostile in the care of the local authority.
To each one in his own way being a naughty boy and out of control.
Is this beginning to ring any bells sir? The hostile was in North Hamptonshire a place called Rushton.
And according to their records the name of the visiting doctor was Patten, Dr.
Royce Patten MB, DCH and RCGP.
Would that be you sir? It was eight years ago.
There were nearly 100 boys in that place.
I can't be expected to remember all their names.
I thought you'd remember the name of Ben Cornish though especially as he rang this house twice on the evening that he died, and that was only three days ago.
He used a mobile telephone.
The calls are logged.
One at 6:30 lasting about a half a minute, one at 7:45 lasting three minutes, 25 seconds.
Perhaps the calls were for you Mrs.
No they were for my husband.
With a bit of luck maybe she's gone to put the kettle on sir.
God sake.
It's quite right sir in very bad taste.
Well tell the doctor what else we know about him Constable.
At the time Cornish and Hicks were at the hostile allegations were made of indecent assault on some of the younger boys by members of staff.
In this case the allegations were never substantiated, but the hostile was closed down a year later.
No smoke without mire hey sir? One of the members of staff interviewed at the time was a Dr.
Royce Patten.
You sir.
There was nothing, nothing shown against me.
The whole thing was a complete, a complete and malicious fabrication.
Well that's quite right sir.
At each of the times in question you were with your wife as she told the then investigating officers.
You were completely in the clear.
What is that you're, you're saying? I mean what is it that you want from me? It's not what I want from you sir it's what they wanted or at least one of them did.
Two weeks ago Cornish and Hicks they saw you at the hospital.
You didn't see them.
Well if you did you wouldn't have recognized them, but they recognized you.
Young Benjamin saw you as a way of supplementing his income.
He was blackmailing you sir, or he was trying to.
Oh it doesn't matter whether you were involved in that other business or not.
A word in the right ear and your life wouldn't have been worth living would it sir? He.
He telephoned me at the surgery and he started telephoning the house, standing outside, trying to unnerve me I suppose.
And did it sir unnerve you? Well of course it unnerved me.
What do you think? Did you pay him any money? No.
Would you have done, if he hadn't been killed, if he persisted? I don't know.
He said if I didn't pay him he would sell his story to the newspapers.
You said yourself he could have ruined my life.
Unless he was stopped.
You don't really believe that I had anything to do with his death? No I don't sir.
Say goodbye to your wife for me.
Sorry if I've upset her.
Are you? Inspector? I'd be grateful if it were possible not to involve me in any of this officially I mean.
I mean I can't see that any of what we've discussed can have a direct bearing on your inquiries.
And after all the young man is dead and it, now well there seems no point in blackening his name any further.
You do understand? Yes.
You know sir it'd been a lot easier if you'd come clean when I first spoke to you.
After all you got nothing to hide have you sir? Blackening his name any further what a very considerate man you are Royce.
You disgust me do you know that? You disgust me.
Nothing to hide.
We've all got something to hide Dr.
I wonder what yours is.
Wonder what mine is what? Oh not you Governor, the good doctor.
The doctor what? Got something to hide, I was saying we all have.
For God sake Jack what did you expect? I mean if you'd phoned or something, anything but not like that.
It wasn't fair.
It just wasn't fair.
I don't know.
I just, I just wanted to see you.
Not you Jack, me.
I'm talking about me, what it did to me.
I don't care about you, not anymore, and don't give me any of that so what are you doing here stuff.
I'm here because I want you to understand what you did to me.
I'm here because.
I didn't mean some of those things I said.
No you have every right.
Really I didn't mean it.
I was just I was just lashing out.
Glad to have something to hit at last.
Glad you didn't do it when you had that saucer in your hand.
You see I really thought it meant more to you.
I really thought that you and I, God knows I didn't want that to happen to Lynn.
Maybe there is a God, maybe that's His way of, but I really didn't think that you and I, or maybe, maybe I was just eluding myself.
I really did love you Jack.
I really did.
Is that it? Sorry? Oh yes, yes I'm afraid that's it.
It's not much to leave behind is it? And if you're wondering what the sparking plug is for it's very handy for breaking car windows.
Hello sir what have you been up to this time? He probably didn't recognize me.
I'm not surprised the state he was in.
Got those keys Guv? What are you talking about? Chummy there what's his name.
I picked him up the other night smashed out of his head.
What do you mean you picked him up? We got a call from the landlord to the White Swan.
He was in there causing trouble and they wanted him out.
So I went around and sorted it.
Jack? Yeah, yeah just a minute.
Go on, go on tell me.
Well that's it really.
He had a car, but I wasn't going to let him drive.
So I dropped him near the station.
I told him to take a taxi.
And did he take one? I don't know I had a call.
When was this? A couple or three nights ago.
Well Tuesday just before 10.
Oh shit.
The last time I spoke to you, you told me that Tuesday evening you drove over to see someone at Chelsea.
Do you remember telling me that Mr.
Butler? You said you telephoned this friend and you drove over to Chelsea to pick up some stock.
So could you tell me this man's name? Where he lives you know where we could contact him just so that he can confirm what you've told us.
It isn't true is it Mr.
Butler? You've been lying.
Why have you been lying Mr.
Butler? It was one of those days I just didn't want to start.
Business has been going down the pan for months.
I've been just hanging on.
Tuesday I went to see the bank manager, and that's it.
No more support I'm finished.
We're going to lose everything, the business, the house everything.
Well what was I going to tell Annie? She didn't know.
I've been hiding it from her and lying to her.
And she still doesn't know.
I got home, and he'd been there.
You work your guts out to make a nice home and that's what the likes of him do to it.
I'd a turned him in the first time, but he's, he's family.
She loves him.
We can't have kids and I'm glad.
Do you know that? I'm glad.
Because if that's the way they turn out.
We had this huge row and I went out and I got well and truly drunk.
I started a bit of a row in the Swan and this young copper came, and he took me outside.
He wouldn't let me drive, but he, he dropped me off to get a cab only there are no sodding cabs.
So I start to walk and then, and then I saw him.
Sort of dancing along the street.
I called out to him, and he sees me, and he starts to run.
So I go after him, and he runs down this toilet and slams the door and he's yelling this filth at me.
And I hate him.
I hate him.
And I must have kicked the door in because he was lying there.
I didn't know I killed him.
For God sake, I didn't want to kill him.
I just wanted to I wouldn't have left him there like that if I mean I knew I'd hurt him, but when you came and told us that he was, he was dead.
I just, I just panicked I suppose.
I kept saying to myself, what good was he? I mean he wouldn't have lasted another year would he the state he was in? I mean would he? Jesus Christ, what am I going to tell his sister? What am I going to tell Annie? Fancy a pint? Come on I'll buy you a pint.
Yes, yeah all right why not? What are you reckon to Dr.
Patten? Nothing much too he reckon knows it.
According to the Scotch kid he was definitely involved.
Yeah well maybe.
I think I'll get the North Hamptonshire boys to send the file over.
There's only his wife's word that he was with her when those perverts were at it.
And by the look on her face I'd say there's a chance I could persuade her to change her mind.
Come on that was eight years ago.
Do you know what that DCH stands for after his name diploma in child health.
He was in a position of trust.
They all were.
They probably still are.
Yes, yes you're right.
Bloody sure I'm right.
Besides, if you get a result it'll look good when it comes to the promotion board hey Constable?
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