Alias J.J. (2017) s01e21 Episode Script

Episode 21

CAPITAL PRISON It looks like someone put a curse on you in Oya's name.
That's why your skin is drying out, and your eyes are losing life.
What do I need to do? A force A very strong force is attacking you.
I'm going to give you an antidote, but I can't promise anything.
Put this on your left foot.
Don't remove it, not even to shower.
I hope it works.
But are you sure? Were you there? Bro.
- What's wrong? - Come here.
What's wrong? Can you believe that Ramiso just saw the blonde in Cali? Supposedly coming out of the Panorama Hotel.
What? Then why the hell isn't she answering my calls or returning my messages? I told you, bro.
She's avoiding us.
Ever since the famous phone call to the president, she forgets who's hand it is that feeds her.
You know what, Genaro? I need you to keep an eye on her.
I want to know what the fuck she's doing.
You know, I've been thinking, and What if the damn blonde is stabbing us in the back? What is she telling the Prosecutor's office? What, Genaro? You think she would do that? Orlandito.
Orlandito, it's me, Liseth de Charria.
I need to speak with you, my love.
You said you'd help me with this matter with my husband, and nothing's happened.
Please don't leave me alone in this.
I'm scared, and you know how bad I get.
I'm counting on you.
All right, Mauricio.
What's going on? Why aren't you doing your job? What are you waiting for? - For J.
to put a bullet in me, or what? - Cristo, calm down, please.
I'm doing everything I can.
Calm down? Fuck that.
Do your job, man.
Why else do I line your pockets with money? I am doing my job.
But you know how trials work.
Do what you need to do.
Pay off whoever.
Please, get me out of this pigsty, damn it.
All right, Cristo, I'll do all I can.
I'll give you until this weekend.
This weekend, and if you can't, I don't want to see you again.
Got it? A million dollars, Your Honor.
Excuse me? It's a little gift from Mr.
What is wrong with you, counsel? Don't misunderstand me.
I'm not like that.
Your Honor, we all work for a living.
So please, take this money.
It's what you deserve.
Get away from my table right now, you bastard, if you don't want to be arrested.
And don't be surprised when you're charged with attempted bribery.
Let's make a deal.
How much more do you want? Miss, please.
Call security.
I don't know why this man is at my table.
All right.
Godfather? Godfather, what's wrong? Run, goddaughter! Run! Stop! Help! Help! Don't kill me! Relax, bro.
Keep quiet.
Why would I want you dead? Did you do anything to me? I don't know for money, because of pressure, whatever.
I'm not your enemy.
Open your eyes.
I didn't kill your wife.
And I don't want to kill you, either.
Listen for a minute.
You're an intelligent man.
In this cellblock, nothing happens without Iván Urrego knowing.
In here, no one kills anyone else unless he says so.
So, there's your friend.
He's the one who wants you dead, and here you are, safe.
He's a liar.
I have to call my lawyer right away and have my cellblock changed.
Don't be stupid.
In any cellblock you're going to be killed.
What you need to do is talk to the Prosecutor's office.
Cut a deal, get out.
The Prosecutor's office? I have nothing to negotiate with.
That's up to you if you want to stay quiet.
I'm just giving you some free advice.
And I don't want to keep watch over you all the time.
So if you have something to say, spit it out now.
Because inside here, you're a dead man.
Understand? All right, gentlemen.
You won.
You won.
I'll tell you everything I know.
And what is it that you know? I know about the links between Cartel del Valle and the members of the last presidential campaign.
Do you have proof? Yes.
I have a satchel full of proof.
What kind? I have photos of the people from Cartel del Valle with members of the campaign.
I have copies of all the checks they contributed to the campaign through frontmen.
I have recordings and some other documents.
And where are they? No.
First you get me out of this jail.
Or rather, I want house arrest, now.
That takes time.
I have to get official approval.
No, sir.
House arrest and a reduction of sentence.
First, you need to talk.
No, gentlemen.
I'm not going to risk getting screwed over by you.
I'll talk when the deal is done.
And I'm not going to talk here.
I'll talk in court.
You have a visitor.
Excuse me, but John Jairo hasn't gotten anything out of Cristo Charria.
Charria wouldn't be willing to talk if my client hadn't convinced him.
And what's more, there's a recording that confirms that.
Yes, that's true.
We listened to that recording, but Charria hasn't said anything yet.
And the deal was that your client had to help get proof.
And he's doing that.
Also, if my client hadn't saved his life, Charria would already be dead.
Blah, blah, blah.
We're making assumptions.
Excuse me.
But we're talking about a deal that we all need to keep.
Now If you're not willing to give us what you promised, we'll break the deal.
And then, who will guarantee you that Charria talks? All right.
Then if Charria signs a deal with the Prosecutor's office, we'll continue as planned.
And there will be no extradition.
Very well, gentlemen.
We have an understanding.
- We have an understanding.
Go ahead.
- Excuse me.
How nice to see you again, Your Honor.
Get out of my car or I'll call the police.
If I were you, I'd think twice about that.
My dear Judge Edilberto, how nice it is to talk to you.
I thought I'd let you know that I have a couple of very special guests here at my country house.
All right, kids.
Say hello.
Say hello to Daddy.
Don't be rude.
Daddy! Help us! Dad! COUR HEARING ROOM We're no longer going with Plan "B".
Plan "A" just worked.
Good morning.
Noting a time of 11:45 a.
on April 5th of the current year, we begin the judicial hearing on charges against Mr.
Cristóbal Charria.
I'll begin with the prosecution.
Present your evidence, please.
Before we begin I want to make it clear, Mr.
Charria has an agreement with the Prosecutor's office.
A nonexistent agreement, Your Honor.
What do you mean, a nonexistent agreement? My client has not made any agreement with you.
All right, gentlemen.
Is there or isn't there an agreement with the Prosecutor's office? Of course, Your Honor.
We have an agreement Show me where my client signed.
No, but wait.
Tell me that it's confirmed.
All right.
That asshole Charria is free.
Wait, Charria.
What about what you said in jail? I don't know what you mean.
You said you had information about the presidential campaign.
I don't have anything to say.
Tell me what happened in the jail! I need you to leave my client alone.
You don't want a legal problem, Detective.
Despite the suspicions, the investigations and the fact that the country and his opponents were demanding his resignation, the President finished out his four year term.
It was never determined if he was aware of the illicit contributions to his campaign.
And certainly, no proof was ever found against him.
This is what I promised you.
Let's see what this guy brought.
Now we really fucked everyone over.
Not yet, Genaro.
Boy! Bring me something to burn this shit with.
Fuck the journalists and all the snitches.
Here, you can have this.
The case has been closed on "The Blonde," Liseth Montero, who was murdered two days ago in unusual circumstances while her husband, Cristóbal Charria, was exonerated by Judge Edilberto Suescún, and now, outside of the country, enjoys his freedom.
In other news More rain throughout the country That deal is gone.
WEEKS LATER Look, I'm an ex-criminal.
Let's call a spade a spade.
But right now, I am a person who is repentant and re-socialized.
And I'm paying for all the crimes I committed.
I like to be sincere and direct.
And I'm not an example for anyone.
But what I really want is for kids to hear my story, so they won't repeat it.
And I'll tell you very clearly so you understand.
If the Colombian people think that just because Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria got killed, that the drug trafficking has stopped, they are seriously mistaken.
Because if corruption keeps ruling this country, the drug trafficking will never end.
Crime will never end.
Because, you tell me If some poor guy from the barrio who goes to bed hungry every day comes across someone who offers him money to to kill, to steal, to commit crimes, to do whatever You think he's not going to accept it? Of course he's going to accept it.
Escobar used to say he was helping the neediest, giving them housing, food, money.
But this was with one motive to earn the trust, the loyalty, of the neediest, so that they would work for him.
It was a speech full of lies, a speech that J.
had learned.
One that, at that moment, he was using very well to justify his crimes, to sell himself as a new man, free from sin.
And the boss could've been whatever, a terrorist, a drug trafficker, a murderer, but he was incredibly generous to the poor.
And that is why many people, to this day, love him and respect him.
Let's try to fit it in on Thursday.
MINISTRY OF JUSTICE Speak with the secretary.
Doctor Molina.
Were you talking to the Minister? Yes, sir.
We were talking about some problems in the jail.
Problems? Didn't you think you should speak with me before going outside the regular channels? Yes, sir.
Yes, I thought about it, but I didn't want to bother you again with my problems.
And besides, you made it very clear that you can't offer me the tools I need in order to do my job well.
So, I had to have a meeting with the Minister.
But don't worry, everything turned out very well, really.
He did offer me solutions.
Excuse me, Sir.
CAPITAL PRISON Ah, the sad life of mortals.
Today, you're even more beautiful, Moniquita.
Thank you, Mr.
All right.
Here I am.
- How can I help you? - A lot.
- What's happening? - Nothing, that's the problem.
You know how difficult it is to be inside these four walls dealing with the solitude.
You have to be so fucking strong to not go nuts.
I believe we've talked about this from the start.
Every legal process requires time, especially when dealing with - Yes, that's not the problem.
- Such a difficult case.
That's not the problem.
In here, I'm surrounded by imbeciles.
And you know how hard it is to be surrounded by assholes.
Tons of assholes So, what you're asking for is a transfer? Because I can speak with the director No, my dear counsel.
You know, I've been seeing things very clearly.
And I see that in order to live well, I don't have to be outside the jail.
Do you know what I need? The company of a woman who is very pretty, who is interesting, who is intelligent.
Who is sexy.
- Oh? - Then What you need is to talk.
That's not a problem for me, Mr.
But Just for a bit, because I have a very important meeting across town.
And you know, with the traffic, I can't be late.
- Why don't you cancel the meeting? - What? I don't want to be in a rush with you.
We get to know each other, we take a little time I'll tell you something I learned as an expert on horses.
For soft fillies, a muzzle of silk.
- Such a pretty little mouth.
- Mr.
I'm very flattered.
But the thing is - No, if you're married, that's fine - No, it's not that.
The thing is that Let's see I'm a woman who takes her job very seriously.
And I don't cross the line between my friends and my clients.
So, I'm very sorry to disappoint you, Mr.
But I have my rules as a woman, as a lawyer.
- And I don't break them.
- You see, Moniquita? You're perfect for me.
You know how I like my women? Strong minded, firm, high spirited.
- I'm going to tell you straight.
- All right.
You're not just a female.
You're a real woman.
Hello, John Jairo.
I'm Jennifer Casas, your biggest fan.
I'm writing to tell you that you're not alone there in jail.
I'm with you.
I watch you in the interviews and I think you're an incredible man.
I love how you talk.
Every day I pray to the Blessed Virgin that she will grant me the miracle of being able to meet you.
Go on, please.
Go on.
Name of inmate.
Leonidas Caicedo.
- Is this your ID? - Yes.
Hello, Jennifer.
It's very kind of you to send me so many letters.
Thanks for bringing joy to my life here in prison with your incredibly beautiful words.
Every time I read them, I think of you, so pretty and so special, just like the way you write to me.
I think of you, my little doll.
And whenever you want, you can come visit me.
I'd love to meet you.
Take your things and go.
That way.
Yes, ma'am.
Hi, love.
Your name is Jennifer? Leonidas? Yes, that's me.
Where is J.
? First things first, honey.
Did my friends give you the gift? Yes, they went to my house and they explained how to do it.
- And I brought it.
- All right, then come this way.
Scared? - No.
- Oh, good.
It's fine.
This way.
Jennifer was very clever, bro.
And you searched her well? She's not wired, she's not going to screw us.
No, she's clean.
She did everything exactly right.
Very good.
Get rid of her, then.
She insists that she wants to meet you, bro.
Is she hot, at least? She's like a little peach.
You'll see if you want to take a little bite or two.
Where are you, my little love? Where the hell are you, Doña Lorenza? I don't eat that shit, William.
Look, you know what? I need to fill the U.
with pure cocaine.
They're here! Hey, this son of a bitch, what? Wait for me here in the car.
Keep your hands where I can see them.
This is how you welcome me, so nasty? That's not the way you welcome a princess.
What? You distrust me that much? If you distrust me so much, pat me down.
Pat me down.
I'd love for you to pat me down.
Put down the gun, William.
Put it down.
Down, William.
- Welcome to my house.
- Thank you.
- Would you like something to drink? - You know what? That Guarilaque has my name on it.
Yes, ma'am.
Look, you'll have to excuse me for being careful.
But this little meeting just doesn't sit right with me.
It feels like a betrayal of Urrego.
This isn't a trick.
I'm here to talk to you about business, a deal.
With me? Really, I couldn't give a shit that you have a problem with my husband.
I I don't use my heart in my business.
I use my head and a calculator.
And I found out that you're setting up a very powerful organization.
And I have my own.
We need each other.
Let's put our forces together and see if we can become invincible.
I brought you these chocolates.
And also, I brought you something that's very special to me, the Virgin of Carmen.
Thank you, princess.
That's very nice.
And how old are you? Eighteen.
I just turned 18 three months ago.
You're very pretty.
You're also very handsome in person.
I want to show you something.
I've kept them all.
This is very important to me.
Such pretty handwriting.
And from letter to letter, I kept thinking about you more and more.
You won't believe it, but whenever you didn't write, I would be thinking, what could have happened to her? Did she get hurt? Did she forget me? No! It's just that I work in a bakery, and The shifts are very hard, and we don't exactly have a lot of extra time.
A bakery.
And how come someone so pretty is working in a bakery? - There's nothing else.
- Of course there is.
There's much more.
And you deserve the best, and with me, you'll have it, understand? - If you still want to be with me, that is.
- No, of course I want to.
Of course I do.
Don't even ask.
All right, precious, then from now on, whatever you need, you can count on me.
All right? Can I count on you? For anything? Yes, of course.
You can count on me always, and you can ask me for anything.
All right, beautiful.
Let's start by taking off our clothes, okay? You know, this still doesn't feel right to me.
I know your husband very well.
And I know he doesn't forgive that easily.
Iván has no idea that I'm here talking to you.
Then we're wasting our time.
We're barking up the wrong tree.
You know that my husband is in jail, and he's a little distracted.
He's all worried about getting out, his lawyer, and I'm person in charge of all of his business.
From now on, things are going to be done the way I say.
Oh, all right.
Because in that, you're right.
Your husband is in jail.
But the Romeros are free.
Look, the Romeros are a different kettle of fish.
Those guys are about to get caught.
A lot of people are watching them.
They stink.
I have spent too much money on looking nice, and on expensive perfume to start stinking at this stage of the game.
Right? Tell me if you're going to keep saying "but" to this.
Because there are plenty of guys out there who'll do the job for me.
What's this little heart? Oh, I got this little heart when I was a kid.
It needs a lot of love.
You know what it likes? - So, then.
- Let's have a Let's have a drink together.
To celebrate.
To finalize our deal.
Let's do it.
Piojo, I need for you to find the boss lady.
I want to know where Doña Lorenza is and why she's so busy that she hasn't had time to come visit me.
She should have come to report on some things.
No one fucks me over, especially in business.
Go on! All right.
Since so many people watch television, I've received a lot of letters.
But what good does it do me to talk such bullshit? The strategy is to stay current, and to sell you as as someone who's necessary.
It's always important when we negotiate with the judges, the ministers, with everyone.
Well, if it's good for something, let's negotiate right away.
Right now, we can't.
We have another situation we need to deal with.
- What's wrong? - What's wrong? Clemente is starting proceedings to transfer you to the Valledupar jail.
There's no fucking way I'm doing my sentence there.
It's hell there.
You do the slightest thing, they'll hang you.
- Yes, I know the situation.
- So you can't let them send me there.
I've got this jail broken in.
I have people I trust.
My enemies, controlled.
Even my fans visit me.
So talk to whomever you need to talk to.
The Vice Minister, the President, even that son of a bitch.
This can't happen.
All right, calm down.
Calm down and be quiet for a minute, because you're not listening.
And one more thing One more rude word from you and I leave.
The issue is this.
Ignacio, the Vice Minister, can't help us.
Do you know why? Because Clemente managed to speak directly with the Minister of Defense.
But I have a strategy to stop the transfer.
The plan is a bit risky, but it's worth it.
We have to get Clemente out of the way.
This is the guy that wanted to see me? - Take me to my cell, Torres.
- Wait, this is a good thing.
Relax, bro.
You can go.
There are a lot of people who can work here.
Oh, really? What kind of job are you talking about? A good one.
Not like those bullshit escapes that you guys organize.
All right, go ahead.
I'll pay you for taking down that dog Duván.
I'll be happy to kill that paramilitary.
But first I have to get authorization from my commander.
You're gonna split the money with him when you could have it all yourself? Those are the rules of our movement.
What movement? Stop talking bullshit, bro.
I'm going to pay you well.
You do the job.
You stay quiet, and everyone's happy.
Let me know if you're interested.
If not, I'll find someone else.
Who else knows about this? What about that guy? All good.
How much? $10,000, my friend.
I'll put it wherever you want it.
All right.
And the gun? Take a look at this.
And the bullets? Torres.
Take him to the cellblock and give him this.
Do your job well.
All right.
This way, quickly, then to the right.
- All right.
I'll watch, okay? - Good, go ahead.
PARAMILITARY CELLBLOCK What's going on? Stop all that racket.
What is this? Son of a bitch.
Commander! Ancízar! These sons of bitches tried to kill me! Open.
Open the door, son of a bitch! Dude! Dude! Commander! Let's go.
Don't move! Hands behind your head! Don't move! All right.
Search well, gentlemen.
Lieutenant, I found something.
MICRO-TRAFFICKER Positive, gentlemen.
You're under arrest for drug trafficking.
You have the right to remain silent.
Whatever you say can be used against you.
- Understand? - That's not mine.
All right, and where did they get the gun? How should I know? The problem is that there are two deaths in the jail.
Two! Hello.
Hello, auntie? What? What's wrong? What's wrong? But he's such an idiot.
- What happened? - What? What happened? Lieutenant, I was getting ready to go on my shift when I heard the shots.
I went to see what was going on and I saw the guerrilla Camilo Ortiz, who was armed, sir.
And the door opened by itself? How did he manage to get out? Where were you all? Sleeping? As I told you, Lieutenant, I had just arrived for my shift.
I'm going to get to the bottom of all this.
And whomever I find responsible, should know that he is an accessory to murder.
Do you understand? - Yes, sir! - Dismissed.
Brother, I'm so embarrassed.
You know that I don't ask for these kinds of favors.
Yes, thank you.
It's just to transfer an inmate.
Yes, here, to the Capital Prison, yes.
Danilo Pineda.
No, he's not a friend of mine.
It's a favor for a guard.
ID? Yes.
Bro, did you know that I heard something about that little foal that went missing? CAPITAL PRISON DRUG TRAFFICKERS CELLBLOCK You're kidding, bro.
That's great.
Do you know where he is? Do you know where he's grazing? "R," we know where the little animal is grazing, bro.
Very good.
So, do me a favor.
Find him and bring him to the ranch.
I tried to tame him.
Go for some short rides, calm his high-spiritedness.
And if he doesn't let you, then take him to the slaughterhouse.
We can sell the meat to get back the money we lost on him, understand? You know what, bro? What I'm going to do is grind up that son of a bitch for sausage meat.
All right, bro.
God bless you.
A big hug.
Hey, bro.
Sounds like you got some good news.
The dog who stole my money has turned up.
I had to discharge him.
Stay alert, bro.
See you later.
All right, Velásquez, it won't take long for the paramilitary to kill more people.
Well, I hope it's enough so that Clemente is up to his neck in shit.
GUERRILLAS CELLBLOCK It doesn't matter if there were two, four, six, ten dead paramilitaries.
The problem here is that I didn't give the order for execution.
This is a jail with a revolutionary structure that is respected.
If that huge asshole Camilo were still alive, I'd have to shoot him in a court martial.
There's a rumor that the paramilitaries are going to avenge those deaths.
You don't need to be psychic to figure that out.
Abel Mahecha isn't going to sit around with his arms crossed.
The really fucked up thing here is that we are still unarmed.
We don't have any way to defend ourselves.
And where were you, Sir? Lieutenant, I swear I know nothing.
The inmate was waiting for his lawyer to arrive.
I ran to the door for a second and when I got back, his throat was cut, Lieutenant.
So much incompetence.
Damn it!
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