All Saints (1998) s01e05 Episode Script

Night Shift

Jaz, have you seen Jared?
You rang?
Have you got
Mrs Bruce's consent form?
I thought I left it
Thanks, Jaz.
Give him till at least five o'clock.
Okay. Bye.
Have you gotten onto Amanda?
She's getting me at six.
Ben said to try M3.
Their happy hour's till nine.
M3 tonight?
That's the plan.
Yeah? Me, too. I've got a date.
The DJ there asked me out.
He's so cute.
Man, it's going to go off.
Jamie plays at all
the major dance parties.
That reminds me,
I've got one of his sets.
The kid with the appendicectomy
wants to hear it.
I'm looking forward
to finally meeting Amanda.
Yeah. I think you guys
will get on really well.
Oh, 50 milligrams of Phenergan, IM,
for Mr Anderson.
Room four, bed five.
Hey, man. Get a load of this,
it's wicked.
Who's winning, mate?
Well, Schumacher was,
till he spun out at the chicane.
I can't believe he's using slicks
in this weather.
What language is he speaking?
I don't know.
Not into Formula 1, mate?
No. I get scared just watching.
I used to have a billycart
when I was younger,
but I stacked it and broke my arm.
You should drink more, Greg.
I'll get it.
Oh, I'll get a refill.
Oh, no, it's okay. I'll do it.
That poor Fuller guy's
not doing too well, eh?
He played for my cousin's team
before he got sick.
The girlfriend's hanging in there.
But they're just not talking.
Mel, are you alright?
I don't know what to do.
It's perfectly normal that
Greg feels angry and vulnerable.
Testicular cancer is a confronting
thing for any man, Melissa.
It doesn't matter how strong he is.
So it's really important
that you two talk about it.
I try and talk, you know, about what
I've been doing and work and that.
Okay. But what about how he feels,
and how that affects you
as a couple?
Well, I'll love him,
whatever happens.
Why don't you tell him that?
If he doesn't make it,
I don't know what I'll do.
You know the day he found out?
We'd just been to see this house
that we both really liked.
It was perfect.
You know, two bedrooms,
nothing flash.
But he had all these ideas
to fix it up.
Melissa, this isn't
going to be easy.
That's why you two
really need to talk about it.
Are you okay to go back in there?
Good girl.
Just lean forward a second.
Mrs Jones, the social worker rang.
He got a bit tied up today but
he'll try to make it in tomorrow.
Did my husband call?
Um, no.
But he is coming, isn't he?
Um, I think he's a little bit busy.
You know, with the garden.
Maybe a bit later, then.
Don't tell her lies. It's not fair.
Gwen, your husband's not coming
today because he passed away.
He died, remember?
It's the best way, Jaz.
Did you realise
your shift's finished?
As soon as I check this, I'm off.
It looks like Bron and Connor
are in for a quiet night.
Greg Newman's in for chemo again.
Poor guy. I hope he gets
some sleep tonight.
See you later.
GREG: I don't want to talk,
I'm very tired!
(shouts) Just leave it, alright?!
I thought we should talk
I don't want to talk.
Everything okay here?
What do you think?
Let's sit you up.
Just leave me, please.
We'll just sit you up.
Leave me.
They're only trying to help you.
I don't want any help!!
It's okay.
Is he going to be okay?
Just go, alright?
Just get out!
(ragged breathing)
Mel, wait. Just wait.
Why did you make me do that?
We were doing fine.
Just calm
He doesn't want to talk about it.
Come into my office
I knew he didn't.
Mel, he's very sick.
You saw how upset he was
and the way he looked at me.
Do you know what it's like
watching a person you love
slipping away from you
and there's nothing you can do?
I'm I'm sorry.
You should be,
because you've made it all worse.
Thanks a lot!
Great dress.
I was thinking I should have worn
something else.
Oh, stop worrying, Jaz.
You look gorgeous.
I just haven't been
out with anyone in ages.
I mean, between working here and
looking after my brothers
A hospital's not a great place
to meet people.
I can't believe he asked me out.
I can. You're a spunky chick.
You should see the girls
that hang around him.
They're so gorgeous
and sophisticated.
Maybe that's why he likes you -
because you're different.
Oh, thanks a lot.
I'll see you there.
Yeah. Bye.
BEN: Well, this is it.
60 grand they reckon
it cost for the refit.
AMANDA: Wow, it's amazing.
That's why they're having
a happy hour - to get people in.
JARED: Let's grab a drink.
The ad said cocktails.
STEPH: There'll be a list somewhere.
STEPH: There'll be a list somewhere.
Ah, look, they've got Margueritas,
Long Island Iced Tea.
Ah, look, they've got Margueritas,
Long Island Iced Tea.
I wouldn't mind a glass of wine.
Mandy, it's a special occasion.
You gotta have
something more exciting.
Have you had a Long Slow Screw
Against the Wall?
It's got Kahlua, Cointreau,
a heap of stuff.
Sounds lethal.
You can have wine.
There's no pressure.
No. A Long Slow Screw sounds fine.
But what are we going to drink?
You'd better not let Brenda Blair
see you drinking coffee at the desk.
She's on tonight.
It's the only thing
that gets me through.
You can't stay awake at night.
The next day, I can't sleep.
Maybe you should lend me your body,
and you can have mine.
(both groan)
We've got Greg Newman in four.
Teratoma with secondaries.
Left testicle three weeks ago.
God, he's only 23.
Saw a 14 year old in here once.
Had both of them off.
Third day of chemo.
Another dose due tonight.
He's not handling it too well.
I don't blame him.
Why did they schedule
chemo at night?
Doctor mistake, probably.
No. A pharmacist
didn't mix it up on time.
He's not sleeping very well.
No wonder, with that
running through your body.
What are we doing for his nausea?
Oral Maxolon - six hourly.
He's not holding much down.
We should change it to IM.
Where's Cathy?
Hello, there.
I'm meeting my husband in the cafe
in half an hour.
Ah, Mrs Jones. Diverticular disease.
She gets a little bit confused.
Someone forgot
to put up her bedrails.
Come along, Mrs Jones.
I'll take her.
Oh, thanks.
My husband and I have been married
for 50 years next month.
It was the most beautiful wedding.
So, you all seem to
get on very well.
Jared's great to have around.
Patients like him.
He's good at his job?
Oh, he's still got a lot to learn.
About footy tab and box trifectas.
I suppose you'll all be sorry
when he has to move on.
You can't hold people back.
If Jared wants to be a doctor
Waste of a good nurse if you ask me.
Ben's got this bee in his bonnet
about doctors being
Glorified nurses,
who won't get their hands dirty,
and get paid 40 times as much.
You all do an important job,
but surely doctors earn their money.
More training, more responsibility.
Nurses are there with patients
24 hours a day.
But they don't know anything about
diagnosis and treatment.
A lot more than most doctors.
Not Jared, though.
He'll be a brilliant doctor, right?
Stephanie was just saying
you'll make a great doctor.
JAZ: Whoo! Guys, you have
got to come to the dance floor.
Jamie's starting his set.
Maybe later, okay?
Oh, come on. The music is wicked.
Oh, Jaz. This is Amanda.
Oh, hi. I'm Jaz. I work with Jared.
And Steph and Ben. Hey, Ben.
Nice to meet you.
And this is Jamie.
Let's go.
I'll see you guys later, okay?
I'll be up for a dance.
What's she doing with him?
I don't know. She said he was sweet.
Sweet? He looked like
a bit of a low-life to me.
He looked like a user to me.
Ben, how do you know?
I should be able to tell.
A successful DJ like that
has drugs on tap.
Are you sure, mate?
Jaz is so anti drugs.
I thought she looked high as a kite.
No. She's always like that.
Jared's right.
She wouldn't take anything.
Not knowingly, no.
They're flat-out on 15 and 12.
I need someone
to cover dinner breaks.
I'll go, Sister Blair.
And do something
about that bloke in four.
He's making too much noise
and the lights are still on.
The night supervisor from hell.
Don't say that.
She can hear through walls.
(calls) Jaz.
She's alright, mate.
Oh, man, I feel really dizzy.
Have you taken anything?
(dazed) No. It must have been
one of those drinks you bought me.
Did you give her something?
Man, she's alright.
What did you give her?
A good time.
Just tell me what it was.
Just a good time.
Jaz. Hey, hey, hey.
(groans weakly)
What did he give you?
What did he give you?
That's 37 patients
and one empty single room.
Oh, one less dressing to change.
One less bum to wipe.
Okay, who's doing what?
Von volunteered for bedpans, I see.
For a change.
Bron, can you do all the medication
charts and all the IVs?
And I'm in charge, so
You just bunk down in the tea room
and we'll wake you
when you're needed.
Are you being insubordinate?
No. Just insolent, disobedient.
Ah, that's okay then.
It looks like we're going to have
a nice, quiet night.
(Jaz groans)
My God, Jaz!
I don't want to go to hospital.
It's for your own good.
She's had some kind of party drug,
we don't know what.
Take her to Emergency.
I want to go home!
Jaz, what's happened?
Her date slipped her something.
Oh, twisted her arm?
Spiked her drink!
I've heard that before.
I want to go home!
She can't go.
You've got to get her to Emergency.
GREG: (screams) I can't handle it.
Give me something.
Take her to the tutorial room.
I'll look after Greg, alright?
You're breaking regulations.
She could die. Take her downstairs.
Not until we at least
check her vitals.
They can do it downstairs.
We are doing it here. Let's go.
But you're off-duty.
Look, it won't take a minute.
Help yourself to tea, coffee.
The milk should be alright.
I'm sorry about this.
It's an emergency.
You understand, don't you?
I know what an emergency is.
BRON: Come on, Jaz.
We're going to lie you down.
I'm going to take your pulse, okay?
No, don't.
Help us out here, Jaz.
It'd help if we knew what she had.
Ecstasy mixed with whatever else.
Jaz, do you know
what Jamie gave you?
No. He just kept getting me drinks.
Did he put anything in your drink?
You don't know what you're doing.
Von, you're not helping.
We need a mattress,
and get neuro obs started.
(sobs) No.
(sighs) I just can't get to sleep.
That's three nights on the run now.
I'm so tired.
Well, maybe you should try
turning the tv off.
I can't just lie here.
I'll page a doctor
to review your pain
I just want to sleep, alright?
I've got all this stuff
going around in my head.
I think I'm losing it.
The Registrar should be here soon.
He'll give you a sleeping tablet.
I thought I knew about pain,
you know.
I've done my hammy and my knee,
but this
Oh, God, it's inside, you know.
It just doesn't stop.
(pained sigh)
(surprised) Steph, hi.
Hello, Luke.
Ah, Von. Who's in charge?
He'll be back in a second.
JARED: Luke, hi.
What have you got for me?
Mr Anderson's due for surgery at 11.
We're giving him Phenergan
for the itching.
It all seems pretty quiet.
Now it is.
Greg Newman in room four -
the orchidectomy.
He's, ah how's it going?
He's having trouble sleeping.
He's in a lot of pain.
Okay. I'll write up some Fortral.
And maybe something for the nausea?
What's he on?
We got it changed from oral to IM.
It's not really helping.
Look, he's not handling the chemo.
We'll try him on Ondansetron.
Four milligrams IMI.
Now that's all sorted out,
someone want to tell me
what's going on?
I just started feeling really weird
and then I spun out.
It's okay. You're going to be fine.
Guys. She can't stay here.
We'll watch her.
If the hospital finds out
she'll lose her job.
She could go downhill fast.
And she could snap out of it
just as quick.
You can guarantee she won't crash?
She's dehydrated, her heart rate's
up. She needs an IV.
Well, give her one.
I can't. Not unless she's admitted.
I'd lose my job.
Look, I suggest
you don't try it either.
I'm sorry, I've got to go.
If you want my advice, get her
downstairs, get her admitted.
She'll be alright.
We can handle this.
No. You're not thinking.
Shut up, Von, okay?
You're prepared to lose your jobs?
I am, to save hers.
We'll keep her here,
give her fluids, watch her.
If she gets worse
we'll take her downstairs.
And when the supervisor
comes around?
You won't get away with it.
Why? Will you tell her something?
Do you think she will?
No. But she's right about one thing.
What are we going to do about
Dracula's daughter?
Marguerite, Bron.
Good, thanks.
I was wondering if you could
do me a huge favour.
Could you let me know
when Brenda's on her way down?
No, no reason. Just be good
if you'd let me know, that's all.
Okay, three rings and hang up?
Alright, thanks.
What a night, eh?
Don't you dare touch me!
Amanda, what's the story?
Don't you ever, ever
bring me out here again.
We were having
a really nice night before
We were having a hideous night.
I can't believe you didn't realise.
You were enjoying yourself.
I was being polite.
Can't you tell the difference?
How can you spend five minutes
in the company of those people?
I like them. They're my friends.
Well, I have nothing
in common with them.
I can't believe that you do.
Since when did you become
such a snob?
Why am I a snob?!
Because I don't want this
kind of life for myself, or for you?
You have to give them a chance.
Get to know them.
It'll be much easier
once I move into Connor's.
I'm moving in with Connor.
It's a great place
and it's so close to work.
You'll love it.
It's the most ridiculous thing
I've ever heard.
How can you live out here
and commute to med school?
It'd take hours.
That's the other thing.
I'm not sure I want to be a doctor.
There's much more to nursing
than I ever realised.
And I'm good at it.
Are you?
And just where do I fit into
all these grand plans?
Nothing will change.
You're still part of my life.
Not this second-rate life, I'm not.
Are you coming?
It's your decision.
Is there any change?
We are doing the right thing,
aren't we?
I hope so.
(moans weakly)
Jared, watch it!
I thought you were the supervisor
checking up on us.
Why, what's the matter?
Have you still got Jaz here?
You have, too.
Listen, don't ask any questions
and you can't be an accessory.
Weren't you leaving 20 minutes ago?
Well, I missed my last train.
I thought Amanda
was giving you a lift home.
She was.
She was driving the train.
A bit of a late night
difference of opinion, eh?
Yeah, sort of.
I think we broke up, mate.
Oh, mate. She was such a babe.
Well, she didn't think much of you.
No taste, mate.
Better off without her.
Can I have your house keys?
Your mum's going to be freaking out.
Can I just have the keys?
You are okay, aren't you?
I suppose.
CONNOR: Is that better?
A bit.
You're still not sleeping, eh?
That medication
should have kicked in by now.
My head's pounding, you know.
I close my eyes,
it just makes it worse.
One more dose and it'll be finished.
I can't do this.
What do you want, mate?
I want to get out of here.
I want my life back.
I know it's hard, but
I don't want it, okay?
It's killing me!
My arms are aching and everything.
I'll get a pillow
and relieve the pressure, okay?
I don't want it, okay?
It's not worth it.
I think you dropped your card.
It's from Mel - my girlfriend.
She remembered, you know.
Our anniversary.
Even with all this going down,
she still remembered.
You're lucky to have
someone like her.
I just wanted to give her
what she deserves, you know.
A house, kids
And now I don't know if I can.
I think we should split, you know.
She should find someone else
and have a life.
Is that what you want?
But I bet she's thinking about it.
Come on, you've got to have one
tiny sip, to keep your fluids up.
(weakly) No.
Jaz, it's okay.
(weakly) No.
Jaz, it's okay.
You're here with me. It's Bron.
You're here with me. It's Bron.
Her blood pressure's dropped.
I can't get her to drink.
She was lucid three minutes ago
and now she's not talking.
In this state, anything she did
drink, she could inhale.
We have to get her downstairs.
I'll get a wheelchair.
Oh, God. Not Brenda.
Four. Thank God.
Yeah, but who is it?
Ward 17.
No, sorry, I can't.
Who was it?
Cath in 12 just wanted to
meet me for supper.
I'd completely forgotten
about supper.
Come on, Bron.
Let's get this over with.
We're going to get sacked.
We could argue a case.
I mean, we were only
trying to help someone.
You know how they are.
Contravening hospital policy,
legal implications.
We're finished.
Gwen's gone walkabout.
Let's go.
Mrs Jones?
Mrs Jones.
Any luck?
This is all we need.
(laughs) Yes. Yes, of course.
And that's because mimosa
in Singapore is so beautiful
at this time of year.
Remember this tune?
They played it that night
we went to the Tivoli.
So handsome you looked.
Like Cary Grant, they all said.
That was the first time
we went there, wasn't it?
Or was it the second?
The time it poured with rain and we
all ended up dancing in bare feet.
Mrs Jones?
Oh, hello.
We're just having a cup of tea.
Have you met my husband?
Ah, no, I haven't.
We come here for the dancing,
you know.
I love to dance.
But my husband's been
so ill of late.
I haven't been dancing for years.
Would you like to dance?
Of course.
Who's that for?
Jaz. She's not drinking, so we're
going to take her to Emergency.
You've come to your senses.
Von, don't start.
Can I have some water?
Thank God you're alright.
Are you alright, Jaz?
I'm so thirsty.
I'll get you something.
You can get that downstairs.
There's no need now.
She's over the hump.
She can drink.
We can hydrate her here.
Oh, Bron!
(exasperated) Come on!
Thank you.
Bad timing, Jaz.
She's not dehydrated.
What's her BP?
(drugged) Hey, Luke.
Hi, Jaz.
You're so warm.
Oh, beautiful hands.
She's alright, huh?
She's lucky.
I knew she'd be alright.
It could have gone the other way.
But it didn't.
Thanks, Luke.
Well, you didn't see me.
I wasn't here.
He's not going to report us.
Greg's chemo.
I was just thinking.
We're so freaked out about
getting this stuff on our skin,
yet we're happy to stick it
in people's veins.
It's all set, mate.
(sighs) I can't handle much more.
Last dose of the cycle.
How long till I can go home?
Should only be a few days.
You're young, you're fit.
I don't feel too fit at the moment.
Um, I'll be back in a second, Greg.
(inhales with pain)
Just stay for a bit, alright?
Stay for a bit.
(sobs inconsolably)
It's okay, mate.
Oh, God! (Sobs)
It's okay.
My mates just kept bagging me,
you know.
Like losing your ball was
the biggest joke they'd ever heard.
I mean, Mel reckons it was
just their way of dealing with it.
They didn't know what else to say.
She's probably right.
But it wouldn't have
made you feel any better.
And with Mel,
I just started thinking know, I wasn't good enough.
I couldn't make her happy.
I couldn't stop myself getting angry
at her because when I looked at her
it just reminded me
of what I was losing.
I don't want her to feel trapped,
you know.
I don't want I don't want her
to stay with me out of pity.
I had this restaurant booked
for our anniversary.
A real fancy place.
I booked it ages ago.
I should have cancelled it.
Someone else may want the table, eh?
You silly, silly girl.
You're an old softie, aren't you?
How's the hand?
It's okay.
I threw the chemo bag away.
We'll have to get another one
made up in the morning.
The pharmacy will be impressed.
So will Terri when she reads
the incident report.
I'll get you some hydrocortisone.
And then, there's something
I want you to help me with.
Oh, yeah?
Mel, everything's fine.
I'm so, so sorry.
That's okay, Jaz.
But please stay a tiny bit longer.
No. I've been so much trouble, man.
It's okay.
Here we go.
Oh, my God, I'll get the sack.
No, you won't. Quiet!
Go, go, go.
Oh, my God!
Ssh, be quiet!
Good evening.
What have you got to show me?
Oh, right. Sorry.
It's been one of those nights.
I was told things
were pretty quiet down here.
Well, yes. They were to a point.
Can we just get on with the round?
Mrs Jones with
a diverticular disease.
Mild dementia
and occasional delusions.
Yes. She's gone walkabout on us
a couple of times.
(dry) Really?
Oh, not far.
She seems to be resting now.
She tired herself out probably.
Yes. Well, just keep an eye on
that drainage tube in room seven.
Otherwise, you seem to have
everything under control.
I'll leave you to get on with it.
Is Terri's office open?
I need to use the phone.
You can use this one.
No. In here will be fine.
You probably want some privacy.
Use the phone in the tea room.
This one's acting up.
I see.
The tea room's fine.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Have you got tickets
for the Captain's table?
I'm I'm sorry?
The dance party.
We're on the Captain's table.
No. There was just a bar.
So it hasn't happened yet.
Yeah, it has.
You should get a move on, you know.
Yeah. Bron's going to call me a cab.
A cab? Don't be silly.
Where will you get a cab on a ship?
It's black-tie, you know.
Very formal.
Bob was wondering whether
he should wear a button-hole.
I said some mimosa would be nice.
He picked it in the hotel garden.
Hurry up, dear.
Do something about your appearance.
Oh, man.
Oh, you look amazing.
Thanks for coming in.
I'd do anything for Greg.
Are you sure this is what he wants?
I couldn't handle it
if he freaked out again.
No. Trust me,
it's exactly what he needs.
Oh, Mel, we've moved him
into this one.
Oh, okay.
Happy anniversary.
I thought you said
you didn't drink coffee.
Oh, I deserve it after tonight.
You're right.
After tonight we both deserve it.
What, the two of you
taking a breather?
Just sat down.
Well, don't make yourself
too comfortable.
Mr Hicks just pooped his bed.
My mouth's still dry.
This might help.
So, was all this your idea?
The nurses'.
I know it's been tough
these last couple of weeks.
I love you.
I love you, too.
And I want you so much.
I just wish that know.
I can't do anything.
Yeah, you can.
Is that okay?
(sighs deeply)
It's perfect.
Penny for your thoughts.
Not looking forward
to seeing Greg Newman.
I mucked things up between
him and his girlfriend.
I bet you didn't.
I'll pop up and see
Could you pop in
Well, I think we've just made it.
Yeah, just.
I am so, so sorry.
Save it till later.
If Terri finds you here
You guys are so amazing.
I am SO, SO sorry.
Just be careful
who you go out with next time.
Yeah, just my luck.
First date in ages
turns out to be a total loser.
Oh, my God. I'm going to be so late.
Um, I think I'll grab a milkshake
Hang on. Get my room key, have a
shower and you'll be back in time.
Thank you so much.
You're so amazing.
Okay, go.
Thank you.
You're so
Hey! Would you go already?
Alright, I'm going. Thank you.
She's so sweet.
Good morning.
Gidday. You're early.
You ready for me yet?
We'll be ready in five minutes.
I'll check Mrs Pearce.
(surprised) Morning.
You look a lot better.
Oh, look, I just want to say sorry
about Mel going off at you before.
She was real upset yesterday, but
But she's a lot better now?
She's unreal.
Well I'm really pleased
to hear that.
I'll see you later.
So, guys, got anything to tell me?
Oh, ah, coffee?
About last night?
Oh, no, it was a quiet night.
Well, I see you moved Greg Newman.
Oh, yeah. He was kicking up
a bit of a fuss.
He was really unsettled
and it was quieter in there,
so we thought, you know,
we'd move him in.
He seems a lot happier.
Connor, how'd you go with Jaz?
Oh, you mean yesterday?
Oh, fine.
Terri, you're early.
Not especially.
So, what, big night out
last night, was it?
How was the happy hour?
M3, wasn't it?
So, the Ondansetron working?
Oh, not bad.
I managed half a sip
of juice before.
You'll be up to a swig soon.
Maybe even a mouthful.
Do you want the telly on?
No. Maybe later.
When the racing starts.
Yeah, and the Ferrari blows its
turbo charger on the home stretch.
Take my advice, mate.
Don't give up the day job.
Well, I wasn't planning to.
Hi, doc.
I was wondering if you'd like to
book me in for a chat today.
Yeah, I would.
Is it, um, is it okay
if my girlfriend's here, too?
The more the merrier.
Where are Mrs Bruce's notes?
She has a barium enema
in 20 minutes.
How are you?
(curt) Fine.
Good morning.
Hi, Jaz.
How was the rest of your evening?
Oh, alright.
The REST of your evening?
Hello, dear. You look
much better this morning.
I was very worried about you.
They were afraid
they were going to lose you.
Gets a bit confused.
Connor and Bron, before you go, I'd
really like to see you in my office.
I told you there was nothing
to worry about.
Greg Newman.
Whatever you said to his girlfriend,
it made a difference.
Didn't seem that way last night.
He's a different kid.
A whole new attitude.
Strange, isn't it?
Come on, what's your secret?
I think the night staff
deserve the credit.
Ah, the terrible twosome.
Well, I'll leave you to it.
Okay, take a seat, you two.
Was there anything you forgot
to tell me at the hand-over?
About last night?
Is there a problem?
Ah, no.
Greg Newman seems
a lot better this morning.
Yeah. He, ah
He got lots of sleep,
so that helped a lot.
You know, some think night duty
is a time for slacking off.
They even think
they can bend a few rules.
And sometimes, just sometimes,
those people can be right.
And very, very lucky.
It was so romantic
I really don't want to know.
Why don't you go home?
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