All Saints (1998) s01e22 Episode Script

Truth or Dare

Previously on All Saints.
Do you act on your inclinations
or just fantasise about them?
I can't believe you love her.
Don't be stupid.
He obsesses about her.
She's a friend. I look out for her.
Your friend's an addict?
You're obviously very passionate
about your work.
I said, back off!
It's none of your business.
(pained cries)
He's not going to forgive or forget
- believe me.
You'll keep.
Ben? Ben Markham.
A little present from Mario.
You've got to be kidding me.
What's your story?
What now?
Just want to
drop this off on the way.
We're already late.
It'll only take two minutes.
They hung up.
Happened a lot lately.
Probably kids
thinking they're funny.
It could've been Ang.
Forget it, mate, she's gone.
Let's go.
This is the third time
insulin's gone missing.
All I know is I stored some opened
insulin before I went home
and now it's gone.
Ward 11 always help themselves
to our supplies.
They helped themselves
to some syringes.
Are you sure it's not misplaced?
Oh, bashing victim up from A&E,
on his way to theatre.
We always get their overflow.
Steph, patient for room four.
Just get a new vial for Troy.
See if you can track it down.
If it is Ward 11,
they can order their own.
Yeah, got it.
Mr Bell due for surgery on his hand
when a theatre's available.
Are you Mr Bell?
Mr Bell?
I'm Stephanie Markham.
I'll be looking after you.
I'll just get you settled
in your room.
Hey, Allan.
So, did you hear the latest?
About Lynda in Pathology
and the drug rap?
Very stale.
Dr Francesca Norman's
found herself a new toy boy.
Do you know who it is?
No, but I'm working on it.
Morning, Luke.
How is the birthday boy
feeling today?
How about you?
Nothing a bit of orange bubbly
won't fix.
You missed a great night last night.
You should've seen Connor
with the belly dancer.
Shame I couldn't make it.
I hope you didn't work too hard
and too late.
Can't remember what time I finished.
Luke, you work too hard.
You should chill out a little.
Yeah, well, I'll keep that in mind.
No rest for the wicked.
In her office on the desk?
That's the rumour.
Who with?
The jackpot question.
Excuse me.
I'm looking for Colin Bell.
Oh, Mrs Bell. Hello.
Hi. Where's my husband?
He's right in here.
This way.
How is he?
All things considered,
he's doing very well.
He's a little groggy,
but he's resting comfortably.
Get away!
Get away!!
It's me. Mitchie.
Keep her away from me.
Get her away.
Would you mind waiting outside?
Would you mind waiting outside?
You said he was alright.
He is, honestly.
You said he was alright.
He is, honestly.
It's all just been a bit of a shock.
It's normal when someone's been
the victim of an assault.
Okay, Colin.
Ben Markham.
Very interesting.
When I got back, there was this guy.
He had a mask he was so big.
Came running out the front door,
nearly knocked me over.
I went back inside
and there was Colin.
Just lying there,
with all this blood.
He was attacked?
No, it was the coffee table.
It's glass - well, WAS glass.
He fell through it.
You must think I'm a terrible wife.
No, of course not.
I didn't want to let him go off
in the ambulance like that,
but I had to stay and talk to
the police, all those questions.
Why was he scared of me?
He's groggy from the painkillers.
He was knocked unconscious
in the home invasion.
It's all my fault.
You couldn't have stopped
what happened.
Especially in your condition.
When are you due?
Eight weeks.
I'm sure Colin
will have recovered by then.
What if he hasn't?
The way he carried on.
There's something wrong
with his head.
He had an X-ray and CT scan.
Nothing's wrong
as far as we can see.
What about wrong you can't see?
I just think he should be
seeing a shrink.
At the slightest symptom
of post-traumatic shock,
counselling will be offered.
A psychiatrist isn't indicated now.
Well, I think he should see someone,
you know, for his head.
A couple of inches lower
and you'd be singing soprano.
You're enjoying this, aren't you?
There's no real damage.
They pay me
to make those judgements.
We'll suture that wound
on your abdomen.
Doesn't seem to be any concussion
or internal injuries.
Like I said, there's no real damage.
So, I can go.
I need a CT scan
and X-ray for those ribs.
I'll keep you under observation
for a few hours.
Oh, come on.
Ben, you know the drill
with head injuries.
Now, I need to give you a local.
Lay back.
Did you make a report to the cops?
You mean you care?
Oh, what's the point?
He was just a hired thug.
I'd be more careful in future.
You don't think I know that?
I'll finish up here,
then I'll send Steph down.
Mate, she'll want to
check you out for herself.
There's nothing she can do.
There's no point worrying her.
Mate, you know Steph.
That's right, I do.
Your call.
You get used to it.
It's only a small needle,
Mr Sculthorpe.
No problem.
Years of practice, eh?
My diabetes was diagnosed
when I was seven.
Once you get used to it
it's no big deal.
Hey, dropkick!
How's the barbecued foot?
Can't feel a thing.
This is just a rort
on the compo, is it?
We won't tell the boss.
Come on, come on.
Oops. Excuse me.
Cop a feel
whenever you like, Grandma.
Look, if you want your name on the
next available bed, keep this up.
I swear it's true.
How do you know?
Because one of the cleaners
saw them.
What? Going for it?
Yeah, like mad.
Did they see who it was?
Only his bum.
Who'd be brave enough
to risk the wedding tackle
between those thighs of steel?
This guy must be
such a desperate brown-noser.
Just plain desperate.
Luke, you've got to hear this.
Someone got down and dirty
with Francesca Norman on her desk!
Did you see anybody sniffing around?
Maybe it was Dr Ace Flaherty!
You could ask Francesca for us.
She's already left for her new job.
New job, new conquests.
Okay, the cleaner only saw his bum.
That means we have to get every
bloke in the hospital to drop 'em.
We could have a line up of bums!
(raunchy laugh)
Jaz, Mr Bell.
Mr Bell - what room?
Let you know who it is
as soon as I find out.
They tied off the bleeders and put
the pressure bandage on in A&E.
I won't touch anything
until we get him to theatre.
How did it happen?
Home invasion.
He doesn't remember
a thing about it.
Occupational hazard.
He's been quite distraught.
I'm not surprised.
We need to repair
these tendons, Mr Bell.
To do that, we need to give you
an anaesthetic
while the microsurgeons
work their magic.
They'll get it as good as new,
That's what we're aiming for, yeah.
I need both hands for my job.
What do you do?
He's a cabinet maker.
Yeah, that's right, a cabinet maker.
When can I get out?
I'm waiting on a big job.
I'll see you upstairs, Mr Bell.
Your wife's outside.
Would you like her to sit with you
until it's time to go?
She's very worried about you.
She sees me lying here
helpless like this,
there's no telling what she'll do.
She needs looking after.
She's not well.
Not well at all.
You're sure Mr Mellet's
not too upset with me?
Stop going on about it!
Well, why did you tell him?!
You were the wimp
who came to hospital
when all you needed was a band-aid.
While you're here, get them
to give you some balls.
Time to go. You're in a hospital,
not a playpen.
They don't have to go.
Don't blow a fuse.
I said out, didn't I?
Dragon in the house.
No, mate, she's a real fox.
The diabetic CNC will come
Maybe you guys can come back later. assess your burns.
Yeah, sure, mate.
You've seen Troy's
blood sugar levels.
He takes good care of himself.
Of his diabetes maybe.
Accidents happen.
Did you get that saline to irrigate?
Of course I did.
Troy knows enough about his diabetes
to realise tissue injuries
are more serious for him
than the rest of the world.
So why was he so careless?
Because he's a kid.
He can't be wrapped in cottonwool,
not in the smash repairs industry.
Not working with
those Neanderthal idiots.
Visitors are supposed to
cheer you up, not beat you up.
It's mates mucking around.
Oh, yes, that's right.
You call it "male bonding".
I call it humiliating.
How are you going?
He's going to be alright?
Recovery will call
when he's out of theatre.
He'll be back in a couple of hours.
They'll look at his head, too?
Just his hand, Mitchie.
His head's fine.
He needs help.
We'll be three soon.
I don't know how we'll survive
if he's sick.
This wasn't Colin's fault, or yours.
Blame whoever attacked him.
Yeah, well, I'll never forget them.
The two guys.
Big, mean
What's wrong?
There were two guys?
Before you said there was one,
in a mask.
Oh, did I? Well, I meant two.
The diabetic team
couldn't be happier.
You're in good shape.
So why have I got to stay in here?
Maybe so you can learn to be
more careful.
I've got to get back to work.
It's not going anywhere.
Six other guys wanted
this apprenticeship.
It took me more than a year
to get my chance.
Why smash repairs?
It's good money.
A good future, too.
Write your own ticket
when you're finished.
Danny's gonna help me
do up a car after hours.
How did this happen again?
I took my boots off at break.
Danny called me to take him a tool
where he was working on the Mustang.
I walked onto the floor.
Bill was using solder
and some sprayed around.
This burn's extensive
and it's almost a square.
That wouldn't happen with solder.
Did you put cold water on it
when it happened?
Y-y-yeah, as soon as I could.
Bron's got Ace Flaherty firming in
at two to one on.
Got money on it?
Those odds? No way.
I've just finished
redressing Troy's foot.
There is no way that burn was caused
by him stepping on hot solder.
Come on, Von.
Have you seen it?
If he'd put cold water on it when he
said, the burn wouldn't be so deep.
Look, he told us what happened.
Why would he lie?
Why would a kid who's so good
at looking after himself
be careless around hot metal?
Beats me.
Oh, yeah, that's typical.
Hey, Allan.
I was just looking for Jared.
I think he's in room four.
Is there anything
I can help you with?
No. It's no big deal.
So, I'll see you later?
Hey, what's that?
Terri's trying to keep Ward 11
out of our insulin.
I read about this invisible powder
you can buy.
You can tell who's nicking stuff
by putting their hands
under UV light.
I read about magic gloves
you can use
so the powder gets on them
instead of your hands.
Did Allan catch up with you?
Ward 17. Jaz speaking.
Hi. Is Jared there?
Yep. I'll grab him for you.
No, no. It's okay.
Actually, forget it.
Is that you, Angie?
He's probably busy, just forget it.
Angie? Where are you?
Look, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to hassle you at work.
It's great to hear from you.
How have you been?
I'd really like to see you.
I get off at four.
See you then?
What about Connor?
I know he doesn't like me
hanging around there.
Don't worry about him.
He'll be home late.
It's his turn to do the shopping.
I'll see you then.
(groggy) Where am I?
Back on the ward.
Everything went very well.
The hand, it's alright?
It's going to be as good as new.
I need it perfect for my job.
Just lie still.
Is your mouth dry?
Do you want some ice to suck?
Mitchie's just outside.
Would you like me to get her?
I don't want to see anyone,
especially Mitchie.
Okay, it's alright.
Just try and rest.
That's it.
You said you'd get me
as soon as he got back to the ward.
Get away. Get away!
What are you doing?
He's had a general anaesthetic.
He's confused.
He's not confused, he's crazy.
Why won't anyone listen to me?
Look, this is not doing you
or the baby any good.
there's nothing wrong with me.
It's him.
So, what was that you said?
Angie's long gone?
Ah, so it was Angie
on the phone this morning.
I didn't ask.
She's coming around tonight.
Here we go again.
Give it a rest, Connor.
At least she knows
when to ask for help.
Not to mention who to ask.
Peter, have you got a minute?
I've got a situation with a patient
and I'm out of my depth.
Colin Bell, room four.
A victim of a home invasion.
He just returned from surgery
on his hand.
Post-traumatic stress?
A potential, but I'm more worried
about his wife.
She found him.
It's all been a bit of a shock.
She's very agitated. Short fuse,
overreacting, a little irrational.
Have a word with her?
Sure, if she'll talk to me.
Can't ask for more than that.
Glad to hear Ben's okay.
Why wouldn't he be?
I just heard he was down in A&E.
My mistake, sorry.
Mate, you are not ready to go home.
I'll take full responsibility.
I'm sick of staring at the poster
and trying to guess
how many gloves are in that box.
I'm okay.
Maybe to be going home,
not back to work.
That's between me
and the ambulance service.
I just want to get out of here
before Steph finds out.
I don't like keeping Steph
in the dark.
Lies cause trouble.
You're damn right!
Hi, sweetie.
Why didn't you tell me?
Luke told me not to worry you.
He was trying to do
what he thought was right.
Come off it.
One of you is not telling the truth.
When I find out which one
Where does it hurt?
Broken ribs? Internal injuries?
Oh, your poor face.
I, ah, I might get going.
I'll talk to you later.
Of course I'm upset.
My husband's off his tree in there
and all you stitch merchants
want to do is fix his hand!
How many times do I have to say it?
It's his head.
I'm not one
of your husband's surgeons.
Then, who are you?
Head of psychiatric services.
It's about time.
I'm sorry, it's just don't know what hell
I've been going through.
Why don't you tell me all about it?
I knew Colin had his problems
when I met him.
He'd just come out
after a spell in the funny farm.
They said he was better, but
Do you remember the specific name
of his condition?
Can you tell me why
he was in this institution?
Same reason as everyone else,
I suppose. He was nuts.
Can you at least remember
the name of the place?
Nothing wrong with my mind.
Carumbin Vale, out from Adelaide.
Okay. So we meet, we get married.
He's fine for a couple of years
and then I fall pregnant.
It just starts up again.
What exactly starts up again?
He loses it - bang!
Suddenly we're being followed,
people are out to kill us.
He throws in his job
and we move here.
We can't have a telephone
because they read our thoughts.
Oh, I see.
Television sends messages,
so we can't have one of them either.
Finally, he starts sleeping
with a hammer under his pillow
because he thinks
he's going to be attacked.
The problems started
after you got pregnant?
You ask him.
I'd like to talk to your husband,
and discuss what you've said,
if it's okay.
Listen, I don't care
what you tell him, right?
If things keep going
the way they are,
this kid will be born with both
his parents off with the fairies.
How long have you worked at
Millet's Smash Repairs, Troy?
Um, six weeks.
It's been a pretty unlucky
six weeks, hasn't it?
You've made three visits to A&E
since you started there.
All in working hours.
How'd you know that?
It's on your patient records.
You're making a big deal
about nothing.
Bruises and contusions
to your wrist, possible fracture.
I got tangled in the cables
to the hoist.
Both arms?
Last month, a hypoglycaemic episode
leading to unconsciousness.
We had a busy day at work, alright?
I missed my lunch.
The guys out the back
No. No, you handle your diabetes
too well to miss a meal.
Well, Troy, my boy,
I reckon you've got a choice.
Either I make an anonymous call
to Workcover
and tell them there's something
fishy about your injuries,
or you tell me exactly
what is going on.
You've been talking to my wife,
haven't you?
Just an informal chat.
She's very concerned
about your emotional state.
She told you I was crazy?
Such a tragedy.
I mean, she's been so well
for years.
I guess with the strain
of the baby and all
Your wife's had problems?
Mitchie was just out of an
institution when we first met.
Carumbin Vale, near Adelaide.
Where you were a patient?
She told you that?
She's worse than I thought.
I, ah, put that down to the stress
of the attack this morning.
Long before that.
Told you some great stories, I bet.
Voices from the television,
telephone taps, ah, secret enemies.
I said I didn't remember
what happened this morning,
but I know exactly who hit me.
It was Mitchie.
I saw her reflection in the coffee
table just before she struck.
I can't tell the police.
She's dangerous.
She's unstable
..but she's still my wife.
You must know who it is.
I'll work it out.
Did you hear anything up in theatre?
About what?
Mr X.
Mr Zero Taste.
Mr I Have So Little Self-Respect,
I let Francesca use me
as a sex object.
I suppose if I say it's none of
our business, you won't listen?
I reckon it's Ace. He's exactly
the kind of slug she'd pick up.
What if it's not Ace, huh?
I'm going to find out.
Steph, ah
Listen, don't be too hard on Ben.
We both should've considered
your feelings a bit more.
I don't believe it. The first thing
you two agree on is lying to me.
I'm sorry.
You should be.
You deserved that.
The boy has grounds
to sue those hooligans.
And a case against the boss
for not providing a safe workplace.
Von, calm down.
You asked me in to talk about him.
Yes, I did.
Um Troy has filed a complaint.
Well, good, that's a great start.
About you.
Von, I know you're concerned
about him, but bullying him
I didn't bully him!
It was for his own good.
Von, you've confused the line here
between caring and interfering.
I was trying to help.
Okay, I know that.
You know the patient comes first.
He's asked to be moved
to another room, away from you.
I won't do that.
But as of now, Connor's in charge.
He's the last one to know
what this kid's going through.
I'll handle it.
You agree there is a problem?
Yes, I do.
But I want you to leave it with me.
Colin says Mitchie's the one
that hit him.
She only comes up to
his waist, she's pregnant.
She'd be mad to think
she'd get away with it.
I prefer disturbed.
Her?! Anyone making
that kind of accusation
gets my vote for disturbed.
Colin was confused,
but what do you expect?
Assault victim. Possible concussion,
mild anaesthetic delusion.
Given what he's been through
He was centred when I saw him,
and worried about his wife.
Saying she hit him
is a weird way to show it.
He didn't report it
to the authorities.
She's not the one
who was institutionalised.
So she says.
They both say the other
was committed.
Easy - just check the records.
Carumbin Vale was closed
a couple of years ago.
The records went into storage.
Trying to find
what we need will take ages.
You're kidding.
Right, so who's telling the truth?
Alright. See you later.
A moment of your time.
You can forget about Ace.
He was playing football
and has the ruck marks to prove it.
Not you, too!
Aren't you the least bit interested?
Why do people care
who was with Francesca?
It's private.
People have nothing better to do.
It was you, wasn't it?!
Of course not.
Don't tell anyone, okay?
One minute she's reading me the riot
act, next thing we're on her desk.
How can something that lasts
ten minutes create all this gossip?
Whoa, ten minutes?
Fifteen. Maybe 20.
I wasn't looking at my watch.
Does Bron know?
Are you going to tell her?
Especially not after I've let her
spend the whole day
trying to figure out who it was.
And when she finds out on her own?
I'm dead meat - or worse -
a walking cliche.
Horny young doctor dates nurse,
screws consultant, ON her desk.
There's nothing wrong with
a little impromptu primal passion.
After all, Francesca can be
a little hard to resist.
It was a long time ago,
before I was married.
I was just a diversion.
Somewhere between her fling
with the senior registrar
and her affair with
the head of surgery.
They say she screwed her way
to the top.
Then, for a woman
to break into the boys' club,
being a good surgeon wasn't enough.
It was a case of who you knew
and what could you do for them.
What's changed?
Nothing much, really.
Now she's head of surgery and is
targeting registrars and residents.
It's not the way it should be.
It's the way that it is, though.
Don't look at me as if I told you
there's no Santa Claus.
You know I'm right.
There are a lot of reasons
why you screwed Francesca.
The interesting thing is,
which one is it?
I'd be careful of Mitchie
if I were you.
She's very manipulative.
She's pregnant,
scared and concerned.
Which is more than you deserve,
making up that ridiculous story.
See? She's got you believing her.
Why wouldn't I believe her?
Because, like I said,
she's manipulative.
She sucks people in.
Why should I believe you?
Because I'm telling the truth.
The kitchen sent up
the wrong menu for Troy.
Since I can't approach him,
would you make sure
he gets his proper meal?
Von, I had nothing to do with it.
Sometimes I feel sorry for her.
Fight it, whatever you do.
I'll have enough of your
bleeding heart routine tonight.
Hey, I don't want you there.
I live there!
Yeah, but, this is important.
All I'm asking for
is a couple of hours.
What am I meant to do,
go shopping for two hours?
You're a bright boy.
You'll think of something.
They've got eyes and ears
Colin, what are you doing?
They get to anyone.
They got to her.
What have you done with your drip?
You were poisoning me.
Fooled me for a while, but
You're working for them, aren't you?
Who's them?
The armies of darkness.
They got you to stop my mission.
What mission?
The one
Very good.
They sent the best.
They knew they had to.
The cream against the cream.
I'm too smart for you.
Too fast.
I know 54 ways
to kill with my bare hands.
Colin, you're a cabinet maker.
Pretty good cover, eh?
Fooled Mitchie, fooled everyone.
But then she realised my mission,
tried to stop it.
She can't.
You can't.
No-one can.
I feel faint.
I'm not surprised.
I'll help you back into bed.
Come on.
I'll page Dr Morrison.
He doesn't believe me
any more than you do.
Of course he believes you.
You okay?
Mitchie doesn't have a problem.
Who does?
Colin's delusional, agitated.
He just ripped his drip out.
What about Peter?
I'm about to page him.
Read the safety rules.
We don't want more silly accidents
when you start back.
Okay. Catch you.
See you, boss.
Mr Mellet.
Yeah, that's me.
I'm Sister Sullivan.
Could I have a word with you?
We're a little concerned about Troy.
Seems alright to me.
Well, we're not so sure his accident
was an accident.
What do you mean?
I know initiations go on.
They shouldn't happen
in the workplace
and not to someone like Troy.
It's just harmless fun.
Didn't do me any harm,
or any of the other blokes.
I take it they're not diabetic?
Troy can't expect special treatment.
Mr Mellet, please understand
that this "harmless fun"
could've caused Troy
some serious problems.
Sister, he's chosen a tough game
with blokes who are great mates
and lousy enemies.
If he can't cop it,
he's better off out of the game.
Stop wasting his time and mine.
Are you aware of regulations
to stop this behaviour?
I'll leave you to run the hospital,
you leave me to run my shop.
Mr Mellet, if Troy makes a complaint
you'll get a lot of publicity.
The kind you don't need or want.
Why don't we work out a way we can
stop this from happening again?
Steph. I got your page.
How is he?
Severely deluded.
Let's not jump
to a diagnosis too soon.
It's normal to think your wife's
Hey, you heard the latest?
If it's about Francesca,
I know everything
No, there's some loonies
on the roof of Admin.
The bloke says he's gonna jump.
Oh! Quick!
I don't want her here.
Get her out of here.
She's trying to kill me.
Come on, Mitchie.
This way. That's it.
Come on, come on.
Colin, come back onto the roof.
I'm a little scared of heights.
I'm trained as a white Ninja.
I could climb right down this wall,
using nothing but
my fingertips and toes.
Want to see it?
Your hand is bandaged.
I could still probably do it.
Colin, please, come back onto
the roof and we can talk about this.
I'm sorry you're disappointed in me.
I don't think so, Peter.
Please, Colin.
Colin, hang onto the railing!
I kept trying to tell people.
No-one believed me.
We do now.
Come on, we'll wait down here.
At the moment, Mitchie,
he sees you as a danger.
It's really best
if we wait down here.
He's my husband.
You can see for miles.
Colin, please, be careful.
Keep her away.
Mitchie loves you.
She wants to help you.
We all do.
(shouts) No, you don't!!
Otherwise you'd believe me!
You're the last person
I thought would betray me.
I didn't betray you.
It was a test.
A loyalty test.
To see if you could
carry out the mission.
So, you admit you hit me?
I didn't want to.
It was orders.
From who?
You know I can't say
in front of them.
Look, the most important thing is,
you passed the test.
You didn't tell anyone what I'd done
until their agents got too close.
Even though you thought
I was one of them.
See? I told you it was her.
And you thought I was crazy.
Colin, just come back in.
The last thing we need
is a lot of fuss and publicity.
The job will be cancelled
if your cover's blown.
As long as they believe me.
Of course we do.
Yeah, well, now that
it's been explained
It's alright. There you go.
Just take it easy. It's all over.
Yeah, for you.
I couldn't have done
what you did, Mitchie.
You almost had me convinced.
Why wouldn't you be?
It's true.
There was no home invasion.
Colin's telling the truth.
It was me who attacked him.
I wrapped a towel around his
cricket bat and I hit him with it.
Hello, Mr Sculthorpe.
I got these cleared
by the dietician.
Oooh, thank you.
Um, thanks for getting rid
of the old bag, too.
Listen, no matter what you think of
Nurse Ryan, she was trying to help.
Yeah, well, I don't need
that sort of help.
Well, I've got some good news.
I had a word to Mr Mellet.
He'll put a stop to the bullying.
He'll have a word to your workmates
and make sure
it doesn't happen again.
I don't believe
Why couldn't you keep your noses
out of it?! You're as bad as her!
Listen, Troy, you don't have to
put up with this treatment.
You have rights.
Mr Mellet was the only bloke
who'd give me a go.
He won't want me around
now I've become a problem.
You can't go on like this.
How many trips to hospital
will it take?
I copped it alright,
it was blowing over.
The guys at work
will think I'm a whinger.
Do you know what you've done?
I've tried to help you.
Well, you've helped!
You've ruined everything.
I couldn't go on, right?
Not with the baby coming.
Not on my own.
You're not on your own, Mitchie.
What would you know?!
Colin doesn't think
there's anything wrong.
I'd talk to doctors and they'd say
he was fine and I was neurotic.
No psych unit would take him.
I just thought if I could
get him into hospital,
you'd see that he was sick
and he'd get help.
Dr Morrison's witnessed
Colin's behaviour.
He won't let him go
without treatment.
I guess it was worth it then, eh?
Are you looking for something?
When the vet diagnosed
canine diabetes,
he wanted to put Sonny down.
Because I couldn't afford
to pay for the treatment.
So, Allan's been testing his urine
every day and treating him -
with our insulin.
I couldn't just let Sonny die.
That's no excuse for stealing
from the ward, Allan.
I didn't take much.
Just enough to keep him going.
If Jaz hadn't caught you,
would you have stopped?
If you had a dog, you'd understand.
I guess this means my job, eh?
It should, and if it happens again,
it will.
If I have your word
it won't happen again
..I'll let it go this time.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Opened vials are thrown out
after 28 days.
If you don't think your dog
would mind a use-by date
No, he can't read.
Make sure they're thrown out
in Allan's direction.
Yeah, not a problem.
You know what you are?
An angel.
Thanks, Sister.
Oh, boy. I should've picked up
Colin's condition
the moment I spoke with him.
Give yourself a break.
I didn't pick it either.
It's not your area.
Sometimes you've got to wonder
if anyone's sane.
Listen, I've been thinking about
what you asked me earlier.
Oh, yeah?
Where did you get the time for that?
There are three possible reasons
why I screwed Francesca.
One - I'm a coward. I was scared
of what she'd do to me if I didn't.
Two - it was a shameless attempt
to advance my career.
(chuckles) Yeah.
Or three - pure lust.
Sort it out?
The diabetic problem. Yes, I did.
I knew you would.
A diabetic dog, that is.
With Troy, I messed up.
What happened?
You know that line between
caring and interfering?
I stepped over it.
Troy Lyneham?
I don't see what the big deal is.
It was just some mates having fun.
Connor, that was not fun.
If he'd stood up to them,
they would've stopped.
He had "victim" tattooed
on his forehead.
It was systematic bullying
and abuse bordering on torture.
It's an initiation.
In two years, Troy will be
doing it to apprentices.
Sorry world, isn't it, when
co-workers can't show some respect?
There's no room
in the workplace for bullying.
Oh, God! Don't leave that
for anyone else to clean up.
Ang is coming around tonight,
so you won't
Be there - I know.
I'll wander around
for a couple of hours.
Don't worry about me.
I know how you feel about Ang,
okay, so, thanks.
Just be careful, huh?
Yeah, sure.
I got a bed for Colin Bell
in the psych unit.
Good. Poor guy.
He doesn't think so.
Completely delusional.
Yeah, well, I know how he feels.
I was a very confused NUM today.
I missed two meetings, alienated a
patient and dabbled in drug dealing.
So, if you need insulin,
I'm your nun.
Sounds like a normal day to me.
The one thing that really gets me
..I still don't know
who was with Francesca Norman.
Don't worry about it.
Hang on a minute.
You know, don't you?
Come on, Peter, tell me.
I don't know, and even if I did,
I wouldn't tell you.
Why not?!
I tell you what,
I'll buy you a cup of coffee.
Oh, wow! Last of the big spenders.
Toss in some of that insulin
you were talking about
and maybe we can cut a deal.
In here.
Don't touch anything, mate.
I've already called the cops.
I don't believe it.
Yeah, well, believe it.
Now we know why
Angie's been calling.
To make sure no-one's home.
Why did she say
she'd meet me after work?
Then why isn't she here?
I'll tell you why.
Because she's come and gone
and our stuff's gone with her.
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